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Everything posted by TopDad2

  1. If you're still making films, I'd love to participate. Love mild-to-wild play, have gear, and happy to be a slinged cum dump. Also experienced behind the camera. Or, can offer my townhouse here in Orlando as an alternate filming location. Have a private, walled courtyard for outdoor play, or, indoors have a sling, fuck bench, bed restraints, sex swing, massage & inversion tables, fetish/leather gear, and more. I'm retired so available for day or night activities, at your site or mine.
  2. Thanks....for the follow, bud, and happy hunting!

  3. Thanks....for the follow, bud, and happy hunting!

    1. Zeke17043


      Thanks and likewise!

  4. Always appreciate a hot follow--thanks, bud!

  5. Great start for your story, and an excellent first effort at story telling. Keep it up--so we can, too!
  6. Wow! Great, hot story very well told/written. Congratulations--on your first, excellent piece of writing, and your great good fortune finding a sexy, adventurous and mature-beyond his years life partner. I've had a lot of great adventures throughout my life, but think I'd be willing to swap my shot/stabbed/bombed experiences during a 20+ year military career, followed by a year-long bout fighting Burkitt's lymphoma, for something more along what you found! LOL Best wishes, guys, for a long, happy, freaky sex filled life together!
  7. Thanks for the follow, mate! Would love to have a shot at that cum-worthy jockbro ass. 

  8. Do please continue! You've set up a great intro that's got us taking the bait--now set the hook and reel us in!
  9. Great imagination and I like the direction your story's headed! Not everyone can transform their hot mental fantasies into equally hot written stories, but you've done so. As noted above, attention to proper punctuation would give your story better flow and make for an easier read, but that will come with time and practice. Good grammar, without a good story, won't gain you many followers, so you've made a good start. Thanks for making the effort to share with us--and look forward to reading more from you.
  10. Great, imaginative start! You've got skills, and I can't wait to see where you lead us!!
  11. Each superbly drawn-out episode drags us (albeit willingly) deeper into those dark fantasizes we all have, but only some get to live! Thanks for sharing your tales, and talent!! You've got a huge pool (pun intended) of "...Swim Team" fans eagerly awaiting a deep dive into another wet episode. You've got me wondering what specialized attention Coach provides the hot townhouse team studs? Greater privilege deserves greater and deeper commitment.
  12. Life, I know, has an inconvenient way of interrupting our favorite pasttimes. But you've got us all hooked on your great story, Hornedupmuscle, so hope you'll emerge from that Minnesota snowbank and continue the tale!
  13. Have filmed others playing (at their request), been filmed myself, and would certainly do any of it again! A camera(s)'s presence, I think, makes everyone in the room a little more hungry, horny, and hot for serious, pigged-out assplay sessions. And with Ms T breaking down boundaries and fanning fantasy's flame, the real inner-pig comes out to play. Now, if we can make the camera/cameraman stay focused on the play after the slam for more than 39 seconds, we'd have movies as great as the stories on this site!
  14. Hot tale that definitely brought me to a happy ending! Too bad that, here at the home of the MMouse, there's not a single shop/cinema in the metro-area offering gloryhole action. Nothing "magical" about that! Thank god for hungry, horny home DIY'ers!!
  15. Damn! When I was last in Amsterdam, they told me at the Doc Johnson's shop that this was the Black Tulip! ;-}2085581399_AmsterdamBlackTulip.thumb.jpg.95d5f4d34925aa8a58cf049992d751dc.jpg

    1. mjkuhl


      My kind of tulip

  16. Afraid pickings are slim here in Orlando, especially with the closing of the Parliament House Resort last year. As a Orlando semi-native, my recommendations in order of preference would be: 1) Club Orlando @ 450 E. Compton (bath house w/private cubicles; pool & hot tub; darkroom; outdoor cruise area w/sling, glory holes & padded benches); 2) BarCodes @ 4453 Edgewater Dr (gay bar w/outdoor cruise/play area); 3) Hank's @ 5026 Edgewater Dr (gay bar w/outdoor cruise/play area). As an alternative, you could just post a free ad on Doublelist.com or BBRT and host 'em in your hotel room. Whichever you choose, have fun and welcome to Mouse country!
  17. Terrific start to a story we all want to see cum to a wild climax! Can't wait to learn what Liam has in store for Damian as they continue the twink's "higher" education. Mentoring an inexperienced young lad while he opens up to his fantasies and explores new, exciting fetishes--there's no better experience/reward, IMHO for this Dad/Master/Sir.
  18. G'day, and thanks for the follow!

  19. Your stories, written by a non-native speaker, are far more engaging and entertaining than the vast majority of us native-English speakers could ever manage. To paraphrase: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, bitch." Ignore the nay-sayers and please continue to keep us entertained! Your time, effort and talent are very much appreciated.
  20. From one piggy to another....thanks for following, and have a real squealing good time!

    Assplay- 1.JPG

    1. ronnie4u


      Extremely HOT , Beautiful and Delicious - more - more - Please !   

  21. Thanks for the vote & checking out my gallery! Much appreciated.


    1. dickluva


      Fuckin'Oink~!🐷Please keep sharing your pix, and adventures. Pervs like you make visiting BZ the best part of my day. Thanks for your follow too. XOX

  22. Thanks for checking out my gallery and the vote. Much appreciated!

  23. Central Florida can be a great place to "recreat" yourself, or start off on a new/fresh footing. Our unemployment rate is the lowest in the state, the local economy is robust, and the cost of living is less that you'll find in South Florida. If you have work experience in the Hospitality trade, you should have not problem finding a job--the theme parks are just commencing their hire/train cycle for the busy summer season. If you're looking to further your education, the University of Central Florida has one of the largest enrolled student bodies in the nation and excellent degree choices. There are tons of activities to fill your free time--from the theme parks to bike trails, to museums, theater, concerts, and one of the oldest and largest Fringe Festivals in the country. Housing can be a bit tight--rental property construction hasn't kept pace with the influx of new residents, but if you get creative you should be able to find somewhere to settle in--besides the backseat of your car! I'm a retired career counselor--be glad to help you out with a polish of your resume, job interview tips, etc. Glad to answer any other, specific questions you might have!
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