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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I think that sending two Carrier-groups to the coast off Israel was a fairly blunt statement of support - by a Democratic President. Hopefully the Republicans will pass the financial aid bill promised to Israel by that same President out of the House too .....
  2. Sure - that's entirely possible. Lots of guys do just that: 1) buy a day-pass, 2) hang out / fuck by the pool, hot-tub, any other place on the property, all day and all night long. If some registered guest other than you invites you, you'll need them to open the (locked) gate, since only registered guys get the door code. You can't just walk in - it's a business, of course. When you arrive, there's a door-bell button, they buzz you in and you have to sign in, pay, etc. Then you get the door-code, and can come and go for as long as you bought the time for.
  3. Shortly before that election, I recall hearing folks (Dem's) talking about how she wasn't warm, she had a grating edge to her persona, stuff like that. I didn't feel that way, but a number of folks did. I didn't think we were electing a surrogate Mom, I thought we were electing a President - which we didn't.
  4. Thanks, fuckholedc, for your thoughts. I'm unsure of how you came to these conclusions: If you mean campaigning against homophobia, I think we're remembered every time we hear the GLBT+ mentioned. True, it's not every single Democrat every single time, but it's more than we used to hear some years ago. They know we're a powerful voting bloc, and they make sure to mention us rather often in interviews (along with other at-risk groups. It may be that many Dem's are not using that word - racism - since it's such a highly-charged term. Campaign season is still heating up though, and I'm sure you'll hear it more often. Consider what you're hearing from the other side, and maybe the Dem's won't be so disappointing after all. I'll give you that one. They're politicians, after all, and while we're facing a clear and present threat to the continuance of our Democracy, that's what we're hearing most about. You're entirely right; that cake has been baked for a long, long time. This one I'll engage on. Who else is there advocating for what we can be as a nation? Who else is talking about human rights, assistance for the underprivileged? The newly arrived? All the virtues the US has stood for these past centuries? Given the openly blunt hatreds promulgated by the other political party, the D's sound like angels. Check out the "Dolphin Democrats" website. We're very active in Ft. L.
  5. Once they get a job, they start paying their fair share via taxes - just like everyone else. If they're unemployed, they pay tax on everything they purchase. I'm assuming you may be referring to very recent immigrants? There are clearly defined ways and means to emigrate, and if those ways and means become inadequate, then improvements to meet the situation are made, but it doesn't happen overnight. In that event, all the rest of us help the newly-arrived, which is what decency requires. We are a nation of immigrants*, and while some cultural groups have been here a lot longer than others, the principle remains foundational. There are numerous social-service organizations of good-will that help the newly arrived acclimate, and there are some Government-level assistance programs too. In instances when the newly-arrived are also committing crimes, then it's entirely understandable when they get deported. I would venture that those are the substantial minority, since most immigrants come to improve their lives through working. For instance, I wasn't born in the US, as my family immigrated when I was an infant. Yet, I happen to look like my ancestors have been here for centuries. In that perverted way of judging others - merely by their appearance, accent, original language - I guess I "pass". What an insidious hypocrisy. Thus, physical appearances mean rather little when all is said and done, and certainly when it comes to any definition of "citizenship". It's what's in a person's heart, in their mind, and the resulting behavior that counts. What's so terrible about assuming the best, instead of the worst? Sure, toss the wannabe criminals out, and welcome everyone else. *because our Caucasian ancestors massacred the indigenous population that had occupied the continent for millennia. That wasn't merely repression, that was colonization.
  6. From what I know of Johnson's writings, he's been awful in his viewpoints, in his votes as a State Rep, and there's not one scintilla of reason to think he's been enlightened by his recent ascent. His tongue if firmly up O.J's ass, kissing vociferously - most likely en Francais. He may look like an innocent choirboy with a nice smile, but his intellectual bent is nothing less than antihuman. He thinks he knows it all because a Deity told him so, without regard to anyone else's viewpoints. "Stability" in a man like this - an "election-denier", a deplorable voting record on humanitarian issues, is indeed "stability" in the worst possible sense of the word. He's nothing less than a ravening wolf in cute-little-boy guise.
  7. If you're not already, register to VOTE, and then be sure to do it. Join an activist group or three. Attend progressive rallies. Volunteer with your local Democratic Party office. Make phone calls, Write letters. Knock on doors with literature provided by your local D party. Get your friends to join you. In short, as we used to say years ago, ACT-UP.
  8. Really .... just look at the legislation he's accomplished. Remember: when you point at someone, only one of your fingers is actually pointed at them. The other 3 are pointed directly back at you.
  9. I disagree. Since legislation must originate in the House of Representatives, and then proceed to the Senate for adjustments or ratification, and then to the President for His/Her signature, it remains nothing but a lot of text on paper. As the entire World knows, the R's have a razor-thin margin in the House, which is why the political process is stymied at present. It's not that the D's aren't "doing anything about it", it's that their hands are tied due to processes laid down in the Constitution.
