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Everything posted by rede4it

  1. Just got home from a work trip to Cincinnati. Took a handful of loads over a week at a Holiday Inn in West Chester. One (at least) was from a guy with a great biohazard tat. Always love seeing a guy with POZ PRIDE. He liked mine as well. Dropped a nice load in a dude on the way home.....Adult World north of Knoxville. He wanted it raw.....I asked if he knew what my tat meant. When he saw it, his eyes went bug-eyed...but he begged me to give him a tainted load. Can't argue with his thought process, so somewhere around Knoxville, a dude is think about the POZ load he got around lunch time today......maybe he is no this site---and will post of his view of the "transaction".
  2. Just celebrated the 6 month anniversary of testing POZ.  Has been an amazing time.   

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tighthole64


      Congrats!  Wish you were in Florida around our birthdays (Only one day apart!) Would have loved for you to give me a present.

    3. BBFloridaguy


      Congrats! Share the gift of our brotherhood.

  3. I too tested POZ in January of this year. For me, no meds yet as I have a desire to repay the gift I was given.
  4. No doubt, if you love black cock as much as many of us do, you will find plenty of BBC to fuck you. I have a large JOS (jack of spades) tattoo to show my view of taking black cock. I love it. I have been recently topping a young (19) black stallion---that is just as hot as taking black meat.
  5. I am not gonna fucking lie about it. Getting fucked by a POZ cock is great. Taking tainted seed is great. But taking the diseased dick of a dude you knocked up is one of the most intense and erotic experiences a fag can have. The bonus buzz for taking a BLACK POZ COCK that you got POZZED up is beyond anything I have experienced. The only think I ask in the way of a "stud" fee is that I get the first load they blast after testing POZ. Number one and Number two both gladly returned my demon seed. Each one was on the same day they officially knew that my cock was not shooting blanks. My young (19) black stallion got his POZ confirmation yesterday. I did not get his cock until this afternoon. It ain't no spoiler alert, just a fact, when I say it was one of the most incredible fucks of my life. Carter was away and in a bit awkward situation. He had gone to Charlotte for his first round of activities as a scholarship basketball player at Queens University. A physical on his first day (last Monday 6/25) included a normal STD screen. Shortly after that, that sweet black ass found out he had gono. Lady C had gifted it to me the night we had Trey's grad party. No doubt, I had pumped a little gono infused cum a time or two. To add to Carter's comfort level, they started asking a lot of sexual questions and took blood and piss samples for another, deeper round of STD testing. Wednesday morning, just before drills started, the coach and team doctor ushered Carter into the world of the known POZ. I am not sure I have heard the whole story, but they will work with him to get undetectable and he can still be on the team. He called me during his lunch break yesterday and gave me the news. While I was certain I would eventually have him converted, I expected it would be a while until we knew. Evidently the extra testing included some of the early HIV tests. He had been mostly convinced he would be able to keep his place on the team and scholarship, but it was not a sure thing. It is good that will work out. Still he is going to have a very narrow window to breed before the school year starts. He was, to say the least, pumped the hell up when he called. It took me a bit to even figure out what he was saying. Finally, he was able to have enough coherent thought to say "you knocked my ass up man". He continued with: " you fucking gave me HIV". He got even louder as he said: " But I had the balls to take it like a real man". We talked for a hour or so. I really wanted to make him stop and reflect a bit. We all (or those who have chased or gifted know) how bone hard we get when thinking about someone getting knocked up. But, once the rush that is part of converting leaves, we have to know what to expect. Carter is going to be POZ for his entire adult life, he needed to know how to deal with that once the sex thrill subsides. The tanned ginger whore Trey sucked the fag lollipop yesterday and got two fucking red lines. But then, by even the most conservative estimates, he had gotten nailed with over 50 POZ loads. Of course we had given him that great graduation party that included 8 gifts. He spent a week at the beach with Dave and between strange fucks and Dave's cock, he took 25 or so loads at the beach. Once back in town, he was letting any cock that could get hard plow his hole. I know I put three more loads in that well-used ass. He was back at the beach with his family. Yeah, parents, siblings, grandparents aunts, uncles and cousins. I was pretty sure he had some fuck flu going the last time I pumped him, but he was not saying much. Evidently, at the beach he got to feeling worse. Of course, he was sneaking out each night and getting cock too---so not sure how bad. Wednesday he had a big fever and his momma took him to the e-r. Not sure what it would have been like to find out I was POZ during a annual family get together, and with my momma sitting next to me. They are not coming back early....but from the few texts I have gotten, it should pretty tense. Actually, he sent me a "happy face" emoji and the word pregnant. It was an hour later that once came in that was just "so happy". So, I feel he is where he wants to be relative the virus, but the sudden and very public exposure of his virus (he was very much out as a gay man) was not what he had envisioned. I had no doubt he was already converting. I just cannot imagine any immune system taking the onslaught of jacked up jizz he took and not become POZ. Of course I cannot claim that one, much as I would like to. So, I am unsure if I will get him to top me now that he is POZ. But I hope too. Since he has been going all nudist on us, the little skinny ginger twink is browned up an beautiful. Plus, with all the cock he has taken, it would be truly a random load of unknown origins. That is still hot--any cum, any strain, any cock, any time. Carter has had some incredible exposures since he took that first cock, if you recall, a BBC attached to a hard fucking serious top. He is one horny little fucker and now has the "badge" to prove he puts his ass where the cock is. Carter told me he would be done at Queens (no, not WITH queens!!) at noon and should be home by 2. I left work early and we met at my place. I have a pretty long drive home--40 minutes. I never had the miles or minutes go so slowly. Plus, I was so horned up my dick drooled pre-cum all the fucking way. It was a noticeable spot on my pants when I got out of the car. As it was a nice day, I had to walk past about 15 people to get to the door inside. I know most don't notice, but I always seem to feel they do. It was weird doing that walk of shame in broad daylight.....BEFORE THE FUCKING STARTED. I got in my place and quickly stripped, hit the bong a couple times and jumped in the shower. I had left the door unlocked. I knew he would find his way in. I enjoyed the shower. I was very clean and very relaxed when I was finished. I walked out to the bedroom while drying my hair. I was with amazingly stunned surprise that I saw that magnificent black stud, fully nude, steel shaft hard relaxed on my bed. I could not say a word. I just dropped the towel, rushed to the bed and dropped down beside him. Still silent, our POZ bodies embraced. The electricity that flowed between black and white, between former chaser and gifted, between two very horny queers was fucking flaming intense. I am not sure I have ever craved a specific dick, for a specific reason any more than I did at that moment. Continuing without speaking, I rolled over, rose on my knees and offered my white ass to that youthful ebony god. He lubed up and grabbed my ass with both hands. With little warning and even less fitness, he drove that black spike deep into my hole. The ecstasy and the pain were quickly at a threshold I do not often hit. I vowed to myself to stay silent and let this young stud do as he wants. It is his first POZ fuck and he needs to do it his way. I am just the lucky fucking bottom whore. The whore who took his bottom POZ cherry and the whore who will take his top POZ cherry. He can be a nicely accomplished top. He fucks well, has amazing rhythm and knows a lot about position and leverage. I was getting none of that shit. He was fucking me hard and with a purpose, he was determined to bust his POZ nut and soon. He simply was fucking me hard and in a very animalistic way. I knew he could not last long at the rate he was blistering my rectum. I also, was unsure how much of that pounding I could really stand. And, as I knew would be the case, he started grunting those pre-ejaculation grunts that only mean one thing--the orgasm has started. And with one last giant gasp, he launched into me, his first load as a POZ man. I clamped down on that black meat like it would be the last dick I ever had. Only then did he speak, you know I was expecting something eloquent to mark the occasion. What did I get: " tag, you are it motherfucker". I have an appointment with my tattoo chick tomorrow. Via the needle and ink, my number three conversion is gonna be "notched" into my body. I cannot wait to see them together again. But then, if they get to arguing about who got knocked up the best way.....it may be a little to much.
