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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. There are any number of threads on the forum about cleaning out, and plenty of streetwise advice about what people do, but not a lot of it seems to be based on practical knowledge of the anatomy. It’s amazing what you can find out with a bit of reading and applied mathematics. For instance, given that the human colon is essentially a sectioned tube with each section having a known average length and diameter, we can take those figures and calculate a rough total maximum volume of water the colon could contain if filled. Very approximately (allowing for all the kinks and wrinkles) this comes out to something like 4,450ml, or around 4.5 U.S. quarts = about a gallon. And indeed, one can purchase a gallon enema bag for administering a large-volume enema. So, visualize a jug of milk. That’s basically how much liquid your gut can hold if you were to fill up to the max. (For God’s sake don’t try any more than that, you can give yourself water poisoning. Yes, water poisoning.) Getting it in there is a matter of preference, but note this - there’s no need to snake a tube way up into your gut to deliver water when the water is perfectly capable of getting there on its own. Water always finds a way. If you have some notion that you’re going to power-wash your insides with the nozzle, that’s just funny. What isn’t funny is the distinct possibility of perforating your bowel with a tube poked too far, too hard, the wrong way. But even when you get it all in, it’s not as simple as pouring a gallon of water into your ass and expecting it to all run right back out and leave everything squeaky clean - that’s not how enemas work. Enemas work by causing the bowel to expand and begin peristalsis, the contractions and movements that propel waste to the exit. That is, you don’t just run water over the conveyer belt, you need to get it moving as well. For this reason, plain water isn’t the best option. Castile soap is often used because it’s safe and mildly irritates the bowel, causing expansion and peristalsis to commence. Fleet enemas use a different chemical that is harsher and more irritating, not good to use in a regular basis, and definitely not for use by the gallon. Some of the other things people talk about - coffee, for instance - are medically not recommended and have no scientific evidence for actually doing anything except making your ass smell like coffee. An important distinction: Douching is not necessarily an enema. If you want to deep-clean, you need the enema, and for that, once you get whatever liquid in you, it needs to stay in you for at least 5-10 minutes. If not, the gut doesn’t have a chance to react to it and you haven’t given yourself an enema, you’ve only rinsed out/douched. This is the main reason why deep-cleans can become such drawn-out, messy chores for some guys - they’re not using the right technique. Now, about Imodium - the idea that one could take a tiny little pill and the whole nasty problem would just disappear is very tempting, but... no. Imodium not only simply postpones the inevitable to some point when you least want it to happen, but it also shuts down the exact mechanism that you need to help you get yourself cleaned out the quickest: peristalsis. One other thing to remember is that as much as you may want to take cock, you need to poop. Don’t get things twisted. The colon is made of muscle tissue, and taking multiple enemas a week can cause that muscle to lose its tone because it’s not doing work anymore. Likewise, overuse of Imodium can do this, and both scenarios can leave you constipated. Better to keep things in motion. Speaking of which, a lot of guys talk about fasting and not eating for days before fucking... that’s crazy talk. Anything you eat is going to enter your large intestine 6-8 hours after you swallow it. That’s it. From that point, it’s fair game for your clean-out. If you’re not going to do the full cleaning, it then takes about 36 hours for what you eat to make the trip from the far end of your colon to the exit. So, two full days from chew to poo - if you want to eat then fast for two solid days, knock yourself out, you definitely won’t have much need to douche - but you won’t have any energy to fuck, either. Instead, Think about the integrating the timing of your meals and the timing of your cleanouts, and take plenty of psyllium husk between meals to encapsulate that waste and make it easier to ship out when the time comes.
  2. I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions about you becoming a reject. The last few months have been a bad time for hookups all around. The hookup environment on the apps has been losing ground for some time - the problem of guys setting plans and then ghosting or flaking has become almost an epidemic itself - and the coronavirus pandemic has made most men cagey about connecting in ways that have nothing to do with whether the other guy is fuckable. When any of us could be infectious, none of us are fuckable for many guys. Whether you’re doing something in your self-presentation that is working against you is impossible to say without observing you in action or examining your profiles in detail. Even then, any response would only be a reflection of personal taste and therefore not very useful in general. For now, until things settle out a bit more, just look at the difficulty as a sign of the times, and don’t get discouraged. And if you can get bathhouse sex - you’re better off than many of us whose bathhouses are either still closed or only partially available. Enjoy that as much as you can.
