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The Corruption Continues

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After the scene at the bistro, Pat’s relationship with his bitch wife was officially over.  In an effort to end things quickly, he actually convinced the cunt to take the house (including the majority of the contents) and her shiny sports car as her settlement.  No alimony to hold over his head for years to come, just a clean break.  And trust me, she’s the kind of parasite who would milk him for alimony until the day he died.

Pat continued to stay at the cheap motel he’d been checked into the night he came to me, even though we spent most of our free time together now.  He blocked out all of his buddies who tried calling him to ask him, “What the fuck?” when they heard about his divorce.

Not to mention the fact that his skank ex-wife felt no shame in spreading the word that he was a faggot now.  Little did she know how bad that made her look.  She could have had the sexiest man in town all her own, but she couldn’t keep him happy.  In fact, I made sure that word spread that she practically pushed him into my arms.  And bed.  It took so little effort to let everyone know that she was a shrill, frigid, caustic shrew who knew less about pleasing a man than the butchest of diesel dykes.

The other reason Pat insisted on keeping the motel room long-term is because he liked the seedy nature of it.  We fucked there often, making sure that people walking past or in nearby rooms could hear two guys fucking like animals.  He had gone from ‘so naive’ to ‘such a pig’, it made my head spin.  And my heart flutter.

Despite the motel room, he basically lived with me.  All of his clothes were at my place.  That’s really all he took away from his marriage.  That and his truck.  And all of his tools.  He was a man who works with his hands and needs his tools to work.  He didn’t want anything else from the house.  His clothes, his truck, his tools, and his dignity.  What more does a horny single hunk need?

With no bickering, his divorce was final after a month.  After that everything changed.

Pat had really gotten to love having a pig at his disposal.  I literally sucked his dick anywhere he wanted, and bent over for a fuck anywhere he needed.  Basically any time we were in his truck, I was leaning over and sucking him off or slathering his balls.  We fucked beside his truck in a packed parking lot, and only one guy walked past us and grunted, “Faggots” at us.  He was smiling, though, so he wasn’t going to cause us any problems.

He fucked me in public bathrooms, clothing store change rooms, adult book stores and bath houses, cruising parks.  Anywhere and everywhere.  I was a slut in HEAVEN.

But with the finalization of his divorce, Pat took a turn for the darker.  He had started paying more attention to the guys around us while we were pigging out.  Mostly at the bath houses and book stores, he started to notice some of the men who he hadn’t seen fuck me yet.  Well, actually, we’d been fucking so much that he hadn’t told me to take any other cocks since those first couple of meetings.  Since we were more ‘together’ it’s just been us.  Until he started looking around at other guys who seemed to want in on the action.  The sick looking guys.  Skinny, wasting, gaunt, with KS lesions.  He started asking me questions about them one night as we lay in bed after a particularly satisfying fuck session.

“They have AIDS, don’t they?” he asked me, his arms around me, holding me tight to his body while we spooned.

“I’m sure some of them do,” I sighed.

“Does it ever worry you?  You’ve let me encourage you to take loads from a few strangers and I never once thought about what it could be doing to you.”  We had already discussed we were both negative shortly after our first fuck session, so he had an idea of what we might be getting into.

Although his concern was seriously sweet, it was also getting me royally horny again, and I couldn’t help but shove my ass back towards his cock, which I found, had begun to fill out once again while we talked.

“I lived too much of my life worried about the consequences.  And I never had any fun,” I told him.  “That’s why I started going to the book stores and being a slut.  I know enough to know that it isn’t a death sentence, and the guys I know who are infected fuck like you wouldn’t believe.  I always felt like I was missing out.”

“But those guys who are sick . . . they could die, right?  So it still could be a death sentence,” he pointed out.

“Yeah, but some men who have full-blown AIDS have let themselves get to that point.  They love having the virus so powerful in their systems.  It’s a high for a lot of guys.”  I continued to rub my ass on his now-hard cock, hoping he’d take the hint.

