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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Sounding. I’ve done a fair amount of it, including electro, and more often had it done to me. There’s a lot to know, but the place to start is knowing what not to do. First: Your urethra from your bladder to your cockhead is normally sterile and resistant to bacterial infection - but not if you manually infect it with bacteria. In the usual perverse way we have of insisting on shoving things the wrong way up our holes, sounding defeats the one-way design of the urinary tract by, for instance, with deep sounding, breaching the vesicoureteral valve that keeps urine from flowing backward into the bladder. The lining of the urethra is also delicate and easily injured by both physical and chemical assault, making it then even more susceptible to infection. A urinary tract infection is a nasty business. Safest practices in sounding involve ensuring that the sounds themselves are absolutely sterile before use, wearing gloves in handling, and scrupulous avoidance of cross-contamination of your lubrication. True sounds are themselves medical devices intended for widening a narrow urethra, especially to facilitate the passage of kidney stones. There are different types, some straight, some curved, some with a bulb on the end (‘rosebud’ sounds, the type I have), but what they all have in common is that that they are all super-smooth polished steel with no imperfections or pores that could harbor contamination. You’ve got more plumbing down there than you think - my rosebud sounds are 13” long from the tip of the bud to the beginning of the handle. My erect cock is just over 7”. My sounds sink into me until the beginning of the handle comes to rest on my slit. Do the math. In the images above, the OP uses a device that is not a true sound and which I would never consider letting invade my cock - the piece with the many articulated links that allow it to bend has far, far too many places where bacteria can hide, and would be extremely difficult to thoroughly sterilize between uses. Each to his own, and only you can determine what level of personal risk you’re comfortable with, but I would probably avoid that one. (If given a choice.) Never, ever force a sound into your body. Lay back, straighten out the plumbing, trust the lube, and let gravity do the rest. If something hurts, stop. It shouldn’t hurt unless you’re intentionally stretching, and then it shouldn’t be any sharp pain. Blood is a bad sign. Afterward, it may burn when you pee. It may burn a good deal. When you dance, you pay the piper. When you sound with lube that’s been laced with Icy-Hot or chili powder by a sadist who amused himself by not warning you, it may burn like a fucking house on fire whether you pee or not. Been there, done that. Not recommended. Electrifying your sounds introduces a whole other set of risks and precautions, but that’s a different tutorial.
  2. Ooh! A chemist! Nobody’s deviant like a chemist. 😈 Perhaps you could explain (in layman’s terms) which of the formulations we might expect to be more volatile, in terms of both how quickly they lose their potency, and whether it has any bearing on their effect? I gather that the principal difference has something to do with the number of carbon atoms, but also the number of hydrogen atoms: isopropyl - C3H5NO2 isobutyl - C4H9NO2 cyclopentyl - C5H9NO2 isopentyl(isoamyl) - C5H11NO2 cyclohexyl - C6H11NO2
  3. That’s a perfectly valid comparison. Both substances are ingested as inhalants. The only difference is that sniffing glue won’t loosen your anus for cock. I would never sniff glue because, being glue, I’d be afraid it might glue my cunt shut instead. Note to self: Don’t sniff glue.
  4. This should be emphasized, though a distinction might be drawn between addiction and dependence in clinical terms. Dependence refers to physical dependence on a substance, and is associated with symptoms of substance tolerance and withdrawal. In this sense, it would be more accurate to say that there is no evidence of poppers causing dependence as there does not appear to be a development of tolerance to their effect* nor any withdrawal syndrome related to cessation. Addiction refers clinically to a mental, and consequently behavioral, compulsion in which use of a substance is a conditioned response to an event or feeling. These triggers generate biochemical changes in a person’s brain that strongly influence behavior that can be irrational and self-destructive. Addiction, in this sense, can occur if a person is essentially self-medicating with sugar, or it can also lead to true chemical dependence if that person chooses to seek relief with meth or heroin. You can be addicted to chocolate, but you’re not going to develop a dependence for it. Persons with a family history of addiction are statistically at higher risk of developing an addiction, at I believe something like a 50% incidence (I’ll have to go back and hunt down that study to confirm, but you can Google such info). This is because addiction and dependence are believed to be significantly influenced by genetics as well as environmental and psychological factors, on top of the dependence-inducing properties of some substances. It’s worth noting that the reference manual for the discipline of psychiatry, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - Fifth Edition (DSM-V), reflects this distinction in terms by lumping all such compulsions under the category of Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders, with subcategories for Substance Use Disorder and non-substance-related conditions like Gambling Disorder. Though not currently listed, active consideration is being given to whether issues such as compulsive sexual behavior or excessive internet gaming may constitute formal disorders. *It would not, however, surprise me at all if some men who use poppers to ridiculous excess - like, for instance, taking every hit on an “Extreme Faggotmaker Challenge” ‘popper-trainer’ video that lasts an hour and demands 50 hits at 10 seconds each (not an actual vid as far as I know, but such things are out there) - get to the point where their body has gotten conditioned to the stuff and just doesn’t respond as sharply. Anything in excess will dull your senses.
