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Everything posted by cockfun69

  1. Yes hence the nickname of Barelin .. usually pigs tits get worked hard hard by pigs there to match sore gaping loaded hole
  2. If I was told an area wasn't for the faint-hearted or inexperienced I was stripped off and heading in there for the bare sex I wanted
  3. Boots. Titclamps. Jock. Harness. Chaps. Sling. Supplenips.
  4. I would have loved to take those cocks and loads
  5. I'm pretty sure Jeff Palmer had peachy skin and cute muscles when he started condom films with Falcon. I remember seeing the pigmentation/lesion in one BB film .. but who knows now?
  6. Jeff Palmer dildo keeps me open for any size cock and loads ?
  7. Well once you go BB you never use condoms again
  8. Bet HH will be heaving with horny hung fuckers breeding whore holes and loads leaking down legs. Can't be in London either but want to read some rampant reports from the fuck-tree ?
  9. Cute and sleazy Chad Adams was apparently WW's bf for a while and they did hot scenes together. I always wondered what happened to Chad?
  10. I knew some VERY slutty tops who used to moan about me whoring my ass round. They were shocked when I didn't play their games and refused a fuck. I never moaned about them fucking many, many holes in saunas and woods so I don't see why they should mind me taking a lot of other raw cocks ?
  11. Always hot when they are charged and overflowing
  12. Toilets usually wet in Germany and Netherlands .. but not dark. So often need it pitch black and crammed in for breeding. Loads of hot loads there ?
  13. Glad to read HardOn still delivers hungry slut holes and bare pig tops ?
  14. Yes Darlaston is tremendous for bare cocks to top me up and loaded holes to top up. That pitch black area has a couple of steps that don't lead anywhere but you can get trapped there bent over till everyone has spunked up you. Head to a lighter area for a break then follow the next wave downstairs 20 minutes later. I've only been to no-towel days here (and other saunas) where bare means pretty much 100% bb sex for hard core cum sluts ?
  15. How often do you go? What days/times/weekends?
  16. How old is bf?
  17. It's not called Barelin for nothing! But surprised just 5 red hood cum takers.
  18. Sounds like your bf should whore you at a horse fair .. with a red hood for raw cocks ?
  19. Not a sauna but more are undressed than fetish at HardOn .. what are numbers and bb action like? Where is it these days?
  20. Had a sweet and very sexy guy always at same sauna last year. We always fucked and I started looking forward to seeing him there. And a bit disappointed if he wasn't as sex was so good. Then we went for meal and drink after. Decided to swap numbers after a few months. Now we are with each other every weekend. Still at sauna together but sex with other guys rarely is as good as with each other. I miss sleeping and shagging him in the week. But we make the most of weekends.
  21. Rough Stock does sound amazing. What are numbers and bb action? Any pix?
  22. mm bet those huge nips get treated as a pig needs too
  23. Not many saunas left but they all have cabins with beds at the right height for breeding and comfortable to being bred. Leave the door open for a public show? Towel over your head if you want to be anonymous? Guys love to join a slut being banged!
  24. Hope that was a Big Mac with loads of mayo ?
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