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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. This pretty much proves we're related - possibly twins !!! You already said everything I could .....
  2. Sean Patrick Maloney (18th dist., NY, H.o.R.) just introduced legislation in the House to codify gay marriage rights into Law. AND, he said there's a good chance in could get 60 votes in the Senate. He's an "out" married Congressman, and if ever there was a Congressperson to support now, it's him and this legislation. So, guys - before you go to bed tonight, contact your Rep in Congress and urge him/her to support this legislation. When you wake up tomorrow (ok - ok - go ahead and take a piss first), but then re-contact your Rep in the House with the same message. Get your friends to do the same. Drown them with supportive messages for this legislation. Even if they're R's, drum it into their minds that there many constituents that will be forever pissed if they don't.
  3. Exactly. Or, put another way, we're "wired" to grow up associating with one of the two positions that fulfills our innermost needs and desires the most. It's instinctual - like left handedness or right. True, we can learn to function - become proficient, even - in the less-desired position when we feel we must, but that's in no way indicative that the basic wiring has changed. I have never felt attracted (sexually) to women. In high school, before I even knew guys were possible, I "made out" with grrrls, just like every other high school kid. But I found them unappealing. They're soft, spongy, shapeless, either lumpy or boney, they make the most irritating squeaky, squealing noises, and there's that unmentionably off-putting, disagreeable olfactory issue issue. And the worst is, they think they've got gold between their legs. They think that they own you if they give you some, when, in fact, there's nothing there in the first place. Boys (and now, men) are the complete antithesis of women's sexually repellent qualities. Guys have it all. The more men get fucked, the better they smell. The more they get fucked, the more delicious their Holes. When a man groans in pleasure, the decibel meter stays well within bounds. When man says Shoot it up my Hole, you Pig, it's guaranteed to be a hottttt fuck. Women have nothing at all attractive to me (other than a well-trained Soprano or Alto, who knows how to breath properly).
  4. R.i.L. = Raw is Law - i.e., either you take it raw, or you don't get it.
  5. Which raises an interesting potential. In the event that Biden decides not to run for a second term, the logical choice of the Institutional Dems would be Kamela. I don't think she's been given enough visible tasks (I mean, operating in widespread view of the public) to really give here a leg up. The former mayor of Studebaker City has had as much publicity than Harris has. I don't see her challenging Biden in the primary though. So, in the event that Joe retires, who would be the front runners for Dem candidate in 24? She would galvanize the minority vote, she's got a bit of a lip on her (which I enjoy), and her heart's in the right place. Anyone else have suggestions?
  6. Here, (FtL) vaccines for monkey business is in very short supply. There was a "run" on the usual service-providers, and as far as I know, everyone is now given appointments to get the shot. As to modifying behavior, I hate to admit it, but I have. Once again, I've felt I needed to put my Cock on partial suspension, like when covid started. I still go out, but just to get the sweat off my brow, not to wallow in the pig pen for hours like usual. It's better than nothing, I guess. We can control what we can control. But we can't control everything, dammittall.
  7. I think it's really a simple answer: Most of us have a natural preference for one or the other. Some guys simply won't perform the non-preferred role, more will given the right situation, and some guys are just wired to only perform in one way. We can, when inspired to do so, learn to participate in our less-desired role, often to make the entire event more of a success. I've learned to do that, despite the gritting of teeth, but the only times are when I'm already getting so much out of it that I want the other guy to get as much as I am. Truly versatile men aren't all that common, in my experience.
  8. there has to be an "applauding" emoji around here somewhere .........
  9. One never knows exactly when history will repeat itself: only that eventually, it does.
  10. I think when we're horned, it's closer to actually becoming - for a little while - at least a different kind of man. The urge to Breed becomes more of a requirement to spread our Seed, mate with other men in a more primal manner. We're focused on one thing, and that has to be satisfied before we can regain the normal balance. In no way am I suggesting we "lose control" when we need to Breed, I'm merely saying that the mental focus on fucking men's Holes clouds over other, more mundane foci of daily life. I happen to like that predatory flavor in my mouth at times.
  11. I understand that years ago, more than a wedding ring was a little bit off-putting for a lot of men. Same with too-colorful neckties. I bought the class ring, but never wore it much. Well, I never really paid attention to the odd (at least to me) practice, but I know I've fucked guys at the bar with those silver rings. If it has anything to do with Breeding, then maybe we already have a public "statement" available, and I just didn't know it. I don't know those neighbors well enough to - well - just ask them. I've never seen either of them at the bar or fuckjoints. I do know that there are occasionally different cars over there though.
  12. So a little while ago one of my neighbors stopped by to pick up some plants. I've noticed that he wears silver rings, sometimes on a thumb, sometimes on a index finger. His boy also wears them, but I can't say I paid attention to which fingers (the kid is far to beautiful to look at his fingers very much). I've also noticed that guys wear silver rings on fingers that are customarily unadorned in the backrooms. Are these symbols of barebacking? Is there some "code" involved, like with hankies?
  13. Gold lame ??? After this, I'm definitely calling up Mr. Google for a damn explanation !!! As soon as I post about a neighbor that stopped over a little while ago ......
  14. You're entirely correct, AirmaxUK. That's sop in every serious Leatherman's m.o. Thanks for mentioning it.
  15. ??? Aren't blue and turquoise two different colors ???
  16. Thanks, as always, BootmanLA, for the exemplary explanations. Also to BergenGuy for the incisive input. The idea that the R's might ditch the filibuster themselves hadn't occurred to me. BZ isn't just full of sex-crazed kids .... there are some serious intellectuals here too (who are, I'm assuming, also sex-crazed).
