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Popping the Pizza Boy’s Cherry
masctravelingpup replied to masctravelingpup's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Hi, yes chapter is coming soon. Had a busy week bu hope to get something in real soon. -
Popping the Pizza Boy’s Cherry
masctravelingpup replied to masctravelingpup's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Thank you Anthony. You are kind. And hot as well. ;-). Woof -
Popping the Pizza Boy’s Cherry
masctravelingpup replied to masctravelingpup's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Part 4, making the first rounds and learning about life's lessons, At the first stop Mr C said he would do the talking and I could watch from a couple feet back. I listened to his words and paid close attention to remember what he said. Once back in the truck he handed me a $5 bill. He said. ‘Here pup, given that I am the boss and a loader, not a load carrier, the first rule, load carriers always keep the tips for what you earned, the loaders earn a great wage for providing the best pies in town.” ‘Wow, it’s that easy’? I said ‘Sure is, just remember to give the customer what they want and know it is up to you to do what they want or ask. You do whatever it takes to make them right and happy and then we can always talk about it afterward, am I clear?’ ‘Oh yes Sir, thank you Mr. C., I appreciate you showing me the way. At the next stop, I made the delivery and he watched from a few steps back. This person gave me $10 since Mr C told her it was my first day and 18th birthday. At the third stop, I got out by myself. Went to the door. A woman answered. She had on a super mini skirt that both ass cheeks were hanging out the bottom and had on a tiny halter top that her rack was hanging out of and I am not sure how those strings kept those big girls up. I started to get hard and I think she was flirting with me. She asked if I wanted to come in for a ‘slice’ in airquotes. Wait, I think she was coming on to me? I wasn’t sure what to do, she was hot and the customer so I hated to say no. But this wasn’t the way I wanted to loose my virginity. I mean I didn’t even know here, or her values, or favorite color or food or anything. Fuck, what was I to do. Then against my growing bulge I felt those cards Mr. C had given me in case I got confused. I discretely tried to take them out. I asked myself ‘Should I ask for her number or go in for a minute? I looked at card #1 and it said, ‘sorry I have to get back to work, maybe another day when I see you again?’ so, I told her I couldn’t but she wrote her number on a $5 bill and slipped it into my pocket brushing against my dick. Getting back in the car I was quiet as I backed out of her driveway. ‘Well...?’ Mr C said. ‘What happened there Lukas, I see you used your cards.’ I explained to him what happened and what she said and I noticed him also rearranging himself. He said, ‘that’s always the first lesson Lukas, there are going to be a lot of women trying to get into your pants. These women are Piranhas. They will eat you alive if you let them have their way and then give you the clap. Yeah, Lukas, you don’t want the clap, that’s bad shit there. You will get to know a few nice ladies, and maybe, we can talk about it then. Ok? Fucking piranhas’. My eyes were huge and I listening intently to every word. ‘Thank you Mr C, I was tempted by the devils tongue, there.’ I felt my uncut dick retreating into its hood after that. We started to head back to the store for more loads and we were both quite, until I said. ‘Mr C can I ask you something?’ ‘Sure pup, anything’, he said. ‘Well, I wondered something. Is, umm.... is, well...., is a, well is pussy as amazing as they say it is? Some of my buddies are starting to score with some girls and they said it is like sliding your dick over soft velvet. Is it?’ ‘I won’t lie. Yes it is, but there are some things even better. The problem is you see, it is warm, moist and fertile area. Therefore women can carry STDs and bugs in there. You must be careful Lukas. The cool this, Guys don’t have these issues really. Do you ever buddy stroke with your buds?’ I was startled by the question, but appreciated I was learning good stuff,so I said, ‘Well no, one asked but I told him I am not gay. I got nothing against them, I just don’t roll that way. Well, I haven’t rolled anyway honestly.’ ‘So you are still a virgin’? ‘Yeah I play with myself, like with my nipples and Dick and I circle my hole with my finger, but that’s all.’ ‘You circle your hole with your finger? Why?’ He said ‘Well, like I was telling you and Jax, my nipples are very connected somehow to my hole. So sometimes I take the clear sticky stuff off my penis and circle it around my hole. Like I am lubing it up like I am practicing on a girls pussy. I figured the first time I don’t want to act like a rookie.’ By the look on his face, I said. ‘Why is that bad or wrong?’ ‘Oh god no, that is very common in some men. Some men have their nipples connected to their cock and others, like you have them connected a little lower....to their holes. Both are great and have their importance. I tell you Lukas, it is much safer to let other guys show you stuff prior to trying it out on a girl. All us guys are in this together. We have to watch list for each other, help them, it’s all in the code of brotherhood. When you are circling around your anus, does it feel good? ‘Oh yes’ I said, ‘ it feels awesome, all tingly and slippery. You should try it sometime’. ‘Oh interesting, sounds cool pup, maybe I will. But, Yeah’ he said, ‘its way way better and safer to practice on men. Plus no one can get pregnant’. We reentered the pizza place and I was just trying to digest all this information. I’m learning so much. What a lucky guy I am to have someone as awesome as Mr C helping me. I saw Jax and Mr. C give each other a high 5 and comment the cherry pie looks awesome and is going to be the best ever. Let’s get it cooling and off with our next loads. Part 5, the brown bottle and cherry pie (we are almost to the best parts)- 253 replies
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Popping the Pizza Boy’s Cherry
masctravelingpup replied to masctravelingpup's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Hi Filth. Thanks, you are very kind. I hope you further Enjoy what is to come (Mr C said.... cheesy devilish grin.) -
Popping the Pizza Boy’s Cherry
masctravelingpup replied to masctravelingpup's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Yes, hopefully tomorrow I will have the next chapter done. Thanks for the kind words everyone, they are very awesome to read and know you like the story so far. -
Important: What's Allowed Here & What's Not
masctravelingpup replied to rawTOP's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Sweet, thanks, please let me know if I am crossing the line, before I cross it if possible. (Advice from an old coach of mine) -
Popping the Pizza Boy’s Cherry
masctravelingpup replied to masctravelingpup's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement, I am glad you are liking hearing of my journey -
Important: What's Allowed Here & What's Not
masctravelingpup replied to rawTOP's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Hi Sir, I know you can talk about poppers in the fiction bug chasing section. can you also talk in bug chasing fiction stories about using jax impact other similar sprays? I want to, but want to keep them in bug chasing and not the chem one, so wanted to ask prior. Thanks and awesome site! -
Popping the Pizza Boy’s Cherry
masctravelingpup replied to masctravelingpup's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Part 3. My first day at work. The building of trust with Mr. C. Mr C. Turned the truck off and given I was super eager, I started to open the door. Just then, I felt his hand on my thigh. Startled, i turned my head and looked over at him. He pivoted his body toward me and said, ‘Lukas, do you like hanging out and spending time with me’? My eyes got big, I smiled and I nodded yes. ‘Do you trust me pup?’ I turned toward him and said, ‘Can I be honest?’ ’I would be disappointed if you weren’t pup’, he said. ‘I have always felt this strange connection to you Sir. It’s like you get me or you are part of me. You don’t make fun of me for being stupid, oh sorry for being “naive and slow” (making air quotes and rolling my eyes, my teachers get frustrated when I call myself stupid), I mean yes, I always felt you wanted best for me, but after helping me get that scholarship and getting me this job, I trust you completely.’ With a smile and a wink and a rustling of my hair again, he said, ‘you will make me proud and you will have plenty of money for school in the fall. He handed me several small folded up pieces of paper held together by a paperclip and said, I want you to put these in your front left pocket of your jeans. If tonight you ever get confused or wonder what you should do, I want you to take these out of your pocket and read the one marked #1. You are to think of a question to ask me, said say that question to yourself, this paper has the answer, so just trust me and do what it says and then put the note in your right pocket. If it happens again, you take them out, you pretend to ask me a question and read #2 and repeat the process. There should be enough to get you through the night. Do you understand what I am saying Lukas?’ As I lifted my butt off the leather truck seat he slid them deep into my left front pocket and then patted my upper thigh with a wink. ’I think so Mr C., when I get confused or not sure what to do, I should pull these out, pretend you are with me like this and ask you a question in my head, and read the first one, remember you said to trust you and to do what the note says. Then I put it in my right pocket. Then if I get confused again, I just repeat the process? Right.?’ ‘Yep, you got it buddy’. As getting out of the truck he said, ‘If you ever get in a bind you can text me too, but just pretend you are asking me and trust the notes and you will be great.’ The smell of pizza as we entered the back door was amazing. Mr C took me to his office and had me sign a bunch of forms and legal stuff. He then was looking through a stack of t-shirts and said they were out of Large size and medium. Handing me a small, he said he would get some brought in from the other store. ‘See if you can fit into this pup.’ Being shy and still not sure about my body, I turned my back to Mr. C., peeled off my t-shirt and pulled the C’s pizza t-shirt on. If fit like a glove, no tighter than a glove. I felt like a sausage packed into its casing. He said, oh sorry that is so tight, but you look great, the ladies will love that look and give you big tips, I am sure some of the guys will find you as tasty as our pies as well. Lol. Feeling more confident by his comments, I turned toward him. ‘Christ lukas, you are right, your nipples are very large for a boy your age.’ He playfully winked and tweaked them through my shirt. My eyes got big, my legs clamped together, I bent over a little and my shoulders turned in as I let out a slight moan. ’What was that Pup’? He asked. ‘I am sorry, I have a little issue with my nipples,’ I remarked. ’A little issue?’ Yes Sir, when they are touched, it does something to me.’ I said ‘Does something?’ He asked curiously. ’Yeah, it’s the strangest thing, but it sends waves through me.’, I said. ‘Waves’? ‘‘Yeah, like a get this electric pulse down,... well down to,..... well down to my, well.... to down there...’, looking down at my crotch. Just then this huge black dude strolled into the office and gave Mr. C. a high 5, and said ‘hey boss’. Mr C looked at me and said, ‘Oh your nipples are wired to your cock Lukas? Oh Lukas, this is Jax. He is the lead loader here.’ Jax’s eyes got big and said, ‘Wait, what? The new kids tits are wired to his dick, is that what you guys are talking about? Damn, good to know.’ And started laughing. I turned bright red, said blurted out, ‘No, no, no that’s not what I meant’. Mr C said, ‘it’s ok Lukas, Jax didn’t mean any harm.’ ‘No, it’s not that’, I said. They both looked at me like.... welll? I looked down, and said ‘it’s not my dick the impulses go to, it’s more like between my legs and lower, you know like under my nuts.’ I am beat red by now feeling like I just made a fool of myself in front of my boss and Jax. Jax was quick to put his massive dark hand on my shoulder and say ‘look kid, it’s all good, as long as the feeling goes someplace, it is totally normal.’ I looked up, and smiled and said ‘yeah? Really?’ Mr C said, ‘absolutely, mine are wired to my cock, but lots of boys, younger boys in particular are wired to their holes instead. Mine use to be wired to my hole, but now it goes straight to my dick’, and he grabbed his significant bulge. Jax said, ‘hey kid, my nipples have always been wired right to my big black dong, playing with mine totally gets freak on.’ He looks down at his jeans and I notice what looks his cock is gigantic and snakes several inches down the thigh in his jeans. ’Wow, that’s cool.’ Looking back and forth at them both, I said ‘we learned in school guys can’t talk about stuff like this at work, you can get in a lot of trouble’. Mr C started to talk, but then Jax interrupted said, ‘we are like a family here and respect each other, there isn’t anything we can’t talk about as long as it is said with respect and trust.’ With that, he turned to Mr. C and said, ‘boss, you texted me about making one of my sweet cherry pies today? ‘Yes, how is that coming? please Jax, it must be perfect’, Mr C said. ‘‘It’s about to head into the oven, did you want to see it? Trust me, I can see now and agree, it must be perfect.... and it is. It will need to get delivered in a couple hours. You know Mr Ali loves his swwwwweeeetttt cherry pie delivered when it is still warm and with lots of fresh cream.’ ’I trust you there big guy, go ahead and get it in the oven’, Mr C said. ’Did you hear any word on Billy, Mr. C?’ Jax asked. ’Yeah, he won’t be with us anymore, yesterday was his last day. The sheik said he got his passport arranged and should be released from the hospital tomorrow and he got one of his nurses to come along on the sheiks jet.’, Mr C said. They exchanged high 5s, and Jax said, ‘very nice work Mr C., congrats on another deal.’ After he left, Mr C told me to have a seat and he would explain operations. Mr C explained, ‘We break our operations into loaders and load carriers. As I said earlier, Jax is the lead loader. That was my role, but I am specializing into some new functions and managing other locations as well. He is your boss when I am not here. I trust and respect him completely as we discussed earlier. But being the leader loader means he is great at getting the pizzas and sometimes other pies ready to load into the oven. The load carriers, like you... will then be on the delivery team. The load carriers take over once the loaders getting the pies into the oven. The carriers, will get them out, cut, box and deliver them. We have some common load carriers. Emily, Bob are here today but there are a few others do that. Your role is the special deliveries. Like Jax and I were talking about, Billy, was our special load carrier, but he is relocating and moving soon. My truck has a special warming bin, since I know you, I trust you to drive my truck. These pies are for our really elite special customers. Most of our high wealth clients who expect and like superb customer service from our special load carriers. Oh, we also use this function for some party deliveries. You are very strong and these parties have a really heavy load to carry. With your size, I thought you would be perfect for this role. Do you understand Lukas?’ ’Yes Mr C, thank you for helping me follow that. I am a special load carrier for you and will treat your best customers with great customer service and work on carrying the really heavy loads at parties people are having.’ He smiled and said, ‘you got it exactly right pup’. He then took me out and introduced me to the others. We had a bit of rush so Mr C said, let’s help the common carriers and I can go with you and show you how it works. He grabbed a couple gatorades out of the cooler and as we loaded his truck he took one of the blue diamond vitamins. He asked if I took my vitamins today. I said ‘no Sir, we don’t have money for vitamins’. He said, ‘Lukas, that is unacceptable, if you are going to stay healthy and continue to bulk up before college at the gym, you have to have vitamins.’ I said, “I can get some with my first check’. He said. ‘Don’t be silly, I have plenty, here is some Gatorade, please take one of mine. Well, actually take two if you haven’t been taking them regularly.’ I notice him adjusting himself in his pants, I loved what a real dude he was. My dad was such a soft man, he wouldn’t ever be seen doing something that real men do. As I tried to swallow them, they were big enough they got caught in my throat. But another swing of Gatorade and they went down the hatch. He tossed me the keys and said, ok, let’s get rolling, these pies aren’t getting any fresher. Coming soon, part 4, and the special cherry pie to Mr. Ali.- 253 replies
- 36
Soooo veryhot, you had me sweating from the steam room. Lol.woof
Popping the Pizza Boy’s Cherry
masctravelingpup replied to masctravelingpup's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Hi Rotzbb, thanks for the kind words and yes, Great thought on creative, I wonder what else will be created inside Lukas soon. ;-). Cheesy grin. -
Popping the Pizza Boy’s Cherry
masctravelingpup replied to masctravelingpup's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Thanks everyone... your kind words are helpful and appreciated. They help my juices get flowing. Creative juices those are of course. ;-). ?- 253 replies
- 19
Soooo fucking hot
Popping the Pizza Boy’s Cherry
masctravelingpup replied to masctravelingpup's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Part 2. At 4:29 I was standing outside Mr. C’s House and pushed the door bell. He answered the door in a robe and was toweling off his hair, gesturing for me to enter, as he commented "I'm running a little late 'cause I had to get you set-up for your first day on the job." Entering the house, it occurred to me I had never before actually been in his place. It was beautiful and immaculate, somewhat reminding me of the sort of house that would be featured on HGTV during the final reveal. "Make yourself at home, I've gotta get dressed," Mr C. remarked as he entered the hallway, removing the robe off his shoulders about half way down the hallway. I was stunned by the sight of his back, and remember hoping that, when I reached his age, I would look half as good as did he. "Hey, Pup, come on in here so we can chat." Complying, I entered his bedroom to find him pulling his jeans up over his black jock. "Would you grab me a t-shirt from the closet?" he asked. Entering his walk-in closet, which was, I thought, bigger than my bedroom, I easily found a impeccably folded stack of C’s Pizza t-shirts. Handing it to Mr. C., I stood mesmerized by the sight of him pulling it over his massive frame, in the process slowly covering his furry chest and his acorn-sized nipples. Then Mr. C. dressed in a fresh-from-the-cleaner baby blue button down shirt, wearing it over the t-shirt. "You ready for your big night?" Mr. C. asked as we walked back into the living room. "Gosh, Mr C., this has been the best day ever. I sure am. I'm probably a little nervous and also a little excited. This is gonna be great." He tousled my hair as, with a casual smile he commented "I'll try and make sure it’s a great night too." "Oh, Pup, do me a favor - across from my room is a door to the downstairs rec room. Would you please go down there for me. Ignore the mess, but go the walk-in closet in the back left corner. In the closet you'll find a refrigerator. Open the freezer door to the fridge and there are several rows of little brown glass bottles. Grab two from the top shelf, not one of the lower shelves, but top shelf. The correct bottles will still be sealed. Got it?" "Yes Sir. Two sealed little brown