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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. Thank you for another great chapter. Love and lust, poz and neg, Brian and Jake, in the end it all gets mixed up together.
  2. Yeah I don't know why. I love to drink piss str8 from the the "tap".
  3. It's a great story - "str8" hunk to poz cumdump. Hope you continue with our "hero's" poz journey. Does he have a name @ijoey?
  4. Well hopefully you will go back for another load or two of that cum, just to make sure LOL
  5. He's ( @losolent) fucking good, isn't he?
  6. Sex on tap. Oh ain't love grand 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 👨‍❤️‍👨.
  7. Super hot. Look forward to seeing where you take this story.
  8. With Hannes and Tom I felt like a dirty old pervert spying on them 😂. But of course that soon passed. Felipe may need to be watching over his shoulder. But another great chapter of course. Thank you.
  9. Well that was different, especially when you mention little ole Perth. Hope that bug is beginning to work it's magic by the time he arrives.
  10. I wonder how many of those other "str8" boy spectators may be tempted to go further LOL should you go off on that tangent @chi4loads
  11. Can't remember ever being disappointed in ANY of your stories @chi4loads
  12. I have been hanging for this next chapter and certainly wasn't disappointed at all. Although as is your want @losolent you are developing a villain of the piece so it will be interesting to see how you develop the character of Felipe? Looking forward to it.
  13. Another great chapter. Wonder if the penny drops for Danny shortly 🤣
  14. So hot just like your other stories
  15. Fuck this story is so hot.
  16. Yes I have started rereading this one from the beginning. Got up to Chapter #71 I think. But did the story disappear? But back now!
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