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After numerous requests, here is the next fictional account of the in the saga of the Kid. Other Kid stories are Kid got everything he wanted The Kid goes to his first bath house. As usual this is only fiction and not meant to actually be done. Some of this would send a person to the ER ( Or worse ) with an overdose. It is for reading enjoyment only, and of course arousing you if you need help with that. Chapter 1 The Kid has had some great adventures with his first party and then his first trip to a bathhouse here he was given drugs and plowed by some of the craziest guys and perverts in the world. He wanted to get back to the first guys next party but cold never arrange time. Between his work and girlfriend, there never seemed to be any time for his private perverted play. He contacted me several time to see what I was doing. I had to have some minor surgery and couldn’t get to the monthly party, and he wanted to have me there when he went next time. He was frustrated with his relationship because while his girlfriend was nymph when it came to sex she didn’t like sucking him to a finish and never would give up her ass. Sometime after his first party he had gotten a case of the Flue and his Girlfriend caught it from him and came down with it a couple weeks later. Since he had met Tina he had a deep driving need to play with her every chance he could and those were very few and far apart. The recovery after the first party was rough but he was able to get back to normal in a couple days after. The second party his recovery was a lot quicker, even though he had a lot more. His insides yearned to be spun again, his desire to feel stuff roaming in his ass and filing him was undeniable. He had met with a few guys but non seemed to satisfy his needs. One black guy was hung, he remembered it hurting and he took it waiting for it to feel better, but it never felt the way it did when Horse was lodged in his ass and Horse was bigger that this guy. One guy actually helped him some in a park one night, he was bent over a bench taking a guy with a small dick and after the guy shot what felt like a couple drops up his ass another guy came over and asked him if he wanted more with a little extra. The Kid started to get up when the guy pushed him back over the bench and proceeded to push a much larger cock up his ass. The guy felt different when the Kid realized this guy had a PA on his cock. It felt cool when it rubbed his hole before the guy grabbed the Kid’s hips and basically impaled the Kid on his cock. The Kid yelled at the sudden intrusion, the guy said “ Shut the fuck up, you want to bring the cops “ ? as the Kid stared to say no when the guy pulled partially out and rammed back in. all the Kid could do is squeak the word “ No “. The Bushes around the area rustled and a couple guys walked up, both had their cocks out and were jerking them. With the position of the Kid neither could get in front of him to get any service. The guy pumped a couple more times when he stopped. He held still. The Kid stared to back onto the cock when the guy slapped his ass and said “ Hold still you little whore “. The guy hen said “ Here comes the Little extra slut “. The Kid was looking at the two cocks off to the side and wasn’t paying that close attention to the guy in his ass. He wasn’t sure what he meant but then felt a warmth spreading in his bowels, he knew form past experience it was the yellow flood of the guy’s piss. The guy said “ Here is your extra, hope you enjoy it “. The Kid was in heaven, this was the first time since the time at the bath house he got this treatment. It really made him feel like a total slut, the pig whore of all whores. He only hoped he would end up getting the other guys cocks up his ass. When the guy was finished emptying his bladder, he started to slowly fuck the piss in the kids insides. He wanted to make sure the Kid could absorb as much as possible. He couldn’t hold off to long, this kids ass was great and had a natural ability to milk a guys cock. The guy cold tell he hadn’t been fucked much, at least not for a while. The Kid was slowly losing himself into the Acton up his ass. His whole body felt warm and almost to the point of being on fire. All he could think of was that he never wanted this to end. He could hear and feel the squishing of the cock as it slopped around in his guts. There was a pressure when he pushed in and it really felt good. The guy eventually picked up speed and some of the nasty mix started squirting out of the Kids ass. The guy slammed up into the Kid’s ass and said “ Take my spunk you nasty fagot punk “. The Kid said “ Yes, knock me up”. The kid could feel the throbbing cock up his ass, firing shot after shot into his ass. The guy slumped over the Kid for a few minutes and the Kid could feel a second twitching in his ass. The guy said “ Yeah, here comes a little more to help you out “. The Kid knew for sure he was shooting a second load of piss in his guts, pushing his cum into areas that it would never come out before it was absorbed. The guy finally pulled out and some of the nasty mix started dripping out, even with the kid in the head down position and trying to hold it in he couldn’t keep it from spilling out. The guy sat down next to the Kid. Even though he was off to the side he could see the cock that just split his ass. Even soft it looked Big and thick, it had an impressively big PA in the end of it, bigger that be thought. The Guy pulled out a glass pipe and started to heat it up. He could clearly see the white smoke in the bowel. the Guy looked over at the Kid and Smiled.
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versmetropig posted a blog entry in Blog versmetropig
Installment number Nine of what was probably the best party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was in New Hampshire at a 4 day business convention and during those 4 days he was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown , with him joining me after his convention for his much more vanilla style non-enhanced sex. Thursday night my buddy Jimmy hosted a hot orgy for me but had to change Friday's plans for a personal emergency, as did Lou the local candy-man, who had an emergency leaving his assistant "Vice" a straight but hot Portuguese local guy to spend the day pnping with me - with Boston frat boy type Kieran (also staying at the guesthouse with his revealed to be former partyboi husband Charlie), Karl and the other Houseboys and the skinhead Manager Zar. Then an old friend – an Episcopal Priest no less – shows up in time for the party. This amazing weekend took an entire notebook to cover (I've kept sex diaries since I was a teenager) and never before or since has ONE weekend taken up an entire book. So along with me - at the time a 43 year old jock muscle leather guy - Caucasian, blond/blue - we pick up the story during the storm-caused power failure, and our str8 boy gets booty-bumped one too many times and pulls me back to my room because he needs to be fucked NOW... We were in the midst of thanking each other profusely – me for offering me his cherry, he for me waiting for him to want it then doing so well – when a key turned in the lock and Lou peeked around the doorframe. “Finally.” He commented. “Thank you, J-man, you are impressive.” “Daddy-J is a master of his art” (which he pronounced ‘ahhhT’) replied Vice to Lou, “now shut up, get in here and fuck me!” SATURDAY, 2AM and BEYOND: IN THE WEE SMALL HOURS OF THE MORNIN’ I laughed hearing the deflowered stud in my bed demanding more cock in his ass. Lou looked really, really pleased and fished in his pouch for a big rock to drop in the waterpipe. Sparking the torch, he melted the rock as Vice and I looked on, then took a big rip off the pipe and smiled. “So,” he began as he blew out his cloud. “You liked it then?” “It’s wickie hot,” was Vice’s reply as Lou took what looked like another massive hit. He then handed me the pipe and torch and pulled Vice in for a shotgun that turned into a major tongue-wrestle between them. As I took a big hit myself, Lou and Vice finally disengaged, their cloud dissipating between them. “Feel any less like a man?” Lou continued his line of questioning. Vice shook his head several times then said: “Nah, it’s just like J-man here said, you can get fucked and still be all man… I totally get that now, J,” he looked to me as he finished. “And damn it feels hot as fuck too. Just like me fucking ass, I gotta try out a few more samples. For instance, I just had some amazing white meat, isn’t it time for some dark meat now?” We all laughed. After passing the pipe and sharing shotguns between the three of us, Vice looked at Lou and said, “You been wanting a piece of this for a while, ain’t cha’ bro? Been jonesing for some fine straight-boy hole?” With a big smirk, Lou replied “you don’t know the half of it homie… Been jonesing for that super ‘fine’ tail for a while – givin’ and takin’ now? Dat’s fly… jus’ wha’ I need for a real wingman, yo.” I was chuckling to myself as both of their speech patterns went totally street urban all of a sudden while they teased each other. I mean, Vice always had the Bahstan-Capecadd drawl to a degree, but he was unconsciously laying it on thicker now while Lou seemed to be able to turn on and off his “Official Only African American Dealer In The Town But Customers Expect It” Urban Patois that he obviously got a kick out of using when it was fun for him or when he wanted a customer or any possible threat to think that’s all he was… and hey, it certainly comes across strong, confident and badass… smart dude that Lou. Seeing the rabid looks they were giving each other, I hopped off the bed and quickly removed almost all of my leather, grabbed a towel and my bath kit and my key and said “Sounds like I should give you guys a few… gonna go piss, shower and wander. How long should I stay gone?” “Only 15 or 20,” Vice replied, “I wanna’ try out that ‘Lucky Philippe’ thing you talk about.” “Lucky Pierre” I corrected, and you’ll love it, see you in a few…” I saw Lou lining his chocolate cock up with Vice’s hole as I closed the door and headed to the shared bathroom. Just as I was heading in, a guy stopped me in the hall. This was an older gent, probably the oldest guest in the place that night – he’d been one of the gladiator movie fans from this afternoon and had to be 75 if he was a day, lean and wiry, his white skin tanned like well worn leather, about 5’6” and a few tatts that looked genuine Navy like the vintage white sailor cap he was sporting over his silver buzz cut, white canvas deck shoes and a military surplus jock completed his attire. “You needing to empty the tap, sir? Why waste it on the porcelain?” Pleased with his nonchalant request, I figured, why not? “Sure thing Sailor, but you better know that this is definitely high-octane and very much not plain unleaded. That okay?” He nodded, “damn sir, that’s a bonus!” “Okay Sea-dawg, front or back?” The armband on his thin right bicep was black so that wasn’t an issue. His face lit up as he answered “Back, back please. Much better bump from your fuel that way… don’t worry, sir all clean.” With the caverject shot still in full force I was hard again almost immediately. He wasn’t really my type, but he’d kept trim and the grin on his face and the twinkle in his eye were enough for me to recognize a fellow player who enjoyed the game as much as I did and probably didn’t get to play as much anymore… and yeah, this would be me someday too, so l gave this Korean War Vet/New Chembuddy as good a quickie as I could, I remember hoping karma would come back to me someday in the future! I started to bring him into the restroom, but he asked quietly “out here?”. Which made me grin, and made my cock a bit harder, as I turned him and made him do a perp stance facing the wall in the hall, arms up and legs spread. He was lubed but freshly so, and I still had plenty on my tool that a bit of spit got us wet enough for me to slide right in… warm velvet I have to admit. We were near the edge of the now slightly dimmer emergency lighting and seemed like a few guys were watching from the shadows, so rather than give him my chempiss right away, I gave him a nice steady firm mid-pace fuck for a couple of minutes – he had nice muscle control I must admit. “Damn” I said out loud to please him as I pumped him while reaching around to tweak his pierced nips, “you may look like a salty dog, but you’re still an able-bodied seaman where it counts sailor.” (My several times playing Lt. Cable in “South Pacific” were serving me well here…) “Oh yeah, Cap’n, you like that Squid Hole?” he groaned back. (How do I always wind up an officer?). I switched to a slow screw that I knew couldn’t last more than a few minutes as I seriously had to piss by this time, and I wanted to end with the piss so we didn’t mess up the hallway – which would happen if I continued a fuck on a piss-filled hole. That was when I felt a fat warm cock slide into MY hole while a soft hairy belly from someone rather large covered my back and two hairy arms slid around me and started seriously tweaking MY nips, and both felt great. A grumbly voice spoke in my ear “You like filling my man’s sweet ass? You’re making him so happy I had to find some way to repay you.” I figured this must be the Bear from the afternoon’s Gladiator group who was sitting at the time with the Vet I was pumping now – seemed to remember thinking he could play Santa Claus at Macy’s without any false hair, false beard or false belly… hell, it worked for the moment. “His ass is like velvet, man, and you feel great back there too, BUT I was just supposed to be emptying my chempiss in your salty dog here except when I slid in I just couldn’t resist a little bit of a fuck before I empty out. And I have to empty out SOON. Seriously, almost bursting here.” “Okay, just let me have a minute or two more, I’ll pound you, you pound him – he can take it – then piss away!” Which is what we did. Maybe another 20-25 hard pounding strokes and I felt Santa shudder and jerk as he dropped a load in me while my battered bladder finally let go and filled his partner with a good amount of high octane chem piss. The naval dude just sighed and said, “Thanks Cap’n, anytime you need a snug harbor…” “Thanks for that, both of you” I said to the pair as I finished pissing and quickly popped out of the now squishy hole, “but now I have to do a quick shower and run…” Santa wiggled his eyebrows at me, asking “Your straight boytoy waiting to fuck you some more?” I couldn’t resist. “No man,” I replied with a smirk. “My pet straight boy begged me to de-virginize his straight hairy ass, and he’s waiting for me to fuck him again – our dusky friend is filling the void for me right now, and I want to get back…” Okay, okay, I was actually bragging… wouldn’t you? The look on their faces was priceless – and Santa’s cock jerked up a couple of times on its own and dribbled out a bit more jizz. I swiped my finger through it, licked it off my finger and gave a quick but proper salute then sauntered into the bathroom. In unison behind me I heard two male voices whimper “Fuuuuuuck…” Within a few minutes, I had dumped lube and load out of my butt, did a spot clean, showered the outer layer of sweat and lube off, gargled some mouthwash and headed back to “my boys”. Entering the hall from the shower I realized the power had gone back on while I was in there – the red lighting from the beginning of the evening was back, looking around I noticed that there were less doors open and a few more “do not disturb” signs out as some guys, especially those not enhanced, got tuckered out and finished up their play for the night. I took a quick detour back to the stairs to the third floor and went part way up – the door to room 38 was only barely cracked, but it was evident that there was still a good bit of activity going on in there – as I tried to get a better handle on how things were going in there, the door creaked a bit more open and Sebastian popped his head out. “Just checking – we are going to need another fifteen minutes or so,” I whispered, “do you want the three of us to come back up?” Nodding his head with great emphasis, Sebastian replied “Oh very much so yes, things should go on for at least another two hours… oui, yes, come… come soon!” Promising we would, I headed back downstairs and slipped into the room. “Ready for me?” I asked as I came in. One of the room lights was now on, and I saw that Vice was fumbling around – gently -by my laptop while Lou was pulling drinks out of my cooler with one hand and holding his monster water pipe with the other. “Sweet, hand me one of those gatorades, man,” Lou tossed me a lemon-lime, my favorite and I feel like I emptied half of it down my gullet in 30 seconds or less, “thanks, I needed that. You boys enjoying your new activity!” “Mmm-hmm-hmm” was all I could get out of a smirking, grinning Lou, while Vice replied, “Indeed we are, but I’m glad you are back, I need to examine these two styles side by side. Mind blown, J, mind blown!” He chuckled to himself a bit then looked down at what he was doing. “Oh, but first, when the power went back on, your machine booted itself back up but it seems to be freaking out a bit. I tried to calm it down, but you’d better… and maybe put on some more hot stuff now that it’s not on battery anymore?” He couldn’t have looked more like a little boy in that moment if he tried. The problem was easy – the dvd drive kept trying to engage, but no one was pressing “play”. I put in Hot Desert Knights with a leather theme and took the offered bong and shared a few rips with the boys. I let them know the gang upstairs would be happy to have us return if they both wanted to AFTER we schooled Vice on “Lucky Pierre”. Since he’d spent the last little while being dicked by his bud’s weapon, it was time for him to fuck Lou while I sandwiched Vice from behind. Lou lay on the bed and raised his legs to the sky while Vice and I spent a minute or five tonguing that hole and Frenching each other with a few more clouds, then Vice got to his knees and grabbed Lou by the ankles and pushed in. “Ooh, hold a minute” asked Lou. “Seriously? You been fucked all night man,” I kidded, “not enough lube?” “No, dammit,” he replied, “freakin’ CHARLIE HORSE”, which made all of us, even him laugh out loud. I took those few minutes while he and Vice kneaded Lou’s calf muscle (with Vice still fully inserted) to rim Vice’s magnificent no-longer-virgin ass, getting it a bit more ready. “Done!” Lou said, “now get that daddy dick in the boy here…” On my knees I entered Vice from behind while Lou held poppers under his pal’s nose – I slid right in like Brett Gardner stealing Third in Post Season… damn life is good sometimes, right? Both my boys were moaning and talking nasty and seemed to be in heaven, myself likewise. Vice commented finally – “this is the most amazing sensation my body has ever had, no wonder this is your fav, J Daddy!” A minute or two later, he called ‘switch’. I stood at the edge of the bed sitting on a pillow, rolled onto my back with knees to my chest, then pulled myself back to the edge so that my ass was partly off with the pillow wedging it up, then I reached over pulled the other pillow behind my neck got my knees behind my elbows and said, “Ready boys.” Like I did before, Vice and Lou attacked my hole for a bit with tongues and clouds, then with a huff of Max Impact off a sweat sock, Vice once again sank his thick linguica into the guy who took his virgin hole. He was getting REALLY good working a man’s hole, and when his eyes widened a bit and then slowly closed in a blissful expression, I knew that Lou’s chocolate delight was re-finding its new home. “Fuuhuuhgh, so wickie hawt, yeah, yeah – how do you dudes ever STOP doing this?” Lou and I both chortled a bit about that, and I answered, “that’s why I try to do it so often, right?” The expression on Vice’s face was one of sheer bliss. Lou caught my eye over his shoulder and murmured “get ready to do that muscle contraction thing you do with yo ass J-man, we’re going to send him to orbit from both sides…” I nodded and Lou raised his voice to a growl in Vice’s ear “Welcome to Nirvana man – there ain’t not going back to boring ass vanilla sex now!” Vice’s eyes shot open as Lou began a wild rough triple beat pound on this now ravenous hole of Vice’s while I worked my muscle magic on that hot cock of his at the same time… the poor kid looked like he was about to hyperventilate. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, yeah, Yeah, YEAH… FUCKIN HEAVEN BROS!!!” Vice bucked and heaved, then stuck both arms straight out to both sides and bellowed “STOP! … MUST BREATHE!” All movement came to a halt as the Dealer stud and I smiled at each other with the newly initiated stud muffin between us collapsed on my chest, tears streaming down his face as he laughed, giggled, panted and moaned “so good, so wickie good, so fuckin good…” and then laughed and cried some more hugging my chest, then kissing me and smiling “Oh daddy, so so so good… but I gotta have five to pull my soul back inta my body man… and then we go upstairs.” “Excellent,” I responded. “That’s my wingman,” said Lou. As his chest slowed down from it’s heaving, Vice was laughing again “Nothing came out of my dick, but it felt like the most powerful cum I ever had… as good as when you fucked me to jizz without touching myself, J-daddy- not better cause it couldn’t be but LONGER. The two of you might kill me but I wouldn’t care.” His breathing slowed some more, then he smirked at us “I realize I have two professional level players here with me, but I’m new, we’re all high as fuck and they are out there wanting us to join in… can we?” “Hell yeah,” I said, “But do something for me. Enjoy getting more cock and more ass, but trust me if you want to take on Marcel, leave him for last and let us get you ready – everyone else should be fine.” I went to the closet and pulled a few things out; “let me set you both up so they think the whole master and his boys things is real since it seems to turn them on – AND it also allows me to protect our newbie here since they all seem to hop to my commands even Marcel, so… first of all, a subtle change…” pulling most of the leather off of Vice, I pulled the second black ribbon out of the wrist band and wrapped it around his right arm so he had two like Lou and I did, “don’t say a word, see who figures it out first.” “Devious, J-man, even I could take lessons…” Lou quipped. I put them both in black cloth baseball caps not exactly matching but close, same with two white jock-codpieces (the waistband stays on but you can unsnap the pouch so your cock is free and it still has straps in the back to frame your ass perfectly, each with thick rubber cock rings, leather thongs tied around their biceps on both sides right under the ribbons, white sweat socks, and leather and cloth wrist wraps that could be locked together so one’s right wrist was connected to his buddy’s left and they’d need to walk in tandem. My master’s cap, my full metal harness, leather vest and a black leather jock-codpiece also with removable pouch, chrome taint tickler thick cockring, my engineer boots and we were ready. “What, no leash and collars for us?” Lou joked. I took his hand, showed him my pale hand by turning it back and forth right over his, then took his dark hand and flipped it back and forth, then put them together showing the contrast. “Hell no,” I said seriously, “if you ever want me to do that in private fine, because to me it doesn’t matter whose got more melanin and whose got less - and is fucking jealous!!” which made him laugh in that grave moment, which was good, “but with these guys? Some of whom may have the issues we talked about and joked about earlier? No way will I denigrate you that way or have them think that just cause you’re “my boys” that I think of you as anything less than me or that you are in a servant position to me, no. I just won’t do it. There’s too much real shit out there without having to add to it for a fantasy or for show. Hope that’s cool, but not me.” Lou just grabbed me and planted a huge kiss on me, his eyes looked a bit wet. “That. That… damn man, look what you did to me you righteous fuck you! Respect man,” he touched his heart and looked down for a bit. “Respect” Vice just goggled at us during this whole exchange. “Well then,” Lou announced. “Since Daddy J will NOT be Masta J, for which I thank him, then let’s go up there with heads held high, cocks half hard and asses primed and SHOW THEM MOTHERFUCKERS HOW ITS DONE!”. Laughing our asses off we made it to Room 38, were welcomed heartily with clouds and booty bumps and kisses and gropes and rimming and more clouds, and Zar being the first to notice Vice’s “change of status” to versatile and so claiming “DIBS!” while the rest swarmed Vice like frat boys getting free pizza, so I stepped in front of my newbie, and got into my Daddy/Boy role play persona while holding out my hand, between the Tina, the fog of long pnp play and the hot situation, I was really chewing the scenery as we say, even getting bombastic but man it was fun. “Just understand something here. This boy of mine is special, and he asked me to take his cherry tonight – and I did, then his brother there added his skills too. And my boy liked it – he liked it a lot, and he’s gonna be an amazing switch hitter, but on this special occasion, he wants to try a few more… and I gave my permission, I WANT him to enjoy this and so far he’s had remarkably little pain and let me be clear, it will STAY that way. Get it? Now he’s a real man and so I’m not saying you can’t fuck hard or get a bit rough or wrestle it up some, but this is his first damn time and I promise you he will enjoy it or you will answer to me. So no games with not enough lube, or scratching him up, or pushing too much in too fast or making him bleed, or any shit like that. Understand? I want him to WANT to do this again, so don’t fuck this up. Right?” Head nods all around and it was all I could do not to crack up – they all took me at my word and only the brief smile of gratitude from Vice and the furtive look of merriment on Lou and to be honest, Zar’s faces let me know I had a few appreciating my over the top performance. But I was being honest, I wanted the kid to like this, not wind up bleeding and in pain and never repeating his experiences. Zar would get his wish from this afternoon as Vice wanted him to go first, which seemed to immensely please the hot skinhead guest house manager. As a final note before sex, I pulled Vice and Marcel aside and whispered low to Marcel “Dude, I know you’re an alpha, you don’t get fucked only fisted and you are a master cocksman with that battering ram of yours and I can attest to how amazing that feels opening a guy up. But I’m asking you to let him decide if wants to finally have a go at that masterpiece, and I’m asking you to wait for a few smaller guys to go first, then go easy at first – and use some boybutter on that piercing of yours, not just spit, okay? You can do all that to me or my other boy Lou over there. Show your amazing skills to Vice by making him love it. If he says stop, DO, or he and I will double fuck you until you scream… that a deal – it’s a fine just cherry-picked hole and it will be worth your while. Deal?” Marcel kissed us both on both cheeks and said “Agreed. You protect your boys, good. Like me with Sebastian. Now let’s all fuck – since our house manager gets him first, I’ll substitute his Daddy’s hole instead.” Overhearing that Zar tossed me Max Impact, a jock, and then held a pipe to my lips to get me started for Marcel’s monster. And that’s how within 10 minutes from leaving my room the three of us wound up side by side fucking and rimming a hot dude in front of us with three studs behind us pounding our holes. Lou had Sebastian to fuck and rim, with Ed topping him, Vice was enjoying Rachman “Rocky”’s beautiful butt, with Zar blissfully pounding him out expertly, while I rimmed and fucked Gary while Marcel attempted to create a new lane of the Lincoln Tunnel in my ass… amazing, BUT… still amazing… And so it went, the three of us got to be “Lucky Pierre’s” much of the time with the occasional bonus of either a cock or hot hole for our mouths and tongues along with our cocks in an ass and cocks in us. Much swapping of threes and fours, and Vice not only enjoyed Zar as a top, but had Tom and Ed and Gary fuck him too – Rachman and Sebastian leaning heavily bottom for the evening passed on a turn but asked for “rain checks”. There were times when Vice and I, or Lou and Vice, or Zar and me would be 69ing sucking the others cocks while each of us was being fucked too. Finally, Vice decided it was time he tried the “Double Diamond Dick” before he chickened out. Wanting to concentrate fully on what was happening, he opted out of being a Lucky Pierre this time and got on his back for the penetration, pillows propping up his butt and neck as Marcel stood bedside like Vice had done to me down in my room. I knelt on one side of him on the bed with pipe, torch, poppers and Max Impact with Lou on the other side ready with several lubes but first while I was shot-gunning Vice a hit, tied off his bud’s arm and the hot dealer administered Vice a small pick-up slam while Sebastian, standing, did the same for his hubby Marcel. Two snaps as tourniquets were popped off, two guys coughing and then Vice moaning, “okay man, give me that monster” with Marcel simply nodding and growling sexily as his fat head and piercing – covered with cream lube slowly stretched open a hole that until just a few hours ago had been “exit only” and that 48 hours prior would never have conceived of being where it was and WANTING this. I saw a bit of fear, and whispered, ‘Relax, you’ve got this, and trust me the way he’s doing it – you are going to love it real soon!” Vice nodded and the panic eased off his face and he was smiling again, allowing the big head to pop through and making him gasp and moan “fuck that’s big… but fuck that’s good.” With popper hits, a couple of shared clouds and encouragement from everyone in the room, slowly but surely that beautiful beast went balls deep on our former str8 sex only convert. When those bull balls swinging beneath their leather ball stretcher slapped down against Vice’s sss skin he got a look of hungry triumph on his face saying “Oh fuck this is awesome… fuck me man, please.” The rest of the room while still stroking other guys or with their cock in an ass or one in their own hole, slowed to watch this newbie take a cock many more experienced holes would balk at. And while he was huffing and puffing a lot, he was definitely enjoying it! Marcel was true to his word, and so he kept his strokes long and slow but he did make them HARD and Vice seemed to like that as it must have been hitting his prostate just right. We all knew this couldn’t last long but it wasn’t Vice who had to tap out, it was Marcel! Vice started that blissed out laugh/cry thing he did the last two times he let go, and the laughing huffs must have made his hole contract each time because Marcel started shaking his head rapidly back and forth growling, “so tight, merde, can’t hold it…” and then roared incoherently while he blew a load up into Vice who immediately started that shaking anal orgasm thing again that left him smiling and giggling while Marcel looked out for the count! That seemed the right time to call a close and as the three of us got ourselves and our gear back together, I pulled out 3 butt plugs I’d put in Lou’s canvas ditty when I knew we were on our way up, giving the fattest one to Vice whose hole was currently the one most stretched to hold everything in on our way downstairs. Stopping in the common bathroom, we all did a little cleaning rinsed off in the shower together, and retired to my room to collapse naked with each other, lightly playing while we relaxed and watched porn each catching a bit of nap here and there and enjoying each other’s bodies and company. Vice was popping grapes and having a bit of Yogurt around 5:30AM when he looked at me, and with all sincerity asked, “So, Daddy J, is EVERY weekend like this for you?” Lou couldn’t even control his laughter as I sputtered, “sadly no, Vice, even I cannot claim to have a weekend like THIS very often at all.” We laughed and I added “and hell, its still not even dawn on Saturday morning!!”- 5 comments