  6. Proudly POZ and enthusiastically sharing the seed.
  7. Mattel the toy maker has announced some new choices in Ken dolls. Different skin tone, different builds and some new attitudes are part of the revamped line of Barbie's boy-toy. http://money.cnn.com/2017/06/20/news/mattel-ken-dolls-diverse/index.html Made me think back to the days of the fun I had abusing my sister's KEN DOLL with my MACHO GI JOE doll. Old Ken took some serious abuse from the uniformed stud. as I was figuring out my own sexual identity. Still, I remember wishing that some of his cute outfits would indeed fit the toned plastic bod of my dream soldier. Any other fags of a "certain age" have fond memories of Ken related fantasy play? I suppose Joe was actually bi, caused he nailed that big bitted Barbie from time to time as well. Anyone clearly thinking homo thoughts during that play? Part of your awakening as a gay man? If Mattel really wants a diverse Ken they will add: Fem Side Ken, lacy underwear and silky tops, perhaps some light make up? BBC Ken, large, black and in charge Leather Ken, jock strap boots and harness and oh so many others in the delicious world of male homosexuality.
  8. I responded in your other post.....if you want raw cock in the true queer tradition, look no further than the Cheshire Motor Inn. If you happen to be a fan of BBC as I am, the Cheshire will NOT let you down.
  9. Glad to hear you are testing the waters. You picked a good place to start--Atlanta. If you cannot take raw cock in Georgia's capital, then you are either not trying or have no fucking idea how to be a good fag. I am not going to be any help as a guide but I do have two suggestions. The Cheshire Motor Inn can be a homo heaven. Easy parking, door cracked open and good cock is headed your way. Perhaps have to be a bit more discrete now than in years past....but it is always good for cock in my estimation. I made a trip to Atlanta when I was chasing just to make sure the Cheshire was part of my memories of getting knocked up. Nearby is the Manifest. A bit unique...think of it as a sauna without a sauna....can be a good place to fuck. I have seen it as a bit older crowd, but usually see a biohazard tat or two around. Enjoy your slut-cation and be sure to tell us about it. Most of us horny old fuckers love hearing about a new guy getting his full bottom slut on.
  10. Man, as a life-long bottom, I have always found cumming hands free when getting fucked to be a very rare, but very, very welcome experience. For me, it seems to required a couple things. First, the cock in my ass needs to have a specific size range. I call that the Goldilocks dick.....not too large, not too small....just right. I have also noticed that that an upward curved cock is part of the equation. There needs to be some element of "wow".......either a surprise fuck, a high risk fuck or just a fresh hot top who is new to my hole. No matter how hard I have tried to blast a load via only anal stimulation, it only works if the above seem to be in place. In fact, I have only been able to replicate that grand orgasm ONCE via anal toy insertion inspire of a HUGE amount of practice with a HUGE variety of different things in my ass. That one time was an orgasm for the ages--but I just have not repeated it. I actually had my most recent hands free release last Saturday. I have written about it. Again, the circumstances and the cock were just right. No doubt, it makes for a fuck memory that is quite intense. Would love to find ways to duplicate that with some greater frequency.
  11. I have spent a lifetime as a barebacking bottom homo. I have worked hard to be damned good at taking cock and giving the best ass ride I can. I am proud to be homo, proud to be a barebacker and proud to be POZ. I see not evidence in my experience that would say that low self esteem lead to how I have expressed my homosexuality and my sexual desires. Rather, I have found my lowest times of self esteem to be related to events that kept my queerness under wraps.
  12. Kind of surprised by an extension of this story. I figured with Dave and Trey shacked up at the beach for a while, I would not have much to say. But after my grocery shopping trip, an amazing extension of the story started unfolding. However, that story does involve some use of enhancements. So, I will write that extension in the "enhancement fiction" section.
  13. LUBE LUBE LUBE LUBE. As hot as it seems to use cum and spit as lube, it really is shit compared to the stuff meant for heavy duty ass fucking. If you watch any fisting video, you will see how sloppy they fucking get. WHY? because of that same soreness you describe after a couple of hide the weeny sessions. Not always possible in some group sessions....but if you can find a group of guys who work at getting GREAT at fucking (bottom and top) you will, i believe, find that they are not into replicating the semi-faked fucking of most porn, and have the secrets to just really great, raw, fag on fag fucking. Of course practicing helps too! I like to practice a LOT.
