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Everything posted by blackrobe

  1. I had been exploring to try and dig up that "kernel of truth" you alluded to. I'll leave you to it.
  2. I don't agree with your interpretation or accept your premise. The law doesn't seem to agree with your interpretation either, at least in the jurisdiction I reside in. We can play the word game where a brothel is any place that prostitution (I prefer sex work, but I'm using it as a legal term) happens whether the place has been monetized or not, but that makes every hotel, car, personal home, public bus, telephone box, public park, or other premises that a prostitute has met with a John for sex a brothel as well. That's rather too wide and indiscriminate a net to cast in my view. It dilutes what a brothel was originally conceived as to the point of being almost meaningless. Where the law focuses is on the actual money that's exchanged directly for sex and who profits from it. There are pretty clear laws that place the onus on businesses to avoid "promoting, advancing, or profiting from prostitution". In an era where passage of FOSTA pushed Craigslist out of the personals game because of the potential for "human trafficking" litigation, brick-and-mortar businesses have got the message as well.
  3. I think the brothel comparison falls down for a few reasons. You can only monetize and sell the product you have to the customers who you can convince it's a fit for. You've managed to show the microcosm of the bathhouse business model in the two highlighted sentences I've quoted. Bathouses (depending on their facilities) are selling you entry and time in a place where men can be naked, relax, and have sex with varying degrees of privacy and safety. They can't guarantee that you'll find what you want sexually when they sell you entry and time, but by focusing on the right kinds of promotions they can appeal to the most profitable demographics to make it more likely. Put succinctly, a brothel only has to market to acquire and keep the johns as customers and they are selling **guaranteed** sex, a bathhouse has to market to everyone on all sides of the market to be successful. They are selling their facilities to everyone and if sex happens, that's great, but the sex isn't their product. Once a punter pays to enter a bathhouse, they've made most of their money whether sex happens or not. That's not true of a brothel. Men want to have sex. Sometimes with strangers, sometimes with people they know (like your two tops). Bathhouses monetize themselves as safer and more private spaces for doing that with all the positives and negatives that go along with it. While people might be calling you a whore, @ErosWired, unless you're actually charging something they are quite wrong. You are a slut, just like me. 😏
  4. Pulling out is a denial of basic male breeding instincts. It violates the rutting breeders instinct to deeply possess and inseminate, and the bottoms need to be claimed and filled with their DNA.
  5. I think if more men worked my nipples as they fucked me and whispered filth into my ears I'd probably get hard more often while taking dick.
  6. As a ritual with an established breeder that could be very bonding indeed.
  7. As a rule, no. I don't get hard when I bottom. I get really aroused and my dick leaks gobs and gobs of precum, so much that my daddy always remarks on how wet I make his bed when he fucks me. He collects it off my dick and feeds it to me as he fucks me. Other partners have also reacted very favorably to how much precum they can fuck out of me. That seems a pretty clear indication of how much I'm into getting fucked. Great kissers and passionate making out gets me hard, having my nipples played with can get me really hard too. When it's time to get fucked I go soft, but the feeling of arousal doesn't go away at all. If anything it increases. Anyone who thinks "not hard" means "not aroused" should listen to how the bottom they're with actually feels over their own preconceptions. Not everyone is wired the same and no one should expect us to be. There are lots of things that might account for variations in erections and how it correlates with arousal. Our basic physiology and neurology, our emotional state, our intent when we bottom (whether it's to service breeders as much as they want, or to ejaculate ourselves), our past experiences of sex and sexual arousal (both good and bad), they can all play a part in how men respond when aroused and being fucked.
  8. "Miss Coco is here to help..."
  9. Yeah, this is definitely a thing for me as well. I'm average height and breeders much shorter, and much taller (size difference kink), than me press powerful buttons. Shorter breeders who are instinctive impregnators seem to have a strong effect on me and make me especially receptive.
