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Everything posted by Close2MyBro

  1. How did you meet him?
  2. I'm actually turned off by condom porn. It has to be raw, the way sex is meant to be, or I won't watch it.
  3. You're probably to young to have heard of Jimmy Carter. He's the Democratic president who had the longest and worst depression since World War II, starting at the beginning of 1980, and not ending until two years after Ronald Reagan was in office.
  4. Most guys have no idea that I'm gay. I look like an average guy. It makes it hard for me to pick up guys in public places because I don't give off the gay vibes.
  5. Years ago I finally came to the realization that my calling in life was to pleasure dudes sexually without much regard for my own pleasure. I've learned to derive my pleasure from catering to their sexual perversions and fulfilling their sexual needs.
  6. I usually don't kiss on the mouth if I'm slutting around, unless the guy is very sexy to me and gives me the impression he would be a hot kisser.
  7. Any diarrhea or loose stools? I had a giardia infection that started out gassy and nauseous and over the course of the next few days progressively got worse and had to be treated with antibiotics. The only other time I've had a similar situation was when I developed a stomach ulcer once.
  8. I love ass to mouth, I really enjoy tasting a guys load mixed with my ass. I've found that tops who don't do ass to mouth tend to be pretty vanilla and I need someone much nastier than that.
  9. I've had the best luck on A4A and the worst luck on Grindr. I miss Craig's list, that was the all time best place to find a hook-up.
  10. I've had the same experience. Middle Eastern men are very willing to have sex with another man as long as they are the alpha and that you understand that it's just sex and that no one else can know. About three years ago I was on vacation in Ft. Lauderdale and had just come back from the clubs and was heading toward my hotel room. On my way to my room I ran into an Arab man in his late 40's who stopped me in the hallway to ask me if I knew where he might be able to find an American woman to provide sexual pleasure to him. I told him that I was gay and that I had no idea where he could find a woman so late at night. To my surprise, he asked me if I might be willing to pleasure him and he assured me that he would make it well worth my time, and since I was already pretty horned up from being out, I agreed. I followed him back to his room, which was a suite in the hotel. I spent the next three hours providing sexual pleasure to him in whatever manner he desired and I was surprised at how polite he was to ask me if I would do particular things to pleasure him physically. After he was completely spent, he offered me $3,000, which I declined. I told him I had actually enjoyed myself and that the money wasn't necessary, to which he keep insisting that I take it, but I continued to decline. He told me he enjoyed himself and that he would be most happy if we met again sometime. I told him I was in town on vacation but gave him my contact info anyway and I left and went back to my room. A couple of days later my trip was over and I went to check out of the hotel and the front desk clerk told me my balance was zero, that my room and all charges had already been settled. Apparently he was a frequent guest at the hotel and asked the manager to waive my charges, which he did. He contacted me about two months later when he came into my home town and I met up with him yet again for another evening of pleasuring him. We talked about sex in the Arab world and he explained to me that it is OK for them to be the "top" but it is not ok for them to be the "bottom" and that many Arab men have men or women on the side who do nothing but provide sexual pleasure when they want it.
  11. Our condo has a plumbing contractor and he came out once to check all the units in our building for low water pressure. He was a much older Mexican man and not really attractive. I had left my porn out in my master bedroom and he saw it. It gave him ideas, because he came back out with a hard on inside his pants. He told me he could see that I liked "man pipe" and asked me if I wanted to suck his dripping pipe, which I did. Whenever he was dispatched to our building he wold knock on my door after he finished the job to see if I was home so I could fix his plumbing leak. For an unattractive guy, he had a huge uncut pipe and shot like a cannon. I must have sucked him off about 20 times the whole 10 years i lived there.