  14. Hell, a week ago right now as I write this ( 1:00 PM Saturday 6/10/17) our little bud Trey was in his cute little cap and gown, listening to some bad speeches about the future and likely wondering what was in store for him later that night. If you read much of my post at all, you know what happened to that new graduate. I do not have a lot of updates, but do have a few things some of the story's followers may enjoy. First, it feels like I have gono ass. Yeah, I stayed and helped Lady C clean up after the fuck fest. I did not want him to swish himself into a tizzy after all the "stuff" of that night. And yeah, I was still so horned up, I coaxed that gono puking gnarly cock into a raging hard on and had Lady C give me one of his patented PLAIN VANILLA, no frills pokes. It was good getting SOME cock and the way my ass feels today is suggesting that Mr. Gono came along for the ride. Not the first fucking time that has happened. But, who the fuck really wants to know that? If you are reading this you want to know what the POZ taking kid is up to. I have not talked with him and he did not show up at Fag Thursday. But, then he and that lucky fucking redhead were headed to Myrtle Beach early Friday AM. I am guessing Trey may have done some fast talking at home to work that out, but I know he is gonna get some serious cock. I did talk to Doug and I know he prepared a "goody bag" for them....so may be weeks 'till they return. I did hear through the grapevine that he had the devil of a time getting that big plug out of his ass. I can fucking vouch for that. Let mine in too long once and was certain I was gonna need stitches when I finally backed it out of my overstretched butthole. I can only imagine what he felt. Doug said the kid had to tie some string/rope around the base to get enough pull. That would have been one priceless video. Ray was at our Thursday gathering. He did not think I was fair in describing that fucked up pyramid cock of his. I have asked him if I could post a pictured...but he has not connected yet. Due to it's size and odd but satisfying feeling it is not a bad cock ride. But damn Ray, that hung of man meat is just weird as shit. Then I bought him some chicken fingers and he shut up about it. I think the silly fucker prefers food to fucking sometimes. Anyhow, it has been a week of reflection as well. Getting POZZED is serious, serious shit. Do not take me wrong, I am glad I got knocked up. I think that any man with balls enough to do it, should have the freedom to choose to go POZ. The real question is when do you truly know if that is going to be the RIGHT or BEST decision for you. You only get to make the choice once. You will be POZ for life and likely have the virus contribute to your ultimate demise. Can a 50 year old guy who has fag fucked for a lifetime make that decision better than an 18 year old recent graduate who only has enjoyed peer age queer sex? If older queers have some responsibilities as role models should we speak honestly about HIV and the POZ fetish or give the politically correct safe sex response that became standard after the AIDS epidemic of the '80's.? Would you (or I) prefer to have been welcomed into the world of serious, extreme queer sex by folks know to you or would you have preferred an anonymous experience. I wondered about Trey never knowing how knocked him up. I know that the two conversions I fucked into willing asses were exclusive to me, because they each wanted to know. As a budding gifted, I wanted to know that I could be a proven sire. On the other hand of that coin, I will never knew who shot the lucky sperm that POZZED my ass. I THINK I know, but like Trey, I enjoyed a lot of cock before the fuck flu arrived. That all cultivated in an awkward encounter a couple of hours ago. I stopped at the local Ingles (grocery store chain) to pick up a few things after an early visit to a couple of the overlooks on the Blue Ridge Parkway (known cock sucking stops and a nice morning ride). Got my stuff and went to the check out and a seeming average young man was running the register. When he scanned my Ingles card, I could see a surprised look on his face. He quickly said: Oh, you are on of Trey's buddies" I played dumb and asked Trey who? He only responded with: my parents got me a new 4-wheeler for graduation. But, I wish I had gotten what Trey got. I know I turned about 300 shades of red and quickly paid and got the hell out of the store. Hell, now 2% of that high school class knows about Trey's gifts. Do you ever think about what is going on in your body when you convert. I wonder if Trey is having any sense that the virus from one of us off loaded into his queer soul. Given that every cock that night shot unmedicated POZ jizz, given that 4 of us (at least) were "proven" breeders, given that he has been taking Dave's cock near non-stop, it would seem there is a good chance he is POZ at this moment. I can imagine the moments that special gob of gooey sperm hit his guts and splattered it's load of copies of the virus. Imagine those organisms moving from that slimy goo into Trey's body via his roughed up, raw intestines. Imagine in the hours and days that have followed, those few copies of the bug have multiplied and multiplied. As their numbers grow they begin attacking a young healthy immune system. For a while now, Trey's immune system has been waking up and starting to fight back. I suppose he is still in a stage where his immune system is fighting a good fight. But we all know, if the bug made it that far, the current state is only temporary. Soon the virus will overwhelm this body and replicate freely without the interference of a healthy immune system. Perhaps he will feel the byproducts of that fight...the fuck flu. When his body is fighting the hardest, it is making something of a last stand and you feel it in your lymph system, your muscles, your gut. In his mind he knows what happens and what the outcome could (should????) be. But if/when he feels those symptoms begin, he will know the reality of June 3, 2017. I wonder if his little butt buddy at the grocery store wants the same thing?
  15. fucked a twink last weekend who had a nice speedo tan line...he has done a lot of competitive swimming and had the bod to match...with the light just right to reflect off of his lilly white ass, it was a great visual to go with a great fuck. i hang out at a clothing optional gay campground near my home a lot....so most of my partners (and me) are totally tanned....i find that hot too. hell, other than a pasty white guy who never goes outside in the sunlight.....about any combo of tan and not tanned is great.
  16. first load every in my ass nearly 38 years ago. last load in my ass nearly 38 minutes ago. both raw. first load was pre-AIDS, last load was from an AIDSBONE. Even better, the countless loads between those events were raw as well......real men only go raw.
  17. The quick and easy answer is FUCK'en EH! The truth probably takes a bit more reflection. First of all, I am of an age where that beautiful hormone Testosterone has been ebbing from my body. With less Fag FUEL, it might be expect to that fewer cock sharing opportunities cum my way. The reality is that I am getting topped more than I every have. Additionally, most of the cock that I enjoy is shooting that terrific tainted cum. While my poll of knocked up fuck buddies is not huge, they are active and they like to fuck---A LOT. After 40 years of queering my way through life, the abundant sex is great. I am even topping a few negative asses myself---have two conversions this year. That part is a bit odd as I have never had the desire and certainly do not have the skill and experience to be a cum slinging gifting stud. All in all the allure of sharing POZ cum, and sharing it anyway possible is driving my sexual desires in a way that simply being a horned up homo never did. In full disclosure, my ass got converted this year, so there is still some "newness" factor I suppose. I think the underlying factor is that the freedom to fuck, the more unique nature of POZ men and my own desire to simply live in as much of a cock filled world have helped me build a great network of diseased dicks to ride. Continuing on a bit, I am not sure if it is the virus or the fact that we get infected, but POZ dudes just seem to me to be more interesting, more authentic and the BEST DAMNED COCK and FUCKS in the world. I guess that is one of the hidden secrets of our sub-mainstream world. Many times I wish I had known that years ago. But, perhaps since I am on a NO MEDS trajectory, I would be an AIDBONE by now had that been more apparent.