  5. I have been intoxicated exactly once. I did it intentionally, in order to have a frame of experiential reference. When I lived in Boston, I asked a friend of mine (who was well acquainted with spiritous beverages) to take me to a nearby bar any ply me with whatever was required to get me drunk. Whatever they were, she gave me three of them. Before I went, I took a handwriting sample for comparison with one to be taken when I had reached the target state of inebriation. I took notes. In hindsight, as I approached the entire effort much as a science experiment, I suppose I may have been the most unentertaining drunk ever. The result was that I felt a bit dizzy, the handwriting was marginally inaccurate, and I concluded the affair with no better understanding of why people do it than when I started, so I found no reason to ever do it again. Besides, everything alcoholic I’ve ever put in my mouth tastes vile. What’s wine? Rotten grape juice, essentially. Bourbon? Rotten corn juice. Sake? Rotten rice water. Mezcal? Rotten agave juice with a worm in it. See the pattern developing there? Bleh. At least you don’t taste poppers. Well, best not. Drinking them makes your blood unable to carry enough oxygen and then ☠️
  6. You don’t need to have any negative feeling about not using substances. Especially if you’re aware that you may be at higher risk of addiction, you’re playing it smart to stay away from a lifestyle that could lead you there. Poppers themselves, however, are not addictive. Aside from poppers, I do not use any substance, and I don’t use poppers the way many guys do - I don’t use them for pleasure, or to get a rush or to feel slutty (got that covered) - I use them judiciously to keep my cunt open and receptive so I can give Tops my best service. For me, they’re not a recreational drug, they’re a pharmaceutical with a use. Frankly, if you take cock the way you like just fine without them, I’d say don’t bother with them. Sex is much better when your head’s in the game. Plus, if you don’t have any, then the Top can’t ask you for a snort of them and then go limp as a noodle because he thinks he’s somehow immune to that effect. It drives me crazy.
  7. Are you thinking of cyclohexyl? I’ve heard of that being a popper ingredient, but I haven’t actually encountered it. I can’t find any reference to cyclopropyl nitrite in this context, and have never seen any mention of it in association with the amyl nitrites used in this way, and haven’t seen any mention of it in any of the various information sources I’ve consulted specifically about poppers. I’m certainly not a chemist, though; perhaps someone else on here can enlighten us further.
