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Everything posted by Beachbear

  1. @beachbare2 Just joined.
  2. Neg. Not on PrEP. BB Bttm.
  3. Thanks for the follow.  Very hot profile.

  4. I have gone through all of the levels over the years and now I’m at level 6. Poz/Neg, Undectable/not, I won’t refuse the load.
  5. Bearonthebay on BBRT
  6. 177...Didn’t think it would be this high. 😎
  7. Thanks for the follow.

  8. This is a great story. I can’t wait for the next part.
  9. I wish I had a doctor like this.
  10. Thanx for the follow.  You’re smoking hot.  I love a man who smokes.

  11. Mobile/Daphne, AL here
  12. Great story. Can’t wait for the next chapter.
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