  10. I can only assume that it's to be laid at the feet of Big Religion. When only those who adhere are "saved", it follows that those who don't are doomed. Then, it's an easy step to translate that pending doom into punishing the "already" doomed in the here and now. Maybe they think that doing the Deity's work for Him (not Her, of course), extra blessings may accrue to them. What's so interesting, is that the man that enabled all these openly-practiced hatreds is himself as perverted, emotionally stunted as a stone. I can only come to the conclusion that this inclination to hate has always been within human beings, but held at bay by cultural pressure to become better citizens, not worse. Just as happened 100 years ago in a certain nation of culture in Europe, one hellish man loudly and consistently screamed out over and over again how it was their "duty" to hate certain others. Mr. Johnson may prove to be Orange Jesus' Goebbels.
  11. No. But your previous comments to the above would also carry currency with the craven money-hunt by the speakers. I remember one (my grandmother used to watch these extravaganzas on tv) where the preacher would manage to bring up how much Gawd needed their dough over and over again. I've only seen it on tv. Fortunately when Billy Graham had an event in Chicago, and my mom and dad went, I was old enough to make other arrangements. The only thing I would have enjoyed is Ethyl Waters wobbling out His Eye is On the Sparrow. By then, her vibrato had devolved into a 10-foot wide tremolo, enough to drive a car through. I think I've always been suspicious of others imparting their religiosity, assuming I'd simply accept it. But, I don't, and never have. After getting a beating from laughing out loud (at the most inopportune time - when the congregation was in process of sitting down again after the recitation) at one of the creeds we had to recite in our Lutheran church service, I learned the hard way to evaluate when and where to voice dissent. As I see it, blaming some Entity of Antiquity for the exercise of individual intellectual probing, is the very definition of dullness. We're able to think on our own, which responsibility so many of these culturally-inspired bullshit, pseudo-clerics abhor, is nothing less than anti-human.
  12. Not sure, but it probably came as an addition to how much I love to eat Holes. When they're pre-filled with Sperm, it's just all the more enticing.
  13. Geez .... that group of haters hasn't crossed my mind in ages .... who was that woman with the beehive hairdo that ran her mouth constantly about the imMoral Minority .....
  14. The problem Mr. Johnson is ignoring is, there's plenty of other moral teachings in that particular tome. For example, how about "Judge not, that ye be not Judged"? Where in the above referenced collection of ancient beliefs does any text refer to forcing one's personal religious beliefs upon an entire society? Where does that authority come from? Don't bother looking for it - it isn't there. Where in "New" addition did the One they presume to follow say "go ahead - force your beliefs, however perverted - on your fellow countrymen? Mr. Johnson, and his intellectual peers, don't give one rats ass about that collection of ancient sayings/beliefs. I think if someone snuck into their outhouses and swapped out the Sears Catalogue for a Bible, they wouldn't notice for weeks. Mr. Johnson apparently abhors non-straight (as an arrow) folks. The obvious answer to his abhorrence would be "so don't have sex with other men, and keep your long pointy nose out of other peoples business". How did we get to this place? How did an apparently substantial segment of the population come to believe that they get to force their own personal beliefs upon millions of other citizens that may not share their myopic arrogance? If you don't like the issue of women's rights regarding care of their own bodies, then don't exercise those legal rights as they pertain to others, and keep your long, pointy nose out of other people's pants. Imagine if these people actually ran the country for an appreciable amount of time: They could set the US back by centuries of political progress towards equal rights for all. If anyone hasn't registered yet, for all of our sakes, DO IT. Vote these people out a year from now. Agitate. Question. Get involved. If not you, then who? Do what you can to send these folks back to their hate-filled miseries - whether they live in mansions or dirt-floored trailers.
  15. Wasn't the Ram on Broadway over in boystown (which, I hear, is now gone) ?
  16. That's just the beginning of the loooong list of issues he's on the repressive side of. Plus, he was active in trying to overturn the election, and all kinds of other mischief. I wonder how long he'll last ....
  17. I agree with that observation. Given that we gay men are everywhere, and given residing where the opportunities for businesses that offer more "open" opportunities (i.e. backrooms, baths, fuckjoints), it stands to reason that without more opportunities, guys in the kind of smaller towns need to take advantage of what does exist. For any number of reasons, some guys stay put in their smaller towns, and some guys ditch for the big city as soon as possible. I suppose it all boils down to what's most important to each individual guy, and that's totally ok.
  18. I think that's spot on. While our physical sensations heighten the intensity of fucking, it's our brains that tell us the most about what we find excruciatingly attractive, if we're listening.