  18. He is a fucking aging queen. That is about the only way anyone could every describe our host for the evening. Charles,the oldest of the assembled homo hoard, is full of queer BS stories. By that I mean "before Stonewall". We like Ike was a popular saying during the era Charles first learned he liked Dick. (Note to you young guys...Stonewall was a NYC queer bar and kind of ground zero for much of the "out" in the open part of gay rights activism after a riot there in the late '60's got national attention. Ike is Dwight Eisenhower---general and president. Dick is that fleshy shaft that feels so good in your ass). Those of us who know him often use the terms Lady Charles or Lady C in reference to that swishy old fag. No doubt, many of our fem tended brothers have some swish, but Charles damned swish is legendary. Lady C perfected the are of "beauty in all things" long before that became a near stereotype gay attribute. His home, his clothes, his car, his lawn and his business are all near perfect all the time. With the lisp of a Truman Capote wanna be, the good lady is an arch-type old school fag. Several things are great about our senior friend, he is hung like a horse (well maybe a small pony), he has more anal and genital warts than I have ever seen on a man and he LOVE gono. If anyone wants to sample the clap, Charles is usually a good source. Trey was a bit slow in returning to the scene of his presumed POZZING. In fact, I was being to wonder if he was done for the night. Charles was swishing too and fro, fretting about not getting his chance to fuck the kid. I was still hoping to catch a load, but with the black boys spent, Dave in serious lust after Trey and Lady C in a pre-fuck tizzy, Ray and his perverted weird ass fucking pyramid cock was my only hope at the moment. But, shit, all Ray wanted was something to eat and a Mountain Dew. Even though his fucked up pecker was a full staff, he seemed oblivious to the scent of men fucking. My throbbing ass needed a dick bad, but it was not happening. Lady C was on about his third bottle of hand sanitizer when our new grad stumbled back to the bed. Trey laughed a bit as he hollered: "NEXT" and went ass up on the bed. Charles warted up cock was waving proudly as he started rimming his target. I chuckled some as I though about how often that old nelly had sanitized his hands. He had gotten knocked up at the infamous Cheshire Bridge Hotel in Atlanta a decade a go. His longtime boyfriend left him. Since then he has had about every dick or blood shared STD possible, maybe even some he fucking made up. As I mentioned, he liked gono and was always drooling a bit of the nasty pus most of the time. So with very clean hands and a very sick pus-dripping knotted up cock, he was preparing the kids ass for one more POZ cock. Perhaps it is a bit hard to imagine a swishy queen top, but if you can, that was Lady C. How he can swish and fuck at the same time is beyond me, but that is him. The most remarkable about the 6 fuck of the night for Trey is that it was largely unremarkable. Other than the queenly presence in his ass, the fuck was about as vanilla as possible. At times, it was hard to tell if they were fuckign or sleeping. They fucked (sort of) in silence for a bit until the Lady C simply said:, " there it is" and promptly pulled out that gnarly meat and slid off the kid's ass. Hell, with a fuck like that the boy might start liking pussy---'cause that was not a real man fuck at all. But it was POZ cock 6 and an extra measure of gono and herpes thrown in, so the gift was a good one despite being somewhat bland in function. We were all just kind of sitting there wondering what to do next. Six times the kid had taken a POZ load and now what. In a surprise move, Trey "sprang" into action and was trying to woo Dave back into the bed. No doubt, those two were have a great connection and Trey wanted more. He wanted to fuck Dave's fine ass. His cock was pointing at his own chin (damn I remember those days and all that glorious testosterone). We all kind of gave them space and let them fuck as lovers not as part of a POZ party fetish fuck. Just as Trey got his lightly used cock fed into the redheads ass, there was a timid knock on the door. I knew who it was, and I am sure Dave did too, but he was in full bottom mode and enjoying the inexperienced thrusting of his young top. As the perfect host should, Lady C swished to the door and opened it wide. As expected, there stood what might be the world oldest goth dude. Dressed fully in black, black finger nail polish and ghostly white make up, Doug makes for a strange sight. His long hair hangs well below his shoulders. He moves with an easy gait, but more as a spirit than a man. Most of the guys recognized our new visitor and welcomed. Doug is the local "herb man" and is recognized for his superb cultivation of mountain grown weed. But as the night was a substance free event, Doug's other attribute was to be a capstone on the night. He is nearing 70 and has been POZ since he got knocked up in the early '80's. He survived the dark days of the AIDS crisis only after a few brushes with death as he developed full onset AIDS. Later, the new medications restored most of his health and he enjoyed live as a skilled herb peddler and part time metal guitarist. Doug made the decision that when he went on social security, he would go off of the meds. Now he was a unicorn, that mythical, seldom seen holy grail of queer fucking---a full on AIDSBONE. Dave had invited him, but we all knew Doug to be very skittish. It was something of a surprise the man in black showed up. I suppose you may have guessed, I had known Doug a long time. We never fucked until after I converted, but damn, it was hot taking an honest AIDS cock. Knowing his strain dated to the earliest days of what we know as HIV+ infection, it was not only a great fuck, but a emotional cock ride as well. Doug's tool is something more than average, but not much more. He needs the Pfizer Riser blue pill to get to full fuck mode, but it is a nice dick when he does. I have had a dozen or so doses of that precious and rare pecker juice and basked in an AID-induced glow with each one. He is not a real gifted at heart, but Dave convinced him of the importance of this fuck night. I guess I need to add that Doug and Dave are father and son. No, not the fetishized daddy kink of much gay porn, but real honest to goodness father and son. I had gotten fucked by both of them before I really learned of that connection. In so many ways, they are different as any two homos can be. But at heart they both love fag sex and appreciate being POZ. On a couple occasions, I have been spit-roasted by that daddy/boy team and loved getting their family strain in both my fuck holes at the same time. Talk around the queer community is that Doug POZZED his own kid on the son's 18th birthday. I knew that they had fucked a lot and for many, many years so I expected it could be true. When I asked Doug about it, all I got was a bright twinkle in those sunken eyes. His wasting condition makes his face drawn and gaunt, but his eyes lit up when I asked. Perhaps that is why Dave was successful in getting his old man show up and fuck Trey. Lady C ushered Doug into the fuck room with all the embellishment he could muster. I though it might be a bit awkward a Trey was still trying to bust a nut in Doug's cute son. Doug never hesitated, he just came in and stripped, ready to fuck. The effect of the Viagra was apparent, as that old AIDBONE was a rigid as the cock pumping his kid's ass. Dave looked over at his Papa and said, "hey Pops, glad you could cum, Trey is the guy fucking me, he will be done in a minute.". A few minutes of PORN inspired thrusting and contorted motions later, Trey let out a war whoop and cream pied that beautiful ass. Doug was a bit slow and deliberate. He asked Trey if he really wanted that joyful juice that only an AIDBONE can provide. Doug talked some about the generations of queers, past present and future who were all united by that creamy delight. He mentioned how Trey had been filled with a fresh strain (mine, I am just 6 months POZ) and now would be filled with a strain from the near beginning of the disease as we know it. Doug described it as the ALPHA and OMEGA, the beginning and the end of the adventure of being a knocked up homo. He continued on that note describing to Trey that this night was Trey's own alpha experience, the night the bug would invade and attack his immune system. And, as Trey progressed into full on AIDS, he too would have his OMEGA moment, his beginning and end connected by the cum rammed deep this very night. Trey (and the rest of us) were so horned up by that short speech, it is a wonder we did not have a synchronized group orgasm. No more words were spoken as Trey rolled onto his back once more and thrush his legs towards the ceiling. With the polished moves of an experienced and skilled top man, Doug mounted the beginner and split his cum filled ass with the kid's first AIDSBONE. They enthusiastic fucked for a half hour. Doug's skill at using leverage and position helped him fuck like a man one third his age. Trey squealed and groaned in pleasure and that death stick massaged his prostrate. All too soon, Doug erupted in ecstasy and another load was capture in the pooched out honey hole of a young queer. They remained couple for a bit, as if to make sure each and every copy of the AIDS virus drained from Doug's balls into that boy-cunt. Trey seemed serous as he said, "fuck, if I was not POZ already, that fuck knocked me up". He will never know which cock did him, if any, but he had the experience of a lifetime....and still has a lifetime of wild fucking ahead of him. Lady C had the last honor of the evening. We had purchased a huge butt plug for the occasion. It is glass and near the size of a coffee cup. I have one like it and it takes me significant effort to get it into place. But this night, Charles was to drive that glass punisher into Trey's cum filled ass. We wanted him to have the experience of enjoying all that cum, all that sperm and all those copies of our various strains of the bug, for as long as possible. After a few too many hugs, kisses and best wishes, Trey was off into the early morning darkness. His odd gait announcing the prolonged fucking he had just endured. Everyone of us has done that skank walk as only a cum filled fag can. Now Trey, was officially one of us.
