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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I don’t know the status of butyl/isobutyl nitrite in Australia, but it is banned in the UK, which is why isopropyl has become the dominant formula there - evidently, thus far they haven’t been as concerned about men going blind from popper use. I assume they believe users are going to go blind from masturbating anyway, so there’s no point in regulating it on those grounds, but stand by: Some zealous do-goodnik is bound to go after it in time. Frankly, I’m not sure that would be such a bad thing. Huffing something known to do permanent eye damage is unwise, and the way some guys vacuum poppers they can be doing themselves a world of hurt. I read the tinytinytiny fine print on every bottle I buy to make sure I’m not buying isopropyl, and I’m constantly warning other men to steer clear of it. I’ll need to look more into findings on purported carcinogenic effects of isobutyl - this is the first time I’ve heard that. Scarcely a day passes, however, but some scientific report is released finding the possibility of cancer being caused by something, and we have so little actual understanding of the root origins of cancers that I’m going to be looking for some pretty damning evidence. And even if it does have the potential, there’s the matter of degree. My great-grandmother taught me how to make sassafras tea. The root of the sassafras tree has been found to contain a carcinogenic substance that would create a cancer risk in drinking sassafras tea... if you drank 20 gallons of it a day. (Granny died at the age of 96, and cancer never laid a glove on her.) Everything in moderation. If anything, I would caution to avoid these “popper training” vids that prompt the viewer to take sometime 20 or more hits within the space of a few minutes, some of them long, sustained draws held inside for maximum absorption. Make no mistake - poppers are a substance (read: drug) and though they may not be addictive, they can absolutely be abused. On Friday night a young Vers Top fucked me when I was hosting. He loaded me up but kept on going. As time passed, I noticed he seemed to be straining, putting in effort, but his cock was getting soft. He tried changing the tilt of my ass, speeding up his thrusts, adjusting his grip. Every now and again he would pause, and I heard this noise, and I suddenly realized he had been sniffing poppers the whole time and was desperately trying to use the poppers to revive his erection (!) so he could cum again. He finally gave up, and apologized that he hadn’t been able to seed me twice. He had tried so hard I didn’t have the heart to tell him he’d sabotaged himself with poppers. (Tops - please, please stop using them when you fuck. Seriously. Cocks should be hard.)
  2. I seem to be getting a fair amount of double-penetration training lately, but not from actual pairs of Tops - rather, I’ve been finding that some Tops suddenly, unprovoked, take the initiative to grab up a dildo and slide their cock into my ass along with it. I say “slide”; it’s seldom that effortless. I usually have to focus on expanding enough to accommodate the invasion, and then, just as I’ve settled in around it, the thrusting begins. Vigorous thrusting. The dildo almost always has a density greater than an actual cock, so there’s less give there. All the leeway has to come from my asswalls. I’m not complaining by any means - if giving his cock a wingman gets a Top off better in my ass, more power to him, I say. As long as they keep doing it, I’ll keep taking it. I’m just not sure I grasp why they do it. Any insights?
  3. The original question strikes me as though it sees the issue in black-and-white terms: You either choose to take the load, or you choose not to. A number of replies emphasize that the bottom has the choice. That’s all well and good, except that fucking bare is a messy, juicy business. Cocks leak - indeed, one might argue that that is their specific purpose - and when stimulated they very often get an early start on it. It seems naïve to me to imagine that you can indulge in bareback sex and expect to come away with your ass entirely semen-free. That’s not realistic. You may not take a fully blasted load, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t incidentally inseminated by leakage. So the question really hinges on a matter of degree. If you want to know if you can bareback without ever getting any semen inside you, forget it. You can’t eat a box of doughnuts and skip the calories, either - they’re part of the deal. But if you’re just asking whether you have to let the Top have his orgasm inside you intentionally, then the answer is obviously no. Just be aware that in choosing to offer that ass bare, you’re inherently creating a situation in which a Top may have more difficulty maintaining control, and in which you have more difficulty ensuring your desired... well, out-cum.