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Seriously looking to have a chemed fueled fuck fest with other like minded men. Like dad used to say “the more the merrier!” I’ll add the more wild the better! I can travel anywhere in SoCal (I live in San Diego) or maybe I get a room somewhere? Any suggestions on a place? Cruisey seedy motels are preferred. I’m typically more top but I’m tired of feeling like a bitch when I bottom so anyone who can help open me up and expand my horizon (pun intended) would be super helpful lol. Let’s stop talking about it and be about it! lmk! A photo of the one time I took a big dick and didn’t die. lol
A Graduation Gift for My Little Brother Part I (This first part starts out slow but hang with me and I guarantee it'll get hotter and more fun! I'm setting the stage with this initial part. Thanks men. I hope you enjoy!) I sat on the edge of the king-size bed in the hotel room, working on my third beer since checking in barely an hour ago. The room was nice (it better have been for the price they charged for one night!). But then again it WAS one of the newer hotels for a well-known franchise so I was fine with the cost. The room was clean, had a huge shower/bathtub/jacuzzi combination in the bathroom. There was a fully-stocked bar with beer, liquor and mixers. Besides the wide-screen TV there was also a DVD player, currently playing a very verbal gay bareback video I had brought with me – one of a number I had brought from my collection at home. Yes, everything seemed to be set up just right. I was only waiting for my little brother, Chad, to get there. I looked at the digital clock on the night table once again and saw it was a few minutes before 8:00 P.M. I had texted him the room number and told him to show up around 8 so he should be here any minute I was hoping. Chad is 22 years old, with short blond hair, bright blue eyes and a contagious smile. He's 6' exactly (just a couple inches shorter than me) and has a tight muscled body from his years playing football in high school and then spending the last 3 years on the college gymnastics team. He graduated two weeks ago with a double major and tonight we were going to celebrate that achievement. Looking at the raunchy scene on the DVD I took a drag on the weed I was smoking and began to stroke myself as I thought of just how we were going to celebrate. There wasn't any cake. There weren't any presents to unwrap. But the hotel was supplying all the booze we would want all night, I had plenty of weed to get us both high and horny and the porn would be playing non-stop. We were going to be up all night doing everything two men can do to pleasure each other. And Chad was more than okay with all of that. You see we had been “having fun” together since he graduated high school four years ago. He was 18 at the time and I was 24. I had been married for almost two years. I loved my wife (and still do) and we were happy together. And our sex life was fantastic! I was totally satisfied and totally straight. My wife was out of town on business for a few days so I decided to invite Chad to our place for the weekend to help him celebrate being done with high school. He showed up early that Friday night with a case of beer and a bottle of Jack Daniels. He never told me how he got it and I never asked! Lol For my part I supplied more liquor. We both knew the other one liked to drink and we were prepared. We started drinking right off and sat around for a while just bs'ing and talking about his plans for college, my new job, etc. We were both on our 3rd drink when Chad pulled a rolled up reefer from his shirt pocket. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows questioningly and he flashed that smile at me and said, “Do you mind, big Bro? Have you ever done it?” I took a deep drink from my glass and told him that I had done it 2 or 3 times before but it was before I got married. “Did you like it?”, he asked as he pulled a lighter from his pants and flicked it to life. “How'd it make you feel?” “Yeah,” I answered. “I remember kinda liking it. It gave me a nice buzz.” I watched silently as Chad brought the flame to the end of the joint and took a big drag, holding the smoke in his lungs for what seemed a long time before exhaling and blowing the cloud in my direction. The room and my nostrils were filled with the sweet acrid smell of the marijuana. Looking steadily at me and still smiling Chad said, “Oh yeah it gives me a damn nice buzz too! And it always makes me horny as hell! Did it make you horny, Lance?” I felt something stir in my mind but couldn't identify what. But what I was aware of is that I felt nervous and uncomfortable hearing Chad's question. He repeated his question in a lower voice when I didn't answer at first. “Well, yeah, I think it did. Maybe a little. I don't was years ago,” I answered. Chad scooted closer to me on the couch and held the joint out to me. “Let's find out for sure big Bro. Now. Here take a couple hits off this and see how it makes you feel. This is some of the best I've ever had and it kicks ass!” I hesitated then said, “I don't know man. Jess wouldn't like us doing it here in the house.” “Dude she's gone until Tuesday. She won't have a clue. C'mon, celebrate with me,” he insisted pressing the tip against my dry lips. Not really realizing I was doing it, I opened my lips and he slid the tip in. I watched as he put the flame from the lighter to the other end and it began to burn and smoke. “Hit it, Bro!” he said. “Suck that smoke in!” I closed my eyes and began inhaling as Chad continued encouraging me. “Yeah, Bro, that's it. Let's drink and smoke and get high and horny! Help your little bro celebrate!” I loved Chad. I always had and I wanted him to have a great time. Hearing his words, knowing I wanted to please him, and taking a second hit off the joint, it was only moments until I felt the electricity of the buzz running through my brain. My mind and my body relaxed as I rode the feeling. Chad noticed and as he slid the joint from between my lips he said, “Oh yeah, big Bro! You're feeling it aren't you? Feeling that sweet high, huh?!” I opened my eyes to see Chad right next to me with a huge smile on his face. I smiled back at him and said, “You know it man! Damn I am flying! You weren't lying when you said it was some potent sh*t!” “I know,” he replied eagerly. “I knew you'd like it. And what else big Bro? Is it making you horny?” He grinned at me with a cunning look on his face. I reached down to my crotch and squeezed my growing bulge through my pants, fully aware Chad was watching me do it. “Oh yeah! It sure as hell is. Damn! I wish Jess was here! I need to get off!” I grinned again at Chad as I said this and realized that in some way I LIKED that he was watching me play with my cock through my shorts. And I became aware that he was groping himself too, and I was watching him. Chad lit the joint again and gave it to me. With no hesitation this time I took two more hits and handed it back to him. “You know big Bro you don't need Jess here to get you off.” “Whaddya mean dude?” I slurred in my increasingly high state. Chad looked at me intently for a moment or two then said, “I'm bi, big Bro. And right now there's nothing more I want to do than suck you off and drain you dry.” That sobered me up quite a bit real fast. “What?! You're bi? And you want to suck my dick?! Fuck dude we're brothers! That's just wrong and pe*vy!” Still, I made no move to stop him when he replaced my hand on my crotch with his and started squeezing and stroking my rockhard cock. “We're both high and horny, bro. You need to get off and I love sucking cock. And the fact that you're my brother only makes it hotter to me! C'mon man let me help you out. Just close your eyes and pretend it's Jess's mouth if you need to.” Saying that he reached for my zipper and pulled it down and slid his hand inside and pulled my dripping hard cock out. I just stared at him in drugged unbelieving silence. But I was so horny. As if in slow-motion I watched him lower his head down toward my exposed cock then I saw and felt him wrap his 18 year old lips around the head of my dick and my resolve crumbled. I threw my head back and moaned at the perfect pleasure. “Oh fuck, little bro! Oh yeah suck me, please!” And that's how me and my baby bro started having sex together. As I relived the memories of that first night there was a knock on the door. Chad was here and it was time to start the fun! (to be continued)
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I met my boyfriend the first day on coming back from a much needed week long vacation. Apparently, they hired him while I was gone to replace one of the servers who quit with no notice. I was just walking in from the kitchen to the dinin room when I saw the nicest, fullest, and what looked to be juicies firm ass encased in a pair of black shorts bent over table #5 clearing off the dishes. He straightened up, and I was able to get a better guage of him. He was short but lithe. 5’3, maybe 110 pounds, shaggy blonde hair that covered his left eye from the way it fell across his face, and deep green eyes. I could tell by the way his white button down shirt was clinging to him that he had a swimmer’s build and was not afraid to show off his body. He was very cute. “Hey, I’m Xavier. You’re new here,” I said to him as I stuck out my hand to shake his. “Tyler, but everyone calls me Ty. Nice to meet you. I haven’t seen you around. Do you only work on the weekends.” “No, I just got back from vacation. Gotta get back to the grind to make the money.” “Yeah, this is my first job, but I’m trying to save up to get my own place,” Ty said. “What? Are you even 18?” “Haha, I get that a lot. I guess I look younger than I actually am. But, yes I turned 18 two months ago. I’m taking a year or two off from school before I go to college, so I’m trying to save up for that and a place of my own.” “That’s cool, man. Living away from the parents is the best,” I said. Right then, the bell over the door rang and in walked a huge crowd of people. For such a small restaurant, I had no idea where they were going to all fit. The owner rushed by us and hugged one of the guys that had walked in. He then pulled almost all of the tables in the restaurant together and flipped the open sign over. “Xavier, Ty, come meet my oldest friend, Ryan,” the owner shouted to us. We walked over and got introduced and found out it was Ryan’s 40th birthday party, and he was celebrating with his closest family and friends. Ty and I were going to be the only servers working tonight, and Ryan’s party was our only table. We quickly got everyone seated and started taking orders. I quickly found out that Ty knew what he was doing and was going to be a good guy to work with. Aside from looking sexy, cute, and young, he had the smile that made the whole room light up. Once the dinner party was over, the owner came out from the kitchen with a huge cake and a 4 and 0 candle lit up and started singing. He served the cake to everyone and sat down and enjoyed the rest of the celebration with them. Ty and I just sat back by the bar and kept an eye on peoples glasses to see if they needed a refill, but we got to chat for a little bit and get to know each other. I told Ty all about me and how I was living with two guys who were a couple while I was saving money to start my own photography studio. “So you live with a gay couple,” Ty asked. “Yeah, Tre and Javi. I’ve known them for years. We were all friends in high school together. They started dating and became serious. But, it’s always been the three of us chillin together.” “Are you gay too?” Ty asked and then immediately became beet red in the face. “Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you that. It’s none of my business. Please forgive me.” “Ty, it’s cool. I’m open and out. I don’t hide who I am, so you’re ok. But, yeah you might want to be a little more careful in the future with who you ask that question.” “I know. I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t have, but I was curious,” said Ty. “And just why are you curious if I’m gay?” I asked. Ty started going beet red in the face again. He looked at the ground and was kicking a bunched up nakin that had fallen next to the bar. When he finally looked up at me, he looked in my eyes and said, “Well, because I think you’re kinda sexy and wanted to know if I had a shot.” “So, you’re gay too?” I asked. “Yes, but I’ve never actually done much with a guy. Just fooled around in the back of a theater. But, I need to grow up and get some experience under my belt.” I started to laugh, and Ty got beet red again. “That’s so cute, Ty. I’m glad you think I'm cute, because I think you’re adorable. I’ve been staring at your hot little ass all night long and have been doing my best to try and not pop a boner in front of our customers.” “Well you’re better than I am. I have been hard all night long watching you.” “Really? I couldn’t tell with your apron on.” “Well that and I’m not very big, but I do find you really sexy, Xavier.” “I think you’re sext too, Ty. Let’s chill out back after we clear off this table. It looks like they are all leaving.” We went to work and cleared the table and dishes as fast as we could while looking at each other and giving off goofy smiles. Ty really was cute and his ass was amazing. The owner finished doing all his work and told us to meet him out back when we were done loading the dishwasher. Ty was bent over loading the last few dishes, and I couldn’t help myself. I whistled and slowly caressed the curve of his tight ass. Ty just looked over his shoulder at me and winked. We went out back, and the owner said, you guys did a great job tonight. Here’s your tip for the table. He handed us each $50. I was so happy, but just gave him a weird look, “This is a lot, Jay.” “You guys earned it! You did a good job. I”ll see you guys later,” and Jay walked off to his car. Ty turned to me and asked if I liked how his ass felt and blushed as he looked down. “You know I did. That ass is hot. Do you run track or something?” I asked. “No, I was on the swim team. But thanks. I kinda like you feeling on it.” “Do you want me to feel on it some more?” I asked. Ty just bit his lower lip and smiled and quickly nodded his head. I moved in closer and leaned in towards his ear and cupped both of his ass cheeks in my hands. I whispered, “I’ve been wanting to get a handful of these cheeks all night long. God, you’re so fucking sexy. I could eat your ass for hours.” Ty pulled back and just giggled. “I’ve never had that done before. In fact, I’ve only kissed two guys before and jerked off one. But, I need to do more. I want to do more.” “Tell me what you want to do, Ty.” Ty smiled again and bit his lower lip. “I want to suck your dick and have you rim me. Maybe even let you fuck me. Can I touch it?” “Please do! It wants you to,” I told Ty. He reached down to my shorts and gripped my hard dick. “Wow, it’s so hard Xavier. And it feels big.” I laughed and looked Ty in the eyes, “It’s not that big. I”m only 7 and a half inches.” “Way bigger than mine,” Ty sighed and looked dejected. I pulled his chin back up towards me, so I could look in his eyes. “Size isn’t everything, Ty. It really is how you use it. And honestly, that ass is so hot, I don’t know if I’d ever get tired of wanting to fuck it. So, you don’t have to worry about how big you are. I’ll suck you off, but I really want you to cum while I’m fucking you.” Ty just moaned in my ear and started to undo my zipper. He looked up and licked his lips and said, “Can I pull it out and suck you now? I want to see how big it is. You’ll actually be the first ethnic guy I’ve even done anything with.” “Ethnic huh? I would just say I’m half white and half black. But you like how I look?” “Yes, I do. I think you’re sexy. I love guys bigger than me.” At that I had to chuckle. Most guys had to be bigger than him, but I could understand what he meant because I liked guys smaller than me. At 6’ tall and 165 pounds, I am very fit with a six pack and a nice butt and good size dick. None of my previous lovers had complained and a lot of them liked feeling on my chest and abs. “I’m glad you like me too. And to answer your question, yes you can pull it out and suck on it. My dick could use a nice wet mouth right now. And I’m sure you’ll do just fine getting it all wet.” Ty knelt down and fished my dick out from my boxer briefs through the hole in the front of them and then out the hole in my shorts. I could just see his eyes go wide at the sight in the low lights that were lighting up the alley behind the restaurant. Ty started to lick my dick like a lollipop and while it felt good, I needed more. “Suck it, Ty. Licking is cool, but I need your mouth on it. Agh…shit, watch the teeth.” “Sorry your dick is the first one I’ve ever sucked. It’s so big too. But, I’ll be careful.” Ty went back down on my dick and started to wrap his lips around his teeth. The boy was a natural. He started to make my dick feel so good, and I was precumming like crazy. I could hear him moan as he licked the precum from my dickhead and swallowed. I grabbed his cute sexy ears and slowly pulled him all the way down to the root of my dick. He gagged and coughed so I let him up. “I’m sorry. I’ll try again.” And try he did. Damn, he really was a natural. Soon he was going all the way down and not gagging on my dick and getting it sloppy wet. I was moaning and could feel my balls start to tighten up. I didn’t get a chance to jerk off at all on vacation sharing a room with my younger brother, so I was ready to nut. Ty got all the way down again, and I just held his hot face there as I started to unload. His muffled sounds of surprise made my dick jump and shoot more cum. He sputtered a little bit and some of my nut got pushed out into my trimmed pubes, but I just look down and told him to swallow. A few tears were forming at the corners of his eyes but he nodded as much as he could with my dick down his throat and started to swallow my load. When I was done shooting, he pulled off and licked his lips clean. Then he leaned forward and started licking the last few drops that were oozing from my piss slit. My dick got really sensitive, so I quickly pulled him up and kissed him. I could taste my nut on his tongue as I pushed mine into his mouth and kissed him deep and hard. He just moaned and wrestled my tongue with his. “You’re a great kisser, Xavier,” “And for your first time sucking dick, you sure made me blow a huge load. You’re a natural, Ty.” I started to nibble on his ears and neck and slowly pushed my hands into the back of his shorts and grabbed a handful of his underwear covered ass. Ty just moaned and leaned into me. I kept massaging his ass and working my way to the center of his crack and feeling the heat emanate from it. I wanted to fuck his ass so hard. Unbeknownst to Ty and Xavier, they had an audience. His roommates had come to pick him up as per usual, and had seen Ty start to kneel and suck off Xavier. “Damn, Javi! Look at that boy’s ass. It’s so round and taut. Do you know who that is?” Tre asked. “No, I’ve never seen him before. He doesn’t even look like he’s 18. But you’re right, that ass is fine as hell. It’s making my dick leak. Even after dropping that huge load in you an hour ago. It’s ready to seed again.” “Fuck, papi. I love it when you talk like that. My dick is hard too. I wonder if Xavier will share this one.” “Tre, you know Xavier never shares. So just get it out of your mind right now. But, I would definitely like to tap that ass too.” “Damn Javi, he just made Xavier nut. He must be a good cocksucker. OK, let’s surprise them. What do you say?” “Sounds like a plan. You gonna be able to hide that wood?” “Why papi? I want him to see it so he can drool over it and know that I’m bigger than Xavier. Maybe he’ll come to us on his own. And you should make sure that yours is showing through your shorts too, papi!” “Good idea! Let’s go sneak up on them.” They got out of the car quietly and sneaked up on Xavier and Ty kissing while Xavier was massaging Ty’s ass. They saw Xavier push his hands underneath the kids underwear and move his fingers towards his crack. The kid just moaned and pushed back. Javi cleared his throat and said, “Xavier that’s a fine piece of ass you got your finger in. You gonna share with your besties?” Ty froze and Xavier quickly pulled his hands out of Ty’s shorts. “Hey guys! I didn’t hear you pull up. This is Ty. Ty, these are my roommates Javi and Tre. They usually pick me up after work.” Ty flushed with embarrassment, looked at them both and gave a sheepish hi. Javi grabbed his dick through his shorts and acted like he was adjusting it, but he saw Ty notice his big dick and absently lick his lips. He thought to himself, maybe I can get some of that ass when Xavier is done. “Ty do you want to come back to my place and chill with us? We’d love to have you over.” Xavier looked at Ty and awaited his response. Ty was still watching Javi adjust himself when Tre piped up and said, “Yeah man. Any friend of Xavier’s is a friend of ours. We were just gonna chill, watch some TV, and smoke a blunt.” Ty had only tried weed once before and didn’t really get anything from it. Xavier leaned over and whispered in his ear, “If you come over, I promise I’ll eat your ass until you’re moaning like a whore.” Ty blushed and just kinda nodded at the guys. Javi and Xavier started for the car. Ty went to grab his book bag from the back door of the restaurant. When he turned around Tre was there, he looked Ty up and down like a piece of meat and said, “Damn, you’re one fine ass white boy. I’ll bet you’d ride my big black dick so good. If Xavier doesn’t scratch that itch, come see me. I can get deeper than he can.” Tre turned around and started walking to the car. Being taller than the rest his long legs let him catch up quickly so the others didn’t notice him not being with them. When they got to the car, Ty was still standing at the door looking dumbstruck. “Ty, are you coming?” Xavier asked. Ty just shrugged his shoulders and headed to the car. He thought to himself, this is one way to get more experience, and they are all hot as fuck.
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I had been waiting patiently for my sons 18th birthday. It was finally almost here. Two more days. Two more days till he would finally be of some use to me. Until now the pathetic little emo brat had been nothing but a burden. But in two days he would finally start fufilling some purpose and no longer be a total waste of his daddy's cum. Granted, I had only had to look after him for the last two years, but it was a hassell. I knocked his mother up when were 17. I tried to make her get an abortion, but her parents wouldn't let her. Some religious bullshit reason. When I was 18, I was sent to prison for 15 years for armed robbery trying to get money to take care of the "accident". So yea I blamed him for being incarerated. Prison changes you. I entered as a teenage punk and left a hardened ex-con. The first five years I was a prison bitch, owned by the toughest fucker in the joint. He claimed me the second day I was in there, raping me in the showers. For five years I gave up my pussy to him and anyone he sold me to. Then he got shanked in the yard. Another guy tried to claim me, but I was older, wiser, and stronger. I fought for myself this time, and earned some respect. Soon I had my own prison pussy, a scrawny little bitch. I owned him until I was released. When I got out, I was able to find a shitty job and managed to find a dump of a trailer to live in. That's when the bitch showed up on my steps with our kid and his suitcase. She just dumped him with me and took off with some bikers. I could have just kicked him out on the street, but he was my blood. And like I said, prison changes you. I had developed a taste of hot boy ass, and the power of owning it. So I took him in knowing he'd be legal in two years. Now the wait was almost over. The cumstain had no idea what his future was going to hold for him. I had been planning and preparing for this day. I had saved up and bought a state of the art digital camera, knowing it was an investment for what I was going to make off the boy. The morning of his birthday, he came out to the living room to find me sitting in my chair, smoking, wearing just a pair of dirty boxerbreifs, my chest and arms of prison tatoos on full display. He started to get some cereal in the kitchen, but I called him over. "Its your birthday son," I started. "I have a little present for you." I handed him a glass pipe with some crystals in it. Now, I know he's done drugs. I've smelled pot and alcohol on him many times. But I don't know what else he's done. I knew he knew what I had just handed him. "Go ahead son, you're a man now. Join Daddy in a smoke." He was a little hesitant, but I pushed it up to his lips and lit a lighter, melting the crystals. He took a big bit, coughing out a large white cloud. "Go ahead, take another one son." I encouraged him. He took another big hit, not coughing so much. I kept encouraging him to take more, and the dumb bitch didn't even realize I wasn't hitting it. After his 6th big hit, the pipe was empty and he flopped back on the couch. I knew he was flying, and I knew it was time for his real present. He wasn't wearing a shirt or shoes, so it was really easy to rip his jeans and underwear off of him. "What the fuck Dad?" he started, but a couple hard slaps across his face silenced him. "Shut the fuck up boy!" I ordered him. "The free ride is over. From now on you're going to earn your existence!" His skinny,pale body was no match for my pumped up muscles. I had had him naked and on his stomach before he knew what hit him. Ripping off my shorts I lined up my hard 8 inch cock up to his hole, and spit a couple loogies on my dick for lube. Holding his shoulders down I forced my cock in his virgin hole as hard as I could. He howled as I breached his ass ring, pushing my mushroom head into him and continuing till I was buried to my balls. I felt a warm wetness surround my cock as his cherry was ripped apart. He thrashed and cried beneath me begging for me to stop. I just started fucking him hard and deep, loving the red that covered my dick everytime I pulled out. God damn it was nice to have some hot boy ass again! I was going to make him a great whore. I pulled all the way out, looking at his busted open pussy, red oozing out of it, and rammed back in to the hilt, causing more howling from the cunt. I just kept on pounding his new pussy over and over. Eventually he quieted down and actually started moaning, and soon was pushing his ass back on me. "That's right boy. Ride your daddy's cock. Feel good boy? That's the cock that made your worthless life bitch. But now you have a purpose! You're going to be my whore and make daddy lots of money!" He just moaned beneath me as I talked dirty to him. "That's right bitch, moan for me. I know your faggot ass loves it. This is why you were born! Now take my cum. Take your daddy's cum in your whore cunt!" I pumped my son full of my cum as his pussy milked me dry, sucking my sperm deep in his guts. When I finished breeding his new cunt, I unloaded with a torrent of piss, making him my urinal. "Don't worry about school, I said, pulling out of him as his ravaged hole leaked piss and cum, "you won't be going there anymore. You'll be too busy working for me!" I turned off the camera knowing I had something totally hot to sell on the internet.
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Hi all, OK this is my first attempt at writing, so please don't be too brutal (in your feedback; I do love it otherwise). It's going to start slow, so if this isn't your thing, that's OK. Just give a me a chance, is all I ask. CHAPTER 1: BEN: Tonight was the night. I’d spent the last 4 weeks being the perfect predator, and tonight was the night I was taking down my prey. Four weeks ago, I’d seen him/her/them (cause I didn’t know) coming out of a gay bar on 7th street, dressed in heels, jeans, and a soft sweater. I knew they had the boy bits, but they never really wore men’s clothing. If they identified as a boy, they were definitely the femboy kind: thin, short, and maybe buck-ten soaking wet; long brown hair that looked better than most women’s; and puffy, pouty lips that gave a man ideas. The first time I saw them, I knew I wanted to ruin them and own them. Something about the blatant femininity on a male body made my cock jerk and I wanted to do mean and painful things, even more than the other little twinks I took an interest in from time to time. Somewhere along the way I stopped thinking of them in any way other than My Hole….nothing else, just an it, that was My Hole. I had planned my approach carefully. I knew the bar on 7th had cameras and tight security, so I’d have to make meet My Hole at another bar it frequented. I was there at the bar when it walked in, and I was ready – calm, cool, and prepared to be the most charming version of myself. My Hole came in and sauntered my way, and perched up a few stools down from me. I could hear it order a gin and tonic from the bartender. I watched beautiful lips wrap around a straw and take a sip, and all I could think about was those lips wrapped around my cock. I got up to make my move. EV: I felt a giant mass next to me take a seat and caught sight of him out of the corner of my eye. “Hey beautiful, you’re awfully delicate for this crowd, aren’t ya?” His voice sent a shudder down my spine – deep, a heavy southern accent, and enough rasp to file nails. I turned and looked at him. He was sort of handsome, in a rugged way; wasn’t classically handsome, but good looking. Broad and fit, he looked like a man who worked for a living and could bend me in half in the most delicious of ways. I smiled. “Sometimes a little silk likes to snagged on barbed wire, and you look like you would be sharp and pointy.” I saw a glimmer in his eye, and he leaned in. I inhaled as he was right next to my ear and could smell a musk that told me he was every bit the working man he looked to me. I felt his warm breath at my ear. “Darlin, you be careful before you get yourself snagged in something you can’t handle.” I laughed and turned back to my drink, and watched him take a swallow of his beer. Maybe it was because I had been in a slump or what, but I ignored my usual caution. “I don’t live very far from here, shall we go see?” “Sure, you want me to follow you, or what? I’m parked down the street” “Oh, I walk, but if you don’t mind driving, I can direct you.” “Then beautiful, either finish quick or leave it. We’re heading out.” BEN: Jesus fuck, they are stupider than I thought. This is too easy. I put my hand on the small of their back and lead them out the door and down the street to my truck. I play the part of the gentleman and open their door. I get them settled in and reach over to buckle them in, flashing a big grin. “Don’t want anything to happen to my precious cargo.” Walked around to my side and slid in. Once I was settled in my seat, leaned over and took their mouth in a scorching kiss. Wrapped my hand in their hair and held them tight while I plundered their mouth. “You chugged that gin and tonic pretty quickly. Don’t want you too drunk to play, so why don’t you have some water.” I handled them a small bottle of Gatorade and unscrewed the top in front of them, showing I was a gentleman and not handing them something spiked. Little did My Hole realize it was heavily spiked with GHB. It’d have a flavor and I just hoped my prey would finish it and not think. “It tastes a little off”. I sighed, knowing it seemed too easy, so I thought of something quick. “Probably from sitting in here and getting hot in the truck off and on. Sorry about that.” I watched them finish it off, and I reached up and swiped my thumb across their lip and leaned in for another kiss. They went limp and moaned in my kiss, and I knew it was just a matter of time. “So, where to?” “Oh, I live down over near The Square; you can just go out 35.” “Easy enough, darlin. Be there in 20 minutes or so, I guess”. I pulled started the truck and pulled out the parking lot. I drove down to 35 and made the left heading out to The Square. About halfway there, I looked over, and they were already asleep. Down for the count. I pulled into the nearest lot and turned around. Not heading in that direction anymore, and I turned my truck back to my place.
