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Everything posted by blackrobe

  1. When I moved from Australia to the United States, I had some trouble figuring out who I was attracted to here. The switch from Australian men and archetypes to American ones took some time. To be honest, American men seemed less masculine to me for a while. More traveled men will be better at seeing past the kind of cultural block that tripped you up. Another way to get around it is to get some more euro clothing with a euro fit and adapt to the local customs as well as you can. There used to be this great quiz website called "Gay or Eurotrash?" with pictures of straight and gay men who were European and American. It was after seeing this that I realized how very obvious and easy it was to pick out where people came from by their haircut and clothes. I think it's less a rejection of you, but rather an indictment of the provincial attitudes of the people you were meeting.
  2. For everyone. For the sucker they never get to touch, let alone taste, the cock they have their mouth around, and they don't get the reward of tasting and swallowing their seed. For the suckee they don't get to feel the wet warmth of the mouth around them or see their reaction when he tastes some of your precum. The sensation of a wet raspy tongue licking their shaft and knob is missing. They also don't get the satisfaction of coating his throat and feeding him with his nut.
  3. I think that's officially "Lipstick on a pig" territory. 😏
  4. Yup, it's super weird. To me, it's like someone trying to hand you an ice cream covered in a condom and expecting you to be eager. At least these phobic guys are usually consistent about wanting their cock wrapped no matter what hole it goes into. It's the guys who want their dick sucked bare who insist on condoms to fuck that I really don't understand. "So, you have no problem with my mouth and tongue all over your cock and balls for an hour, and for me to swallow your precum and cum, but putting that same cock coated in my saliva into my clean and ready hole and breeding me is a bridge too far?"
  5. This is a staggeringly atypical outcome. In general, the people who I've engaged with from silverdaddies have been the least mature, reliable, and mentally stable of all the apps. Yes, even Sniffies is better. YMMV I ceased my subscription a few years ago and only log in to respond to messages I receive.
  6. Good to hear, though they can be polarizing. I've had breeders both entranced by my puffy, cum-glazed hole, and repulsed. The men who fuck you puffy and swollen always like the before and after though...
  7. I'm not sure what "feel(ing) masculine" breaks down as. Each culture has different idea of what is "masculine" and it feels as arbitrary and surrounded by gatekeepers as terms like "real top" and "real bottom". So I had to break it down into *how I feel* independent of the framing of the question. That's how I got to powerful. I don't always know what the breeder has in their head as they fuck my hole. They frame me as whatever suits them, a bottom daddy, a cumdump, a slut, a faggot, a bitch-in-heat, a whore, an emasculated puta, a useful hole, etc. Sometimes they are verbal and I know, sometimes not. Whatever is in their mind, I know how physically and mentally strong I am to please and give powerful release to so many different kinds of breeders. That feels powerful.
  8. I feel *powerful* when I've got a man rutting and nutting in my guts the way he needs to. Whether he's kissing me deeply as he slow grooves into me, holding my hair in his fist and pulling me back onto his cock like property, or teasing me into begging for the impregnation he's about to give me.
  9. Interesting how things shift over time. == Results from bdsmtest.org == 99% Non-monogamist 96% Primal (Prey) 94% Voyeur 87% Submissive 73% Experimentalist 68% Rope bunny 62% Degradee 55% Exhibitionist 48% Vanilla 44% Switch 42% Master/Mistress 39% Brat 26% Slave 17% Dominant 17% Owner 16% Primal (Hunter) 9% Masochist 7% Pet 5% Degrader 4% Rigger 1% Daddy/Mommy 0% Ageplayer 0% Brat tamer 0% Boy/Girl 0% Sadist
  10. What kind of surgery? It's great he's able to breed.
  11. Great illustration of why the human cock evolved as it did. The better a cock was at removing other breeders seed before planting their own, the more likely they'd have more offspring.
