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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Just about every time I host, I’ll get at least one guy who asks if he can come and just watch. On the face of it, I’ve got no problem at all with a voyeur watching me being fucked by other men - an audience brings out the best in my sexual submission. The trouble is, I find that the majority of the Tops who will come out to enjoy some anon cunt at a hotel do not like being watched while they do it. The married guys, the shy and uncertain guys, the older gentleman with quaint and pleasant notions of decorum - they all need the privacy, discretion, and personal, individual one-on-one treatment I provide. I guess it’s why some of them keep coming back to me (maybe also the ass 😉 ). A voyeur lurking around would drive half of them off in an eyeblink. Those Tops that don’t mind usually end up expecting everyone present to get involved with the action in one way or another, in my experience, and if it doesn’t happen, they often become disgruntled or offended and take it personally. It can be a mood-killer. So my hard-and-fast rule now is, any man can come watch me get fucked, but he has to bring the Top with him, and they have to depart together unless he has made arrangements for additional Tops to follow soon after. He may not linger, and he may not watch someone with whom he has no prior agreement. But hey, if he brings his own Top, I don’t care what he does - he can come sit a foot in front of my face so he can stare deep into my eyes when I cum, for all I care. There are droves of bottoms who would like to take advantage of my courage to throw myself out there and attract Men for sex (and take free advantage of the hotel room I’m paying for) and ask me to “find some Tops for them”. The voyeur requests are exactly the same, and my advice to both is pretty much equally: Find uncommitted curious kinksters, or fondle friends.
  2. Strictly speaking, a man’s cock continues inward well past his balls and constitutes most of what one would call a taint, so those two fingers are technically helping out... 😉 I’m just teasing with you, there’s a totally different feeling when you can actually watch your whole cock suddenly swell all by itself, then start pumping on its own. I once had a hypnotist put me in trance so successfully that he was able to make me have a full-body ejaculating orgasm that shot over my head, with my arms and legs spread out. One thing that is on my please-I’ll-do-anything wish list is to be forced to ejaculate while in suspension bondage. I imagine that that orgasm, with my body already tensioned out, would be extremely intense. I just have to find a Top willing to fuck me in suspension.
  3. And your point is... ? Your post essentially said, “I’m not responsible for risk to anybody but myself, and I take precautions except when I don’t.” Okay, fine. Then it would be reasonable, don’t you agree, to expect you not to seek medical treatment at a hospital when you eventually catch the coronavirus? Those medical workers aren’t responsible for your risk, are they? Aren’t they responsible for looking after their own safety? Why should they try to keep someone like you from dying if it puts them at risk? I mean, you chose to roll the dice, so you should accept the consequences, right?
  4. My man, let me stop you there. You never ‘own’ your kids. If you have some notion that any child of yours is going to ‘belong to you’ like some sort of possession or pet, reality is going to smack you in the face like a dead mackerel. The entire purpose of childhood is for these very separate human beings to become independent of their parents, and when they hit their early teens they make no bones about it. Parenthood is one long stream of gradually letting go. (There’s also a fair amount of poop and puke involved... it’s unavoidable.) If you’re wanting something to carry around with you and dote on, try one of the small dog breeds like a terrier or a chihuahua. Not a Yorkie, though - the little brutes refuse to be toilet-trained.
  5. That’s wretched. There’s no need to rub your face in it. That’s intentionally demeaning. I’m furious just reading about it. And If he’d ‘wanted this for so long’, why didn’t he try to be friendly to you and just ask you instead of ambushing you in a darkroom? Was he trying to tell you he’d known for a long time you’d never consent to him, and he was determined to have you anyway? Reprehensible. Did you go together to the toilet at his suggestion, or did he follow you there? And did you feel coerced to allow it to happen the second time? How are things now at work? Is there any sign he’s revealed to anyone else what he did with you?
  6. Today I’m picketing in protest (virtually) about this issue. I’m wearing a big sandwich board with BOYCOTT BBRTS in big, bold black letters front and back. Not wearing anything else - too hot today. Good thing it’s virtual...
