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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. That is referred to as “prostitution”, and is not permitted to be discussed on this site.
  2. Indeed. @LittleCumSewer, Tops that enjoy whoring out a bottom this way are few and far between, given the effort involved on their part with so little return that gives them personal benefit. Those who would do it without ever using you personally could only benefit via psychological gratification from a specific sense of control, and this has to be rare. How Would you say you’ve managed to attract the interest of multiple such uncommon Tops?
  3. @PlayfulPup - I take it you don’t recharge your phone very often... You’re right - those are nuts. The thing about the guy who wants to see Cats: The Movie is that not only does he not realize that the idea of fucking someone dressed up as a cat (poorly or otherwise) might give most men pause, but the fact that he betrays a horrible taste in entertainment puts him well into the Nope category. And on Christmas Eve to boot? With the last guy, who is fixated on the spotlessness of everyone else’s house, you have to wonder how piggy his pig play and how splashy his watersports actually get. Personally, I’m amused on BBRTS every time I look at the thumbnails of a guy’s cock picks next to the text reading “Touch for larger”.
  4. First of all, thank you for expanding on what you meant, though I can’t imagine that that viewpoint is going to make you popular with the Tops. As to the rest: Hilarious! Oh... That wasn’t a joke? I assumed it was, because otherwise you just spent a long post explaining that Tops are crap, only sissies that meet your personal criteria can call themselves sissies, all bottoms who give ass are no better than sex toys, and all cumdumps are cum-greedy automatons who give unchanging, ‘stagnant’ experiences. Plus, head, by your account is way more important than ass. I’m absolutely not a sissy, and don’t pretend to understand how that rolls, but I do get the sense that “sissy” for many guys is more a state of mind than a set of rules, and that any sissy who tried to tell other sissies they weren’t real sissies is apt to find himself with a major run in his pantyhose before 10pm. Bottoms “prove their worth” by sucking cock? No... they prove their worth as cocksuckers by sucking cock. Fellatio is only one skill in a bottom’s skillset. A triathlete who’s only exceptional at running isn’t going to be taking home any medals. Stagnant experiences? Pft. Not in my bed. There are no worthless Tops as far as I’m concerned, and every one of them that fucks me brings something new to the experience. For my part, I actively try to tailor every experience for the man with me in that moment so he gets the best fuck I can provide. When a guy spontaneously shouts, “Oh my God, it’s like fucking a cloud!” (actual quote) you know it’s not a stagnant experience. And there we have it, concisely in your own words, why your post reads like a joke even if you don’t realize it - not only do you not know the basics of giving good ass, you don’t even realize you don’t know. Now, don’t get me wrong - if head’s your thing then by all means do that. Always do what you’re best at. There are men who will seek you out for just that. But don’t get confused into thinking that everybody who isn’t plugged into your mouth is having lousy sex. We’re having great sex, lots and lots of it anal, and basically nobody is paying any attention to your categories and rules. But if the whole thing was a joke after all, thanks for the laugh.
  5. How are Tops different now than they once were, in your observation? If I understand you correctly to be saying that a Top should be satisfied with a bottom’s performance regardless of the quality of that performance, I couldn’t disagree more. There are lazy bottoms hardly worthy of the name who lie there like dead fish and then have the temerity to complain that a Top’s cock was under 8”. There are pushy bottoms who try to control the fuck. There are greedy bottoms who put performance pressure on a Top to get him to shoot quickly so they can move on to the next. There’s the whole parade of fantasists and pretenders whose eyes are bigger than their assholes and end up disappointing a Top when they can’t take it like they thought they could. It’s an odd statement to hear you make, because I would commend you for what you say before that - I would say you’re the Real Deal, a bottom who knows his weaknesses and his strengths, and refines his strengths into skills he can be proud to use. Similarly, I know that I’m not a good cocksucker, but I give great ass, so I work on developing my ass skills to better serve Tops. Tops are surrounded by a sea of bottoms - they can pick and choose. They don’t have to be content with mediocre ass or head, and any bottom who gives it to them shouldn’t expect a repeat - let alone thanks - if the Top finishes in him at all. I will qualify this with one exception: That of two loving partners in a committed relationship. In that case, yes, the Top should be satispied with the bottom’s performance, and vice versa, because the sex is at that point a deeper and greater expression than mere performance, an act of shared intimacy that both should cherish.