  12. I got the update from a clinician at the University of Washington Sexual Health Clinic who was privy to their own internal tracking data. There are published studies reporting that DoxyPEP isn't as effective against G as originally thought: [think before following links] https://www.aidsmap.com/news/mar-2024/full-analysis-french-sti-study-dashes-hopes-gonorrhoea-vaccine [think before following links] https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2211934 [think before following links] https://www.healio.com/news/infectious-disease/20240304/new-evidence-seals-the-case-for-doxypep-as-sti-prevention-tool The analysis in the studies addressing the big there bacterial STIs (syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea) are done together as a group, but the more different studies drill down on G separately, the less effective DoxyPEP is beginning to look for it. The original large scale study was conducted in Seattle and San Francisco and the UW was involved in it's execution, so I'm inclined to believe what I'm hearing from the UW clinicians on the front lines. Each of the studies reported on above say DoxyPEP is much less effective, or not at all effective, in reducing incidence rates for gonorrhea. Regarding the later: The Healio article linked above has more context on the observations in SF. The pull quote from one of the study authors (Luetkemeyer) is “It’s not great for gonorrhea, we need better strategies.”
  13. I prefer not to cum, though if I do happen to cum I feel it's my responsibility to give pleasure through my hole as long as the breeder/s need it. I've also had dom guys make me cum as soon as I arrive and then use my cum as lube to fuck me. Either way, breeders get hole.
  14. Firstly, we need to simply listen to the lived experiences of men of color and then re-evaluate our thoughts and actions based on what we learn from them. I think there's a few dynamics at play. There's certainly racism in the form of both conscious and unconscious bias, and a sense of racial entitlement to the bodies of other races. This is where it worth us spending some time in personal reflection on what part we might play in the experiences that men of color in our community share with us. There are also forces like sexual selection where humans choose sex partners for traits that are not survival based (hairlessness, male facial hair, penis size, rounded breasts, and pubic hair to name a few). Yes, gay men aren't able to reproduce without a medical intervention, but the evolutionary forces and wiring in our brains is the same, so it's still a force we're affected by. In Charles Darwin's "The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex" (1871), Darwin theorized that sexual selection was a force that was "race making": We know that humans descend from Africa and, through survival pressure, natural mutation, and sexual selection forces, we've evolved into the different collections of attributes that we think of as racial groups today. Some, but not all, of those sexual selection factors are likely rooted in "in-group and out-group" dynamics (Us vs. Them) and may have metastasized into what we think of today as racism. It's a fascinating and provocative line of thinking. We all have our own experiences with and observations of men who are perceived to be in a different racial group to ourselves. I've had men of color tell me how they feel sexually overlooked by some racial groups while at the same time also being fetishized and objectified for racially perceived aspects of their bodies (size, hairlessness, penis size, muscles, skin color, etc.). Where I live, the demographics are White (Non-Hispanic) (62.2%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (16.2%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (6.76%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (6.65%), and White (Hispanic) (2.77%) (Source: US Census 2020). This sets the baseline for who is available. I was at a bathhouse this weekend and saw what I'm sure are men from all of those demographics. Lots of white guys with other white guys, black guys with black guys, white guys with with Asian guys, Asian guys with brown guys, brown guys with brown guys, brown guys with white guys, etc. These are what I perceived, even though being in a dark bathhouse, our perceptions of race aren't always on point. I didn't see a lot of guys of any specific race getting no interest. I made eye contact with lots of men who looked away choosing not to have eye contact with me - Cruising 101. It seemed like there were lots of men sitting out the dance until there was someone they were interested in. These are often the men sitting or standing in one position close to where all men had to pass by entering, leaving, or just circulating around the venue. These men, now that I reflect on it, were all men of color (predominantly black and Asian) and sent out a subtle "don't approach me" vibe by avoiding eye contact. I saw a lot of black guys playing and fucking together in public areas, but I didn't see black and white guys playing together in public. Some black FBs have told me that they don't play with other black guys and it doesn't seem polite to press them on their reasons. Some are very into fucking white guys, and some have implied they are avoiding black guys based on some nebulous bad past experience. I did see younger guys getting a lot of interest and older guys less interest. That's what I saw, but other observers would notice things I did not and perhaps interpret things I saw differently. I got fucked by three white guys (one twice), one Afro-Mexican guy (a long time), two black guys, and a Middle Eastern guy (twice, in public, and a long time), and got sucked by a couple of Asian guys, a black guy, and a white guy (three times). When you're trying to tease out what's happening with who is playing with whom, you really need to look at the demographics above and bear in mind that a lot of the fucking is happening in private rooms (most of my play was). I'm sure there were men of color and white guys fucking behind closed doors, just like I was. Something to remember is that hot guys of any race can be intimidating to those of us who don't feel like we are in their league. It may not have been race that was the issue for these hot men of color, but guys seeing them fucking guys who are subjectively less hot than themselves that might encourage or embolden them to approach where before they didn't dare. The Middle Eastern guy I connected with was the most attractive guy in the place to me that evening, he was so very hot, handsome, furry, muscular etc. that a part of me felt he wouldn't be interested. I didn't listen to that part, and when we passed each other and paused looking at the action around us we said hey and I asked if I could touch him. He said yes and reached out to touch me and in a few minutes he was sucking my nipples and his finger was rubbing around and into my cum lubed hole as I fondled his hard cock and massive furry pecs and nipples. Next thing I knew he was fucking me like an animal in a public area and reaching up from my hips to grab my nipples as he fucked. We drew a crowd and after a rest he came back for another long round. If I'd seen what the OP saw with that group of hot men of color, I might have viewed it through the lens of their hotness being intimidating rather than it being an issue of race. That doesn't mean race wasn't an element of what happened, but it does teach me to look at more than one possibility. P.s. The OP also scoped their observation to their city but didn't identify it, or their location in their profile. I wonder what the racial demographics of that city are and what context it might add to their observation and question.
  15. DoxyPEP is a great tool for fighting STIs and I think all of us who are sexually active should be on it. I am. One quick update: The latest science shows DoxyPEP as only 2% effective in preventing Gonorrhea and not in the 40%-50% range as indicated by the earlier research. Its efficacy for other bacterial infections (Syphilis, Chlamydia, etc.) is unchanged. I just cleared a G infection and I'd been only taking up to two doses a week as I'd been incorrectly told it was the max allowed. That is incorrect, take it whenever you need to! I'm following the new guidance now and will see if I get another G infection.
  16. It's not at all surprising that a defining difference between gay men and others is that we can be highly focused on sex. After all, I heard sucking someone's cock referred to as "the gay handshake". When someone has historically been vilified for gay sex, is there any wonder that doubling down on gay sex was the response? As a result, we tend to start with sex and work our way to other things. I've lost count of the "hookup to friend" and "hookup to boyfriend" stories I've come across. I think we tend to do things in a different order, but I think we tend to go through the same stages as other humans in relationships. But we also are less likely to be slaves to the myth of romantic love, a relatively recent invention historically.
  17. Words to live by.
  18. Its good to see "total bottoms" used in a desirable context, since I mostly see it used as "no total bottoms" on the apps.
  19. I understand this sentiment. Giving a man pleasure in my hole matters, but earning their seed is the gold standard for pleasuring them fully.
  20. I wouldn't discount simply sliding into subspace. Like hypnosis, daydreaming, etc. subspace is a trance-like altered state of consciousness that experiences and stimuli can help us access. Maybe hypnosis greased the wheels, maybe not. Everyone has a baseline level of susceptibility and for some people it's easy to make the slide into trance. Wanting to be in trance is a BIG part of getting there.
  21. Am I the only person who saw this as an object lesson of what a bottom should NOT do? It seems the bottom keeps putting his hand in the way to stop the top fucking, often just as he's getting into a good rhythm and starting to enjoy it. I get that we all have limits to what we can cope with, but I found it incredibly frustrating to watch. The top was hot AF (and one of my many types), but the video just left me cold because I felt the bottom underdelivered. The top seemed grateful at the end though, so... 🤷🏻‍♂️
  22. After a hiatus we got a lot of plot lines moving forward and characters moving further through their story arcs. Experiences make their marks on us, so it remains to be seen how the Assmunch character will react when he finishes processing his sexual assault (I think non-consensual sex still counts as sex). We know some of Sleeper's backstory and what others have in mind for him, now we start to see who Sleeper is becoming and what he might have in mind for himself. It feels like this part of the story is setting up some bigger developments. I'm looking forward to seeing what they are. Thanks Assmunch!
  23. It is a tough ask. Quality of life is an ineffable and individual thing that doesn't lend itself to easy quantification across the human population.
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