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Everything posted by Ingulphus

  1. Edging and long periods of stimulation work best for me, especially if I've abstained from cumming for 2-3 days. I'm also on testosterone replacement therapy, and in the last several months, the trajectory, strength and distance of my first couple of spurts have increased dramatically, the current record being 3.5 feet (it was at the end of about an hour-long e-stim session). There have been a large number of claims made for products that profess to increase your volume and viscosity (and a very funny parody of those claims here: http://www.zug.com/herbal/ropex/ ), but I can only think of snake oil when I read the testimonies of happy men shooting 1/2 inch ropes of sperm thick 20 feet (an exaggeration, but not by much). Keeping hydrated is a good idea for many reasons (it will also keep your precum production up to speed), but aside from a vague notion of sympathetic maqic, I don't know that milk would make any difference.
  2. Fuck, buddy - I didn't know that was you! I hit your target several times while chatting with Tom (it was my first chew); if I'd known it was you, I would have sought you out at the party, because I needed your piss-drinking skills badly!
  3. All the right elements - fucking hot!
  4. I agree with thick's post - although a really good breeding is what most think of as sex, sometimes a blow job can be transcendent. I was at Smokeout in Las Vegas over the weekend, and hoped to find a few guys to nail my ass, which didn't happen (I did several satisfying electro scenes as the top, though ). But yesterday evening I was treated to one of the best, nuanced, intelligent, thorough and devastating blowjobs I've ever had - over an hour's worth of focused, expert attention on my cock and balls. I warned him that, with so much edging, the first couple of spurts were going to feel like bullets hitting his throat (and they did), but he took my load like the champ he is and my roars were heard on the other side of the pool (i was indoors, with the window closed). I would have been very lucky, indeed, to find a top who would have given me the same experience while fucking me.
  5. Take a deep breath, and remind yourself that the pain will go away after a bit. It's well worth it.
  6. The English white label lasts in the bottle, especially if kept in the freezer in between uses, but the best I've ever used come from www.Minotaursf.com, which are only available via mail order. If not actual amyl, they are damn close, but because they are so volatile, a bottle only lasts a couple of days after opening. Amazingly smooth, never a headache, and a nice high - more of a wave than a rush.
  7. You probably can't go wrong with Camp Palm Springs on a weekend, and all the other resorts offer day passes, so you have a lot of options.
  8. I've started to use a trimix injection when I'm topping - it provides at least 2 hours of a "forced" hard-on. The first time I used it, i was a little concerned about what would happen if I needed to piss while sporting a bionic boner, then found to my relief that it was no problem at all, other than aiming (I pissed in the shower to let it spray where it wanted). Next time it's going up someone's ass.
  9. Looking forward to filling you from my tank at Smokeout!

  10. There's not much to love about Oakland, but we have a great house for much less than a small apartment in San Francisco, and the city's only 20 minutes across the bridge by bus, subway or car. And, unlike S.F., we do have something approaching a summer here...
  11. Wow - I'm not sure how I missed this one, but I'm damn glad I found it!
  12. Which is the way it should be!
  13. Yeah - I swallow: http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=UaLUi-G362-
  14. "Ask Me"s are the kiss of death for me, especially if that's their response to drug usage. I can see someone using it to be coy about serostatus, but even that smacks of dishonesty.
  15. Fucking hot story - got me hard and dripping (pre-cum) immediately.
  16. Usually after the bars close - say from 1:00am on. Earlier than that, it can be almost empty.
  17. As I'm hoping it will be tonight - my boy is feeling frisky, so its' time to whore his ass out in the sling, and mine, if there's any interest.
  18. At least in the San Francisco area, older men are considered hot as both tops and bottoms. I've got a good number of younger, regular fuck buddies from BBRT who enjoy me as a bottom, and with the magical aid of trimix, I'm now gaining further attention as a versatile top. I've had more, and better, sex in my 50's than in all of my earlier life, and although it would be fun to go back in time with my current experience and self-confidence, I'm very comfortable with who I am. As Tallulah said, "If I could live my life all over again, I'd make the same mistakes again, only faster!"
  19. Ripeness is all. Older men lack some of the pleasures of youth (aging bodies, etc.), but they can often offer experience, focus and passion to a younger man (as well as to each other!). Even in my teens, I mostly had sex with men 20-40 years older than me, and I think I gained immeasurably by it. Now I'm their age, and enjoy giving back what I had been given then.
  20. The other option is to put your ass in one of the slings at Mack Folsom Prison in S.F. - much more public, and much easier to get a GB going.
  21. About an hour ago, from a favorite fuck buddy. Probably his usual large load, although I'm still holding it so can't be sure...
  22. I've met one very hot man, who became one of my boys, here on B-Zone.
  23. Completely off-topic (although I agree with TonyRedux) - hot men with brains are the ultimate turn-on!
  24. Blowbuddies, Eros and Mack Folsom Prison. And the back smoking room at Powerhaus.
  25. Don't know if any of them will have an effect on testosterone levels - I use Androgel (a prescription), but am switching to an injection, as the peak is so much more fun...
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