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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Dear God - That sounds like a powderkeg, and it would only take a spark to see bottoms knifing each other in back alleys.
  2. On the one hand, this guy could be all talk and might very well ghost you instead of meeting you because he likes to get off on his fantasy but has nothing resembling the balls to actually live it. Or He could be a psychopathic sexual predator who very much enjoys doing precisely what he says and will not be interested in stopping when you want to stop, and will be particularly interested in seeing you experience pain and physical injury. When, if I may ask, was the last time you experienced being severely beaten? When was your most recent rape? When was the last time you actually had your head in a dirty toilet, and for how long? In all of these cases, to what degree did you actually enjoy it? If you haven’t actually experienced any if these things (as I do hope), and if you see no benefit to dealing with either a time-wasting game-player or a potentially dangerous predator (again, crossing my fingers here), then block this sketchy dude pronto and forget about it. What you’re talking about is how guys end up in dismembered in suitcases.
  3. Setting aside the question of why you thought it was relevant to mention the race if the Tops who used you, and the statistical rarity of 10” cocks, the rest of your narrative offers plenty of reason not to jump to the conclusion that you were booty bumped. We’ll take your word for it that both men had large cocks. The fact that you had just been fucked by a large cock, plus the fact that you had hit enough poppers that you had to come down off them afterward provides ample explanation for you being able to take a second large cock without difficulty. Plus, the amount of poppers easily explains the spinning head. The logical principle that the simplest explanation for a phenomenon is usually the most likely can be applied here. You seem to imply that because the second Top used his own lube it must have been laced, but I not uncommonly find that Tops who fuck me have brought their own lube and use it, even though I’m already lubed and ready, simply because they have their preference and know what they like. So, nothing that you’ve said here sounds to me like evidence. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying the fantasy.
  4. This is only likely to become more true as time passes and we head further into a surveillance society. I only imagine that when the day comes that no behavior can be done in privacy, all sense of modesty will be abandoned as a pointless relic of a bygone era. The question I have is whether morality can survive once mankind succumbs to the technological temptation to examine every single square inch of its hideous dark underbelly in detail. Once humanity turns the skeletons out of everybody’s closets and the dildoes out of everybody’s dresser drawers, it will be impossible to ignore or deny what a wretched, corrupt, horrid species we are, and we won’t be able to un-see it.
  5. ErosWired

    Fuck By Numbers

    For goodness’ sake. If you read the conversations on these boards, anyone would get the impression that the bareback world is teeming with men with massive endowments, and every bottom who posts his ‘true’ story encounters them regularly. When we watch porn, we apparently get confirmation of this, because there the cocks are, biiiigggger than life. So how does the average Top feel when he then unzips his pants and looks down and doesn’t find one of those? How does a bottom feel when he can’t get any play because he’s set his profile to read “Only 8+”? Why do so many men feel the need to embellish the tales of their experiences both in their own minds and in what they write here to perpetuate this fantasy about the Big Cock? First of all, porn is largely to blame; porn isn’t an impartial, objective representation of the cock world as it is, the industry cherry-picks men with the largest genitalia for that specific reason, and uses cinematic techniques to emphasize their dimensions even further. After that, though, the blame falls on the consumers of porn for perpetuating the misconception at their own expense, for celebrating the BBC as though it were a thing apart from its owner (and an actual defining trait) and worse, for reducing all men to a series of numbers by which we are judged: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. We need a reality check, badly. Fortunately, the British Journal of Urology International, in 2015, published a synthesis of 17 independent studies of human male penis size, encompassing a total sampling of 15,521 individuals, to arrive at actual data on the standard distribution of cock size in Homo sapiens. You can find the results here: [think before following links] https://www.science.org/content/article/how-big-average-penis The average length, gentlemen (go get your rulers) is 5.16 inches. A penis length of 6.3 puts a man in the 95th percentile, meaning that out of every 100 men, only 5 of them will be longer than 6.3. I’ll place the graph from the study here for reference: Note that the highest length notated on the chart is 22cm - 8.66 inches - putting it in the 99.9th percentile. Extrapolate that upward and you begin to get into orders of magnitude in rarity. All those 10” cocks everybody’s getting pounded with? They belong to men that are one-in-thousands. Now, they aren’t mythical like unicorns - they really are out there. The porn at least proves that much. And, some of the stories told here are completely true. I personally am very careful not to exaggerate or embellish what happens to me, and I can honestly say that yes, I have been fucked by an 11” cock, and by a 10” cock. But only one of each (though the 11” had me twice). Since I’ve taken more than 1,000 cocks, it’s not statistically odd that I might have had these encounters, nor the handful of 9s and 8s I’ve taken. But if one were to somehow tally up every fuck chronicled on this forum and sort them by the size claimed for the Top, I’m absolutely sure the result would be impossible to reconcile statistically with the chart above. Guys, you don’t have to be huge to be a terrific Top. Bottoms, let’s face it, huge is largely a fetish - a really good fuck is all about your attitude and the Top’s skill. Maybe we can all re-calibrate our expectations a little and accept ourselves and each other as we are. I’m just a little over 7”. If length actually mattered, that would put me right about the 99th percentile, and some might bemoan a tragic waste of a good cock on a total bottom. But as I don’t penetrate at all, I might as well not have a cock at all, and so that 7” number becomes meaningless. We’re not numbers. We’re men. Always remember that. Otherwise, it’s just fuck by numbers.
