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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Simple. For some guys, it's two completely different acts, not different parts of the same act. Vive la difference, right?
  2. Here's how I'm handling it: One mpx became an up & cumming issue, I had phone calls in to all the health-care agencies in the area to get the mpx vaccine. I decided, mostly because of conflicting reports in the media regarding the details of transmission, blah blah blah to hold off on my usual sexual routine. So, I've been going without for a few weeks, but I usually take the 'better safe than sorry' lane. I'll feel comfortable heading out again soon, and putting off the fuckjoints for a while in favor of making sure I'm as protected as I can be, after the suggested wait time has passed, I'll jump into the pile again. At least I'll know I've taken the most steps possible to avoid infection, and I can live (and fuck) with that. It's irritating not to know what to do - I get that in spades. But, until I felt I knew enough (and got the shot), I just told my Cock that he'd simply have to wait, and shut the fuck up about it. But, what level of risk you decide to assume is up to you, right? Good luck, bud
  3. The construct model is, to me, delightfully classic. 1. Statement of thesis: Carefully crafted with only a single negative reference. 2. Expansion of thesis, spiced with some lovely, elegant (and politely disparaging) verbiage. 3. The denouement: Clear, concise, and unmistakable. Whether one agrees or disagrees, the model is consistent, the thought-leading is provocative, and I'd have hired you as editor of one of the publications in an eyeblink.
  4. Years ago, my other half went out to the antique stores, and came home with a pretty little blond kid so skinny he coulda walked through a harp. I was in the home office, heard them come in, so walked to the front to say hi, and wondered what on earth the other half was planning to do with this kid. But, we had the "outside-sex" thing successfully taken care of years before, so I followed them into the bedroom. This kid pulled his pants down and I swear a 10-incher, thick and hard, bounced out and up against his belly. It must have taken half the blood in his whole body to pump it up like that. Wound up with the kid and I fucking the other half, then the other half sucking him off again, and finally I fucked the kid. He stayed for dinner, and a few days more ...... ya just never know, right ???
  5. ^ Probably a good cook too ........
  6. In my experience, a little bit of post-Breeding cuddling is .... well .... ok. Emphasis on "little". Cuddling, as I define it, is something one does with a lover or maybe a very serious boyfriend. I fuck a lot, and that doesn't mean I "love" every guy I fuck. I may discover (if there's any post-fuck interaction) that I don't even like the guy personally, no matter how "hot" the fuck was. Cuddling and fucking are, to me at least, two different things, and bridged only when there's some measure of real love (or at least caring) between the two. Strangers don't cuddle, they fuck. My Cock and my Heart operate on two different planes of existence these days.
  7. The way I see it, kissing is part of that elusive "connection" that happens only occasionally. I mean deep, tongue-down-the-throat kissing. It's another way of demonstrating that the guy isn't just another Hole to rut in, there's a deeper interaction available. Kissing - at least for me - is a metaphor: my tongue in your mouth is directly akin to my Cock up your gut. It implies a deeper connection than the physical mating.
  8. Alright, I understand your phrasing. Thanks for that explanation then ...
  9. I'm guessing they're looking for clicks-through.
  10. Interesting topic. The Googler includes a pre-existing condition in it's definition, namely a pre-existing relationship (no further qualifiers included). There were several sources* cited, most specifically including that requirement. It appears that someone who isn't in a relationship couldn't fit into that definition. Of note, there are tons of guys that are in a relationship that also regularly indulge in extra-relationship sex, whether the other half knows it or not. How would you quantify "exceptionally"? 99 out of 100 opportunities taken? 80? 70? By opportunities, I mean any available Holes in a backroom/fuckjoint. There are guys in those places that I wouldn't bother with, for any number of reasons; unprepared, asscheeks so fat I couldn't get past them and into the Hole, talking too much bs, stuff like that, but I imagine that's pretty much a universal experience for us. Thanks for the subject post, EW, and cranking up the issue, BMLA *some more scholarly, some less so
  11. Sounds like you really enjoyed each other - that's great !!! I don't read any bad news there - only perhaps some postponed Good News yet to come. Per the mechanics: I don't know from your text whether this would be appropriate at this point, but you may want to consider asking one of your fuckbuddies who isn't possessed of quite so impressive equipment as you, to assist in opening the Hole with something not quite so impressive. If that would mess with the new guy's head, forget it, but he may find it exciting too. If it's too much too quickly, or you don't want to begin on that level, obviously don't mention it.
  12. It appears all of this transpired online? Thus, the most important facet of a reply is denied you, in that you and he aren't in the same physical space. Courage is easy to summon forth from behind a keyboard, often less so in-the-flesh. I don't use the cruising apps anymore, mostly because there's rather little pay-off for the time invested. There's little point in trying to bring some understanding to someone who is not present, unless they're willing to hear your perceptions with some measure of integrity. I'd just ignore the nameless, faceless, wanna-be, and move on; don't bother yourself with them. That said, in the backrooms/fuckjoints, you're one of many other men there, in-the-flesh, doing what every one of you needs to do. You can just smile, if someone thinks they're holier than thou, and say "yeah, I am a _____, and happily so - wanna join in?" They'll either jump at the chance, or toss one more empty insult over their shoulder as they slink away.