  7. I’m not unsympathetic to site owners doing what they have to do to keep their sites running and themselves out of legal jeopardy under the intolerable FOSTA/SESTA regulations - I fully understand the necessity, however onerous, of applying the censorship of word filters. What I have no sympathy for is the fact that in this case the restriction is applied to some persons and not to others, at the arbitrary whim of a single individual (and why, in any case, would a woman want to be monitoring traffic on a bareback hookup site primarily for gay men? Not that it matters; what matters is her poor treatment of paying customers). I have no sympathy for a business owner who holds his customers in such contempt that he feels free to answer their legitimate concerns with threats, condescension, and rudeness. The “Pigmaster” may have had no choice but to require action on text that could have drawn the attention of the authorities, but he did have a choice in how he could respond to his paying customer who went to the effort to reach out with a concern. He chose to respond in the most dismissive, disrespectful way possible. If he’ll treat me like that, I have no reason to think he’ll treat anyone else any different. That’s the deal here.
  8. **UPDATE** After a few days of mulling over the incident where the site monitor required me to change my username, I recalled something she said that made me think the process of deactivating my account wasn’t automatic - that she had to have done it herself, on her own initiative. So I ran a quick search to see if any other BBRTS members remained active with ‘wired’ in their usernames. I found nineteen usernames containing ‘wired’ still in use. Mine had apparently been chosen for action arbitrarily. I wrote a message to BBRTS Customer Support to lodge a complaint and express concern about the way their representative had treated me (a paying subscriber who had just taken out a six-month subscription) and about the obviously arbitrary and unfair way their word filter is being applied. I explained that my username wasn’t a throwaway handle like ‘btm762’, but a personal alias I use that identifies me across multiple platforms. My message was courteous and factual. I was surprised to receive the following reply directly from the BBRTS “Pigmaster”. I share it here in full, and unedited: ________ And I am going to give you 1 Chance to eliminated WIRED from your screne name. If you do not address this issue, your account will terminated for NON-COMPLIANCE and you will be banned from the site. FULL STOP. There is not discussion regarding this matter. ________________ That, gentlemen, is the true face of the way BBRTS regards its paying customers. How, then, must it look at the ones who use the site for free? Whether the Pigmaster knows it or not, it cost him $33.00 to send that short, discourteous reply over his own server. Because that is the amount of the next subscription that I will be god-damned before I send it to him. I’m not a troublemaker. I’ll comply with his tyrannical demand because I have no voice on BBRTS. But I have one here. I CALL UPON EVERY PERSON USING BBRTS TO BOYCOTT THE PLATFORM FOR ITS UNFAIR AND ARBITRARY PRACTICES, AND FOR ITS ABOMINABLE TREATMENT OF MEMBERS BY ITS MANAGEMENT. I CALL ON ALL SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS TO STOP SUBSCRIBING UNTIL CONDITIONS CHANGE. THEY WILL NOT CHANGE AS LONG AS WE TOLERATE THEM AND SUPPORT THEM WITH DOLLARS. WE MAY BE PIGS, BUT WE ARE NOT CATTLE! SPREAD THE WORD TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW ON THE PLATFORM - PROTECT THE MEMBERS FROM UNFAIR AND ARBITRARY ACTIONS! BOYCOTT BBRTS!
  9. I just received similar treatment on BBRTS just after shelling out for a six-month subscription. Except in my case, their word filter snagged my username, so one of their monitors took it upon herself to disable my account, and refused to reinstate me until I agreed to change it to something else because apparently the word ‘Wired’ is code for drug use. She also hung up on me the first time I talked to her. So I emailed a complaint about the way it was handled to their “friendly” Customer Support email, and to my surprise I received an answer directly from the “Pigmaster”. I will share his reply to me, a paying customer, here complete and unedited: ”And I am going to give you 1 Chance to eliminated WIRED from your screne name. If you do not address this issue, your account will terminated for NON-COMPLIANCE and you will be banned from the site. FULL STOP. There is not discussion regarding this matter.” I don’t know if he realized it, but it cost him $33.00 to send that message. Because I’ll be god damned before I pay for another subscription to that service.
