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Everything posted by Close2MyBro

  1. I've had a few instances where guys showed up looking nothing like their pics. A small few I sent away saying that they didn't match their pics because there was a huge discrepancy and maybe they looked like their pic 20 years ago or in another universe. I sent away a few that looked like they were strung out on drugs too. The ones that did sorta look like their pics but maybe had a few extra pounds or a few years on them I went ahead and had sex with, as that doesn't bother me so much. What does bother me is a guy who cannot get hard and/or can't keep it hard. I've had to send a few of those away as well because they serve no purpose for me whatsoever. And I've asked and had people lie to me about it, which is even more annoying.
  2. I've done all the and I think they all have their time and place, but for routine fucks I prefer lube, just because it makes it easier to go for a longer period of time and keeps your ass in good shape for the next guy.
  3. I actually prefer not to cum when I'm bottoming and I enjoy tops who feel the same way. I get turned off by "tops" who want to see me cum.
  4. Reading all these stories, I guess I've been pretty lucky. The most I've encountered is some clutter and maybe the odor of a litter box but nothing compared to the horror stories I'm reading here.
  5. In my experience, the top/bottom imbalance existed LONG before covid hit
  6. I wouldn't take it as failure. I know a lot of guys who just want variety and I know a few guys who never fuck the same guy twice, that's just their policy. LOL.
  7. I'm not even sure that everyone defines the word pig the same, so it would be hard to say if I am or if I'm not, but I can say that in my whole life of having sex, I've never been called a pig, but I've had a lot of guys tell me that I'm pretty nasty or that I have a dirty mind when it comes to sex.
  8. I'm not into rosebuds, but I do enjoy looking at a hole that shows that it is obviously well-used/slightly beat up.
  9. Take the pneumonia vaccine as well. Most doctors will give you the vax if you ask and all the HIV docs I know actually suggest it if they know you are having sex with men. If you're over 50, you should get the shingles vaccine as well., its two doses two months apart. Just plan well for that one though, because it comes on strong and leaves you feeling tired and worn out for a few days after. I'd suggest getting it on a Friday so you can spend the weekend recovering from it.
  10. I stopped being hung up on looks years ago when I realized that some of my all-time best fucks were unattractive guys. Since then, I haven't cared about looks as I'm more interested in their topping abilities and their willingness and ability to fuck for fuck's sake. I actually get turned off if a guy starts talking as if he's too passionate or caring because what I want is a good hard fuck.
  11. If he's serious about meeting people, why is he posted as a guest?
  12. I love it when a young guy shows off his talents!
  13. There are a lot more bottoms than tops now than before. I blame a lot of it on meth. A lot of guys can't get it hard or can't keep it hard, or they just don't want to do the "work" involved in topping. I'm old enough to remember years ago when it was almost impossible to find a black or latin bottom, and now it seems you can't find a black or latin top.
  14. Years ago I had a regular suck buddy who was in his late teens when I was in my early 40's. He was only interested in getting his dick sucked by older guys. I later found out that grew up having his dick sucked regularly by an older man in his neighborhood so he's been kind of conditioned to get sucked by older men and that's his only form of sexual activity. He doesn't top or anything, he just wants to get sucked by older men.
  15. Some of the hotels that require key access to get to the rooms have neglected to install the same key system in the stairways, so the stairways are usually a viable option to get between floors. Others also usually have a separate elevator system to the ballroom level and from there you can often go to other rooms without using he key system.
  16. From a psychological standpoint, you should start thinking yourself as the very thing that you're resisting. So instead of letting your subconscious mind tell you that you aren't a fag, start telling yourself that you ARE a fag. The more you do this the more you start to shift how you see yourself and many of the reservations you have will start to slip away.
  17. I've never licked up completely anonymous cum from a public bathroom but for a while I had a fuck buddy who used to love to jack off on public toilet seats and then have me lick it up while he watched. We used to do that whenever we were hanging out so I've probably done it about 20-30 times or so.
  18. For a while they had looked at the impact Edurant had on suppressing the virus and it appeared to have a positive effect. They also found that the antihistamine Azelastine was effective at slowing and/or blocking the replication of covid.
  19. I agree that Imodium does work and is great for those rare (or at least rare for me) days when you have a long night of anal abuse ahead of you. It's just not a good idea to use it on a regular basis or long term as it can have withdrawal symptoms similar to stopping narcotics.
  20. Well eating plenty of proteins helps. So does cheese. I make sure to have some form of cheese on a daily basis, usually string cheese in the morning and in the evening. The calcium in greek yogurt is also helpful. Avoid chocolate or other things that our stomach might be sensitive to as well. I also avoid foods that generate a lot of gas because that just seems to make things move in unpredictable ways.
  21. I'm less a believe in the fiber route and more a believer in the firming route. I try to maintain a diet that keeps things on the firmer side. It seems to me easier to clean out completely when the contents are firm and are easily flushed out with an ample supply of water and the overall process seems to be faster.
  22. Some guys just have a strong desire to get every possible bodily fluid they can inside you and spitting is one of those. Some also get off on clearing their throat into your mouth as well.
  23. My understanding is that family activity is fairly common in Russia.
  24. I've had a few guys ask me to open my mouth with the expectation the wanted to stick their dick in only to end up spitting in my mouth. I don't stop them, and I agree it's an Alpha's right to do so.
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