  12. When I see that evil grin on a guy's face that tells me that I have no idea what I'm in for.
  13. Years ago I had met a guy on an AOL chat room and decided to meet. He was Latino, from South America and worked for a large company and had been assigned to the area for a few years.. we chatted online and everything sounded great, but when we met up i had realized that his pictures were a little old but decided to go for it anyway.. well, turns out his cock was a little smaller than he said it was also.. we had sex, which really wasn't that great and then spent some time talking afterword as we had similar business backgrounds.. as I spoke to him i started to get turned off even more because he was very arrogant about what he did for a living.. i took off thinking no big loss if i didn't see him again.. of course, he hit me up a few days later wanting to hook up again, and reluctantly i agreed.. again the sex wasn't that great and he continued on bragging about his job once more.. this time i left thinking I’d never see him again under any circumstance. He would reach out to me on occasion to see if i was free to hook up and I'd brush him off saying I was too busy or had plans. Fast forward about two years and i was chatting with another guy online who wanted to get a small group of tops together to fuck me.. as it usually goes with groups, you never know if they'll actually come together and when we spoke before our agreed time he hadn't found anyone to join, so we were going to fuck one on one. I got ready and headed over to his place. When I got there, he told me that two guys he had been talking to did show up, and they were all excited to take turns on me.. i dropped my clothes in the living room and headed into the bedroom where they were already in progress.. Much to my surprise, the guy I couldn't stand was one of the guys who had shown up to fuck me. In an attempt to get even, he decided to fuck me as brutally as he could and encouraged the others to do likewise. I wasn't going to let him get the best of me and just went with it. He made a point to load me up both first and last, as if he was trying to send me a message. I left there after we were done and I haven't seen or heard of him since.
  14. I used to have a fuck bud who was a married guy who's wife kept tabs on him all day long. He would text me, tell me to have my ass up and lubed up ready for him on the edge of the bed... i'd buzz him into my building and he'd come up (already hard) stick his dick in my ass, pump a couple of minutes, blow is load, zip up and leave. All under five minutes, which is about all the time he could spare to make it home when his wife was expecting him.
  15. I've had something similar in the past, so I'd say it looks like a fungal infection. Try some Lamisil for jock itch or some Lotrimin Ultra. Although the Lotrimin Ultra says it's for athlete's foot, it works for fungal infections of the groin as well and seems to work faster than the others. It's a little more expensive though. Or you can also try some Zabsorb powder. I'd hold off on any more sexual activity until after it clears, as skin fungus can be spread pretty easily.
  16. I love it when a guy rapes my throat.. it's so hard to find guys who are that aggressive and know how to take charge.
  17. Yes, and the sexual tension between us has never stopped.
  18. To make a long story short.. we were watching TV and a beer commercial came on with bikini-clad women.. he made an innocent comment about how much he loves to fuck chicks and I responded saying that I love to suck dick... over the next half hour it got him excited and about an hour later he was fucking my throat.
  19. Spend some time with some larger dildos, and make sure you're already been worked over well by guy #1 before guy #2 inserts himself. It's not a bad idea either to start putting Vaseline on your hole at night a few days beforehand to keep it and the surrounding skin soft and supple because you're going to get stretched in different directions than you might be used to.
  20. I think this site is like everything else in gay life - you're going to get some "drama queens" who have nothing better to do than provoke people because they want the attention. That's where the block function is best used.
  21. I'm exactly the same on all three points! I also find it harder to keep getting fucked after I've cum. I purposely try not to cum at all so that I don't ruin it for the top. If I do happen to cum, I still let him finish no matter how uncomfortable it is, partly because it's my duty as a bottom to get fucked and used and also because I want the load.
  22. Every now and then I get a craving for my own piss. I also like to be adventurous with it as well, such as pissing into a water bottle and then adding some flavoring to it and drinking it while I'm out and about. I get a huge mental rush from drinking my flavored piss in front of people without them knowing about it.
  23. I've had a few people ask me for gas money so they can drive over to hook up. I don't fault them if they're legitimately tight on funds. I usually ask them how much they want. If it's more than the reasonable price of getting there and back, I offer only as much as I think it takes in gas to drive here and back. Most of them end up agreeing to the lesser amount and come over. I've actually had some very hot sex with some oddly interesting people this way.
  24. I usually respond by saying "Sorry, I'm not interested in a long distance relationship scam" .. interesting enough, their profiles disappear!
  25. I started with my brother when we were well into our adult years, so I don't have any experience at a younger age. However, I do have a lot of friends who did start young and for most of them they enjoyed the experience and wouldn't change it for the world. I know a lot of people were raised with very strong feelings about incest (and so was I) but after experiencing it myself, I have to say that I no longer believe everything we've been told growing up. Before me and my brother started having sex we weren't that close, I mean he's 10 years older than me and we didn't have a lot in common, but once we started having sex it brought us a lot closer together and it just feels so natural and right and its so intense to share that part of his life with him and to know him in a sexual way.
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