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Everything posted by Close2MyBro

  1. That reminds me of a time that my neighbor introduced me to a good friend of his at a club one time. He was telling me about how his friend and his friend's boyfriend at the time were such a great and happy couple. I pretended that I had never met him before and he did the same but needless to say my neighbor had no idea that his "good friend" had been pounding the fuck out of my ass with his 10"x6" dick every chance he got whenever his boyfriend was out of town on business and that he'd been fucking me weekly or more for more than a year by that point, leaving my hole wrecked after each encounter and pretty much wrecked the whole time we were hooking up.
  2. The shelf life of most drugs was found to be 90+% effective many years after expiration. There are only a small handful of drugs that become dangerous after expiration. This article might have more info for reference. [think before following links] https://www.pharmacytimes.com/view/some-medications-last-long-past-expiration-date
  3. I love anon fucks, but I do tend to try to weed out the mental cases or those that just seem untrustworthy. If a guy makes it past that filter then I'm ready to be blindfolded, ass up and ready. So far I've been lucky and have had some great successes with it, including a few guys where the whole anon thing went on for years without me ever seeing them with my own eyes. I even had one guy who would either bring an anonymous friend or occasionally send someone else to fuck me instead of him, so I've truly been fucked by guys I've had absolutely no contact with at all other than having them fuck me.
  4. What area of Ohio are you in?

    1. ricohio


      Southeastern  (Zanesville area) about an hour from Columbus

    2. ronnie4u


      I was at a Dark party and found myself being used by strangers - Oh My God - Yes !  Yes !  Please !   Do it !   Do it again !  Thinking of his blind fold - in the dark - lol !

  5. I love seeing a younger guy with a wrecked hole!
  6. I think putting it on your forehead would probably result in maximum action. 😜
  7. A close fuck buddy of mine is in need of a sane cocksucker/cumpdump. He lives in the Shaker Heights area of Cleveland and he hasn't had much luck finding a replacement for his regular cockwhore. If you're interested, please message me directly and we can discuss and see if you're a good fit for him.
  8. Some guys are good at it, and others are not. You really need to find someone who LOVES to suck and swallow to get the best blowjob.
  9. I've had plenty of great sex in Toronto. Canadians seem much more sexually open and not hung up on looks, age or body size. The gay men in Ft. Lauderdale also seem to be very sexual as well.
  10. Maybe you're overexposed to sex and you've become desensitized from it. Try taking a break and see if that re-energizes your sexual desire.
  11. I've seen a lot of jealous gay guys threaten to end somebody's good times because they aren't invited or otherwise feel like they've been shunned. Happens much more often than it should.
  12. Does it itch more at night? If so, then it may be scabies. Its treatable with prescription lotion from your doctor.
  13. It sounds like A4A has become grindr. All grindr seems to offer is a bunch of phony bots looking for a "long distance relationship" or a bunch of drug abusers looking for someone with drugs to share.
  14. I have heard of this before. Can you change medications? I think that's a possibility from what I've heard.
  15. I tend to see a lot of hypocrisy in the gay community. So many preach "acceptance" and are quick to condemn others but are severely intolerant of anything that doesn't serve their immediate selfish needs or fit their image of what a perfect gay man should be.
  16. My rule is to always allow a top to use your throat and ass as he sees fit. There's also a certain sense of excitement to get choked out by a man's dick.
  17. I've only met two guys in my life that were "no loads refused". The rest would probably be better described as "most loads accepted", including myself. It's not that I have any problems with the concept of "no loads refused" but every now and then you run into a guy who just repulses you for whatever reason and I have no interest in having sex with them. Other than that, I'm pretty open to most and actually find some guys sexually exciting that might put off other people.
  18. I had to be taken off Tenofivir because it was affecting my kidney function. My doctor told me that there aren't that any other single drug options for prep and he had to put me on a regular Hiv regiment which usually adds a second class of drugs on top of the drugs usually given for prep. The combo he put me on is Epzicom and Edurant, both are kidney friendly but the only drawback with Epzicom is that you have to be tested to make sure you don't have a certain gene variation called HLA-B*5701. If you have it, you cannot use the drug as people with that gene mutation end up having life threatening reactions to it. It's worked well for me and my kidney function has improved and I've had no side effects from the regiment and I've been on it for six years now, so you might want to see if your doctor is open to it.
  19. I have a friend who was raped and he said the same thing. He was hoping to run into the guy again and he still gets turned on every time he thinks about it.
  20. It depends on the guy and the jewelry. With some guys it fits their look and personality, and with other guys it just doesn't. If it fits, then I find it hot. If it doesn't, then it can be a huge turn off for me.
  21. It could be a hemorrhoid or a possible anal fissure. Are you a heavy drinker? If so, the chances of an anal fissure are higher in heavy drinkers.
  22. I always thought Bad McGuire was overrated. I've seen a lot better tops in random amateur porn.
  23. I have a similar technique I used to use out at the hotel pool when I was on vacation. I made it a point to rent a room with direct access to the pool deck. I would occasionally strike up conversations with guys if they were alone or when when their wives stepped away and tell them that I was there for vacation and hanging out with one of my 'straight friends', thus allowing them to conclude that I was gay. Often that didn't lead to any direct sexual conversation or action at the time but a few times I would run into the guy again at the pool or some other place where it was more convenient to start a conversation or some action. I had one guy follow me into the bathroom in the pool area to ask me if I would be free later in the evening when he goes for his 'walk'. He walked every night for four nights and I sucked him off each time. Another guy knocked on my patio door from the pool deck to ask if a towel left on the deck was mine, I asked him in and he brutally fucked my face and left. I've had a few other takers over the years with that technique as well.
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