  19. I found myself hoping that Trey's first experience with Carl's unworldly fuck tool would mimic what I felt my first time. Tall, slender and very professional, Carl looks every bit the the college professor he is. His shaved head and neatly trimmed beard accent his imposing manliness. His proud African heritage shines as brilliantly as the sheen of his flawless ebony skin. No bullshit, I love black men and black men have been a huge part of my own queer experience. I seem to be a bit OCD and have pretty good records of the cocks that I have enjoyed. Over 60% of the cum ever shot in my ass came from a black cock. Even though I have appreciated many great men of color, Carl stands out. Most would notice his intense skin color. It is a black not often seen and it seems to radiate the light from his soul. Those who get to know him understand he is a beautiful man, a thoughtful lover and above all else, a proud black gay man. When he fucks, his beautiful soul and beautiful body combine to give his bottom an ass splitting they will long cherish. I could tell as soon as Trey caught sight of that incredible mound of meat swinging between Carl's massive thighs, he would be enthralled. No matter how good the cock had been in Trey's short queer career, he was in for the fucking of his young life. The scent of Carl's cologne and the sight of that shimmering black fuck stick was turning me on quickly. My own ass quivered and twiched as I recalled the times I was under that man. I will never be certain, but I know in my own heart that is the cock that bred the virus into my DNA. If I could only have one more cock in my life, it would be the one starting to inch into Trey's manhole. Carl slowly fed that legendary dick into the enthusiastic chaser. I watched closely for any signs from Trey. I wanted to know what he was feeling, if he knew how good the cock was, if he appreciated getting a cock most men would die for. I know Trey did not see it, but as that sheath rolled back to reveal the grand uncut cock head, there was a flash of sliver. Carl's 00 Prince Albert shown brightly in contrast to the bulbous, glistening black man meat. As that huge dick and equally large piercing plunged deeper, Trey's ass would be ripped and fucked like he had yet to experience. Gentle, loving Carl was going to tear the boy's ass into fucking shreds. A master at his craft, Carl slowly inched that brightly festooned monster dick into the little sluts tender hole. Suddenly Trey's eyes flashed wide open as a shocked look betrayed his "i can take any cock attitude". He was feeling the roughed up cock jewelry carve into his very gut. Just as quickly, he closed his eyes and rolled his head from side to side. As Carl and his magic peter took Trey to a new level of anal ecstasy. Carl was opening the door to asshole pleasures that will last the boy a lifetime. Carl is very vocal when he fucks. Even more so when it is a gifting situation. I know the words he spoke the night I think he converted me still echo in my memories. With something of a younger Morgan Freeman voice, when you are under his sex-spell, you can imagine being ravished my the god of all fuck gods. With some care and effort, he finally got that snake all the way in Trey. Gently he started rocking and then started talking. "White boy", he growled, " I am gonna knock your ass up RIGHT FUCKING NOW". Trey was silent. As he jacked up the rhythm, he continued; " White boy, can you feel that stainless ring slicing into your gut?". Followed by: "White boy, that is so my fucking seed can quickly enter your lily white ass and turn you POZ." Then he softened a bit and more quietly explained to Trey;. "with my cock and with my cum I am going to connect you to the POZ fags past present and future. Sharing this fluid, this cum, this virus is what you were born to. I am proud to help you achieve your faggot defined destiny". Trey was still silent and somewhat still as the intensity of the massive, black thrusts multiplied. Damn, I knew what that felt like, I knew just how fucking good it felt, andI knew that it was one fucking good way to get a white boy seriously knocked up. Trey seemed to move into some sort of trance as he became more responsive to the exquisite fucking taking place in his ass. I think each of the nude faggots...watching and stroking our own cocks knew what he was doing. Trey had achieved the zone of semi-conscience rapture where you become the fuck. It is no longer two queers embracing, it is two power sources combining into a white-hot explosion of passion reaction. My first POZ on POZ fuck (thanks to the very same black cock) was the most open and flowing fuck of my life. And this little twink was getting that same mind altering fuck as a commemoration of completing high school. Deeper into that alter state, Trey became loud, vocal and demanding. He begged and pleaded with Carl. He whimpered, laughed, cried and demanded. He wanted Carl's demon seed and he wanted it soon. The voice coming from that boy sounded older, wiser and mature. He was getting fucked like a real man and he was loving it. Carl kept ramping up the intensity of his pelvic pushing. In spite of the demands coming from the receptive partner, Carl was clearly in charge. With simple changes in his legs or movement of his torso, he caused Trey to contort and writhe out of control. Trey was a man possessed, but his demon was not a spirit, it was the living flesh of a master top. Carl started getting into his finishing groove. He snorted and bellowed as he rammed that cock harder and deeper. Each of his bellows and thrusts were matched by joyful pleasure moans from the well fucked kid. From my vantage point, I could tell the kid was clamping his ass onto that massive dick as if he could save that moment forever. NOTE: the following quotes are directly from Carl. Some may find them offensive, but they are his own words. I have his permission to quote him as directly as possible. Carl started talking. His words were familiar to me, but new to Trey. "Boy", he hissed thought clenched jaws, " you are gonna take my nigger seed and you are gonna be fucked up. When I finally pull out my black cock, your ass will be POZ. Are you fucking ready?". Trey had no time to answer. That black man ratcheted his powerful fuck into full speed. His nostrils flared and he inhaled deeply. The intensity in his brown eyes was only match by the transfixed look on Trey's face. And just like that, he erupted in a gush of tainted cum and drove that load even deeper into the puckered shit chute. Trey was still shaking and gasping in passion when Carl suddenly pulled his semi-erect cock out. Just as suddenly he thrust it against Trey's closed lips. Without a word spoken, the ass to mouth session from earlier was repeated. Trey wasted on time in licking every drop of cum, blood and ass juice from the still convulsing cock. Before our eyes the boy was transcending boyhood behavior and was becoming a well seasoned cum slut. I was so enthralled in that amazing scene, I had not noticed the cock poking at my horny honey hole. But, as I refocused, I recognized that toadstool head on Jony's cock. Damn, I needed fucked and that huge mushroom head was gonna feel great. Without a word being spoken or additional touch, I backed onto that dick like a man possessed. With surprising easy and no lube, I took that Dominican dick balls deep in one push. "Fuck me, Jony, Fuck me" was the most eloquent thing I could say. We quickly synced our thrusting and I enjoyed a familiar cock. Just as I noticed as he fucked Trey, Johny is a great top and I always enjoy him and his brown dick. Carl had gotten off the bed to give Trey a break. He saw Jony pounding my ass and strode to us. He spoke directly to Jony: " nigger, you know I knocked up that honkey ass months ago. Your black cock is too little too late". Then