  4. I will never be able to look at someone in sales and marketing the same way again. I cannot count the maddening hours I’ve lost trying to troubleshoot code that would work perfectly except for a single misplaced character in thousands on lines. This is why I’m not afraid of machine intelligence taking over the world any time soon - you can glitch it to death with a single keystroke.
  5. This assumes that doctors always say the right things, for the right reasons, without any personal or cultural bias or professional presumption. Yet we know this is not always true. By your own account, your conversations with doctors have sometimes involved questioning whether they have fully considered the matters they advise their patients about. Not all of them have. Are there conservative/moralist doctors who would discourage a patient from starting PrEP because they believe it promotes sexual promiscuity? You bet there are - just like there are still (!) people in professional counseling positions that will try to steer a gay man into “conversion therapy”. So the idea that the only thing any of us should be saying or asking about PrEP is “Are you following your doctor’s advice?” doesn’t strike me as universally helpful. It also overlooks two things: The power of peer influence in guiding behavior, and the need for each of us to act on our own behalf to ensure that our collective sexual arena remains as safe as possible for everyone participating in it. It’s not enough to say, “It’s my body, so all that matters is my decision about what to do with it.” Not exactly - your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. A person can be as irresponsible about his sexual health as he wants, ethically, right up to the point that he decides to fuck someone; after that, he’s irresponsible toward someone else too. Many years ago when still in college I went to see a doctor on campus for some ailment for which the examination required me to remove my underwear. The doctor, a middle-aged man of Middle-Eastern origin, took a look at my pubes, which I had trimmed, and chastised me for trimming them. “Don’t cut them,” he told me firmly. No explanation, just a Doctor’s Order. If he had been concerned that I wasn’t keeping my testicles warm enough for a healthy sperm count, I might have given him some credit, but this was clearly all about Disapproval. Not only did I ignore that, I didn’t go back to him again. He clearly had an issue. Did I talk to my doctor and what did he say? Yes, yes I did - and what he said wasn’t worth listening to. A person should consult his doctor about his PrEP decision - and then weigh that advice with the other important sources of information and advice he can get...including his own conscience.
  6. I don’t ask, and I don’t offer, but if a Top asks my name I give it. They almost never do, and why would they need to when I answer readily to ‘cunt’, ‘bitch’, ‘slut’, ‘whore’, ‘faggot’, or just about anything else they call me? Oddly, though, if I’m asked my name I never give a fake one - it never occurs to me to use an alias. That occasionally inserts an extra level of weirdness when a complete stranger starts using my name while he’s fucking me - he’s probably told me his, too, but I probably forgot it two seconds after he said it. Really, though, for me, by the time a man has seen my naked body, has been inches deep inside my flesh, and deposited his personal reproductive fluids inside me, I don’t see the point in being coy about my name. It does hit me funny, sometimes, when after a long, athletic, nasty fuck with a dude I’ve never met, while we’re catching our breath afterwards he says, “Oh, hi, by the way, my name’s ____”. I love fucks as introductions. 🙂
  7. It’s not just ignorance, it’s willful ignorance. Some people don’t want to learn the truth about things when it conflicts with what they already believe or want to believe, even if the irrefutable proof is right in front of them. And this isn’t the occasional person on the fringe, this is true of a large swath of the population, who simply have not learned the skill if critical thought, and operate more or less purely off emotion and instinct. I would never, ever have thought that so many human beings could be passive-aggressively irrational until the onset if the Trump presidency and the COVID pandemic. These two events have laid bare the fact that our society isn’t made up of the enlightened, reasonable thinkers our future hope of prosperity and advancement require us to be - it’s made of people who react instead of think, judge instead of consider, and reject sooner than accept. This is unfortunate, because rational thought is not the human default. We have to go out of our way to do it. Our older, more primitive brain parts are still urging us to flee, fight or freeze every time we encounter something unfamiliar - which translates down the line into poz stigma and PrEP shaming in spite of U=U. It’s harder brain-work to learn to think about something in a new way, especially when it means learning to accept that something that once was a threat isn’t a danger any longer. Many people, it appears, simply aren’t willing to put forth the mental effort. It’s easier to just pick up a rock (verbal or actual) and throw it.