  19. One easy way to increase the size of a guy's nipples is to visit your local auto-parts store and get a set of "vacuum shut-off's". They're really cheap, small rubber tubes, closed off on one end, and the set includes shut-off's of various lengths and width's. Wet the skin around the nipple with some spit, squeeze the shut-off, place it on your nipple, and release. The nipple will expand to fit fairy tightly inside the rubber tube. To take it off, tip the shut-off to one side, thus allowing air to enter the tube, and gently rock it back and forth until it slides off. You'll wind up with nipples that are (temporarily) the size of the inside diameter of the shut-off, which shows plainly and vulgarly through a t-shirt. It will take some repeated use to gradually get your nipples to assume the desired dimensions for an appreciable length of time though. A note of caution: experiment with them, to determine how long to leave them on. Left on too long, they can also force blood to seep out of the tip of the nipple. Auto-parts stores can be a pig's panacea, limited only by your imagination !!!
  20. Well, that's being generous, and good on you for it. No guy was ever born already knowing the in's and out's (!) from day one. All of us have to learn our craft at some point.
  21. First, BootmanLA, thanks so much for the informative, incisive and clearly thought-out response. It's sharing of views like this that I particularly enjoy about BZ. I invariably read and learn from your thoughts. My direct experience with the immigrant-groups is based on only a few years of interaction after moving to FL. Chicago, where I lived my adult life until about 15 years ago, was somewhat limited, since there, immigrant communities often stayed, lived in their own neighborhoods. Virtually all the Northern European groups had claimed a certain small area and centered their lives in that particular area, and the only group that lived everywhere were the Caucasians and the African Americans (which community centered mostly on the famed South Side - some areas of which were very wealthy. A certain area of the near South Side, for example, is known as "Little Italy". Cross one street, and you're in the Irish neighborhood, etc., and kids are taught from an early age not to cross those dividing lines on pain of getting beat up. I don't even know where the Cuban community is back in Chicago. Sad, huh? Thus, my reply to this thread was focused more on experience in business, as opposed to experience with cultural interaction. As an immigrant to the US myself (as an infant), I am certainly familiar with this inclination to stick to your own folks, which is how I grew up and lived until I went away to school, discovering there's a big wide world out there. Thus, my only "real-life" experience with these particular nationalities was limited. Living in SoFl now, it's like learning new things all the time. For instance: You're the first person that has pointed that out; I had no idea. While I understand how the level of melanin one possesses is determinative in cultural status, I had no idea that Cubans considered themselves as close to "white" as a nationality-group could get, yet retain their heritage. All I "knew" is the standard, Batista-era perceptions. This is another fresh realization for me. Of course, I knew from the earliest years how cultural identities factored into the instinct to hate "the other", but my educational experience was heavily focused on two areas: music and business, and I achieved success in both. That said, there are innumerable aspects of life that I am not educated in, and it's men like you who - after lo, these many years - help me (and a lot of others, I'm certain), continue to expand their knowledge. I could go on, but, essentially I want to express my thanks for your kindness and inclination to help others understand what they don't. As we used to say back in Chgo, "you shit crushed pineapple" - which is definitely a colloquialism for First Class. Thanks again.
  22. To the OP, I'd guess that no, we're not. What we are however, is a lot of self-aware men that refuse to comply with cultural norms. Most of us don't honor those repressions, and we go about our lives in freedom to be the men we were born to be. Acting on that self-realization as often as we'd like, or as often as possible, is nothing but an emotionally healthy way to live our lives, and the repressionists envy us our freedom. That's where the anti-gay hatreds are sourced from. We're not such a "rare breed" - we're simply living our lives, doing what we must despite the attempts to subjugate us. To those who attempt to force us to do otherwise, I say Fuck You ... NOT
  23. While that's absolutely true, there are tons of truly enraged women here - from the health-care debacle to the banning of books to the whole "woke" cesspool, and there's a decent chance the R's will lose power in the next election. It's not impossible the Statehouse may become more blue (if decent-minded folks get out and vote - particularly all the local "downballot" positions), There are also a lot of pissed off LGBT+ (did I get them all?) folks that aren't in South Fl, but in other counties here. I may be unreasonably optimistic, but we may get a big surprise in about a year from now. It wasn't all that long ago that Florida was considered a "swing-State", fluctuating between Red and Blue. DullSantis may not have made it, if the D's hadn't run such a flawed candidate in Charlie Christ. As Churchill once said: "Never give up. Never give up. Never give up."
  24. Thanks so much for sharing the terrible experiences you went though. The only ray of light is that you did what so many of is did: you started to resist the complacency and demanded Action from the powers that were. The President (at that time), a former B actor in Hollywood never even let the then-current descriptor pass his lips. It took countless hours, as you describe, on the part of many gay men to summon forth the activism that finally broke through. You did everything you could possibly do and more, and for that every single one of us is grateful beyond words to express. Take heart though; while progress may seem glacial, we're able to put those horrors in a mental drawer, and keep that drawer mostly closed. Best of luck, and thanks for sharing your experiences.
  25. To the OP's photo, it looks like "slack" has a different connotation in the UK. I'd call that Hole fukkin perfect !!!
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