bottles from the top shelf of the freezer. Got it." "Oh wait, Pup. It might be super busy tonight, so bring three. And also in the fridge there are some big blue diamond shaped pills. Grab three, no, wait - grab five of them. Oh, and lastly there are some cylinder shaped spray cans labeled 'Jungle Juice'. Grab five of those." "You got it Mr C." I responded as I opened the door, flicked on the light, and descended the staircase. The room was pretty dark as the curtains were pulled shut. Several cabinets lined the walls and several mirrors and TVs were mounted to the walls, and one mirror was even anchored to the ceiling. The closet Mr. C. had mentioned was in the back of the room, so, heading in that direction, but before my eyes could acclimate to the darkness, I bumped into a large black leather hammock hanging from the ceiling by thick black rubber coated chains. 'Oh, now I get it, he must lay in here and watch tv', I thought. Opening the closet door, I flicked-on the light, which oddly enough was red in color. I made a mental note to mention the bad light bulb to Mr. C. The fridge was just where he had said it would be, and, opening the freezer I was a little confused because the top shelf actually had several plastic containers filled with something frozen but looked like frozen milk or mashed potatoes through the plastic container. Some, a few were labeled ’Grade A’, one labeled 'Very Viral', another, 'Jax Juice', and yet another '55 loads from the G hole'. All manner of strange notations. 'Those aren’t what I need', I whispered to myself. Under that shelf, however, were the rows and rows of little brown bottles Mr. C mentioned. I took three and then opened the refrigerator side and saw the bowl filled with blue diamond shaped pills. I counted out five, or was it six? Man, I wished I were better at remembering math. I took six - just to be sure. The spray cans Mr. C. wanted were also there: Bolt, Max Impact, Amsterdam, Jungle Juice. So I grabbed the five he wanted. In a final glance before extinguishing the light I gave a cursory look about the closet, finding it to be filled with an awesome collection of leather coats and pants, with a dozen pair of black boots, all expertly polished, in all heights and various sizes, standing in a perfect line at the back of the closet. As I turned out the light and closed the door it crossed my mind that it was funny Mr. C. should own so many boots as I didn't remember that I had ever seeing him riding a motorcycle, let alone that there was a motorcycle in the garage. I came back to the kitchen just as I heard Mr. C. Finish up a phone conversation in which he said "Yes, absolutely sure. 100% - no 200%. Pure cherry. Yes, yes, it will be very.... well....delicious and tasty." He quickly hung up and asked if I got the order right. I handed him the three frozen bottles and six pills, commenting I couldn't quite remember if he had asked for five or six. "Good call, Pup. That’s an excellent customer service lesson. If you can’t remember, always give your customer a little more ....rather than short him. Another vitamin or two will never hurt a boy," Mr. C. commented as he packed the frozen bottles and six pills into a small cooler. Then handing him the six spray cans, he gave me a smile and said "Okay, let's go. We don’t want you late on the first day." As we got into his truck and backed out of the garage, I turned to him and asked "Do you have a motorcycle?’" ‘‘No, I used to, but those are too dangerous around here, so I got rid of it. Why do you ask?" "Well, I noticed all your leather outfits and boots and figured you must really like 'cycles, but then I didn’t remember ever seeing you riding one." "Oh those. You saw and wondered about those... huh,.... Well, no, I don’t ride a cycle anymore, but I do really REALLY enjoy riding and working on some some really amazing mares when I have time." "Oh sweet! Do you think I join you sometime?" He got very serious, looked at me, and answered "Pup, I have been waiting for you to be old enough for many years, so yes, you will join me. I have wanted to take you for a ride for a very long time. There are so many things we can do now." Rustling my blond head again and very gently rubbing his hand behind my ear and looking deeply into my eyes he asked "Did you tell your mother about you having a job?" ’No, she didn’t seem to care and had already started her daily visit into the whiskey bottle. Plus you said we were going to your location on Front street? My dad and she always said that is a bad part of town where all the whores and homos play with the devil's hand. I didn’t want her to do anything to try and screw this up for me, Mr C." "That’s totally fine, Pup. You are your own boss and man now." ‘"Well I guess I am my own man I guess, but you are now my boss, huh Mr. C?" "Don’t forget that, Pup. Amazing things are in your future, son." I smiled as he put the truck into park when we pulled in behind the pizza place and looked at him. It was nice to hear someone think of me as his son. "Let’s go get you punched in and ready for work." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coming soon: trying to get into my uniform and making some deliveries- 253 replies