  13. So far, I haven't found anything to suggest they're anything other than derivative. And, I'm pretty much done with it. Still, it was interesting ... for a minute .....
  14. Good on you. Those racist hatemongers deserve every ounce of your rejection. I wish more guys would stand up to the overt hate-mongering. Slut-shaming (another thread) is nothing compared to Racist-shaming.
  15. That "frothy mixture" mentioned above is probably one of the lurkers here on BZ ... what a wretched excuse of a man who cannot bring himself to face his demons.
  16. I agree. There's a special kind of scent on a guy that's been having sex all night, and it's like iron filings drawn to a magnet. When I used the apps, at the end of the profiles I put "come clean, get sweaty".
  17. HAHAHAHAHA ........ you do have a gift for phrasing, don'tcha !! If cum-snot turns a guys crank, then great. Have at it, and include me out.
  18. What about if we like a shark steak on the rare side ??? Secondary infection of monkey / shark / human infection ?😉
  19. I vote for hairy - the more the better - and if it fans up over the ass onto the small of the back. the eye-candy quotient is off the charts while <polite cough? dinner is served. Rich, dark, curly HoleHair is sexual ambrosia !!!
  20. No. More, I didn't answer this earlier because I'd never heard of them. So I squeezed in some investigative time a while ago, and realized after some hunting that some folks apparently do, and some folks apparently don't. Admittedly, only scratched the surface, but - at this point - it sounds like a healthy helping of bs to me. But, I'll read some more about it. I do enjoy learning about things, regardless of whether I buy into it or not. Obviously, barebackers possess yet another quality, other than the obvious - that being an advanced level of intelligent inquiry.
  21. Some great advice above, Poptronic. I would only add that, (assuming he's truthful about not having taken raw Cock before - and there's no reason to think he isn't), he's already thinking about how unfulfilling bagged Cock is, which is a good thing. He want's it *for real*, but be sure to take it slowly. Unless he's really submissive, let him steer the first time. Prove to him that you're not going to harm him in any way, or get pushy about anything. I would predict that once he feels your Cock pumping Sperm up his gut, he's going to be well on his way to needing more and more. Either he's going to be banging on your door all the time, or he's going to go hunting. I think you should be supportive, no matter which way he decides to go. Good luck, and enjoy introducing him to the *real* thing !!
  22. This ^ pretty much says it all. The pandemic was particularly awful for guys who have anonymous sex all the time. I was lucky enough to have a covid-buddy who I trusted to get through it, but one buddy was almost nothing compared to before covid. It wasn't until that was mostly over that I came across BZ, and, for me at least, it's a great place to read other guy's thoughts, share mine, and feel like I'm just another guy amongst a bunch of buddies.
  23. It can be very freeing to know that there are tens and tens of thousands of other men, just like you, who have gone through the crucible, and managed to come out the other side in relatively good shape. Truth is truth, and even if ours is uncomfortable to some, it's still our truth. Kudos, 11bi11guy. Not everyone gets to a better place, but we're glad you did. Not everyone can smell the bullshit and get rid of it, but many of us can. Knowing that there are so many other men out there that have, and are willing to help is pretty fantastic. We're glad you're here.
  24. So here's an interesting twist: I recall hearing some years ago on the science channel that quantum physics has theoretically proven that alternate "planes" of existence are real. I am taking no position on this, but it is fascinating. It was a while ago, and I doubt I'll get every bit of this right, but apparently it was proven to be possible that right now, sitting where you are, in an alternative "plane", others from the past or the future could be in the same space (strictly defined), but not in the same "plane" or dimension. We can't see/experience them, and vice versa. But we occupy the same space. If this is true, and I'm not saying it is, someone from the past could be sitting here reading a book, someone from the future could be sitting here fiddling with some yet un-invented doo-dad, etc etc. Or, and more to our liking, two guys from another plane could be fucking right next to us, and we wouldn't have a clue !!! I very much doubt that the current religions of the World base their claims of an afterlife on anything like quantum physics (!), but rather on population control. After all, the promise of pie in the sky (assuming one does as one is told by said clerics) and hellfire and damnation for those who choose an alternate path, can seem pretty attractive to those less inclined to indulge in critical thinking.
  25. Well, I got the MPX vax yesterday, and many thanks to a first class fellow BZ'er, who steered me to the most efficient outfit in the County. It hasn't bothered me at all, but then neither have any of the others. Not sure if I should mention which guy, so I won't just yet. But this is a perfect example of how we can help each other out - even over the ether - and how much this site is to us. For the most part, we're a generous lot, and in every way. I really appreciate and enjoy BZ. Whatever all the minutia of issues with the site are, it's a First Class resource - at least for me. Thanks, rawTop and the referees !!
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