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Everything posted by blackrobe

  1. Men get hole. Once you present it, they get it until they are satisfied. Nothing changes the decision, but things you learn from the experience can make it more or less hot for both depending on how they are wired and their specific kinks. It doesn't signify to me as a bottom how a breeder identifies themselves. In that moment, they need to rut in hole to plant their nut. Attentive bottoms can use what they learn of the breeder (how they fuck, what the say) to make the experience better for them. Some men signal their straightness and their deeply repressed need to fuck and seed men with the urgency and intensity of their fuck. With some men, cheating on their wives and girlfriends is what drives them, or simply getting relief when their libido and needs aren't being met by them. There are plenty of men who just enjoy hole, fucking it as hard as they want, as long as they want, and as often as they want. They don't much care about what others think of them, just how good the hole was and when they can get it again. For bottoms, we want a man to fuck and nut in us with whatever energy and mindset they bring into the room and, when they are done, we want to do the same for the men who follow.
  2. This genre of writing isn't my thing. In general, I think images that are discordant or conflict with what I imagine from reading a piece of writing ruin the experience for me. Since everyone's imagination is different, using images just invites readers to get hung up on how the images don't match what you see from reading the story. Layer on top of that the inauthentic and clearly unreal images from Generative AI and it's even more jarring for me. When I see a story or a post with these kinds of AI images I actively avoid reading them for those reasons.
  3. It depends on your budget and what kind of community you want around you. It sounds like White Center, Delridge, and West Seattle might work for you as it's the area lots of gay men are moving to that's less expensive than around Capitol Hill. It's between downtown and the general area you mentioned. Are you looking for plenty of playmates around you at specific times? Walking distance to anything in particular? More naked friends are always better. I can connect you with some local nudists if that's helpful as well. Cheers.
  4. Getting 100% of what you want now and in the future from one person is, in my experience, staggeringly unlikely. If that were the standard almost no-one would be in a relationship with anyone else. As Dan Savage often opines, and I've come to agree, there is no such person as "the one" who can give you everything you want. They might be a .75 and that's when we round them up to "the one".
  5. In my experience, understanding how and why open relationships can work and might even be essential for some people is something that is more likely to happen the more life you live. Changes in needs and desires, illness, incapacity, etc. aren't things anyone plans on, but they do happen. Once it does, how do you move forward with someone you love? You find a way, and open relationships are one strategy. I prefer to give people the space to decide what works for them and not judge them once they do.
  6. I told them that I worked in machine learning building systems to identify fake profiles like theirs. They then tried to prove how "not fake" they were. I thanked them for becoming part of the training set for the ML system I was working on, and for having such clear tells in their fake profiles and behaviors. It was around here that I got a lot of directions to have sex with my mother in improbable ways and told they would get all my money. These were the profiles that would block me. If you get a profile that presents as local, but you suspect they are spoofing their location the quickest way to sort the genuine from the fake if by asking them what neighborhood they are in. Real locals know what neighborhood they are in and will share the name of theirs with you. The fakes don't have the local knowledge and will send a location pin where they allegedly are. A real person would be very, very unlikely to share their real location. If they give a neighborhood, you can also ask them about landmarks that only have local context. Grindr's Tap feature is the way these bad actors reached out to me most often, so the recent app change so that free profiles can only see taps in the last 3 hours renders the feature almost useless for bad actors as well as us. It also means that all the attempts to do demand generation for social media homepages, massage and sex worker profiles, etc. are blunted when they target free accounts. With the Tap features engineering problems on top of this, we can expect all solicitation to shift from taps to direct messaging fairly soon.
