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Everything posted by ConversionPiglet

  1. I wonder how does the author know this person is poz or are we assuming; or is this all a big game and the author knows who the top is after all?
  2. Just stumbled onto this hot video with one of the guys sporting a large bio-tat on his hairy abs. Stroking to it now; enjoy pigs. Fuck and another pig has a scorpion tat on his side...shit, sure glad I stumbled onto this hot video. SHIT!!!! condoms used (lost a massive hard-on) LOL http://www.myvidster.com/video/120012328/Manhole
  3. I wonder if it will cover the same smaller towns like craigslist did otherwise it won't be much help to us not located in some major city.
  4. Amateur videos are much more hotter and sexier anyway I find amateur videos much hotter then commercial porn anyway.
  5. This is why I don't pay for online video anything; I find it free or wait for someone to post it for free. Much more cheaper and safer then to deal with the bank and asking them to stop the charges and cancel and reissue a new card.
  6. I agree with freedom of speech and such and YES sir I do care about my health (thanks for asking). What I find disturbing is that you have been on this site for almost two months now, have followed numerous people on here and liked posts about "stopping prep" and now suddenly you seem have been overtaken by the need to save those on this site from themselves. Please take my advise, worry and take care of yourself. I am an adult and financially, physically, emotional and spiritually well-kept; I don't need some two-bit short-term self-righteous person that I will never met run or work my life. Thanks but at 46 years old, I think I am doing a good enough job doing it myself. Have a great and blessed Easter sir.
  7. I agree that one shouldn't promote or encourage someone to do something morally or legally wrong here or anywhere else; I have to wonder why are you still here then? You posted in a different thread (delete my account thread) that you were logging off and asked the owner of the website to delete your account (something that was well documented that can't nor won't be done). So why are you still here; do you wish to "stir" the pot or seeking something within yourself but still not mentally willing to accept that part of your desires?
  8. Former President Obama - Democrat
  9. Just looked at xtube and its full of half-working links and early 90's website graphics. Not sure but I have a major feeling the "dark web" will see a major uptick in activity to see, read and digest porn here soon.
  10. Just checked my favorite porn site "xtube" and it looks like horrible. The formatting "white screen" and small half-time non-working links is a major buzz kill for me.
  11. About eight years ago what I thought was a hot younger vers top black man turned out to be a total bottom that once we were done with our "experience" asked me to pay for a cab back to town (live 18 miles south of a city). He had just enough cash for the taxi ride down but no money to get back). Let's just say that was the one and only time with that guy.
  12. Well here comes the price gouge effect that without some quality insurance and/or financial assistance this drug will be out of the range for some people. Oh lets not all going dancing in the street either; I just read this, "...43 percent of the trial’s participants achieved HIV RNA suppression." So there is only a 43% chance of this new drug working in clinical trial patients...well in my mind that is fantastic news less your one of those fortunate few this new drug works on, the rest have a grim future still waiting for them.
  13. Huh?
  14. My living room in private
  15. Well....try antifreeze, motor oil, freon...spit with chew, etc; trust me anything you can put in a bottle maybe in those bottles.
  16. Okay, I am not sure if I should be offended or just annoyed with multiple false claims and stereotypes in this posting. As a former trucker of over 25 years, the days of meth-fueled driving is something that occurred back in like the 60-70's and maybe a bit into the 80's when trucking was regulated by the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) but since the early 90's when Congress overhauled the ICC and created a new government agency called the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA): FMCSA revamped the drivers license into a commercial driver's license (CDL) and mandated a stiffer drug/alcohol testing program. The drug-fueled trucker image at that point was slowing disappearing into history. In the last six years, I stopped driving and went into the office as a trucking company safety director/human resource officer for two companies which in total has 68 local and regional drivers. In the six years, numerous potential applicants have walked into my office looking for a job and I can say "zero" drivers have failed. The random testing rate which was set at 50% of the fleet drivers per quarter to be tested (out of them only one failed)...March 2017 for pot usage; ZERO drivers have failed for meth or cocaine usage. As proof of the steady to near zero drug usage in the trucking industry...FMCSA has lower the testing percentage from 50% to 25% of the drivers per quarter per company in October 2017 due to the overall industry-wide drug usage drop. (Sidebar: FMCSA queries random motor carriers and drug testing facilities to submit their drug/alcohol testing results yearly and will change the testing percentage if drug/alcohol usage increases). Pee bottles are not safe to drink!!! Minus the smell from a pee bottle sitting in the sun for gosh only knows how long and what else is in the pee itself should be enough to prevent anyone from touching or drinking them. The author I feel has misunderstood the illegal disposal of meth byproducts which are also found in plastic bottles on the side of the road. THESE DO NOT TOUCH!!! Both can be found on the side of the road but the only one can be touched, disposed of and "somewhat" safe for the environment. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop spreading false information about the truckers; the industry has some of the lowest drug usage rates of any motorist and NEVER EVER consume the liquids in a pee bottle. If anything pick them up and dispose of them properly; if I can myself I try running them over and breaking the bottle so the pee escapes or atleast evaporates so the road clean-up crew doesn't have the task of dealing with a fluid-filled pee bottle. AGAIN....DON'T DRINK the contents of the pee bottles PLEASE!!!!
  17. Well look at that...I guess I am dumb as a box of rocks and clearly can't read....lol. Thanks - update: and clearly can't type or take a few seconds to proofread what I just typed before I hit the enter button.
  18. Not sure if I am missing or overlooking as I don't see the new album in question.
  19. aebn.com see if that site will work for ya.
  20. Truly sad to see the place where I was introduced to Ms. Tina slam and spent four days with a hot AIDS daddy that heard me twisted desires to join him as poz breeder were made in the early 2000's...I have a heavy heart and it will be truly missed by this sick pig. LOL
  21. Okay you had me interested till.....1) the condoms were seen, and 2) cum was half-ass fed on the bottoms open mouth but go nowhere close to his open mouth. Final result: not interested although the older tatted up top was 4.5 stars out of 5 in my book.
  22. OMG...I tried watching the movie and actually lost any desire to surf the web and jack-off before heading to bed tonight. Thanks...lol
  23. Oh, I been there and never left. Stay long enough and you will pick up a scammer that makes you think that maybe love can be in the cards, in the long run, alienate you further away. Personally I agree, love is a joke not meant for some of us no matter what we do, say or alter in our lives.
  24. Nope; but I went to the baths in Chicago with the sole purpose of not turning away any poz man; dreamed to get knocked up. Met a clearly toxic man that offered to slam me and once flying I openned up with my dirty thoughts and the rest was history after four days of slamming and taking all pigs (he rounded him up including a poz lawyer friend in his office bathroom. Memories...what sweet and dirty memories.
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