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Everything posted by SpectreAgent

  1. That was certainly my experience of New Yorkers. In fact, it was the people I encountered that made the visit so memorable and made me fall in love with the city. Even at JFK, where the queue through passport control was brutally long, the officer who checked my credentials was so funny and engaging that I immediately forgot all about the two hour plus wait to reach him. I was with family this visit. Next time I intend coming on my own and hope to delve more deeply into the friendliness of New York guys. Or, rather, them delve deeply into me! Seriously, though, I had a blast. It’s a wonderful city.
  2. I’ve always treated everyone as I would wish to be treated myself. It makes life very straightforward! 😂
  3. I don’t like generalising. And I’ve always found that if I treat the people in countries I’m visiting with respect and friendliness, that is what I usually get back. Interestingly, I was in New York for the first time last week. I’d heard all about New Yorkers’ supposed rudeness before I went but I found the opposite to be true. Everyone I encountered was friendly, helpful and funny. Still, I fell in love with NYC and can’t wait to go back.
  4. I think you’re being entirely reasonable. I’d just find it so off putting. (And did you get the body builder’s number…?)
  5. I state on any profile ‘If you use the word “clean” to describe anyone’s status, we won’t get on.’ I still get asked it occasionally, though.
  6. It may be a story but, trust me, Trades Hotel in Blackpool is very real. And although nothing like that ever happened to me there, it is - or was - possible to be the good time had by all there. I haven’t been since the pandemic but even before that I felt the hotel had somewhat declined and diminished. What is once had was a sleazy uniqueness which has now been diluted by other hotels in the town. I’ll always have a soft spot (pun intended) for dear old Trades, though. I’ve had some wild nights there in the past.
  7. I go several times a week and have a fairly healthy diet (low carbs, high in protein, no sugar and no processed rubbish). I only changed to living this way a couple of years ago when I was staring down the barrel at 60. I do it for myself, not because I’m gay. But I can honestly say I’ve never felt better in my life. The gym I go to is very straight, although there is one cute young gay guy I see there regularly.
  8. I mean, what’s not to like there…? 😂
  9. I’ve never smoked, but find smokers sexy. And the more marginalised smokers become, the more their illicit allure grows.
  10. I went into denial. And then therapy…
  11. I contracted MRSA while in hospital for routine treatment in 2019. It nearly killed me and there were four nights when my mother was told they couldn’t guarantee I’d be there the next morning. I actually remember very little about it because it practically put me in a coma. Although I do recall waking up briefly to see the hospital chaplain by my bed. So, yeah, it’s a nasty one.
  12. This is an excellent addition to the site. Well-written and beautifully structured, with proper cliffhangers that lead you wanting to read the next instalment.
  13. Definitely. A mate once put it like this to me: “If it wasn’t for bottoms, tops would be wandering around with their cocks out wondering what to do next.” 😂
  14. The Brummie accent has never been a turn off for me. And I’ve not even seen the show…😂
  15. Volume can also be an issue. I played with a very cute Irish guy a couple of years back. But as he’s very deaf, he was loud. Very loud. Window shattering/floorboard vibrating loud. And that was before he reached his climax. I recall being a tad distracted, fearing what the neighbours must be thinking. But he was so lovely and well-endowed that I thought “fuck it, let them listen”.
  16. That’s interesting because over here the Brummie accent is often voted the least attractive. I don’t mind it at all, although I’ve reached the age where all I can ask is that he can stand unaided and has most of his own teeth. So the accent is negotiable! I’m in New York next month, so I’m intrigued by what effect my (slightly northern) British accent will have.
  17. I suppose if the voice of a guy you fancy is annoying, you can always gag him… Seriously, I agree with most of what has been said already. It’s particularly disappointing when the audio output doesn’t match the visuals. Although, as someone has already said, the flip side is that a guy’s voice can also be a real turn on. Myself, as a Brit, I’m a sucker (in every sense) for an American accent.
  18. Not heard of that one or the studio.
  19. That makes two of us…
  20. That was very sensible. If you don’t keep your wits about you, valuables do have a habit of going walkabout at Trades. It was much worse years ago when they had an all-night licence and every guy in Blackpool piled in after all the other clubs and pubs closed their doors and any old scally could be prowling the corridors. But that also meant any old scally could come into your room and the corridors were teeming with horny guys of all ages looking for sex. So, swings and roundabouts and all that. After they lost their all night licence, it all quietened down.
  21. Have you ever stayed at Trades?
  22. I recall you having problems. I must admit, I’ve never experienced any. But what you describe would certainly have put me off, too.
  23. I also wouldn’t limit myself to their themed weekends. It’s pretty wild most times, especially if you book a room with a sling. And, getting back to the topic in hand, I assume Trades is still a laugh. I’ve enjoyed some great times there. And even if the old girl is past her prime, even a ravaged old hooker still knows a few good tricks!
  24. It’s best to get on their mailing list, so you get a heads up (as it were).
  25. I wouldn’t be sure of that. I went to Blackpool regularly for 20 years and each visit I swear I saw the same guys, sitting on the same stools in the same bars, grumbling into their drinks about the same things. They were just a bit greyer each time. Mind you, so was I! But I love Blackpool. It’s common. Vulgar. Blousy. And like a cheap tart bladdered on Aldi Prosecco. What’s not to like?
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