  8. Since this thread has resurfaced, it seems like a good place to post a link to an excellent article about where poppers actually come from: [think before following links] https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/davidmack/poppers-factory Interesting stuff. Possibly the most interesting part of it is that regardless of what’s on the label, the contents of the bottle are the same product. Isobutyl nitrite = isobutyl nitrite. There aren’t different kinds of isobutyl nitrite. There aren’t different strengths of isobutyl nitrite. You can add things to it to give it an odor (like the Double Scorpio formulations) but the active ingredient is exactly the same, and sometimes the bottle of Rush gets filled by the same machine that just filled bottles that had Iron Horse labels put on them. It’s all about marketing - they can take two identical bottles, label one as Jungle Juice and the other as Jungle Juice Black Label, and the customer will pay more for the second bottle. And yes, I’m afraid we do. Apparently, the little brown bottle you just dropped $20 to get costs $1 to make. It’s sold to a distributor for around $5, who sells it to a retailer for around $7, who sells it to a chump like you or me for anywhere from $15-$25. Oh, and that “Power Pak Pellet” they advertise? It’s there to absorb any water that might get into the bottle and weaken the chemical reaction. It’s a preservative - it doesn’t pak any power of any kind. It’s like calling your socks ‘foot armor’. The only time there is going to be an actual, as in not-all-in-your-lust-fevered-imagination, difference in the effect if a bottle of poppers is if you use poppers made from a different type of alkyl nitrite. The types used in poppers are: propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, amyl (aka pentyl), isoamyl (aka isopentyl), and (possibly, though I haven’t come across one containing it yet) octyl nitrite. In the United States, all of the major brands of poppers are most likely going to be isobutyl or isopropyl, and some online sellers clearly state that they only sell isobutyl poppers. That’s a good thing - isopropyl can cause eye damage. Avoid isopropyl whenever possible. Overseas, butyl/isobutyl is regulated in places, so isopropyl and isopentyl(isoamyl) are what’s available. There may be some discernible difference in the action of the substance depending on which nitrite is at play. But if, for instance, you swear by that bottle of Blue Boy and think that bottle of Rush is weak... that’s in your head. They’re both the same damn thing in different packaging. There might be a little scent added to fool your nose. A 2019 Australian government study tested the chemical composition of various bottles of poppers. Result: RUSH Original, SUPER RUSH - Black Label (with Power Pellet),Blue Boy, Colt,Jungle Juice Black Label Extreme Formula, Jungle Juice Platinum, Premium Iron Horse, Amsterdam - all the same thing, isobutyl nitrite. Liquid Gold, Trip, Scream, Everest Enjoy It!- isopropyl nitrite. Gate!, Everest Premium, Adler, Fist - isopentyl (isoamyl) nitrite. As a final note - Maximum Impact - NOT POPPERS. DANGEROUS AS FUCK. Look for topics where it’s discussed on here, but do not mistake it for poppers.
  9. I’ve been fucked in the open quite a lot, and in front of bystanders more than a few times, but for purposes of this topic, I guess I would have to say my most blatantly public cunting took place in a motel room. I know that doesn’t sound particularly public, but this guy came in and left the door absolutely wide open, pulled me to the corner of the bed closest to the door (which wasn’t that far from the door to start with), and enjoyed a lusty, vocal fuck. The room was on the first floor, with an exterior entry onto a relatively busy area. He had me positioned so that most of the time I couldn’t see the doorway, so I have no idea who may have seen me. I didn’t ask him to shut the door. He was the Top, and if that was what spiced it up for him I wasn’t about to kill his buzz. But I have seldom felt more totally exposed.
  10. I. loathe. this. godforsaken. place. It is possibly the point in this part of the US at which one would have to travel the farthest distance in any one direction before arriving at a place where people have normal sex lives. If I don’t get out of here soon, I’m going to need one of those nice coats with the long sleeves that wrap ‘round the back.
  11. Sorry for the confusion. The first question is about whether the reader himself wears them, but the second question is about whether he thinks it’s a turn-on when other men wear them. You don’t have to wear one to have an opinion about them, so the second question can apply to anyone. In the event that a reader simply has no opinion at all, the solution I would recommend to retain a sense of the data this poll might reveal would be to enter two opposite choices that cancel each other out. Question three can apply equally to a ball stretcher, I would think - properly considered, a ball stretcher is essentially a cock ring for the balls.
