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About SFCumdog

  • Birthday 11/22/1963

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    Bay Area of CA
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  1. That sounds amazing. I'd love it if you did that to me.
  2. I know this might be a dumb question, but I was never on Twitter so don't really know how it all works. Can you have 2 different profiles if you want a social one and a breedingzone-like account, so that you can keep the two separate? Or do you guys mostly just not care about keeping those two sides of your life separated? I just don't want to accidentally share things with people that it was not meant for. Appreciate your help.
  3. Very hot story. Can't wait for more!
  4. I've found that the bigger they are, the better they know how to use it. So it rarely ends up being a painful situation. Little guys, on the other hand, often act like they have something to prove and will just brutalize your hole.
  5. I'm of two minds on this one. At 60 I now get more looks and more attention than I EVER got by guys my own age when I was young. It could just be that I carry myself differently today because I own who I am. On the other side of the coin, when I was 21 I was very experienced sexually, but not all that great socially. And in those days it was like the old men could smell your unease and would lecherously pounce on you uninvited and unwanted. They brought a lot of that ageism on themselves. But that was just my experience.
  6. Agree completely about a jockstrap. It was my gateway drug to gay sex. I still love them.
  7. You guys must lead sheltered lives if you think 5 people makes an orgy... that's barely group sex. A real orgy needs at least 8, and preferably more.
  8. SFCumdog

    On Endings

    I'm sorry you are going through this. I had a partner too who weaponized that "walking into a minefield line." In the end, it turned out that that statement said way more about him than it did about me. His range of emotions was so narrow that to him, anyone expressing a normal range of emotions seemed like someone extreme. So just because someone says something like that about you, doesn't necessarily mean its true. He could be the one with issues.
  9. You must have really worked their straight minds into a corner they couldn't get back out of.
  10. That just made me weak in the knees. Would sure love to feel that!
  11. I don't think that I ever had any reaction/symptoms that would have led me to believe that something had happened. But then I also didn't realize that it actually had happened until quite a few years later. But years after that, working backwards from what a very prominent doctor in the field told me as to how long I had likely had it based on my T Cell count at the time of diagnosis, there was no specific time that i could even recall of having been at all ill to the degree that many here describe. I have a pretty good idea who charged me up though. And I had a number of cases of "flu" or whatever years after the fact that sure felt like what people describe. But at the time I was fairly young.. about 22 when it would have happened, and very healthy. So maybe I fought much of it off with little effect. Who knows?
  12. I can't even remember where I read about this technique, but I hadn't regularly bottomed in years and when the opportunity arose to try it with a top of significant girth. I did. And it worked. When you are just about ready to take the guys cock, and it is just pushing into your hole, breath deeply from the bottom of your diaphragm which kind of sucks in your stomach. Its like it creates a direct connection to your ass and it will open up and literally suck that cock right on up and into you. All of that old pain upon entry... completely gone. It was like magic the way it worked. I was never quite sure if I could explain this technique properly, and couldn't find the original thing I had read, but just recently I read something where someone described opening up your third eye, and that sounded exactly like it. Practice that breathing technique. Once you get it right, you will know exactly what I'm talking about.
  13. SFCumdog

    On Loneliness

    Sadly, the loneliest I have ever been, was in my long term relationship. It's not always caused by being alone.
  14. If you like younger guys, grow a beard. I don't know what it is about them but ever since I grew mine, the boys are like moths to a flame. And they are hot young guys who I never would never have been able to score with when I was their age. But with age also comes more confidence too, maybe that's part of it also.
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