  6. “100% Vers”? Someone who says he’s a total Top and a total bottom? Or very confused... I get this from time to time, but I nip it in the bud pretty quickly by making it clear in no uncertain terms that I’m a total bottom serving Tops and I don’t offer services to other bottoms. My worst problem is guys who come in only wanting head after I’ve explained that I’m offering ass, or the occasional ones that just want to jack off onto my body and leave.
  7. Some hotels do not accept guests from within a given local distance, specifically to cut down on illicit use of their rooms. You may find a local hotel willing to give you a room; you may not. I could not get a room anywhere within my home county if I tried, even if I was reserving for a third party. As to the broader question – don’t get chatty. Keep it transactional, even though there’s no transaction in return for the act. Yes, anon is probably best. You’re not there to build relationships, you’re there to be used for fucking. (Important Note: If you’re not just there to be used for fucking, you’re not a cumdump and probably need to reconsider your approach.) As you say, being local means that you have a higher likelihood of finding someone you know in the room with you. In this case, my suggestion is to consider yourself in the role of a sexual therapist who has an ethical responsibility not to become personally involved with a client. Don’t suggest it, don’t offer to hang out. You seem surprised that the men you spend hours getting to know don’t progress to a ‘second round’. The thing is, they didn’t come in order to get to know you. They came to fuck you and be done. You’re the one who extends the encounter. You may find that the problem solves itself if you just stop talking. Let your ass speak for itself - if it’s good, they’ll be back.
  8. I believe “fuck the bitch without shame” is the correct way... Out of curiosity, what constitutes behaving like a whore? Some might argue that simply presenting oneself ass-up with the door open at the bathhouse is whore behavior - others might say the same just because a guy is facing the wall in the steam room (God knows I’ve had a line form for my cunt many a time from doing just that). What marks the difference for you? Passion? ‘Chemistry’ is too nebulous a term to be very useful for a cumdump who wants to improve his service.
  9. This ^ is a lot of why I serve, to ensure that every man has a chance to fuck. But even for that, no thanks are necessary for the use of my body. Do you thank an apple when you eat it? Do you thank the water you wash with? I provide a basic human need for as many as I can, and for some to whom it is otherwise denied. If my ass is as good as I’m told it is, then that must be because I was meant to give it to other men, and they to take it. No thanks is needed for simply using me as intended.
  10. ErosWired


    Do you mean that people find it weird that the two of you will both have sex with a third person at the same time, or weird that the two of you have sex with one another (if you do)?
  11. On occasion someone will say ‘thanks’ over their shoulder on their way out the door, but it’s almost invariably a young, inexperienced guy. There have been a couple of young Tops who have wanted to be especially courteous or even deferential to me beforehand, and when that happens I stop the proceedings then and there for a short tutorial on how a Top is expected to behave toward a cumdump. I’m the one who usually compliments and thanks the Top for rutting my cunt. Frankly, I dislike it if a Top is overly polite to me - it’s both uncomfortable and embarrassing. If he must say thanks, I hope he as least says, “Thanks, faggot.” But I would far rather have him slap me on the ass on the way out or just ignore me once he’s finished. That’s what feels right.
  12. This is an interesting viewpoint. To submit, as an intransitive verb, carries two senses: a) To yield oneself to the will or authority of another, and b) To permit oneself to be subjected to something. Here, @evilqueerpig (I’m not singling you out here, EQP, you’re just the example at hand) rejects the idea that the definition a) applies to him because he is as a masculine male and engages with partners willingly. The b) definition, however, suggests choice, i.e., willingness. The question, then, is whether @evilqueerpig or a man of like mind would agree that he “submits” under the second definition. I’m guessing the answer is No. I think that in this sexual context the idea of unequal power is baked-in, likely pushing at the back of the consciousness of even the most rational man: The strongest, the one who is the most male, is the one who inseminates. It’s this instinctual, inherited understanding that causes us to push against the idea of submitting, a)-style, to another man, or even in the sense of b) because of what it implies. I am similar to @evilqueerpig in that I am decidedly masculine. I don’t pretend to be female in any way. Yet I differ from him in that I believe my role is to submit fully to a greater masculinity than my own, one which I cannot compete against on its terms. Note that this thread asks us not whether we give ourselves to dominating Men, but simply to what depth we do it. To the greater masculine, in the natural order of things I am prey/sexual conquest. I submit to the insertion of his cock not just because I’m a fag or a sub or his bitch, but because it’s what I’m for. I take delight in submission because I’m masculine, and his fuck places us both in natural order.