  12. A search on this topic showed relatively few threads addressing cock ring preference, not enough to get a sense of the trend of opinion out there. So, poll. Please feel free to expound upon your answers in the responses. Personally, I've worn cock rings for years because I love the way they feel. I'm girthy around the root, so my long-time go-to was a thick chrome donut ring that had weight to it. I couldn't have cared less whether it made my package stand out under my clothes; I'm a total bottom. I'm not going to use the package. More lately, though, I've experienced an issue in that my balls have started wanting to pull strongly backward out of cock rings, and have a tendency to slip out unless the ring is really, really tight. If my cock is completely flaccid, a ring often can't keep them in, which is a problem with the ring on a chastity device as well. So my lovely big chrome ring won't do anymore. I've fallen back to a choice between two or three smaller, thinner steel and aluminum rings, and a leather one that adjusts with snaps. I also have a nice chrome teardrop that nudges my taint, but I haven't put it on since I got my new guiche piercing and I'm afraid they may not play nice together. I've tried various rubber/plastic/silicone types (stretchy and not-so) but have yet to find one that did not a) let my balls slip past and/or b) break. Besides, I started out as a bondage submissive. I like the feel of something that doesn't give. 😉 If anyone has a solution for keeping stubborn balls in place, I'd be interested to hear it. I sometimes use a ball stretcher instead, but it doesn't have the same feel. The most beautiful cock ring I ever saw was hand-carved out of wood. I've never seen another like it.
  13. Properly considered, this is a law of the wealthy. It costs money to hire lawyers to press a civil complaint, and it costs money to hire lawyers to mount a defense. The average starving college student working on an art degree isn’t going to have the wherewithal to sue a man who stealths him. (Stealthing a law school student would be unwise.) The risk of having to pay the stealther’s court costs in the event of a lost case might be a further deterrent to making the attempt if the victim didn’t have the money to burn. I suppose that in the worst case imaginable you could end up with a cottage industry of attorneys who advertise to clients “no fee unless you win your case” and then we find lawyers lurking around the doors of cheap motels, waiting for Tops to leave and then sticking their heads in and asking, “So...did he take off the condom? I’ll just leave my card on the table.”
  14. You’re touching on a universality of human interaction here, often referred to as being “the big fish in a small pond”. Across cultures there has always been a stratification of access to individuals with what are considered desirable traits. Sometimes that stratification is further limited by economic status, or caste, or ethnicity, but always on the biological imperative inherent within all organism to select on the basis of likely reproductive success. Looking at it from the science-y side, whether the ‘elite’ is so by virtue of advantageous DNA, or monetary effluence that promises supply, or muscularity that promises defense, or whatever positive trait, that person benefits from 50,000 years of human programming for species survival. It’s not an unnatural phenomenon, and not limited to sexuality. Sometimes the fish grows too big for the pond that spawned it. The godforsaken backward county I live in in rural Butt Fucking Egypt is a very, very small pond indeed, inhabited by very small, homely, ignorant fish. But on rare occasions, this gene pool will inexplicably spawn someone exceptional. I have known a handful of these people, and what happens to them is that they leave. They don’t hang around the home pond and pair off with the dubious specimens on offer; they hie themselves off to places where they can meet persons on a par with themselves in terms of ability, intelligence, and general compatibility. Somehow, their genes transcended the sum of their origins. Of course, no matter whether the pond is big or small, the water is usually pretty damn shallow when it gets down to cruising for sex, but I think a lot of these deep currents still influence us.
  15. This is the core of the failure of your philosophy. You seem to believe that as long as something gets you off, it’s okay to do it. Wrong. Sexual sadism is part of the “repertoire of fetishes” in the anonymous all-male environment, but no one would agree that it’s fine for a man to wander around a bathhouse performing cock-and-ball torture on the unwilling. It’s not okay for a guy to go around pissing all over everyone because he’s into watersports. A man doesn’t get to shove his fist up every guy’s ass just because fisting is his thing. You just don’t get to do whatever you want to people, in any circumstance. Sorry. You don’t.
  16. This reasoning is flawed. You would have us believe that there is an arena of human sexual interaction - and specifically, an arena in which most of us on this site participate to some degree - which should be considered lawless in terms of sexual violation because of the difficulty of holding anyone to account? That’s utterly ludicrous. I don’t surrender my right not to be sexually assaulted or raped when I walk through a bathhouse door. Just because I’m naked and more vulnerable, just because I make known my willingness to engage in intimate activity, does not - does not - grant any license of any kind for another man to to anything to me that I do not consent to. Just because it’s a situation where it’s much easier for a violator to get away with an assault doesn’t make the assault any less an assault. Sexual assault isn’t a crime in a bathhouse? Bullshit. Rape isn’t a crime in a bathhouse? Try telling that to a judge. Get this straight - and I’m talking to any sick fuck reading who’s somehow confused about this - just because a guy has his ass up at the bathhouse does not mean he’s “asking for it”, does not mean he “deserves” to be assaulted, raped, or infected with disease, and does not mean that another man has any special privilege whatsoever to cause him harm. If that other man does, he commits a criminal act. That makes him a criminal as well as an asshole.
