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Everything posted by leatherpunk16

  1. That certainly has its appeal, but one must be careful to not burn yourself or the partner (unless you are into that), and avoiding setting fire to one's bed or carpet. Really a mood killer.
  2. When I started my porn career, I got my start with camming on Randy Blue. I had my own private room, and the guests of the website would pop in and see if their favourite model was on. A lot of times they were just there to watch, but many people bought private shows from me, and sometimes others would peek in on these shows. All of this made me some money. I set my own prices, and a lot of the time on my shows, I would either sit and wait for something to happen, or we'd just end up talking. I didn't get paid for that - it was only the private shows that made the money. Of course, on a private show, I was expected to perform. Put a quarter in the box, and watch me go. Jerk off with me if you like. I had only one client who came in toward the end who didn't want any sex show, but just to talk. Really a kind man, and he helped me through a very difficult summer with his generosity and talking out issues. I even lowered my rates for this guy just so we could keep talking. But by August, they all stopped coming, and so had I. Too often I'd sit in front of my labtop for three hours late into the night, and not one person would come by. Really boring, and wasteful. I value my sleep, so one can see how frustrating this was for me. And I stopped checking in. Partly because I found something that made me way more money for a lot less investment. I'm not allowed to say WHAT because it violates the rules of BZ, but let's just say that lately I can't even GIVE it away! LOL My cam time ended in September. I checked in only once or twice that month before abandoning it. Camming was good for me. It got me comfortable with the camera, helped me build some reputation, and I met some interesting people. One of them was actually local to me, and he became a long-term supporter of my opera company. Go figure. The money wasn't much, but remember it was 2014, and a dollar went farther then (just not on petrol). I made a laughable amount camming, less than 1k over eight months, but I didn't care. It helped me start a new journey, and I have no regerts.
  3. I might be killing the fantasy here, but wouldn't that be a rejection of their sexual identity? Several years back, I met a person who transitioned to male, and I fisted him. For a while after that, I had this fantasy of fucking his pussy to get him pregnant. It was then I realized that such an act would be kinda rude, and a rejection of his identity as a male. Never got the nerve to ask, and so never did it. I wonder if the internal parts are removed in this process so this can never happen?
  4. I would want the power to make people do things I desire. Willingly, of course. Not forced or pressured, but like they have no choice in the matter, and they recognize the benefits of doing what I choose. That hot guy at the gym? He goes on a date with me. The really cool job that pays well? It's mine. An excellent singer? She's in my show. That bitch at the store? She shuts her damn mouth when she's told to. I'm sure I could find ways to benefit others who sorely need the help with this power. Pretty damn useful.
  5. I had been visiting my fuckbuddies for a couple years, and Jim was the piggier of the two. He had been watching some German porn lately, and he wanted to show me his new discovery. We saw a hardcore fisting vid. With glassy drunk eyes, Jim turned to me and asked, "Do you think you could do that to me?" I was willing to try. He got on the bed, put his legs up, and told me what to do. I had no idea, and certainly wasn't prepared, so my fingernails were probably not in great shape for fisting. Already you can see where this is leading. I covered my hands and the right forearm in Crisco, and Jim just let me explore. He loved it. I was completely clueless for what to do, so I just did whatever. He wasn't much help after I got a rhythm going - forgot his safeword, and eventually passed out. I extracted my hand after realizing he'd passed out, and ... well, the result can be imagined. Let's just say we flagged red for a reason. Freaked out his partner when I went upstairs to show him and get cleaned. After that, Jim and I couldn't get enough fisting, and we started doing it more and more often. He had a great hole, and if he had lived longer, he probably would have prolapsed.
  6. There is a current commercial in the US that advertises a medicine for getting one to undetectable and keeping them there. I want to know why it always includes the notion that one can't get HIV through sex. There are other methods of transmission. Does the medicine not work for preventing transmission through needles or breast milk? Must it always be about sexual contact?
  7. I've been known to go to the bathhouse and put a couple tally marks on my buttocks before I actually got any. Sometimes it helps to advertise, and gives one a little credibility. There's no one to prove otherwise, and some guys will feel a load in there when others will not. If I got caught, I can say that I squeezed it all out. This, of course, implies that someone saw it, took the invitation, and put his dong in there. And that doesn't happen as often as it should. When it does, he either doesn't deposit or he can't fuck. Once in a while, a poz porn star will breed me, and I'll have a little souvenir for later.
  8. I am much the same, remembering dates of seemingly unimportant things, or events that were important to only me. As for your question, I can probably guess the date. Somewhere around Aug 10 2009. I met with my fuckbuddies Jim and Donnie for the first time at their country house. I topped Donnie pretty hard, and Jim made me swallow his monster cock. I had never been throat-raped like that, and that was the beginning of our great friendship. For the next three years, we would get together for sex as often as possible.
  9. Hey fuckers! I just found out about one of my films getting published. So exciting! It's on sayuncle.com, and the title is "Meeting Halfway". If you want to see me get railed by a big guy, here's your chance.

