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Everything posted by CharlieInACave

  1. I agree with all of the above! Well done. You make me feel like I'm right there next to you drooling over that straight guy dick. More story please!
  2. Whoa, memories...I remember this story from back in the day! I loved how the writer realistically captures that "mean girls" attitude that we've all witnessed in situations like this one. Now if only he had ostracized his timidity and cowardice enough to remonstrate his thesaurus; clearly the dude relies upon it like it's his paladin. ;-)
  3. Just to add on to what RawFuckr said....I think he's right, and I also am a believer that stomach acid kills HIV. I have swallowed literally thousands of loads of cum over the last 20 + years and have stayed neg.
  4. Fortunately for me,I've been on it for several weeks and have noticed zero side effects. I just have to point out, tho, the tragic humor of "Hey, gay boys! Here's a pill that will let you take it up the ass all you want without contracting HIV! Oh, and the major side effect is nasty diarrhea. Now go out and enjoy all that anal sex you'll be getting!" I mean, it's not really funny..,.which makes it hilarious.
  5. Anyone know of anything going on this weekend? I've got my favorite sex partner coming into Mpls this Saturday for a few days from the east coast and I'd love to show him a good time. He's also a nasty, versatile, BBing cum guzzling sex pig, like me, lol.
  6. Just want to say this sounds REALLY hot! I've only done a little cath play,, and never swapped piss like this. Damn I want to party with you guys haha. Also happy to see no one got all Debbie Downer talking about risks involved. Yeah, there are risks, but everything in life comes with risks. Thanks for the ideas guys.
  7. DAMN, sfr, you are equal parts adorable and sexy as all hell. I want to fuck you in half AND take you home to meet my mother. I'm loving this pic of you baby.
  8. I think that first sentence is what I want on my gravestone. The second and third sentence, i think i should get tattooed on my forehead Keep it up, Grayjoy. Cock sucker brotherhood.
  9. Wow, that's fantastic news. Thanks, hfYS. How can I get more information? Are you able to tell us where on social media we could look, or what to search for, to get the inside scoop? Would be a BLAST,
  10. And, I'm so sorry, where are my manners? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DARLING!
  11. I third it! The Mpls version of the baths...hmm, I'm stumped. The back men's room at the 90s? Did someone bring a bottle of poppers and a Donna Summer album to the bird sanctuary? Was someone walking around Loring Park in just a white towel? I give up. Please, do tell!
  12. Not too long ago, City Pages did a long form article about the raid (I guess you could call it that ) of the warehouse space. I'm sure if you do a Google search you'll find it. It was really informative, even going back into some of the history of the battle since the 80s of MPD vs. gay sex including the long shut down bath houses, ABS's, glory holes, and this group most recently. This city is full of stark contradictions, maybe even hypocrisy: a very politically liberal city that is deepy segregated, a very progressive metro area where driving while black is a death sentence and the killer goes free, a very GLBT friendly city in so many ways that is still very sexually repressed in a lot of ways. I love my city, even though I'm bitching about it. I love it. I'm just also sometimes embarrassed by it, which sucks, because I know how good it can be. Anyway (stepping off the soap box) back to sex, lol, when you guys find out where the cock suckers and butt fuckers are hangjng out these days, lemme know, I want to join!
  13. I knew this story was exceptional the first time I read it. But now that it's been a few months i know it's exceptional because I'll enjoy other stories, to get warmed up, then I always end up coming back to this one to jerk off too because few stories ive found make me cum as hard as this one does. Damn it's hot!
  14. I feel you Webster. Its the same for me...not really a problem having the cock there as much as it is the feeling of panic we get when we can't breathe. I curse the fact I was a smoker for so many years that i can hold my breath for, oh, about 3 seconds, hahaha.
  15. I have to agree with DB, esp the point that the top wants the faggot to gag on his cock. I think that like most things in life, the answer is somewhere in the middle. I've deep throated guys who LOVE hearing me gag because how could that NOT be an ego boost? "My dick is so big he can't even take it all!" Also, these guys love the physical sensation of a throat tight around their dicks. So, we shoukd try not to gag too often or else he's not going to get what he needs. Again, like DB says, if I'm the cock sucker, who gives a shit about whatfeels good to me? Ive had more than one bi guy tell me that deep fucking my throat is the closest thing to fucking a pussy, and that's a compliment. So i think some gagging, but mostly taking the cock as deep as he can shove it, is the right balance. Oh and for those of you who don't know, the gag reflex is VERY MUCH a state of mind. I promise you, if you think, "I'm going to choke!" then you WILL choke. It's very difficult, but get your head to a place where you don't panic, even if gagging is the body's natural response. Over come that. Pretend you are outside your own body, looking on. Pretend your throat is not you. You are just an observer. Whatever it takes, because it's mostly in your head.