  10. Nice one. I had not heard that before. I must add it to my collection. 🙂
  11. Note that jizzmboy, above, born the same year as me as it happens, while appearing to encourage you in a similar way, has actually written the diametrical opposite of what I told you. I don’t know him or anything about his family and am not here to analyze his or any other member’s choices, nor their reasons for wanting to have children. But to you, who are contemplating it, I would say this: If any part of your mind is contemplating bringing a child into this world with the thought of carnal involvement with that child, abandon the idea of having children. Doing something of that nature to your own child would make you, by society’s standards, a criminal. Starting a new life with the intent to despoil it aforethought would make you an abomination. In either case you would be much less than a man.
  12. @Sharp-edge - I married a woman and have two great kids (now in their early 20s) that we both love. The marriage lasted 17 years, and the end of it nearly destroyed me. I still love her very much, though it’s not returned beyond friendship. She was unhappy, and I let her go, under the pretense that I had discovered I was gay. Now, ‘pretense’ may seem like a puzzling choice of word from a cumdump actually trained to service men, but all of that happened after the marriage ended. Before that I was - and I remain - bisexual. Pay no attention to those who claim that there are no real bisexuals, just confused gays - I’m not confused in the least. I like sex with ladies just fine... in the context of a loving relationship. When it’s just a question of lust and appetite, I prefer men because they seem to enjoy the meal more, and there are fare fewer ... entanglements afterward. I’m telling you all this to say that you need not slot yourself into a category and vow to remain there forevermore. Like the vast majority of humans on this sphere, you probably fall somewhere on the sexual spectrum in between the two extremes of totally gay and totally straight, and it’s perfectly fine for you to have an interest in females - you’re just looking at a larger menu of possible relationships. Children, however. Children change the game completely. Once a child arrives, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve decided whether you’re gay or straight, because it’s not about you anymore and it won’t be about you again for another 20 years, at least. You’re not gay, you’re not straight, you’re Dad. And if you’re not ready for your life to devote your life to the support somebody else for a long while, my man, don’t even think about fucking a woman bare. Of course, there are other ways to interact in positive an nurturing ways with children, such as getting involved with nonprofit educational programs, parks, summer camps, etc., and should you end up finding a same-sex partner, you can always look into adoption if the pair of you feel it’s time for the commitment. Time - that’s the thing. You’ve still got some. Don’t rush, don’t panic, and above all spend an entire week with a 13-year-old before you make any rash decisions.
  13. Do you mean that you switched your primary contact method to Kik from BBRTS? Do you still rely on BBRTS for local hookups? Or something else?
  14. Seriously. There’s been a rash of this lately on my watch - I’m hosting, and make it plain that I’m hosting Tops, not bottoms, yet here they come, what I have come to think of as the Bottom Feeders. ”I don’t fuck, but I’d sure love to come eat those loads out of you.” Yeah, buddy. I bet you would. ”You’ve got four loads already? I’m jelly. I wanna come suck them out of you so bad.” Because then you won’t be such a jelly? Riiiight... “Your pics are hot. Can I come watch you get fucked and lick out all the loads when the Tops finish?” Nnnnope. What is it with these guys? I mean, I have zero problem accommodating a Top who enjoys eating ass - it’s guaranteed to make me his bitch faster than just about anything. I’m not one of those bottoms who takes a load and resorts to using a plug to make sure it never sees the light of day again. I’m never going to get greedy or selfish about loads, because they’re never mine to start with: They’re a part of the Top that remains a part of him even as it integrates its essence into my body. What remnant may come back out has already implanted in my body the qualities he wished to send with it. The transfer of Him into me takes place in the moment of insemination, the instant when he has marked me, the point after which I must always know that he seeded me and that can never be undone. So what, then, are all these Bottom Feeders so desperate for? I know some guys enjoy the taste of cum, but why assume I would be interested in having other bottoms attach themselves to my ass like lampreys? Why aren’t they out there finding their own Tops instead of trying to scavenge what Tops leave behind out of some other guy’s anus? Now, I do realize the general difficulty of doing it to oneself, and if a guy enjoys eating ass - not one of my preferences, I must confess - then naturally he needs a partner with a cummy hole. But it just seems to me that that’s something best developed in a setting of mutual give-and-take rather than someone simply offering to come dine off your body. It feels oddly cannibalistic to me. It’s probably just another one of those things I simply don’t get about some people, and I’m quite prepared not to be judgmental about it in the least, if they’ll just quit targeting my cunt. I’m here all week. Try the fish.