    Also, I make no money from the purchase of this film, so this isn't me soliciting the film for gain. I've already received (and spent) all the money I'm going to get for it. But if you watch it, do let me know what you think, even if it's crap. 

    1. PartyFFPig


      Looks fucking HOT!

  10. I don't think that's right. I am no doctor, nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. But based on my experience, if you got an infection in the butt (let's say gono), it's going to spread throughout the body. It may be localized in the butt, but your dick is likely to show symptoms as well. This bug likes warm and moist areas, and it's really not that far from the anus, so I think it's entirely possible to infect even if you don't use that particular region. Do your own research on it through the CDC website, or ask a professional. I recognize BZ might be faster, but could also be wrong or ignored.
  11. Exactly this. By being so successful with the formula that worked at the beginning, they painted themselves into a corner. There's simply nowhere else for them to go unless they start going to serious extremes that no logical or sane person would consider. I'm hesitant to name those, lest they be against the rules of BZ, or (worse) inspire someone to actually do it.
  12. I am celebrating my birthday this weekend. The actual day is on a Monday, and that's not the greatest day for fun things. I can refer you to a number of Garfield comic strips that indicate this. Earlier in the week, I hopped on Reegur. I had met a French pig at a fisting party last February, and he told me I could find him there if I wish to play again. Wasn't on for a day before I found him. We agreed to meet at Steamworks on Friday night. We got together and fisted, and it was awesome. Also pissed down the pig's throat. No loads were exchanged unless you count me licking up his precum. After he left, I went in search of some dick. Giving myself permission to have fun. Small crowd, but definitely guys. My first fuck was from a tall black guy with wire frame glasses. He bent me over a bench, and fucked. Said he bred, but it was rather quick if he did. I got into a sling. A white guy with a nice penor did me next. He said, "I don't think you're using this correctly." He was referring to my lying in the sling, and it was a fun way to get it started. Again, ended abruptly. I prowled around. Found a pup in his room with his butt in the air. Stuck my dick in him. Already had 3-4 loads in him, or so he said. I could actually feel them. Interesting sensation. I bred him, and made it 4-5 loads now. "I put something special in there just for you," I said. He responded with a "woof", but that was it. To be honest, there was nothing special, but he didn't know that. What has BZ done to me. LOL For the rest of the night, I felt fatigue setting in. Bar crowd came in around 3am. I entered another sling, and one guy rushed right up to me, and drilled hard. He was hairy. He took a break after a while, then came back for another. Don't think he finished. I later got followed by some kid who was a bathhouse virgin. Saw him take dick and piss himself. Tried to help him out - he was very awkward in this space - but I didn't need his desperation. Lots of guys wanted my dick, and the bald one who blew me kinda bit the skin. It hurt, and after that, no more blowies. I think there were three guys who swallowed my cawk. There was one I was after for a load, but we didn't get together. He was with a friend, and when I saw his dick, it was tiny. There's no way he would have got that in me. Got into bed just before 5am. Happy birthday to me! May it please Sayten that nothing regrettable comes of last night other than a very tired body.
  13. I'm not particular, as long as I'm getting it.
  14. Planning to deep fist a French pig tomorrow (Friday). He's asked to meet at the bathhouse. I was planning to go there anyway.

    What sort of other trouble should I get up to while I'm there? Open for suggestions because I'm celebrating a birthday! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. leatherpunk16
    3. Justaholeff


      Get bred alot!

    4. billy88666


      Surprised there wasn't a long list of depraved urgings for you have your hole filled with unmedicated loads all night long. Whatever you did and whoever you did it with, I hope you had a fantastic day 🥂