  7. That's part of their strategy. By sequestering more and more basic functionality behind their paywalls, they *are* looking to drive subscription rates up. At the same time, they are making the "free" experience so compromised in terms of user flow and actions (frequent advertising interruptions) that users are driven to find a solution by either subscribing or closing the app frequently. Grindr is also flooded with a plethora of bad actors targeting different groups with various scams and Personally Identifying Information (PII) mining. In the US and in my location, I'm targeted by between 2 and 10 fake profiles a day from the *same* Chinese PII data-mining organization. These profiles are all looking for relationships, all have stilted English language profiles, very Euro looking Asian model pictures, and all volunteer their names, jobs, and location before beginning to ask increasingly personal questions about your job, employer, personal life, etc. I've irritated four of the people behind the fake profiles to the point of them cussing me out badly in English (they are mostly native Mandarin speakers) and monologuing on how their organization is going to get all of our money from stupid Americans like me. Frankly, Grindr is completely overwhelmed and outgunned by the various organizations and individuals unofficially extracting value from their ecosystem. So outgunned, in fact, that I'm lead to believe there is a powerful self-interest in having these entities creating fake profiles and contacting users for the purposes they do. I suspect that if we look into the user engagement and other success metrics, we'll find that the bad actors significantly drive up these metrics. Ergo, making the effort to keep up with the bad actors latest tactics and actively disrupting them doesn't positively affect their success metrics and share price. Grindr's engineering and release management is also appallingly sub-standard. They are not investing in engineering to make their app a good experience for users. They are optimizing value for their shareholders and that means some of the most intrusive data-mining and telemetry capture capabilities so they can sell actionable information about their users, and sell intrusive and badly designed ad products and inventory. Grindr's crown jewel is their user base, with a >90% reach in the LGBT+ market. Grindr forced 80 of ~179 employees to resign in the second half of 2023 if they would not show up to hub offices 2 days a week. This is largely seen as a retaliatory response to employees attempting to unionize under the umbrella of the CWA. Is it any wonder that the app user experiences have suffered? I've found so many bugs the iOS app I gave up on the idea of reporting them. Grindr users are a product to be sold and a revenue stream to be maximized, not a community that they feel a responsibility to deliver great and safe experiences.
  8. I agree. I have a 3 close relationships with gay men who all have, or have been treated for, prostate cancer. 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. We better all *get* comfortable with it, because 50% of us are going to get that diagnosis. That's setting aside all the other cancers and treatments that can fuck with your libido, arousal, and erectile function. Meeting men where they are and treating them with consideration, whatever their situation, needs to be the default setting. If a guy is a great kisser, loves making out, and works my nipples I'm going to be hard and dripping in short order. When he decides it's time to fuck all the blood is eventually going to rush to my hole. Guys who like a hard dick when they fuck seem happy when I point out how much precum they have fucked out of me. Regulars will often reach around or look to see how much precum I'm oozing while they pound me out. I think they want some kind of indicator or how much they are turning you on and my leaking dick fits the bill (like my moaning and body writhing on their cock wasn't already a clue).
  9. Surprising that grand-nephews and grand-uncles didn't make the list.
  10. I'm with @Iker80 on this. I like what I like when I like it and so many things play into it. A man's vibe and energy is a big part of it. I think that if people felt they would not be judged for who they are attracted to and fuck, by their friends and society, lots more people would be happy and getting laid a whole bunch more by the people that really turn them on.
  11. That was a great way to handle it with this guy. Still, it's hard for me to imagine being done when my top is still horny and has more cum heavy in his balls.
  12. Just the thing to tell a raw bottom with a powerful impregnation kink. 😈🍆🍑💦💦💦
  13. I think black men that bottom are beautiful and damned sexy. I'm a total bottom and can appreciate them, so it's good to see versatile and top men feeling the same vibe.
  14. I'm not at all surprised to hear about your long history with powerlifting. Presenting as a femme/smooth/submissive guy in a GA prison doesn't sound ideal, and those who lean that way would likely be working to pass. Still, I'm surprised that the pool of guys you're attracted to is so small in there. I'd have expected a somewhat representative sample of the population (and so types) in the prison system. Now I'm curious about the "limited types" you've had to choose from and who you ultimately end up choosing.
  15. To my eye you have a powerlifter build, @HossGa, which means you are thick and strong with functional muscle. Lots of guys are into that more than ripped and cut guys so your effort has been well worthwhile for health, mood, and sex hunting prospects. It's hard to tell from the shorts that you're wearing in your pictures, but the big growth challenge can be getting the legs similarly thick and in proportion. They are clearly strong from the amount of weight you must be lifting in full-body movements to have your overall size and achievements. You're so well developed in the upper body that it can make big legs look smaller. You're the best judge of whether they might need more work. As others have said, you'll have absolutley no problems finding men, boys, and non-binary folks wanting to serve and service your sexual needs. For dominant men, in-person cruising can be more effective in seeing who appeals to you and whose sub nature vibes with your dom nature and mood. The hookup apps will still be there with the usual technical advances throwing in some wrinkles. We are already seeing generative-AI-created images filtering into hookup app profiles and creating idealized images and even more unrealistic expectations, so expect more of the same by the time you're released. There are also increasing numbers of fake profiles on hookup apps created by bad actors to identify and sidestep. The good news is that humans are horny, kinky creatures and your story and experiences will add to your looks and build to draw plenty of them to you.