Pat reached around and grabbed hold of my own rock-hard throbbing dick, and he laughed. “Fuck, feels like you might love it, too.  Are you seriously this turned on because we’re talking about AIDS?”

“I guess I am,” I replied, reaching back and lining him up with my already-cum-sloppy hole until he started to sink back into me.

I was surprised to feel Pat get even bigger and harder inside of me, and he growled sexily in my ear as he began to ram me harder from behind.  Normally getting fucked on my side wasn’t my favorite position, but this was feeling damn good to me.  Intimate.  “Uh! It -feels like -uh! like you -uh! enjoy it too!” I managed to grunt out between his urgent thrusts.

Pat’s grip around me got much tighter, as if he was trying to possess me, get as deep as he could into my greedy pig hole.  “Fucking right,” he grunted.  “Let’s do it.”

“Do what?” I asked.  I knew the answer, but I really wanted to hear him say the words.

“Get AIDS.  Ah, fuck, I’m gonna cum!” he roared, squeezing me to him as his balls drained their payload into me.

After we came back down and got our breathing under control, I rolled over so we were face to face, kissed him, and then just stared into his beautiful eyes.

Pat reached up and caressed the side of my face and smiled at me.  “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“Get infected, you mean?” I asked, to which he nodded.  “I always expected it to happen sooner or later, so I’m fine with it.  I just wasn’t sure if it was something you would be okay with.”

“It scares the fuck out of me, I’m not gonna lie.  But....”  He stopped and looked down towards his crotch and then back up at me and grinned.  “I think that says it all.”  I glanced down.  His cock as throbbing hard once again.  Clearly he liked the idea as much as I.

“Okay, then.  Looks like we have a consensus,” I laughed.


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For a couple of weeks after that first conversation, Pat and I became obsessed with getting knocked up.  We read stories and posts on Breeding Zone for hours (and then fucked like animals), learning every sexy trick and every kinky tip we could so that we could start our journey.

“I still don’t want anything up my ass,” he told me, adding “I love it when you lick me, but I don’t want to get fucked.  That’s going to make it harder to get infected, right?"

“It’s not just about fucking and cum.  It also needs to get into the bloodstream,” I reminded him.  Then I had an idea.  “How about this:  we get me royally fucked up, used by every sick and nasty fucker we can find until I’m infected.  And then we rough up your dick, make a few scrapes or cuts so you’re bleeding, and then we bottle brush my ass so I’m bleeding, too.”

His crotch was insanely huge by now, and he was smiling so vibrantly. “And then we will fuck and become one,” he concluded. “It’s kind of beautiful in a way, don’t you think?”

I never realized how much of a romantic he was when we first met, when he just looked like an intense and studly construction worker who might be a little rough around the edges.  Inside he was such a soft, but right now, one part of him most definitely wasn't soft.

I slid closer to him, wrapped one arm around his waist while the other went into that crotch bulge. “I think it’s very romantic,” I told him.

“It’s like we will become two parts of the same person.”

We kissed and then he rested his forehead against mine, sighing contentedly. “I never thought I would feel like this. I barely knew this even existed.  Getting married never came near to how close I feel to you.”  His eyes were closed and his voice was quiet, tender.

“I love you, too,” I told him, sensing that he’d been holding back just in case.

I noticed his eyes were now open, so close to mine, staring deep into my soul.  He was also smiling brighter than I’d ever seen before.  “You love me?”

“As if you even have to ask,” I chuckled.

Suddenly his behavior changed, almost as if he was possessed.  He lunged at me, we both fell back until he was on top of me, as he held my face in his two big hands.  Between hard, wet tongue kisses, he moaned “I fucking love you, I fucking love you so much.”

Hearing those words, coming from this beautiful man’s mouth, for me . . . that was a moment that would be forever etched in my mind.  I  never wanted to forget what it sounded like for Pat to tell me he loved me, although, in honestly it was very unlikely I would forget his declaration.  I always considered myself on the good-looking side of average, while Pat’s on an entirely different level.  I found it almost unfathomable that he would be so into me.  But he was.  Lucky me.