  15. Here's a fun idea: let's make a bot watch 100 hours of quality gay porn, and then write a script based on what it watched. We'll either get a laughable abomination of gay porn, or the best film ever made.
  16. Sure do. My blood rages, my plates itch, and even you are just NOISE. It's worse when there's a full moon.
  17. I think they are trying to do something different. And it's clearly not working, but they persist in it. When I make my videos, I try to emphasize that one can see things. Not just the penetration part (which can be hard for tops with bigger bellies), but that the performers don't suddenly get switched with existing assets just to make a hotter film. Someone tried that with me once, but where they fucked up is they didn't observe the bedspread changed mid-scene. When I called them on that, they removed the clip for sake of consistency. I think I know what my butthole looks like, too.
  18. During my top days, I had a number of average holes. Not too dry, not too wet, just somewhere between. But occasionally (especially during bathhouse adventures), I'd find one who had a few inside him already. And I didn't enjoy these. They were so loose and drippy and slick that my dick popped out every few thrusts. Frustrating. Problematic. At least it was warm. Except this one time when it was more like fucking an ice cube - his hole was cold! But I could sense there was something up there. Don't care for a cold hole. But too dry is just as bad. If I'm first, he might not open up. He'll take it slowly; I get bored. And I feel the lack of activity in there. This is fine for a romantic partner who isn't collecting that day, but for a random, it's less about sharing a bond, and more about emptying the balls. I've found this kind of sex to be unfulfilling.
  19. Damn, he used to chat me up on Twitter all the time. Then he just suddenly stopped. Now I know why. Shit...
  20. I started bottoming because I could never last very long as a top. Guys wanted it drawn out over a long period, and while some staying power is good, some nights one just wants to unload and find the next hole. Taking too long implies that you have trouble climaxing. Ending too soon says you have no control. Gotta find the middle ground, and for many guys, that's actually a common thing. Porn sets an unrealistic expectation: the scene plays for up to 30 minutes. That doesn't mean the sex lasts for 30 minutes! This is why it can take all day to film a 30 minute scene. The top has to stop, calm his boner, control his flood, and that's when the camera goes off. Rest, recuperate, and start again. And it repeats as much as necessary until a good film (or even a bad one) materializes. And life just doesn't work that way! Our bodies don't work that way. We were meant to breed as quickly as possible. Another reason that some bottoms go full slut at the bathhouse for an all-nighter. Naturally short inseminations allows for a greater number of deposits. If it took an hour each time, would you really be impressed by a guy who got only four or five loads? Good on him, but it's not 20, and we've been taught to expect 20, perhaps for a couple generations. Also, it's easier to be a bottom in such situations. Hats off to the men who can actually seed 20 bottoms in one night! That's asking a lot, and many men can do the trick only once. Blessed is he who has the gift of shooting multiple loads in such a short space. That's too rare, and too hard to maintain, and if you don't have the skill, you never will. So it's just easier to be a bottom, and open oneself to the possibilities that come with it. Also, one can grow and train as a bottom. Tops don't often have such flexibility.
  21. Sure did. That's what we're supposed to do, right? <grin> I was in Chicago for Pride, and popped into the bathhouse after I'd missed the last bus back to home. It was more to have four walls around me and not be wandering the city streets alone at night than anything else. I got my locker, and did a little prowling. Met a guy, we fucked in his room, but the lateness of the hour was starting to wear on me. So he let me have his room to rest while he went in search of other adventure. I drifted in and out of sleep on that thin mattress on cement, and the guy came back just before sunrise. He was ready to check out, which meant I had to go also. He took me to breakfast at the Golden Nugget, then down to the beach on Lake Michigan. Cold and windy. I was barely functional. He dropped me off at the train station. I declined to take his phone number, which was probably meaner than I meant it. We parted and that was that. The sex was unmemorable. At least I got a free breakfast and parking out of it.
  22. Thank you. But I don't intend to keep writing. This was a one-time thing that had to be worked out of my system back then. And like any good showman, I leave them wanting more.
  23. They are very different. The tattooing is something one adjusts to, but some areas are more sensitive than others. My sleeve (which covers the entire arm, not just parts of it) varied in places. The forearm was fine. The elbow wasn't terrible, but thankfully short. The ditch (inside the elbow) was rough, but also short. The worst had to be holding the arm over the head for an hour or two while the artist did his job. All the blood drained out of my hand, and when I finally got to bring it back down, the pain was worse than anything I can describe. Took several minutes to get the piece of meat feeling normal again. Back side of the upper arm can be brutal. But with the piercings - it hurts for an instant, and then it's over. I said before that I screamed when the PA went in. Ten seconds after, I didn't feel it anymore. Same with the septum but with less screaming, just watery eyes and a big OW. Some people take it better than others. Here's my suggestion: take a stress ball you can squeeze in your hand. When the pain starts to kick in, put all the stress into that ball. Squeeze it as hard as you can, and remember to breathe. Grind your teeth if that helps you counter the pain. By no means should one EVER thrash about in the chair while the professional does their thing. Also helps to have a distraction. My artist had "Game of Thrones" on. Sometimes it was that 1920s crime drama with Cillian Murphy. Makes the time pass a little faster so you come out saying, "Over already?", and leaves you amazed how much they got done. Piercings are much shorter in duration: make a hole, put the jewellery in, and clean up any mess, and often don't require a distraction.
  24. I got mine done almost two years ago. Birthday present for myself. Despite the brown-yellow dye that went on it, I screamed when it was put in. Suffered for a couple days after. Peeing with it just causes more dribble than ever. I've been a dribbler since I was 10, but this required me to learn how to sit to piss like a chick. Kind of annoying to be at a urinal in public and step back to find that it looks like you pissed yourself. Hand dryers are sometimes helpful at hiding the evidence. As for airport scanning, I've flown twice and never set off the alarm while the ring was in. That's not what security is looking for, even if some of us are packing dangerous weapons down there. LOL
  25. This combo is lethal. My husband is dead because of this shit. He didn't know - and it wasn't until three years later I learned of his mixing the two. A boner pill plus Maximum Impact caused him to have a heart attack at a sex party. He survived that, but he was never the same after, and died two weeks later. To answer your question, I've been told it's 48 hours apart.
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