- 48
Woof Macky, they are hot stud
This is my first try at writing a story. I have been so blessed and turned on by the gifts others have given us in their stories, their time and imagination, I thought I would try and do the same. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part one, the background... I grew up the youngest child of a conversative preacher. There was quite a difference in age between my age and that of my siblings. My siblings were also different from me as they also were quite smart and outgoing, and were, like my parents, darkly complected. In contrast I was different as I was shy, naive, trusting, polite, tall, blond, blue. Occasionally someone would tell me I was very handsome and well built, but I knew I was clearly not the brightest kid around, particularly as more than once I was teased about my lack of brain power. I was, however, great in sports and was confident my athletic abilities would get me a scholarship to get away so I could make something of myself. After my Dad took off with a woman from his church, things turned rough for us. My Mom was the talk of the town, utterly devastated by my Father's duplicity. Not surprisingly she retreated into herself. The familial turmoil didn't affect my siblings to the degree it hit me as they were all older, done with college and moved away and had families of their own., so I found myself looking outside of my family for a sense of balance, and I found it in a neighbor who lived just down the street. Mr. C. was a single man, and, aside from having the nicest house, nicest cars, owning several pizza stores, and seemingly having and endless stream of sexy women visitors, the guy was my idol. He even looked like me I always thought, so I fantasized about me having his life. My Dad always talked badly about him, but Mr C was always super nice to me when I would ride by on my bike or stop and talk to him. Mr. C had told me a few times that once I turned 18, I could work at one of his pizza places making deliveries and helping out with clients. Things started to look up. I had been held back one year so I was just starting my senior year in high school and it was my 18th birthday and then I got the letter I had hoped for: a full athletic scholarship to the state university and a cherished full ride scholarship to play hockey and track and field for them. While in high school I had been a really good left defense man, and, after running high hurdles and pole vaulting to new heights, I held the state record, so when one quite warm Saturday afternoon in early summer shortly after graduation I received the letter from the state university offering me an athletic scholarship, I was on top of the world - only for my Mom to announce she was broke. Immediately realizing I would need to find a job to make some money to spend while at school, I recalled Mr. C’s offer to work for him, so I quickly biked down to his house, panting heavily from the exertion of biking in the heat, and, having dropped the bike, I did a dog trot to his back yard where I found him shirtless, cleaning his pool. I had never seen him without a shirt so I was startled to realize his well-developed chest was covered with a thick coating of fur, and his nipples - well can I say? They were absolutely huge. I was so startled, in fact, I found myself involuntarily staring at his chest for several seconds, long enough, in any event, Mr. C. snapped his fingers and said “Pup, Pup, what’s going on? Why are you staring?” A slight digression. My nickname growing up was 'pup' because although I was shy and kind of awkward, I was always so eager and happy to see my friends, which led someone to announce I acted like an excited puppy.... so the nickname 'Pup' stuck. Back to my story, I apologized and said “I am sorry Mr C., I don’t mean to stare, but I always thought you would be smooth and your nipples are huge.” He laughed and asked “Why would you think that, Pup?” Turning beet red I replied "Well, I always thought of myself as a junior version of you, but I'm as smooth as a melon." Chuckling he responded "Yes, well, sorry to disappoint, and yes, I'm sure your nipples are not like mine." I blushed more but responded "Well, your fur is awesome actually and for the nipples, mine are certainly bigger than anyone else’s in gym class, but no, they are not like yours, but I do play with them a lot.” His eyes wide Mr. C. asked "You what, Pup?" My face downcast in embarrassment, and my cheeks flushed a bright shade of red, I managed to reply "Oh, sorry, I sometimes just blurt things out. I shouldn’t have said that. I am sorry Mr. C., but since Dad took off, and all my brothers have moved out of the house, I don't generally have anyone to talk to about things so I tend to forget my filter. Again, sorry. That was definitely TMI." He put his pool cleaning equipment down, walked over to me, and, placing two fingers under