  3. Perhaps what you’re seeing is a reflection that barebacking has now become commonplace enough in the age of U=U and PrEP that it’s no longer eagerly sought on the basis of being hard to get. If a Top tells me “I only fuck bare,” my reply is both “Good, I only take it bare,” and “Okay... why would you not?” Of course, I understand why someone would still personally choose to use a condom - they are undeniably the front-line prevention against most STDs. But with the death-spectre of HIV no longer looming immediately overhead, barebacking was bound to regain currency as the more natural method. If you’re relying in your claim of barebacking to generate interest in your profile, you should probably add some other attributes as well. In time, “I fuck bare” may become about as effective as “I have a nice cock” - only useful in that it isn’t a negative.
  4. Good angles and lighting showing penetration, especially from underneath. The best scenes are of Tops who simply forget about acting because they’re so into rutting nothing else matters. Let them ejaculate completely inside, though shots that capture tightening balls and cocks actually pulsing as they pump seed are excellent. Faces are good if the expressions are authentic - same for the audio. And little captured details - like a bottom’s toes curling involuntarily while he’s being fucked - make the difference.
  5. There seems to be some disagreement about whether towels are a risk. The NHS in the UK specifically indicates that chlamydia is not caught by sharing towels, as does Avert, an organization specializing in HIV and STI education and prevention. In both the case of neonatal and ocular transmission, it’s still a matter of contact with infected sexual fluids. Getting chlamydia in the eye means first getting it on the hands which means putting the hands somewhere in proximity to said fluids while pretty fresh, since chlamydia doesn’t endure outside the body. Actually, I suppose you could get it in your eye without touching, but it would depend on the guy’s aim... In any case, it would seem it is possible for an ocular case to manifest in the genitals, but the infection would have to have been present in the body for a while to spread systemically. I imagine that someone with the ocular type could transfer it to the urethra by hand after rubbing the infected eye while masturbating.
  6. It sounds as though your expectation is that men approach their profiles as a platform for self-expression, and wonder why they’re not letting their identities show through more feely given the opportunity. I don’t think most people look at them that way; I think most people see profiles for what they functionally are - marketing. The more specificity you put into your ad, the more you narrow your potential target. A guy who’s “looking for fun” isn’t narrowing his field of potential encounters very much; a guy “looking for a horse-hung Top skilled in shibari-style bondage for a monogamous life partnership” has almost impossibly narrowed his. The balance is best struck when the advertisement is broad enough to stir enough interest to be worthwhile, yet specific enough to attract only the interest desired. Given the kaleidoscopic range of sexual taste, that balance is difficult to strike, and many people aren’t willing to go to the effort required and so err on the side of generalizing. As to using terms like “great” in self-description, I understand what you mean, but remember - think of profiles as marketing. A guy wants his profile to generate a positive response, and attract someone who will interact with him according to his assets. He might say “I enjoy kissing”, but that language tells the reader that he is interested in his own pleasure; if he says, “I’m a kisser”, that provides neutral information; if he says “I’m a great kisser” it suggests to the reader that he at leasts considers whether he’s pleasing a partner. The word choice has risks - exaggerated claims beg proof. A person who self-describes as being a “great cocksucker” risks the reader thinking, Yeah? Sez who? Even if you’re a pretzel-boy who can suck your own cock you’d be biased, so who are you to say you’re so great? I very often struggle with this exact problem in talking about my ass. Simply saying that I give ass places me square in the middle of a seething, indiscriminate mass of thousands upon thousands of bottoms ass-up and hole-out hoping for a cock. What grounds do I have for claiming that my ass provides a better fuck than any of the others? Where would I get off saying that I give “great ass”? Why should I expect anyone to read such a claim and think me anything but conceited? Except I have reason to know that I give what a very large sampling of Tops consider great ass. They tell me, without being asked. I have a long list of quotes that I’ve gathered from Tops over time who have complimented my cunt in glowing terms, that I look at every now and then when I need reminding that I really am meant to do this. So if I had to, yes, I could bring out the affidavits. In terms of using a profile as a marketing tool, I’m willing to gain at least a little advantage by using a term that I at least can justify. (Note that there’s a social stigma against self-praise, which by extension necessarily seems to attempt to elevate the speaker to advantage above his peers. Even using myself as an example in analytic terms as I do here, I still feel the embarrassment of public self-assessment.) But more to the point, when I say I give great ass, if somebody says, “prove it”, I give them my ass to try for themselves. Perhaps those who have the brass to use such terms in their profiles do so because they know that it may inspire such a challenge that they will be only too happy to meet.