  8. Not exactly. The OP is not asking if it is acceptable for a Top to make a decision whether or not to use a condom, or indeed whether or not to use the cumdump. Rather, he is asking whether it is appropriate for a Top to request an entree that is implicitly not on the menu. One doesn’t do so at a restaurant; one simply selects a different restaurant that offers the cuisine. Imagine someone going to an ice cream shop and saying, Can I have pickles with that? (No, Sir, we do not serve pickles. No, Sir, not even sweet pickles.) Or, it’s like going into a store called Just Lamps that specializes in lighting fixtures asking for plumbing. It’s not that the customer doesn’t have choice, but it’s not approved for the customer to expect to exercise choice out of context. Speaking of context, I might point out a minor semantic incongruity in your second paragraph. Traditionally, “John” is associated with the consumer of sexual offerings rather than the provider - this wouldn’t signify in the least except that in this case you chose “Tom” for the Top. This choice has the unfortunate effect of rendering the Top in your example slightly less masculine, because in isolating “Tom”, his “Dick” cannot be “Harry”. 😉
  9. I would take a bench over a sling any day for angle, leverage, depth and general control of the kind of fuck I’m giving the Top. In a sling, every thrust of his loses at least part of its penetrative force just because I’m swinging in the air. If a Top wants it balls deep in me, I don’t want to waste a single millimeter on inertia. Added bonus: If I’m face-down, the annoying grabby guys don’t go for my cock so much.
  10. ^ This, exactly, which is why it has to be looked at as a fetish rather than mainstream activity. Whether it’s “hardcore” comes down to your definition of “hardcore”, in much the same way as whether you define a particular practice as “piggy”. Urine is a hard limit for me, but I don’t know that I consider it a hardcore fetish. I’ve been on the receiving end of some fucking hardcore fetishes, and the way most guys approach and talk about watersports is fairly tame by comparison. A Top piss-fucked me once and only told me once he had done it. I didn’t go off because it had just been vanilla sex to that point and there had been no reason to discuss limits, so he didn’t know - I just immediately got up and emptied myself. But on the other hand, he really shouldn’t have assumed. I did not hook up with him again, and it was a shame, because his cock was every bit of 9” and superbly shaped. My ass services every cock, but my service does not extend to every fetish.
  11. This has mostly been my experience as well, as though the men had no idea what the sling was intended for. It’s incredibly annoying when these guys, who always seem to approach from the side, go straight for the cock and start fiddling with it. They don’t walk into my room at the bathhouse at start that crap, only in the sling. I have no explanation for it.
  12. For the record, I’ve had superb encounters with Men of Color in Indianapolis. But since half the time I don’t even get a look at the guy who just seeded me, I can’t really comment on relative demographics...
  13. Others have already posted topics asking this exact question and been well advised. I recommend you do a search or read back through the threads as the quickest way to find your answer. Lots of us could give you advice on this, but have gotten tired of repeating ourselves for every new bottom asking for the easiest way to get fucked.
  14. It’s like using AND or OR in boolean searches. If something has to be This AND This AND That to be chosen, it’s a lot less likely than if it has to be This OR This OR That. Most are probably expecting readers to look at the list like (This AND This) OR That and aren’t expecting to be selected on the basis of (This OR This) NOT That. There might be a few, however, who really are using it as a filter to try to find that one-in-a-million perfect match for all their criteria, but the more criteria you add, the more exponentially difficult it becomes. Me, I get a hotel room or a room in a bathhouse, prop my ass up, leave the door open and take pot luck. Then I take That Cock AND That Cock AND That Cock AND...
