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About CharlieInACave

  • Birthday 01/01/1972

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Adjusting to married life in the Philly area (Bucks/Mont) with my wonderful new, non-monogamous husband. We love to play together.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    I've been around the block. Hell, I've worn a path...
  • Porn Experience
    Does phone sex count?
  • Looking For
    Men in the Philadelphia area who are cool with a twofer

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  1. Phone sex, should count for something, lol

  2. I love using poppers for any sex, if I'm bottoming or fucking, including when I jerk off. They put me in a totally different headspace that is way beyond horned. I especially love taking a big hit of fresh poppers when I'm rimming a guy out, I just close my eyes and hallucinate I'm devouring his asshole.
  3. Sucking down 18 separate loads of cum at one sex party.
  4. Good question, great idea for a thread! As usual I agree with EQP, but....there IS such a thing as a hate-fuck. And I could easily hate-fuck Paul Ryan. Ditto Kris Kobach. Oh, and that new congressman, the one with the eye patch, from Texas, who was on SNL....he's way sexy. Although to be fair I don't know that I "hate" him. I hate his party, and his positions, but if he was trying to get liberals like me to like him a little bit by showing that he has a good sense of humor and can laugh at himself, then it totally worked. As far as celebrities, that's easy. Ryan Seacrest. He's such a tool I feel like I'm supposed to hate him but I've had a secret, guilty pleasure crush on him for years. I want to lick him where he....well, I want to lick him.
  5. Nice! Glad you both had fun with it!
  6. As usual I agree with EQP Do you guys shower together? WS is a lot less intimidating in the shower because if he gets grossed out, he can just wash off. Or, maybe start with holding his dick when he pisses, or vice versa. And maybe this will give you some courage ....remember that pretty much everything in life was, at one time or another, for all of us, the subject of saying "I kind of want to try _____ but I'm nervous". It could be anal sex, or kissing a boy, or sushi, or a roller coaster, or wearing sequins. Remember, life is for living. Good luck kiddo. Have fun.
  7. I think the only time I kicked a guy out was when he slapped me on the side of the head while I was sucking his dick. It wasn't too hard, but hard enough to startle me. He thought for some reason I'd be into being his bitch. I told him, hey, that wasn't cool. But I gave him another chance and went back to what I was doing. He did it again a couple minutes later and I stopped immediately and asked him to leave. It was one of those, oh hell no moments. I survived way too much on my journey to get to that point of being able to blow a guy in my apartment to end up the victim of some Diane Keaton dead at the end of Looking for Mr. Goodbar bullshit scene.
  8. So who is in my area who wants to play?
  9. OMG, I'm so glad I'm not the only one!
  10. This is one of the hottest threads I've seen here, imo. Personally I find it a huge turn on to fuck around with a guy in the bed he shares with his wife. It's the idea that it is so taboo that makes it such a turn on. It reminds me of a story....Somewhere out there is a legit (non porn haha) short story I read a while back, where the scene is a married woman arriving home, accompanied by a female friend. While they are making inane small talk, the wife goes into the bedroom and sees a man's wedding ring -- not her husband's-- on the nightstand. She doesn't let her friend catch on while she dies on the inside. Ugh! The moral of the story, for you young boys who are new to this, is when you go to a turn a trick at a guy's house, when you arrive take off your shoes and put your keys, sunglasses, wedding ring, Chap stick, WHATEVER, inside your shoe. Don't set anything down anywhere else. Everything goes in the shoes. That way, not only do you not leave anything behind (no evidence, and you don't lose your expensive watch) but you have the added benefit that if you get interrupted or he turns out to be a psychopath and you have to bolt, you can just grab your shoes and go and worst case scenario, you put them on at the bus stop. Take it from a tired old queen who, back in the day, used to turn more tricks than Houdini. You're welcome.
  11. Embarrassing but here goes...Lyle Waggoner. Opposite Lynda Carter on "Wonder Woman" in the 70s. I was just a little kid, but even at an early age he turned my head in that military uniform. Around the same time, Burt Reynolds, mostly because I remember seeing a picture of his bare ass (and the centerfold on the bearskin rug....mmmm.) Gregory Harrison on "Trapper John MD" because the man was just gorgeous, and we got to see him in the shower every Sunday night. Oh, and speaking of showers, Patrick Duffy. My favorite from the early 80s though was Darby Hinton in the awful B movie "Malibu Express". He was blonde, hairy and hunky. And last I saw him he still looked good!
  12. Whoa, I haven't heard that name in years, but YES good call! He was all kinds of hot!
  13. I know exactly where that is. I'll be in that area starting early June. I haven't been on here recently so I hope you're still looking. I'm cool with discreet, straight guys. No strings attached. I love servicing men, no reciprocation needed, I'm very oral, I love to suck and swallow. 46yo here. Are you still looking?
  14. I honestly wasn't sure what it would be like to watch my BF have sex with someone else, until we tried it. I hoped I wouldn't be jealous but the relationship was still new, and a polyamorous arrangement was new to me, so I was a little afraid jealousy would hit me uncontrollably. I remember looking over at him sucking another guy's cock and the second I saw that I was overcome with...love for him. What a relief! But seeing how much he loved dick (hey, he and I have a lot in common!) was more than just a sexual turn on, it was a romantic turn on too. Knowing that we would suck a lot of dick at that sex party, together and separate, and yet we would leave and go home together, made me love him even more.
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