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Everything posted by onlyraw

  1. Fucking hot - great build up … can’t wait for the next chapter!
  2. Great story- especially for your first time looking forward to the next chapter - or your next story
  3. Hmm … interesting build up … looking forward to seeing where you are going with this….
  4. “It won’t just be a want, but a need.” a great line … and so true
  5. Looking forward to the next chapter we will be waiting for it as eagerly as our boy is waiting for his next fuck …
  6. Damn - would love to read another chapter (or 2…3….) to see where you take our boy just how depraved does he get does he get to top other cum dumps ? very hot story
  7. Hot …. Looking forward to the next chapter is our “top” going to end up naked on his knees next to his ex also buzzed down, collared, and caged begging to be used?
  8. I have never taken “PrEP” but over the last 26 years I have taken lots of different meds in my various drug “cocktails” (I guess you could say I am now taking Dovato straight up…. But I digress) - most of them had side effects… some not bad - some really nasty… but from talking to other guys I know that everyone tolerated their meds differently (but it is why every ad got a medication lists lots of possible side effects because they all have them - some common some rare - some more easily tolerated by some and some not) I know there are several different PrEP meds out there so I would talk to your dr about maybe trying a different one … see if you tolerate one of the others better or - just bottom for poz guys who are on meds and undetectable but in the end it is your choice
  9. Great writing… very hot story definitely looking forward to the next chapter…. and what happens on Ben’s next day of training…..
  10. I look at the “try and sell it myself” v “trading it in at the dealer” as what is my time worth? as I am still working full time I treasure my time off and don’t want to waste it getting aggravated by bargain hunters when I retire and have more time … maybe I will find it worth my while to spend the time selling it myself… but for now - the lower price and faster process is worth my time given time I could probably come up with an a comparison to looking for sex but Fiordland now I will leave it at that …,.😉
  11. Great next chapter … and and sweet at the same time…. Looking forward to the weekend….
  12. Very fucking hot story!
  13. I also fully agree we can only attempt to strive for “liberty and justice for all” if we very clearly live with the ballot over the bullet if we are going to denounce the actions of Jan. 6 - than we need to just as strongly denounce the actions of the shooter I to disagree with I think just about every aspect of what Mr Trump and his maga gang stands for But if we want to stop the maga gang it needs to be resoundingly at the ballot box in Nov
  14. Damn very hot story…. And love the last paragraph… especially the last line.
  15. Fascinating story….so “clinical”. And yet still fucking hot
  16. Great story…. I know it is “wrong” but for some reason I get really turned on by stories about “nice clean cut” types- who work for or volunteer for an HIV/AIDS group who are the ones who finally get their inner cum slut released and end up getting Pozzed
  17. What bugs me about people who vote for a third party candidate for president is they know that their candidate will not win I know the electoral college sucks- but it is the system we have and it means that a vote for any “progressive” candidate is in fact a vote for Trump and as for “should Biden bow out or not” every time a democrat says that to the press - it is a headline about that and not about Trump an his 2025 plan
  18. I’m in I’d be happy to fuck the hell out of him or if he wants to take his frustration out on me and fuck the hell out of me …. That is ok with me I just want to be helpful 😉
  19. Oh - how I would love to get a massage from him!
  20. I would add (I think it has been referenced elsewhere on here) read up on Project 2025 that should scare anyone into voting for Biden - no mater what I will admit that I was really worried after tge debate… but unless Biden goes willingly- AND with a carefully thought out succession plan in place … it would be a blood bath and while I am old enough to have stayed up late watching the old contested conventions and they were great television but we are not looking for great television…. We need to make sure that Trump is defeated so the Democrats need to get out of their circular firing squad and get behind the president and I get the press … this is really easy fun mastabatoty copy to write as they fantasize about who should or shouldn’t take over …. But if they care they should shut up too
  21. And also remember that even if you “fart out the cum” before you get home …. There are other stds out there you might be exposing your lover to i can remember onetime in my younger days tricking with this guy who turned out to have a partner he was living with… and the day after I noticed a bit of itching and discovered I had scabies …. of course I sent an email to the guy to let him know…, so careful as we may have been ( I think we even used a condom) …. He still had to have a difficult conversation with his partner
  22. Hopefully you have a dr you trust that you can talk to about this and for you- there is no wrong answer… what feels right for you As @BootmanLA said the side effects for PrEP are real …. As they are for any medication… but not everyone gets all of them. Most people don’t have any … or if they do just minor ones… and if you have a good dr … part of taking PrEP is follow up visits to monitor for possible side effects I have been on numerous cocktails since I converted in 1998 … and while I have changed meds over the years due to some side effects… my liver and kidneys are still fine there is also now a “morning after pill” that is supposed to be good for other STDs … So if you think you might give in at some point…. Go on PrEP and see how you deal with it … and you can still play “safe” with condoms if you want…. But if you slip and go bare one time …. You won’t have to beat yourself up remember - sex is supposed to be fun!!! go - play —-explore- enjoy
  23. This keeps getting better….. can’t wait to see where they are off to next …. Finally getting pozed? and will his dick stay free so he can get hard and cum? Ot is he going to get l locked up so all he has is his pussy?
  24. Question re Eagles Nest …. Did they do any remodeling/sprucing up with the new name? Or just put a new name on the door? Its been several years since I was at Club Baths and it had seen better days was glad when they moved cumunion to megaplex and so if you are looking for hot bb action I would pay attention to the cumunion schedule and not go to EN the night when cu is at the megaplex
  25. Oh - and the number for “the free chat line” is 605-475-3366 he said hoping he wasn’t breaking a rule by posting this number hope to chat with some of you guys on there ( would be nice to get some more barebackers on the line)
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