  7. Although my previous post above may suggest that I am critical of small cocks, I must hasten to add, in justice to a certain Indianapolis Top of my acquaintance, that judging small cocks on the basis of appearance can be foolhardy. The Top I am referring to has a penis under 4” … and I shake when I see him coming because he is a terrifyingly effective fucksmith. Every encounter with him is a Master Class in anal orgasm - he leaves me a quivering, sweating, broken wreck every. single. time, and when he has finished there is no question that I have been bred like stock. The key factor is that what he lacks in penile length he amply compensates for with his brain, in two ways: By intelligently leveraging the cock he does have to best advantage with an understanding of my anatomy, and by mindfucking me the whole time he’s savagely dicking me down. In short, he makes an impact. Damn, does he ever. For someone with a policy of rejecting undersized members out-of-hand, passing him over would be akin to leaving a ring with a colossal diamond lying in the street because the ring wasn’t made of gold. For me, of course, the question is moot in any case as I do not limit access to my body on the basis of cock size or any other feature. I was born for service, without favor or exception, and all men are entitled to me.
  8. Interesting. How do you explain getting it in your urethra? The medical community is generally in agreement that a person cannot be infected with chlamydia without engaging in some form of sexual act, though the act need not be penetrative. It might be possible to get it, for instance, if a man’s genitals were in contact with another person’s genitals or sexual fluids, but not if those fluids had been sitting on a surface for a period of time - chlamydia does not endure outside the body and cannot be caught from places like toilet seats, pools or hot tubs. When you say you didn’t have sex, it’s clear you mean you didn’t have intercourse, but had there been any other kind of play, experimentation, or other contact? One doesn’t just spontaneously get chlamydia.
  9. What you’re asking is a violation of his professional code of ethics. It would be inadvisable to attempt to influence him to trample on his oath. It could complicate your relationship as patient and physician.
  10. Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you. The old adage applies here, too, because it’s a jungle out there. For different reasons, my slutting time is similarly concentrated into narrow opportunities, and I always know that I’m rolling the dice when I head out. I learned two things early: 1) Things turn out better if you plan well; and 2) If you describe success in terms of what you experienced rather than what you expected, you’ll end up more satisfied on the whole. In terms of 1), for instance, I learned that my odds for hotel hosting always seemed to work out better on Thursdays, and suck on Saturdays, so now I only go on Thursdays. I ask the bathhouse staff which days and times are busy and which are dead, and plan my visit accordingly. I take as much chance out of the equation as possible, but even so, I still have my share of dud hookups, regrettable encounters, and flakeapaloozas. It’s just the nature of the environment. Don’t get discouraged, just start right away planning for the next adventure.
  11. Posting content and reporting to the moderators doesn’t pay the electric bill to keep your servers running, or your refrigerator full of groceries. Do you anticipate your merchandise site bringing in sufficient revenue to maintain operations? Have you considered any means by which you could accept donations toward operating expenses? You’re not running a nonprofit, but nonprofits are no strangers to running things on a shoestring and there might be something to be gained from looking at that playbook. I don’t see how any of the sites will survive either. Even if they do manage to implement measures that will make it possible for them to comply with these draconian strictures under some kind of paid business model, their customer base will depart in droves because the requirements are simply too burdensome and invasive. But if those behind this actually think they’re going to put a stop to people acting on their base desires, they’re utterly deluded. Look at how well Prohibition worked out for the Anti-Saloon League - a decade worth of speakeasies and bathtub gin that made the time so lively they called it “Roaring”. Humans are creative, horny ones are notoriously devious, and gays have generations of experience flying under the radar. This might actually force us to put down the damn screens and cruise each other in the flesh ... and that might not be such a bad thing. If your new platforms help usher in a new era, then I say more power to you.
