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Everything posted by OFfenesLoch

  1. I have to look for a literature circle for my husband. *smile*
  2. Nice turn with the forgotten bike. I take this as a promise of future chapter(s). Well done!
  3. Hadn't seen this story yet, so I got both chapters on the same day. But I hope, there will be soon a third piece of that hot story!
  4. I am of German language, and these hot stories on your page are the best stuff to train the english reading. (But its not enough to train english/american writing or speaking. ) Greetings from Germany to all the writers and readers here!
  5. I hope there will be a following chapter.
  6. So hot! I enjoyed this story very much.
  7. I hope so. Very much!
  8. I'm often in Munich, I'd like to have such an exordinary experience down in the Bathouse or at Underground.
  9. Is there nobody waiting for a second chapter? I am!
  10. Nice pics to this story!
  11. Where is the other poz daddy? I'd like to read more! (Thanks for writing, btw.)
  12. What a really hot story! I'm out of words...
  13. What a hot story! It's been a pleasure to read it. Thanks for writing it down.
  14. Like me - first time given head at a glory hole and there is a need to do it more and more!
  15. The writer told us above, that the comments were always a "turnon" to write more. So I decided to leave a comment on this marvellous story. Thumbs up! (I had to check the vocabulary for writing "Thumbs" - with a "b" or a "p" - haven't had much of english lessons in school and most forgot for many years *lol*)
  16. It's a real pleasure, to read this story. In my case: to read this excellent story a second time.
  17. The second time it's going so much easier! (So we want to read about it.)
  18. I'm missing the "Black Tulip" of Amsterdam too!

  19. "kissing" is a nice end to a great story! Thanks!
  20. It's a pity, that there isn't a part III - in spite of many writers have given new stories during Covid having more time for these activities.
  21. This fantastic story needs to be re-read once and one more. Thanks to the story-teller, if he reads this.
  22. Is there any unit in your complex vacant? I'd like to be the cumhole and urinal for your neighbor Omar when you may be not available.
  23. I'd like to wait there... But I also wait for a contination.
  24. Nice to find an also-German follower of these pages *smile*


    1. Scorpion


      Oh I am sure, there are some german lads on BZ.    😎

    2. OFfenesLoch


      That must all be real sluts *lol* - like I am

  25. I'd like to read e sequel!
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