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Everything posted by kinkysuBB

  1. I’ve had it cause mild itch, and I’ve had it cause no symptoms whatsoever. It can vary a lot.
  2. No, genuinely. I always saw it as a challenge to rise to. I did have to ask one big guy to pull out right after insertion, lube me up more, take some poppers, and then I took him. Otherwise it hasn't been a problem. I was lucky enough that my first boyfriend had an 8.5" cock and he hated poppers and wouldn't let me use them, so I knew nothing else and just learned how to take it.
  3. I’d say so. I’ve probably even been accused of flaking since it started. Back at the start of the pandemic, I was still logging on to apps, really out of boredom and wanting to chat to guys. I didn’t want to hook up, and I naively thought no one else would actually be looking to hook up either. When I realised how wrong I was, I put it in my profile that I’m not meeting up. I still had people asking to, and one guy told me I “always have an excuse.” Now I’m an absolute party whore, I just hadn’t had an opportunity to meet up with him yet, and to be honest I think covid is a pretty damn good excuse. After that I gave up on apps. I log on to Bbrt every so often to check in, but I don’t engage. I’ll be back when this passes.
  4. Yes, you can certainly get infections from rimming. I’m pretty sure I got gastroenteritis from sucking a guy’s dick after he fucked another bottom. The same bacteria can also travel from the bottom’s bowel up into your bladder or kidneys through your dick, and cause urinary tract infections. The best way to prevent infections of this kind is to use some sort of physical barrier, like a condom or a dental dam. Or don’t have sex. Am I personally going to do any of those things? Hell no. I’m a bareback slut and the small risk of getting an infection is worth it, for me personally. But I guess I’m in a privileged position where I know I won’t be waiting weeks to see a doctor. Everyone needs to make their own decisions about these things. The important thing is to have all the information you need to make those decisions.
  5. This sounds strange. Warts are caused by the HPV virus, which most people will contract at some point in their lives, but most people clear the virus without showing symptoms. Some get warts, which can be treated. Certain strains of this virus can cause cancers of the throat, anus or penis (or cervix in women). I can’t see why most men you fuck would have warts. I don’t know Sao Paulo but there’s a large Brazilian community in my country and I can’t say I’ve noticed any of them having warts. Are you sure they’re warts? Look up “pearly penile papules” and “fordyce spots”. Is that what you’re seeing? If so, they’re harmless. Warts themselves are actually harmless as well, even if they’re not very nice to look at. The issue is that if you have one type of HPV infecting you, your may have other types as well, and some of the non-warty ones cause the cancers I mentioned.
  6. Bent over or on all fours, depending on the top’s position. Head tucked into his crotch sucking away, body rotated round so my ass is pointing at him and available for grabbing, fingering, spanking, toy fucking, whatever.
  7. Yes, the small douche bulb comes with me anywhere I’m likely to be having sex. Don’t put it in your hand luggage though. It looks like a grenade on the security scanners!
  8. I took this to ridiculous extremes and pretended to be in my mid 20s for the first couple of years of my thirties. It was partly to see what I could get away with: I’m constantly being told I don’t look my age, which is nice and all but can actually get annoying too. Anyway, it got ridiculous. I may have been able to pull it off in terms of physical appearance, but I didn’t talk like a 24 year old, remembered things a 24 year old shouldn’t, didn’t know things a 24 year old should (the minutiae of Snapchat etc.), and I didn’t fuck like a 24 year old. Yes, I had guys wondering how the hell a 24 year old learned to do what I could do sexually and finding it weird. Add to that guys not bothering to find out what I could do sexually, and turning me down purely on the basis of my supposed age being too young. In the end I said “WTF am I doing?” and came clean. Regular fuck buddies thought I was a bit weird but it explained a lot. And then we got on with the fucking while I stopped trying to remember whether or not I was supposed to have an opinion on Oasis v Blur. Lesson learned. Age is a number.
  9. Haha I’ll be posting up here before my next trip to London alright.
  10. Crisco lathered on with J lube on top for me. But I’ve only been taking fists for a year or so (and it was a quiet year for obvious reasons) so I’ve just gone with what the guys I’ve played with have used.
  11. This is a really interesting thread with some very good responses! It’s also a complicated one for me. Like some of the guys here, I’ve begun to realise in recent years that I’m not “relationship material.” I value my space and independence (bear with me here) too much. So I think if I were to be in a successful relationship, it would have to be of the Dom/sub variety. If I were to tolerate having another man around the whole time, he’d have to absolutely own me and ensure my entire focus in the relationship (sexually at least) was on meeting his needs. Without that natural hierarchy I’d get too independent and get fed up of having someone there the whole time. I don’t think I even want that sort of dynamic to be a romantic one for me though. Also, as an erstwhile admirer of the “cute” type of guy (twinks, basically), I’ve had some extended encounters (not relationships really) with “vers” bottoms. It’s been a disaster. They want to be fucked. I want to be fucked. We’ve gone to the sauna, spread our legs, and chewed the faces off each other while we each take a Cock in our cunts. It was hot. But I don’t honestly think it could sustain a relationship, for me anyway. It’s not even very sustainable when you’re just after sex. Thankfully I’ve now learned how to admire “proper” men 😈🐷🍆💦 Now, I do enjoy playing in groups with other bottoms. I love having bottom friends to talk about bottom stuff with, chase Cock with, spur each other on to every sluttier heights, hell even to help with the messy pre-fuck preparation. That’s a lot of fun. But this isn’t a relationship, for me.
