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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I'm assuming that this gear is worn only when you're at a fuckjoint, private fuckparty, etc. So. This cage you wear is intended to warn others that your Cock is "hands-off", correct? Wouldn't a mere "no thanks", when some guy grabs your Cock, be enough? I get that it's fun to wear gear - particularly impressive items. It's your experience that even while wearing some clearly visible "hands-off" device, you still get guys grabbing at your Cock? My answer to the question was related to the limits the bottom has visibly stated, by wearing the chastity gear in the first place. I understand that some guys simply don't understand that a bottom isn't there to be handled any way a Top pleases. That's disrespectful at the very least, and deserves to be called out. In the context of a "scene", any guy touching something he shouldn't would definitely get called out by the man conducting the scene - maybe even kicked out.
  2. I can cum again, after the first time, but there's not as much "evidence" the second time. After two though, I'm ready to do something else for a while.
  3. One bottom. Not that watching one T get in a number of Holes wouldn't be fun, but - given that choice - one bottom servicing many Cocks.
  4. Yes, there's an enormous base of locals. This entire sprawl of urban/suburban/exurban population has an appreciably larger percentage of gay men, gay households, gay property/business/owners that most other areas in the country. Only the largest gay "mecca's" would enjoy more than the greater Ft. Lauderdale area. Sure, we locals fuck each other, hook-ups or in the fuckjoints, but there are always travelers here for sex too. That's a salivatingly hot pose you've assumed in your photo - maybe you should cum for a visit !!! Around here .......... It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  5. I guess I'd put them in reverse order to that listed above. Favorite would be "emergency fuck", since it implies a lot of what I like and do anyway. Second-favorite would be "urgent fuck", since the mating ritual can be completed, but perhaps not savored in any lengthy way. Third-favorite would be the "bed-fuck", but it does have attractive qualities too - luxuriating in the Lust, Breeding repeatedly, wallowing in the pigpen as long as both guys want to. A perfect way to spend a rainy day.
  6. I'm finding it interesting ... thanks for the post !!
  7. That sounds like the very definition of "open minded" to me ...... just sayin ......
  8. When considering the effectiveness of PReP, take into consideration the danger of a crash while driving, walking across the street and getting run down, slipping and cracking your head open in the shower, all kinds of stuff. Then, balance those risks against the above-mentioned reductions in risk of hiv, and you'll wind up with a fairly impressive appreciation of how PReP can protect you from hiv. Nothing is fool-proof, we're all going to ditch at some point from something, and the way I see it, taking easily-accomplished steps with impressive track records of protection so I can live my life on my terms is - well - a no-brainer. Sure, you'll pick up some treatable bugs once in a while. Get regular testing, get rid of the bugs, and keep fucking. The way I see it, a small price to pay for living the life I need to live.
  9. Welcome, BigBearSean Thanks for your insightful commentary. Most appreciated and well thought out. As to the "fuck that asshole" comment, that's waaaay too generous of you .....
  10. Actually, if I were the cinematographer, EVERYONE ON EARTH would know !!! Obviously, I'd put a "squiggle" (or whatever it's called) on your face so you wouldn't pay the price, but they definitely would. I wound have to admit - if I saw a couple of them at the tubs taking loads, I'd probably add mine. ... 5 or 7, maaaaaybe ... expecially if you'd already been "visiting" with them ....
  11. Thanks .... I knew the wrap-up would be well worth the wait !!! That elusive "connection" doesn't happen all that often, which makes it all the more precious when it does.
  12. #'s 2 and 4 will be eeeeasy pickins: the wrestler wrecker and "our dancing daughter" are already well-established (if closeted) gays. #1 is all yours: Not me, not for anything. #3 doesn't deserve a second glance, let alone your magnificent obsessions. #5, welllllll ... maaaybe I'd second the motion, provided a large gag was handy. #6, I'd rather take that curling iron off his head and shove it where you intend to leave your calling card, so check to see if I beat you to it before you ... well ... #7, Not in my nightest-of-mares. #8, I'd rather never Breed a Hole again, than get within 30 yards of that total p.o.s. I WILL, however, be your cinematographer ......
  13. Beautifully said, PhoenixGeoff. Thanks.
  14. I think that we have "inborn" aims/goals/alignments that only surface when we become sexually aware. That can happen at any age, of course, but at some point relatively early in our lives we begin to sense that we're more interested in one (T or b) than the other. There are many equally interested in both, and more power to them. Maybe I'm wrong, but the instinct to fuck other men - or get fucked by men - is something that's waiting for the right time to surface in our consciousness. At some point, maybe in (grade school?) little girls stop hating boys, and boys begin to notice girls. It just happens to straight kids, so why not the same for us? We begin to notice other boys, maybe not even sure why, and that "notice" eventually awakens our sexual Lust. It's said that the gene that controls sexuality is passed from the mother, which would imply that it's something that's there from birth. Just as our Cocks begin to sprout, get hard, pubes start to grow, and sexual maturity begins, the object of our sexual needs also becomes apparent. Once clarity dawns, it's off to a wonderful life of sating those Lusts, and it's really nothing more than becoming the men we were born to become. Or is that too simplistic?
  15. It's the guy, his personality, his commitment to a life of honesty, recognizing and reveling in personhood, needing and having raw sex with many men that counts most; not whether or not he's poz. That's an ancillary issue.
  16. LOL ..... Seeya in a couple of months then !!! Conversely, if that was a typo, enjoy the whole damn double-chocolate cake !!!
  17. We'll be waiting patiently !!! (hmmmm .... no pun intended)
  18. Well, I must say - that was as professional, clear, and incisive an explanation I've read here. Kudos, and thanks so much for that very comprehensive, intelligent reply. If I wore a hat, it would be off to you right now.
  19. By which statement, he invited a State - any State - to bring the challenge to other privacy rights to the SCOTUS for reconsideration. Mr. Thomas has made clear what his pre-determined judgement will be, and is hardly open minded on the issue of Constitutional rights hinged on privacy rights as set forth in the Constitution. Of course, he seems to have forgotten that certain right to privacy dealing with interracial marriage, since it would deprive him of "his best friend". All the others though, are on his chopping block - he has said so, and in explicit terms.
  20. I try not to use the 'dislike' response much at all. There are occasions within a thread however, when some guy proves intractable in his discourse - almost like throwing word-hand-grenades at others with whom he disagrees. If that happens, I just skip reading those submissions, and read/respond to other, less antagonizing guys thoughts. I've only used the block-function once; and I haven't seen any of his mess since. Unfortunately, there are some folks that simply insist on uncouth behavior, but fortunately there are only a handful of them, and easily denied attention. All of that said, I think the "thumbs down" is useful, when used sparingly, and I hope it remains, since I don't think some little doo-dad possesses the power to "stifle" the exchange of ideas, perceptions, or thoughts. We use the "thumbs up" doo-dad far more often than the thumbs down anyway, which I find most appropriate. Thanks for your thoughts.
  21. Which is - hopefully - very seldom !!!
  22. Couldn't find the "thumbs up" doo-dad, so ....... Thumbs up !!!
  23. I haven't taken his (multiple) requests to hear from a Republican about these issues as anything more than wanting to have responsible, intellectual curiosity addressed. That's (hopefully) what all of us want. I think he's sincere in asking for varying points of view. He doesn't live in the US, but he's well-read on what goes on here. I respect him for wanting even-handed input to his perspectives. Where's the harm in that?
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