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Everything posted by hornycumslut91

  1. Please sir, please use this sissy faggot for your pleasure and men's pleasure.
  2. One load for 2020 so far.
  3. Honestly, I haven't given relationships much thought at all. First thing is that I live in Florida, where I have to disclose my status, makes it a bit difficult given people know so little about HIV. Even if I explain I'm undetectable, they still don't believe it. And given my current going and coming from work lifestyle, I'm not going to seek out a relationship anytime soon. I probably want some dick to tide me over. And honestly I know I love being a fucktoy, so I'll do that for a while. If someone is willing to let me be a cumdump, all the better, especially if they're whoring me out. But I am at the point in my life I'm not changing for anyone just to make them comfortable with me. I've already tried to do that and I've been burned.
  4. Hi, has any bottom fantasized about this happening, and is anyone living that?
  5. A pocket mirror would be useful if you're not like me and using a blindfold hood. Reasons why I wouldn't do this anywhere else but a bathhouse.
  6. I'd tell him I'm on my meds and I don't plan to be off them anytime soon. At this point in my life, I don't think it's my place to tell people what to do with their bodies and their life. If they want to catch HIV, despite the downsides, then they can go ahead and learn about it themselves.
  7. Pro tip, seems like a great conversation starter, or at the very least make things awkward with certain relatives you want to keep away.
  8. Yes, I definitely want to try this in a bathhouse, maybe tonight where I can't see the too fucking me and I can't hear him coming in.
  9. Fuck yesss!!!! Blindfold me and use me until you cum in my hole. Just leave me there for the next man to use my boypussy and dump another load in.
  10. Thank you sir for expressing how you'd treat us cumdumps and make us useful for you. This is exactly what I aspire to be and desire to be used in such a manner that befits my status as a fucktoy.
  11. Edgy modern art. Never thought I'd consider doing that to my prostate massager.
  12. This has been a question that has been in my head for a while now. I'm just curious why people like Trump and what do they see in him. I am also curious to see what if anything they don't like about him. The reason why I ask is because I don't like painting people with a wide brush and they have their reasons for supporting him, as odious as I think he is.
  13. I'd want to absorb the loads of the guys that fucked me, so I can feel them in me as I walk.
  14. That's the slippery slope when people decide stealthing is ok, especially if they don't see it as harmful because they want to nut in some boypussy/cunt/hole/ass. I think a simpler way for a top to see if the guy he's fucking wants to go raw is to just ask. You might never know, some bottoms want to feel a cock in them raw after feeling it wrapped. I thing it has to be reinforced that consent is sexy and consent to having sex raw is a part of sexual activity.
  15. Thank you!!! That is exactly how I feel about it, especially since I felt violated when I found out I was stealthed and ended up being pozzed as a result.
  16. First of all, the very fact a guy says he's using a condom and then takes it off to stealth a guy is not cool. Secondly, having sex in a bathhouse or orgy or you being gangbanged carries an increased risk of you catching something, something any of us who considers ourselves cum dumps would realise, but not guys who are having sex with men for the first time and exploring their sexuality. I was one of those guys who was having fun when I got stealthed in an orgy where guys were to use condoms. I know, big fucking mistake to think every guy would agree to do that. But the guy that fucked me without one did so without my permission, and therefore he's a sociopath. And you also validated my point about stealthing. It's not the bugchasers I worry about. It's those young men who were misled into having sex with someone who ends up changing their life dramatically. And for the record, I don't think stealthing in a bathhouse or darkroom is ok. But it's far more likely to happen.
  17. Exactly, I feel a top fucking me should be able to keep fucking me even if I cum before he does, especially if he is about to cum. I'd rather satisfy him knowing I was useful to pleasing him than him stopping because I came, if I did cum tho, I'd beg him to keep going.
  18. I couldn't have said it better.
  19. I prefer the top cumming in me. I love nothing more than to know I helped a guy get off using my hole to pleasure himself.
  20. As someone who was stealthed before, I'm going to say fuck no. It's one thing if you're with a bug chaser who's into it and begs you to knock him up. It's another to ruin someone's life and infect them without their permission. And if you think stealthing is cool, then you're a sociopath.
  21. Look, anyone who wants to vote Trump go ahead. I'm just saying that voting for a man who says one thing and does another is no friend of the LGBTQ community. And if you don't care about that, despite being a part of the community, then I don't know how you can stomach that.
  22. For me, voting Trump in 2020 is like asking me to kill myself. Do any of you care about the things he and Pence are doing to Ryan White? Or promoting discrimination against LGBT people? Trump and Pence don't give a fuck about any of you, more so you aren't straight and don't follow their agenda strictly. Why torture yourselves.
  23. Thank you sir!!! You're right that a faggots' only purpose is to please real men.
  24. Unfortunately, it ends too soon. I'm not sure that it's due to my inexperience, or I don't practice enough, but I do think it ends too quickly.
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