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Everything posted by fuckyouraw777

  1. Sometimes we overthink things. Back in the day, I had a fuck bud and I'd call him up, get off in his hole and then we'd usually just watch a movie or go get something to eat. Nothing at all complicated: he liked to bottom, I liked to get off in him, and we liked each other's company outside of bed too.
  2. What will be very interesting is what the various communities here would do in the face of a freely available "cure"...
  3. I just don't have sex with bottoms who won't let me cum in them...so much less hassle.
  4. Condoms tend to make me have the safest sex -- i.e. no sex 😛
  5. I claim if you don't want anyone to read something, just put it on a dating profile 😮
  6. Some gay/bi men can be drama or hassles, too - just to be fair; but at least there's no real possibility of having babies unexpectedly turn up.
  7. Realistically, one of the purposes of a man's penis is to inject semen inside the person they're fucking; it's basic survival of the species instinct. To put it another way, the whole purpose of a guy when fucking is to ejaculate inside whoever they are fucking, and honestly any bottom taking dick (covered or not) is asking someone to do something that is unnatural by instinct when they expect the person to pull out. I assume that if you're in a bath house and you let me in bare, you want to take cum. That said, I'll usually wait for sloppy seconds to make life easier - that avoids having to ask questions; but if you're lying down in a dark room with your arse exposed and you let someone climb on top of you to fuck you bare, I don't think it's unreasonable to assume the bottom is giving permission to take cum unless they indicate otherwise before the cumming. Online on grindr etc. I just state up front I won't fuck with condoms, and I won't pull out and if they start sounding nervous or iffy then I'll just move on: not worth the drama if you ask me.
  8. Back in the days when I'd bottom a friend (with benefits) visited from interstate and he got to fucking me as often as he could get it up. After the second time he blew on my back, I asked him why didn't he cum in my arse the next round...he said he didn't want to give me anything. I told him not to pull out. (For those interested, he didn't have anything or at least if he did, I didn't get it; he was just being considerate as he was known to like fucking around both ways quite often. He was definitely more "top" although I'd done him doggy several times. Sadly, we lost contact years ago.)
  9. I'm not particularly into scat, but I'm fucking someone's arse; if it happens I try not to be an arse hole (pun unintended) about it especially if the bottom seems genuinely apologetic about it.
  10. If you moved Sydney, by population, into the USA as one city, it would be either the 2nd or 3rd largest city...it's not that small when you think about it. Having some experience of both scenes, the grass tends to look greener on the other side...you tend to hear more of the US stuff simply because the total population of the USA is so much larger than Australia's overall.
  11. Another time, an Irish guy would come around and he'd bareback me when I used to bottom more. He'd let me fuck him but with a condom: even in a condom his arse was just perfect for my dick so I'd tolerate it. But he'd always complain at the start it hurt because condoms "hurt"; so eventually I would reach down, finger him a bit more, and take the rubber off and go in bare. So I'd fuck him, and as I was about to cum, I'd pull out, pretend to take the rubber off then and blow on his hole. Fun times.
  12. I reckon the videos are only "real" in that some AI tool didn't make them up; just because porn tends to attract bad acting -- after all most of the time people are there to watch the sex, not look for a good story -- or equally bad writing, doesn't mean there aren't good actors or good writers in the industry. Clearly these folks have figured out a type of porn that will make them revenue, and profit, so they put the effort in to cater to their audience. And you're a case in point: if the videos or scenarios look fake, you won't watch. And no view means no profit, the actors don't get paid, and even if the whole mob (producers, writers, actors etc) are doing it for art's sake, most artists (despite what they will tell you) have a deep seated desire for their art to be appreciated and unseen videos aren't appreciated.
  13. Jerry Springer - we need more drama, and the throwing of chairs! Honestly, he sounds like a bit too much for me; I'd probably distance myself from him. Or it could just be that the friendship was best left platonic, but what's done has been done.
  14. If we mean physically, getting the bottom to grip my dick with his arse just tight enough such that I can slip my head in and out of my foreskin; the feeling as I exit my foreskin into his bare, unprotected arse almost always makes me cum really quickly. I don't have a poz fetish (I"m not a chaser and don't actively seek out poz people, undetectable or otherwise) but when I used to fuck my undetectable poz friend (we'd fuck all the time when we lived in the same city), doing the above plus knowing that I was in a poz arse would always tip me over the edge. We dropped the condoms years before the studies came out that U=U; I'd resigned myself to being pozzed by him but it seems if we'd been in that study, then we'd have proven its point too.
