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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. The word stealth derives from Old English steal + th meaning “theft”. More broadly, it denotes slyness or deception. In any context, it expresses the idea of taking some action without the consent of the one acted upon. All you guys equivocating about how stealthing is sometimes wrong but sometimes okay - it’s always done without the consent of the person being stealthed, or it isn’t - by definition - stealthing. And since it’s done without consent, it’s sexual assault. You can’t paint it any other color. You don’t get to say a victim was ‘asking for it’ by putting himself in a situation where he might get pozzed, or entering a darkroom, or for taking anon loads, or for being naïve, or any of that other ridiculous victim-blaming shit, because nobody forces a stealther to stealth - that choice is 100% his own. Stealth means theft - the theft of another person’s right to refuse, and the possible theft of his health. It’s wrong 100% of the time, in every circumstance. I would even go so far as to say that in my view a superior Top would never think of stealthing - he would consider it beneath him, something only done by lesser men. It smacks of the behavior of intimidated males in a pack who have been denied reproductive rights by an Alpha male, surreptitiously slipping in to inseminate a bitch on the sly; even if successful, it still imparts no honor to the one who does it.
  2. I gather it’s done in order to ensure the best possible chance of getting HIV when subsequently fucked by a positive Top with a viral load. In other words, sheer unadulterated lunacy.
  3. That’s... odd. There are times when I get Tops who come in to inspect my ass before they invest a fuck in me, but I’ll almost always get at least a finger up my cunt to test how I feel inside. And plenty of times Tops will cut a fuck short because they don’t want to cum yet. But I haven’t experienced the noncommittal behavior you describe. Do you say anything to them while they’re doing this? Is it possible that you might be saying something or giving off some signal or vibe that makes them hesitate? You don’t have, like, a biohazard tattoo around your anus or something like that, do you? It might not be anything you’re doing at all - I’m just speculating.
  4. I’m disappointed in you. The things you post usually aren’t factually insupportable, demonstrably false, or fail a simple test of rational analysis. This is, and does. Moreover, assuming that by the undefined quality of “better” you mean “better at being President”, you cannot soundly make such a claim for two reasons: 1: Trump has, by any measure, demonstrated his unfitness and incapacity for the position (or indeed any position held in the public trust - as an Executive Branch civil servant for 30 years under multiple administrations I can state that with some authority), and 2: As none of the Democratic contenders have yet held the office, you have no basis for an equivalent comparison. Ironically, I could with greater accuracy say that a stick of butter would be a better president than Donald Trump, because at least a stick of butter would not end up betraying thousands of Kurdish allies to rape and ethnic slaughter.
  5. True, I haven’t had this performed on me, but what I have experienced - and what you will very likely experience if you go through with this - is an anal fissure. An anal fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue that lines the anus. This can happen just from passing a hard stool or from anal intercourse, so you can imagine how likely it would be from a brute scrubbing at it with a stiff brush. The pain from an anal fissure, I’m sorry to be able to report from personal experience, is excruciating to the point that a grown man would want to cry. It’s breath-stealing, like actively ripping your own flesh, to try to have even the smallest bowel movement. Shall I go on? Best not. I will only add that the surgery required to correct the anal fissure in my case set me back a bit. There’s that to factor into your decision as well. Seriously, man, I get that the scene sounds exciting, but think with the big head, not the little head. Give it a pass.
  6. Wait - If Democrat = Authoritarian, and Democrat = Liberal, therefore Liberal = Authoritarian, right? Hm. Let’s try again. If Republican = Libertarian (free from government control), and Liberal government policies provide greater latitude for individual choice, therefore Republican = Liberal, right? No, that’s wrong too. I’m afraid it looks like your whole argument is complete bilge. And the bit about the ovens? Tell that to the between 5,000 and 15,000 gays that Himmler put into the concentration camps. That was true insanity. And if you kid yourself that that could never happen again, you go right ahead and vote for Herr Trump - whose family name was originally the very German Drumpf. Sieg fucking Heil to the Chief.