Anyhow, now that we had a plan, we just needed to begin.  Our first stop, in a moment of nostalgia, was the book store where we first hooked-up.  Pat’s romantic idea.  He wanted to fuck me in the same booth that I’d sucked him off.  He also commented he was now kicking himself because he hadn’t fucked me on that occasion, so this was the opportunity to correct the error. 

We went on a busy Saturday night, the place was buzzing, so that was a good sign.  We had to wait a while until we could get into ‘our booth’, so we just stood against the wall, making out and pawing each other like horny teenagers.  Other guys walked around us, playfully swatting my ass or grabbing one of us, but we just took in the attention and tried to appear we welcomed it.  We needed to convey we would be open to having others join us.  

Finally we got into our booth.  Pat was a little nervous but excited as he told me to strip down to my jock strap.  He had planned ahead and wore tear-away nylon trackies, so he quickly removed them but kept his tight tee shirt and boots on.

I didn’t mind.  While I love being shared, I wasn't necessarily over the moon at the idea of sharing my man.  I knew it wasn't fair, but I couldn't help it.  Anyway, we were there for me that night, and believe me, Pat's needs would be fully addressed, so there was nothing to worry about.

We opened by my sucking his cock just enough to get his dick wet, and then he turned me around and entered my ass, grunting loudly how hot it was and how good it felt.  We went all out and put on a good show for the guys in the ABS that night.  While Pat nailed me from behind, he angled me closer to the glory hole on the left where a dick was poking through, ordering me to suck it, hoping the guys within hearing range would get the hint that he was in charge of me and that I would do whatever I was ordered.

It was a nice dick to start off sucking, not small but not big.  Just right to take down my throat, and soon I had a man moaning at both ends.  Between the dude with his dick in my mouth and Pat, they were surely drawing us lots of attention.  Pat slam fucked me, not holding anything back because he knew that if he tore me a little, my chances of infection were significantly higher.

After about five minutes he reached behind himself and opened the door so that the guys wandering the halls or standing listening to our show could also watch.  I glanced over my shoulder, to take a quick look before resuming sucking, and saw that there were at least half a dozen men stroking and drooling over us.  Probably more that were out of my sight line.

“You going to let us use your slut?” I heard one of the men ask Pat.

“Fuck yeah, that’s what he’s here for.  Trying to get him knocked up,” Pat grunted out.

“Your bitch is open for business,” one of the other guys grunted.

“Poz loads to the front of the line,” Pat panted.  His thrusts were getting more urgent, until he gripped my hips especially tight and plunged in balls-deep, growling as he erupted. “Fucking take my load!” he ordered.

I was about to pull off of the dick I was sucking to encourage Pat, but at that moment the dude on the other side of the glory hole started moaning and I knew that he was shooting, too, so I kept my suction up and drained his balls as Pat did the same in my ass.

When they were done, I stood up, turned around and opened my mouth to show Pat I hadn't swallowed the guy’s load.  A few of the guys outside the booth could also see as much.  Then Pat and I kissed passionately, swapping the load back and forth until we’d swallowed it all.

Then he gave my ass a squeeze, told me quietly that he loved me, and then turning back to the crowd asked “Who is poz?”

Shockingly, every guy that I could see put his hand up.  My lucky night.

“Good, looks like you’re going to have some fun,” Pat laughed.

I looked at the crowd of men and smiled.  This is what I loved about book stores and bath houses - every man that I could see was just a regular guy. No pretty boys or high-on-themselves younger types.  Just men needing to get their rocks off.

And a few of them looked a little sickly, too, which is what Pat had been especially curious about.  I knew that he would pick one of them to

be the first in me, as indeed he did.

Pat pointed to a man nearest the doorway and he immediately joined us in the rather cramped booth.  Pat stood as far to the side as possible, still having a good angle to see my face and my ass when he wanted.

The man who would be my first infector looked late 50’s, very skinny, definitely sickly looking.  Or he was just a junkie.  Either way, we knew he had tainted cum and that’s what we were there for.