  6. Interesting question. I find myself wondering what “adventurous” means in this context - what is sexual adventure versus other types of sexual encounters? I don’t think of myself as a “sexually adventurous” person in the sense that I don’t consciously do things that are foolishly risky, likely to get me arrested, or expose me to public embarrassment. I’m prudent, sensible, take reasonable precautions, and have the sense to know when to let an opportunity pass by. That said, the average guy looking over the catalogue of my sexual experiences would probably say I had been quite adventurous indeed. I think it’s not so much that I went in search of adventure as it was that adventure has had a habit of finding me. Is a simple decision to go to an ABS to see what might happen adventurous, or does it need to be a decision to go to an ABS and plan to strip naked in the middle of the theatre? Or is it only really an adventure if you agree to leave the ABS with an unshaven, swarthy total stranger, get into his car and let him drive you off into the woods (! !! - smh...).
  7. Unbelievable. No, you do not “want to keep” gonorrhea for a while. There is no sane reason for consciously allowing a pathogen to further invade and damage the tissues of your body. If left untreated, gonorrhea can spread to your blood, causing Disseminated Gonococcal Infection, a potentially life-threatening condition. It could also potentially leave you infertile, among many other issues. Go to your doctor, a clinic, or your municipal health department and get a full STD screening, not just for gono. If the guy was going untreated he might well have been carrying more than one STD and passed that to you as well. If the test comes back positive, don’t panic, just undergo the treatment and the infection should be resolved. But if you don’t act on it, it will only get worse. Disease is not a fucking game, people. And no, you should not let that asshole who knowingly gave you gonorrhea fuck you again. Ever.
  8. Caution - You may just be trying to understand why certain emojis are appearing, but this question by its nature implicitly requests people to share information on how to locate or acquire substances or people who have them, and discussion on the General board may not be appropriate. People answering here may risk an infraction depending on their content. You may wish to have this topic shifted to the Backroom - and you may get more of the answers you’re seeking there anyway. (I’m not a moderator obviously, but I wouldn’t risk replying here even if I knew.)
  9. Oh, it gets much worse than that. There are nights when the local swingers sort of overtake both the gay and the straight theatre areas. The second to last night I went was one such night. I knelt ass-bare over a couch in the gay theatre trying in vain to offer service, and got completely cockblocked by the bunch of straights who had gathered around to watch a vocal young woman get fucked five feet away from me, in the same position, on the same couch, with a gay video playing in the background. I never did get so much as a grope all night. Total waste of time. Yeah, definitely let me know when you’re around. You’re welcome to come by here, or I can come to the ABS and you and I can show the idiots how it’s done. 😃
  10. That’s not how moderation works here. The moderators remove offending posts and give infractions to posters who they (not you) judge to be out of line. They don’t silence entire conversations as a rule. This particular thread is discussing an issue of significant importance and impact to the health of the members of the site, and, while opinions are justifiably strong, has been on the whole civil.
  11. You’re omitting Australia/Polynesia. Europe’s tattooing history is in fact, as far as we know, the longest. The oldest known example of a tattooed human found is that of the mummified body found in the Alps of the man referred to as Ötzi the Iceman, dated at 3250BC. He had 61 tatts on his body. African American culture has many legitimate claims as the original driver of social style, but I’m afraid tattooing isn’t one of them. Indeed, among some cultures on the African continent, as well as darker-skinned cultures globally, you see a tradition of scarification, or cicatrization, patterns rather than tattoos as body ornament simply because tattooing does not provide enough contrast against the skin’s natural pigment.
  12. There is a place. It’s in the Backroom. It has no place here where the shit gets real.
  13. They’re idiots. Your experience is typical of what I’ve found just about every time I’ve been to the ABS at Horse Cave, KY, where you were. I’ve stopped even trying there. Man, you were five minutes away from my house the whole time. That could have been three hours much better spent...
  14. How is The Works under the new management? I haven’t been back up since it changed over and am wondering what might have changed. I also noticed on the website that it looks like you can pay for your room online - do you know if that’s true?