  15. ^^^^^ So much this. Ah, they don’t affect me like that, I use ‘em all the time. They get me rock-hard. Famous last words. No, Sir, you are not somehow magically immune to the vasodilating effects of the amyl nitrites. If you were, you wouldn’t feel anything when you sniff them. The fact that you do means that your blood vessels expand and tissues react like everyone else’s and there’s every chance you could lose your hard-on. In your ten-second poppered-up haze with the blood rushing through your now wide-open vessels may think you’ve got a raging rod of steel between your legs, but from my ass-up perspective it seems a lot like you’re trying to penetrate me with a noodle. If you’re going to penetrate me with noodles, I’d much rather you used my mouth. If the poppers eventually wear off I can have your cannoli for dessert. 🙂
  16. It depends on what you mean by submitted and slave, and whether you mean the connection was entirely online, or was real-life with an online component. I am a trained sexual service submissive, and registered with The Slave Registry, and have been physically owned, but I do not classify myself as a slave in terms of the scale of abject submission usually associated with the term, at least when considered in the context of the BDSM spectrum of submission. That said, I have several times responded to Dominants via online instruction. Usually the arrangements ended up being brief; I always followed the commands to the letter, but I think that the virtual separation ultimately deprived the Dominants using me of a crucial element of the satisfaction they desired from my submission, and they soon broke it off. Mind you, this was before Zoom, or even before FaceTime was mainstream. Skype was dodgy, and bandwidth in my area didn’t really support any kind of live camming, so it might be somewhat different today when a Dom can more readily watch a submissive’s distress. I do know that my long-term Master used online methods to give me commands and generally control me, but it was mor of an adjunct to our in-person sessions. He never tried to watch me on video chat me through some sex act (which would have been problematic for obvious reasons). The closest thing I’ve done to what I think you’re asking is submission to hypnosis. Believe it or not, yes, a person can be hypnotized by text. Over the course of multiple sessions, a Dominant hypnotist began grooming me for sexual exploitation, and would have succeeded had I not by chance stumbled across a log of the last online chat hypno session he had performed with me, which contained instructions intended to ultimately put me in a very compromised position under his control. (When confronted, he vanished anonymously into cyberspace to find another victim.) A few years later another Dominant tried the same with online voice calls, but I by then I had defenses. He was very skilled, and if I had not been prepared I could easily have ended up naked in a cage somewhere, but he only lasted two sessions before moving on to a more malleable slave. For my part, I find online service very unfulfilling. It just feels flat. There’s no substitute for submission to a Man in his presence, to anticipate the possibility of the touch or impact of his hand, the electric potential of his penetrative ability, and the subtle rumble of the air as his voice says, “Good boy.”
  17. Answering this question is going to depend on how you’re defining a gangbang. The example you use is your own experience of 8, which is a goodly number, but in reality most guys never experience more than 4-5, which to my mind can still qualify, though I think 4 hovers on the edge of ‘group sex’. The inner workings of the minds of Tops are a subject of mystery and keen fascination to me, as I have no Topping instinct whatsoever, and will not pretend to be able to definitively answer your question. From observation in practice, however, I have noticed that group situations like a gangbang have a social effect on the thinking and attitudes of the participants, especially those who share commonality - such as being Tops. I have found that if a single participant begins to treat me as a sexual object rather than as a person, in short order, they all will, even if they didn’t to start with. There is power in words, and especially in naming things. Once a guy calls me a cunt so everyone can hear, that’s what I am in that circumstance: a cunt, i.e., an object of sex. Similarly, if he calls me a whore, I then become a whore to be used. If I am called a bitch, I am something that gets bred. As each man accepts the label and repeats it or acts upon it, the identity as object, whore, bitch, etc. gets reinforced. As successive Tops act on it more extremely, the identity gets emphasized, and this is why situations arise in large group bangs in which bottoms can find themselves not in control and subjected to severe use by Tops caught up in a rutting frenzy. Naturally, any Top can think for himself, and I have no idea what courses through the minds of Tops watching other Tops fucking me - though I would dearly, dearly, dearly love to know - I can only say that I have noticed that the behavior of one Top in a gangbang often influences the behavior of the others, and behavior is at least a window into the workings of the mind. Tops, please take a moment to respond to this topic - we reallyreallyreallyreally want to know what you’re thinking. Please. I’ll let you fuck me. Well. I’d do that anyway.
  18. Really? You come to a topic on the problem of slut-shaming and openly slut-shame the original poster? That’s not how we roll here, dude. In fact, you’re going to find that judgmental posts like that aren’t going to make you any friends anywhere on the forum. I recommend you read around here a bit more and get to know us better.