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Chapter 1: Seduction I finally make it home at the end of a relentless week. I plan to do absolutely nothing for a few hours to recover. I set down my bag and collapse into one of the plush recliners in the living room. I intend not to move from that spot for a very long time. My little brother comes in from the hallway. “Hey bro. How was work?” “I’m fucking exhausted. Thank god it’s Friday.” “Amen to that! Hey, you look wiped out. Can I get you anything?” “Yeah, a beer would be great.” “What kind?” “I don’t care. It’s not gonna last long.” He chuckles. “Gotcha. I’ll be right back.” Glad to see my brother and even more glad to know a drink to take the edge off will arrive soon, I kick off my shoes and lean back in the chair, sinking into the cushions. I don't even bother to turn the TV on; the momentary quiet feels too good. I guess I nearly fell asleep right there because my brother kind of startles me when he came back in. “Here ya go!” he says. He is almost annoyingly perky for some reason. But I forgive him because he’s just so fucking cute. “Thanks. I’ve needed this since about 2pm.” “That bad, huh?” “You have no idea.” “Well can you just relax this weekend, or do you have any plans?” “Nothing at all, buddy. I might just sit right here until Monday morning rolls around.” He smiles. I can’t help but smile back at the sight of his dimples. Did I mention he’s fucking cute? Yeah. “Well, there’s your beer. Might as well get your weekend started, bro.” I raise my glass toward him and take a swig. He lets me have my moment before testing the waters to see whether he can bend the rules and join me for his own moment. “Hey, mind if I have one, too?” I finish swallowing my first huge gulps before answering, which no doubt encouraged my magnanimous response. “Sure, go for it. I want you to enjoy the weekend, too, ya know.” Like some sort of little puppy dog, he gets really excited and jumps up to head back to the kitchen. “Would you grab me another one, too? I’ll have this finished before you get back.” “Sure thing, bro. Be right back.” I pound back the rest of my beer, take a few deep breaths, and let the calm wash over me. This week sure took a lot out of me. “Here ya go,” he says as he hands me the replacement bottle. “Cheers!” I indulge him in the clink of a bottle because it makes him feel all grown-up and shit. We each take a sip of our drinks. He tries so hard to act cool and normal about it, but his excitement shines through no matter what he does. Have I mentioned he’s…? Okay, okay. Maybe I have. I check the label on my bottle real quick because I thought for a second that he swapped it out for a different brand. Nope, same swill as last time. I don’t really care. I just need the buzz, and fast. To take my mind off things, I try conversation. “So what do you have planned this weekend?” “Nothing, really. I figured since you were off this weekend, I’d just stay home with you.” His adoration aaaaalmost gets to be too much, but I forgive him. I have that whole older-brother thing going for me. I get it. He doesn’t mean anything by swooning. “Oh, you’re so sweet,“ I say, and I lean forward and tousle his hair a bit. He smirks sheepishly and tries to put his hair back in place. “Oh for fuck’s sake. There’s no one here to impress, dude. Calm down.” At that, he looks even more sheepish and starts to blush. “But… there’s… you…,” he mumbles. My face brightens, and I chuckle. “Alright, buddy, that’s it. C’mere, you.” I grab him and pull him toward me and really mess up his hair this time, making sure to stop when it’s all sorts of crazy. “There,” I say. “Perfect.” He makes a little defeated whimpering sound. (Yes, it’s cute. Gimme a break.) I pull him toward me a bit, giving him a good squeeze. Dang, I’m being affectionate and snuggly. I’m not usually… Wait. I sniff my beer bottle. I take another swig. I realize now why I thought he switched brands. I chuckle and look down at him with a wicked smirk. “You little shit. Did you spike my drink?” I swear his cheeks reddened before I finished the question. A little mousey voice came back: “Maybe?” That makes me laugh a little harder, and I playfully pull him closer toward me. I repeat, just to drive it home: “You. Little. Shit. Well, you’d better be ready cuz you’re about to awaken the snuggle monster, and he’s had a rough week.” “Perfect. I’m ready.” Apparently he’s been planning this. The little stinker. Oh, well. He knows me well enough to know what he can get away with. And in his defense, he did ask me what I had planned this weekend. I squeeze him tight and enjoy the close contact. “How much G did you put in that beer, buddy?” “Not too much. I think you need another one.” I chuckle, roll my eyes, and decide to play along. “You have this all planned out, don’t you? Well, fine. If you’re gonna force me into it like this, I might as well enjoy the ride. I’ll take one more beer, please.” This kid is lucky I love him, I swear. He climbs out of my arms and nearly runs back to the kitchen. I holler after him. “And bring another for you, too. Don’t let me be the only one fucked up around here.” He yells back with an almost ominous tone. “Oh, you won’t be. Don’t worry.” A minute later, he’s back with two beers in hand. He hands me one and quickly polishes off what’s left of his first. We each take our new bottles in hand and reach the necks toward each other’s bottles. “To the weekend!” he says. I shake my head and smile. “The weekend,” I agree. I take a huge swig and immediately regret it. I mean, I knew the kid wasn’t gonna hold back, but damn, that’s strong. “Fuck! Don’t put me in a hole, dude. Whoa.” “Oh, I won’t. I know what you can take.” “Oh do you, now? Well you should know I skipped lunch today.” His eyes bug out a bit. “You see? That would be why I’m fucking exhausted.” He grabs the bottle from my hand and replaces it with his. Smart kid. At least he’s looking out for me. He has limits. He likes pushing them, but he still has them. “Here. You can have mine. I’ll finish that for you.” “You sure, little bro? That’s a man’s drink.” I love fucking with his ego. “Fuck you. I’ll be fine. Besides, this saves me from having to make my own later. Here we go!” And without wasting another second, he chugs half of what’s left. And then he burps to wake the dead. “Jesus christ, little buddy. Are you okay, or do you need an exorcism?” He laughs a little too much at my awful joke, so I know the alcohol’s already hitting him. Looks like we’ll both be cut off after this round. “Alright. Let’s both chug these so we can settle in and pay attention to each other, not our drinks. Okay?” “Sounds good.” We raise our bottles toward each other. We chug. We both finish at about the same time. I look back at him and raise an expectant eyebrow.I start smirking as he realizes what I’m thinking. His face gets red, and he gets a look of frustration and concentration that turns into near-laughter when suddenly another enormous belch escapes his chest. He takes a quick breath, looks back at me, and laughs. “Fuck you, bro.” I can’t help but laugh back. Told you he’s cute. “Alright, c’mere,” I say. “You need to relax and get more comfortable.” I scoot over a bit to make room for him, and he climbs up onto the recliner next to me, nuzzling up to my side and being as adorable as a puppy. I pet his head a bit, and he curls into me some more. He puts his arm across my torso, and I know that won’t stay put very long. I reach over and squeeze him tight. That’s the permission he was looking for. His arm starts moving across my stomach and chest. A moment later, and he slides his hand under my shirt and runs his fingers through the fur he always finds so fascinating. It warms my heart knowing a boy I love — a boy I grew up with — takes comfort in running his hands across my body. We don’t share these moments often enough. No matter what else the little bastard has planned, I’m already content just cuddling with him. I give him another squeeze. He snuggles even closer now, wrapping one of his legs around mine and pressing his thigh into my crotch. This kid’s leaving nothing to suggestion. “Mmm,” I say. “Someone wants to play, huh?” He nods, mutters some kind of mm-hmm, and moves his hand down my torso past my belt, and down to my growing cock. He gives it a squeeze. “Definitely,” he says. “Mmm. Good answer. Here, take off your shirt so we can get comfy.” I help him sit up for a second and watch the reveal that always gets me rock-hard in an instant. I love this boy’s beautiful body. He knows it, too. I notice him make quick eye contact with me to make sure I’m watching. He’d wait for me if I’d been distracted. But right now he has my undivided attention. My brother grabs the bottom of his shirt and pulls upward, slowly. He’s taking his time and watching my eyes. He loves seeing the thirst. He knows I won’t interrupt and will let him do what he wants. He knows it’s a little bit of self-torture I offer him by giving him control of this ritual. His hand is now halfway up his stomach, and I can tell he’s running his hand across his skin, enjoying the sense of touch as much as I enjoy the sight. A few more inches, and I get a clear view of what’s hiding under that shirt. That smooth, lean, toned skin I have lusted after since the kid first hit puberty. My body filled out a little wider, a little pudgier, and a lot furrier. His genes made him rail-thin, naturally lithe, and smooth as a baby’s bottom. And fuck, that combo turns me on. His hand keeps creeping upward, revealing his flat, toned stomach. He’s all skin, bones, and muscle, and he has just the perfect amount of definition. I swear, that V line down his hips gets more pronounced every time I see it. I soooo love running my hand down those crevices, heading toward his little dicklet. But that will have to wait. For now, I need to keep watching. I don’t want to miss this strip-tease. Maybe he doesn’t want me to miss it either. I’d swear he must have stopped moving until he saw my eyes snap back to attention. Damn him. He’s milking this for all it’s worth. He lifts his shirt further, exposing the tiniest of nipples, pierced and ready for attention. He brings his other hand up to grab the bunched up bottom of his shirt from both sides, and in one quick movement, he tucks the bottom behind his neck, keeping the sleeves on as normal. He looks like he’s wearing a sort of harness, and the cotton frames his entire torso beautifully. The sleeves roll up a bit, too, exposing the shape and sinew of his lanky, vascular arms. The sight takes my breath away. I lean forward, wrap my arms around the half-naked body of my beautiful brother, and pull him down toward me. We meet face-to-face, but that lasts merely a second as the G takes control of us. We start making out, using our tongues to explore each other’s mouths and to express our passionate interest in one another. His hand slides under my shirt, exploring more assertively. I run my hands all over the smooth, tight skin of his exposed back while I feel our erections growing harder as they rub together. He pulls off my shirt and runs his hands through my fur with full intensity now. I can tell he likes the feeling — he presses his crotch a little harder into mine as he grabs my chest. This sexy boy leans down and gets his face inches from mine. He stares right into my eyes, and I can see the hunger in his. “I love you, bro.” I melt. I call him the same thing I’ve called him since we were kids. “I love you too, little buddy.” That used to be merely an affectionate name; now it’s an intimate one. While we continue making out, our hands reach down to unbutton pants and slide off shorts. He takes his shirt-harness off, too, exposing the tattoo on his left shoulder. There’s a story there, but that’s for another time. Our G-fueled hunger intensifies as our fully naked bodies finally press against each other. He reaches down and grabs my thick, hard cock and gives it a good squeeze. I let out a groan in appreciation. He slowly slides his way down my body, finally ending up with his knees on the floor, his head between my thighs, and his eyes peering up into mine over the tip of my dick, which he has grabbed and lifted up away from my stomach. He has a pleading look on his face. He knows he can suck my dick any time he wants, but sometimes he likes hearing me say it. He’s clearly in an affectionate mood today. He wants me to really play up the role of big brother, and I’m more than happy to oblige. “Looks like someone really wants to taste his big bro’s dick, huh?” He nods. Hell, I’d swear he looks like he’s trying to wag a tail he doesn’t have. Maybe the big-brother role isn’t the one he wants me to play right now. I raise an eyebrow, smirk, and try something. “Does puppy want a bone?” “Arf!” “Hehe. Good boy.” I tousle his hair a bit, and damn if his hips don’t wag even more. Huh. This is something new. We’ll have to explore it more later. For right now, though, I really need to get my dick sucked. “Okay, boy. You can suck your big bro’s dick. You’ve earned it. Now help your brother feel good. That’s all the encouragement he needed, because he’s off to the races now. This kid can suck, too. He must have been practicing with friends from school because I know he didn’t learn all these skills from me, and we haven’t spent enough time practicing recently for him to suddenly be this good. “Damn, little buddy. You’re getting good at this. Where’d you learn to suck dick so well? Have you been practicing on your friends?” He keeps his mouth on my cock and raises a hand to hold up four fingers. “Four of your friends?” He nods. “Lemme guess. Your teammates?” My little brother is on his school’s swim team. That’s how he stays so incredibly lean. “Mm-hmm,” he mutters. He takes my dick out of his mouth just long enough to add, “And coach.” I chuckle. “You fucking slut. You’re the team cocksucker, and your coach is even in on it?” He nods, while continuing to give my dick the attention it needs. “Goddamn, dude. I’m so proud of you.” And to drive the point home, I grab both sides of his head and pull him firmly down into my crotch, getting my cock to press against the entrance to his throat. He’ll open up in a minute. He always makes sure I’m good and wet first. When he comes up for a breath, he adds to his story. “I’m always the last one out of the locker room. I won’t go home until I know everyone gets their needs met.” “You’re such a good cocksucker. I’m sure they love having you around.” “And sometimes… when we lose a meet…” He’s getting shy. That doesn’t happen often. This must be good. I egg him on. “Yeah? What happens when you lose?” “Sometimes they’ll send me to the other team to reward them.” “Holy fuck, dude. They get to use you as a victory prize?” He’s already back on my dick, so all I hear is a muffled “mm-hmm” as he nods his head. “That’s amazing. You’re awesome, little buddy.” He goes back to sucking like he means it, and my mind drifts a bit. That comfort of having a warm mouth wrapped around my hard cock while my head swirls with a hint of G and booze can be a perfect way to end the week. Wait a second. Weekend. It’s Friday. “Hang on, it’s Friday. Did you have a swim meet today?” He nods again. I see his butt start wagging a bit, and I can tell he’s starting to smile around my cock. This kid’s got a secret he wants to tell. The little fucker. No wonder he’s so eager. “And did your team lose today’s meet?” He nods once more. “You fucking slut. You went to the other team, didn’t you?” Another nod. “And how many of their swimmers did you take?” He comes up for a breath. “All of them.” He grins from ear to ear. “I took all the swimmers’ swimmers.” My eyes get bigger and beam with pride. “Wait, they bred you?” Nods and a full smile. “The whole team?” More nods, and he starts to chuckle. “Holy fuck, dude. You’re incredible. Wait…did they…are they… Do you still have their baby batter up your hole?” When I asked that, my little brother looks up at me with more pride than I’ve ever seen on his face before. He licks the underside of my cock, just to show he’s hot shit, before beaming with confidence as he adds, “And their coach’s.” I bust out in amazed laughter. “By the way, the coach’s son is one of their team members.” My eyes double in size. “Holy fuck, bro. You really are the best goddamn slut at your school, aren’t you?” “Well, they said in the whole county.” He smiles, pretending to be bashful. But I can tell he’s really, seriously, legitimately proud of himself here. And so he should be. To have such a glowing reputation at such a young age is more than an accomplishment. It’s an honor. I try and boost that confidence. “Little buddy, I am so proud of you. Goddamn, you’re amazing. You’ve really become the most amazing little slut, just like we’ve been working toward all these years, haven’t you?” He nods with pride. And wags a little again. “Come here, buddy.” I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him tight to show my support. But the feeling of his skin against mine immediately distracts me, and my other head starts doing all the thinking. I start groping his body, in love with the lean form in front of me. I run a hand down his back, down his crack, and almost to his hole. Except there’s a butt plug in the way. I look up at him. He instantly beams a smile. “See? I listen to what you teach me.” “Oh fuck, buddy. You plugged yourself to keep all the jizz inside?” “Yep. I keep a plug in my locker at school just in case. Totally came in handy today.” “Holy shit. So it’s all still in you? All of it? It’s all fresh.” “Pretty much, yeah.” “Oh, fucking hell, buddy. I have got to sink my dick into your worn-out hole. I need to feel that swim team’s cum coating my cock.” “I hoped you’d say that. Do me a favor first?” “For you, buddy? Anything. I’m so proud of you, and I’m so hungry to get at that boy hole.” “Hang on a second.” He hops up and scampers off to the other room, leaving me a bit confused and way more than a bit horny. When he comes back, he’s carrying a familiar tray, and I finally understand his aspirations for the weekend. For this little cumslut, taking an entire swim team — and their coach! — isn’t enough. The tray contains four swabs and two points. My cock throbs. “Oh, shit. You’re really ready.” “Mm-hmm” is all he says. I play along, eager to see what this kid has in mind. “Alright. How do you want to do this?” “I wanna ride you cowboy for a bit, then bottom out balls-deep on you while you slam me. After I go nuts fucking myself on your cock for a bit, we switch to missionary. You go balls-deep again, then self-administer and let the monster out to really pound my hole like you know you want to.” Damn. Not only does this kid have it all planned out, but he knows how to make a sales pitch. How could I say no to that? “You got it, buddy. That sounds awesome. Anything else you want me to do to help make this your perfect weekend?” “Not yet.” He smirks. “Gotta save some surprises for later.” I chuckle. “You’re trying to take control this weekend, aren’t you?” He giggles a bit because I saw through him. “Yeah, kinda. How am I doing so far?” “I’m totally following your lead. Let’s do this.” “Awesome.” “Here, gimme those points, then suck my dick for a minute. Get me as hard as I can get and get yourself so desperate for cock you can’t resist sitting on it.” He hands me the tray, and I set it on the end table beside me, within easy reach, as he goes to town on my cock. It doesn’t take long before I’m hard as steel and halfway down his throat. He comes up for breath, gasping for a second. “Can I sit on it now?” “Fuck, dude. You can do whatever you want to me.” He smiles with a bit more naughtiness than I expected. Plans within plans, I suppose. But I trust him implicitly and look forward to whatever he’s concocted. “Well, you have a job to do before I can do what I want to do to you.” I’m confused. “Oh? What’s that?” Then my brother does the single most erotic thing I’ve ever seen him do. He smiles, turns around, and bends all the way over. Once he presents his ass to me, he grabs his cheeks and spreads them wide. As though the sight of his plugged hole being offered right in front of my face wasn’t enough, he pushes out a bit, making the plug look like it’s throbbing. Goddamn, this kid is fucking hot. I regain a little composure and tease him right back. “I see,” is all I say. We both chuckle a bit. I put one hand on his ass cheek and wrap the fingers of my other hand around the base of the plug. “Make sure you squeeze once this is out. I don’t want you wasting any of those loads unless they’re gushing out around my dick.” I hear a deep moan, and I know he’s understood. Slowly, I draw out the plug. It’s bigger than I expected, which makes me proud again. I should have known he’d need the big one, after getting pounded by the whole team. The plug slowly exits his hole, and he does a real good job sealing tight once it’s out. Only a single droplet leaks out, and I quickly take a finger and spread the boy juice around his beautiful ass lips. Much as I want to taste his hole right now, I know he’s holding a lot in, and I want to feel the cum surround my dick more than I need it covering my face. One thing at a time. “There ya go, buddy. Good job. Now, you ready to ride your big bro’s fuck stick?” The crude name makes him go a little weak for a second. He glances up at me with that pleading look back on his face. “Fuck yeah. I need that inside me so badly.” “Then go right ahead. You’ve earned it, you little slut.” Without another word, my brother climbs up and puts one foot on either side of my thighs, straddling me as my rock-hard cock stands up and aims for its target: that sweet, tight, cum-filled boy hole is on its way to engulf my cock. He closes his eyes as the head of my dick makes contact with his sphincter. I can tell he’s concentrating on staying tight to keep the cum in but loosening up enough to allow my dick to enter. I’m pretty thick, too, so it takes work. I’m patient. He gets all the time he needs. Hell, he’s earned it already today. Eventually, slowly, the head of my dick, coated with his throat slime, slides past his entrance. We each take in a sharp breath, surprised by the sudden pleasure. “Oh, yeah,” he moans. “That’s nothing. Wait til you get the whole thing inside you.” He moans again as his head rolls back a bit in ecstasy. “And wait til I slam you and turn you into a depraved hole.” He smiles while he moans this time. He keeps pressing down on my dick, making slow and steady progress toward the base. He’s taken half of me already, with serious concentration on his face, but no sign of pain or hesitation. Well, we are in cowboy position, after all. And this ain’t his first time at the rodeo. When his hole hits my crotch, and every last inch of my penis has disappeared inside his ass, he sighs. It might have been the first time he exhaled since I first penetrated him, for all I know. He opens his eyes, looks right into mine, and gets a cock-eyed smirk as he starts grinding his hips into my pelvis. This time, my eyes roll back in my head, and I let out an involuntary grunt. Like I said — it’s not his first time at the rodeo. This kid knows what he’s doing. I love fucking this boy. His hole is so tight, his body is so perfect, his face is so cute, it sends my libido off the charts every time. And tonight, I feel the warm wetness gushing all around my dick — the sperm of the opposing team collected in my brother’s guts and offered as a gift to me. Goddamn, he’s a filthy slut. And I love him for it. He’s eager tonight, too. He starts bucking and writhing, experimenting with the angle and seeing how deep he can get my cock inside him. Each of us makes regular grunts and gasps as the sensations border on overwhelming. Eventually, he leans forward a little and puts his hands on either side of my rib cage. He gets up onto his feet instead of his knees, giving him more freedom of movement. He uses that to his advantage and starts impaling himself hard on my dick, going almost the full length of my shaft with every stroke. It’s almost an anger fuck for the intensity. And damn, it feels good. The added motion makes his balance a bit more precarious, and I grab his arms to add stability. As I do, I feel the solid meat of his well-developed biceps. I start admiring the definition he’s gaining from working out and swimming so much. I also admire the veins he has kris-crossing his forearms, making him look more powerful than his thin frame suggests. His veins are gorgeous, and they really kick my lust into overdrive. They also remind me: I have a job to do. While my little brother keeps grinding himself onto my cock, I reach over and grab an alcohol wipe. I tear open the packet, which gets his attention. He opens his eyes, sees what I’m doing, smiles, and slows his pace. He bottoms out on the base of my dick and starts playing with the angle to see just how deep he can get me. That way, he’s still having fun, but the extra motion has calmed down. Once more, I admire the gorgeous, vascular forearms in front of me. I look from one to the other, look up at his face, and lift my eyebrows in unspoken question. He understands immediately and nods ever so slightly down to his left. I wipe the inside of his left elbow crease, removing any traces of things that could ruin his day. I set down the pad and pick up the needle. Most guys use a strap to make it easier to find a target, but this kid’s arms read like a road map. It’s like his body is offering his circulatory system to me, inviting me to penetrate it. And that’s exactly what I do. The little slut watches, entranced, as I find a thick, obvious vein and gently insert the needle into it. His face flinches ever so slightly, but his right hand immediately finds his meaty cock and starts jerking it. The kid is turned on by watching me administer his slam. He is so fucking hot. I get the needle tip right where it needs to be, and I pull back on the plunger. A flash of deep red shocks the syringe to life. He makes a quick gasp; I let out a low moan. We both know that’s the all-clear sign. We both know he’s about to take off, and our party’s about to start. We look into each other’s eyes for a moment. “You ready?” I ask. “Please…” is all he says. “Good boy.” I press the plunger in.
