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About SFCumdog

  • Birthday 11/22/1963

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    Bay Area of CA
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  1. Wasn't she a buzzkill. You should have told her she's not the morals police...
  2. That last sentence alone just about made me cum. I'd love to find you like that, ready to go
  3. Cut, but with a bit of skin that made it slide back and forth a bit
  4. Apart, so you can be raised up or down as needed
  5. And if you get bored, there was always the Red Barn on the opposite side of the highway slightly closer to the traffic circle. Been years since I was there, but both were definitely fun.
  6. Hope I can explain this correctly, but I had a long-term partner who advanced into being a heavy drinker. He would often go to bed earlier than I did (probably because he was soused) but he hid it well and I didn't always know that the slide had started. When I would walk into the bedroom and the door had been closed there would be this horribly disgusting and rotten distillery-like smell in the room that had been pouring out of his mouth while he slept. It made me sick to my stomach and always kind of made me panic because it usually foretold of worse things to come from him. To this day if I get a whiff of that same kind of smell off of someone, it kind of makes me want to turn and run, that's how badly it triggers me.
  7. I like to fuck a bottom right up to that point where their orgasm is building. You know where I mean, that point when every stroke elicits a a more intense response from them than the others have; when you are pushing that special button that they've got. And then just keep doing it just to torture the fuck out of them without making them cum. Keep them on the edge as long as possible... their body quivering in that way that you feel it right through your cock. Then give them one last hard punch with it that sends them flying off the edge where they can hardly catch their breath. And then when they think that it's over, just start pissing in their hole unannounced while watching their eyes widen as they suddenly realize what it is you are doing to them while slowly watching them accept it and get turned on by it. That's what I like to do.
  8. Funny thing is I thought we were being so sly about it, till about a month later when this guy on Manhunt messages me and says "You were that guy that was fucking a guy right out in the bar the other week." LOL
  9. It's not like it's the first time this ever happened. Poppy Bush pardoned son Neil. It seems there is always a Republican precedent for everything...
  10. I agree. Same here. and it manifested itself quite early on
  11. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/thick-cock-breeds-handsome-young-guy/
  12. In a swimming pool, a church parking lot, a cemetery, a Macy's changing room, in a busy SF bar standing next to the cigarette machine (guy leaned into me and just reached down and pulled me out and he pulled his pants down in the back and just sank down on my cock, Department store bathrooms, College bathrooms known for cruising, and of course ABS and Bath houses.
  13. You create and write the best fuckin stories. Kudos to you!
  14. As a top with a very thick cock, a tight hole is my worst enemy. So I love a stretched out hole, but like it when the rest of the ass can still provide some friction to help get me off. A totally slack cunt though is almost as bad as a very tight hole.
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