  17. I’m only aware of one actual connection from here - I’m one of those @FelchingPisser mentions meeting at a CumUnion (you can read about it in our blogs). That doesn’t mean there haven’t been others; I’ve been fucked a lot. Other men may have hunted me down after finding me on here and bred me without bothering to tell me they found me on BZ. It’s possible, because I’m ErosWired on every sex-related account I have (except BBRTS, which idiotically won’t let me use ‘wired’ in a username). If anybody here has fucked me and I don’t realize it, I apologize and would be honored to know. As others have said, I don’t look at BZ as a hookup site. I see it as more a place for the after-action reports.
  18. I think the reason you’re going to have difficulty finding much reference to this is that it’s pushing the edge of what’s anatomically feasible. Porn notwithstanding, actual DP is usually a tricky maneuver requiring length, flexibility or both. My experience with DP has been a mixed bag, and more often it ends up being from a Top who decides to see if my cunt can take his cock and a dildo. (So far, yes, but some Tops seem to look at it as a challenge that they’re determined to overcome. They always seem so satisfied afterward. Thank God for poppers.) You might have some luck looking for some niche video about play with insertables - it’s a lot easier to wrangle three dildos into your hole than three cocks attached to pelvises... even if it’s not as much fun. 😉
  19. I’ve written about these things in my blog here, but since this topic is specifically asking what kind of compliments we get, I’ll throw these out again. This list is verbatim from my biggest gangbang - at the time I couldn’t believe all these guys said this stuff, so I wrote it down as soon as it was over. I tend to think guys say a lot of over-the-top things whilst fucking, so I don’t let any of it go to my head, but it’s nice to think that the compliments might have applied at least a little: "Your ass is amazing!" "Ohh, my fucking God, I do NOT believe this." "Shit, man, where did you learn to do that?" "Guys, this is the sweetest ass you are ever going to fuck." "Oh, that is good, good man-pussy." "OH, YES. You are going to be my fuck toy all. night. long." "Holy Mother of Fuck." "I don't believe it. I just came, and I'm a total bottom." "Oh, yeah - His cum as lube for my cock in your ass... OH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" "Kentucky throroughbred ass." "Oh my God, he's milking my cock..." "I hope that ass gets fucked regularly." "Dude. Best ass ever, man." That was all in the space of a couple of hours. But none of that is actually what I consider the best compliment I’ve had. There are two that vie for that place, one from an older black gentleman at the bathhouse in Indy, and one from a 20-something guy who had me in a hotel room. The older gentleman demonstrated a high level if sexual sophistication and experience; he gave me one of the most complete breedings I have ever experienced, one that left me essentially a rag of damp, loose flesh on the mattress. When he had finished, he paused and looked at me, and shook his head slightly. “That is good pussy,” he said. “Good pussy is hard to find.” I could tell that he meant it absolutely sincerely. I remember the younger guy not because his fuck was so outstanding, but because of the effect it had on him. As he slicked in and out of me, I began to feel an enormous energy, almost frantic, ecstatic. After a few moments as though trying to find some way to put words to the feeling overwhelming him, he suddenly blurted out, “IT’S LIKE FUCKING A CLOUD!!” And then his world exploded into white. I think those last two mean the most to me because they were absolutely genuine and came from some deep place within them that they had been able to reach through the intimate use of my body. I hope I can always give that kind of service.