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Installment number Eight of what was probably the best party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was in New Hampshire at a 4 day business convention and during those 4 days he was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown , with him joining me after his convention for his much more vanilla style sex. Thursday night my buddy Jimmy hosted a hot orgy for me but had to change Friday's plans for a personal emergency, as did Lou the local candy-man, who had an emergency leaving his assistant "Vice" a straight but hot Portuguese local guy to spend the day pnping with me - with Boston frat boy type Kieran (also staying at the guesthouse with his revealed to be former partyboi husband Charlie), Karl and the other Houseboys and the skinhead Manager Zar. Then an old friend – an Episcopal Priest no less – shows up in time for the party. This amazing weekend took an entire notebook to cover (I've kept sex diaries since I was a teenager) and never before or since has ONE weekend taken up an entire book. So along with me - at the time a 43 year old jock muscle leather guy - Caucasian, blond/blue - we pick up the story after the storm-caused power failure, and a 'live sex performance' with the manager... “So, guys,” I said. “That was one for the books. Well, Zar, does that make up for a couple of years of us NOT hooking up?” “Damn straight it does,” Zar replied, while Vice snarked “Watch who you’re calling a damn straight…” which just made Zar and I bust out laughing. “Gotta say that was wickie hawt.” Vice continued. “Never thought I’d been part of something like that – you two had me on fire!” “Pleased to be of service,” I replied, holding my hand out to Lou – who appeared out of the shadows somewhere – so that he could help me up. “My goodness,” Lou gushed while bro hugging Vice. “Untapped depths, Yo, untapped depths. Impressed.” Vice just smiled back while we all went to clean up a bit before starting up more adventures – it was barely past midnight, so much more to do!!! AFTER MIDNIGHT – ASS-IMILATION RESISTANCE IS FUTILE After hitting the communal bathroom and cleaning up a bit Lou, Vice and I went back to my room for some liquid refreshment and a recharge of our enhancements. The rain was still humming against the window as I peeked out into almost total blackness – only an occasional flicker of a candle in a few distant windows let us know there was even a town still out there. No buildings we could see had electricity back yet, and I wondered if anyone else was having as much fun being blacked out as we were here! Lou had gotten out one of his waterpipes and filled the bowl as Vice was pulling some drinks out of my cooler then closing it quickly so it wouldn’t let too much of its coolness out, while I restarted my laptop using the battery power to play some more of my bb porn. With the door cracked open only a foot or so opening away from the bed, we three kicked back side-by-side with me closest to the door, Vice in the middle and Lou on the far side. Since no one peeking in could see the head of the bed we were fine with passing the bong back and forth, taking hits and shot-gunning each other, laughing and casually playing with each other’s cocks and nips as we watched the porn and chatted softly about our experiences so far. I was amazed at how comfortable Vice remained with everything that was happening and noticed his hands roaming around as much if not more than Lou’s or mine. Lou was obviously of the same mindset as he raised his eyebrows at me several times when Vice groped him. “So how was getting fucked by Zar with that big P.A. of his on?” Lou asked as I was taking a big rip off the pipe. “He sure as hell didn’t have THAT when we were back in High School. Did you like it?” Holding up a finger to indicate ‘wait a second’, I leaned over to Vice and locked lips, blowing my cloud into him and getting a bit of tongue action back, Vice then blew out our shared cloud. Sitting back up I answered Lou. “I actually enjoy being fucked by a guy who has a BIG piercing, it’s the little ones that I don’t like – too much like having a cheese slicer shoved into your hole. But Zar’s was really nice and big and he does throw a hot fuck. Great ass on him too…” “Great ass!” Vice agreed nodding, blowing out his own big hit. “Great ass.” Then looking a bit sheepish followed that with “not as amazing as YOURS is J, but great, yeah…” I chuckled at how fervently he didn’t want to insult me in any way, it was so cute. “Well thank you man,” I replied. “Good to know you still think that way since you are becoming quite the connoisseur of fine male ass…” Both guys laughed and as Lou put the bong on the table to cool, Vice said “yeah man it’s wickie hawt, but I still need more comparison!” As we watched porn and stroked each other, Lou told us about his adventures after we separated. He wound up on the third floor with Tom and Ed, where he fucked both of them, but he spent far more time talking about each of them fucking him and how good it felt. I noticed Vice kind of hanging on every word and scrutching his ass around a bit on the bed. I made sure to NOT point this out to him as Lou went on to describe his next encounter with the two Leather guys from Quebec, and again while he fucked both of them, he spent more time on describing each of them taking his hole and Vice was still rapt listening to the admittedly very hot description Lou was giving. “And J-Man, if you liked Zar’s big P.A. up your hole wait until you hear this. The bald guy Marcel’s cock is about 2 inches longer and thicker than Zar’s and it made this top guy wanna turn full-on bottom-slut with the way he got me wound up from inside out. You just gotta try him, J, you will not regret it… he made my hole sing hallelujah man!” Lou went on with his ecstatic recounting of how it felt and I was realizing it seemed a little forced as he kept emphasizing it while rubbing Vice’s leg. Vice for his part seemed to be oblivious to Lou’s hand now reaching between his legs until Lou went a little to far in his comments, “yeah, too bad you are missing out on half the fun there, bro, you’d be amazed what a good hard tool can do to your insides…” Vice pulled up his legs quickly and shook his head as if to clear it, asking “Hey J Daddy, could I have some of those grapes?” The moment was blown by Lou being just a bit too eager. As I went for the grapes I was now in full view through the door and noticed someone was standing outside in the shadow. It took me a moment to realize who it was, and then my cock (which due to the injection earlier was going to be semi-hard at least for several more hours) swelled from semi to rock hard. It was the guy who looked like an Arabian Prince that we saw earlier with his stuck-up nasty boyfriend. He smiled at me from the dark with his perfect white teeth. I indicated for him to step in – he did, looking around at me, the porn, Vice and Lou, the water bong, out over his shoulder, returned to the bong, then back to me. “Join us?” I asked. He nodded, and this time I closed the door over. I introduced myself and the other two while I returned to getting more refreshments and he let us know his name was Rahman, but Americans usually just called him Rocky. “I am sorry for before,” he said as I was passing Vice the grapes. “You mean your boyfriend?” I replied. He nodded and sighed saying “he can be kind of an idiot sometimes; I wish he would not be.” “It happens… we weren’t TOO insulted.” Lou said, then took a pointed hit off the bong wanting to gauge Rocky’s reaction, I guess. “Where is your boyfriend, by the way?” I inquired, as Lou let out his hit, indicated the bong, and passed it to our new guest when he nodded his head again. Rocky took the bong which was still filled with lots of vapor in the chamber and sucked it in without lighting the torch. Closing his eyes for a moment, he opened them and blew out a nice cloud. “He was annoyed by all the noises coming from around us so he took an Ambien, put on a sleep-mask and some ear plugs, and is sound asleep now and will be until well after dawn.” He paused, looking a bit puzzled and said, “that is NOT what I thought it was. It’s very interesting, may I have some more?” Lou responded saying, “of course you can! Why don’t you get naked like us and join us for a while if you are not expected back? Our host here will show you how to heat the bowl – it is a bit different from a rig for hash if that’s what you were expecting…” Smiling that killer smile, our captive dropped his grey shorts, when he bent over to pull them over his feet, my head swam. I thought that ass was magnificent when covered with the shorts – it was god-like without. As I described before, he had a rugby player’s build – not tall but broad chested with cut pecs and nice nips, and thick muscular legs. His mahogany-colored skin was dusted with jet black hair all over – just the perfect amount of it in my opinion. The dropped shorts revealed a semi-chubbed circumcised cock, not long but thick. And then that ass, like two volleyballs lightly furred – a really big muscular butt that only seems to come from that part of the world. My tongue was hanging out as he crawled up onto the bed where we were now all sitting up either on our knees or with legs to one side or legs crossed over each other. He climbed past me, so he was between Lou and me in the circle. Composing myself, I took a rip from the bong, indicated for him to come close and nose to nose I went to shotgun him without touching lips but fortunately he pulled my head closer, letting me know he’d done this before, just not with Miss T. I got a nice snog out of him too. Then I handed him the glassware and held the torch for him while I showed him the best way to heat the bowl with it. He took a big hit and turned to Lou who leaned in and received his own shotgun from our hot new visitor. We had him hold onto the pipe and keep hitting it to “catch up to us some” while he passed his hits back to each of us in turn. You could see that Vice, Lou and I were completely hard with twitching cocks as they cloud circle went on. Rocky talked about how much he missed having sex with multiple men – when he first came from Saudi Arabia and found himself surrounded by gay men with whom he could have sex without fearing for his life, he went wild and fooled around extensively, but although he’d been promised an open relationship by his now lover of 4 years, somehow or other his partner Norton managed to cockblock or torpedo any chance he had of hooking up with others and it was making him crazy, not to mention that sex got very, very vanilla once Norton had gotten his hooks into Rocky apparently. “Well, while he’s dead to the world sleeping,” Vice began, “why not have some fun with us… what are your favorite things to do, or what have you been wanting to do but haven’t lately?” Seems that after admitting he desperately wanted group sex again, which we obviously could supply, Rocky wanted to get rimmed and get fucked as Norton only wanted him to be a top and paid no attention to Rocky’s butt at all. “Now THAT is a crime against nature!” I cried, “he needs to hand back his ‘gay card’ for that one! I’ll – we’ll - be happy to help you out. Are you prepped for that?” Rocky assured us that he had done so in the shower just before peeking in my room, hoping for exactly this kind of situation. “If you haven’t been rimmed in too long, we have a resident specialist,” joked Vice pointing at me. “Oh yes, please do me Daddy” Rocky whispered at me while getting on his knees at the edge of the bed. Pulling my cooler over to serve as a low stool, I sat and contemplated the work of art in front of me and once again thanked God for making me gay. Tracing around his hole with my fingertips, I muttered “Your husband must be delusional to not give this the attention it deserves!”. I bit and licked a bit on those glorious globes then took a big hit off the bong, passed it back to the other guys, then settled face first into that glorious ass and slowly exhaled the vapor as my tongue met his tight pink pucker and he began to moan as I began my campaign. Lou passed me Max Impact and a sock to spray it on, after huffing from the sock for a bit, I went right back to his opening and began to lick, suck, nibble, tongue fuck, tongue buzz, and basically make out with that hot tasty manhole for at least 10 minutes while Rocky moaned and squeaked in between taking bong hits and blowing them back onto Lou and Vice’s cocks as he alternated blowing them both. Finally, he was almost writhing on my tongue he looked back and groaned “Please, please, I’m ready, fuck me, fuck me now!” I said I didn’t have a condom if he needed one, and he said “no, I want to feel it raw again finally, just fuck me now, please?” Who could say ‘no’ to that? I stood up and we three turned him over onto his back. He grinned up at me, whispering “yes… please… now… need it…”. Lou gave him the Max Impact sock and he sucked on it for a minute while I lubed my straining cock. Then with the boys kneeling on either side of him, he looked up again at me and nodded his head as I put his legs on either of my shoulders. Slowly but surely, I sank my cock into his now greedy hole until my balls bumped against his and my pubes tickled his taint. “Yes….” he breathed as I let him get used to being filled again, then slowly pulled most of the way out, making him gasp, then ever so slowly driving back in. Vice spiked the torch and bowl and put the stem to my lips. Inhaling deeply, I held the hit, leaned down and began to kiss him deeply as I also started to grind my cock in a circle in his hole then as we disengaged, I began a steady in-out in that incredible too-long ignored manhole, and as he exhaled our shared smoke he began to both laugh and cry saying “too long” and sighing as I picked up speed. Lou and Vice got in on the action, sometimes sucking on Rocky’s short thick cock, or sucking and tweaking his nips, offering him their cocks to suck or their asses to rim, sometimes making out with me or each other or Rocky, sometimes standing on the bed offering me their cocks to suck or ass to tongue as I continued my mission to give Rahman a great fuck to make up for his years without. “Damn J-man, you know how to throw down an amazing fuck – you could be our professor of fucking at Tweaker University” Lou joked at one point, with Vice following that with “Unbelievably hawt, Daddy J.” I looked over at him and whispered, “Any time...” and he winked at me. Rocky, hearing Vice’s nickname of the day for me, picked up on it and in moments when his mouth wasn’t full started in with “Yes, oh yes Daddy J, please fuck your boy, fuck your son… please Daddy, fuck me.” Jeez! How did I wind up everybody’s daddy? Still, this was so damn hot, I was actually starting to get really into that… After a good long mind-blowing fuck, I wasn’t quite ready to shoot a load, but I was needing a breather, so I said I had to tap out, and Lou and Vice should get a turn while I caught my breath. So Vice sunk his cock into Rocky’s now opened hole and proceeded to plow away, while Lou and I got sucked and rimmed by either guy and we played with both hot guys nips and Rocky’s cock – so hot. Lou got up and behind Vice who felt a hard cock between his cheeks and pulled out quickly saying “your turn” to Lou, getting his own virgin hole away from the candyman’s trouser snake. Lou leaned down and tongued the hot slutty hole for a bit, then showed he had a big shard in his hand that after licking his finger, he inserted into Rocky to be followed immediately by his long dark brown cock. Rocky just moaned and growled and gasped as the fuck fest went on in a new configuration. I was sucking on Rocky’s cock and Vice was behind me rimming me, when Lou sped up saying he was about to cum… Rocky shouted back to him “Yes, yes, give it to me… give it all to me!” as Lou bucked in obvious orgasmic bliss and Rocky emptied his balls into my mouth. With Rocky and Lou still shaking and catching their breath, I was about to share the cum with Vice when I noticed we had a visitor. It was Marcel, the bald, hung, vascular leather guy from Quebec. His long cock was very hard from watching and the apricot sized head carried an enormous ring piercing just like Lou had told us. My god it was awesome. “Apologies for interrupting,” Marcel said in his sexy accent, “but we are in desperate need of refills on our supplies. Sebastian and I have a very hot scene going on in our room and we’d like another ball to make sure it keeps going. And please, all of you, I want you to join us immediately if you would.” We all looked at each other and obviously all thought the same thing – hell yes! I don’t think we could have stopped Rocky from going at that point as that booty bump had obviously kicked in and his hole was still ravenous. After a few whispers with Marcel, Lou said we’d all come up and he’d bring the 8-ball and ‘other stuff’ with him, keeping his promise not to do transactions in my room. Marcel slipped away saying “Room 38” as Vice, Rocky and I took a quick piss and Lou locked up the room. We started heading for the stairs, when I heard a familiar voice moaning something rather unexpected. “You guys head up, I’ll be there in a couple of minutes” I told them as I peeled off down the hall to the door of Kieran and Charlie’s room. Peeking in with just the emergency lights from the hallway lighting the room, I saw an unexpected but hot sight. There was my old buddy, Father Frank in the sling getting fucked while moaning “fuck me, yeah, fuck me!” This was VERY unexpected as Frank never bottomed as far as I knew and was proud of that. Miles the house boy was plowing him but looked up and saw me at the door and motioned me over. Keiran knelt and got my cock wet as Miles pulled out and they pushed me into his place with Kieran assisting on lining my cock up with the Priest’s up until now off-limits hole. I couldn’t help but smirk when I sank in for as hot as I thought Frank was, and how much we shared our fuck stories when we saw each other, he never played with me as I was well above the age he preferred for his extra-curricular activities. WELL above. Frank was almost yelling now, “Oh yeah, please, fuck my hole pound my cunt!” and then his eyes focused and he really took a look at who was fucking him, then he gasped “Ohhh, no!” “Oh yes,” I responded. “Dang, Frank, you’ve been holding out on me, this is a fine fuckhole you’ve got…” Actually, he had an untrained hole that he didn’t really know what to do with, so it would have been kind of just an ‘okay’ fuck had the circumstances not made it much hotter for me. He was shaking his head ‘no’ at the same time his hips kept thrusting back at me, muttering “Don’t… we shouldn’t… friends don’t…” (Now frankly I have always thought that viewpoint was absolute bullshit, there is no reason friends can’t fuck around and since I was a teenager the vast majority of my male friends who are gay or bi have also been either regular or occasional fuckbuds; both the guys who I knew prior to playing and the guys I met as tricks who became friends afterwards…) And it seemed like Frank was complaining with his head and his mouth only, while his body was absolutely NOT complaining. “Oh, I disagree Frank, I think friends SHOULD fuck, and often too,” I teased as I started a circular grind with my hips that made my cock in his confused hole really massage his prostate and caused him to yelp each time I hit it. “Of course, if you’d rather that I stop…” I stopped my grinding and started to slowly withdraw only to be stopped by his hands grabbing my hips and pulling me back in to the hilt. “Don’t stop. Keep going, please. I can’t believe we’re doing this but I want more…I hated it the couple of times I tried before, but now it just feels so good,” he whined. Smiling at him, I tweaked a nipple and started to fuck again. He gave a heavy sigh, “oh yes, that’s good, wow… yeah, even better than the boys…” “There’s a surprise,” I grumbled, ‘Experience does count you know.” He was almost purring now, “oh that’s so amazing but you can’t tell my husband about this.” “Don’t worry, I will never tell Terrance about this, I promise” I said. “Or your husband, don’t tell him!” I chuckled, “Now that I’m sorry I can’t promise, but I can make HIM promise not to tell your hubby…” he looked a bit dubious so I continued, “don’t worry, and if it makes you feel better, I will let you fuck me later for as long as you want.” Frank smirked back at me saying “You know I think I will take you up on that…” I knew that a couple of guys were now lined up behind me, so I gave him two minutes of pounding hard bunny fucking, then leaned down, kissed him soundly (which he responded well to) and slowly pulled out saying, “we’ll continue this later, you have more admirers…” “I’ll hold you to that” he called after me as I headed out, then I heard “oh fuck yes, that’s good,” as Charlie took my place. I chuckled a bit and trotted quickly back to my room to add some additional leather items to what I had on – a big chrome taint-tickler cockring, two thick leather biceps straps for either arm, and my black leather master’s cap, and headed upstairs, stopping in the third-floor bath to piss and give my cock a quick soap and rinse, gargled some of the supplied mouthwash, then headed to room 38. I slipped in through the cracked door into what was the largest guest room in the place, at least the largest I’d been in. With the electricity still out, the only light came from a laptop running on batteries like I had been doing down in my room, and it was showing some serious fisting porn. Looking around there were leather and metal clad male forms in all directions. I saw Lou, Zar, Tom, Ed, Vice, Rocky, Marcel and his husband Sebastian, and one older guy I didn’t know who looked hot in all his leather, clamps and piercings. There was a lot of groaning and heavy breathing going on, I noticed. Sebastian was riding Vice cowboy style, Lou was balls deep in the hot older guy, and Rocky was being fucked by Marcel who turned and noticed me. “Yes, we are complete now – you must catch up! Let’s get this Daddy caught up with his three boys, yes?” He indicated a couple of loaded points on the nightstand. “Your boys and the rest of us have pointed, now it’s your turn. Do you do yourself, does one of your subs do you or would you prefer our assistance?” I was a bit surprised, on a number of levels - after all, Rocky had literally just blown his first T clouds and now he’d pointed already? Still slamming his butt back onto Marcel’s cock, Rocky smiled at me and purred,“I cannot believe how hot this is, I love this stuff!” The rest of my surprise and amusement came from the fact that Marcel and his crew assumed that I was Master and Daddy to my own crew of sub sons that consisted of Rocky, Lou and Vice. All right, so who’s to argue? I decided to play up to their assumptions and for the rest of the encounter I played Daddy/Master to the hilt even when bottoming; and as you’ll see, that turned out to be a good thing later. I answered Marcel’s question with “I usually prefer an admin from one of my boys, but since they’ve already done theirs, I’d prefer a steadier hand if one of you would?” “Gary will, he’s a nurse,” Marcel said, indicating the older dude I didn’t know. I was ordered to sit on the edge of the bed, Marcel pulled out of Rocky and Gary tapped out on Lou, and even Sebastian got up off of Vice. Hardly missing a beat, Tom sat on Vice’s cock, Ed rolled under Lou to get plowed and Zar slipped into Rocky’s now vacant hole. I chose the lower of the two doses offered, and while Marcel sat opposite me holding my knees, Sebastian lit the torch and pressed a pipe to my lips as I inhaled the smoke, Marcel wrapped the tourniquet while Gary alcohol swabbed me, checked the point, and muttered “not hard to find a vein on this guy… you ready man?” I nodded, breathing out a cloud and inhaling another. I felt the prick, “tell me if anything is off…” Gary continued. It wasn’t and he got a flash, then said “hang on!” as he injected me. Pulling my arm up, he snapped off the tourniquet. My breath caught, and surprisingly since I’d already been partying a good amount, I coughed hard a few times. “Wow, wow, wow – damn!” was all I had to say. It was a very good rush and after a minute or two, Sebastian stuck poppers under my nose, commanded me to sniff, then pushed me backward onto a pillow while his husband Marcel pulled my legs closer to him, leaving my ass hanging off the bed until he pushed my legs up further and steadily sank his long, lubed, monster dick with the huge P.A. into my now starving-for-attention manhole. I was flipped onto my back and managed to get out “Oh fuck that’s amazing!” before getting a shotgun from Sebastian, followed by Gary straddling me and lowering his hot sweet hairy hole down onto my face. My cock was throbbing hard on my abs and just as my tongue began to do its work on Gary’s silky hole, I felt a hand smearing lube up and down my cock and then a warm tube enveloping it as someone (found out it was Sebastian) sank their chute down my shaft and began to work his muscles on my cock like he was milking a cow. Nirvana! I was definitely in my happy place with my tongue fucking a hairy hole, my cock up a hairy hole, and a really long thick pierced cock up my hole. Very much ‘Lucky Pierre’. The sex that went on in that room for the next hour and a half was hot, varied, kinky, sweaty, delicious but also fast-paced – it was probably due to the effects of everyone’s slam, but no position or grouping lasted more than a few minutes each before a new pattern developed. So – at least briefly in some cases, longer in others – I had my tongue in every single ass in the room and sucked every cock, my cock was in every throat in the room, and had my cock in every ass except Vice and Marcel, had my fist in Marcel (he only took fist, not cock, and topped otherwise) Sebastian, Gary, and Tom. Double fucked Rocky with Ed. My own ass had every single guys tongue in it at some point, and about half of the cocks, though Marcel kept the record for the most amazing feel in my hole. I rode a double headed dildo with Zar and was briefly double fucked myself by Tom and Lou. All throughout, Vice managed to keep everything but a few tongues away from his ass despite the clear sign of his left only armband. Marcel, Sebastian and Gary kept trying to finger him, or rubbed their cocks on his ass while passing, and anytime the pipe or poppers got passed to him there were comments about “the inevitable” and “surrender” that I could see were making him a bit uncomfortable. Lou on the other hand seemed to encourage the teasing. Finally, after we had just shared a couple of seriously big clouds back and forth between us, Vice and I were standing side by side fucking two of the guys on their knees on the bed. While we were still kissing from passing our last hit, I felt something thin and lubed slipped into my hole and heard a squeak from Vice. A warm wet buzz informed me that I’d been booty-bumped, and it seemed Vice had too. Hands started groping our nips from behind as cocks were rubbed in our cracks. Vice looked a bit panicked and kept trying to protect his hole and redirect the inquisitive dick. I could tell he was uncomfortable and decided to intervene. “STOP.” I growled. “That’s MY boy and his ass is mine! I will say if, when and where he gets fucked AND if and when I’m ready to share that hole with anyone else. UNDERSTOOD?” “Sorry, Daddy,” Sebastian gulped. “My bad. We’ll try and keep hands off, but this ass is just so fuckable…” “And MINE,” I hissed as I slipped out of my bottom and got behind Vice. Wrapping my arms around his torso, I pulled myself up against him protectively – which left my hard slippery cock pressed vertically against his crack. Vice continued a slow screw of his bottom (I think it was Zar…) while I tweaked his nips and playing the role to the nines. Licking behind his ear I asked, “You okay now baby boy? No worries, I got you. Daddy’s got you…” “That’s much better, Daddy J, thank you…” my erstwhile straight buddy replied as he rolled his hips back into me with his fuck motions. Unintentionally? Or was he intentionally trying to drive me and my rock-hard tool insane? “Damn. You are one lucky boi,” Sebastian said to Vice, who shocked me with his reply “I know, he’s the best Daddy and treats me right”. Kissing each of us on the lips, Sebastian again apologized to both of us for “crossing the boundaries.” I would have laughed at his earnestness, but I was having problems right at that moment keeping myself sane and not ravishing my newbie buddy. Drama done; the others all turned back to whatever sexual act they were in the midst of while I started to back away, only to have Vice reach behind himself and pull me back, returning my chest to full contact with his back and my cock laying in the channel of his crack. Stunned but pleased, I continued twisting and pulling on his nips. Vice looked back at me with an expression I couldn’t quite fathom and whispered “Get me out of here, J, I can’t…” I put my finger up to his mouth and began to pull him to the door. “We need to take a piss and get a little air,” I announced to the room in general. “We’ll be back.” Once outside, closing the door behind me, I began, “I am SO sorry dude they were out of line… but I have to tell you, it’s a good thing we stopped because in another minute or two I was going to lose control and my cock would have been in your ass.” “Good,” he replied grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs. I started to stammer and he continued, “Shut up now. I can’t resist anymore, I gotta find out what this feels like. Lou keeps telling me ‘it’s inevitable’ and that he’ll have me before the weekend is out – and that excites me in some ways and pisses me off in others, just assuming I’m gonna roll over…” We had reached the door to my room, and I fumbled the key into the lock as he continued babbling, “well okay, maybe it is inevitable, but if it is then I choose who goes first and it’s gonna be the dude who told me how much he wanted to, but wouldn’t do anything I didn’t want, and protected me and didn’t just assume, but waited for me…” we’d gotten into the room and I was locking the door behind me as he concluded, “and with all our clouds, and bumps, and the slam and watching all these dudes love getting fucked, that last booty bump pushed me over the fucking edge. But I wanted YOU to do it… FUCK ME NOW!!” I almost shot right then. I got lube and poppers and Max and the pipe and torch out in record time, and popped the porn back on my battery-powered laptop in case he wanted to be distracted from getting his cherry popped. “How do you want it? On your knees facing away from me, riding me, or on your back face to face. Lighting the torch and rolling the bowl, I was excited to hear “face to face”. “My favorite,” I growled. “I’ve figured that out all by myself,” was the retort, but with a smile. I took a huge rip, locked lips with him and transferred it to his lungs, then knocked him backwards onto the bed with his legs off the side. As he blew out the cloud, I handed him the pipe and commanded him to hit it. I put a pillow under his head, another under his butt, and one on the floor directly below. I asked him to hold the pipe so I could take a big hit, and did so, sinking to the floor. I put my face right into that incredible ass and slowly exhaled into his pucker, then began to tongue fuck him, while he moaned and blew a few clouds of his own. I began to finger him with lube, giving him a bit of stretch until he loosened a bit. “Please fuck me already Daddy!” I indicated the poppers bottle and while he took a hit I lined myself up and began a slow insertion. “Push out,” I instructed, and my head popped in and his eyes bugged out. I went in stages, he started panting when I was halfway in, and after a rest he nodded and I sank slowly to the hilt. “Oh gawd, oh gowd, oh gowd… slow… NO don’t pull out… that… that… that’s freakin weird… ow… *gasp*… oh gawd, what was THAT, oh yeah, that again… damn, J, damn… this IS good… holy shit, can’t believe I’m letting my self get fucked and …. Ungh… damn… I like it… yeah go man, let’s go Daddy”. It was a sight to see. The number of emotions that played all over his face were amazing – fear, a bit of pain, confusion, surprise, puzzlement, more surprise, tentative smile, surrender, enlightenment, arousal, defiance, more arousal, pleasure and hunger. It was a veritable silent movie on his face as he gave me his cherry and found himself going wild for it. “Fuck!” he gasped, “now I know what you guys see in this. Wickie hawt. Never felt anything like it – yeah, harder, that feels really good!” I began a twisting motion that appeared to really hit his joy button, and he went wild, bucking underneath me, wrapping his legs around my back and pulling me deeper into him, then pulling my face down and raping my mouth with his tongue. That was some of the hottest making out I’d done in years, the enthusiasm level on his part was off the scale. We made out like animals as his hands traveled all over me, pulling and squeezing my nips, smacking my ass, rubbing my shoulders and pecs and lats, all the while his all but forgotten fat uncut linguica was rock hard and rubbing against my abs. Slowing but not stopping he indicated the pipe, which I passed to him while I held the torch, we traded a few hits, then put it down, and he looked up at me with a smirk, “Do it J-man, do me the way I saw you do a few of those dudes the last two days, the ones you let yourself go wild on. Go wild on me Daddy, I want it NOW.” For all the world sounding as commanding as I did earlier, his attitude turned me on incredibly, and we were back to that passionate pounding with desperate hands touching, feeling, squeezing, teasing everywhere on each other’s bodies. I pushed his legs up over my shoulders, licking and sucking his toes a bit as he moaned and cursed. He grabbed my oversized nips and pulled hard, which sent me over the moon, he continued to pull me down by my nips until our mouths met and our tongues pummeled each other with pleasure. When I really began to rabbit-fuck, adding a twist and grind with each in-stroke, he started bucking and writhing, and hyperventilating until he pulled me by the hips as far into him as possible. His mouth opened in a silent scream as I felt his cock release spurt after spurt of jizz, continuing its spasms even after there were no more cum spurts. “OH FUCK!” he hollered in the midst of it. Feeling him orgasm without touching himself, hearing that orgasmic scream put me right on the edge. As he was still panting from his release, he must have noticed my expression, and urged me on – “Do it daddy, fuck your boy, yeah blow it into me, shoot it daddy J!” At which point, I did. Shoot, that is. Lots. We stayed connected, catching our breath. “Good?” I queried. “Unbelievably good – can’t believe I did that… what the fuck?”. “Regrets?” I asked, concerned. “No. Well, yes…” I looked down as he smirked, “I regret not having tried it earlier!” We were in the midst of thanking each other profusely – my for offering me his cherry, he for me waiting for him to want it then doing so well – when a key turned in the lock and Lou peeked around the doorframe. “Finally.” He commented. “Thank you, J-man, you are impressive.” “Daddy-J is a master of his art” (which he pronounced ‘ahhhT’) replied Vice to Lou, “now shut up, get in here and fuck me!”- 6 comments
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connor marched confidently down the sidewalk, his shoulder length black hair in the breeze, counting the houses along the way as he imagined his perfect first date. "abby" he nodded, fondly remembering the profile online. as he climbed the steps to the wood clad shotgun house he no sooner rapped against the door as it suddenly opened. "hey." remarked a sandy redheded guy in baggy jeans and a sleeveless shirt. "is...abby here?" the boy smiled in response. "oh yeah! come on in my dude." Connor followed the young man down the narrow hall and into a living room as the television blared. "she literally just got into the shower. takes fucking forever...girls right?" connor nodded with a smile. "feel free to hang out and wait." Connor sat back on the futon and opened his phone. "Beer? its the end of the week, i always go for a cold one." The redhead thrust a can toward him. "sure" connor smiled as he sent a quick message to abby, letting her know he was waiting patiently, and settled back to watch the nonchalant redhead pick up his controller and dive back into whatever game was on the flatscreen. the minutes seemed to crawl slowly by as his once passing interest in the game gave way to struggling to even keep his head up. "Hey what did you say your name was again?" the boy remarked coldly as he stood up flipped the TV off. Connor struggled to dumbly squeeze out the first syllable of his name and as he slowly tried to rise from the couch, the red headed boy suddenly appeared before him face to face. "doesnt matter..." he muttered as he gently pressed a finger into the dazed boys chest, sending him crashing back onto the couch. Connor roused wide-eyed and with a sore head at the distant tintinabulation of oldies music. squinting in what appeared to be...another room? his heart began to pound as pieces of his situation came at him full speed. his eyes darting around, he appeared to be shackled to stripped of his clothes. "someone fucking help me!!" he wailed, panic setting in as he rattled in futility against his padded restraints. but there came no response, only a low humming from the dark corner hall. "I'm as corny as Kansas in August.." Connors head darted about to try to locate the source of the oration. "High as a flag on...the Fourth of July..." came a slow refrain once again from the alto voice. "Hello?!?! who are you!?" Connor again strained his wrists as the trod of footsteps grew nearer. "No more a smart..." peeked from the darkness a 6'4 blonde boy with piercing green eyes and a shoulder bag, making his way closer. "little girl with no heart..." he strut forward theatrically a few steps, paused, and standing tall at the side of the sling leaned in to whisper, "I have found me a wonderful guy." Connor once again bellowed a cry for help, which was mockingly roared back with a smile, silencing his protest in shock. "It wouldnt be much of a dungeon, if people could hear you. Please try to calm down." the shapely boy stepped back to open his bag, sorting through various objects. "who are you? what is this? where is Abby." connor asked pensively. "Oh Im Corbin," the boy smiled a cheshire grin back to him once again, his pierced lips and nose glinting in the light. "Is that what we called her this time? how basic. Tiffany, now thats a name. I guess we didnt want to scare you off with too much formality." Corbin set his bag on the stand next to the captive young man and continued. "so...there never was one. My friends and I post these heartfelt little profiles online, and nice young men like yourself jump at them like flies to a bugzapper..." Corbin idly tugged at one of the chains as he continued. "See this weekend youre what we call the fuckstick. a free cock anyone can jump on and a hot little hole they can fill, no questions asked, and drain their balls all over you. I mean compared to online dating its perfect. no awkward hookups or small talk or status, just strrrrraddle the fuckstick and make it happen." Corbin beamed as he began unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his toned alabaster abs, firm chest, and little black scorpion tattoo nestled just below his bellybutton. "im not gay." Connor protested obstinately. "I dont care mr..." Corbin fished out a wallet and peered into it, "connor. it doesnt matter." Corbin tossed the leather bifold aside and slid off his pants, picking up a large black marker. "I dont fuck dudes." connor roared once again in protest as the boy smirked, looming over his writhing form with ease and gripping a fistful of the boys long hair. "You fuck what i tell you to fuck, fuckstick." Corbin quickly sneered into his ear. "my name is Connor" the boy spat back as he was greeted with a slap across the face. "wrong. Connors not here this weekend, what is your name?" Corbin paused to watch the boy spit on him. "yummo..but not the right answer. what is your name?" Corbin wiped the spit from his face and into his mouth before winding up and slapping the boy again. As anger gave way to frustration, Connor shouted one last time in desparation, only to be rewarded once again with the sting of the boys hand across his face. "Baby, all you need to do, is just tell me your name..." Connors hopelessness momentarily gave way to blubbering as the dominant man gently brushed his cheek. "Fuck...stick." Connor whispered through clenched teeth. "Thats right such a pretty little fuckstick, now lie still.." Corbin brushed aside an errant tear from the boys face and ran his hand through his hair one last time before uncapping the marker and slowly stenciling his new name across his chest. "there we go. wouldnt be a very good fuckstick if people didnt know you were one." Corbin lectured at the defeated boy, gently pulling his long clear piece of plastic tubing nearer, "we're all hooked up and ready fuckstick, so this will only take a second." Connors heart began to race as he took immediate notice of the IV line in his arm. "what is this please dont do this.." he blurted one last time as Corbin began administering the needle into his line, "nice deep breaths for me fuckstick, the medicine is good for you..." Corbin slowly stroked the boys chest as a dim expression washed over his face. "see im really what you call more of a compliance officer or a coach i guess?" Corbin smiled as he felt the boys pulse slow and the struggling end "it doesnt matter. I help you get nice and ready." the ringing in connors ears was distraction enough as he felt the soft warm hand on his chest, Why was he here again? he sighed as the lights in the room seemed to dance about, only eventually gazing down to see corbins tattooed fist pump away at his uncut cock. "there we are fuckstick nice and high. nine whole inches! just like your profile said isnt it? im so glad you werent a fibber. does it feel good in my hand? lie back and let it leak a little for me slut im just getting to know you. we have all night." Had it been minutes? days? connor could barely keep track of what was happening in the room as his dick seemed to throb and ache all on its own, rock hard. "never shaved here?" Connor came back to earth just long enough to notice his dick had been marinating in a pool of its own precum. "whah?" he slurred curiously. He couldnt remember why he had to be here anymore, but Corbin seemed oddly familiar. "im not surprised, most straight guys dont..." Corbin remarked as he draped a warm wet towel over the young mans cock. "First rule of being a good fuckstick, people need to see your big pretty tool" filling his palm with shaving gel he idly remarked, "my daddy mostly taught me to keep shaved, see?" Corbin pulled his jock open to reveal his six inch pierced and tattooed uncut cock. "not a hair anywhere. now you..." Corbin pulled back the towel and began lathering the squirming boy up. "are you ticklish?" Corbin asked amusedly as he held the boys hips in place. "I remember my first time too, a little conscious, a little not, like a nice dream you cant wake up from. but! i was a good boy just like you fuckstick." Corbin smiled and Connor couldnt help but return his expression. "Sit still now." Corbin whispered and carefully razored the boy as he hummed along, removing his once full bush to expose the soft bare flesh below and as he wiped the last of the shaving cream he gave one final inspection before nodding to himself proudly. "now for the jewelery. not that youll need it since you were a very good boy and took your medicine. its just nice to see around a cock." Corbin reached back into his shoulder bag and produced a steel cockring. "this might be just a little cold at first, but it keeps that big greasy fuckmeat where people can appreciate it." Connor barely registered as he felt his prick, followed by each nut slowly slide into the ring which was pushed firmly against him. he briefly felt exposed as the metal seemed to do just what was advertised and push his genitals lewdly from his body. "I never know what our party guests prefer, fuzzy wuzzy or shaved...its so hard to really get it right you know?" Corbin tugged the boys hips closer, exposing him further as he pulled his cheeks apart, "not like your dosage. your weights right on your profile! it makes it so easy to keep you flying first class." Corbin looked up at the boy as he ran an index finger across his virgin asshole, eliciting a soft gasp. "thats right. feels so naughty doesnt it? am i the first boy to touch it for you? i suppose a little hair is okay fuckstick. youve got a very pretty little hole." popping the top off a tub of vaseline he held his greased fingers just at the precipice of the boys soft, forbidden entrance. "I know you probably dont trust me right now, but i promise, in just a few minutes youre going to open up like you never thought you could.
