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Everything posted by Phallarchist

  1. Bukkake style, yes, with the right victim as the target of degradation. But I don't want a bunch of men just delivering free seed. The boy has to earn each load in turn. It would be a gang-bang with carefully targeted ejaculation.
  2. "Clean" is a perfectly normal shorthand for "free of STDs". The common phrase is "a clean bill of health". In reality, it's extremely common to acquire an HPV strain and have no idea that you carry it, but the general intent of limiting one's exposure to disease is thoroughly laudable. It's fortunately quite easy to skip over the "clean" sermons cluttering up the dating profiles of self-righteous bores, because they're all the same. I am thankful that I wasn't paying attention when the faggot clerisy formulated this point of orthodoxy. The testimonials and editorials must have been as interminable as the topic is trivial.
  3. Be young and beautiful? There's no replacement, I'm afraid. Suck service is a basic entitlement and easy to find. Supply radically outstrips demand, so you have to be exceptional somehow.
  4. No. Even if I didn't dislike the animal words and most of the vague and euphemistic terms that are current, "pig" seems to have connotations that are too expansive. I'm not polymorphously perverse. I like plenty of unsanitary acts, but they don't involve solid waste and I don't roll around in muck of any sort. I'm not interested in doing just anything with anyone or everything with everyone. Pigs are thought to be indiscriminate. I have nothing but strong preferences. Even so, I tend to think that I'm more likely to find compatibility with someone who considers himself "piggy" than otherwise. If you're with me, I will put what I want in your mouth and throat and you will suck and gulp it down. I don't think people who describe themselves as "pigs" have much scope to object to my emissions or the taste of rectum.
  5. It's sad to hear that they wasted these opportunities for true erotic love.
  6. The anus has no will. Its resistance is reflexive. I defeat it in order to further abuse the length of the terminal passage. The boy might or might not be able to relax somewhat. The struggle to stretch his rings open might be brief. He could also clamp down and try to make penetration difficult, because he is s a masochist and wants to be forced. Both approaches have advantages. Spicy variety and all that. I am a twisted male who puts boys to female (cunt) use and takes untoward pleasure in the difficulty my inappropriate intrusion causes. I do not use "top" as a sexual noun or verb and I have no real idea if "tops" in general are similar or dissimilar to me. My impression is that most habitual homosexual penetrators consider themselves sexual egalitarians and at least evince a concern for the comfort and pleasure of their receivers. I, on the other hand, seek to empower the phallus above all. I certainly appreciate and enjoy a sexually responsive cunt and the occasional spasm of a spontaneous prostate orgasm, but I am equally pleased to witness his suffering for my benefit. Self-sacrifice is a cardinal virtue for a receptive boy.
  7. Let the boy mount his best defence. The pleasure of forcing him open rivals that of completing inside him.
  8. I do like them much shorter. Rectum sex is awkward but the process is easier and feels more natural with a smaller boy. I want to push him around as necessary without feeling like I'm moving heavy furniture. I also like seeing my impact on him as I push deep into his little body. That said, an inordinate number of rather tall men want me to ram them hard. They're often sturdy and their cunts can take a beating. So it's not out of the question. As to masculinity: yes. Fat: no.
  9. Late abortions are rough and probably too complex for the average clinic. Five months seems like a good balance between being noticeably pregnant and reasonably convenient disposal.
  10. Was this kind of violence part of his sexual repertoire, or was he a simple domestic abuser?
  11. With normal urine, it would probably be a bad idea. If the men are constantly drinking lots of water and excreting relatively little waste, then it's probably fine. If you start to feel sick, go back to drinking plain water. I admire the mind that generated this proposal in any case.
  12. Post a picture? They'll come running in all likelihood.
  13. I certainly don't. Pissing in a faggot's face and making him swallow piss should be standard practice.
  14. I've had it, but it's not studied or approved my profile, etc. I had to go through several doctors to find one that would administer it.
  15. Yes, of course I would, but I might also be willing to trade it for a highly-effective vaccine against HPV. PrEP might be tolerable in the long term. Anogenital warts and the occasional cancer are not.
  16. Can you describe what he said more specifically? There are vast differences between, e.g., simple disgust, and an opinion that homosexual behavior should be illegal, and an express desire to hurt or kill homosexuals.
  17. [Deleted]
  18. That's several standard deviations above any reported norm I've seen, e.g. [think before following links] https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/health/sdut-penis-length-study-2015mar02-story.html%3f_amp=true Maybe one in a thousand online profiles I've seen actually requires 8" or more.
  19. Right, you can get those illnesses from anyone. If you're going to have any unprotected rectal penetration, that level of risk is unavoidable. The STD risk from cunts that get fucked by a lot of random men is added on top of that base rate. So, I consider @BreedingTop71's use of the word in context perfectly reasonable.
  20. I think he was referring to diseases made epidemic by promiscuity, not the rectal flora that everyone has.
  21. I think 14" was a rhetorical exaggeration. I don't think I've ever seen anyone demand more than 9".
  22. In fact, the most intense sexual pleasure I ever experienced as a receiver was from an enormous penis. If I were in the rectal-receptive habit, it would make perfect sense for me to pursue men with similarly massive genitalia and disfavor the rest. Concentrating on my enjoyment would be inappropriately selfish by my own standards, and I think I have too much reverence for other aspects of maleness to ever really adopt this policy, but it seems straightforwardly logical that many others would do.
  23. Urine is much safer than semen. I think most disease risk is hypothetical rather than clinically established. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.gmfa.org.uk/how-risky-is-watersports
  24. I don't know what's to learn besides cleaning your cunt. Get a boyfriend and he'll provide you loads continually. I can deliver several loads per day and I don't think I'm much out of the ordinary.
  25. The original poster also has this feature. I would think that thickness counts. If a man's pride had the dimensions of a typical beer can, I would certainly be impressed, though it would be well under average length. And practically speaking, a thick one is more likely to hit the prostate (or press on internal clitoral structures, depending on the cunt).
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