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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I was once pegged in a very public way by a crackerjack blonde woman who spared absolutely none of the power in her hips and had me gripping the bench to keep her from sending me over the edge of it with every “balls deep” thrust. She did this in front of a mirror to make sure I could see her dominating me, and she shouted, “This is public property!” to the dozen or so people watching. It was a very respectable fucking for someone born without a cock. But I can’t claim to have truly enjoyed it. I was never into FemDom anyway, but it struck me very vividly during that fuck that there was no connection between the object inside me and the person it was attached to. She couldn’t feel the sensation of the warmth, wetness and pleasure of being inside my body. I could feel nothing from the false cock embedded in me. When I host, I take my best dildo with me and leave it out in case Tops (or bottoms) want to use it on me. Sometimes they do, brutally. Even then, I can always feel their connection to the object through the grip of their hand as it becomes an extension of their desire to penetrate and probe me intimately - they are watching intently to see my every helpless reaction, sometimes inserting a finger alongside the dildo and tracing it around my stretched assring before resuming their frantic reaming. They are experiencing my body intimately and personally. A person with a strap-on, not so much, I think. But then, even after all this thinking about it, it could just be that I’m just not turned on by being fucked by women,,,
  2. I see what you did there. From time to time on here members have shared stories (some of them with the ring of truth, like this one) of bottoms who have found themselves unexpectedly discovered in the middle of being bred, and the thing that strikes me about these accounts is that the Tops, rather than reacting with embarrassment, sometimes either ignore the intrusion or double down on the fucking, holding the bottom firmly in place until the insemination is complete, regardless of who may be watching. It seems like another one of those mysteries of the Top mind that I don’t instinctively understand but fascinate me - what is the drive within the Top that places rutting that bottom higher in importance than everything else in that scenario? Just the overwhelming pleasure? The roaring appetite? The realization that those watching are seeing him in his virile, powerful, uncontrolled and uncontrollable masculinity, contrasted with the piece of fuckmeat beneath him? I don’t know. But I can’t help it - I yearn to be that piece of fuckmeat pinned down and cocked deep while a Man like that shines in glory over me.
  3. You should not hold his wedding ring to extort him for more sex. He almost certainly would not be into it the way he was the first time and you would likely be unhappy with the result. I would instead recommend texting him to let him know he has left his ring and is welcome to return for it at any time - without mentioning further play. That way you stand a stronger chance of leaving a positive impression with him as a guy he can trust for a discreet fuck.
  4. Honestly - thank God for the apps or I would never get fucked. I have zero cruising instinct and am utterly oblivious to anyone coming on to me. Of course it could also be that no one ever has, and I wouldn’t recognize it if it actually happened, but I think I would be clueless either way. I like to imagine there’s a sort of innocent-abroad charm about me that could be attractive, but it’s probably more likely that I come across to the average cruiser as simply a little too odd for fuckability. So, skipping the interpersonal minefield altogether in favor of casting a broad net, I put my best asset (ahem) forward in the app, be as brazen as I would never dare one-on-one, and take what comes along. It works for me because I’m not looking for a relationship - for me, the worst possible risk isn’t an STD, it’s some guy deciding he’s falling for me. Trust me, guy, I’m not the one you want.
  5. With respect, the words from your mouth are those above. By their plain language, they convey the opinion that every person who takes anon loads is a sociopath. If this was not your intent, I invite you to rephrase; otherwise I stand by my common-sense rebuttal, as you are clearly incorrect.