  10. Hot, fresh seed delivered deep and direct is still the gold standard.
  11. Oooh. Oooh. Me! I'll take their share of both!
  12. You still fulfilled one of your most important functions.
  13. I'm well aware. I was born and raised in Sydney and, while it's a huge melting pot of different ethnicities, people of African descent are certainly not as common. Looking at the latest Census data only reveals the most recent foreign born Australians (29% of the total population in 2021), it doesn't illuminate earlier Asian and European and ROW migration or enumerate their descendants. I'm glad you're enjoying being so in demand there. I suspect you'd be in demand here as well, but the accent advantage isn't the same.
  14. That pretty much covers my own hypotheses as well. I think the sexual frustration coming from the repression of the (man) sex they really need is an additional layer as well. Since I don't know what region of Australia you're in (it's a big country) its hard to layer on possible local cultural and multi-cultural factors too. Aussie men have their own masculine baggage. My daddy here in Seattle loves sending me home to my husband filled with his seed as well. I think there's some universality on both sides of the equation.
  15. Is that recommendation from experience, or is it just theoretical?
  16. They do suit you, I think.
  17. My husband was diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer (Gleason score of 9), an old friend just got diagnosed and treated this year for a slightly less aggressive PC (Gleason 8), and a newer friend just got diagnosed with PC last month (Gleason 8). They all had routine PSA tests that were abnormally high, so it's worth paying attention to. Considering 1 in 2 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime, it feels to me like the unlucky 50% are all in my circle.
  18. Yup. Everyone should get an exam and once you're over 50 look at getting a PSA test. If I want to feel pleasure in my hole I'll visit my daddy or a regular, not a doctor.
  19. Don't lose sight of the fact that Australian expats (like me) and travelers are everywhere. About 5% of the Australian population lives and works outside Australia. You don't need to be in Australia to fuck Australians, there's almost certainly some hot, horny, kinky guys near you!
  20. This. I was drugged and then raped at 12. My memories end when he climbed on top of me in his briefs and pick up again the next morning when I'm in the shower feeling weird (post-drug haze or disassociation) and with a really sore hole. I don't have memories of the experience, but my underwear was quite bloody so that says a lot. Part of the human mind's evolutionary development is to make sense of the world we live in and to rationalize our experiences. I spent plenty of time getting help when I realized what had been done to me and how it had affected me years later. I've been in men's groups where we talked about what happened to us and how we came to understand and integrate it into our lives. We renovate our memories after the fact and give new and different meaning to them as part of finding a way to make sense of them and to live with them. The same thing happens in near real time as well. Almost every kid finds a way to make what happened to them their fault. It's only in the process of understanding what happened to them that they see their limited agency and the part the adult played in a more objective light. There is no clear correlation between the severity of the experience and the impact it has on the individual. Some men who had a man expose himself to them, but never touched them, are horribly scarred, while others who were brutally and repeatedly raped over years are much more functional. It's not what was done to you, it's how it affected you. That varies wildly according to the individuals nature, knowledge, and gifts.
  21. I think I found the photograph that this might be based on...
  22. I had no idea these had a name, let alone one so alliterative.
  23. I think anything that stimulates some more broad-ranging self-examination in people is not entirely a bad thing. There are certainly occasions where a dialog is contra-indicated. For example, when someone has a PTSD-based response to something posted here. There are plenty of threads where it's very clear there are people who don't have open minds on their certitude or fallibility. In the past, I've had a dialog with those people elsewhere for the benefit of everyone *else* who is reading the thread. I know nothing will change their minds, but the other people with critical thinking skills will get to understand better in the process.
  24. A thoughtful response, as always. I vastly prefer giving positive feedback myself. I'd offer at least one counterpoint to your thought though. In a lot of discussions commenting can add more fuel to a fire that you might think should just be allowed to go out. In those cases, I think downvoting is a way of signaling that without adding that fuel. To your point, however, in some cases it's pretty clear that some individuals have used downvoting in a vengeful way. I think those cases are fairly easy to see.
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