  12. Re-read everything posted above twice, then get in line. And the line is long. Tops are not in the majority. A recent poll on this site asking about position preference had Tops reporting in at just over 9%. Bottoms, by contrast, make up a staggeringly cockhungry 66%. The rest report Vers, meaning that at least part of the time they’re also looking for cock. That’s an unscientific poll, but probably not far off the mark. An actually scientific study done on cock size in 2015 reveals just how vanishingly rare a “monster” cock is - only 5 men out of 100 will have a cock longer than 6.3 inches. An 8- inch cock falls in the 99th percentile, meaning 1 man in 100. A 10-inch? Extremely hard to find. So, according to our polls and studies, only gay 1 man in 10 is interested in Topping, and of those, depending on your definition of “monster”, only 1 in 100 to 1 in 1000 will be the size that you - and hordes of other bottoms - are hunting. Most of the accounts you read on here of encounters with gargantuan cocks are, to be kind, exaggerated. It’s statistically impossible for all the stories here about men taking massive members to be true; there aren’t enough cocks that big on the planet. I take what might be called a respectable amount of cock, and I can count the number of truly huge cocks I’ve taken over the course of several years of egregious sluttery on the fingers of two hands, and have fingers left over. No one here is going to be able to give you a formula for easily pinning down such a Top for your very own. I assure you, if anyone knew such a means, he would guard it jealously for his own use. If you should stumble upon such a situation for yourself, it will be because you’ve heeded good advice like that given above, and because you’ve been fortunate beyond the dreams of mortals. If it happens, consider yourself blessed. More likely, you’ll find greater satisfaction, and likelihood of success, if you set your personal expectations on a more realistic and achievable goal.
  13. Honestly, I don’t even think about the fact that the cock has been in my ass before it goes in my mouth unless the Top makes a point of it. I had one Top who kept rotating from hole to hole, and every time he got to my mouth he would say, “That cock was just in your ass!” He seemed to really get a rush out of it. For me, it’s a no-brainer - if the cock isn’t in my ass, there’s only one other hole it can go into, and it’s my responsibility to make sure it stays warm and wet or I am not doing my job. And I love my job. The issue of waste matter isn’t really an issue for me. I’m scrupulous about cleaning out every single time I go into service, because I would consider it a very serious lapse to allow anything to end up on a cock that I couldn’t lick off. Another man offering to allow me to taste his penis is a generous gift; after he’s bred me, even more so. To refuse it would be unthinkable. All of the above applies equally whether it’s my ass the cock has just come out of, or another man’s.
  14. Sorry - The premise that the fact that the prostate can be stimulated internally is evidence that the rectum was evolved for a sexual function is not a scientifically supportable conclusion. Were such an evolutionary adaptive process to have occurred, any number of other more practical and useful adaptations would be clearly evident, not the least of which the structures would be far less easily damaged by the action of penises. As it is, the anorectal region is an example of anatomy developed for a highly specialized function - the elimination of solid waste. The fact that we discovered, when we co-opted the parts by sheer default for homosexual buggery (it was the only hole in the general location), that we were stimulated inside does not mean we’re using the parts as nature intended. @Phallarchist’s point need not be taken as a suggestion that men should or should not assume an identity as an alternate gender - indeed, he specifically states that one should not consider himself other than male. Rather, he simply points out the essential analog between rectum and vagina in a reproductive context. Some may debate the relevance of reproductive drives in the context of homosexual coupling, but I believe that all sex originates with the same set of primal imperatives regardless of orientation, and ultimately never extends terribly far from them. When a Top is approaching his climax in me, I can just about always detect that subtle shift, at the very end at least, when his brain stem takes over... and he’s reproducing. A bottom and a Top may agree that the bottom is a man and the Top is fucking an ass, but when their biology kicks in, I believe @Phallarchist is right - the cock is looking for a womb, and that’s what the bottom provides, by any other name. It’s just biology, having nothing to do with taste, preference, or choice of role.
  15. This ^, definitely. I don’t know exactly where the breaking point occurs, but once the ratio of real people drops below a certain point, the community on a site no longer has the critical mass to maintain its legitimate interest to users. After that, I don’t know how a site recovers - I’ve never understood why site managers continue practices that ultimately drive away their customer base. No successful business does that.