  19. I have multiple orgasms frequently, because I was trained to have them by a Sadist who used them as a form of torture (by the time you hit number 20, you’re begging not to have another one). These aren’t ejaculatory orgasms, but rather tantric, or “dry” orgasms that don’t require a refractory period in between and can happen one right after another in waves. I can sometimes induce this in myself with electrostimulation, too, and the orgasms just roll through me in waves. I can’t say that I’ve noticed age making any difference in intensity for me, but they do tend to intensify as they increase in number. This topic is probably really oriented toward ejaculatory orgasm, so the above observations may be less relevant. I feel I have to say, though, that another man forcing you to have multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms to the point of discomfort is a very special kind of violation, and I don’t recommend trying it casually. It can change a man.
  20. Individual oral anatomy is highly variable. Some people have broad, spacious, high-vaulted spaces, while others have narrow, shallow, angular mouths. Teeth can range from modest, well-ordered rows to jagged protrusions that would do credit to a horse, sticking out at angles. Throats can be ample, supple corridors or stiff, constricted pipes. And all of this plumbing tends to be less malleable than ass-flesh, so there’s a limit to how much can be done contrary to its parameters. For this reason, I tend to think some men are probably better suited for fellatio than others. That’s not to say that others can’t learn good technique, but a man who tops out at 5’2” is never going to have the same edge at basketball as a man standing 6’7”. One should learn his strengths and play to them. That’s why I don’t usually offer up my mouth to a Top as a main course. It’s not that I’m a terrible cocksucker - I just do it better with my ass.
  21. There are illnesses one can contract from contact with the excretions of the bowel that are unrelated to STIs, and one need not have been sexually promiscuous, or even sexually active, to get them. But more to the point, given that one definition of sanitary is “free from fecal matter”, the entire notion of the anorectal area as a sanitary area is kind of silly.
  22. Sanitary? It’s an asshole. I don’t think it’s sanitary under the best of circumstances...
  23. Please. No 25-year-old has lived long enough to recognize what sexy actually looks like in a grown man. Whenever one of these young snits tries to get all critical of me, I can’t help looking at him and thinking, yeah, and it wasn’t all that long ago that a man as much older than you as I am was changing your fucking diaper, junior, so don’t think you’re on a level with me. I’ve lived, and I’ve been through some shit that would make your fresh nuts draw back up out of their sack, and you think I give a fuck what you call sexy? Talk to me again when your pubes aren’t so silky-soft, you little fucker.
  24. Remember, it’s all just suggestion - nothing you can’t simply not do by choosing not to do it. These hypnosis tracks act on the expectation that you won’t stop to actually challenge what they say. For instance: You enjoy watching these videos. They make you feel good. You want to watch them again, don’t you? Of course you do. They’re exciting. You’re going to come back to these videos again and again. You crave them. You’re addicted to them. You’re addicted to hypnosis now because you crave these videos. You need to watch them over and over again because they feel so good. Every time you watch, you become even more addicted to hypnosis. You can only become more and more deeply enslaved now. Watch the video again. Along with this are flashing lights, spinning wheels, noises that dart from one ear to the other - why? Because it’s all to distract you and keep you from pausing to think about what the words actually say. By the time a hypnotist says something like “You like this, don’t you? Of course you do” he’s on shaky ground. He says you do, but you may not like them that much. Do you actually crave them? Probably not, and if you stop to call him on this, his whole house of cards falls flat because you’ve started thinking. I’m considered a good subject for hypnosis, and I can be tranced very deeply, but it’s not because I don’t think or am easily distracted. In fact, I’m very analytical and would normally take note of every little hypnotic trick as it was being done. It works on me because I specifically make allowance for it to - if I decide to let myself be hypnotized, I set aside some brain space to play in, as it were, and within that space I give myself permission not to question, to be led. It’s only within that headspace, though. If a hypnotist tries to go outside it and do things to me that he shouldn’t - and believe me, they’ve tried - they hit a wall, and their clever party’s over. So don’t be alarmed that the thing you watched might have done something to your mind. You’re always going to be in the driver’s seat. Just don’t get too distracted by the flashing lights.
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