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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Thanks, TotalTop, for posting that most interesting video. As one of those kids who never heard much more about the Civil War in public school other than the traditional "us vs them", every viewpoint is welcome and worthy of introspection. I would be interested to know more about the "cash flow" thought-train. I do know about the problems with status (s.o.f.) as new States in the West began to form, but there must be more to the cash-flow idea than travelers with their belongings. The land-purchases idea is one that could involve a decent chunk of change. Thanks again.
  2. So Trip: one more thing: the Dolphin Democrats is a great resource, if you're inclined to vote Liberal. There's a meeting over at some brewery in O.P. a little later, near the O.P. Post office, but it might be too late to register for it. There are meetings regularly during election season ..... might kill two birds with one stone, as the saying goes .....
  3. I'll take experience and skill over youth and beauty (i.e. beginners) any day. True, some young men possess both beauty and skill, but one seldom runs into them in the fuckjoints.
  4. Of course. Whether it's this crippling of his intellectual capacity or that crippling - the result is the same. I wouldn't use the word "seem" though. These old men, subsumed by their firm belief in something intrinsically false, have actually said (vocal or via the written word) that they intend to proceed with the repressions based on the privacy rights. The way I see it, there's no "seeming" about it. They're gonna just do it, or die trying. I hope Whoever or Whatever is reading this last sentence ......
  5. Yeah, I know so well. Another guy on here (I'll let him identify himself if he wants to) gave me some great advice on getting a shot via the Broward County Health Dept. The woman I spoke to regarding getting an appt for the shot was very nice, not a smidgeon of judgement, and while they're out of vacces just now, she offered to call me back when they get more. Can't really ask for more than that. But, I'm putting my regular schedule at the fuckjoints on pause until I do get it. This one seems to be really fast-moving (in areas where we seem to be more 'active' in practicing our proclivities), and I'm playing this one safe. But, this too shall pass at some point. I've almost got the garage cleaned up ... so there's that, anyway ...
  6. Welllllllllllll ...... if I saw that in a backroom, I'd definitely 'cop' a feel ..... and do pardon the wordplay ......
  7. Hang onto your seats, guys - for once, I'm actually not going to blame Cheeto-Head. I don't believe he possess the intelligence to actually "plan" something like that. He's hardly intelligent, he's merely clever - like every other conman. More, I don't think he gives a rats ass about anything other than his own fat ass. He's just too dull to plan out something like that himself. He's only able to take advantage of situations begun by others, as you point out. Rikers, baby !!!!
  8. That's how to do it, ffunguy5. The more you post/reply/take part in the discourse, the more you'll be able to do. We'll be waiting to hear more from you 😉
  9. Well put. Even when a clearly humanistic message is brought forth, it gradually gets perverted into a fundamentalist message - which is far easier to live down to than the original, inspirational message is to live up to. Here in the US, there are millions who have been taught this gradually dissolving humanistic, uplifting message into a carved-in-stone set of intractable rules by almighty Gawd. Admittedly, the Universal Message is at once extremely simple, and yet almost impossibly difficult. So difficult, in fact, that it becomes far, far easier to follow the rules as set forth by crafty, "noisy gongs" like Jim and Tammy - the Queen of the running eye-paint. Like Franklin Graham, whose riding the wave of selfishness disguised as a religion, and on and on and on. The best thing to come out of the whole Billy/Franklin carnival show was Ethyl Waters croaking her way through His Eye is on the Sparrow. How do these people dare to claim to speak for the Unimaginable? To those who actually believe that Gawd Almighty has forbidden abortion, that life begins the moment the load is pumped in, I say: Don't like abortion? Don't have one then. And keep your long, pointy noses out of your neighbors pants. To those who believe that marriage can only be between opposite genders, I say: Don't like gay marriage? Don't marry one then. And keep your long, pointy noses out of your neighbors pants. Or, as a certain someone more sublimely put it: Pull the log out of your own eye before you worry about the speck in other peoples eyes. It's not just a universal of fundamentalist religions, either. Nationalism can foment the same kind of myopia in a population. Take the centuries-long hatred of the Jewish People, for instance. Why hate our Jewish brothers and sisters? Because "they" killed Jesus? What a laughably insane notion, yet it is espoused by so-called "christians" the world over. Tell folks that if they do x,y, and z, hate who they're told to hate, cough up the dough each Sunday, they'll fly off to cloud-cuckoo-land one day and be clothed in jewels, blah blah blah. Like that's going to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless, comfort the sick. One of the worst human characteristics, in my view, is embracing "Willful Ignorance". Or, to put another name on it, Fundamentalism - of whatever stripe. Willful ignorance, choosing to remain ignorant is nothing short of enraging. Rejecting our intelligence, our powers of reason, in favor of willful ignorance is nothing short of anti-human.
  10. That propensity is hardly limited to Greek Christians. It seems that "Christians" world-wide seem to think they know better than anyone else, and about every possible facet of human existence. However, as the old saying goes: Pride goeth before the fall. Hopefully sooner than later.
  11. Hey, Trip .... welcome back !! Glad whatever that family situation was resolved itself, and you got out of Texas. That doesn't seem to be a very healthy place to be these days. Not that our State Government is much better though. Our primaries are Aug 23rd, so get your registration stuff taken care of. The Dolphin Democrats (local gay Democratic organization) do the research on candidates, make endorsements, so even the more obscure, down-ballot positions are investigated and endorsements made. Seeya around, maybe ....
