My Boyfriend in high school was a lad named Chip, and he was a right proper slut, with a big bouncy ass a deep hairy crack and a perfectly carved out cock milkin butthole with great muscle control. He told me had been practicing since he was about 12 using phalluses he crafted from things around the house, he was particularly proud of one made from a bottle of Pierre Cardin Aftershave, shoved in a torn off stuffed animal leg an encased in multiple layers of condoms mounted on a toilet plunger. Chip said his best find was his dad's wood turning lathe tools, they had big undulating hard knobby handles, perfect for getting fucked stupid in a standing position. He quit his favorite tool and went birddoggin for real dick after his dad almost died when a greasy handled chisel flew out of his hand and missed his head by a few centimeters