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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. I just looked at that. I know my gaydar is broken some days, but come on. I rest my case.
  2. Anyone else notice his perfect teeth? You don’t get those without some premium ass health care. Dude is running a straight game, for anyone who thinks their out for a night of wild, barbaric, trashy sex with his dude. He’s either nuts, or a poser. I stand by what I said earlier: their is men in this dudes past. Unfortunately, he won’t be in jail long enough for the crips and the bloods to finish with him. I’m sure they were looking forward to getting him him protein.
  3. And let’s be clear. Just my belief based on my experience, this is the type of guy does fuck guys, or at least fantasizes about it, and becomes very stalkerish, borderline dangerous after he cums. Wouldn’t shock me if he’s fucked a black guy before either. I Wouldn’t be shocked at all if some guy from his past pops up.
  4. That may be true, especially younger guys. If a guys comes right out and says that, I’ll work with them. But if your over like 35, and openly gay, you know the drill. Hell, if your over 35, and still pretending to be straight, I won’t play games with you online. You like boys, you’re on this app, get over it. Hahaha
  5. I’ve have definitely fucked a few “trashy white boys” in my day. One in fact, had a nazi tattoo, which I couldn’t see until after he took his shirt off. And he was a total bottom and offered his number after (which I declined). But these guys going Gaga over him just further highlights the white Supremacist attitudes, and lower standard many have for white guys, in the gay community. Is he fuckable? Yes, but then again, I’m gay and most men are. But is he that hot!? And again, as always, I have to say it’s not just the white men lusting over him. And to me personally, I’m not surprised at the pagan symbolism.
  6. I believe 99% of flakes are just holding out for a better option or have an overly inflated opinion of themselves. They’d rather not fuck and hold out for a guy who is “worthy of them. Not saying people have to have no standards, but if I want to be sexually repressed, I’ll get married. I have little patience online. If your waiting too long to respond, or indicate you’re trying to hook up, but have a bunch of excuses, I block.
  7. Wasn’t this a thing on Twitter this past week? Seems more like a weak troll attempt, and I’m kicking myself for taking the bait. Dude is so run of the mill it’s hilarious, But I actually appreciate the honesty. Most gay guys will pretend they are against a mediocre, mentally unstable racist, when in reality they don’t care as long as their is a white dick attached. At least you aren’t pretending......
  8. Grindr is useless in my city. BBRT has fallen off since it’s gotten more popular in my area. Use to be all the guys on their were looking to fuck, I’m starting to see more and more guys on their with their “lists” of standards and won’t do’s.
  9. I’m neither. I vote for an agenda, not a party.
  10. I recently contacted by a “unattractive” guy on A4A (surprise). He wanted a hard breeding. I headed over. Nice body, ass, just not that cute. He bent over and I fucked him hard doggy style til I blew in his ass. No attitude, no complaints, no excuses. Just two horny guys in quarantine. Better than staying up til 3:00 AM falling asleep with full balls waiting for Mr. Perfect.
  11. When it comes to Grindr, if you’re not fucking, I don’t care. Unless you say up front you’re not free until a specific time tomorrow, or you’re only looking for oral, you’re getting blocked. “I’m tired” is an excuse, cause I truly believe most guys can will and do ANYTHING depending on the guy. If you’re online, and I’m not up to your standard for you to fuck right then (unless you tell me you’re at work) your 99% getting blocked unless we’ve met before.
  12. Thanks for everyone’s response. Although I’m not that old, I definitely see things changing as far as external expression. Although I still think some of new found acceptance of all things gay is being used by some dudes for the whole “I'm going to be a tease for attention, but I’m really not gay (unless your hot)” game, which is tiresome.