  15. I would "accidentally" run out of condoms, and if my friend was high enough on pot, he'd beg me to fuck him but "not cum in him"...he'd always say he didn't like taking risks but he'd want me to cum in him by the end of it.
  16. Maybe he's not quite as naive as he seems, was meaning for the condom to break, and got nerves because of that.
  17. Back in the days when I'd bottom more, I knew a top who was into scat; he was basically a guaranteed fuck if he was available (he was always horny - didn't need Viagra - one of these guys who basically only needed to be barely alive to want sex). I'd just take a dump -- I wasn't into the complete scene -- and he'd come over and fuck me with his 8" dick.
  18. This reminds me of a time when I almost told a guy I was seeing not to use the same spoon to taste the soup as he'd just used...then realised we'd be french kissing, and I'd be rimming him out before fucking him bareback the night/day before; I told myself not to be so silly.
  19. If topping, generally 6 unless the bottom has something "obvious" (I don't have an STI/STD fetish); if bottom, which I rarely do these days, they have to be well-known to me and either on PREP or + but undetectable. I don't care if I "accidentally" get something like the clap, but I will get annoyed if the bottom knowingly has it and doesn't tell me... Basically if you'll bend over doggy style, I'll probably be willing to fuck you 🙂
  20. Considering someone's butt is basically the other end of the main intake of "foreign matter" into the digestive tract, it always amuses me that people think that diet has less affect on cleaning than it does; to me it just makes common sense. Also, I suspect there'd be a bunch of healthier men if they all ate as though they needed to be "regular" or "easily cleaned out" all the time...I imagine there's already studies on this question but there may not be.
  21. A white guy who was visiting the town I lived was in the sauna kind of singled me out; I'm not white - and I wondered why at first. Sucked me a bit, and so forth, and eventually we ended up in a room and I just mentioned something like, "It'd be nice to bb your arse..." not really thinking he'd take the bait but I really need to fire my imagination to blow by being given oral, and he just bent over, no questions asked and let me fuck him until I blew in him. I wish there were that kind of sauna where I am now. (It turned out that he was visiting the city from Vietnam and was really into asian looking guys)
  22. Yeah, I found it odd - his profile said he was on prep too (but profiles can say whatever they want really) - so it made no sense to me; but I checked that after he left. I hadn't cum for a week, though, and if I haven't for a while I do cum a lot so it's possible he didn't want it dripping in his pants on his drive back home. Oh well, next time if I visit, I just my keep my dick in him and see if I'm not too old to go for seconds.
  23. The only time I was in Club 80, I entered the Dark Room and it was honestly like being in the night of the living dead. Many, many years ago: I was less adventurous then; I left. I miss being in a place where you could just go, get into a dark room or place, and just blow your load (no "what do you look like", "asl", "why are you here" and other BS).
  24. Visiting another city, finally found a guy who wasn't a flake on Grindr; came over, sucked me off a bit and then bent over, doggy style and fucked him until I blew in his arse, Sadly, he didn't keep my load in him but I'd gotten what I wanted :)
  25. I don't believe I changed anything myself to disable recent profile visitors before logging in this morning. When I looked at another person's profile, I noticed that the "Recent Profile Visitors" sections was "Disabled" (with an Enable link). I looked at my own profile and it was "Disabled" so I "Enabled" it (by click the Enable link). It reappeared on other people's profile, as "Enabled". So I disabled it again (personally, I'm rather indifferent to the feature but that's not the subject of this post). So I disabled it on my profile again. But it's visible/enabled on everyone else's profile presumably. Unfortunately there isn't an easy way for me to verify this as "some other user with some other level/status". So I'm guessing if: The block feature where blocks can be enabled/disabled exists (it clearly does), but is it meant to be exposed, pun unintended, to us? If the "Recent Profile Visitors" block is disabled on one's own profile, should one be able to see it on someone else's profile? Am I seeing a glitch in the Matrix, so to speak? The more common way to say that is, have I noticed a (fleeting?) bug? Thanks. ps. thanks to the people who mod/run the site too; this isn't a complaint, it's just something that I've not noticed before and I've been around for quite a while.
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