my chin, raised my head up, saying "Lukas, look me in the eyes." Complying, his beautiful blue eyes locked onto mine when, with quiet intensity he said “I'm always here to talk to.... about anything,” giving me a smile that reached his eyes. Still locked by his beautiful eyes, a wide cheesy grin blossomed on my face. Approving, Mr. C. ran his fingers through my hair murmuring "You're a good pup. I'm glad to see you smile." Now feeling a bit less awkward, I asked if I could help him and maybe chat with him for a few minutes. "I can always use a helper, Lukas. This pool demands a lot of work." Following his example, I peeled my shirt off and couldn't help but notice he was taking in my chest, so I wasn't not particularly embarrassed when he commented "You know, Lukas, you are right. Your pecs are impressive. It looks all that time in the gym over the summer has done well by you.” "Thanks, Mr. C., I've been working out a lot, and while initially thought the effort would be pointless, after a few weeks even I could see what was happening." Then, taking a deep breath and after a moment of silence to collect my thoughts, I continued asking “Mr. C, do you remember saying that.... well saying maybe.... well maybe I could work at one of your stores when I turn 18?” "Yes, I do, Lukas," Mr C. replied with a noc. "Well today is my 18th birthday and I got accepted to the State University next fall with a hockey and track and field scholarship and really will need some money." Stepping over to my location, Mr. C. gave me a high 5 and then surprised me by lifted me off the ground, which was no small feat as I was 6’2”, but I guess as he had two or three inches on me, and his build was impressive, he had little trouble lifting me. Afterwards he put me back on my feet, and, placing his hands on either side of my face, he pulled me in for a hug and, possibly, a fatherly kiss on my forehead. “I knew you could do it Lukas. I am so proud of you.” It says volumes that Mr. C. was the first person to congratulate me on the scholarship. My Mom hadn't even given much of a response, so it's understandable I found myself grinning ear to ear, basking in the pride Mr. C. emanated. "Pup, did you know I played defense on the hockey team at the State University when I was in undergrad?” “Awesome, I had no idea,” I responded. “Yeah, actually I saw my old Coach Tony in town a few weeks ago. He mentioned he was in town to interview you,” Mr C said. “Wow, really? What a small world it is,” I said. “Yep. I told him, you are a great kid and you work really hard to really please him, the donors and the school." ”Holy cow Mr. C. Thank you so much. I am not sure how I could ever repay you." Mr C. smiled as he assured me "Pup, I know you will not disappoint me. And about the job, hey, what would think of coming to work for me now that you are 18?” It was now my turn to hug him, saying “Gosh Mr C, this is the best day of my life. Thank you so much." "The day is just getting started. I had someone quit last night. It might not seem like much of a gift, but if you could work tonight, it would really help me out." A huge smile on my face I replied "Are you kidding Mr. C? This is the best gift I could ever have received. Of course I will.” Giving me a warm but brief hug, Mr. C. responded "Oh, Pup, we will see if there isn’t another special and wonderful gift waiting for you later.” Hearing that, I hugged him even tighter and then broke the hug and helped him finish cleaning the pool. When we were done and putting the tools away Mr. C. commented "Show up at the store on Front Street at 5:00 PM. I'll meet you there and have a uniform for you." Hearing his message, however, I was somewhat dismayed and answered, "Oh, crap, Mr. C. I don’t have a car." “No worries, son. We'll take my car, and you can use it until you get one. Meet me here at 4:30." I got on my bike, and before riding off replied "Yes Sir. See you at 4:30, Mr C.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Next, part 2. My first night on the job and learning the ropes. I promise.... the gifts of the job offer and other goodies will soon be unveiled.
- 253 replies
- 42
veryhot, cant wait to see how he finally gets dick
fuckin hot buddy. thanks for the latest chaper. super hot!
- 53 replies
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Two Mormon Boys
masctravelingpup replied to cumluvnbottom's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Sooooo very hot, thanks, just part way through and the talk of poppers made me cum. So very hot -
Fuuuucccckkkkkiiiiinnnnnng. Hot and just half way through part 1
holy holy fuck..... soooooo damn hot. thanks. l love they both have cigars, hopefully a huge wide ringed cigar. thanks for the chapter sexy!
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super super hot KZ
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- bath house
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i am in LA and San Fran this week, you think some good poz seed is around? wink
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