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Background: For all sakes and purposes, I prefer to go by Dom since all boys I end up using end up submitting their bodies to me and crave to serve other men that remind them of me down the road when I’m searching for my next conquest. I’ve been poz for about 2 years and go on meds for most of it until I hit my peak season period where I will take a hiatus and search for a slim twink to corrupt and convert into the bb lifestyle... clouds have always been my pass-time and nothing makes my dick harder than seeing some naive slut obey Daddy’s orders to hit the pipe at first as I light it for them... eventually getting the sexy boy to look up as he takes his first hit... then upgrade him to bongs for bigger hits he can do himself to show Daddy what he’s willing to do to please me. Those cute boys turning 18-19 are prime for the best of life lessons any proud chem pig would want to impose on them for their future sex lives.... lets go with one of the many whores I’ve created...starting with Eric... Part 1. I had always been the horniest right after I had got done with work... beginning the trip home. My pits would be sweaty and I could smell my scent coming through my shirt which gave me a hardon. My balls would be aching knowing I was about jerk my poz 9” thick uncut cock and blow a load all over my sheets, then snap a pic so I could snag another slut to use up on a weekend after feeding them a preview. Loved seeing those innocent eyes light up when they see a huge load. As I got home I did the usual setup, logged onto my hookup apps and sites making sure my latest muscle pics and leather gear was showing. Wasn’t long before I saw a new profile on bbrt.. 18 years old, beautiful smooth slim ass. This twink must have been 5’7” 135lbs, blonde gorgeous hair, and small blonde patch of hair coming out of his underwear in his pic. His second showing his ass with a leg up on the toilet seat as he spread his cheeks open snagging another pic. Was this faggot not out yet? Hiding in the closet craving to show off his cumhole? Average size dildo was on the counter standing up too. Everything in his profile stated Ask Me besides Status: Negative. He looked to be about 8 miles away and had already been viewing my profile. I decided to unlock my pics for him and give him the full view of albums. The puppy twink I pozzed up in the sling after slamming him... looks like a 20 year old howling while I had my meaty fists inside his blown open cunt as I jerked off my cock inside him. “Your cock is huge... not very experienced. Would like to try sucking it and more but can’t do it here. I’d have to travel on a weekend. I’m out of classes for the next week so free to meet. I’ve smoked some weed before so down clouds as well.” - Eric” I glanced over from my computer to the play room where my bong, pipe, points, sling, and FF toys laid dorment until my next trick came over.... this could be my next one. This slut would be getting some clouds alright. “Clean out this evening good and pack a weekend bag with you. Head to this address in 5 hours and ring the doorbell.” I messaged my dealer and told him to make sure my playroom was stacked for a multi-day function. “I got a shower attachment... I’ll be there around 9pm. Where do you want me to park?” I responded back, “Look for the open garage door. You can park your car inside no problem”’ ”I haven’t taken anyone that large before so I may not be able to take it.” I thought hard before responding back and sent the message, “I know, i’m counting on it. Come over.” ”Getting ready, i’ll text before I head over.” I was practically grinning ear to hear. This boy would be parked in my garage with the doors locked. My g laced juice would lighten the mood as I held him under my ripe pits but he’d be too intimidated to comment on the smell.... and once he was offered the pipe...... *sound* my phone buzzed as the dealer said he was enroute to stock my room up well before Eric arrived. He asked if he could stick around cause usually my broken in boys fall into his lap once our session is done. I told him no problem and went to go wash up, this boy would learn to eat out a man’s muscle cunt as well and savor the taste.... my dick pulsed again thinking about it all. 7 o’clock came and Marko (dealer) came by. He seemed pretty energetic and asked if I had any pics of the boy coming. “Oh course, man. Just sent em to you. Don’t come by until after midnight once he’s come undone. I’ll let you know.” He loaded up my box with t, more g, his lube bottle with a gram of t mixed in with it, fisting numb cream, and an extra pipe. My hallmark... once a boy learns to light it. He needs to have a pipe of his own to enjoy the savors of my spoils on his own. He’ll open up to it. The restraints in my sling were adjusted for the boys height, the webcam positioned just right for under his ass of the sling, overhead, and in the bedroom so when I got him to light it up himself, I could record everything and keep it to the faggot in line. Coming back for more or I’d release it to his friends and family. I stopped to glance in my toy drawer and couldn’t help but wonder if this boy would be able to take my massive strap-on hole wrecker of a toy once I had knocked him up and got him flying. Depends how pliable his fuckhole got for me with a few hours work...hmmm. It would be hot to see that pussy blown wide open in his highest state.... lets see what we can do tonight. —- Eric’s bathroom work —- The water felt warm enough. I slipped the shower nozzle inside and began prepping out for the hookup. I just kept thinking of this guy’s huge muscle arms, tattoos all along his sleeve and down his chest. It looked like a snack slightering down to his pubes swallowing a scorpion and tail sticking out. The whole thing gave off wild vibes and I was all for it. I had already given a few guys head and swallowed some loads before. I’m sure this guy would be cool with just some oral play and maybe rimming. He did ask me to clean out though...... can I take that huge dick? My stomach started to feel full and as I sat down on the toilet... I did the glance and everything was clear... a sigh of relief and nervousness hit me and my stomach got intense. As I got in the shower I did one last check by lubing up my finger and slid it in al the way to the second knuckle...nothing. I guess this is it then.... I packed the rest of my bag of clothes, phone charger, I saw a bottle of poppers I had frrom a guy I blew who left it on my bedside and brought it with. Wouldn’t be long till I get there.... here goes nothing. “On my way, how will I know which garage is yours there?” I waited a few minutes which seemed like an eternity for me. “Look for the red lights inside, that’ll be your spot.” *deep breath*.. I texted back, “coming” ——— I saw the sluts final words of acceptance that he’d committed to following through. The rest would be easy. My place is out of town in the woods and no one would hear him no matter how hard he screamed the only 2 houses in this 3 part giant condo house were both full of tweaker pals of mine who never could get enough ass or cock to play with. His screams will just turn them on more anyways. I look forward to this new boy of mine. I put on my leather vest in the playroom, cockring on, jockstrap, and covered up a muscle shirt and shorts. Couldn’t risk freaking the boy out at first sight. I had a few extra jockstraps and clothes from previous boys laid out depending on what I’d want him changing into later. I’m sure anyone would look good on that beautiful neg ass of his. Once that hole was flooded with my seed... fuck....the beast would take over.
Remember this is only a story and meant for reading enjoyment only. I hope this new saga will get you something to think about while Jerking. It is not meant in anyway as a guide on the art of chemsex. The stories in this section are ONLY stories. SPECIAL NOTE: After getting requests of the Girlfriend to be included I am working on that. It will probably need to be placed in the Bi and Straight fiction section. I will only do this is I have links to that posting incase anyone wants to see that. I have to work thru some issues on this first, one is to transition between the chapters smoothly without making a mess of the story. More to come on this
3 years ago, just after being reintroduced to the uninhibited joys of chemsex, I had a business trip to Vegas on my schedule. The meeting was set up for 2 days at the Cosmopolitan hotel on the Vegas Strip. The schedule for meetings was pretty full so I decided to behave the first 2 days of the trip and then let loose after the other members of the group departed for home. Well, the best laid intentions don't always work out. I couldn't stand how horny I was as we touched down at the airport the night prior to the meetings. I got to the hotel, checked in to an amazing room and began to search for T. Naive as I was I thought there was some sort of "honor code" from those offering to sell to me. I've since discovered that there is very little if no honor in most dealers. I"m fortunate to have a great one at home that I trust. Anyway I hopped on To Grindr and sTarTed searching for the profiles ThaT mighT give me some clues. Much like the prior sentence. Within a short scan I saw the clues. I reached out to the profile and was told they would be able to supply whatever I wanted. They were just across the strip from me at Planet Hollywood. I was instructed to be in the lobby by the elevator in 30 minutes. Bonus was 1 of the 2 guys in the profile was a massage therapist and would give a great massage if I wanted as well. I was told they were brothers--1 gay the other bi-ish. TheGrindr profile pic looked hot. Super fucking horny and ready for some adventure I emptied my wallet of the excess cash that I wouldn't need and placed it in the safe. I douced, showered, pulled on a metal cock ring, dressed with a jock under my jeans( just in case) and off I went headed to Planet Hollywood. When I got to the elevator lobby i texted the guys. Within minutes the bi brother was there. I hopped on the elevator with him to go to their room and make the deal. He then informed me that his supplier was running late and that once in the room I could give him my cash and he'd go meet his supplier and be back to the room in no time. Dumb, trusting me (remember the honor code) handed him a sizable amount of cash and he was gone. While I waited his brother, the hot gay one, would keep me occupied in their room. I was ok with that and while i sat on 1 of the 2 beds in the room he was out the door and off. Now let me fill in a few of the details that had been left off in the Grindr profile as well as any discussion to the point of walking into their hotel room. 1). Tney were brothers. The slightly older was bi, the runner for supplies, the talker and the ringmaster. 2). Brother 2 was a mid 20's blond with a slight build and looked like the pic in the profile on Grindr EXCEPT according to them he was in the Army and the victim of a roadside bomb in Iraq. He lost the left side of his entire body, well, almost. He could walk with a limp and the entire left side of his face was in the process of being reconstructed. His left arm dangled at his side. When he spoke he could barely make the words understandable. Such a shame cuz he was a great looking guy. That had me overly sympathetic to these 2 so while we waited for bi Brother to get back I attempted to have a conversation with brother 2. It wasn't long and bi brother was back in the room and had found success with the party supplies. He suggested we all try a sample and asked if I had ever "parachuted" anything before. I had no clue what that was however I dumbly said, "sure I love that." He said "Great" and went into the bathroom to prepare each of us a "parachute" of the party favors I had just purchased. Within a few minutes he emerged with 3 small "packets" wrapped in toilet paper. These were the parachutes. He handed one to me the other to brother 2 and on the count of 3 raised his to his mouth dropped it in and swallowed. I followed suit as did brother 2. Now the night would become interesting. .... NOTE TO EVERYONE-I learned that I never allow anyone now to prepare anything as a party supply without me seeing all of it. I do the same for anyone I party with as well. When dosing anything I either allow them to do their own or if they don't want that I make sure they see what I am doing. Why do I share this? Because of what happens next..... Bi brother suggests that for a mere $40 he would give me a full nude massage. I said sure, peeled off my clothes and laid face down on the bed, He stripped to his underwear and crawled on top of me and began the rub down. Within a few minutes I was out cold. There was more in that parachute than just a little T. I still to this day don't know what it was but it was powerful. At some point I regained consciousness and shot straight up on the bed gasping for air. (1 would think that's G but I don't think it was that caused this). I felt I couldn't catch my breath at all. Both brothers laughed and said something to the effect of "It's a great buzz isn't it?" I then stumbled to the bathroom cuz I had this strong urge to pee. I stood swaying over the toilet, dick in my hand, feel like i was going to piss the bed just moments before and now couldn't pee a drop. I then came back to the bedroom flopped down on the bed and tried to just enjoy the buzz. For the next period of time I made a number of trips to the bathroom, thinking I needed to pee only to return without doing so. Laying on the bed in only a jock Bi Brother suggested we get some other guys to party with. I must have told him I was chatting up a really hot escort earlier in the night. Somehow he got my phone and called the guy. He asked me that if we got him there would I cover his fee. In my increasingly horny stupor I said "SURE". Rentboy arrives a short time later, I pay him his fee. He stripped, stroked his amazing cock a few times and bent me over in front of the 2 brothers and proceeds to fuck me. Fuck I never thought I would find being fucked in front of others hot, but tonight I did! The harder he pounded my ass the more I begged for him to give me more. He pushed me over to the other bed where the brothers had their dicks out stroking them. He shoved my mouth down on bi brothers hard cock to shut me up. I swallowed his 7" in 1 move all the way to his balls. No gag reflex existed in that moment. I swallowed his cock stifling my loud moans of pure ecstasy. This was fantasy material for me. Never before had I ever been "spit roasted" by 2 dudes. In my fuzzy state of mind I was in heaven! Rentboy pushed me on to the bed face down pounded me as deep as his 8" rock hard cock would go a few more strokes then flipped me over. He shoved a pillow under my ass and pulled me, legs in the air, to the very edge of the bed. With my ass framed by my jockstrap my pulsing hole was totally exposed to everyone in the room. Rentboy challenged bi brother to stick his cock in my hungry hole. I must have turned bi brother on with my cocksucking because before I knew it he as pushing my legs toward my ears and plunging his cock into my ass. A few strokes later he was breeding me with his load. I could feel his cock expand just as he exploded. He shoved his cock as deep as he could and left that spunk deep in my guts. He collapsed on top of me, out of breathe. Rentboy quickly rolled him off of me and onto the bed cuz he was about to explode. He turned me on to my left side and with my right leg pitched forward he slid all 8" in to my ass from my pitched forward hips. Lifting my right leg toward the ceiling it gave him a wide open gaping hole to slide and then shoot into. He did just that. Filling me with my 2nd load for that night. Out of breath he laid on top of me letting his cock stay buried in my ass, working as a plug for the 2 loads I had just gotten. I clenched my ass tight around his cock. Attempting to milk it and bring it back to hard just in the off chance I could get him to give me another load. He laughed, slapped my ass as he pulled out slowly and said he had to get to the airport. He was flying to NY early that morning to spend the weekend with a client. Damn. I wanted that man so much at that moment. Grateful for what had just happened I grabbed my wallet from my jeans, pulled out a generous amount of cash and handed it to Rentboy as a tip. I laid back on the bed and I was out cold for the 2nd time that night. Not sure what time it was but I was awakened by the ringing of a phone. It went off for what seemed like forever. I then heard brother 2 answer and have some conversation with someone. Suddenly he's shaking be awake. Telling me I have to leave immediately because his sister was downstairs in the casino and on her way up to his room. He sounded very panicked. I could barely open my eyes let alone find my clothes, dress and leave his room. Somehow I did just that. I found myself down in the lobby of the hotel, trying to remember which direction it was to my hotel. I wandered around, actually stumbled around on the street out front for a few minutes before realizing my hotel was just across the strip. With the visual in sight, I was able to find the pedestrian bridge, cross Las Vegas Blvd. and enter back into my hotel. I had stayed here many times before so even in my altered state I was able to find my elevator and get back to my room. I walk in my room, flopped down on the bed and immediately grabbed my phone to go on Grindr, after what had just happened I was still so horny I could barely stand it. I looked at the alarm clock next to the bed and saw it was 5:15 am. FUCK I didn't have to be anywhere until 10 a.m. that day. I needed to find another top to take care of the incredible need to be fucked again that I was feeling..what happened next will come in the next post.....