  16. Only 207? Going into it I thought I'd end up clearing the board.
  17. I love the comments on this thread. I agree with so many of you guys: I fucking LOVE getting throat fucked. Just this morning i sucked off an alpha who wanted me to deep throat his cock. He was upnfront about it before we hooked up. He said clearly he was going to rape my throat like it's a cunt, and is that what i wanted, too? Yes yes YES it is!! He forced it deep, and called me "cunt throat" and I loved it. He said his wife will suck his dick but won't or can't deep throat it; that's why he likes getting head from faggots, he said, because he can really pound his cock into their throats. That sounds great to me, I thought! Her loss. He's got a nice dick.
  18. 1HH, you are without a doubt the most eloquent writer I've seen post in these forums. You do more than state your case; you make us feel what you feel.
  19. Good story. Good characters. Please, keep it up!
  20. I remember glory holes at the ABS at Hennepin and 9th, across from the Orpheum. That's going way back, probably 10+ years ago. I know the Twin Cities have a long history of push-pull politics on morality laws and private business...bathhouses once were the norm, then shut down...strip joints on Lake street...gay bars that came and went...book stores on University Ave that have been shut. Hell, it wasnt until this summer we could buy liquor on Sunday! Maybe i just need to set up my own GH in my garage and hope it takes off.
  21. The title ALONE gets me worked up!
  22. Hey S.C., I want to see if I'm reading this right because I might be seeing something the other guys are not. Do you want to change your cock sucking activity? Do you want to stop? If not, then I would say the same thing some of the other guys have said: have fun, enjoy it, don't be ashamed, because it sounds super hot. I'm a cum pig too. If I could quit my job andbe a full time cock sucker, I would. But when you say your cum craving scares you, and that it's out of control, I hear you saying you want help kicking the habit. If so, I would encourage you to go see a supportive, non judgmental therapist who works with behavioral addictions, especially sexual addiction. Behavioral addiction can be just as destructive as an addiction to alcohol or drugs, and it could be to ANYTHING. Some are more common than others, like addiction to gambling, stealing, sex, hair pulling, shopping. But others might be unique meaning you might be the only one around who is addicted to, say, carrying your teddy bear with you or clicking your pen. But if you can't control it, and you crave it, and it is interfering with the way you want to live your life, then you could have a problem with asdiction and only you can truly say if it's a problem. One person might want to quit drinking a 6 pack of beer a day while someone else might drink a 12 pack and not have consequences from it that interfere with his life. Only the one using the drug can say how much is too much, and when he wants help. I hope this is not the case for you and I'm over reacting. In that case, go eat all the cum you can get! But if you really are scared and want to quit or curtail the behavior but havent been able to, then don't be afraid to talk to a professional. I'm NOT a professional therapist but I know a lot about struggling with addiction so if you want to chat just hit me up..
  23. Mpls is a notoriously bad spot for finding glory holes. So this is a long shot but I haven't given up. Does anyone know of any current (summer 2017) actual glory holes in the Twin Cities? I've seen a few spots mentioned online over the years but they seem to be either out of date or bogus. Hungry cum pig here wants to provide relief for some horny men who need to bust a nut, and to get myself some protein. So it's a win-win.
  24. Wow....WOW. You are extremely creative. It's like you thought about how you could push the envelope further than any other story on this site, and so you came up with the Walt character. This story is sick-hot. It's beyond sick-hot. It makes sick-hot look boring. Well done sir. It's raunchy, perverted, reckless, even disgusting, and around here that's very high praise. You made me feel this story in my balls. I had multiple orgasms while jerking to this story, and I can't remember the last time I had multiple orgasms. Not like, I jerked off twice. I mean it like...I came and it was so hot I couldn't stop so I hit the poppers again, scrolled a few paragraphs, kept jerking, and came again. WOW. Bloody brilliant, man.
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