We didn’t bother with any preliminaries, the man just sunk his quite nice looking cock into my cum-lubed hole.  I moaned out loud immediately.

“Fucking right, this pig loves dick in him, doesn’t he?” he asked Pat.

“More than anything,” Pat replied to him, his eyes locked on mine.  We both knew that I loved him and his dick more than anything, but why ruin the mood with a little reality?  These guys want me to be a filthy whore so that’s what I’ll be for them.

“Well, my meds quit on me a while back and the doc has me on nothing right now, so you’re going to get a full charge from me tonight.  You okay with that?” he asked, addressing both Pat and me.

“Give it to him,” Pat encouraged.

“Please, give me that fucked up seed!” I begged.  “Poz me!” I demanded, sure that everyone in the book store could hear.  And, for that matter, hoping any poz guy in the place would want a crack at me.

He didn’t take long, (but then I doubted many of these guys would, if only because they’d all been jacking their dicks as they watched Pat fuck me.  He’s hot enough that all of them were likely on the edge - just from his presence.

The sick man gripped my hips tight with his bony fingers and grunted as I felt his dick pulse inside of me. “Giving it to you, faggot. Take my disease!” he yelled as his balls drained.  He let his dick in me for a minute as his balls finished emptying, and he sort of petted my back, telling me, “I fucking love giving it to chasing pigs like you.  Makes fucking so much hotter and you’ve got a great ass to fuck.”

With that he slipped out of me, stepped back and disappeared in the sea of men waiting their turn in me.  “Who’s next?” Pat hollered.

Still bent over, I glanced back over my shoulder to see that every man had his hand in the air.  My stomach did flips, I was so excited.  I was finally getting used the way I’d always dreamed about.  And with this many men, it was certain to be a long and busy night.

Just as I finished that thought, another hard cock slipped into my loosened and wet hole.


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***I actually stole my own idea and incorporated it into this part of the story. I have an entirely other story that I wrote months ago (yet to be posted) about a construction crew. To be added sometime soon***




Pat and I resumed our fucking like animals after that session at the book store just because it felt fucking good, and if I happen to already be infected, then his chances increased. But it was more about the fuck until a few weeks later when I went to get tested.


I hadn’t experienced any sort of symptoms, but that’s not always an indicator. And shockingly my tests came back negative. I couldn’t fathom how that was possible after all of the furious pounding I took that night.


Pat could see the disappointment on my face as soon as I walked back into the apartment.


“Are you kidding me?” he asked.


“Still negative,” I sighed.


“I guess it doesn’t matter either way. We’re still fucking, right? And if you want other guys to fuck you, go right ahead. It will get done sooner or later.”


His words were encouraging, and he’d never told me to let other guys breed me other than when he was with me, but I guess he was giving me the green light to amp up my efforts.


We continued to peruse stories on Breeding Zone in the hopes of getting some more good ideas that might tip things in our favor.


After all, we’d only done one gang fuck. And sure, lots of those guys said they are poz, but they might have been undetectable. Well, not all of them, but some of them must have been.


And there is the possibility that some of them said they were poz just to get in line to fuck me -Pat had said ‘Poz guys to the front of the line’.


Anyway, it’s not like we were going to quit pigging out just because we finally convert. If anything, we were hoping to open ourselves up to even more depravity.


“How was your day?” I asked him, flopping down on the couch next to him with a glass of wine.


“Weird,” he replied, frowning. “Word has spread to the crew that I left my wife . . . for a man.”


“Uh-oh. Are they giving you shit?” I asked, worried that he might find himself in a situation where he might be outnumbered by a bunch of homophobic assholes.


“A couple of the guys gave me some strange looks at first, but a few of the others kind of broke the ice during lunch.” He stretched out his legs and put his feet up on the coffee table and his arm went back and over my shoulders, holding me closer to him. “They started asking me why I left her, and then why I decided on guys.”


“What did you tell them?” We’d never really discussed what went through his mind during that time. All we knew is that I sort of seduced him and drew him into my wicked web of sex games. Kidding. Sort of.