  16. I'm very familiar with the dynamic. Just to clarify, I have plenty of rough fucking breeders and doms on my list. They've used me rough and hard and have pushed me but never, not one time, have I felt they felt contempt or any malice towards me or treated me with a lack of care. These men were not rough, they made me feel unsafe in their hands. There is a difference.
  17. This question makes me feel a lot of things. I was in a Catholic boy's home for most of puberty and I never had any posters (dormitory partition walls) that were about what I cared about. It was too exposing in a group of 30-40 kids in my dorm where bullying was a daily fact of life. I never got to have posters like you're all talking about. Firstly, there was no money to buy something like that. The boys at this home were known as "beggars" after all. Even if there had been, anything I cared about or connected to would have made me vulnerable. I feel a bit envious of you all having this memory to look back on. I'm glad you have them, but I feel... cheated of that same experience.
  18. Visiting Melbourne and the Mornington Peninsula on family business from February 13 on. Not sure I'll be able to host, but will have access to a car. There's a family event later that week and I'd really like to be fucked full of cum when I attend, so looking to make connections for that. Any Mornington, Mt Eliza, Frankston area locals with pointers for fun and frolics in the area please drop me a line.
  19. I've found that tops with little interest in anything but my hole have a strong reaction when they discover ropes of precum drooling from my cock. I think it's a way of seeing the effect they are having on me and some use it as tool to figure out how to double down on my hole and prove their virility and skill. Others think it's proof they are inside a hardwired slut bottom and get verbal and more aggressive. Some milk it from my dick, eat it and keep fucking to force me to make more. And some say "Huh" and get on with their business. I like when my body amplifies their desire and lust for my hole.
  20. Earlier this week I was ass up in my room at a bathhouse and a tall black guy came in and stroked my hole. He started to unwrap a condom and I said, "Sorry, I'm allergic" and started to sit up expecting him to leave. He tossed the condom on the bed and guided his bare (very long) cock into my cummy supple hole and started to fuck deep. I don't want to convince anyone to do anything they don't want to do. Tops decide if they are breeders or not.
  21. @Talurim, now that you've been in Melbourne several months, what would your recommendation be to men like you wanting to get their ass bred there?
  22. In this case and in this century, it means a cock as hard as bricks. In a broader context when used to describe a whole man, it means a very fit and muscular guy. In Australia it was common to say that guys like this were "built like a brick shit-house".
  23. Here's an article in The New England Journal of Medicine talking about the effectiveness of Doxy PEP: TL;DR = "The combined incidence of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis was lower by two thirds with doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis than with standard care..." Postexposure Doxycycline to Prevent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections List of authors: Anne F. Luetkemeyer, M.D., Deborah Donnell, Ph.D., Julia C. Dombrowski, M.D., M.P.H., Stephanie Cohen, M.D., M.P.H., Cole Grabow, M.P.H., Clare E. Brown, Ph.D., Cheryl Malinski, B.S., Rodney Perkins, R.N., M.P.H., Melody Nasser, B.A., Carolina Lopez, B.A., Eric Vittinghoff, Ph.D., Susan P. Buchbinder, M.D. et al., for the DoxyPEP Study Team*
  24. I'm very into submissive top men, so I've started chatting to these "passive tops" when I've run across them. So far they mostly fall into two basic groups, tops who want to be entirely passive and have the bottom do the work of milking out their load, and tops who know they want to be used or objectified for their cock or cum. The second group so far have been more passive "do what you want to me" types rather than the "I'll do whatever you want me to" type. There can be a flavor of "topping from the bottom" from these "passive tops". They're really intriguing, but I don't care for passivity in a top, although a submissive active top is a pleasure to find. As a bottom it's my role to use my body actively in ways that pleases breeders and helps their seed to throb out inside me. I expect the same energy and focus from any top, whether they are dom, sub, or in-between.
  25. I meant "legally abused and raped" as in using the legal definition of abuse and rape to describe its scope and effect.
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