  12. I don’t get it either. My favourite to date is the guy who actually did move, sent me status updates about his trip, sent me a live location on WhatsApp so I could see him arrive at the nearest station, told me he was at the station, then blocked me on everything.
  13. Well fuck me, this thread got me going. I don’t live in London. I don’t even live in the UK. I do visit there quite often, in normal times. And next time I go, thanks to this thread and the internet wormhole it brought me down, I’m now fully up to speed on how to get to and from Hampstead Heath, the best times to do this, how to find the fuck tree, AND how to swing by the cruising area in Clapham Common on the way back for some more action. FUCK ME I MISS BEING FUCKED! Cannot WAIT to get my ass out this summer!
  14. I’ve ordered my chastity cage after obtaining my Dom’s permission. I went for the one pictured here, which I’m hoping will remove all stimulation from my dick. Can’t wait to put it on and show Him!
  15. I don’t agree. The physical sensations are there, sure, but straight men are attracted to women. I’m gay. I’m attracted to men. I like big toys up my ass. However, I do not want a woman putting a big toy up my ass. It’s just not the same. Physically, yes. Mentally... just no. I suppose if I were being an anon cumdump I wouldn’t know if it were a man or woman pegging me. But I sure as hell wouldn’t want it to be a woman. I would assume straight men feel the same way, only in reverse.
  16. Yeah I suspected as much. It’s one thing getting them to the Spanish mainland and a whole other thing getting them to the Canaries I guess. I’ve always been slightly wary about taking them on planes though.
  17. Oh yes please to any and all of this
  18. I believe so, in that it generally relaxes you. I’m not a weed smoker myself so I can’t speak from experience. I wouldn’t be without poppers myself. There are different types available online: amyl, pentyl, propyl etc. You may like to try them and see if it helps, depending how bad your allergy is, of course. Good luck and enjoy!
  19. Poppers and lube. Lots of both. And no attitude. You’re a whore. Enjoy being one!
  20. Haemorrhoid surgery is a big operation with a long recovery time. Have you had a doctor do any sort of procedure for it yet? If not, banding or injection are usually the first procedures they’ll do. You should recover in a matter of days.
  21. Are there any particular hotels/bungalows you’d recommend for sex? Are they like gay hotels in some cities, where guests will typically mingle and fuck each other? If there’s a hotel where the act of staying it means you’re available, I’m staying there! I see one has a small cruising area with a sling and St Andrew’s cross. Or do people actually relax at their accommodation and stick to the clubs, bars and dunes for sex? I see you said something about this elsewhere but you were talking about anon. I’m talking guys feeling you up at the pool. Also are poppers easily available? Officially they’re not for sale in Spain, but I’d no issue getting them in the cruise bars in Sitges, you just had to ask.
  22. Probably doggy for all the reasons @6Demon6Seed6 has said, only in reverse in my case. But really I like wherever I’m put by the dom. There’s something to like about all positions. What I do like is having a bit of discomfort introduced to the position. So doggy my head is being shoved down into the bed, or floor, or my hair is being pulled back hard, or my neck being choked. Missionary my legs are being spread as wide as they’ll go, or pulled right back over my head, ideally by someone other than the guy with his dick in me. Or another guy is grabbing my head and turning it to the side to face fuck me. I could go on but I think you get the idea.
  23. I think you’re describing stereotypical men, of any sexual orientation. Thankfully, for those of us who at some point in our lives get older, there seems to be enough outliers!
  24. The only thing I'd say to the laser twinks, is that you do get older eventually, and there comes a point where trying to pull off the "twink look" ends up with you looking ridiculous. I was the typical twink: small, slim, dyed hair, baby face. I still regularly get mistaken for being younger than I am, but at this stage I think I need to move beyond twink. And I'm only 34 yet. Five or 6 years ago I shaved everything, and loved being Mr Smooth Twink Bottom, but I've gradually moved into trimming here, shaving there, leaving this bit or that bit alone. I've even grown a short beard. I'm not very turned on by twink porn anymore, and I've learned there are lots of very sexy, hairy but totally submissive piggy cumdumps. Now I'm never going to want to be hairy, but I do think I now look better with a little bit here and there. Nice to have options, is all.
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