  15. My profiles and hosting ads generally don’t do a lot of dictating to Men that they must comply with this, that and the other requirement before they’re allowed to walk through my intentionally unsecured door and violate my intentionally vulnerable cunt. I find that doing so puts people off, rather. Instead, I emphasize that I am masked and triple-vaxxed, and by doing so let them know that I do both and likely would expect both mask and vaccination. But actually, I’ve largely avoided the risk during the pandemic by simply not hosting. I think I’ve hosted four times in a year and a half, and had no takers during one of them. Only one brief bathhouse visit on a slow afternoon. Other than that it’s just been two local regulars, and that’s a good thing too, because in my state, the county I live in has the fourth lowest vaccination rate statewide. It’s just ridiculous.
  16. At its root, of course the question is about issues of personal health and personal responsibility. Those things are embodied in the very language of the question. Of course it’s specifically in relation to the practice of barebacking; if condoms were involved, it would hardly be the same issue (it’s what condoms are for, among males). Of course the question is about fear of getting STIs, or why would the question even be relevant enough to ask? The question itself implies that the practice is something undesirable - why? Fear, stigma, and of course illness. Some would have us believe that this question is no more consequential than asking: If you get invited to a dinner but your only suit has mud on it, do you wear it anyway? But this question isn’t that mundane. This question carries implications on its back that any socially responsible person will immediately identify. The silent question asked right along with the first is: Are you the kind of person who would give another person a disease? Plus, the question forces us as a community that embraces and advocates an activity with known risk to examine the way we approach that risk, and ensure that our advocacy, if it cannot to society good, at least does no more harm. If we become no more than a huddle of smutty fetishists who do nothing but stroke our dicks and mutter ‘hott’ in encouragement when those among us talk of callously spreading their disease, then our community will be no community at all.
  17. We’re talking about two different things here. I absolutely agree that it’s every barebacker’s responsibility to take responsibility to acknowledge the risk and protect himself from it. In fact, if everyone did that in his own interest, we’d see a substantial reduction in the incidence of STDs. But there are men, several of them loud and proud on this forum, who simply do not care if they’re a carrier, do not care about the hazards to their own health, and do not care if they transmit it to others, as long as they get to fuck. It’s plain, raw, unmitigated selfishness. Worse, some of them actively seek to do so either because of their bugchasing fetish or because they’ve decided that the other guy “deserves it”. You say you can’t count on guys to be Boy Scouts; why do we have to put up with them being sociopaths? I grow very tired of this attitude of “that’s just the way it is, we just have to accept it”. No. We do not have to accept it. We can keep speaking out, and keep making it clear, one hookup at a time, that intentionally transmitting an STD is not okay. Because it’s not.
  18. The most recent time I serviced my local regular Top he surprised me after his second orgasm (he always has two or three, rarely four) by rolling over on his back and telling me to hop on. This is a man who folds me into positions like origami so he can precision-dig at just the spot inside me he wants, but now it was all up to me. I’m not good at riding. I’ve got an issue with balance and I just don’t have the leg strength for a lot of bobbing up and down, so I end up usually being more of a horizontal-friction rider. It seemed to work for him, though I think it was as much watching me fuck myself on him as what I was actually doing to him. A couple of weeks ago I was asked to ride a young Latinx guy, but he was really hefty and I was too splayed out to be stable, and he had too much belly for me to find much solid to move against, so it wasn’t really very successful. I try to avoid riding if possible.
  19. You’re not getting it. These diseases are preventable with testing, treatment, awareness and responsible behavior. People don’t have to get them. We keep getting them because there are people among us who promote their spread by not getting tested, not getting treated, not taking steps to become aware of their own health status, and not giving a rat’s ass about anybody but themselves. You want to tell me that if some sociopathic motherfucker thinks it’s fine to knock me up with his treatment-resistant gono I just need to either shut up and happily take it or always demand a condom from anyone? Fuck that noise. He’s in the wrong. He’s a menace to all of us, and we should not tolerate his dickheadedness. You have the breathtaking gall to tell me that I have to accept somebody’s STD as the price I have to pay for sex? Let me tell you brother, I have already paid for that goddamn ticket, paid for it nearly with my life, so don’t try to tell me it’s “just part of it”. It’s a fucking enemy at the gate, and if you’re not fighting it, you’re helping it.