“I kept it basic. Told them she was a bitch who only wanted to shop and never put out.”


“What did you tell them about me?” This I had to hear.


Pat chuckled a little before replying. “You might enjoy this. Or get pissed at me.”


“Spit it out,” I urged.


“I told them that you were a whore for dick, and couldn’t get enough of mine,” he said quickly, sounding worried that I might freak that he’d told a bunch of strangers that I was a whore.


“Sounds about right,” I murmured into my wine glass before taking a mouthful. “Did they leave you alone after that?”


“Hell no. The questions kept coming. How much sex? Any weird places? Did I let other guys fuck you? On and on. I didn’t say anything about us trying to get pozzed, but I told them that you got gangbanged at the book store a few weeks ago. That got their attention quick,” he laughed.


“In what way?”


“Honestly, even though I know that most of those guys are straighter than straight, they all had tents in their pants when I was telling them about you.”


“Haha, I’ve never been nailed by an entire construction crew,” I joked, taking another swig of wine.


“Yeah, that’s the thing. I think they might want to try,” he told me reticently. “I never knew how some guys just like to fuck, no matter where their dick goes. So even though a lot of them are married and don’t have evil wives like I did, they still need more sex than they are getting.”


I sat back a little so that I could look directly at him. “Are you serious? Do you really want to have another gangbang with your entire crew?”


As much as I always loved the idea of my man pimping me out, my mind was still spinning with this scenario. It was also taking us off track from our goal of getting infected.


Still, who in their right mind would turn down an entire construction crew of red blooded, virile, buff studs? So, naturally, I was getting seriously aroused and my mind slowed it’s roll.


“Only if you want to,” Pat told me.


“Do you want me to?” I asked him sternly. If he was concerned about how it would reflect on him at work, I would never risk it. I certainly wasn’t lacking for dick.


Pat shrugged his wide, muscular shoulders. “I think so? I never had to think of this stuff before I met you. But I do love to watch you take dick,” he concluded, and the tent in his own pants filled in any other blanks there might be.


After he fucked me right there on the sofa and dumped a nice big load into my ass, he sat there with his phone texting some of the crew, spreading the word that we were having a gangbang at his hotel room this weekend.


And he made sure that they all knew that condoms were not allowed. “I told them all that you’re a cumwhore -that’s what one of the guys at the book store called you and I definitely think it fits,” he told me.


“Mmm,” I growled, “You know how much I love it when you call me names,” I said, climbing back into his lap and freeing his hardening cock from the confines of his pants once again.


As his stiff cock slid back into my cummy hole, Pat’s hands held me firmly, guiding me up and down in a slow and pleasurable fuck.


“I like the reaction you get from it, but you know I would never hurt you, right?” he asked me. "And you mean a lot more to me than just a place

to put my dick."


“I know,” I panted, still bouncing up and down on him, varying my ride from short and quick to longer full-dick-length strokes.


“And lets keep the poz-chasing between us. I don’t think any of the guys I invited have any diseases and we don’t want to scare them off before you get all of their cum,” he said, grinning evilly.


After I rode him for a few minutes he also said, “And depending on how strenuous the gangbang is, maybe we’ll have some poz guy over after they’re all done with you.”


That got my heartbeat racing and I slammed myself up and down on him harder than ever, desperate to feel him spraying my insides with his stud seed.


With his hands gripping me tightly, he pulled me down hard, burying his cock balls-deep in me. His head fell back and a growl ripped from his chest as his balls fired off inside me.


I leaned forward and kissed him as he continued to drain inside me. My own cock was still hard and throbbing, but I honestly didn’t care about it. I was already planning how I could take on the entire construction crew and get some poz dick afterwards.



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Fuckin sizzlin chapter...being a cumwhore for an entire construction crew...HOT as Fuck!!! Hope Pat put the word out that they were to cum directly from the construction site...rank pits, stinky/sweaty feet, soxs and work boots and musky asses and ball sacs...pig heaven...Oink!!!! :drool:

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