  15. ... I’m not sure I understand how you’re relating this to the topic, which is asking why guys who ask bottoms how many loads they have in them ask the question~?
  16. This is something I have never understood - how does someone get ‘used up’ sexually? Does he mean ‘used up’ like an empty bottle of ketchup that has only the dregs remaining in the bottom? Does he mean ‘used up’ in the sense of ‘overused’, like a sock worn so often it won’t stay up around your ankle? People have the weirdest notions when it comes to sex.
  17. Maybe he’s just being friendly because he thinks it means something else that you work in Receiving... What an opportunity - you could wear a big official name tag with “Receiving” on it in large letters and legitimately have visible advertising on you all day.
  18. Thursday nights have always worked best for me in Louisville (which is, frankly, not a very fuck-easy town). Here’s my thinking: On Friday nights, the work week has just ended, but guys are tired. Weariness competes with horniness, and by the time beer o’clock has passed, many decide to just hit the hay. Saturdays, which you would think would be prime hosting time, are the absolute worst. Nobody comes during the day because they’re out mowing the lawn, etc., and in the evening it’s time to cruise the clubs and bars for The Perfect Man. This exercise occupies them until the bars close, at which point they’ve either a) hooked up, b) gotten so drunk, stoned or high they can’t function, or c) head out looking for what they can get after 3am. Sundays aren’t great because Jesus is watching, even if they don’t give him a second thought the rest of the week. And many are busy with church and family. Mondays are no good; horniness has been largely purged at some point over the weekend and work has started for the week - it’s just not on their minds. Tuesdays are a repeat of Mondays, except anything stressful at work has followed them home and put them off their mood. Wednesdays see the first inklings of the return of horniness - it’s called “hump day” for more than one reason - but for many it’s also the night for mid-week church services. So... I slut on Thursdays whenever I can. Fridays are second choice. For me, hotel room money is too hard to come by to waste it on a Saturday.
  19. Is that the number of actual attendees at an event, or the number of men in your roster to call upon? It’s an amazing figure either way. What do you use for your hosting venue? And, do you get to have any fun yourself? Hosting a party can be a lot like work...
  20. Dude. Seriously? You want to drag out this particular necrothread now? Let’s just... not.
  21. The usual reply to that, of course, is “You can’t rape the willing.” If you wanted to be with them, do you refer to it as rape because of the violent nature of the sex, or because they forced you to do things you didn’t want to do with them even though you wanted them to fuck you in some other way? I ask this because you use the same word, rape, for both something men have done to you that you say you wouldn’t wish anyone to experience, and something that you were okay with men you wanted to be with doing to you. Elsewhere you have previously made reference to what happened to you as a child in terms of nonconsent. You have (I regret to say) a viewpoint based in experience that is therefore valuable, and I would like to better understand the distinctions you draw. To report that you have been raped several times by men speaks to either a special resilience or an uncommon mindset I would like to comprehend should I ever be in such a situation.
  22. From the way you describe yourself on here though, it sounds as if you go out of your way to make it obvious what you’re looking for and what you’ll do (for the minority that haven’t already had you 🙂). The OP originally asked why we make the choice to be men who let ourselves be used as a casual sexual outlet for other men, and the overwhelming response is that we don’t choose it, it’s simply what we are. Now I’m wondering, that being the case, just how obvious it is to other men that that’s what we are. Is it easy to hide, or does every man automatically know when a faggot enters the room? If there are unconscious “tells” that give us away, what are they? I can’t read body language or facial nuances, so I’d really like to know if I’m blaring out MALE CUNT every time I go out in public. It also extends the OP’s question to why do some men who self-identify as faggots choose (and this is a choice) to be very open and honest about it in spite of the potential stigma, and some choose to basically advertise the fact and give no fucks who knows what they do even though their public reputation will get savaged. I don’t think I could ever have taken it to your extent, though if the wrong (right?) sort of Men had found me in my early 20s my life might have taken a very different path...
