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Everything posted by Close2MyBro

  1. If it was gono, he shoud have seen it clear up in a couple of days after getting he shot. Since it didn't the doctor knew it wasn't gono, and prescribed doxy, which is a broad spectrum antiobotic that is effective at killing bacteria in the urinary tract and other mucus membrane areas as well. The second dose was probably overkill. If he had it when he started the first dose of doxy, he wouldn't need the second dose. That's really the only part that doesn't make sense to me. I think our US system tries to be more preventative when the cost of treatment is inexpensive. The "Obamacare" program actually mandates that insurance companies provide annual physicals at no charge, as well as other preventative treatment measures, again, at no charge.
  2. It's not unusual in the United States to get treated for a suspected STD pending verification of the disease thru tests, or they may not test at all. Usually when a doctor sees enough symptoms to believe that you have a specific disease, they will treat you for that disease, with the exception of a few diseases they won't treat until you have a positive test. Usually this only happens when the treatment medication is expensive, or if the treatment medication carries its own set of risks. In some instances, they don't run tests at all, in others they run tests and provide medication pending the results, and in others they only run tests if the treatment doesn't cure the infection. For example, here in the US most doctors will immediately treat you if you suspect you have Syphilis or have been exposed to it and run tests as well, but the treatment is a single shot so you're treated even if the results come back negative. Is medication harder to get in the Netherlands? Is it a cost issue, or an availability issue, or is that just how universal healthcare works?
  3. So are you're OK with the illegal drug use, self destructive behavior, and bug chasing? You didn't seem to mention any of those illegal activities.
  4. These are usually meth addicts who haven't come to terms with the fact that they've lost their ability to get hard.
  5. All of the following: - Not having a dick pic - Only wanting to hook up "NOW" and not being able to plan something - Using meth - Cock rings in their pictures - Talking about how big their dick is when it really isn't big at all - Wanting to be "edged"
  6. When they have a completely blank profile and their first message is "looking?". Looking for what????
  7. I've had doctors tell me the normal course is about 4 to 6 weeks to achieve undetectable status, so that sounds about right. I also believe that the research has shown the risk of transmission from a bottom to a top is very low unless the top is uncircumcised.
  8. It's all "wash". The homeless in California is out of control and growing every day. Crime is not going down, it is going up, but due to recent law changes by the ruling party that now makes it "legal" to steal up to $900 worth of stuff, the crime is not being reported or recorded. Stores like Target are closing early to try to minimize the widespread theft. California used to be a great place to live, now it has turned into a great place to flee.
  9. I'm new to Vegas, have only been here a year and covid killed a lot of the early activity, but I'm loving it now. Each week we get at least two fresh rotations of horny men - str8, bi, and gay - all coming into town looking for some "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" kind of nasty action. A lot of them come in and share a room, so being able to host is plus, or you just have to get creative to find places to have sex. It amazes me how many of them are cheating on their girlfriends or wives, they often make excuses to wander off on their own and then they venture out to hook up. No one is looking to date, they just want rough and raw fucking. It's been great so far!
  10. Do you know what was being used for lube? There are some lubes that irritate my digestive tract and I have to avoid those. High doses of the PREP could cause it as well, or it is possible you picked up some kind of bug from one of the guys.
  11. Pjur is my lube of choice. It seems a little goes a long way. If I'm going ass to mouth, I'd rather have the oil slickness than the disgusting taste of silicone lube.
  12. But it's OK to tell young kids that they don't know what their true gender is by looking between their legs? That's a much more drastic psychology to instill in a kid than to tell him that unprotected sex is natural.
  13. You do what works for you, and I'll do what works for me. 😃
  14. I used to work for a doctor. He told me Vaseline is exactly what you need to keep moisture locked into the skin surface. You' want to create a barrier between your skin and the external world to allow you tissues to fully moisturize and stay supple. The medical theory involved is called 'occlusion'. Putting coconut oil or any other food based oil is only going to allow bacteria to grow, and is not something I would recommend. [think before following links] https://www.futurederm.com/coconut-oil-really-not-antibacterial/
  15. You'll need a lot of lube and patience. Squirt the lube up your ass because you're going to want the whole tunnel covered. Start fingering some Vaseline in your hole morning or night to keep it supple and to prepare it to stretch.
  16. Yeah, I would have to agree with that!
  17. I can definitely get into swallowing multiple loads, but to me facials are just a waste of cum!
  18. Yeah, he was very hot! Beautiful killer smile, lol. Prosectuors alleged he killed Lamar Odin Lloyd because Odin found out about his gay relationships. He's actually thought to have killed many others or at least participated in their deaths as well. There's an article that summarizes the alleged murders here: [think before following links] https://heavy.com/sports/2020/01/how-many-people-did-aaron-hernandez-kill/ . He killed himself as well, does that count?
  19. This is a battle you will never win, so don't try. If you shave it, you'll suddenly meet a lot of men who want you hairy. If you let it grow out, you'll suddenly meet a lot of men who prefer smooth. I gave up trying. Now my attitude is if they don't like the way I am, then NEXT!!!
  20. You say this as if you're surprised. Have you read some of the stuff people post in the other forums on this site? There are people out there who are into stealthing. I've met a few of them myself and their desire to spread HIV is real. Not my place to judge, we all have our kinks, but it is a real thing going on.
  21. I love having sex with guys who don't speak english! This reminds me of a situation I was in once where a buddy had some Mexican 'friends' of his use my ass.
  22. With Prep the biggest problem is kidney disease that sneaks up on you. I had that happen about year five on prep when my kidney function suddenly started a rapid decline. Was sent to a nephrologist who took me off all of the medication I was on for a month and then tested me again, and my kidney function started to make a rebound. Went back every two weeks for more bloodwork and kidney function continued to improve. We determined it was the Prep. I was put on a regiment that was more kidney friendly (and more costly) and although I did suffer some kidney damage, I recovered most of the loss. The doctor told me it wasn't uncommon for this to happen years later and it wasn't uncommon for it to happen quickly, especially on Truvada, so keep an eye on your numbers.
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