  12. <<<trying to blush, but it's not happening>>> Guilty as charged. That was one of the more exceptional times over at RR. Lately, I only write about particularly thrilling nights-out though. It's a bit unseemly, since apparently so many BZ'ers don't have anywhere near the opportunities we do here in Ft. Breedingdale. btw - that kid did stop by a while ago, but I wasn't home, and he just left a short note stuck into the storm door. No contact information, just a note thanking me for a great time, all of that. I just hope he got rid of that asshole bf, and found some guy with a little more generous outlook on keeping his Hole fucked full. He seemed to be a really nice kid.
  13. Welcome, NegBtm4Tops. Thanks for coming out of the "lurking" closet and joining up. We'll be looking forward to hearing from you !!
  14. Nope (knocking on wood). But then, I have never been much into sex where I could get pinched for it. I much prefer the fleshpots, backrooms of bars, fuckjoints. The only risks there are bugs, and if a cop shows up, he's not on duty and only wants to join in the rutting.
  15. After all these years, it's almost too good to believe. Bittersweet though, considering all those we've lost over the years.
  16. Welcome, DesparateSoftboy, to your Life. First, take all the precautions to guard your health. Get on PReP. Get all the inoculations against the sexual bugs that will come right along with all the loads. Be sure to wait long enough for all of them to "take". Taking these precautions will not guarantee that you'll never get sti's - you will. But you will have taken every step you can to mitigate against them. Get tested very regularly, so they can be treated asap. When all of that is taken care of, jump right into the middle of the writhing knot of Breeding men, offering what you have to others to sate their Lusts - taking from others what you need to fulfill your own Lusts. Enjoy every moment of it - love it - practice your skills often - and become the man you were born to be. And be sure to love yourself for having the courage and honesty to be the best man you can possibly be. Best of luck !!
  17. Exactly. In your case, it's your magnificent Calling that obviates any silly physical barriers. In mine, it's the enduring effort to avoid guys that look like me. That's perhaps because I ditched the cultural bullshit I was raised with many years ago, and - (maybe subconsciously?) - seem to avoid guys that might carry the same cultural baggage I threw off. Probably not the most fair way to cruise, but then I've fucked plenty of loaves of white-bread through the years. Compensatory, maybe? All I know is the one-eyed-jack in my jeans takes notice of men that don't look like me a lot <polite cough> harder than some others.
  18. .... and then you answer yourself .... hell no that's not all there is ..... and your Cock gets hard all over again .... and .... well ..... you get the picture ....
  19. Welcum home, bud ..... maybe seeya over there .....
  20. Clearly there does exist a plane of caring between two same-gendered people that goes deeper than common "friendship". I've experienced this twice with straight guys. One was a guy I wouldn't have had sex with on a bet; sexually, yuck. The other was such a good friend I wouldn't have allowed anything like sex the chance to ruin the friendship Example: when I had a physical emergency years ago, and he had moved hundreds of miles away, I called him on a Tuesday - explained the situation - he replied "I'll be there on Thursday". Now that's the kind of friendship that also possesses a certain level of love. The Greeks had quite a system (and remember - they had nothing at all against boy/boy, man/boy sex - as long as marriage took place, the man fucked his wife too, and thus brought forth the necessary future members of their armed forces) of describing these "bromanitical" relationships. Agape, Eros, Philia, Pragma, Mania are some specifically-defined types of love between men, Eros and Mania being most familiar to BZ'ers. It's not easy to clearly define, but once experienced, it's easy to recognize when we're fortunate to have experienced it. If we do experience it, we're well and truly enriched.
  21. T.I.M. is legendary, ground-breaking, standard-setting, and the goal of other gay porn producer to meet/exceed. I'm not surprised that so many other companies went after TIM the way they have; that's basically a sound business-plan. Sometimes the King of the niche (in whatever industry) gets knocked off the perch, sometimes they react quickly and break even more new ground. That's just the nature of being in business. The thing is though, no one will ever take away what T.I.M. accomplished. As far as I'm concerned, TIM shits crushed pineapple, and my hat is off to them.
  22. Just to be clear, I don't care what other guys find enticing, attractive, whatever. Call yourselves whatever makes you feel good, happy, sexy, attractive, whatever. The original question was what terms do "you"- i.e. each one of us - prefer or not. So I just answered the question.
  23. Well, thanks for the educational reply !!! I tried only one of the so-called "social media" once, facebook, and found it to be nothing more than a time-sponge. When I watch porn I just put terms in the search bar, and dozens show up. As to twitter, I never used that one since Big-Mac-ass seemed to claim it to peddle his bullshit. Some of my friends send me silly jokes, pictures they find on facebook, and that's enough for me. I'd much rather spend computer-time here on BZ, communicating with other men like myself. You, for instance.
  24. To me, references to women in a sexual context are off-putting. I don't need to hear or see anything related to women.
  25. Soooooooooo ..... NOW I understand why Cheeto-head - he of that ridiculous orange pompadour - uses twitter to issue all the road-apples oozing out of his fingers. I had NO idea that porn existed on this site; obviously, I've never used it.
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