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About NJVers

  • Birthday 04/03/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Jersey
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Looking For
    Fun. Sex. FlipFucking. PNP.

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name

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  1. Hi, ever take med breaks?

  2. Bored and horny in jerz




  3. Hope more soon!
  4. You have a beautiful ass - and I am a bottom!

  5. Went once in 2010 and it was clean and big, but literally was me, the person I went with, and maybe one other person we stumbled upon hours later. I’ve been meaning to go back
  6. Bathhouse: Club Philly for 24 hours Party in London arrived at 9ish Friday night and left late Sunday / early Monday morning
  7. Hope to see you at Club Philly tonight 😉

  8. Nice ass you got there

    1. NJVers


      Thank you v. much!

    2. metroguy


      Your welcome, wouldnt mind bottoming for you ;)

  9. @earlystart has a good track record with finishing his stories, y'all. Just hold out, I'm sure it's coming.
  10. No longer on BarebackRT?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. valleyvers


      Oh thats lame, whats your name on there?

    3. NJVers



      To Clarify; I'd suspended a bunch of profiles and social media last year right as the school year began and we were starting remote. I knew myself. and being alone at home for a half day meant I should take away as many temptations as possible. Guess I waited too long to fix it with BBRT

    4. valleyvers


      Yeah I completely understand that. Got to keep the sex drive at bay when trying to better yourself

  11. Before I moved to sunny Florida, I lived near Philadelphia. Several of the guys I hung out with lived in S Jersey (Collingswood, Cherry Hill, Swedesboro) and central NJ (Toms River). Too bad I didn't run into you because I Think you'd have fiT right in (in more ways than one). 

    1. NJVers


      Damn, you ever up this way again?

    2. Slambtmsrqboy


      Ever since I joined I've wanted to meet the man behind that beautiful dick. I live in Bradenton, not to far and have decent source for T. You down for some company sometime? 



    3. rawbttm4host


      Im in Clearwater fl

  12. Down in central jerz here.
  13. Off this coming week. anyone up for some fun in the clouds?

    1. Toaster2007


      im in NYC but can always get to NJ.  8.5'' hung uninhibited here with few limiTs. 😉

  14. Fuck! Hot! And with all that squared away, they can proceed!
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