they both laughed like it was the most funny joke in the world. All I could do was to moan for Jony to fuck me harder. In just a bit, Carl spoke again. "Jony", he snarled, " you call that a fucking? it looks like you are just teasing that ass-pussy". Almost without a breath he added, "let me show you how a real nigger fucks". Damn, I was gonna get that other black cock and get it now. Jony pulled out abruptly, looked at Carl and purred "show me what you can do stud". Fuck, I thought, these two stallions are gonna fight over who fucks my ass, I must be something damned special. Not sure if it was shock or disappointment, but in a flash Carl bent Jony over the arm of a chair and rammed his cock, lubed only with a small wad of spit deep into that Caribbean ass. Fuck, don't do him, I want that meat were the words pulsing in my brain. But I watched in awe as those two dark skinned men began fucking like they meant it. No doubt, those two had fucked before. I had never seen Jony take a cock, but he was taking up the ass like a Pro. Jony, the source of so many long hard fucks for many local guys was now begging for Carl to tear up his ass. Carl and that deadly piercing complied. All too soon Carl shot his wad and withdrew his cum covered, bloody meat. They exchanged places and that master top was soon cooing like a baby as he took a had fucking from Jony. Watching those two skilled and loving black men merge into one sex beast drew all attention away from the recent graduate. I had a death grip on my own dribbling dick as I proved from the side lines, still wishing one of those cocks was in my ass. Anyone want another chapter. Two more guys fucked Trey that night. One with two twists that still have me boned up bad.
  20. Every faggot in the room had a stiff cock by the time Trey took load number three. The erotic fuck show Dave and the kid just performed was amazing and we all were mesmerized by the apparent connection and animal like fuck that was just finishing. The look on Trey's face was amazing. He truly was enthralled with his partner and was thrilled to feel that pale cock unload in his ass. Still on his back, he remained coupled to Dave even as the thrusting subsided. Both gifted and chaser had a look of utter satisfaction. I know there were three thoughts in my head, damn what a fuck, can't wait to see number 4 plow the boy and fuck, I NEED a cock in MY ass. But just as we expected them to separate, Trey began bucking and riding what evidently was at least a partial erect cock. HIs noises were still animalistic sounding as he flexed his pelvis to fully enjoy some more of Dave's balls deep penetration. Dave quickly responded and was moving his own body in response to the tortured movements of the young ass he had just inseminated. Trey was clearly on his way to orgasm and was fully in control. We were all powerless to stop watching as Trey's breathing deepened. He rocked and moaned as his nice size, but hardly huge cock throbbed and bobbed at full attention. I suppose I was a bit stunned. We all knew that plenty of gifts would be delivered, but I had not thought about the need for Trey to explode. Moments later, hands free, all that movement turned into a moment of joy as he shot an amazing load that splattered on Dave's creamy torso. At that moment, I had no doubt about Trey's authenticity as a fag. Anyone who can essentially cum hands free while wiggling their ass on a partner's cock is gonna do just fine in the world of queer fucking. Ray was already lubed up and working his massive cock into rock hard fuck mode. Ray is a damned big dude...well over 6' 4" and probably close to 300 pounds. Full time redneck and former college football offensive lineman, he could be described as a power fuck. His dick is kind of unique. Not overly long (7 inches perhaps) it has an amazing pyramid shape and quickly tapers from it's pointy head to a base I cannot circle with one hand. Ray got knocked up years ago and seems to alternate between being on meds and not. Ray and I had never fucked a lot. It was ok, but usually just a hard, quick pounding and he was done. He relies on his size, not his skill to impress the bottoms he fucks. But hell, it is a unique cock and probably a tainted load, so I knew it would do the kid some good. But Trey and Dave remain coupled and cuddling on the bed, totally unaware of the anticipation visible in Ray's stiff poker. It was clear those two boys had experienced more than just a fuck. When they finally stirred a bit we got to hear something surprising. Trey said loudly, " well that is done". Six puzzled homos waited for clarification. "Dave knocked me up", he nearly shouted, " I know it". Becoming more animated, he said, " I felt the energy pass while we were fucking.". "I know it was his bug load entering me. I know I am really POZ". It was a clear and honest statement. Based on the show we watched and those words, we all knew those two had forged a fuck infused connection. Maybe it was not the bug, but there was something going on. There is nothing subtle about Ray. He was ready to fuck and was vocal about it. If Trey was done, then Ray was prepared to fuck the next ass that wagged in front of him. Not to worry, our new cum slut rolled over showed his cum filled ass and braced for the near rape that he was about to experience. An opened hole and three injections of POZ lube made Ray's entrance a bit easier, but still he mounted the kid and went balls deep in one powerful thrust. Ray's size, weight and thrust caused the boyish bottom to crumple. As our young friend disappeared under that mountain of man flesh, the pile driving began in earnest. Trey's whimpers were a signal that Ray was hurting him some---anyone who had been topped by that man knew the feeling. Unlike the hard, but skillful fucking Jony had given a couple hours earlier, this was a brutal rape/fuck. As the whimpering got louder, Ray offered him some relief. But the boy just kept on taking it. Ray always seems to finish up in the same way. He pulls his pointy dick out all the way and rams it back in had and balls deep. He repeats the action until in one mighty shove he blasts a load. I know I smiled a bit as that sequence began and a half dozen painful jabs later, Trey had gift number four mixing with all the tainted cum previously enjoyed. There was not cuddling after that coupling, but for the first time that night, Trey was offered a cum and slime covered cock to clean in an ATM "opportunity". It was clear he had never been exposed to ass to mouth cock cleaning. I have to admit it is a bit of an acquired taste--but one I learned to love myself. Trey froze in hesitation as that slicked up horse cock posed near his mouth, waiting on the completion of the last fuck act. A smile slowly started on Trey's face as he realized he was going full on into the kinkier part of men fucking men. He started opening his mouth to welcome the cum slathered dick. As soon as his lips parted, Ray took charged and rammed the pole down the kid's throat. Just as quickly, the gag reflex kicked in and our former HIV virgin puked all over himself, Ray, the bed and anything else near by. Unfazed by the vomit, Ray rammed it home again and this time Trey managed to suckle it. Like the fuck pig he yearned to be he slurped and licked that cock clean of all substances. The newly minted slut was learning new things. We had a bit of a break in the action as some of the guys started cleaning up a bit. Trey hit the shower to clean up. Nobody was sure if he was done or not, but it would be his choice regardless. I decided to take advantage of the slow moment and cornered Jony and started sucking his cock. I was needing fucked myself (as was every other queer in the room). As expected, I coaxed that black snake to life and soon he was probing my ass. The cock that busted Trey's AIDS cherry was now probing