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Everything posted by blackrobe

  1. Have you been keeping track of just how much of his seed you've taken into you?
  2. If you've studied any basic probability, you know there are always outliers and, in a set of almost 8 billion, you have to expect them. You said it yourself that "almost all of them say the same thing" so the experience of @tallslenderguy and yourself doesn't negate that.
  3. To be fair, it's the people tagging the content and tags that the Google crawler reads that are the problem. People add tags that aren't correct because they hope to game the system and drive traffic to the site and that content. It could also be that people are ignorant of what words actually mean. The amount of content tagged with "breeding" where condoms are clearly in use boggles the mind. There's a reason that building clear classification and taxonomy systems for content is a discipline all on its own.
  4. If you can sneak around and take raw cock successfully without your wife knowing, well done by the way, it's difficult to believe you can't take a pill every day in private. They don't need to be in the house or at home. Somewhere at work in a nondescript bottle, or in your vehicle. PrEP implants and the drug that they deliver are being tested now. The implant is 4cm long and 2mm wide and it's used for delivering long lasting contraceptives also. From the early research it looks like the implants are effective for at least a year so far.
  5. When I or he determines that we are not a fit or that the timing doesn't work, I close the conversation with "Good hunting to you" to show there's no hard feelings. Its always surprising to me how much negative vs. positive content is in profiles on hook up sites. To @BootmanLA's point, on one site I kept getting guys wanting to stroke and suck my dick and do nothing else. To deal with that I added "Getting fucked is important for me, so if it's not high on your agenda we're not a match." Neutral, truthful, and helpful. I get less contacts, but the ones I do get are from horny tops who want a bottom who loves getting fucked. In marketing and sales terms it's about getting well qualified leads.
  6. I concur. Silverdaddies has not been a useful place for me either as people aren't sex positive, sex forward, or piggy enough in my experience.
  7. Dominant bottoms are out there. Submissive tops? Not very common at all. As submissive as I can be, I have a switchy side that shows up too. I'm really interested in submissive top men and get really excited when I find one. Most of the time, however, they turn out to be self-identified "passive tops". They don't want to do any work in the fuck, seem unskilled, and seem disengaged from it, that makes them more accurately "lazy tops" in my mind. A submissive top should be as engaged and eager to please as a hungry submissive bottom. I'd love to find a sub top who wants to be used for his body and dick, harvested for his seed, made to feel like a good boy/pig and trained to leash fuck among other things. They really seem to be uncommon, at least partly because the union of submissive nature and top pig nature don't often travel together, but also because of how we've been trained to think of submissive = bottom and dominant = top. I think it can also be hard for men who have a sexuality centered on their cock to come to terms with their need to provide service, be used, and be dominated. There just aren't enough submissive top role models for them to see and recognize, "Damn, that's me." If there were more GGG submissive top men out there, I'd get to explore the primal, aggressive, and dominant part of my bottom nature more. Owning a submissive top like that is on my bucket/fuckit list.
  8. My goal isn't my own ejaculation. It's to be in the space where I want and need men in me and bringing them to the place where they're enjoying themselves enough to breed unselfconsciously and primally. I find starting with that intention brings that outcome for us both. That said, I've been used by enough dominant breeders who will force me to cum before they even start fucking me. Their goal being either that I'm extra tight for them, that I'm forced to endure their fuck without getting any pleasure from it, or actually feeling pain and discomfort as they feel intense pleasure in their hard use of me. I think on my starting intent and focus on the muscles that push my hole out and open them to accept and begin milking their dicks into me. I've never cum from being fucked, although men have thought I did from the amount of precum they managed to fuck out of me. If I'm ever concerned I'm too pent up with fuck need before I hook up, I'll sometimes give myself a ruined orgasm that lets some cum ooze out but doesn't give the contractions of orgasm or cause a loss of arousal or hunger. For those who ejaculate prematurely, it might make sense to dull the edge of your need with a ruined orgasm and see if that delays or prevents you from orgasming until you're ready.