  13. I’m very quiet when fucking, prob cause I learned about gay sex in cruising places where u had to be quiet. I talk now occasionally. I don’t mind a bottom moaning as long as it’s not outrageous . The one exception is when I had this rude lesbian who lived in the apartment next door who wouldn’t return mail when it was delivered to the wrong address. I made sure she heard everything haha
  14. First, forgive the long post/rant but hopefully this will make sense ( or someone will make sense of it for me). Ok so I’m going to put this out there for guys to say I’m nuts or that I’m on to something. I’m been noticing more and more guys who are what I call “functionally gay.” As opposed to the 80s, these guys act, dress, walk or maybe even talk with the gay swag (I know the whole gender stereotype thing but I’m taking in generalizations) and are into a lot things gay guys are into, but will whip out a GF or wife at the last moment. Are these guys really gay (which I think they are) or are times just changing? I have three examples: 1. I was in a gay club before lockdown. I made eye contact with this stud and we grinned. As soon as I decide to head over, here comes is GF out the blue to kiss him and whisk him away to dance. 2. This guy at my gym has all the makings of a male stripper: short shorts, and constant core, leg and elliptical activities to keep his abs and his ridiculously looking good ass proper (which he shows in his high high workout shorts) No chest or arms whatsoever. Always in florescent colors. Til he shows up one day with his wife and daughter. 3. Older silver daddy at my work. Very fashionable, has a “gay” metro vibe. Very friendly to me, so I sense it and help him out. I’m friendly back, he doesn’t mind. Out of nowhere, someone says something about his wife. I would have fallen over in laughter if I wasn’t so shocked. Now I know my gaydar has always been off, but nothing sucks more then thinking their is some chemistry building, then having the rug snatched out from under you. What’s the deal, are these guys really gay, feeding their egos or am I just getting old?
  15. I know this is probably no PC to say, but I mean at a certain age why be surprised if a guy asks you to pay every once in awhile or take him shopping? I mean, especially if you are older and you want to 20 year old with a six pack and a baby soft ass. It reminds me of the Grindr profile I seen of a 60+ guy who was on the chubby side( I’ll be nice). He wanted a fit younger, gainfull employed guy and made it clear he wasn’t paying. I mean, so you want a guy that sacrifices and works hard every day at the gym while you can have the mentality that you don’t give a damn? I mean that’s delusional, and selfish. No hate, cause I prefer bears and love some silver daddies, but At some point, you can’t have everything.
  16. My bad, I can’t get off to anything but amateur.
  17. I agree. I can’t get off to amateur porn or anything with condoms.
  18. Oh how I despise choreographed, studio porn. I’m visualizing a lot of “model types” having robotic sex lacking any sort of chemistry on these paid sites. On the bright side, with less free porn available, maybe a lot of guys will actually be interested in actually up again.
  19. I’m not begging for “straight” cock. If being with a guy makes you that paranoid, go fuck your wife/GF. I recently seen this super hot trashy looking guy who looked like he locked himself out of his car. He just looked like he had a big dick. We made some eye contact. When I circled back around to offer him my AAA in exchange for some action, I seen a woman walking toward him (obviously his GF). I drove off. Sorry bud, good luck. A lot of these dudes are stuck with low grade women who Nag them constantly for not having enough money and have some have lower self esteem, so they just want to fuck. There is too many out here to beg.
  20. Not having to deal with women, and wondering if I’ll get left with a huge alimony or child support bill in the future. What I work for is all mine.
  21. I’ve been thinking for year about getting ahold of my buddies (reportedly) big, 10 inch, redneck trashy cock. But I haven’t gotten close.....because he’s straight.....
  22. I kept hearing about the Heath. Maybe one day I’ll make it out to the UK...
  23. Not to derail the topic, but I’m good of the married “straight” pretty boy type. Random hookup is cool but I’m not jumping through a whole bunch of hoops just to meet once a month. It’s like I’m letting their wife control my sex, and as a gay man, I refuse to let any woman dictate or control when I get off. Plus a lot of them think being married makes them better than the average gay and I can’t deal with that overinflated ego. Those rough boys aren’t tripping of their image like that. They may not be out, but they are going to be less pretentious about it. They are use to different types of people and situations and they just want to get off.
  24. When I first seen a Treasure Island Movie. It was everything I had been feeling yet couldn’t describe or identify. I didn’t even know that stuff existed. Rocked me to my core.
  25. BZ makes the believe I need to move because I’m missing out on a bunch of fun!
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