  7. Except that their argument isn’t a valid defense for potentially infecting another person with a disease with malice aforethought. To argue that they know the victim is “dumb enough” simply marks them as callous and predatory for taking advantage of someone who’s vulnerable. To speculate that the victim is “probably” going to get pozzed eventually does not excuse a decision to then increase the likelihood of that happening by doing it themselves - they can’t see the future and have no way of knowing whether the victim would otherwise beat the odds if ethically-challenged scum like them didn’t intervene. If a stealther is, as you suggest, angry about being pozzed and wants to get even with the whole world by infecting other people so they have to be as miserable as him, that is all on him - his victims are in no way to blame for his maladjustment. But victim-blaming in stealthing is no different than victim-blaming in rape (and indeed, both are sexual assaults). You have a perpetrator guilty of wrongdoing, and a person upon whom that harm is committed. The offense is not accidental, but intentional. Had the perpetrator not made a conscious choice to take advantage of available circumstances to do the wrongful act, the harm would not have occurred. What the victim may or may not have said, worn, wanted, done, or not done is immaterial - at every instant the perpetrator has the choice to refrain from wrongdoing. At no point does the victim force the perpetrator’s action, regardless of how much the victim’s actions may temp him. In the end, the choice of wrong is the perpetrator’s alone. Was I pozzed by stealth? No idea. Maybe the guy knew his status, maybe he didn’t. What I do know is that my reaction to my fate isn’t to go out seeding disease into every vulnerable ass I can find - it’s to make double-damn-sure I’m safe for play. Nobody’s going to get pozzed because they played with me, and I am determined I will not give the Enemy Virus a chance to use my body to hurt anyone else. If that’s how one person can deal with nearly dying of AIDS, why should anyone have any tolerance for a stealther?
  8. @FaceLoad - Now that you mention it, it brings to mind a breeding I experienced a few months ago in which the Top had positioned me flat on my belly for deep penetration, but took time and effort to position his (extremely rigid) cock so that each outstroke pressed firmly against the rear side of my cunt, causing my cunt to pull outward along with his cock by friction. He fucked me that way from an upright position so that the tension pulling his cock downward ended up pulling my cunt upward, but looking back on it, I realize now that the entire arrangement had to have been entirely for his pleasure in enjoying the visual of his cock cunting me. He did, in the end, finish with an emphatically deep seeding, but your point about Tops craving visual confirmation of their prowess and their dominance over a bitch is well taken.
  9. It’s rare that I find a point of discord with your views, but while I take no issue with the question of prerogative, I might debate the notion that shooting out then pushing in serves the Top’s overall satisfaction in a way that could be considered “a good compromise”. The male is instinctively programmed to seek depth of penetration for ejaculation. That is not only reproductively optimal, but also an instinctive imperative rewarded by intense physical pleasure. Although I can understand that a Top might be of a mindset in which his desire to satisfy a different kind of dominant emotion might lead him to forego the sublime pleasure of his rightful climax deep within the cunt, I think it can only be considered a compromise in the negative context that he has sacrificed the ultimate for something lesser. The physical pleasure may be great, but still finally lacking that essential quality of deep release that takes him to Nirvana. And while it might be reproductively adequate, it is not reproductively excellent. I tend to remember Tops who are excellent fuckers - adequate fuckers, not so much. Yes, it’s their prerogative... but why do it?
  10. What we’re talking about here is you agreeing to allow an aggressive brutish stranger to immobilize you and then cause physical damage to the interior of your anorectal canal by abrading away skin and protective mucous membranes, causing pain, bleeding, and difficult bowel movements to follow, as well as opening up a raw vector for infection in one of the most bacteria-laden areas of your body. Why, again, did this strike you as being a good idea? Think it through. There is mo way you come out of that without some kind of regret. Surely there’s some other way for the two of you to get it on...
  11. Oh, I’m sorry - was this meant as a real question? IN, for fucksake, every slick, warm, white drop of it, deposited as deep as physics will permit. When I can feel a Top using all his strength to bury himself as deep inside me as possible and then holds that position suddenly, I know he’s allowed himself to enjoy a complete, unfettered, uninhibited release inside my body purely for his own satisfaction. That is Everything, in that one moment. I am marked, claimed, conquered, owned. How can squirting on my hole possibly compare to that?
  12. I’m afraid this is accurate. At this point Trump could be shown on national television at Mar-A-Lago eating a barbecued baby for lunch and his adherents would still support him. We cannot hope to persuade them. So we must outvote them.
  13. Definitely not extinct - though we often have a hard time convincing men that we really, really aren’t even a tiny bit vers. I spent a very frustrating day at the baths over the weekend having my cock manhandled by men who apparently hadn’t noticed my ass sticking up in the air.
  14. Just because you can’t answer the question is no reason to give up sex altogether! Get a sense of proportion, man!
  15. No one knows except my former Master, who is now a friend but not a FWB; and one friendly acquaintance in Louisville who occasionally fucks me and also dresses as a nun. Until I move on to a different phase in my life, this is probably for the best.