  9. A 24yo breeder who's one of my regulars loves getting me to open up around him. He feels like it's a surrender to him and his dick and the look of satisfaction on his face as I'm all supple for his fuck is sexy as hell. Like many tops, he loves that wet, open, squelching sound of cock in hole. A hole that's open and ready is more likely to make the sounds he loves. Good tops know when they've got you ready for what they need to dish out.
  10. As other have said, folks didn't get individually nuked from newTumbl today, the whole site is gone, gone, gone. Confirmed by going to the site with multiple IP addresses from multiple countries, so it's not geofencing. You get the same "So long and thanks for all the fish..." style message on the only page accessible under that domain.
  11. I prefer being naked so the breeder can touch whatever he likes. Of course, I also honor requests to wear a jockstrap if that's what lights a breeder's fire. I think some guys wear a jock because it makes their ass look hot and inviting and they want to get dick in it. I don't think universally painting a jock as a tool for sequestering a man's cock passes the red face test. Jocks are so fetishized and linked to sports and high school that there are a myriad of reasons a guy would want to wear one.
  12. I completely get where you are coming from with this observation as it's certainly what's reflected back at us in a lot of porn. I'll be honest, I'm amazed I get any dick at all when I see the juicy black, brown, and API bottoms out there. They are just *so* damned sexy and I feel mystified why they aren't near the top of most tops "must breed" lists. ...until I consider what mainstream porn reinforces in its taste-making role in our community. Then there's the archetypes and power dynamics that people have grown up surrounded by. I'm just happy to have a sexy man's cock in my mouth.
  13. Smart bottoms don't narrow the field up front, you want as many breeders as possible to try your hole. It's just about chemistry at the end of the day. Some of my best experiences have been with under-served men.
  14. I think over the summer it makes sense for there to be lots of guests passing through while tradesmen visiting would have to be for an emergency, with the rest of maintenance postponed until the peak season passes. I'm sure there are events in that area that cause people to visit in the summer.
  15. An elderly friend of a friend has been going through oral surgery to remove all his teeth. He's had the bottom teeth removed and is getting used to his bottom dentures. Next he'll have his top teeth removed and get an upper denture. I'm thinking about once he's healed encouraging him to give out gum jobs to men who need them. I'm not sure he knows that this is a thing men hunger for.
  16. I think what you are getting at here is what I think of as "agency". Choosing to act in a way to secure a specific outcome. Even while being controlled by a man using you, you can choose to act in a way that maximizes his, and your own, pleasure and fulfillment. Some dominants and tops would think of this as their bottom showing initiative in securing or enhancing their pleasure. Freedom to act within the parameters of pleasing your partner and meeting, or exceeding, their expectations is not the same as taking control from them.
  17. A man's voice, what he says and his accent, can have a huge impact on my desire or need to service and be impregnated by them. Deep voices, rich, distinctive, unusual voices are very attractive. Men who know how to express themselves and their needs and feelings in that moment are oh, so very attractive. Men seem to enjoy the sounds I make and they enjoy hearing my (Australian) accent come out as I respond to them. Quite a few men are more excited to fuck and breed me once they know I'm an Aussie and hear my accent come out the more intensely we fuck and connect. I think being authentic in your reactions and how you express yourself pays dividends in terms of connection and satisfaction you can give your partner.
  18. What's your total number of loads for the year, puppy?
  19. Damn. What kind of conference was this?
  20. Of course it is (dad and sons).
  21. Then you clearly missed the point I was making in this last response. We all have free-will, and everyone makes their own determinations on what concessions they can live with to get what they want or need. After that, we either just accept any accommodations we can live with as the cost of doing business and get on with life, or spin our wheels complaining about why things aren't the way we'd prefer them to be. I don't see trying to fit other people with black hats for expressing their own free-will and making their own accommodations as being very useful. After all, they are just making the same kinds of trade-offs I am.
  22. It's a bummer when other people's free-will and self-image gets in the way of one getting the quality and quantity of sex one desires. C'est la vie. I'm fairly certain that blaming people for not doing things your way is *not* going to lead to the outcomes you're hoping for.
  23. My regulars enjoy that they can fuck ropes of precum out of my dick and have it end up soaking us both depending on the position. A couple of them check to see how much I'm leaking as they fuck me, and then feed my precum to me as I leak.
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