  6. Since you insist of doubling down on this absurd notion, let's take the time to be informed. The DSM-V actually currently doesn't have a separate listing for "sociopath", but sociopathy is diagnosed in the context of Antisocial Personality Disorder, the diagnostic features of which include: Significant impairments in personality functioning manifest by: Ego-centrism Self esteem derived from personal gain, power, or pleasure Goal-setting based on personal gratification Absence of prosocial internal standards Failure to conform to lawful or culturally normative ethical behavior Impairments in Empathy and Intimacy: Lack of concern for feelings, needs, or suffering of others Lack of remorse after hurting or mistreating another Incapable for mutually intimate relationships (exploitation is a primary means of relating to others, including by deceit and coercion) Use of dominance or intimidation to control others Antagonism, characterized by: Manipulation: Frequent use of subterfuge to influence, or control others; use of seduction, charm, glibness, or ingratiation to achieve one's ends. Deceitfulness: Dishonesty and fraudulence; misrepresentations of self; embellishment or fabrication when relating events Callousness; Lack of concern for feelings or problems of others; lack of guilt or remorse about the negative or harmful effects of one's own actions on others; aggression; sadism. Hostility: Persistent or frequent angry feelings; anger or irritability in response to minor slights and insults; mean, nasty, or vengeful Disinhibition, characterized by: Irresponsibility: Disregard for-and failure to honor-financial and other obligations or commitments; lack of respect for-and lack of follow through on-agreements and promises. Impulsivity: Acting on the spur of the moment in response to immediate stimuli; acting on a momentary basis without a plan or consideration of outcomes; difficulty establishing and following plans. Risk-taking: Engagement in dangerous, risky, and potentially self-damaging activities, unnecessarily and without regard for consequences; boredom proneness and thoughtless initiation of activities to counter boredom; lack of concern for one's limitations and denial of the reality of personal danger. You seem to be trying to make your case mainly on the argument of the traits of Impulsivity and Risk-Taking, but there's a great deal more to being a sociopath than that. Just because we take anon loads does not mean we are automatically cold, callous, unfeeling, remorseless liars and manipulators with thin skins who seek to control others by deceit and intimidation. Hardly. By this statement, do you mean that you have yourself been held in care because you were deemed to be a danger to yourself or others? Please do not feel under any obligation to answer that question; I only ask because it suggests the possibility that your view on this matter may be a case of self-projection onto others. Certainly we are all responsible for our own choices. I think you'll find, in reading the posts on these boards, that most men here accept responsibility for their choices without hesitation. The very fact that we do argues against sociopathy. Does impulsivity make someone a sociopath? Does risk-taking? Does self-destructive behavior? Absent the other factors, no. Just because someone has a tendency to make impulse purchases does not make him a sociopath. Just because a man jumps out of perfectly good airplanes with a parachute for fun does not make him a sociopath. And every person who drinks alcohol or eats red meat three times a week is doing something self-destructive, but they're not automatically sociopaths. I take anon loads. I'm responsible about it. I get tested beforehand to make sure I'm safe to play, and I get tested regularly to ensure I stay that way. If I catch something, I get it treated immediately and take myself out of circulation until I'm safe. Like you, I am HIV+, and in fact am a 5-year AIDS survivor, durably Undetectable for three years. I very much care about the safety, health and well-being of the men I serve. I am honest, ethical, and my personal satisfaction comes from the pleasure I am able to provide to others. I am not a sociopath by any definition. Your hypothesis therefore fails the empirical test.
  7. There’s a long-standing thread on this exact topic. Do a search on “celebrities” and I’m sure you’ll find the answers you’re looking for.
  8. Nope. You don’t get to cherry-pick two or three characteristics of a mental disorder and then broad-brush a whole class of people with it. That’s ridiculous. Try using the DSM-V diagnostic criteria and seeing how that applies to all of us. (It doesn’t.) Besides, your “quote” is absurd on its face - what gives you the wrongheaded notion that everyone who takes an anon load has a weak conscience and impaired impulse control? And what standard of judgment are you pulling out of your own ass that you think we should all conform to your standards for our sexuality? I’ll take a hard pass on that, thanks.
  9. In that scenario, the bottom is not the amazing feature. Just sayin’...
  10. Taking the statistics from the Rape Abuse & Incest National Network for 1999-2000, in that period, the incidence of completed rape on males 18 and over by a family member was approximately 121 - and the figure is almost certainly quite low because incest frequently goes unreported. (For children, the figure is north of 1,300.) That's nonconsensual cases. But why would consensual cases get reported at all? With an appetite of that magnitude out there on the part of those who would initiate incest on males, it would seem plausible that the number of consensual partners would exceed 6.
  11. I don't believe sociopath means what you think it means.
  12. Interesting. Given your experience, what is your perspective on the position of the blackmailer in this case? Is there any situation in which you believe we should find sympathy with someone who uses a form of coercion, however indirect, to acquire sexual favors? It could be argued that the blackmailer gives the person being blackmailed a choice of alternatives, and if that person makes the choice to comply with the blackmailer’s demands, then that choice becomes a form of positive consent. Having bullied guys into sexual acts in the past, could you ever envision a situation in which you might do so again, and how would you justify it? I ask these questions because this is another area of male power psychology that I understand poorly.
  13. I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Yes, it will probably help to use the plug as a means to get your hole accustom to something entering it. When he enters you, if you find it difficult or painful, bear down with the muscles in your ass as though you were having a bowel movement. This will open up the entryway. You should clean yourself out using a plain-water enema beforehand. Do a search on the forum here; there are some very good threads on the subject with instructions. Lubricate your hole with your choice of the commercially available lubes. Personally, I use simple coconut oil, but your options are many. As to position, I imagine that will be under the Top’s discretion. Lastly, consider alternatives to complying with the blackmail. Doing so can only place you more deeply into the blackmailer’s control, and his demands may not stop with your ass. Best of luck.