Here's another real experience for you guys that like the true stories (not that we ALL don't like the fiction! Some of these guys are awesome writers!). It was a get-together in late winter with my twisted bud Darren for a pig session at his place up in Inwood. I had actually worked with him professionally before I knew what he was into - he was director for a musical I had a large role in, and then we appeared together in a drama, before he pulled me aside one night and said "I've been told by a mutual friend that you're a real expert on kink and edge-play and parTying groups..." I was surprised - he was married, had two adult kids... but he tells me he's always been bi, was divorcing his wife, and was looking for a "mentor" to help him really find his "inner pig"... that was a bit less than a year and a half ago, and boy has he learned a lot. Now he's got his own place, with a sling permanently up, and a rim seat as part of the regular furniture. I brought my friend Todd, probably one of my longest term fuck-buds, about 8 years now. He's another clean-cut looking jock type that hides a real pig inside - same worked out build as me, same coloring, but a bit taller, broader, cock proportionately larger and his darker hair color makes him appear hairier from a distance. He and I look enough a like to be confused as brothers, which is a fantasy I sometimes like to play as we're doing a scene - two nasty brother POZ pigs working on some guys together... Oddly, Todd and Darren never met, they kind of traveled in different groups of my play friends, and I thought he would be a fun addition. We arrived late afternoon, and it seems the other guests were putting off their arrival by a couple of hours, so we had time for a heavy 3-WAY first. Todd and Darren were immediately taken with each other, especially discovering their mutual water-sports addictions... both loved taking my chem piss up the butt or down their throats during a session, so I made sure I had plenty of fluids available, especially for me. With a real twisted fist vid playing we got out the glass cock and started shot-gunning each other. The "administrator" was with the group arriving late, so we worked with the glass cock and booty-bumps 'til he could arrive. After a number of hits we started to feel the magic and we dove into 3-way daisy-chain rimming on Darren's large play bed in his play room. Hit the pipe again, then "switched sides" so that everyone had tasted each others hot hairy hole. Time for fucking! I topped each in turn - when fucking Todd, he was pushing a glass dildo in Darren's hole while Darren really worked my nips... when fucking Darren, Todd was behind me chowing down on my hole. Neither got hard enough to fuck me, and after a few more puffs we moved on to toys. Darren has an amazing collection of toys, especially for someone who basically collected them in the last year! He's got a number of attachments for his pump - they both immediately got the nip cylinders on my nips and pumped them to huge proportions - no surprise there. Todd had the biggest cock of three of us, and though he wasn't getting hard we got him pumped up... Darren started with a pump that suctions out your rosebud, and got his asscunt lips really puffy and open. Then toys went up all three pigholes - of varying sizes with lots of bumps and twists and turns... knowing I was likely to be shortchanged in the "real" cock department, as there were times that I was the ONLY one hard at a party, they worked me over with a cool vibrating dildo that also has a series of metal balls running down the sides in a channel, so when they move through the dildo it's a continuing wave feeling. That felt awesome. Hours later the other guys arrived, a hot guy, Vaun, of Pakistani descent from Trinidad, and a big burly muscular hispanic guy named Eddie who'd done some boxing and was new to the whole scene as he'd gotten divorced recently and admitted he'd rather do men - he was POZ however, but not from a gay sex experience. He was, supposedly, JUST a top and did not get fucked... but Vaun had insisted that he get cleaned out before this party and made him do so before they came... which turned out to be a good thing. We pulled out the glass cock - filled it a couple of times in fact - as we got the guys up to speed... lots of shot-gunning, and Eddie got very friendly and loosened up, which Vaun whispered was unusual... I finally got fucked for a bit - Vaun had fucked me on past occasions and did so now (not a huge cock, but THICK) as I variously blew both Todd and Eddie, rimmed Todd, then convinced Eddie to let me rim him - and after some hesitation he rolled back, lifted those big muscular legs on that hairless hispanic butt and showed me a tight pink hole - I went nuts on it! Vaun moved off to fuck Darren in the sling while I chowed down on that gorgeous he-man butt and Eddie started to thrash and moan. Todd, catching on as usual to what I was doing, got the pipe and started shot-gunning both of us, feeding Eddie his big floppy cock between Eddie's hits. You guessed it... not too long and Todd was helping me get my cock in Eddie's hole as he was BEGGING for it. (Turns out he had been fucked briefly twice before - poorly he said - and didn't think it was his thing). He started to scream for more and I really laid it on him for about 40 minutes in all sorts of positions, while Todd continued with us switching back and forth, getting his cock and ass eaten and sucking Eddies cock or rimming the hell out of my hole while I fucked Eddie into the world of the versatiles! After a long satisfying fuck, I knew my pozload was ready to spew, and when I told him he told me to give it to him and fill him up. I blew my wad up his seldom-used before manhole, and Todd and I rimmed him and tasted my load, the three of us swapping deep cumkisses and tongue fucking each other. I finally broke for a while to do a watersports scene with Todd and Darren in the shower, and Eddie was in shortly begging for chem piss in his butt! I'm a nice guy - I gave it! No one else got hard that evening (the only downer for me) but after a few more fucks from me to the guys I headed out, as I had been there 10+ hours already and needed to get home to my partner, to tell him the stories when he woke up next morning, and so I left them all with toys up their butts as they continued well into the daylight. Darren tells me Eddie would like to get together again "REAL SOON"! *again a true story with names changed slightly to protect the guilty!*
- 16
How To Inhibit The Inhibitor part 1.pdf
versmetropig posted a blog entry in Blog versmetropig
Here's the fifth installment of probably the best party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was at a 4 day business convention in New Hampshire and was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown during those 4 days, joining me after his convention (for his much more vanilla style sex). Spent Thursday with buddy Jimmy who'd hosted a hot orgy for me Thursday night, but had to bail for Friday for a personal emergency, at the same time Lou the local candy-man also had an emergency leaving his assistant "Vice" a straight but hot Portuguese local guy to spend the day pnping with me - and Kieran, a blond Boston frat boy type also staying at the Ranch guesthouse with his supposedly more vanilla husband Charlie, along with Karl a German Houseboy and the Manager Zar. This amazing weekend took an entire notebook to cover (I've kept sex diaries since I was a teenager) and never before or since has ONE weekend taken up an entire book. So along with me, at the time a 43 year old jock muscle leather guy - Caucasian, blond/blue - we pick up the story on an even stormier Friday afternoon. Once again, apologies for the delay. ANOTHER REAL EXPERIENCE - P'TOWN PARTY WEEKEND PART 5 ...Lou called Vice’s phone to let him know he was less than 10 minutes away and could we come down and let him in and bring him to my room. Vice shrugged and tried to remove his suction cups – I showed him how, and he gasped as I did. We quickly popped on some shorts and sneakers with me in a vest and Vice in one of my wifebeaters. Leaving the room, we paused to take a piss then headed downstairs to where Lou was already waiting on the porch... PART 5: FRIDAY INTERLUDE; BUSINESS AND PLEASURE We passed through the Lobby/Living Room area where we noticed a few of the other guests sitting around the room watching “Spartacus” of all things, nodding at them as a couple murmured “hey” or “hello” with some appraising looks at the two of us. Excusing ourselves to go around a couple of leather dudes who were checking in at the office just inside the front door, we slipped outside to find Lou waiting on the porch in one of the lounge chairs. He looked up with a big toothy smile when he saw us. “Yo-ho-ho my motha-fuckas, THAT was one shit-storm of a day. I am so glad to be back here in the land of make-believe…” he trailed off as he noticed Vice’s very non-plussed expression. “Did you solve your problem, yo?” Vice asked his pseudo-boss. “Yes, I did though it was a bitch and a half, and chill my man, I truly wasn’t leaving you out, I was just trying to spare you some serious unpleasantness and didn’t want you to get sucked into what could have been real dangerous if it had all gone south. Just being protective dude… you forgive me?” Vice shook his head with a bit of reluctance I thought, but then gave a little smile and nodded again. “Good. Now did the J-man here treat you right while I was gone? Did you have a nice educational day?” Lou joked. “Yo, J here gave me a wickie hawt day, I learned a hella’ lot I’d never get from that bee-atch! J and his buddies made me feel right at home.” Lou gave me a leer from behind Vice’s shoulder, then smirked, “Did he now? I knew I could count on this man. Speaking of which, can we please go inside and get out of this cold wet depressing excuse for an afternoon and brighten things up inside?” Using my key, I re-opened the door and held it open for the two of them as they swept into the lobby, each carrying one of Lou’s knapsacks along with what looked like a bakery bag in the hot Candyman’s left hand. The movie watching crowd looked up as we came in, and if they liked the looks of the two of us they saw going OUT a minute ago, they were even more intrigued by the three of us coming back IN. I was once again reminded of how few people of color there were in P’town, so different from New York. To break the staring, I looked over at the TV screen and striking a heroic pose barked out “I’m Spartacus!...” only to have Lou repeat “I’m Spartacus!..” and then several of the guys in the room followed doing the same, while Vice looked both astonished and clueless. After a general laugh, I said in a normal voice “I actually love this movie”. “You should have come down earlier, we had ‘Jason and the Argonauts’ and ‘Clash of the Titans’ before that” stated one of the senior daddies on the couch, to which I replied, “That makes so much sense in this place, even the camp is butch.” A roomful of laughs was followed by “Of course you were probably having a bit more fun than we were…” from someone else in the matinee crowd, causing Vice to go red all the way to the ears even as he laughed along. We turned for the stairs to head to my room and from the office heard the voice of Zar, the manager call us from across the registry counter. “Sir,” he addressed Vice, “could you excuse your two friends for a moment? I need to speak with them in private for a couple of minutes.” Handing my keys to Vice, I told him to head to the room and we’d be up in a minute while Zar indicated the door to the office to Lou and me with a silent jerk of his head. “Don’t worry, it’s cool, they’ll just be a few minutes” said Zar to Vice with the sincerest smile I’d ever seen out of him. The young hottie grabbed Lou’s other sack and the bakery bag and headed upstairs while we were ushered into the office with the door being closed and locked behind us and the night shutters closed above the counter. Having secured privacy, Zar turned to the two of us, shaking his head with a wry expression. “Well, well, well, well, well… I must admit Aloysius, I am a bit surprised just WHOSE guest you are, …” My eyebrows shot up and I mouthed at him “Aloysius?” Lou just shrugged. “And why would that be, Balthazar?” came Lou’s laconic reply. While I was trying to absorb this, the two of them laughed, not without some irony, both at each other and then more so at my flabbergasted expression. “I’m surprised because other than his many sexual kinks this repeat customer has always given the impression of being a total Boy Scout when it comes to your activities, Aloysius.” “I’m just excellent at putting out that appearance – it’s always served me well… but I gotta’ ask, seriously Lou, ‘Aloysius’?”, he nodded as I turned to Zar “and ‘Balthazar’?” Another nod. “Seriously? Do you have brothers named Melchior and Gaspar?” “Don’t you just hate smart people Aloysius?” asked Balthazar. “As a matter of fact, yes, we’re triplets, and our mother is really really Catholic.” “Wow,” was all I could respond, then “um, how?” “Do we know each other?” ventured Lou. “The Lower Cape has only one High School. We’ve known each other since we were 12.” “Well, THAT was unexpected,” I murmured mostly to myself, then “so what did you need to see us about Zar?” “We need to establish ground rules for tonight and for your guest, er… guests” Lou nodded sagely then turned to me, “Actually, Z-man here is just covering his and the guesthouse’s ass… you know, plausible deniability and all that? Go ahead my man, lay the rules on me, I’m just grateful to be allowed in here.” Zar began: “First, nothing out in the open, use behind closed doors and especially all transactions out of sight. Because of the abysmal weather, we’ve let all guests know that there will be an ‘Open Door’ house party tonight, and that if they don’t want to join the scene to close their doors and lock them. The houseboys have already made the guests aware that certain ‘enhancements’ if desired can be obtained independently but have nothing to do with nor are provided by this house – remember Lou, you are in NO WAY associated with this house. They know to stop by his room” – he pointed a finger in my direction – “for the next couple of hours to tell Santa what they want for Christmas.” He stopped and looked over at me, “Is that okay? Don’t worry, no transactions will occur in your room.” Turning back to his African American former classmate, he reiterated “Is that clear? Bring each guest whatever it might be that I have no knowledge of, that they asked you for, to THEIR individual rooms and if some how they give you something for the somethings you give them, we won’t know about it and nothing will be seen so no one can object.” He paused and looked back and forth between us, Lou nodding knowingly and I’m sure me looking a bit like I was struggling to catch up. “Now, second,” Zar continued. “I assume you’ll need to play delivery man for the rest of the town for a couple of hours before our ‘event” tonight, for your other, um, clients?” Again, a quick nod from the Candyman. “I suggest you meet any of OUR guests in his room for the next couple of hours, then do your outside rounds and be back around 9:30. At 9:45 the doors are locked and no one who is not a guest will be allowed in after that time, even if it’s YOU, so don’t be late – in fact, it would be best if you call Mr. John here when you’re a block away to come out and get you and bring you in with him. At 10:00 the lights go out. The overnight lock will be on and even guests with keys will need to ring the night bell and wait for one of us to disengage and get to the door to let them out of the vestibule and into the house proper. Again, no transactions in John’s room, you can lock your stuff up there in his closet, I’ll give him an extra key for you, but do whatever business you have with each guest in their own rooms.” Lou took all this in like he’d heard it before (for all I know, he had!) and said “All cool, all cool. What else?” “Third, Fourth and Fifth. I want a good price on my own purchases for this evening. I want to be included in the people you have sex with tonight, we haven’t fooled around since the year after High School.” Lou cracked up and said “Done. And number five?” “Let me get a shot at your pet straight boy who’s been hanging here all day with Mr. John… the kid’s an unexpected guest here so long my bosses might think I should charge for him, by the way.” Lou agreed to these conditions and even paid the extra guest fee AND said he’d give Zar a freebie bag as a “gift with purchase” for allowing this since he might make almost double of his usual weekend take by being “inside” this particular Guest House on this particular night. After stating that the three of us could use the houseboy’s shower set up again to get ready later, he sent Lou up to my room, holding me back a minute. Once we were alone, he asked if I was all right with the way he set things up, and I assured him that I was. “Good, now I have two conditions for you to agree to… first, like I said to Lou, help me get some time with that hottie upstairs.” “He’s his own man to decide who to play with, but I think he’ll be fine with that especially if I put in a good word,” I answered. “And… the other thing?” “This one’s non-negotiable so don’t try to wiggle out of it – I get to fuck YOU. I get to fuck you and not behind a closed door either – out in front of everybody where they can see me fuck you. Like it or not.” I was kind of shocked by the look he gave me, defiant and a little bit defensive too. “Hell yes, of course you can! Damn, that’ll be fun.” He sputtered, “wait, what?” “I’d be happy to have you fuck me, why would you ever think you’d have to force me?” “Because… I mean… you modeled for every damn erotic photographer and artist in this town, you look like ‘Mr. All-American’, you’re a Top my friends all like to get fucked by… why would you be interested in an anemic skinhead poz pig like me?” “Maybe cause I’m as much of, if not more of a poz pig than you are? Damn, I’ve been poz since 1985 dude! I think you’re hot, and when you never made a pass at me the past times I stayed here, I just thought I wasn’t your type, or wasn’t edgy enough for you.” He responded, “I never thought you’d take me up on it!” “Well then we both been missing out haven’t we.” “You mean you will?” “Hell, yes… but I am fully vers man, I’d like a shot at that pale white ass of yours too, and it CAN be behind a closed door if you are afraid of your reputation…” “Nah, no, I’d want everyone to see THAT too,” Zar said getting a very hungry look in his eye. I grabbed him by the hem of his basketball shorts. “Let me take a quick look at what I’ll be taking on later this evening.” I stepped back from him to look him over with a smile – granted, he would not be everyone’s type. A “pretty boy” he was not, his facial features were sharp and very hawk-like, coming to a point at his nose. About 5’8” to my 6’0”; very vascular and ripped but so skinny as to look gaunt versus my baseball/soccer player mesomorph muscles; his pale alabaster almost blue-white skin to my pink-white; buzzed black receding hair to my full silver blond; an Otter with black body hair only between his pecs and his mostly trimmed bush to my blond fuzzy chest, legs and ass (trimmed); and with a beautiful loooong skinny white cock with a big PA contrasting with my average length but wider girth. In fact, he had lots of piercings to my none (my hubby doesn’t like them, so for him, I never got any) in his nose, tongue, nips, frenulum, eyebrow, ears… a biohazard symbol and a lot of tribal tattoos all over that pale white skin made for a real skinhead look. His long thin feet, hands and cock were a bit out of proportion with the rest of him, but I found that sexy. He may not have been classically handsome or pretty or cute, but he WAS hot, at least in my opinion. I admired that long silky-skinned pierced thing of beauty I’d freed from his shorts and bent down, inhaled deeply, then sucked in several inches, using my tongue to fold the PA back to the right position for not cracking my teeth and gave him a couple of quick minutes of my best oral skills. “Damn,” I said coming up for air. “That’s a beauty, I look forward to taking that while we give your guests a show later…” The look on his face was priceless, apparently, he never expected I’d find him very hot for some reason. If you’ll recall Part 2, way too many guys in the P’Town party scene were totally convinced I was a complete boy scout… despite my never even attempting to hide my sexual proclivities when the Hub and I spent our summers living and working there. Zar stopped me just as I was about to close the door behind me. I saw him rush to one of the shelves of books and mags they keep for the living room, and pull a familiar looking book out… ‘The New Joy of Gay Sex” 1992 edition which I was in several times as a model – all the models were Provincetown year-rounders or summer residents actually. Holding the book out with a shy smile like a little kid, he asked in a small voice “would you autograph our copy?” I laughed my head off while flipping to the piggiest panel I modeled for of the five panels I was in and signed it to the Ranch… can’t say that didn’t tickle my ego some! [And if you are wondering, for those who may still have a copy of that book, the illustration I was in that I signed is under the heading “Stand And Deliver” that’s lil’ ol’ me getting fucked in a stall in the Crown and Anchor, though as soon as our modeling session was over, I fucked the hot leather daddy I posed with senseless.] Heading up the stairs to my room – with a spare key – on the landing I bumped into Karl and another one of the Houseboys. They were changing the light bulbs in the wall sconce fixtures and the floor level night lights from normal low watt white bulbs to slightly higher watt red ones – if I remembered from the one Open Door party I’d been at before that the overhead corridor lights were shut off and only the sconces and floorboard lighting stayed on, with red bulbs in all fixtures that remained lit, even in the bathrooms I noticed as I stepped in to take a piss. “Ha! I remember these lights!” I called to them through the saloon doors of the shared bathroom. “I’ve been at one of these Open Door parties before.” The Houseboy I didn’t know, a freckled wiry ginger with a southern accent said, “I sure haven’t…” “Neither have I,” added Karl. “Are they as hot as the stories?” “The one I experienced was,” I replied as I shook my cock off. “By the way, thanks for your assistance this morning Karl, I really REALLY appreciated it. After that I’m sure you’ll fit in just fine at this event.” “I wanna’ fit in too Sir” grinned the cute redneck, “so if you need anymore ‘assistance’ just ask for Miles…” I told them both I looked forward to encountering each of them later. I tapped on my door and identified myself in case the boys within wanted to conceal something, then used the key to let myself in. I found them taking a few hits from my now refilled water pipe and munching on pastries from the Portuguese Bakery. I gave a mock stern “There better be some of that for me… in fact there better be some of both of those for me!” “We saved plenty for you ‘Daddy’” said Vice with a wink in my direction, while Lou choked on the cloud he was inhaling. “You DID learn a lot today, homie…” Vice handed me a pastry, which I wolfed down, and I tossed them each a yogurt and poured some Gatorade for all of us from my cooler. After we’d all finished them in about five minutes flat we cracked the door slightly to let guys know we were “available” and out of the line of sight passed around the glass cock and blew some major clouds, shotgunning each other all around – it was very very hot to see Vice shotgun Lou without hesitation and aggressively snog the sexy candyman while he did so. We all stripped out of our shorts, leaving us naked from the waist down, with me in my vest, Vice in the wife-beater and Lou in a sleeveless denim all while our half-hard cocks hung out getting air. Lou sighed in happiness and then said, “so tell me about your day…” “Oh he’s a remarkably apt student,” I responded. “He’s hit advanced level of study on just about every activity we tried today… he’s even done a comparison study of the fuckability of three different male holes...” Vice nodded and proceeded to tell Lou about our 3-way with former frat boy Kieran and the addition of Karl the German houseboy and how he got to fuck all three of us, and Karl’s picture of his family and how much I looked like them, and how hot the Daddy/Son role play was, “and J here even talked sex in German to the kid… so freakin’ twisted!” At that moment we heard a tap on the door and the first of Lou’s potential “clients” slowly pushed the door open. “Hey,” the guy said cautiously, “I heard there was someone here who could help a guy out with stuff for the party tonight?” “Close the door behind you please,” Lou said. “Drop your pants for a minute and choose one of the three of us and give a little oral action please, just to be sure…” The older white guy, a furry bear with salt and pepper hair and beard dropped trou so fast there was almost a breeze. “No problem! Hell, I’ll do a little on all three of youse…”, which he proceeded to do, going from me to Vice to Lou – where he lingered a bit. Lou handed him the bong and told him to take a hit. The guy blew a nice big cloud and smiled, “Damn, that’s some good shit. I’m Tom by the way, and I never got to blow a black dick before, that was damn hawt.” Vice and I busied ourselves picking out some more porn to play on my laptop while negotiations were quickly completed behind us. On his way out, Tom gave Lou’s cock another quick lick and told us he’d see us later, leaving the door cracked again. Shortly thereafter, another knock brought the next supplicant who turned out to be one of the two leather guys Vice and I had to maneuver around in the lobby who were checking in when we went to let Lou in. Lou repeated the same orders as before and the guy pushed his grey cotton gym shorts down. He was white but well-tanned with no tan line, shaved ALL over including his head, muscular with a pierced cock that looked like it would be lots of fun and a smooth muscular ass that brought all sorts of ideas to my head. His accent when he spoke immediately gave him away as Quebecois, and he dropped and gave Lou some serious mouth action while he groped Vice and me, first cocks, then slipped fingers back toward our holes. Vice’s eyebrows shot up in surprise but then the guy released the three of us and stood. “Beautiful,” he said. “That is my first African cock… may I have more later?” Lou handed him the glassware, telling the man – Marcel as it turns out – to hit and letting him know that yes, he’d be happy to give the guy more later. They conferred on business and then we all took another hit – shotgunning the hot Canadian before he left with a smile and commenting that he “needed time with all of you” later as he slipped out and we again left the door open a crack. I turned to Lou shaking my head and laughing, “Seriously, does that happen a lot up here? That is just SO alien to me. Are you really THAT unique to these guys?” Both of them laughed, then Lou rolled his eyes and said, “J-man, you have NO idea. It can be flattering, but it can get annoying after a while… and worse, some of my potential customers react… poorly.” I thought about my three African-American buds from the time I lived up here – hunky Adam who worked security at The Boat Slip, Clint the performer and fisting aficionado that I mention in Part 2 and ‘Shadie’ the drag performer – and all of them told me about how many of the white guys wouldn’t even consider having sex with them let alone dating them. Seemed crazy to me. “Well, that must make it really interesting when they have to do the blowjob test in order to do business with you…” Lou’s expression turned absolutely predatory. “Yeah, especially when I’m in a bad mood, that’s sometimes my favorite part. The real asshole types that had never ever considered sucking black dick find themselves in a real dilemma. I love watching their faces as they realize they either have to blow a ‘BBC’ or they don’t get to blow Miss T,” he let out an evil little laugh. “No surprise, Tina wins out almost every single time and a few seem to really like the experience, but you can tell some are totally humiliated and some flat out hate what they have to do. I have no doubt some of these crackahs run and wash their mouths out the second I leave, but I love seein’ asshats like that have to submit or its no favors for them… and you know I make THEM do it a lot longer than guys who have no problem… it’s a bit evil, I know.” Both Vice and I vehemently disagreed and thought it was just perfect, very karmic in fact. “So,” Lou said turning to Vice as we waited for the next knock, “which ass was best? You never said…” Smiling at me, Vice replied “oh, all three were wickie hawt. Kieran was really athletic, but it seems he’s a little inexperienced back there and could squeeze me out accidentally. Karl was definitely way more experienced but totally let me do ALL the work. But J-daddy here, he WORKED my dick with his ass muscles and fucked me back as much as I did him. Gotta say our Dude here won hands down, but don’t tell the other bros I said so – I don’t want to piss them off and not get to plow them again later!” I thanked him for the compliment with a little salaam and then said, “Serously boys, I could enjoy getting topped by both of you forever, BUT I have to admit, having spent most of today as JUST a bottom, my own Top side, which is usually pretty dominant, is very much looking forward to later when I can get some ass too and get some oral action on MY equipment, I haven’t had a hole to plow since the boys left around noon.” Lou was taking a rip off the pipe as I said this, and pulled Vice over for a shotgun, then looked him in the eye and joked “Aw, now that’s just ungrateful my man!” Vice blushed and started to stammer while Lou passed me the pipe and gave my cock a long sluuurp. “Totally ungrateful!” Blowing out a cloud I said “go easy on him, He actually did give me a little oral this afternoon and he has rimmed me a couple of times which is really a lot from a straight guy, thanks for that by the way, Vice”. “Well that’s a start, V, good job. But don’t you worry J-man you had some of this black booty last night and you can have more later, so I’ll totally make it up to you. Just gotta carry on with the Top-Dealer mode till I’ve serviced all the customers who expect it.” “Wait, you get fucked?” asked Vice with total innocence and surprise on his face. “Think about it man, last night’s party you sat out because EVERYBODY had to be versatile – well I didn’t sit out that party, now did I?” Vice shook his head ‘no’ as Lou continued. “I’m down for all kinds of fucking my man – babes, dudes, trannies, and from all positions. Yeah, like J here I do the fucking most of the time, but I gotta tell ya, getting plowed by a dude who knows what he’s doing? That’s some amazing shit. You don’t know what you’re missing man…now, help me give your ‘Daddy’ here some relief.” With that they got down together and sucked my cock between them, and holy fuck was it hot seeing the two of them sharing my tool and laughing their butts off when their noses would bump or their tongues tangle together. Vice shifted to eating my ass while Lou kept on my cock, then I pulled them both up onto the bed… passing around the poppers, we went for a three way suck – Lou still sucking me, me sucking Vice, and Vice getting his first taste of his buddy’s black dick. Another hit of poppers and we switched with me getting Lou, Lou blowing Vice and Vice sliding further down my cock than he had earlier. He was getting better at this. After a minute or two, we switched to asses, and did a three way rim again switching so that we each tasted the other two. Can’t tell you how hot it was seeing Vice’s tongue head into Lou’s hot booty. This activity was ended by another knocking on the door. Sitting up we all took deep breaths as the door opened and I was shocked to see Kieran’s hubby Charlie slip inside and close the door saying “can I talk to you?”. Vice, having heard Kieran’s description of his husband looked just as shocked. You see, as I mention in Parts 1 and 2, I had met Kieran and Charlie in prior years and they always played safe with condoms and it seemed Charlie was very much NOT a partier and did not want his husband to do so. Though allowed (like I was with my hubby) to play on the side, Kieran hid his desire to bareback from Charlie, and his desire to party. I was afraid this wouldn’t turn out well. “Kieran’s asleep… well, I slipped him a half an Ambien, so… I just have to ask, whose cum is running out of his ass, and what did you all do last night?” Lou stopped him with a hand and said, “Apologies my man, but if you are going to come in here at this time particularly, I need you to show us your dick and ass, give one or all of us a bit of a bj and take a rip from the pipe with us or else you’ll have to wait for another time…” Honestly, I figured he’d turn and leave. Instead, he dropped the jeans shorts and yellow jock he was wearing and dropped to his knees winking at me and saying, “you can be last, I’ve tasted you before…”. Charlie the bear cub then went balls deep on first Vice and then Lou. Coming up for air, he sighed “damn, never had one of those before” then dove onto me as Lou and I roared with laughter. After a minute Charlie sat up and said “Fuck, PLEASE give me that pipe!” He sparked the torch and expertly melted the bowl’s contents and inhaled an enormous hit. “God that’s good,” he sighed after a few huge rips, “haven’t tasted this in over three years! So, did my baby party with you guys last night?” I nodded yes, still not sure where all of this was going. “I figured that when he was so wound up this morning. And I saw him trying to hide his butt from me too, but once I got him to sleep I could verify that his beautiful puffy hole was leaking sperm so my top boy must have been getting fucked bareback, right?” I nodded again afraid of his reaction. “All three of you loaded him?” We looked at each other and nodded. “Damn that’s hot, and a fucking relief…” I was astonished and said “I thought you’d be pissed! I mean the last two years when I played with you guys here, it was all about safe sex and no drugs and even yesterday morning… what happened to change your mind?” Charlie kept doing hits from the bong, then realizing he was monopolizing it passed it around while he explained. Seems that when he and Kieran met, Kieran was still in college and was a naïve, inexperienced top-only who was afraid of both HIV and the drug scene. Charlie had been partying for a couple of years and had just found out he was HIV+. He asked what our status’ were, and I told him I was poz since 1985, and was unsurprised that Lou was poz also, and a little surprised that Vice was poz as well though many partiers ARE even when they’re straight (never did find out if the GF was poz or not – if it was all condom sex for them no wonder the kid was enjoying the freedom of raw male chemsex so much!). So Charlie continued his story. Having fallen head-over-heels for the Blond Jock, he vowed to stay away from the partying and to always play safe with Kieran since Charlie would never be able to deal with the guilt if he passed his infection on to Kieran. So for just over three years, Charlie had only had condom sex – even in groups, so as not to be tempted – and avoided the party scene at all costs thinking he’d lose Kieran if the kid knew what Charlie’s past was like. “But if he sought out both barebacking and chemsex on the side, then I’ve been giving that up for no reason, and I’m sure as hell going back to them right now,” he picked up the bong and drew a big hit, pulled Vice over and blew it into his mouth before a quick tongue lashing. “Now I am totally thrilled that my baby wants to do all the same hot pervy things that I do, but I’m a bit peeved that he never confided that in me…” I interrupted at that point. “He was just as afraid as you were that he’d lose YOU if you found out he wanted to do all those things. Now I think he’s gone raw some before, and we did yesterday while you were blindfolded, but I don’t think he’d partied much at all if ever before yesterday. So he wasn’t totally holding out on you.” Charlie smiled and nodded, “oh that’s even hotter. Now I want your help… all three of you.” We all agreed and Charlie said he wanted to play a little trick on Kieran, both as a bit of revenge and also as a bit of a gift for what looked to be the beginning of a piggier relationship. He asked that just before the party begins in earnest that we all help him get Kieran tied down and gagged in the sling, while Charlie stood in plain sight blowing clouds from the glass cock and shotgunning the three of us, before giving Kieran a slam and sending him into the atmosphere and watching for himself while he got to see his supposedly all top hubby take on all cummers. Knowing Kieran would be really confused at first and then LOVE the outcome, I nodded yes and Lou and Vice were more than eager to assist. Thanking us, Charlie took a big rip from the bong, picked up the poppers and rolled back on the bed spreading his legs and showing his hot hairy pucker and asked, “could I have a preview of later?” We each gave his hole some tongue action while we got our cocks all wet by blowing each other then I was first to sink my cock into his pulsing hole. “Oh fuck, I forgot how good skin feels. John, thanks for agreeing when my boy wanted you to corrupt him yesterday, you just made my life a whole lot better.” I smiled and pulled out, allowing Vice and Lou turns at giving him preview fucks for later. We helped him up, he pulled on his jock and shorts, telling us he’d see us just before the lights went out and muttering “hot damn, I got fucked by a big black cock…” as he went out the door and Lou rolled his eyes while Vice and I just laughed. Two more guys stopped to give their Christmas wishes to Santa quickly, and then it was time for the boys to go deliver to the rest of the town – promising to be back by 8:30 to get ready for the orgy and for Charlie’s plan. I took those couple of hours to call my hubby at his convention and see how it was going – that night was the entertainment night, though he admitted my night would likely be more entertaining. Telling each other “I love you”, I then texted Jimmy and let him know what was happening. He texted that he and his hubby were heading to the Mews for a romantic dinner and probably some vanilla sex later. I then put the Gregorian Chant back on and rested, getting a bit of a snooze in. -