  13. I have three or four young Tops who have used me multiple times each, and two or three more who have been repeats when I host. I don’t mind servicing them, and they definitely have an advantage in stamina, but I don’t actively seek them out. In fact, I currently have a (very flexible) cutoff lower age limit of 25. Why? Immaturity. Turning 18 doesn’t necessarily turn them into mature men - for some it just turns them into big, confused, frightened boys with strong drives and too much freedom to act on them. If I find I’m dealing with a young Top under 25, there’s going to be a little talking first so I can figure out where his head is about sex and sexual identity. Not a lot, just enough to know how to make sure he doesn’t leave full of guilt or trauma or - far, far worse - some crazy idea that he just fell in love with me (::shudder::). More directly to the OP’s question, I sonewhat avoid Tops younger than 25 because that’s getting into the range where I actually am old enough to be their father, and since I have a son of my own in that range it squicks me. I don’t do father/son roleplay and I really don’t like to be called ‘Daddy’. Honestly, I don’t really care how old any man is as long as he can get and stay hard enough to fuck me, has the confidence to enjoy doing it, and the emotional maturity to understand that it’s just a fuck. I serve any man who claims my ass, but if I could pick and choose, I would always choose aggressive Alphas, and you don’t find very many genuine Alphas (fully developed ones) among the younger 20s.
  14. I’m all about catering to a Top’s needs, but damn... that’s another level of humiliating. And creepy - assuming the person in the picture wouldn’t actually want to do it with him, it’s almost a kind of non-consensual rape-by-proxy of that person. Weird indeed.
  15. Why 1862? Other than the U.S. government imposing a brewery tax that year to help pay for the Civil War, did something significant happen that year especially to attract straight men to male holes?
  16. @nick9992 - I’m sorry this is causing you so much doubt and distress. Let’s talk for a minute about what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling it. Studies of human sexuality since the 1970s have demonstrated that sexual orientation isn’t either/or, gay/straight, but rather a spectrum that stretches between those two points, and every person falls somewhere along that spectrum with aspects of both orientations in varying proportions. That is, almost everyone is capable of at least a little same-sex attraction under the right conditions. Those who occupy the middle of the spectrum are true bisexuals. You may be one of these. Congratulations! You get to order off the full menu! The downside is that it can be confusing. Your orientation is at least partly genetically determined, but that isn’t the whole story. It’s clear from your narrative that your experiences while growing up without a masculine family role model likely added a psychological influence. The genetics you can’t do anything about; the psychology, to some degree, you can, with the aid of a therapist trained in sexual psychology. The upshot of all this is that what you’re feeling is a natural part of who you are, and that’s okay. There is mo shame in being who you are. Since you are in a committed relationship, however, it also means that while you may have the whole menu in front of you, you’re likely going to have to choose. Unless your girlfriend is a very uncommon sort of woman, if you value her and your relationship with her you are probably going to have to learn to accept your same-sex attraction but leave it as an unchosen option. Cheating on her will ultimately come to light (it always does) and you risk losing her as a result. If you feel that your same-sex interest cannot be denied, then you have a responsibility to tell her and allow her to make her own choice to stay or go. You will face this crossroads inevitably if you cannot leave your same-sex thoughts in the realm of fantasy. In my case, my wife chose to go. I let her go because her happiness was all I wanted, but I knew that I couldn’t leave my same-sex feelings without acting upon them. I like ladies just fine, but I have a duty to surrender my body To Men. I hope this helps a little, but in the end your decision will have to be a very personal one, and I wish you peace in making it.