  23. Really, from a practical perspective, no one gets accustomed to hard use, let alone skilled at taking it, unless he goes through it repeatedly. It’s no different than any other type of training. A Top does a bottom who wants this no favors by backing down at the first whimper. Of course seasoned, and especially physically powerful, Tops who relish this kind of unrestrained raw pleasure do have a measure of responsibility to prevent serious damage to the flesh they’re using. The danger they represent and the risk they pose is not unlike that of driving a high-performance vehicle at reckless speed, or giving a pet Bengal tiger the run of the house (not recommended). It’s easy to blame fantasist bottoms for spoiling making it difficult for those who can truly do this to find one another (I, for one, find them intensely annoying), but Tops who coddle them share equally in causing the problem. I agree with @Younameme above, that if a bottom insists he’s up for it and convinces the Top to fuck on that basis, then the Top should hold him to it regardless - that way the bottom will either learn to enjoy it or never ask for it again, and the Top will receive the promised reward either way.
  24. There was one man a few years ago, when the Louisville Bondage Club was active, who fixed his attention on me and made it his business to find out who I was, where I lived, where I worked, about my family, etc., and between club meets would drop me notes that said things like, “I wonder what your kids would think if they knew what you do up in Louisville at night?” He never openly threatened anything, but whenever he would arrive at the venue, he would make a beeline for me, and I would spend the rest of the evening with his hands all over every fucking square inch of my body, and if I happened to be bound, his fingers found their way straight into my holes for long, invasive explorations. He licked his lips a lot. I avoided him every chance I got, and he always seemed pissed if another Dom had me in use. He would hover around and never take his eyes off, and steal touches and nipple tweaks (which I hate) when he could. It all came to a head one slow evening when attendance was low - oh boy, he had me all to himself. He literally cornered me back against a table and spent what felt like an hour scrubbing out the whole inside of my mouth with a big sloppy tongue. Then he pushed me backward over the end of the table and held me so I couldn’t get my balance, and reached down and slipped off the leather jock I was wearing. It wasn’t that he hadn’t touched me there before - hell, fucking everybody had touched me there. But there was something about the way he did it, and the way he was pressing me down, the lurid gleam in his eyes in the dim light, and the way he kept licking his lips, that repulsed me. I did NOT want him to do anything to me, or give him anything. But there was no one else anywhere near, and he was fully clothed And I was naked, and couldn’t get leverage to push myself up, and he started working my cock in some strange way such that very quickly I realized desperately that he was going to make me shoot whether I wanted to or not. I tried to think of anything that would kill that feeling, but it was too late. In a few moments he must have felt my cock swell because I distinctly remember him pulling it out away from my body and pushing my chest back so I lay flat against the table with his open palm possessively on my taut belly. I came with his one hand holding my cock and his other hand spreading my cum onto my skin as it showered down on me. He rubbed in circles and swirls, and never stopped smiling. I felt ill. I have never felt so violated before or since, and I don’t like to think about it. The fact that I can share this much lurid detail about it here is because I remember every horrible moment of it vividly, and right this moment I feel filthy like I need to go take a shower. After that I got help from the club leaders, who banned the guy from the premises. He sent me a couple of notes that I ignored, and then he disappeared. I later learned that he was a low-level political operative for the Kentucky Republican Party. Family Values. @IntoBBvisitor - I admire you for meeting up with your guy, keeping your arrangements, and showing him that he had no power to make you ashamed of what you are, or fearful of him. I had a couple of high school terrors who tormented me with “fag” for four years - if one of them were to show up where I’m hosting one day, I’m not quite sure what I would do - especially if it were one of them in particular. It’s too bad, though, that you missed an opportunity - when he said, “I always knew what you were, surprise!” you could have said, “Yeah - I knew about you, too. Surprise!” 😉
  25. This is a very good question. We sometimes hear guys say things like “they knew before I did” that they were gay in general, or faggots in specific. I never knew why I got called a fag by guys in my high school even though I wasn’t even sexually aware - was I broadcasting something? I have no ‘gaydar’, but I do think I can often tell something by the nature of a man’s voice. Do you all think there are unconscious signals that broadcast “cumdump faggot” to those who are aware of them?
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