versmetropig posted a blog entry in Blog versmetropig
Apologies for the delay, here's the fourth installment of probably the best party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was at a 4 day business convention in New Hampshire and was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown during those 4 days, joining me after his convention (for his much more vanilla style sex). After having spent Thursday with my buddy Jimmy who'd planned a whole weekend for me, including a hot orgy Thursday night, he had to turn me loose for Friday for a personal emergency, and at the same time, the local candyman Lou also had an emergency leaving his assistant "Vice" a straight but hot Portuguese local guy to spend the day pnping with me - and Kieran, a blond Boston frat boy type also staying at the Ranch guesthouse, and Karl a Houseboy on staff who was visiting from Germany. This amazing weekend took an entire notebook to cover (I've kept sex diaries since I was a teenager, and never before or since has ONE weekend taken up an entire book. So along with me, at the time a 43 year old jock muscle leather guy - white, blond, blue - we pick up the story on a very stormy Friday morning. ANOTHER REAL EXPERIENCE - P'TOWN PARTY WEEKEND PART 4 PART 4 – Foggy Friday Foursome “Welcome to our little party, Karl” I said, “get comfortable and get tweaked!” I was loading the bong with some more nice sized shards as Karl put down a small khaki knapsack. He then pulled his scoop neck T off, kicked off his sandals, and pushed down his baggy cargo shorts revealing that he was free-balling. Now displaying his nice vascular soccer type body, rings in his nips, PA in his currently soft short fat cock… he was smooth all over, mostly natural apparently, but shaved pubes as well, and absolutely incredible thighs and butt (turns out he had trained as a speed skater in high school). A seriously nice addition to our little gathering. From his rucksack he pulled out some lube, a cockring, nipple clamps and a small vial of something. “I have some GHB to contribute” the German kid began “if anyone wants some”. While still getting his hole pounded, Kieran looked up and said “I’d love a little actually…” then looking up at his top he gave puppy dog eyes to Vice and continued “I’d love it if you did some with me… with all of us, actually”. Karl looked pleased as he pulled a half dozen stacked little plastic dixie cups out as well, the same cups found at all the communal sinks in the guesthouse. I pulled Gatorade out of the cooler for him to mix with, then lit the torch and melted the new addition to the bong. Remembering all too vividly a night only a few weeks before when – either accidentally or deliberately, I never did find out – some regular fuck buds over G’d me and knocked me out – causing me to lose almost 2 hours of play and waking up puking my guts up, I was just a touch more cautious than in the past. Didn’t want that happening to me or them so I requested “Keep it moderate please.” “Gosh golly, Dad, you ruin all our fun,” Kieran snarked from over on the bed, with an adorable smirk, while Karl added .2 to each of four cups, topping them off with the radiator fluid colored sports drink. Both Karl and I groaned at the “Dad” comment, but while mine was a semi-comic reference to my age, Karl’s utterance was much more sexual and urgent. Quite the contrast. It stopped me short for a second and I looked at my playmates. “Dad, huh? Now you got me wondering… just how old ARE the three of you?” For some reason I was not ready for the answers: Kieran 24, Vice 21, Karl 20! “Holy fuck, boys I’m 43! I seriously COULD be your Daddy, all of you – though I’d have had to knock up a cheerleader at the Senior Prom to be responsible for you!” I joked pointing at Kieran, who replied “guess that makes you our Daddy for the day, J.” Karl nodded muttering, “umm-hmm”. Suddenly thrust from being a contemporary to “mentor, coach, father” status brought me up short for a moment. Though I’ve always played with a wide range of guys of all ages, teens through seniors, from when I was a teenager myself (and still today at 58), I tended more frequently to older than me, and to suddenly be part of a four-way where I was a generation older than the other three was a new situation even for me! The joking and prep of the G had put Vice and Kieran on pause and now everyone had gathered around the dresser for the G, some hydration and of course for some more clouds. Karl was rummaging around his knapsack for something, and then produced his wallet, which along with his passport and all, had a few photos in it and he flipped to one. “If you are curious why am I so anxious to play today, especially with our esteemed host, this is why.” (Gotta love Europeans who learn English from the stuffiest British tutors…) We looked at the photo, and Vice half-seriously asked “you’ve met before?” I looked closer at what appeared to be a family picture at a reunion or picnic or something. Several men and a couple of teenagers both boys and girls, all in swimwear in front of a lake. I could see where Vice got his observation from. Several of the men looked like they could have been MY brothers, two especially, directly behind what seemed to be a 16-ish year old Karl. “I’ll admit, there is a resemblance… Your family, Karl?” “Ya, look close at my father and uncle,” he pointed to those very two men… very similar build to mine, muscular chest and arms like mine, same hair color and style, same height in relation to Karl, okay, pretty similar. “Now you see why you have to fuck me!” Now, let’s be clear here for a moment, these guys and I weren’t doppelgangers or long-lost identical twins or anything, but we seriously looked alike enough to be mistaken for brothers or cousins. And with the tweak we all had on plus the type of scene we were in made the resemblance seem all the more remarkable and the sex to come a bit more twisted. Kieran asked the question we were all thinking: “So you want J to fuck you because it’s your fantasy, or because you miss getting this from them at home?” “Wait, WHAT?” was Vice’s stunned response (though his cock jumped a couple of times I noticed so he wasn’t TOO freaked out!). We looked at Karl and he just smiled and said “both, actually. My Uncle and I started both sex and the Tina when I was 16 and we always fantasized about getting my father, his brother, to pnp with us but that’s never happened. At least not yet. But you look enough like my father that it will feel almost like I’ve gotten my wish.” “Well, I’m glad I can help you with that ‘mein sohnchen’,” I growled pulling his beautiful ass and back to rub against my cock and chest. He gasped a little at my reply and I remember thinking that my College German classes had FINALLY been good for something. I dropped a few words and phrases that morning that a German father might say to his son. Well, a particularly horny piggy son… While Karl caught up cloud-wise, I made sure the rest of us hydrated, popped a few grapes, and discretely took a quarter of a Viagra as a “top up” and passed a half V to Vice, whispering to him “better safe than sorry… gotta keep hard for these hungry boyholes, right?” He grinned at me and murmured “grateful, J, I’d hate to disappoint these welcoming hawt bros.” Some more clouds for all, a new DVD in my laptop, and breaktime was over. Karl said to Kieran and Vice “I think you need to finish something I interrupted; do not worry I service our Daddy for the day.” “Just hold that thought for one minute while I jump out and piss quick – why not check out my toys while you wait Karl? Be back in just a moment.” The boys returned to the fuck position they had been in on the bed, as I slipped out the door. I was starting to chub up and really needed to drain my hose before another round. I was done in a flash, and snuck back to the room, finding Karl crouched down rummaging around the dildos and such. Thinking ‘in for a penny, in for a pound’ I figured I’d give him the whole nine yards: “Karl...” I growled low, “was ist los? Dildo? Kommen sie heir bitte!” Karl looked a bit ‘bunny in the headlights’ at being commanded in his native language, so I doubled down. “Schnell, Karl, kommen! So you like “Mannwurst”, ja? Kusse dein Vater Mannwurst!” I pointed to the floor in front of me while Karl dropped to his knees and started a damn respectable oral servicing of my cock and balls, reaching up to manhandle my nips somehow knowing (maybe by just looking at my extended nips) that I really liked them worked and worked hard. I returned the favor as he did his mouth magic, bringing me back to full hardness. He looked up from my now throbbing and dripping tool with eyes that begged me without words. I’d reached the limit of the German I knew that would suit this situation (and ‘MannWurst’ I totally improvised on the spot), but it seemed to have enough effect on Karl to have locked him into the fantasy, so I felt safe switching to English. Which was good, since I couldn’t remember any more! “Yeah boy, you want that somewhere else boy? You wanna get fucked by this daddy cock?” He nodded and moaned. “Then on your back on the bed son – show me that pretty hole begging for pappa’s schlong.” He almost threw himself onto his back next to Kieran ass on the edge of the bed, and up went those huge thighs exposing his sweet pucker. I dropped to my haunches and did a quick rim job - I’d spend more time later, but obviously this kid NEEDED to be fucked! As I attacked with my tongue, I grabbed some lube spreading some on my cock and leaving enough on two of my fingers to add to his hole. Standing, I worked my fingers into him, then spread them for some stretching while making sure he had lube inside, at the tight entrance and a bit around the rim – since he was shaved and my pubes were trimmed but not shaved, I didn’t want to give him rug burn! Popping his legs onto my shoulders, I brought my hips right to the edge and rubbed my tip on his hole. Locking eyes with him, I slowly sank my tip steadily into him, followed slowly but without pausing with the rest of my shaft until my balls rested against his taint. Watching his eyes widen without breaking our connection and hearing his soft “ooh, yah” brought a pleased smirk to my mouth as I stared into his tweaked and happy soul. Damn, chemsex is so incredible. I started him with a slow circular grind, then leaned down and frenched him as I gave him a slow stirring fuck. Breaking the kiss for a moment, I asked him “Is that what you wanted? Your Pappa’s cock boy?” He moaned, nodding his head as I kissed him again, then whispered in his ear “damn that’s good, but I think what you want is a real pounding.” Straightening up, I picked up the pace to a real ball slapping ass pummeling rabbit fuck. He smiled and grunted “fuck yah, harder, pound me!” This kid could take a punishing fuck and come out laughing and smiling (I wish I could take a pounding fuck that well and that enjoyably all the time, frankly…). Karl was my kind of pig! I kept up the blistering attack for almost 10 minutes while Vice slowed his fucking tempo of Kieran to watch, slack jawed. Giving Karl another kiss, I straightened up and slowed down significantly, leaning backwards from the waist a bit to stretch out my back muscles and take some deep breaths and let my heart rate slow down 50 or 60 less beats a minute or so, continuing a slow deep screw. “Damn J-man, you throw a wickie mean fuck!” Vice drawled as Kieran chuckled “totally… damn, not bad for an old man…” Breathing like an old fireplace bellows, I replied “You are so going to pay for that later kid” laughing and winking at him so he knew I was just going along with his banter. Kieran took that moment to change positions, getting on all fours over Karl so they could 69, while Vice fucked Kieran from a kneeling position on the bed. This left me and Vice with our hands and faces free, and as we fucked our respective partners I was surprised to find Vice working my nips - and doing a good job – again, so I returned the favor careful to find the right amount of pressure and intensity for someone I was sure was a newbie. As our four person fuck continued, I was able to reach the poppers giving us both two major hits and then doing a major snog with the str8 boy… and he smiled the whole time. Finally, I needed a breather, and frankly I needed to check the time. We all disengaged, everyone remarking how hot that had just been. It was time for me to check in with my hubby so while they hydrated and stepped out to piss then snacked a bit I stepped over to the window and called my husband’s Convention Hotel Room in New Hampshire. He told me how the first day went, then asked how many people were in my room… ah, he knows me so well! Telling him 3 (and that they were all even more his type than mine), he laughed heartily, reminded me to get SOME sleep and remember to eat… signing off with “see you Sunday” and “love you”, I turned to see the three guys watching, Kieran and Karl smiling and Vice shaking his head “He’s cool with all of this?” I nodded. “That’s just wickie unfair…” he concluded, shaking his head in mock resignation. We got back at it. Vice got a third manhole to try out, he was obviously enjoying the comparison. Kieran, before heading back to his room at 9:30, spent a little time topping me and a bit longer on Karl, then with a “see you later, cool meeting you Vice!” grabbed his stuff and headed out. The remaining three of us kicked back on the bed and blew clouds and watched some more DVD porn. Karl mentioned booty bumps, and Vice gave us each one and then insisted Karl and I demonstrate how one of my double-headed dildos worked. He chose the thicker of the 18-inchers which Karl got super lubed while Vice brought the bong over to us for a few more clouds. On our backs with our heads in opposite directions, the toy was first inserted into Karl’s well-fucked ass and then the other head to my play-loosened hole. “Now what?” Vice asked. “Ever play ‘Crab Soccer’ in Gym Class?” I replied. He sputtered and laughed while Karl and I crab-walked our way toward each other until our holes were kissing, with my right leg over his left and his right leg over my left. We both moaned and Vice was fascinated. We pushed back and forth a bit, then pulled away leaving a few inches of the toy exposed between us. “You want to take control of that?” Vice nodded while Karl huffed some poppers as I did a bit of Max Impact. The Str8 boy grabbed with his fist and pumped it side to side, then started twisting a bit, and finally began shaking his whole forearm, causing us to moan as it vibrated inside us. After a few minutes, Karl grabbed my hands and pulled us closer again, and indicated we should sit up. Our cocks came together between us and though some of the dildo was obviously no longer in either of us in this position, we were still filled nicely. Karl asked Vice to bring the bong and torch and feed us a hit a few hits, then stand on the bed straddling us. He took a few puffs, passed the bong back and forth between the houseboy and me, and as we held our last hits, he set the glassware down and stepped up and straddled us. Grabbing each other, Karl and I pinned him, Karl taking Vice’s cock in his mouth before exhaling his cloud all over it then beginning to suck, while I split Vice’s cheeks with one hand, inserting my tongue in his hole and releasing my cloud into and around his sweet opening. Bucking back and forth, I rimmed, Karl sucked, Vice moaned as his two companions serviced him and fucked each other slowly. Finally, our German fuckboy, let out a major grunt and blew a load over our stomachs and Vice’s lower legs. Around 11am we decided we needed some break time, and Karl was due for some house duties shortly. We had a couple of yogurts each, along with fruit, some Gatorade and a protein bar each. As we decompressed, Karl found out that Vice sort of assisted Lou, whom Karl knew professionally as it were, and that Lou was coming to my room around 4pm to see if anyone in the guesthouse might need his services. Karl said coming in as my guest was a good idea, and with the severe rainstorm most guests would likely stay in the guesthouse tonight and this would likely turnout to be one of the guesthouse’s infrequent but legendary all-house orgies. I’d been in one a few years prior, and it was very hot. Karl said he’d subtly let the “cooler” guests know to stop by my room late afternoon if they wanted anything ‘special’ for the evening’s festivities. We’d been hearing lots of stirring and movement about the house for over an hour, and there were going to be lots of guys out and about, pissing, showering and the like, and although Vice and I both wanted to shower, Karl could see Vice’s reluctance, so gathering up the toys we needed to clean he told us to follow him. Both of us in shorts only and carrying towels and guest toothbrushes - and Vice with his cap on and pulled low - Karl led us to the back stairs and down to the basement level where the houseboys lived, and laundry was done. While he cleaned the toys, he indicated the small communal showers down there that were intended for the houseboys and included sure-shots. After brushing our teeth, we both utilized the sure-shots. Fortunately, each of the commodes was enclosed, so Vice, and for that matter, me, could get squeaky clean without having to release in front of each other. We then went back to the showers where Karl joined us, as we got the morning’s sweat, lube and funk sluiced off, and Karl gave us each a quick couple of sucks. We dried and with our shorts back on, some new towels, and my cleaned toys in a bucket, we headed to the back stairs and started up. As we started our climb, we heard a voice whine “jeez, Karl, you could have at least SHARED them…”. Vice and I could only chuckle as we got back to my room. Somewhat fed and cleaned up, we opted for some down time (after all this was still only FRIDAY morning, with lots more to come we had to pace) so I put a DVD with some bi content in it on play silently, while playing some mellow meditation type music on my portable CD. Taking some melatonin and a bit of G each, we laid on the bed diagonally his pillowed head in one corner, mine on a pillow in the diagonally opposite corner with the porn on the dresser where we both could see without too much trouble. Settling in with our lower legs crossed somewhat, Vice pretty quickly closed his eyes while I spent a couple of minutes jotting a few notes in my sex diary then calling my voice mail at my office just to make sure nothing was blowing up while I was on vacation. I saw a text from Jimmy and responded that Vice was spending the day with me in my room… which resulted in some poorly spelled and obviously flabbergasted responses from poor Jimmy! Getting the necessary small chores out of the way and chuckling to myself about this str8 boy in my bed having an adventure, I too closed my eyes and slipped into a light doze. FRIDAY AFTERNOON FREAK AND FROLIC I was in that muzzy fugue state that comes with the not-quite-sleeping we experience during party breaks, so it took me a few seconds to add up all the sensations I was suddenly feeling. Hearing was first, a very familiar bubbling sound over the still playing meditation music. Then scent, as what must have been an extensive cloud wafted past my mouth and nose, with an undercurrent of fresh washed male, a hint of lube and the bottom note of the old knotty pine paneling on the guest house wall. Then touch, a soft rubbing from my nips to hardening cock and back, and a warm insistent burrowing to my now relaxed and well-stretched manhole… which was a bit strange since the water pipe was continuing to bubble. Realizing I had to open my eyes, I did so slowly and took in a remarkable and truly sexy sight. My until-now-limited-to-straight-sex-only companion was mostly upright against the pillows in his bed corner, fully naked, legs spread, one foot wandering my torso, tool and testicles, the other foot burrowing between my legs and continuing a gentle invasion of my hole. His plumped, half-staff sausage fell over one thigh exposing his hairy pucker temptingly… running my gaze up his tanned torso, over the slight belly that was actually sexy, to his well-sculpted pecs and bowling ball shoulders, his oversized biceps showing exceptional vascularity, he had no idea how hot he really was. He wore a smirk as he worked the torch and sucked more vapor from the swirling bowl. “Damn, now that’s nice to wake up to,” I drawled. Vice smiled ruefully and handed me the pipe, “you know, J, my girlfriend has never given me props like that, and you actually mean that, don’t you?” “Your lady obviously has some extensive vision problems my man, ‘cause you are seriously easy on the eyes.” He smiled wider and started with the foot work again. Now I will say truthfully that I do NOT have a foot fetish, those involve fantasy and serious concentration on specific body parts. That said, having spent so much time with man after man’s legs on my shoulders, you notice feet when they are just inches from either side of your face and I’ve learned to appreciate good examples of the male foot… and these, though tragically NOT on my shoulders, were exceptional examples. Long, lean, smooth soled with matching long lean well-proportioned toes – and well taken care of for a straight boy, nails trimmed and everything (thank god, as he’d been toe-fucking me, long sharp nails would have sucked…). So I did what I frequently do while fucking someone with hot feet, I took one in my mouth and started to suck on a big toe, blowing my cloud out around his foot. “oh, oh, oh fuck that’s wickie hawt J-man… damn but you’re givin’ me an education this weekend, woah.” I switched to his smaller toes with my tongue, as Vice continued, “damn man, you are a serious freak, except you’re not, you do wild rides like munching butt, and manhandling nips and sucking toes – shit chicks NEVER do, I mean mine would think it’s disgusting, and you turn it totally normal, and they feel so fine.” I stopped my oral attentions and shifted over to drop more crystals in the bowl. “Thank you, I appreciate that. Sex just isn’t freaky or weird to me, so long as all parties are enjoying it and it feels good, I say do it. Gotta admit, if your ass or feet were dirty, I wouldn’t do it – sweat doesn’t count by the way – but I like all the skin and all the parts of a hot male body, so when not experience it with as many senses as I can.” He nodded, seeming to really consider that. “I have to admit, man, that I’m totally impressed by YOU. I mean, a lot of straight guys would not be dealing well with all this, let alone enjoying it as you seem to be. I was a bit afraid I’d wake up and you’d be all pissed or something when you had time to think.” He actually laughed. “A week ago I would never have pictured the things I’ve done in the past day. I thought Lou was losing it when he talked me into heading over to Jimmy’s to play with you guys. And I am a bit ticked that he just abandoned me this morning. But I been lookin’ at it this way. This is a weekend for me to go totally wild and do things I’ve never done and might never do again, so why not enjoy it? The things you guys do to me and let me do to you feel awesome. Way better than the sex that bitch ever lets us have… I’m not even sure she actually LIKES sex, but damn YOU and your buds sure do!” He paused as I shot-gunned a big cloud to him, then let our tongues dance a little before I withdrew. “AND,” he said with great emphasis, “And, you guys make me feel like I’M actually hot, that I look good and people get off on my looks too, not just on the girl I’m with. So hell yeah, I’m going to enjoy every minute of this sex marathon weekend that’s more about what I want for a change.” Amazing, simply amazing, whether he ever hooked with guys again (and I thought he would even if he remained mostly on the hetero side) he was letting himself revel in being as much desired as desiring. Passing him the glass cock as I exhaled a smaller hit, I said “Good for you dude, enjoy it. But that never being told how fine you are, now that’s tragic, because you are a damn hot man. There’s no part of you that I don’t want to touch, lick, get penetrated by or well… damn, if you WEREN’T straight, I’d be all up in that hot hole right now giving back all the pleasure you banged into me.” Blowing his own cloud, he almost looked apologetic “yeah, just not sure that’ll happen, but if you want to get your hot mouth back there again, that’d be wickie cool. Let me take a few more hits so I can return the favor. In fact…” he leaned over to the supplies and picked up the two prepared booty bumps that we hadn’t used when Karl and I did two earlier, he handed me one and keeping the other. Catching the mood, I ditched the new age music, and turned the sound back up a bit on the porn, putting in one of my favorite vids that featured lots of rimming. Sucking down some Gatorade, we shot the bumps into our asses, and each took more pipe hits while the bumps got absorbed. “Holy shit,” Vice whispered as the bumps took us. I laid flat on the bed, propping two pillows under my neck and indicated to Vice to sit on my face. That hot hairy muscle butt came down, and sticking my tongue in his hole, blew my last cloud into and around it. He settled in, moaning, while I feasted. He really was tasty and obviously enjoyed it SO much. After a few more clouds of his own and a huff of poppers, he pushed two more pillows under my butt while hauling my legs back and dove into a fervent anal 69. We went at it like two starving men for almost a solid half hour, with just a few gasped breaths here and there. The pleasure factor was extreme for both of us and we rode the wave of feeling. Both needing to stretch our necks, brought cocks and balls into reach, and as I started sucking his piece, playing with the foreskin with my tongue, I was pleasantly surprised to feel him kissing, licking and tonguing my equipment a bit too. Inexpertly, yes, but honestly wanting to give pleasure back. We broke for breath almost telepathically and he asked if I was ready to have something bigger than his tongue inside me again. Of course I nodded yes, while wishing that he’d reciprocate on that too, but who knows maybe eventually. In the meantime, there was that nice sized uncut tool that needed a home. I was very pleased that he chose me on my back with my legs over his shoulders. Sliding some lube on, he sloooowwwwllllyyyy slipped back inside me. Wow. The kid had promise, lots of promise! The first round was a slow sensuous screw with him kissing me intensely and each of us working, squeezing, pinching the other’s nips. It was so slow and passionate it was almost bordered on romantic, except we kept chuckling and blowing some clouds too. Breaking after a good long fuck, we spent the next hour playing with toys, no ass penetration toys for him, but vibrators, cock pumps and what turned out to be his favorite, nipple suction cups. I have a full set of cylinders that have a screw attachment at the top that produce suction… they increase in diameter step by step from ¾ of an inch wide to 3 inches. We got his nips sucked up to over an inch and turned the screws until they drew them out off his chest by about the same amount, then he used the widest ones on me, astonished to see my already large nips get even bigger and sucked out a good two inches. Our cocks which had softened some while we worked the mechanics of the toys started to plump again, and I asked if I could try something. Nodding yes absently as he batted his hands at both his cups and mine, I stepped a bit closer, grabbed his cock and inserted my own into his foreskin, “docking” my circumcised tool into his natural one. It felt awesome rubbing our cockheads against each others while our cupped chests bounced off each other and drew moans from both of us. That’s where we were when Lou called Vice’s phone to let him know he was less than 10 minutes away and could we come down and let him in and bring him to my room. Vice shrugged and tried to remove his suction cups – I showed him how, and he gasped as I did. We quickly popped on some shorts and sneakers with me in a vest and Vice in one of my wifebeaters. Leaving the room, we paused to take a piss then headed downstairs to where Lou was already waiting on the porch. -