  16. That adds another dimension to the concept of ‘housewarming’.
  17. Careful - that sounds like a good place to catch crabs. 😉
  18. You’re letting your rhetoric run away with you. You could easily have pointed out that some bottoms don’t take such an absolute view without disparaging those who do. There may be no rule designating what “proper” bottoms are or do, but neither is there any metric classifying submissive bottoms as “groveling, no self-esteem”. I grovel for no one and my self-esteem is just fine thank you very much, yet I agree that a bottom who claims to offer any sort of quality service had better be willing and able to take cock. Not all bottoms are alike; some are very self-oriented, others are service-oriented. Comparing the two types in terms of what makes a “true” bottom is pointless - their motivations are fundamentally different. The similarity they share, however, is that they both ultimately have to take it up the ass. In terms of the OP’s question, several respondents have advised that having the right mindset is key to successfully doing so. @DannyBoyCMH’s comment is nothing more than an expounding upon such a mindset, from someone with considerable experience taking cock. Sometimes, the difference between a positive and a negative experience in taking a cock boils down to just deciding you’re going to take it one way or the other - that is, deciding that failure is not going to be one of your options. And there are rewards. Last week my current regular Top was giving me a very professional railing after a two-week hiatus, super-enjoying himself, going at me with all kinds of angles to the point that it felt like he was excavating a new cavity inside my abdomen. After a bit, it hurt. I had to decide whether I was going to ask him to curtail his pleasure, or just take it. He had such a look of bliss on his face that it wasn’t much of a decision; I just relaxed my insides and took it. When he was done, he told me how much he loved fucking me, and what made it really good for him, he told me, was that I was able “to just take it.” It’s why he keeps calling me back for more.
  19. @viking8x6 - I so hear you about the “reception” in the rural areas - it’s a fucking wasteland here, to the point that it’s almost not worth bothering to look at locals traffic. But - I found two of my very best-ever Tops in the nearest town, so panning for gold does occasionally turn up a nugget or two. I understand what you’re saying about conditions sometimes not being right, but that’s kind of my broader point - I don’t think there are actually that many men out there who are simply looking for a no-frills, no-strings, no-complications raw fuck for the love of fucking. Lots talk about it, but way too many men seem to find every excuse not to actually do it. In most cases, if I hear a guy say, “I would have fucked him, but [fill in excuse]” I end up unconvinced. At the end of the day, what separates men who fuck from men who talk is that the men who fuck just do it. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with using the apps to shop for eye candy or masturbation fodder, I’m just speculating that those of us hoping to actually rub flesh together may be expecting more of the apps than they can return because our market is sparser than it appears. I’d love to be completely wrong about this.
  20. ‘Judgey judgey’? If you would take the time to read through some of the many other posts that I have made on this forum on the subject if STDs, you would find that your mischaracterization above bears no resemblance to my actual attitude or position on the subject. You would find that I am a staunch advocate of both testing and of education about sexual disease transmission, risk prevention and the promotion of safer barebacking in general. Why do I care about these things? Because I’m a six-year AIDS survivor. A disease transmitted to me by someone you would term “sexually generous” came within hours of ending my life in 2014. “Sexually generous” people, as you would have it, have also given me gonorrhea and chlamydia multiple times, and I will always register positive for syphilis now thanks to someone’s “generosity”. The comment above to which you take exception, and which you evidently did not read carefully, specifically addresses my personal observation that when I have been infected, I seem to receive multiple infections at the same time. The men who transmitted the diseases to me may or may not have been the original source of the multiple infections, but somewhere along the line, an individual had to have picked up each of those diseases individually and continued to carry them untested and untreated long enough to catch the others as well. The fact that an individual can become a reservoir for multiple diseases suggests strongly that he is not diligent in monitoring his own sexual health and is not responsible in ensuring he is not a danger to others. In a word, his behavior is lax. I did not say that this conjecture applies to everyone who catches an STD, nor did I imply anything about anybody being “dirty” - that inference is totally your own. What I said was “disease vector”, and yes, any one of us has the potential at any time to be a vector by which a disease is transmitted to another person. That’s a fact, not a judgment. If we’re going to be “sexually generous”, then that fact means we have a responsibility not just to ourselves, but to each other to get tested, get treated, and keep our breeding arena as pathogen-free as humanly possible. We don’t have the luxury to fret over whether somebody thinks we’re “dirty” - we’re dealing with fucking diseases. Some of them are potentially debilitating. Some of them are potentially deadly. The attitude we can’t afford is one that says, “Eh, so what if we pass around a few diseases? It’s all part of the fun, right? Just accept ‘em, get a shot, they’re not gonna hurt you.” Fuck that. I’ve had ‘em. Some of them are still in me, or have left their mark, and I’m here to show my scars and tell you this isn’t some fucking game. The only men I judge are the ones who refuse to take responsibility for the risk they pose to others - or themselves.
