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Part 7

Those guys sure talked funny. How the hell can a guy get pregnant? Must just be their way of talking about him cumming in that other guys ass bare or something? I could hardly believe how hard I had cum, though, listening to them talk though. Been way too long since I had some pussy for me to get off on hearing those guys fuck.

I looked at my clock and noticed it was about 2:30 in the morning. I had slept pretty good till then. I had to get up to go take a piss badly now though. I got up and headed into the bathroom, which was next to my bedroom. While taking a piss, I could hear voices coming, apparently, from the new owner's bathroom too. I leaned towards the wall and could hear someone saying, "Oh, yeah, feed me more of your piss. It tastes so sweet."

I almost pissed down my leg when I heard that. Some guy was drinking another's piss? I had kind of wondered what that tasted like, but had never tried it. I thought, what the hell, and stopped my flow and stepped into my shower. I was naked and as I got in there, I aimed my cock upwards and let go. I got a faceful to start with and then got it lined up into my mouth to try. The taste was a little bitter but also some sweet to and drank up all I could get and licked my lips when done. Hmmm, not that bad, really at all.

I found that my cock was getting hard again, too. I could still hear more sounds and as I leaned to the wall, I heard the guy who had drank up earlier, saying, "That was nice, now give me your cum to drink, too. Oh, that is really . sweet." As I heard that, it made me wonder again about that taste. I was already stroking and so close, so I laid down and raised my legs over my head. I soon was ready to cum and opened my mouth and blew my load.

My aim was not all that good to start with and a lot went all over my face before I got it lined up with my mouth and lapped it up. As I was doing that, I used a finger to get all the rest of it wiped up and into my mouth too. As I sat back up, I was swishing it around in my mouth and then swallowed it down. Hey, it tasted pretty good too. I got out of the shower and washed my face off and headed back to bed, kind of wondering if all guys's cum tasted like that.

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Part 8


I went back to bed then, completely sated for the first time in a while. Wow, that felt good and was soon fast asleep.

I woke up very late, for me, Sunday morning, around 11 am. Way later than normal. As I got up I could hear no more sounds from next door, went to the bathroom. I decided I needed a shower badly after the night before's doings.

When I finished showering, I decided it was a really nice day, so just grabbed a tshirt and shorts, deciding to go commando and went downstairs to get coffee on and get some breakfast. I decided I wasn't all that hungry, so just decided to make coffee. When it was done, I poured a cup and went out the back door to sit on the patio.

I was surprised to find Hank and a couple of his friends already there and all 3 of them naked. I noticed that and was just turning to go back inside when Hank noticed me and said, "Hey, where you going? Come on out and join us. We're just drinking some coffe and looks like you are too." I kind of was looking up and said, "I didn't want to bother you guys. I should just go back inside." He said, "Oh, hell, don't let our being nude bother you, straight boy, none of us bites. Maybe nibble, but not bite." He laughed at his own joke and I couldn't help but smile at the old saying.

I walked over to the picnic table and two of them were on one side and Hank on the other, so I sat down on his side. The other two were almost sitting on each other, they were so close. I kind of sat way to one side of the seat as Hank was almost in the middle of that side. They all kind of grinned at that and Hank said, "see he still thinks I might bite him," and then they all laughed. I had to have turned a little red faced.

I moved over a little then and we all started to just talk about the weather and the outside and other just rambling talk. Ever so often, the guys on the other side of the table would lean together for a kiss. Then I could tell that once in a while they seemed to be moving their hands below the table. I imagined they must be feeling each other's cock or something.

Their kisses and groping seemed to be getting longer and more pronounced. Then Hank finally told them, "If you two are going to get that hot, you ought to go in the house, not in front of this young man." They both kind of giggled at that, but got "up and headed into the house. Hank got up and faked a kick at one thir butts as they went by. He lost his balance though and almost fell on top of me.

Hank grabbed the table top at the last second and steadied himself. He said, "Hell, I am still a littl tipsy from last night, I drank a lot." He sat down then, but almost lost his balance again and sat almost against me. He almost missed the seat even and on the spur of the moment I grabbed at him to make sure he didn't fall all the way down and his hand next to me ended up grabbing my thigh, but we got him steadied and on the seat ok.

He took a bit before he moved his hand off of my leg and then said, "Sorry about that. I just realized where my hand was. Almost grabbed your crotch there." He laughed and so did I, and said, "It was close, about another inch and you would have for sure." I got up and grabbed our cups and held his up as to ask if he wanted some more and he nodded yes.

I went in and refilled our cups and came back out and without thinking, as the other two guys had went in, sat down where I had been beside Hank. Trying not to spill the hot coffee as I sat his in front of him I actually almost sat on his leg. I got the cups on the table and looked down as I noticed how close we were and wow, Hank's cock was standing straight up in the air.

He noticed me looking and said, "well, you know I am gay, and being around a good looking man just naturally turns me on. Hope you don't mind." I gulped a little and said, "No, that's ok, only I can't get over how huge yours is. How the hell can a guy take that in them." He grinned and said, "when you play around enough and work that hole open some to start with, it will fit." That was the first time I had even wondered about how it worked.

Then Hank surprised me and asked, "would you mind taking your clothes off and let me see that nice body of yours? The glimpse I had before was kind of quick and I won't touch you or anything, just want to see what you do have, if you don't mind?" I wasn't sure what to say and as I was thinking, my mind told me, it is a nice day out, why not be naked outside. I stood up and soon had my clothes off and laying on the table and then did a little spin around to let him see everything. He whistled and said, "that is even better looking than I remembered. What I wouldn't give to be the one making it with you. You have a great body."

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