  20. So far all the responses have come from men with Prince Albert piercings. Not a surprise - that’s by far the most commonly chosen male genital piercing. The heal time is relatively short, and the pain threshold is said to be relatively mild in comparison to some other types. I have an Ampallang, an 8g (soon 6g) straight 1” bar running horizontally through the meat of my cockhead. Among the reasons I chose it was that it does not pass through my urethra - I can pee standing up, no problem. The downside is that it takes an Amp about a year and a quarter to fully heal. Did it hurt? Dude, you know a thing like that hurts. But it was nothing compared to having my nipples done. I’ve never had any problem with bleeding or catching on anything, and in fact the first problem of any kind I’ve ever had after having the thing for 12 years happened last month. I hiked up and down a mountain, going commando, and when I got home I realized my bar was gone. The constant friction from the hiking must have unscrewed one of the ball ends and let the bar work its way out. That’s why I have an 8g in now - the missing one was a 10g, and I had clearly gotten loose around it. Because I only bottom, I can’t really tell you anything about fucking with it. What I can tell you is that a cock piercing is a liability for a bottom, because if you have one they will. not. leave. your. cock. alone. Your cock becomes a grab-magnet for every guy who’s even slightly curious, and you end up finding your cock locked in the grip of some dude who then says, “Do you mind if I look at your piercing?” I’ve even had men who skip the formalities altogether and just dive on it with their open mouths without notice. When I go to the bathhouse I often lock myself in a steel chastity cage that conceals the piercing just to get their eyes off it. Don’t get me wrong, though - I love having it and have never regretted it for a moment. Three weeks ago I also got a guiche. It’s got a couple more months to go til it’s fully healed, but it’s not giving me any trouble and I can already tell I’m going to like having it.
  21. Yes, they are. My first girlfriend, from high school, is now George. I have no problem thinking of him as a man, even though I was close with him before he chose to pursue his core being. Sometimes I find myself having to think to remember his original name. (It’s interesting, in hindsight, to ponder that my first relationship was, though neither of us realized it at the time, gay.) The tragic thing about the lives of trans people is that the world thinks and expects that they have to all undergo enormous changes to become someone completely different. Which is of course absurd - they’re just trying to be the same real person they’ve always been inside. It’s all of the rest of us who have to do the changing.
  22. I can only imagine the nightmares involved when society decides to litigate its sexuality. Ultimately you end up with a situation where a set of contracts have to be notarized in triplicate and filed at the county courthouse 30 days in advance, with a $45 filing fee, before you can hook up with a random guy off Grindr. Actually, the prospect of this legislation was discussed recently in another topic here, with some debate about the relative difficulty of proving that a condom removal/failure was deliberate in circumstances that were not egregiously obvious. And even if the issue of removal is undisputed, what evidence does the complainant have to prove that he did not, in fact, consent at the time? What elevates the case beyond he-said/he-said? Justice cannot prejudice in favor of the complaint simply because the complaint is made. A wormy can, indeed.
  23. Some years ago, the big theme at the Kentucky State Fair was jams and jellies. There was a big tent with dozens and dozens of different kinds from all over the Commonwealth, stacked in tiers, in rainbows of colors. The tent was always full of people milling around. You could buy anything there. But not that many people actually bought much out of that tent. Nearby, there was another tent that just had four or five kinds, just basic jams and preserves and such, and they sold jars hand over fist. What was the difference? The people in the big tent were faced with too many options - too many factors, too many decisions to make. But when you only have to choose between the blackberry jam or the apple butter, you can make a choice without much hassle. The apps are the big tent. All the choices are out there. We spend hours sifting through them - hours in which we could be actually fucking - because there’s just too much selecting to do. (The fact that half the merchandise is being falsely advertised doesn’t help.) Going out cruising, or to the bathhouse or going ass-up at a hotel and just letting anons come to you is the small tent. The choices are more limited, and get very much easier as the night drags on, until at 2:00am you’re left deciding whether to let the apple butter fuck you or go home unfucked. Simple choice. (You go home with an ass full of apple butter.) Actually, we mostly all are looking for abs whether we realize it or not. There’s some science behind this. The hypothesis is that abs specifically - and fitness generally - signal that an individual is likely to have high virility and higher than average reproductive success. In some species, this fitness also translates to a greater likelihood of being able to provide and protect, but males do not serve this function in all species. In this context, this may possibly hold true more for bottoms than for Tops, who may possibly in some cases take sexual attraction cues from the characteristics more associated with females, such as the shape of the buttocks or a relatively less defined musculature. Obviously this varies widely, and the study I was reading was entirely hetero-based, so I’m definitely extrapolating.
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