  21. This being the case you probably shouldn’t even talk to a Top about a “no limits” arrangement, because yours is the most conservative vanilla view possible and bears no resemblance to the definition understood and accepted by any number of quite ruthless and dangerous predatory Dominants you might encounter. No, really. You get a sense of this in some of the replies above, such as the candid remark of the man who says he’d like to take a man’s testicle (just one). I believe him. My former Master, a Sadist, used to say, “‘Never’ means seven sessions.” That is, whatever a submissive said was a hard limit he would never go beyond, after seven sessions of working toward it, that limit would no longer be an obstacle. That’s how I ended up with each of my nuts skewered through the center with an 0.18 gauge needle one evening. He wasn’t the beating type, he was more the mindfucking type, and also the electrocuting-your-genitals and flogging-you-with-flaming-floggers type. As in, with fire. He was the lube-the-sound-with-IcyHot-before-deep-prostate-sounding type. He never viewed my limits as boundaries to be respected, but rather as minor obstacles to his chosen destination - not as things to be honored, but to be overcome. It’s not that he ever failed to respect my limits, he simply pursued strategies that resulted in me no longer having those limits. Now, I don’t necessarily fully subscribe to his Seven Sessions theory in all cases. I may have ultimately allowed him to run a needle through my balls, but I don’t believe there’s any possible way he could ever have persuaded me to let him remove them, even if he had been so inclined. I don’t think there’s any way he could have overcome my visceral revulsion to the notion of any form of play involving human waste. Mercifully, he wasn’t interested in putting it to the test. The point is, the mind is far, far more malleable than most people think, and most men highly overrate the power of their own will when faced with an extremely Dominant personality. While a true “no limits” bottom may not exist for the several reasons others have mentioned above, I believe that a skilled - or determined - Dominant can radically lower the limit threshold, and certain Sadists (or simply psychopaths) can take it to a dangerous extreme if a bottom makes an unwise claim about being “no limits”.
  22. The same advice applies in preparing yourself to be able to take any large cock - practice. Stretch yourself over time with plugs or dildoes, and condition your body to perform the task. And poppers, to relax your involuntary muscle contractions. The advice to put yourself in the right mindset isn’t bad advice, but thinking isn’t all it takes. You can put yourself in a mindset to lift an Olympic-level weight, but if you try it without training for it, you won’t succeed.
  23. It’s the signal-to-noise ratio that is the downfall of all of these apps because their essential function is to facilitate communication. The genuineness of the messages received, however, has on the whole proven so unreliable that the system no longer has the internal integrity needed for a functional network. In terms of these apps’ usefulness as hookup tools, however, here’s my hypothesis: I’m starting to think that they don’t produce that many actual hookups because there aren’t as many men actually interested in hooking up as we assume there are. I think the number of men with the drive, willingness, and lack of inhibition to actively seek sexual intercourse is smaller than generally supposed. The apps are full of men indulging in fantasies of what it would be like to hook up, or simply looking for participatory porn to fap to. I know that the signal I’m sending is genuine, but it could be that the signal-to-noise ratio is bad because there isn’t that much actual signal out there to begin with.
  24. Like you, I tend to look at us all as fruit on a market stand, some of it fresh off the tree and slightly green, some of it fully ripe, some of it overripe and a little spotty and showing the occasional bruise, some of it starting to wrinkle (I’m not counting the prunes). As a rule, we all know what fruit gets taken, and in what order. Except: Bananas. People have distinct preference for the ripeness of their bananas. Some people want them fully ripe but firm, others want them soft and mellow. Some (like myself) prefer them slightly pre-ripe, slightly tangy with a bit of bite to it; still others want them only when the peel is practically black and the fruit barely holds itself together. All in all, I think we cumdumps are best thought of as bananas in terms of this question. Yes, as we get older the signs of age are unmistakable - but there’s a banana for everybody, and you can never tell what someone’s going to like.
  25. I just read on the website of The Works in Indianapolis that they have reopened under new ownership - which could mean any number of policy changes - but right now they seem to still be under some limitations, with operating hours from 10am to midnight, whereas they used to never close. It’s unclear whether monthly Cumunion has started back again. I’ll probably wait a couple more months before investing the three-hour drive to check out the situation in person. If anyone local can update us on The Works or Club Indy, please do. I was always kind of surprised that two bathhouses could survive in competition in a city the size of Indianapolis - after COVID, I’ll be interested to see if they both still do. The only mention Club Indy’s website makes of COVID is a little black box at the top that reads “limited availability or may remain closed”. As hard as Indiana has been hit by COVID, I won’t be surprised if they’re a little slow to return to full bathhouse normal, but on the other hand, the state is already relaxing mask mandates; my state of Kentucky, on their southern border, is very much not.
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