my horny shit chute. But, it was a short fuck. Trey came strolling back to the bedroom still fully nude and sporting a serious hard on. The smile on his face said he wanted more. He laughed as he asked "any of you faggots wanna fuck my queer ass?". Six dicks sprang to attention at that comment. Carl was up next. Carl is also a proven breeder and takes pride in spewing his demon seed into any negative ass that wants it. During my own chase, I rode Carl's "significant" BBC more than any other cock. I am fairly certain it was Carls seed replicating in my own body. Carl and I were something less than partners, but something more than just fuck buds. Perhaps some would call us lovers. All I know is he is a great human, an ebony god and a very, very talented lover. And now, I was going to see that beautiful, glistening black rod dip into the pasty white ass of an evolving man-whore. Trey and Dave had made love. Trey took my very HVL seed with relish. Ray raped his young ass and Jony had given him a world class fucking. But now, he was about to experience, what I thought would be the fuck of a life time. Carl is that damned good. Ten inches long, coke bottle diameter, Carl's cock is uncut. If there was every a perfect BBC contest, Carl should easily win. He is actually quite serious about fucking and takes his role as a dominate top to heart. Trey was being a bit playful and joking around a bit. I think he had no idea about what was to cum his way. Carl was a bit put off by the lightness of the mood and acted to change it. He sternly commanded Trey to get on his back, legs in the air. Slowly Trey responded. Carl then focused the room. "Boy" he said, " I have converted over 15 twink asses in the past 6 years". I know my cum is toxic and I am gonna spew it inside you" Carl continued, " in the next few minutes I am going to convert your little ass and turn you into a jack of spades, only black cock will satisfy you when I am done". I whispered to Trey. "that is the fucking truth" just as Carl unsheathed his monster cock and started pressing it into our boy's battered hole. Trey was gonna be fucked like he had never imaged.
  21. Fuck, for a kid his age he was taking a hard fucking well. Jony is an amazing top fuck. Not only is he beautiful---from the Dominican Republic so he has that caramel skill that is of fucking hot, he has a BBC that is both unique and worthy of the BBC description. Longer than most at over 11 inches, it is also narrow, but has a mushroom head to die for. In fact, it almost looks like some cartoon toadstool. Best of all it has that curve that you know will drive your prostrate into a faggot frenzy. Jony also fucks hard. Not just a little....but damned hard and can go forever before giving up his tainted seed. First time he split my queer ass, it was over an hour until he finally rewarded me with his cum. It was one of the only times I remember thinking I was glad to have a cock out of my bruised hole. But Trey was a trooper. We had selected Jony to go first since we all knew what Trey was in for. If the little homo wanted to fuck like a real man, then taking a pounding like this would prove it. The kid hardly made a noise as Jony mounted him from the rear. Still, those watching could see Trey wince and thrust his white ass to meet that black monster. He must have done some dildo play, because he took that cock like a pro and they were soon fucking hard and fucking in great rhythm. For nearly 35 minutes that skilled top worked Trey into a sexual frenzy. And all that time that fresh bottom hung in and took it. Jony has fucked me enough that I recognized when he was ready to unload. His noises, his movements, the speed and rhythm all were so familiar. My own hard-on was leaking precum by the buckets. I am not sure what was the most exciting, seeing Jony fuck him, think about how that diseased Dominican dick feels in my own ass, or knowing that I was "on deck" to fuck the boy next. When the low moaning started escaping from that dark skinned top, I knew it was happening. Without a single word, Trey had just taken his first POZ load and one of several gifts he would that night...the night he graduated from high school. In our small, isolated mountain town there are limited social opportunities. I suppose we are lucky that there are plenty of "unique" folks in the area so one local diner/pool hall/bar/grocery store (yeah all in one) is very open and accommodating. Thursday is unofficially queer night and a number of us get together to bullshit, play some pool and eat. Must of us are fuck buds in one fashion or the other, but queer night is not really sexual---just a hang out, food and talk thing. Trey first started hanging out a bit right after he turned seventeen. Since all of us regular fags were much older, we were quite careful about our conversations and comments when he was in the place. Eventually, we figured out he was gay---and eventually he brought a few of his own age high school friends and presumed friend with benefits. No doubt, we were all clear that any of that group was strictly off limits. Regardless of how cute, those underage guys are ALWAYS a no-fuck-zone. He was a decent guy, at once he had very serious and introspective and on the other hand, we could see a wild ass homo developing. He asked a million questions about being a "growed up gay". One night, when the subject of the discussion was my recent intentional POZZING, he became more animated than I had ever seen. Clearly he had some connection to chasing and gifting. He thought it was great to know someone (ME) who was POZ and unleashed every question imaginable. Little did he know that the other 5 guys at that big round table were just as POZ as I was and quite likely one of them was the dick that knocked my ass up. A few weeks later, we held a bit of a birthday party as he turned 18. Although he was not longer jail bait, the other locals and I had declared him off limits. We all agreed that as good as fucking him could be, it may be best if he figured out his own place without our horny asses influencing him any more than we had. He seemed happy with his gifts.....some very good lube, a gross of condoms and a huge butt plug. So, it was with major shock that we heard him say, "thanks but what I really want is POZZED'. WTF did he just say? Trey? Wants fucking POZZED? What the shit is up with that.? What we got was one of the most beautiful descriptions of how a young queer, now of age, understood his place in the generations of queers--past, present and future. He knew he had all the loving connections he would need...good family and friends...what he longed for was to be as authentically a fag as he could be. For him , like so many other including me, that was the starting block for our chase. He was clear and eloquent--this kid wanted to get POZZED and SOON. Eventually the subject changed and we had a fun time and the evening ended around 11. Nearly two hours later my phone rang. It was Jamie, the BBC that I think knocked me up. He was worked up. "Man", he said, "you got to give it to him". Half asleep I slurred, "why the fuck me...and what the hell are we even talking about this for/" Jamie continued, " you know he is gonna do it and soon....better that he gets it from someone who cares than a back alley stranger". He kept talking and added, "besides you were just knocked up a few months ago...you know you have the highest VL, you know you could breed him". My brain and my cock were at instant war. My head saying no fucking way and my cock stiffening up as to say "let me at that tender ass." I finally got Jamie off the phone, but could not get back to my sleep. How erotic, how amazing, how wrong, how inappropriate, how...fuck how..fuck how...over and over all night. Nothing else was said until maybe a month later. I had gotten nailed by an honest-to-god AIDSBONE the