  17. I said I wasn’t going to comment any further, but I feel it necessary to point out that the “patriot” pictured above is doubly in violation of the United States Code of Federal Regulations, 36.10 (the Flag Code), sect.176 (Respect for flag) subsect. (a) and (d). These state, respectively, that the Flag shall not be hung stars-down except as a signal of extreme danger to life and property; and that the Flag shall never be used as wearing apparel. These images of young jocks and Twinks-for-Trump (one of whom has the most vacant expression I have ever seen on a human being, as though there’s nobody at home in there at all) reflect a variation on the familiar “young, dumb and full of cum” stereotype - except in these cases, they’re young, dumb and full of shit.
  18. Dude. Don’t feed the troll. I know it’s aggravating, but he’s like Trump - a provocateur just posting this shit because he enjoys getting a rise out of people. Personally, I’m done responding to his drivel. He’s doing a fine job of destroying his own reputation here, without help from anyone else.
  19. You’re on the right track, but it isn’t the salt (tears contain salt of course, and saline solution is used for rinsing the eye) - it’s the sugars, acids and enzymes in cum that make it burn in the eye. Leaving it in the eye, for whatever reason, is inadvisable because the inflammation only continues to worsen until the cause of the irritation is removed.
  20. You’re right. That’s... definitely for a very targeted clientele. Talking of mpreg, I have these big marble eggs, and I’ve always thought I would like to experience a Dom Top making me take four or five of them in my hole and then make me “lay” them for his friends to watch. But then, I have no corresponding fantasy about a Top in a chicken suit, so go figure.
  21. No, but when I got my HIV diagnosis, the county sent a guy to my house to ask questions because they have to report it and so on, and when I told him I thought I probably got it at a gay campground, he was really interested, and left with all the travel information I could give him about the place for him and his partner. He didn’t try to hit on me or anything, but still, I thought, wtf, man...?
  22. No. Lincoln was very clear on this point. In late July 1862 Horace Greeley published an essay in the New York Tribune calling upon Lincoln to take a stance on slavery. Lincoln’s reply, printed in the Tribune on August 22, read, in part: "...If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that...." Your “Republican hero” was not a hero for the slaves; he wasn’t even an abolitionist. He was a calculating, practical politician willing to traffic in human freedom if it would preserve the Union. That is the fact, In the man’s own words, whether you like it or not.
  23. Sometimes if I’m at a place like a bathhouse or a camp or occasionally an Adult theater, I’ll get so involved in responding sexually to the Top using me that I’m not aware of other men - until suddenly there’ll be a murmur between a couple of them, unexpected and close: Mmm, take that fat cock, yeah... Or I’ll just notice a hint of movement out of the corner of my eye and see four faces clustered at the door of my bathhouse room, the moment after I just arched my back and came, loudly, as the Top astride me deep-fucked my cunt. Or the time at camp as I was being railed mercilessly in the dark on a picnic table when a man suddenly stepped up and put his glow-in-the-dark party necklet on the table so he and the dozen or so other men who had quietly gathered there could see the expressions on my face as I took that Alpha’s cock - I remember feeling helpless, knowing that all those eyes would see me in the daylight the next day and know that I was the one they had watched being cunted - and then the Top’s ability overwhelmed me and I realized they were about to watch me have a powerful, full-body orgasm under his control and there was nothing I could do about it. So I just let go and let my sex happen as though nobody were watching at all. It was one of the most fulfilling moments ever. I would take cock in front of an audience every time if I could.
  24. This statement reveals only that those whom you consider “liberals, socialists & progressives” have gotten inside your head and you cannot stop thinking about them. You cannot stop hating them, cannot stop obsessing about them. It doesn’t matter that Donald Trump has by voluminous evidence proven himself to be a callous, narcissistic, bigoted, misogynistic, corrupt, immoral, incompetent, lying sociopath - for you, he’s just a peg on which you hang your own coat of hate and intolerance. You only make yourself look ridiculous with such overblown praise for a fool. Do you even realize that that statement calls for the overthrow of the United States Constitution? I took an oath to uphold that Constitution and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. Your statement is not the statement of an American patriot, sir. It is not.
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