  14. I’m afraid that without sufficient information for us to judge the likelihood that your situation is genuine, you will find that most members here will assume that you are either a) attempting to pass off a very common fantasy as reality, or b) a troll. The trope of being forced by blackmail to take cock is so ubiquitous that anyone making such a claim would be immediately suspect, hence @lovetobefucked‘s reply. I have had such a fantasy myself many times. In the sense that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, I fear you will have to come up with some pretty convincing explanations if you want to be taken seriously.
  15. It’s best to know the limits of your own mind and body. You may be a genius in your field of work, yet have little defense in a contest of will with a mental practitioner. If your guy (and you better judgment) is telling you that as interesting as this may be it doesn’t sound like a good thing for you to do, listen to your gut. There are plenty of other ways to get sexually creative. And for goodness’ sake, forget about having any ‘awe’ about my ‘sexual sophistication’ - I’m just a submissive guy who crossed paths with a really twisted Dom and got converted into a total faggot. I’m not sexually sophisticated, I’ve just been fucked by enough men to populate a large village.
  16. @tallslenderguy and @BritBottom - Remember, hypnosis is the art of persuading you to do something that, at least on the subconscious level, you would have considered doing anyway. I have never been hypnotized to a point that I was not aware of the ‘tist (as they’re called), nor have I ever felt that I was not fully present in the events being constructed around me through suggestion. Quite to the contrary - the fact that another man could bring me to a violent hands-free orgasm with nothing but words (I still vividly remember being shocked by it) is proof that you can be very, very much in the moment. The difference is that a skilled ‘tist can lead you into shaping reality into something of your own making, just as real as the waking world. A master ‘tist may have the ability to persuade a subject that the apple he is looking at is actually blue, or that even though his eyes are wide open, he can see nothing at all. It is that level of suggestive control that becomes perilous. But again, you are always aware of the presence of the ‘tist in the equation, and as long as you never allow yourself to truly believe everything he tells you (and he will try to get you to do so) you should be able to pull yourself out if things go pear-shaped. It means a great deal to read this from you, because I constantly fear that my accounts of my sexual experiences read so much like something either made up or wildly exaggerated that no one will ever believe me, and think I’m just another fantasizing bottom fapping to bad porn in front of his laptop. I’m so conscious of this that I try to use the least expressive words I can to convey the events while still telling exactly what happened. All I can say is that my words are my confession, my outing of myself as a faggot, and the absolute truth as I know it to be. That you would take the trouble to let me know that you take me at my word means very much.
  17. Exactly. I think a lot of Tops are unaware of this side effect of poppers (or imagine their übercock is immune 🙄) so I’m on a crusade to educate them - at least the ones that encounter me. I even have a small pamphlet I designed with the title: About Poppers, and have it available whenever I host. (I know, that sounds a little over the top, but I’m sick of guys trying to penetrate me with noodles, for fucksake.)
  18. If you want it, go get it - but go in with your eyes wide open. This is what you face: 1. You will get STDs. Likely more than once, likely more than one at the same time. You must be checked regularly for them or whenever you have symptoms, because a) they can seriously damage your body if you don’t, and b) as a cumdump you have an increased responsibility to ensure that you are not a spreader of disease. 2. If you do not get on PrEP, you will get HIV. At the volume of fucking you will take as a receptive anal partner, without PrEP it becomes a mathematical certainty over time. Should that happen, you will suffer body changes even if you do begin ART treatment, and if you don’t, you will die. That, too, is certain. Ignore all the utter nonsense you may read on here about trying to get pozzed and going off meds - there is much more to your life than becoming a cumdump, and if you’re going to do it all, you’re going to have to make smart choices to protect your body. 3. Mental and physical aspects of your sexuality may change, may change in ways that will be difficult or impossible to reverse, and may not be what you want. In my experience and that of others, the practice of taking cock serially, in large numbers, has led to a constantly increasing need for more cock in order to achieve the same level of satisfaction, and a steady decrease in the length of time a single fuck will satiate us. This has all the characteristics of an addiction. Eventually the math will catch up with us - we will discover that even if we could somehow find Tops to fuck us nonstop around the clock, there still would not be enough to quell our deep need for more and more. Beware of letting this go too far with you. 4. You may find that the way other men regard you will change, as your status becomes generally known, and it must become generally known if you are to be successful at it. Be very sure you are ready to find that some other men may show that they feel superior to you, or think you are a dirty, immoral, or wanton person. 5. Understand and be ready for verbal and physical abuse. Some men will take you no-refusal cumdump status as license to act out their worst instincts on you, or fail to control their sexual impulsed - and men can be both powerful and dangerous. Accepting all cocks doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared to defend yourself. 6. Realize that “No cock refused” means you agree to be penetrated by men who may be elder, infirm, disabled, physically repulsive to you, unclean, barely old enough to legally fuck you, or objectionable to you for any number of reasons. If you make the claim that you will turn no cock away, you must be prepared to honor that commitment as a part of a greater community of cumdumps - if one of us makes the claim and then breaks faith, Tops will soon cease to believe the rest of us. Be very, very sure you’re ready for what may pass through your door. I can’t deny that it’s exhilarating waiting for that next Top to enter and rut my slit and know that every one who does makes it ever more obvious that I’ve become a faggot cunt for the cock and seed of real Men, that they’ve cunted me completely, and that there’s no going back. I’m so far down now that there’s not even any point in shame. Make sure this is really what you want. Then jump.