  20. “That’s the risk you take” is a piss-poor excuse for doing it deliberately. Here’s the thing: It doesn’t have to be this way. We could be working together, as individuals and as a community, to hugely minimize the spread of these diseases - which are all preventable - and ultimately eliminate them. But, no. Some guys’ asses are just “too hungry for cock and cum” for them to be responsible human beings who care about anyone else’s well-being, let alone their own. Choosing bareback sex does not mean you have to be ‘into the risk’ - some nutcases fetishize the disease risk, but that’s their mental problem. We all have to tolerate the risk because some insist on causing it. You ask whether the guy you’re fucking knows he’s infected. Clearly, you can’t blame someone for intentionally passing an infection he doesn’t know he has. The way our current communal fucking environment is, there’s no way anyone can be certain if he’s been fucked twice between tests. It could be argued that when I host I intentionally expose other men to risk by offering my multiply-bred cunt to several men in the space of a few hours - and I won’t say that doesn’t trouble my conscience. But the difference is, I never go into that room in the certain knowledge that I present a danger to someone, and if a guy were to fuck me and then say, “I have gono and just knocked you up” nobody else would be getting in me. Dealing with the reduction in incidental, unintended transmission can be accomplished over time, but not if that effort is constantly undermined by callous, selfish motherfuckers who do it on purpose. And I cannot believe this even needs to be explained.
  21. If I test positive for an STD, I pull my ass out of service until my treatment is complete. Period. If I have any reason to suspect I may have an STD - and by now I’m pretty familiar with how they present in my body - I refrain until I can be tested. It just boggles my mind that there are people here who actually seem to think that there is nothing wrong with knowingly exposing someone to a disease - and worse, that there are people here who know it’s wrong, but do it anyway.
  22. Not everyone. Men who visit me when I host run considerable risk by starting a conversation before we get underway. I find a brain so much more stimulating than a cock that I can completely forget the fact that I’m naked and carry on talking for ages. In your case, communication seems to be the central issue. Looking back across your posts, the common thread is that you’re operating on a lack of solid information about what this guy thinks, and you’re filling in those blanks with guesses. The potential problem, as seen by a dispassionate outside observer, is that your guesses appear extremely subject to bias toward what you want to be true rather than objective. That is, you seem to take each observation that you tell us about and interpret it a certain way, but to a casual observer, your interpretation is not the only one possible and may not even be the most likely. The interactions you describe, however are clearly of a kind in which non-verbal cues play an important role, cues which, if an objective observer could see them, would completely change the counsel offered to you. We can’t see them. For that reason, BZ or any other internet forum will only be as useful to you as the quantity and quality (objectivity) of the information you share. Please bear that in mind. Your mileage may vary, etc.
  23. I’ve written quite a lot above, and I apologize to forum readers for my wordiness. Looking back over it all, I realize much of it can be summarized in a tl;dr-convenient form. PrEP has created a sea-change in the world of mansex, and the miraculous nature of that change is not always obvious to the latter generation of men who have been spared the horrors of the AIDS crisis. This difference in awareness, in part, contributes to divergence of attitude toward using PrEP. The reasons Neg men give for deciding not to protect themselves with PrEP fall into three basic groups: A) A decision that the negative health effects caused by taking PrEP outweigh the calculated risk of acquiring an HIV infection; B) Getting and/or correctly using PrEP is in some way a hassle; and C) A desire to actually become infected with HIV. In terms of (A), the FDA has determined that PrEP is safe and effective used as directed, but there are health effects. The health effects of an HIV infection are the same plus a suitcase full of hell. So no matter how you look at it, (A) is a very high-stakes roll of the dice for a relatively small return if you win. In every case of (B), put the nature of the hassle complained about on one side of the scale, and then put the hassle of living with an HIV infection on the other side. BOOM. The HIV side drops like a rock, every. single. time. (B) might be a reason, but it’s never a good reason. (C) is a decision to become unhealthy based on a fetish. Other than to say that is clearly absurd, it is not a topic discussed on this board.
  24. Oh snap A good idea except for one thing - the marks don’t survive the steam room. After even one good steaming, even with laboratory-grade markers, those marks will have begun to fade by the time you get back to your room, and after a second trip they’re pretty much gone. I suspect they’ll be more durable on a jock. Well...that’s the whole idea, isn’t it? BREEDING STOCK DIVE IN (may encourage ass eating) YOU’RE NEXT VIRGIN ASS (no one will believe this) TRY IT YOU’LL LIKE IT GRADE A CHOICE GIFT OF THE GODS (you can pull this off only if your ass is really excellent) FOR THE TAKING FIRST COME FIRST SERVED FORM A LINE TIGHT END TOUCH TO FUCK INSERT 🔽 COCK NATURE ABHORS A VACUUM (probably only useful at university settings and intellectual conferences) WHORE (results may vary) SHAMELESS LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? OPEN 24/7
  25. Huh. Since this is a thing that happens to multiple people, I think it deserves a special name. In a small container, an Apple guy shoves his banana between another guy’s fuzzy peaches to get his cherry? I call that a Fruit Cup.
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