  17. I think there are far too many Tops who merely assume that bottoms go through all the prep work automatically, before they hit the fuckjoints/cruise online/whatever. I would even go so far as to say that some Tops seem to think they're deserving of all the prepwork, merely because they might throw you a fuck. These are primarily selfish men, who don't bother to consider what the bottoms have to go through. I know some guys can get it done fairly easily, and others who have to - well - hit the repeat button a number of times. We Tops don't have to do much more personally than jump in the shower for a few minutes. Even that is too much for some bottoms that appreciate scent. Tops: Be generous - be appreciative of what other guys do to prepare for our Cocks - what they go through to give us what we need. Where's the harm in that? Nobody died and left any of us King of the fuckjoints.
  18. Do you mean gains in repressions the religious foist on other irreligious people? And thus, losses of freedom?
  19. First, thanks so much for the incisive post. I know BootmanLA will say what he has to say in a more nuanced and refined way than I can, but, to reply to the above: YES. The system of amending the Constitution has become so cumbersome, so unwieldy that it does take an inordinate amount of time to refine. In my opinion, you're spot-on. We cannot forget that the creators of the US Constitution were mostly slave-holders, and thus their doling out of rights was obviously skewed regarding racial issues. Reconstruction failed to achieve it's goals, mainly because Andrew Johnson was a southerner (added to the slate by Lincoln, in an effort to mollify the Southern States after their military defeat). The point being, that refining the Constitution is only possible with a tremendous amount of effort, and with a split electorate, it can be extremely difficult. Yes, it is long past time. The 2nd Amendment, for instance, could well be first on the list. And, once these weapons of tremendous death-dealing capabilities are turned against the hatemongers themselves, I would anticipate the glue on the soles of their shoes may evaporate relatively quickly. Per the penultimate paragraph: I am more an optimist than a pessimist, but I am also a realist. I'm not at all convinced that the stated goal can be accomplished peacefully. I doubt that armies and be brought forth, but I recognize that the foundations of para-military groups have already been built, and are expanding. Die Fahne Hoch may yet re-echo across this cultural divide, if in a different language. I don't think I have any shirts of that color, but next time a buddy comes over, I'll ask him to check the closets, just to make sure.
  20. May I offer a suggested edit? Remove the word "like", and substitute it with the word "LOVE" ... men like me adore cumdumps (particularly after they've been practicing their own needs for a while).
  21. Well shucks - I messed up the quote doo-dad again. My apologies .... but also thanks for that explanation. I think I'll stick to my long-held aversion to those unnatural contrivances. Their only usefulness for me is in the making of DD's.
  22. Agreed. Myopia favoring whatever issue that's closest to our own hearts and minds will be our undoing. AOC has been accused of this, i.e. willing to sacrifice the "good" in favor of waiting for the "perfect". That will only get us intimate knowledge of what real repression feels like. I agree 100%. Unfortunately, the minority leader in the Senate has made that perspective the norm. It's the daily m.o. of his party, and has been since the hatemongers worst nightmare came to pass - an African American elected President - twice. The political party infamous for lock-step falling in line, bleating the "party line" ad nauseum, packing the Courts with reactionary judges, refusing to negotiate even the most clearly beneficial-for-all programs, on and on and on, has become the proponent of polarization. The revel in it. They brag about it. They laugh at anyone who doesn't reflect their perverted view. If we, as a country, are polarized, then I lay that directly at the wantonly partisan behavior of the so-called conservatives feet. The polarization isn't a future potential, it's the here and now. It's the We Win, you lose, hardball political myopia. "That position polarizes us" is no longer the case. It has already happened, and they are working diligently all day every day to make their power permanent. You're right - it shouldn't be this way, but it already is. In a few months, our only chance for redress - short of real trouble - will be at hand. This is the very definition of Democracy. Rule of Law, as reflected by the majority of the citizens. None of us gets every single thing we want. Everyone gets something of what they want. But the Radical Right has uprooted that principal, and done so years and years ago. Look at it from their perspective: all their hero's are gone. George Wallace is dead. Bull Connor is dead. Strom Thurman is dead, and his DixieCrats with him. And then what happened? The worst outrage a racist hatemonger could possibly imagine: an African American elected President. For people who's entire identity is centered - even consumed by - being White, they have nothing left to hang their white sheets on. These people must be soundly thrown out of Government, since they do not come even close to reflecting the will of the majority of citizens. This is probably the most insidious of all the hatemonger's issues. Actually, it has nothing to do with the procedure of an abortion at all, rather it is centered on the corruption of the religious message they claim belief in. Diddling through the pebbles of at which moment life begins, at which point viability comes, are false flags. They need to replenish their numbers, so they can continue to squat at the top of their depraved cultural spectrum. They have been taught for generations upon generations that their god wants them - Caucasians - to rule this Continent. Virtually every conflict this nation has become involved in, save the World Wars, have been in service to this outrage against humanity. The depravity of White Privilege is about to either be defeated, or it will prevail. And that outcome is up to men and women of good will to decide in a few short months. So pardon my histrionics, but - it really is down to the wire now. Thanks for your thoughts. JimInWisc.
  23. There are few pleasures in life that compare to becoming intimately acquainted with a well-Bred hairy Hole full of Sperm from other Cocks. Driving a really fast car on the backroads comes to mind. A superbly prepared sea bass comes to mind, if fleetingly. Flying a small plane (which flight lessons I flunked because I couldn't tell the color of the winglights). Racing an 18' GlassTron with an Olds 455 in it on the Fox River - drunk as a lord comes to mind. Gimme some time - maybe I can come up with another comparable or two .... maaaaybe ....
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