  16. Yeah, that pretty much covers the possibilities...
  17. To my (total bottom) eyes, the ad looks pretty good. The way you’ve written it does, however, raise two or three points of advice: As you’re doing this solo, don’t advertise that you will be blindfolded. That will prove impractical and introduce an unnecessary level of risk. If you intend this to be a group event, don’t say you will be taking anon loads. Men who want to fuck anonymously do not do so with groups of others, whom they might conceivably know. Plan to do the best you can to get the room door to close as fully as possible without latching. In my experience, if passing hotel staff see a door slightly ajar, they will open it rather than close it. So will certain types of curious passers-by. Door mechanisms vary, but my main go-to technique is a rubber wedge-shaped doorstop pressed against the inner base of the door. Two other possible considerations: Focus less on things going into you (“feed my hole”, etc.) and more on what the Tops are personally going to get out of it. And, try to tone down the “No this, no that” rhetoric - it may lead Tops to think you’re an unpleasant stickler and give the whole thing a pass. **If any of this fails to make sense, I wrote it immediately after a young Mexican finished brutally reaming me out with my own 9” dildo. He wanted to know if I had anything bigger...
  18. I’ve been finding lately that fucks seem to end too quickly for me - I almost always wish the Top has kept going. (I’m not counting premature ejaculators.) What about the rest of you? Do you find them too short, too long, or just about right for you?
  19. No one’s ever had to order me to swallow...
  20. I’ve thought a while about this one, and the one Top phrase that always gets inside my head is: ”Take it... Take it!” Because those words combine every truth about what’s taking place at that moment. He’s got me, he’s going to use me the way he wants for his exquisite pleasure, he’s going to fill me with his seed, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it except open up so he can penetrate even deeper. A man said that to me last CumUnion - hope I run into him again...
  21. I’m not quite sure I follow you here... are you saying that every guy who signs on to attend a cumdump party does so with the expectation that there will be security for the event? While I don’t argue that it’s a good idea, I question how universally it’s practiced - not every cumdump knows a handy wingman, and frankly, asking another guy to do all that work so that he can get fucked is a pretty big ask. Like I said, I don’t use the “party” feature as such, in part because I also serve Men who for whatever reason wish to remain discreet or anonymous. Having another guy at the door is a pretty sure way of making certain those anon guys don’t come forward. When you come right down to it, we’re talking about guys making a decision to go fuck a stranger along with a group of other strangers in an unfamiliar place. They’ve already assumed a suitcase full of risk just by deciding to participate.
  22. Duty is duty. If I agreed to service the first Top, that means I agreed to provide service, and I don’t back out on a commitment. If a gangbang is what’s going to fulfill that Top on this occasion, then a gangbang it will be. And it’s all good to me, as it would expand the number of men I’m able to serve. But sadly, it practically never happens...
  23. I’m not really relationship material, but even if I were, I don’t think I would find it good with another bottom. I am absolutely not one of those jealous or competitive bottoms, and it would be fantastic any time to welcome another bottom to a tandem fucking. But I have my personal basis for service and a personal style of seeking out men to serve that I don’t think lends itself to the kind of sport-fucking best played as a team.
  24. I regularly host door-open at hotels, and always have my QuickConnect ad up on BBRTS as well as Grindr and other apps while I do it. I don’t try to set up a “party” as such, knowing full well that attendance would be a fraction of those who might respond, but I do pretty well just the way I go about it. I don’t, however, ever have another guy tending the door - I never have. I’ve never had any trouble or any kind of incident other than one time when some young guy saw my hotel door slightly ajar and opened it to find me with my ass in the air with a dildo stretching it for fucking... and he bolted. He came back a couple of times to knock on the door and then run off, but that was that. I realize I make myself vulnerable when I do it. I’m not an idiot; I take precautions, I keep my head clear, I bring nothing of value, have means of self-defense at hand and I am not helpless - but I also know that there is always the possibility of being overpowered and have no choice but to endure what happens. The question I have is, how often do these things actually happen? How frequently does one run into a real-life situation such as @CuriousDallas‘ in which a rape gang barges in? How often is one actually confronted by a stranger who has decided to come find you simply because he wants to hurt you? How many men here have a true tale to tell of an encounter like this that went pear-shaped? The cautions are well taken, but I’d also like to have a sense of how real the danger is.
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