previous weekend and was all to eager to tell the others about taking that seriously sick dick. I really had not noticed that Trey was not around. Then another occasional partner and part-time group member, Dave, suggested that I introduce the AIDSBONE to Trey and get it over with. Jamie chimed in with a "why ask the AIDS dude when we all could get that done". Starting in jest, an hour later we had designed the perfect POZZING party for our 18 year old buddy. I knew that I was not the only one horned up by the idea as the group started breaking up early. I knew I needed fucked and suggested that anyone who wanted to play could follow me home (two block walk). Four of us spend the next hour sharing our toxic cum and lusting over who might get to POZ Trey. Jony clearly spend some effort to make sure he fully drained his nuts and distributed his load thoroughly in Trey's ass As that black snake slowly withdrew from that very white young ass, we were all waiting to hear any comments the new graduate might have. He just had a world class fucking from an amazing black dick and was filled with a load of HIV+ cum. Not bad for a kid that just a few hours earlier was awearing a green cap and gown as he ended his high school career. All he said was, "fuck, I want more".....and started wagging his ass. I was up next. Of course my cock had been rigid the entire time Jony was working his magic. I was second for several reasons. Not only was I sporting the highest VL of the group due to my own fairly recent POZZING, I was also a confirmed breeder---one conversion in my short life as a POZ FAG. Additionally, I had done the prep work to make Trey as responsive as possible. I washed out his hole to squeaky clean status....removing any natural barriers to the tainted seed he was about to receive. Then, using the same brush that prepped my ass for conversion, I worked his hole until I had achieved a pinkish slime on the bristles. I am sure he was disappointed as I mounted his ass. Not only am I unskilled as a top (full on bottom except for the chances to breed a neg bottom) and I have none of the size Trey's first gifted presented. But, we got into a rhythm and for 5 or 6 minutes, I enjoyed fucking that hole and feeling the leftover cum. But all too soon I knew my time was up and with a loud shout, that little twink got exposure number two. I drained the contents of my balls into his hole. I know what it feels like to get knocked up and to knock up a horny hole.....and I could only hope that highly enjoyable fuck was good for him. As I started to pull out, he clenched his ass, holding more for a bit longer---no doubt, he HAD enjoyed it. And maybe, just maybe me seed was planted once again. We had a planned "break". We wanted to be sure he understood what was happening. By plan, there booze and drugs were absent from the night (save poppers). But, any horned up fag worth the name knows that POZ COCK LUST is even more powerful than the best enhancements. One of the things we offered was a chance to stop at that time. Additionally, he could stop and we would get him to an ER to seek PEP, had he changed his mind. We offered to postpone anything else--anything to make sure he knew he could stop, could get treatment or simply have time to think. Trey had been sipping on a Red Bull while he heard us blab about his options. Suddenly he chugged the rest of his drink, grabbed Dave's cock and said "Somebody needs to fuck me now". Dave is a real cutie, perhaps a bit old to be called a twink at 27, he none the less has that look. Tall and thin, he is also a red-headed Irish guy with that translucent alabaster skin that some ginger Micks display. His skin is just as soft as it is beautiful and his body is fully hairless except for the fire red patch of hair surrounding his junk. Dave and I had met some years before either of us chased. We hooked up a few times, but never were extremely close. He was introduced to me (again) by my most likely gifted. Dave's one infection came the tip of the same BBC some 5 months before I converted. We laughed a bit at the fact we had only fucked with condoms and now were both POZ. Anyhow, Dave is a very nice lover. Enough skill and size to make it enjoyable, but also largely effortless. He is neither fast or slow in summing. Just an all around nice fuck. I knew why Trey wanted him next. Dave had been on meds after getting the bug, but never went "undetectable". He still unsure if it is his own make up or the strain he has, but he continues to have a 100K VL. From my discussions with Trey, I knew he had a fetish for the more extreme strains and was hopeful Dave had one. Dave rolled the twice fucked twink onto his back, wedged his shoulders under the boy's legs and proceeded to mount him with speed and enthusiasm. Again, Trey took cock without a sound (he is going to have to give TOPS some feedback), but Dave let out a huge laugh. The feel of the two loads already deposited was a joy for him. The pure pleasure of breeding a cum filled hole was giving Dave a real thrill. I think it was Trey that really started that fuck off. He was rocking on his ass and working Dave's dick with some decent skill and a whole lot of young-dude testosterone filled lust. Dave started moaning about what a great fuck it was, Trey making a low mooing sound. They were soon in their own fuck-focused world where their bodies were joined and nothing else existed. I suspect many of you have had a fuck like that...where the connection is strong, the lust is mutual and the feelings and desires of both men are matched. It was clear, Dave was NOT FUCKING Trey, rather those two handsome, smooth men were making intimate love. The fucked slowly and deeply for nearly a half hour. At times, they were still, connected, touching, feeling breathing. Other times, they writhed in unison and moaned the same guttural sound as the fucked at a higher intensity. Then for the first time of the night, Trey begged for demon seed. "Dave", he panted loudly, "give me your seed. i want all of your cum. fuck it into me.". A little jealousy was welling in my body as, I expect in Jony". The boy took us without a word And now, after the erotic ecstasy had peaked with Dave, it was all Trey wanted and he kept saying so. Dave responded, "here it is, here is my POZ cum, I want you to have my bug". And with that comment, Trey had his third exposure to the bug. There is way more to this story...and if anyone likes it...will be glad to add to it in other "chapters".
  22. The only undesirable human I can think of is the one that won't fuck my ass. Anyone with a cock, wants to fuck and can cum is FULLY 100% desirable in my book. Anything beyond a functioning dick and cum producing nuts is really not material to my desires. No doubt, I really enjoy BBC, I have learned to really like POZ-COCK and am desirous of any AIDS-BONE I can find, those are just extras......the cock and the cum is the star attraction
  23. I would like to say that I would have....but truth be known, I did not chase until much later in life. Easy to be a fearless fucker when you have a backup plan. I think the same goes for the PrEP guys.....easy to be bold when you have a magic shield
  24. Nothing better than a big black snake crawling up my ass and expelling it's venom. And yeah, I have proof you can get a virus from that! and yes, I am honest with my Dr. same guy fro 25 years now....not much he does not know. he is not judgmental....but does always have some "suggestions" about how my health risks due to sex might be mitigated.
  25. bred the horny fucker again tonight.  begged him to test...but nooooo.  wants to wait.  what he wants is getting fucked every night.   hell who would not want a POZ stud service making daily deliveries.    I wanna be a proven sire....not just a horny poz fucker.

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