  19. I’m getting different strategies suggested by different guys here. @CuriousDallas above indicates that he acts as though he doesn’t want rough play in order to attract those kind of Tops; @ChainedBoy above says he makes his preference known up front with mixed results; and here, @CumBustion suggests teasing the Top and challenging him to treat you roughly, making it known it’s okay. So, tell them, don’t tell them, throw hints at them - I see the ups and downs of each strategy, but not which is most effective in actually getting violently fucked. And more importantly, no one has really addressed the key question yet, which is: Where does a guy go to find Tops who enjoy fucking the hell out of bottoms? There was the one suggestion of Recon, but I’m sure not everyone here who’s getting pile-driven has to go to Recon for it. So where do you find them? Where do they gather, lurk, hunt? And, critically, how do you know one when you find one?
  20. There - that’s what I’m talking about, what I’m trying to find, along with the addition that the Top takes it for granted that he can fuck me with abandon, throw his whole sexual self into it, Dominate me, hate-fuck me, cock me down, own me - whether it’s simply all about him, or whether he wants to show me how a Man fucks a faggot.
  21. This resonates with me. When I’m hotel hosting, lying on the bed naked and cunt-wet for a Man who has confirmed that he’s coming to fuck me, I’ll find myself thinking, “He’s coming. A man I have never met is on his way here to penetrate me with his cock and fuck me until he releases his semen inside my body. I just agreed to this, and he’s coming right now. I can’t stop this from happening now - he’s going to fuck me.” Then I’ll get a text from the Top saying something like “Here” or “Getting out of the car” and I feel a flush over my skin, and I think, “He’s about to touch me there all he wants and then be inside me...” And then the door opens, and it all actually happens, reinforcing my anticipation for the next time. I’m pretty sure something not so good is happening or has happened to my reward pathways in my brain to make me willingly and gratefully accept my cunting by scores of men - and I’ve reached a stage where I don’t care. That sounds something like addiction to me. Maybe I’ll hit some kind of bottom eventually where I realize that no amount of rutting in my fevered slit can meet my need, but until such time, I’m a slave to the moment.
  22. It does - and that is the reason Kink . Com has an entire channel devoted to wrestling in which the loser gets punish-fucked. In fact, your scenario is far easier to understand than that of an Total Top/Alpha/Dom and a total bottom/cumdump/faggot, which seems to be a very differently motivated scenario for both participants. It’s that kind of fucking I was originally asking about, because that’s the kind I would be involved in, though your explanation I think really helps define the parameters of the conversation,
  23. No. We cannot skip that step. I feel comfortable saying that I speak for the cumdump population at large...
  24. @Marlarbar - Excellent explanation! Merci beaucoup!
  25. Okay, this is where it all starts to get confusing for me. So you’re a Top and you’ve got a bottom you’re going to fuck, and that’s the way it’s going to be, right, because you sure as hell aren’t going to let yourself get overpowered and fucked by a faggot, yes? And the bottom wants to be fucked. But you’re saying that in order for it all to work, you have to have a physical struggle between you which you are going to pretend is a “fair fight” that he has a chance of winning, and he’s going to pretend that he doesn’t want you to dominate him. And you both know it’s all a sham, but you want him to hit you back anyway. So, why do you think you need the stimulus of the faux struggle, rather than simply relishing the opportunity you have to fuck him as violently as you want without meaningful resistance? Is there a difference between the brutal fucking a faggot gets when he’s been legitimately overpowered by a superior Man, and the kind of brutal fucking a faggot gets from Top showing him his true place among Men?
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