Continued from: On the Thursday I got a text from Paul to ask if he could see me for an hour. We met on Rhyl promenade and he took me back to his house. He explained that I should be shaved for tomorrow night as some guys liked that. He also said they would probably be filming me and asked if I minded. I actually loved the thought of this being filmed so I told him I'd love it. He asked if I minded it being passed around to other guys after, and I said no -- the thought of guys wanking off as they watched me get used was a massive turn on! Within about 15 minutes he had shaved my pubes and used a cream to get rid of any hairs around my cock, balls and ass. He said I now looked young and hot! I asked how many men and he said he didn't know. Lots said they would come but never show on the night. He also gave me something to wear -- a tiny pair of shorts. I tried them on and they were so slutty, whore! Silky, skin tight, ridiculously short. He said I had to wear them tomorrow and that I should come out the hotel in them -- he allowed me a pair of sandals too! I took them off and stood naked in front of him. He said oh fuck and turned me round and threw me on the sofa. He was about to fuck me but stopped and said I should rest my ass for tomorrow. I turned around and gave him a loving blowjob, this time I really tasted the spunk as he came in my mouth. He then told me to give myself an enema at the hotel On the Friday morning before he picked me up. This was no problem as I had en-suite in my room. I said I could do that. I got dressed put the shorts in my pocket and he dropped me off at the hotel. It was Friday 11pm. My parents had gone to bed and I was sat in my room waiting. Paul texted me and said he'd be there in 15 minutes. I put the shorts on and crept out. As I left the hotel 2 guests came in. God what did they think. A boy dressed in a tiny pair of shorts, leaving the hotel at this time of night. !! A boy they'd seen all holiday with his parents! Oh well -- no turning back now. Paul flashed his car lights and I got in. He smiled approvingly and squeezed my cock. OK- lets get going. I soon realised we weren't going to Paul's house and looked at him. He explained his house was too small -- we had to go to a friend's house instead -- he said his name was Aubrey. I knew him -- he was the manager of the theatre there. A guy in his 50's, swept back hair -- looked a bit of a dirty old man. I asked again how many guys?? Paul smiled and said you'll see!! We arrived at Aubrey's house a large detached old house about 20 minutes outside Rhyl. Immediately I noticed how many cars were parked on his large driveway. At least 10 cars I counted as Paul and I walked to the door. Aubrey let us in and said I looked better in the flesh than on video! So they'd been showing me off then! We went inside and Aubrey took us to a doorway at the back of the house. It opened and I stood in shock!!!! The room was huge -- as big as 4 normal sized living rooms, but it was still a tight fit. Looking back at me were what must have been 50 men! Fucking hell !!!! I thought 10 -- 12 maybe -- I could handle that -- but Christ!!! Oh god -- I couldn't take on 50 in one night. I said to Paul there must be 50 men here!!!! He said 53 actually -- might be some more later too. I asked him who these guys were and he told me friends of friends, and Aubrey had an awful lot of contacts. He was an Entertainment Agent and knew loads of showbiz guys. He also handled male strippers, and there were 4 of them here. I looked around the room and felt like a rabbit surrounded by hungry wolves. Every guy was looking at me -- almost drooling! I looked on a wall and a huge TV screen was showing some very nasty porn -- young men being abused by older guys, again all homemade stuff. A small stage was in the top half of the room, and there was a bench like device on it and a sort of hammock held by metal chains. Paul pulled me close and said I might not see much of you tonight, but I want you to perform for me. I want you to please me. Aubrey came over with a can of cider and 6 blue tablets. He told me to swallow them with the cider. I asked what they were and he said swallow and I'll tell you. I did what I was told and he told me they were Viagra. It would make sure I stayed horny through the night. My cock was already hard against my tummy and I didn't think I needed them. He also said there was something in the cider to relax me -- someone said it was probably "k" -- but I didn't know what that meant -- Paul told me it would make it easier to take the cocks, so that seemed fine. Aubrey pulled me to him and we kissed deeply. His hands were all over me and Paul started pulling down my shorts. I was then naked in front of 53 men. A 18 year old boy, looking innocent, completely at their mercy. Aubrey broke loose and called for the strippers. 4 men came over, 2 black, 2 white. Each one built like rugby players. They clearly worked hard on their bodies. They were all over 6ft tall, with arms thicker than my legs, and thighs thicker than my body. They were all around 25-30 and fucking gorgeous! They wore posing pouches that barely hid the cocks inside. Aubrey explained that I would take on all 4 guys as the start of the evening's entertainment My cock had gone so ridiculously hard, and the Viagra hadn't even kicked in yet. Paul lit a joint and passed it to me. I took 3 long draws and gave myself to these 4 men. I was led to the stage. I was pushed to my knees and surrounded by the 4 men. They pulled away their pouches and revealed 4 monster cocks. I mean huge! I doubt one of them was less than 10 inches, and one black guy was known as "footlong". I could see why! I started my evening's work. I took turns sucking and wanking them, struggling to get my mouth and hand around them. Aubrey announced to everyone that I was a Virgin (LIAR!) and that I was there to please everyone in every way possible. The crowd of men really looked ready to eat me. The testosterone was almost visible! Meanwhile, I was on my knees, trying desperately to entertain 4 huge male strippers. My cock was harder than it had ever been -- almost painful -- and I was on the verge of cumming without even touching it. Aubrey seemed to know this and I was helped onto the swinging hammock. As I was laid into it he produced a sort of leather strap that was tied around my cock and balls and then clipped shut. I looked at him and he said with a dirty evil grin "That's to stop you cumming". The hammock was swinging and the two white guys stood at each end. I gripped the chains by my hands and leant my head back. This was gonna be like my first dp. As I leaned back the white guy's cock came into view. It was as big as "30" from my previous party. The guy at the other end was ramming 2 fingers inside my boy cunt. I felt no pain. The drugs had seen to that. I just felt immense pleasure as he finger fucked me. The guy at my mouth was swinging the hammock and making me take more and more of his cock with each swing. He kept some of it in my mouth each time so it didn't pop out. He was REALLY hard and it would have sprung up to his belly otherwise. I think there was a lot of drugs around that night. The guy frigging my bum had now got 3 fingers in my and was thrashing them in and out at manic speed. I knew I wanted to cum but I physically couldn't -- all I did was feel more and more horny. The Viagra and weed had really kicked in by now and I felt so seriously sexy that I wanted to take every one of those guys on and let them do whatever filthy perverted kinky act they wanted on me. Finally the finger fucker pulled them out, and literally threw 10 inches of thick hard white cock inside my body. I hardly made a noise, just a very satisfied groan. For 10 minutes I was swung back and forth between 20 inches of cock in a dreamlike blissful state. They were obviously trying to make me suffer but I was in heaven. I'd instinctively mastered deep throating and my bum really did seem to naturally accept cock Eventually the two guys couldn't hold back any longer and two cocks spurted two massive loads of cum inside my body. I swallowed the mouthful easily and my ass seemed to suck up the huge dump of cum that spewed inside it. They looked disappointed as they stepped down, but the 2 black guys who replaced them were serious cocks. Footlong was at my ass and his mate who wasn't far behind was at my face. No preparation for these guys, they just thrust their weapons into my 2 hungry gaping holes. Again I took the cock in my ass easily -- I really don't know how I could have done this, except for all the training I did was I was younger, and the drugs helped. The guy at my mouth though had other ideas. My wrists and ankles had been handcuffed to the chains so I was just a helpless body unable to move or escape. This guy then started slowwwwwly pushing his cock down my throat. So slow that I couldn't take my breaths. I was panicking, but he just kept pushing it deeper. Then he was buried fully in my throat. His pubes against my face. He held it there, I wanted to get up and escape but I had no chance. I could hear the guys cheering as they watched this monster cock buried deep in my throat, while footlong fucked me like an animal. Eventually the guy in my throat withdrew and I gasped, my face getting covered in thick white goo from my throat. This was repeated several times, almost choking me, but withdrawing just in time. Footlong was screaming at me telling me I should be crying in pain with his cock, and I just looked up to him and smiled and said, "deeper, harder big boy".. He said "you'll regret that"!!!, and he started pummelling my ass and slapping my belly and nipples. Eventually he couldn't hold back and what felt like a gallon of black man cum shot inside my ass. The other guy obviously wanted my ass to, so he replaced him and fucked me for 5 minutes till he came too. I was swinging in this hammock, grinning blissfully, cum dripping from my bum and my face covered in white goo. But the evening hadn't even started yet! I think my performance had warmed the crowd up perfectly. A camera aimed at the stage was displaying everything on the huge screen on the side wall. My poor cock was straining to cum, but the leather band stopped it. Another spliff was produced and I inhaled deeply, sucking in the sweet taste and feeling it hit my head almost immediately. Someone threw two more Viagra down my throat and 3 E's. God they were getting me seriously fucked up. I was taken down from the hammock and strapped onto the bench. This was designed to make the "victim" have his bum pushed high into the air at the perfect level for a guy to fuck him. Aubrey said I would be strapped down on it for 2 hours minimum and be fucked by as many men as possible during that time. As the handcuffs were attached and the metal bat that spread my legs was fitted, I found myself almost spread-eagled on a leather bench, my cock rubbing against the rough leather and my bum stuck high in the air. Me first I think said Aubrey and he drove his cock inside me. All the time as he fucked me my cock rubbed against the leather, stimulating it, and teasing it. I really needed to cum but still couldn't. The e's took effect and I genuinely felt I loved everyone one of those men in the room, even though all I was to them was some pretty little boy to abuse. Aubrey fucked me well enough for an old man and came inside me. I could hear conversations between the guys about whether they'd go bareback or use a condom, most said bareback. A bowl had been placed below my bum to catch the cum that was oozing out of my bum. After Aubrey I lost track of who fucked me. I didn't know them anyway. Didn't know their names, and never would.!! They were just cocks to fuck me and I loved it. As I lay there, strapped down for 2 hours, I knew this was what I wanted- I loved being used like this. Cock after cock came in me -- each one I fell in love with -- I genuinely loved every man who came in me. I was having "mind cums"-cumdump where I felt I was cumming, even though I really wasn't. The bowl was getting fuller, as the guys replaced each other. Hardly anyone spoke. Maybe they felt guilty about using a boy like this, maybe they wanted to concentrate -- I don't know. I just know that after 2 hours I had managed to take 40 cocks. There will still more who needed me, so Aubrey asked if I would mind staying there for the rest. There were actually another 15 guys who needed me. Of the 53 guys originally, I'd taken the 4 strippers, and 40 on the bench, and 6 more guys had shown up during my show. About an hour later all 59 men there had fucked me -- the white stripper who had cum in my mouth originally finished the show. 59 men!! Some had used condoms but only a few -- maybe 6 -- and anyway they had emptied their loads into the bowl, which now was looking very full. I collapsed on the bench, but found myself being untied. I squatted overt the bowl and shatted out the rest of the cum. A few streaks of red were in it, but that was understandable, my arse had been fucked constantly for almost 4 hours now, so some blood was expected. Two guys dragged me to the front of the stage and stuck a funnel in my mouth. The bowl was lifted and the contents poured down into the funnel. I tilted my head back and swallowed the thick white spunk. The audience cheered as I swallowed the last drop. Aubrey said I could have half an hour break. Some guys left at this point and I found Paul and snuggled up to him. He unlocked the leather grip on my cock and balls, caressed my cock gently. I had scraped it quite badly against the leather and Paul said that will hurt in the morning. I kissed him and said a lot of me will hurt in the morning. We smoked a spliff together, and he gave me another laced drink. He looked at me and said -- you realise it will get pretty kinky now? I thought 59 men gang banging a boy was kinky, but he looked VERY serious. Before he could say more Aubrey grabbed me and dragged me back on stage where a paddling pool had appeared. I knew what this meant -- mass golden showers. Sure enough I was surrounded by guys and pissed on. As I opened my mouth to swallow. Aubrey said "where the fuck is the leather grip?" He sounded furious. He knew I would be able to cum and he really wasn't going to let that happen. Paul gave it to him and Aubrey told the guys to stop pissing as he re-applied the thing to me. Aubrey looked furious at me. "You fucking faggot bitch -- thought you could get away with that did you?" and he slapped me hard across the face. There were a few cries of "Yeahhhh" as they clearly enjoyed him slap me. So he slapped me again, and again. "get him back on the bench" said Aubrey. I was lifted up and tied down again, this time face up, my arms pulled back behind me. Aubrey appeared with what I discovered was a riding crop. He threw another to Paul and another to Uncle Joey, and one more to some guy -- turns out he was a headmaster Aubrey spoke "Paul, Joey -- take his chest and belly- We'll look after his cock and balls" Oh my god -- they were going to whip me with riding crops! That's why Paul had filled me full of drugs -- to help me! Oh thank you Paul -- I looked lovingly up at him as he brought his crop down hard on my belly. Joey did the same on my right nipple. Paul looked magnificent -- stark naked, his cock hard in his left hand and a whip in his right, wanking as he whipped me. Aubrey and his friend brought their weapons down on my cock and balls. I screamed and screamed. I looked up at Paul. He was whipping me hard too now. All 4 of them whipped me for 5 minutes until by body was red. I was then flipped over and tied down again. This time the 4 of them whipped my bum. Aubrey came around to my face and spat in my mouth -- he looked really evil. You probably won't ever get out of here" he said -- and I believed him!!
I was 18 years old, blond nice body and my second friend and I knew each other just for about two days. I had met him in a gay bar. In this gay bar there were older guys only, apart from one, a mid 20's guy. I sat in a corner alone. Suddenly guy who's name was Rich came over and asked me if I wanted to chat with him. He was crisp, looked quite good but a bit rude. Nevertheless we chit chatted until late that night. Rich made looked me in my eyes all evening and was flirting heavily with me what others in the bar had also noticed. The barman said that I would probably not find someone hotter that evening. I really wasn’t up for having sex at all. Actually I was only looking for a real boyfriend. My first time wasn’t long time ago and I did not want to rush into something too fast. I had had many coffees so that I had to go to the bathroom quite. leaving Rich alone while I was in the restroom. When I returned from the restroom he said "You go back to sleep with me tonight," and I just said "if you say so." I was a little confused about myself. He said "I live around the corner. I also have a guest room and a couch. You don’t need to have any fears." We went out from the pub into a small nightclub around the corner. He ordered two vodkas for us. I did not even like vodka but drank it reluctantly. Again and again he ordered additional vodkas for us and I was really drunk in short time and ran to the bathroom every ten minutes or less. Eventually, he followed me without realizing it. I was pissing within a cubicle when I felt like someone turned a penny to unlock the door and entered. I totally startled and looked behind me. It was Rich. He grabbed me in the waistband of my pants and squeezed my ass. I was a bit shocked but also felling really horny and too drunk that I was not defending myself. I noticed that he had a boner and rubbed it against my pants. He turned me around abruptly and kissed me deeply and intimately. "Well, now we both go to my house, you can hardly walk and then have a sleep." I had a bad feeling about this. But the kiss was so hot and I was really horny at the moment. So I followed him out of the club without any comment and ran behind him like a dog. When we arrived at his apartment I felt so bad that I had to lie down. Rich sat down next to me and started kissing me intensely and showed all his tongue deep into my throat. It made me even hornier as I already was. It was not long before he took out his stiff cock and held it directly in front of my mouth. Instinctively, I took it into my mouth and gave him a blowjob that made his cock even harder. "I want to sleep with you now," he said. I was also so horny that I really wanted to sleep with him this night. He went to the bathroom and came back with condoms and this one time we slept with each other safe. It was bombastic to feel his huge cock inside me. The next morning when I left, we exchanged numbers and I drove home for school. Just before arriving at home, my cell phone rang. It was Rich "I could not wait. I think you're so sweet and I want to see you again tonight." I didn’t know what to say. I was flattered. So we arranged to meet that evening. Since I had not shaved my ass and I had heard, that guys love a shaved smooth ass I shaved my ass for Rich. In the evening I went to him and he greeted me at his door with hot kisses. Arm in arm we went into the living room and fell onto the couch. Immediately he had his hands in my pants and my cock had reached a considerable size. He noticed that I had shaved my ass crack when he fingered my ass but all of a sudden he stopped fingering me. Rich gave me a glass of champagne and a glass of vodka and we drank. How much, I do not know anymore. We cuddled, kissed, and drank a lot more and I really got drunk. Then he got up and put on a porn dvd. It wasn’t really my taste: young slim guys my age being fucked by old guys. Rich asked me: "hey does it turn you on?" Me: "I do not know. Probably not. Don’t you have something else?"He:". No, but we can rent one for your tastes, "He jumped up, grabbed me by my arm almost roughly and dragged me to the door. I could just get my jacket and on we were on the stairs. We walked about 5 minutes and came to a gay video store. We went inside. Actually, I did not want to borrow a porn. I just wanted to spend another evening with Rich. He was immediately welcomed by the friendly staff. He probably had borrowed porn there before. We looked at the films, but honestly there was nothing really for me. Eventually, he said: "I have a better idea. We look inside the cabins for a better porn film. They have cabins here. It’s probably quite nice." I did not even know what he meant. We walked through a door into a dark hallway with different doors and he pushed me into a cabin and started a movie. He pulled out a bottle of vodka out of his jacket pocket and offered it to me. Since I was already quite drunk, I continued to drink. The film in the cabin was very similar to the one at his home. Older guys fucking young boys, nevertheless, my cock was stiff. The situation in the cabin turned me really on. Rich had already taken out his long cock and jerked himself stiff. He held it in front of my mouth and I blew him. Just like the night before. Rich moaned and groaned louder and louder. I noticed that his cock twitched and that he would probably come soon. He pushed my head down on his cock and commanded with a rude tone: "Today I want you to swallow my cum, bitch. Yesterday was cuddling and today I take you hard and rough. "I wanted to defend myself and did not want to swallow but his dominating tone turned on even more. He simply thrust his cock into my mouth and pushed me down on his tail. I reflexively swallowed all his cum. The taste was really good. "Well, did taste well?" He asked immediately. I replied: "Yes, it was not bad at all." We watched the porn again. His cock was soft again and mine stood like a rock. I jerked mine and watched the porn with interest. In between he handed me the bottle of vodka and asked me to drink more. Something was wrong though. I was slightly high and suddenly I felt really horny. He held me a small bottle under my nose and my cock almost exploded. I was totally horny immediately and I reached for the bottle again. He said: "I have something much hotter here for you. You'll like it. But, I want to fuck you here! ". I was already more than horny and I offered him my ass. He licked my asshole and fingered me. Suddenly he slipped something into my ass. Something like a suppository but I didn’t know really. I felt hot and cold at the same time and I was too horny. I groaned out loud, every time when he stuck his finger in my asshole. "I fuck you now, and this time I’ll cum in your ass" "No, I cried. I will not." He commanded."Sure, you’ll want it. I want you to be fucked by me naked and not only by me." I did not know what happened to me. He held the little bottle back under the nose and rammed his bare cock deep in my tight hole his balls slapped against my ass. I groaned and tried to push him out and still let it happen to me. He fucked me very long and hard and in between he held the bottle under the nose. I almost exploded. I could hardly keep still. "I now inject into you, he moaned," and already I felt his warm cum squirting in my bowel. I could not believe it, that I could be fucked in a porno cinema from an almost unknown. I still moaned with lust and wriggling my ass towards him. I wanted him to fuck me again and in short he blew his cock again. But he was no longer stiff. He said: "You want to be fucked again," I replied, "Yes, fuck me again. It was so cool." Again, he held the bottle under my nose and said: "Now look to the right. There's a hole." Only now I noticed that there has already tail looking through the hole. Had someone watched us for the whole time me being fucked? "I want that you are fucked now - from everyone here" He pushed me towards the cock. "No, I do not want." But I was really turned on by his dominant commands. And again he gave me the little bottle and pushed me against the wall "I want that you to be fucked from everyone here. You need com in your asshole from everyone. "He fingered my ass and blew my cock until I almost had to come. Then he pushed me to the wall. The cock had touched my ass and he told me: "I can tie you up and leave. Here is a room with a sling." I did not know what he meant. It just sounded dangerous. I wanted to be fucked in this moment only. I was so horny for a cock and let him push me on to the other cock. My already open hole could easily be penetrated. "He will just fuck you and cum in your cunt" Rich fired at me. I was in a trance of the booze and the chems, that I could not defend myself. I let fuck me and did not know by whom. I felt that Rich opened a hatch on the other side of the cabin and another cock appeared. Rich asked, "Do you want to fuck you even let this dick?" And held the little bottle under my nose. I replied "yes, I do. I want them let me fuck. The whole night, "and regretted that statement somehow. The guy fucking me came quite fast and quickly pulled his dick out of me. Rich grabbed me by both arms, I turned to the other side and he pushed me against the wall onto the next cock coming through the hole. I let the cock in my ass and the guy fucked me while panting. "You are my whore now," said Rich. I felt really well being used as his bitch riding cock after cock. It was simply great that night to have these unknown cocks in me. Rich repeated this cock riding game for the whole night. The cum ran down my legs. Again and again he gave me the poppers and gave me vodka to drink. I could hardly hold out yet. Later the night he said "Now you have enough, you are a real pig. We go home now and tomorrow you can show me again what kind of a slut you are."
Looking to have a white top dominant me via phone until I bust a fat load.
We've all been there at some point I think....that situation where we thought a hot time was to be had, only to end up disappointed and ultimately way more horned up than before what was supposed to happen! That's how this all started. Had been chatting on/off with this guy for some time and finally made plans to play. I had cleaned up/out and put a jock on. In shape, good lookin, green eyes, short dark hair, 38, 5'8", little body hair, smooth defined upper, shaved butt and nutts, 7" thick cut dick and hot ass. Took a viagara, and put on black work boots and a cocking. Got some clothes, lube, etc packed a bag and drove to his place. He told me to park in the open garage, which closed once I was parked. He met me at the door wearing nothing but black work boots and a metal cock ring. He looked very hot. My dick began to grow and my hole twitched a bit. He smiled as he held the door open for me to enter. As soon as we were inside, he grabbed two glasses he called his Great cocktail. Handing me one, he said to drink up. Finished, he told me to strip and put my clothes on a chair. He stood watching making "hmm hmm" and "nice" comments. When I got to my jock he told me to leave that on. He pointed the way and as we walked he slapped my ass a few times. As we entered his bedroom he told me to lay on my back on his four poster bed. He pulled my legs up and over my head, tying each ankle to one of the posts. He then tied each arm to the same post. I was totally exposed. He slapped my hole a couple times then took out lube shooter he had made a booty bump with and a syringe he had prepared. Not a word as he first emptied the booty bump deep inside my hole. it burned for a bit. Then he put a strap around my right arm, and in seconds took it off. "A .5 booty and .35 slam should start things nicely". I coughed hard. ringing in my ears. The Rush was wild. He said he wanted me to simmer a while to give all those chems a little bit to work. He then left the room, turning on a huge projected screen that was split screen - half of a hot porn scene of a guy being gangbanged by a group of super hot masc guys and the other half of his bed with me all tied. My hole was so warm and twitching to be filled. My dick was rock hard and throbbing, leaking jizz into my jock. I began gyrating without thinking about it. The porn scene was so hot. I began saying, "yeah, fuck that hole. Fuck my hole". The slam, the booty bump, the g all were kicking in. I was so horned. I needed dick. I wanted all the studs in the porn to be raping my ass. I couldnt take it and called out. No one answered. I called out again. No answer. I began to freak out a little and got nervous. I couldnt hear anything except the porn on the tv. I shouted out. Nothing. This went on for almost an hour. I started to really panic and was able to free my wrists, then legs. I went looking for the guy, searching each room..the house was much bigger than I thought. finally, found him - passed out on the bathroom floor. I shook him and he woke - started crying about his cat who had died a year ago. He was hysterical. My high quickly was numbed. I ensured he was going to be ok, got my things, put on my boots and went out to the garage, hit the door opener, jumped into my car and headed out. I was so buzzed and horned I didn't realize I was driving wearing only my jock and boots. As I drove, my mind, body, dick and hole were crazed for sex - hot hard fucking. I touched my hole and stroked my dick. Played with my nips. It was too late for clubs. Baths were dead on Tuesdays. I had stopped for a red light thinking about the gangbang porn earlier and kept playing with my nips. I laid back in my seat a little further, raised my left leg up resting my foot on the dash next to the steering wheel and began touching my hole. I closed my eyes moaning at the feeling. Then I was brought back to reality when a loud air horn sound was heard. I froze, looked around, and then saw the truck next to me. Not just any truck. A jacked up high, 4 door, 4 rear tired, custom butch truck. The music pumping heard through the opened windows. The driver was a hot lookin black guy, shirtless, with a smile from ear to ear. He nodded, then licked his lips, then smiled again. I smiled back. He then turned his head facing inside his truck for a second, then turned back towards me while another hot lookin black guy appeared in the window. He looked at me, smiled, and then mouthed, "wanna fuck? U party?" I nodded my head yes. The driver then said to follow him. The light turned green and they went ahead. I followed. We drove for at least 20 minutes to an area unknown to me. A warehouse type area. They parked and the driver stepped out of the truck, pointing me where to park. He was about 6'4", hot build, chaps n boots. I then realized as I began to step out of my car I was only wearing my jock and boots. The driver then said, "hey guy. Curtis here. Looks like we should get inside before someone gets a view of that hot ass!" A whistle sound was heard as the passenger of the truck got out and headed to the front door. He was about 6', tight body, also in chaps. "Nate here". The three of us walked towards the door when I heard another voice, 'Hmmmm, yeah. Gonna have a good time for sure!" coming from another black stud, as he got out of the rear drivers side of the truck. about 5'10", hot build, in chaps and harness. "Cody's the name you're gonna be screamin!" Followed by, "fuckin eh! look at that ass!", now a 4th black guy getting out of the rear passenger side of the truck. He was about 6' tall, musc, in chaps and harness. "James here". Curtis and Nate ahead of me and Cody and James behind me. I began to feel panicked. I had never been with a black guy, let alone four. I slowed my walk and considered my exit options. Just when I got ready to bolt, Cody and James came up on either side and grabbed my arms. they both began licking and touching my nips, each deep kissing me, grunting, rubbing my body. "Now you weren't thinking about jettin were you", Cody said with an evil grin and I was escorted into the building.
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SF Chem Slut Fuck Pig Bottom in Sacramento Thursday 11/11 - ?
Guest posted a topic in San Francisco / Oakland / San Jose
I'll be in Sacramento later this week (Thurs 11/11) looking for a hosting cloudy top(s) to use my ass. I'm sleazy, wild to very wild bottom pig looking for fun, aggressive tops (alpha's) who get off using a partied-up, cock-hungry, pig hole hard. Into long, sweaty, connected cloudy fuck sessions. I like sex on the wild side, pushing limits (yours/mine), and rough/hard (give/take) verbal breedings. Into anon scenes and loads, adventurous pigs who get off on degradation, uninhibited group play, and fantasy exploration. Uncut cocks, old fuckers with big swinging dicks, redneck/trashy pigs, trucker dick, wasting poz dads, & sub tops that I can use as hard. I can be a sadistic fucker who will give as good as I get. Kinks include: - Verbal/Rough Alpha Tops - Restraints / Bondage - Forced Chem Play - Choke Fucking - Spit / Piss - Slings - Cock Pumpings - Ripe Pits - Group Fucks, Bathhouses/Sex Clubs -
THIS STORY IS FICTION AND RESPOSTED: I was 18 when I had my first slam. A freshman in college, I met a guy in his 40s online with huge muscles and a big fat cock and he invited me over to “party and get wild.” I thought he meant drinks and dildos, maybe some piss. I was a pig and knew from a young age I liked things wild. I used to do things like piss on myself and cum on my face as early as 10, rock hard with excitement. I hadn’t been with many experienced dudes so when he told me he was gonna use me real nasty I got hard and wrote back yes. When I showed up at his house I saw pipes and needles. I’d smoked tina before but never really felt anything, I was used to mollies and G and wanted something that was going to make my eyes roll and my heart race. He asked if I’d ever done a slam and I had to ask him what it was. He told me it was shooting T and I immediately said yes. The idea of shooting up dope aroused me. I’d never done it before but it felt dirty, wrong, and mischievous. I wanted to push my limits so I gave him my arm, not knowing what to expect. The rush hit me hard. He put like .5 all at once and I felt a warmth take over my body. I felt it spread to my chest, tickle my balls, and reach all the way to my toes. I was breathing heavily like I’d just been fucked hard. Then suddenly, I was touching myself, feeling my body, ripping my clothes off to feel the cool air stroke my naked body. My cock fell out and started filling with blood. It became engorged, stood straight up, hard as rock. My hole pulsed and quivered and I felt an overwhelming feeling of filth and deviance. ”How do you feel?” He asked. ”Like a fucking dirty whore. I want to get used like a slut and be a total pig.” I replied. ”Tell me you’re a faggot and you love cock.” ”I’m a fucking faggot and I live for cock.” I replied. ”Good boy. Show me.” He ordered. I bent over and showed him my pussy hole, stretching it with my fingers and punching it lightly with my fist. It felt so good to show off, to be a tweaked out junkie cum slut. He passed me a dose of G and a few minutes later I felt like I was in heaven or maybe hell, consumed by carnal pleasure and moaning at every touch. He ordered me to get down on my knees as he slowly started to fuck my throat, spitting in my mouth to lube the way and plunging his fat tool into my face over and over as I gagged, choked, and saliva ran down my face — his and mine. He grabbed the back of my head and slammed his cock deep into my skull, using my mouth as a hole to get his fat dick hard and ready to breed. ”You like that slam? Ready for another?” He asked. I thought it was too soon but it was also too late. He already had another one prepared and ready to go. This time he asked me to get on all fours while he administered me. And told me to show him how much a pig I am when the rush hit. He stuck the point in my arm and shot me up and then I felt the hot rush again, shooting through my veins and getting my dick rock hard. I was bent over so I reached around and spread my hole open begging him to use it and make me his pig. After he did a slam himself he put four fingers into my hole, making me want to cry and moan at the same time which I did. Then he put his other four fingers in my hole. With all eight fingers he started pulling my hole open as I screamed with pleasure, feeling used and tortured but fucking amazing. He thrust his fingers in and out, pushing harder each time, until I felt four fingers grow to five and then fiver fingers grow to a fist. He pushed one fist into my pussy slow but forcefully, stretching my hole wide open and fisting me wrist deep. The G and slam had me sweating, and I could barely catch my breath as he ripped open my hole, spit inside it and begin fucking me raw with his giant tool, stroking it inside my hole and fucking my loose hole like a slut. I felt powerful, dominated, dirty, and used. It was an incredible feeling. He continued to breed my hole for hours, taking breaks to piss, once in my mouth and once in my hole, and he fed me water (or maybe it was more G) from his mouth into mine. Wet, bred, and used, the chems had made me a total fucking cum slut and I wanted more. A couple hours later he got on Grindr to pimp out my hole to random dudes in the neighborhood. He asked if I would take cock from anyone, I replied “Yes, anybody.” He said he wanted to watch his cum slut take loads on all fours and I begged for more drugs. I knew I wanted to be fucked up with zero inhibitions, and I was ready. He told me to beg for drugs then beg for dicks and I did both, pleading for each on my knees. He laughed with evil delight as he told me he would make my fantasies come true. I don’t remember how much cock I took that night and how many guys I let use my hole but it was one of the most memorable experiences I ever had. My true pig was let out and I let go. We met a few times after that but lost contact after a while. I became consumed with slamming and taking anon loads in my campus dorm, word got around quickly and I had closeted frat guys texting me all week asking if they could breed my hole. - From a junkie college cum slut.
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