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Thanks! I've got one more written, but nothing more in the pipeline.


The Dumpster

I was still feeling a little rough on Saturday so I was laying in bed and flipping through the apps.  I knew I needed to get up and maybe even get out of the condo.   I spotted college boy on an app and sent him a message - "Up for a run?"

A few minutes later he replied "ok but no cops this time."  I had to laugh at his comment but I had to admit I felt the same way.

"no cops.  cu downstairs in 15" I messaged back.

We met in the lobby and I asked "Which way you want to go? Your route or mine?"

"How about both?" he replied.  I liked his enthusiasm but I wasn't sure I was up for that long of a run.   I gave in since I didn't want to let on how the bug was kicking my ass again.  We took off out the front door and headed over to the lake first.   Turning north, college boy started out taking a faster pace than I was, but I soon caught up to him and we strode along together.   We got up to Sloan Park and sitting in the parking lot was a lone police car.  When we got close I could see it was Carlos and I gave him a thumbs up and pointed to my mask.  We did the loop around the park and waved again as we went by.   This time, Carlos was out of his car and leaning on the fender.

I chuckled to myself and thought "You're not gonna bust us again."   We headed further south and here normally I would turn back toward our condo building, we kept following the running path.  Soon, we entered Washington Park and I let college boy lead by a half step.   I was really sweating by this time, which wasn't normal for me.  The weather was a little cool and we weren't breaking any speed records.   I looked at college boy and he seemed to be sweating too, so I thought it must be the humidity or something.  Or maybe we were just both out of shape.   We made it down the east side of the park and then cut back west.   As we got to the big statue of George in the center of the south end of the park, I yelled out "Let's take a quick break."

College boy stopped and looked back at me a little annoyed.   "Yeah, yeah.  I'm out of shape.  I've only run one other time in the past two months and you know how that turned out" I said, breathing a lot heavier than I normally would during an easy run like this.

"OK, but we can't stop long or I'll lose my rhythm" he replied.

It was only a couple minutes, but that's all I needed.  We started to jog again and then headed up the west side of the park.  I hated myself for having to stop, but I really needed it.  I knew how I could make it up to college boy, I just needed to find a safe spot for it.  When we got to the north end of the park, college boy turned left a half a block and then up one of the quiet side streets.  We made it about two and a half blocks north and I called out "Right into the alley."  He turned and gave me another annoyed look, but turned into the alley anyway.   I knew of this place since a buddy of mine lived in the building here.  It was a dead end alley with a few garbage dumpsters and perfect for a secluded fuck with a view back to the street.

College boy ran about half way down the alley and stopped, looking around for a way out.   "Nope, its a dead end" I said as I stopped in front of him, pushing my mask down and grinning.

"Oh fuck no.  You know what happened last time" he said, reading my deviant mind.

"This is a lot more private.  See, no windows for all four floors" I said pointing up.  He shook his head "no" and I nodded "yes."  I saw a bunch of sweat fly off his face as he shook his head and some was dripping off my nose and beard.  I pushed him toward one of the dumpsters and said "Turn around and show me that hot ass.  It's the least I can do for making you stop in the middle of the run."  He put up less of a fight than I expected and turned, staring over the dumpster out to the street.  Tugging his shorts down to his feet, I tapped his right leg and he stepped out of his shorts.

God, his ass looked good with a sheen of sweat over it, framed by a pair of red straps from his jockstrap.   I pulled the mask down to my neck before diving in between his muscled ass cheeks.  I loved the smell of sweat filling my nose.  It was almost as good as huffing poppers.   My tongue dove in and flicked around his puckered hole and I heard him moan a little too loudly.  "Brace yourself and keep quiet" I said softly.   College boy obeyed and I went back to eating his ass.  I could have stayed there for hours, but that would have been a bad idea and we surely would get busted.   His ass was pushed back as he leaned forward with his hands spread on the edge of the closed dumpster.  My dick was straining at the jock's pouch and tenting my running shorts.  

Pulling my cock free and out the leg opening of my shorts, I stood up and moved in.  My cock was moist from sweat and precum and all ready for another fuck.  Dragging my cock up along his butt crack, I reached forward and grabbed his shoulders right next to his neck before pushing my cock in.  It quickly found it's target and squeezed inside.  College boy was now used to the girth of my cock and relaxed right away.   He wasn't loose, but it felt good to slowly sink almost all the way in without any complaint from him.  It felt so nice and warm around my dick.  Really warm.  Drawing back, I looked past his head and saw the empty street.  I thrust my hips back in and heard him stifle a grunt.

There was just enough spit in his hole to allow me to plow in and out.   I drilled a little faster each time until it got to a nice speed.  "Fuck, that feels good" college boy moaned out quietly.  I tried fucking a little harder, but the pressure caused the dumpster to start to roll and squeak.    Looking down I saw the sweat soaked tank top and the skin on his shoulder poking out.  I looked a little closer and smiled before leaning in so my uncovered mouth was right next to his ear.

"How many other guys have fucked you in the past couple of weeks?" I whispered.

He turned his head and looked at me confused. "None, you're the only one that's fucked me since February" he replied with little grunts each time I shoved in.   My grin got wider and I thrust in deep and held my cock there.  I reached down and pulled his tank top up and saw several splotches of rash on his back.  They weren't the big nasty ones, but they were just starting to show.  Next, I reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck, feeling a little bit of stubble and some very firm and swollen glands.

"Fuck yeah.   How ya feelin there?  I little achey and tired this morning?"  I asked.

"A little.  Why?" he asked with a little worry in his voice.

"I think you shot your last neg load, dude" I said, pulling back and slamming my dick in hard.

"What?" he said, his voice trembling this time.

"Yep, I think you're converting.  You got a few of the signs.  If the rash gets worse , your body really aches or you get a bad fever then it's really it" I said.

"Oh fuck" he replied.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" I asked, driving my cock in and out of his hole.  I could feel his body shiver beneath my hands and wondered if he wasn't having second thoughts.     

"Yeah, but I didn't think it would happen so soon.  Are you sure?  I heard of guys going years before finally getting pozzed" he said, his voice trailing off as I think it finally was sinking in.  My balls were tingling as I fucked a little harder.

"Mmhmm, you got the rash and the swollen glands, a fever and aches.  Could be the flu or covid, but I doubt it" I said, starting to hammer his ass.

I slammed in and felt my cock erupt, shooting a hard rope of my charged cum deep into his body.  A few more shots of cum forced their way in and I said into his ear "You're mine."
College boy moaned as he started squeezing my cock with his ass muscles.  I wasn't sure if it was from his own orgasm or just a need to milk every toxic drop out of my balls.

"Thank you" he moaned out.  

With my balls now empty, I slowly pulled out and stuffed my cock back into my jock.  College boy pulled his shorts up and I could see him trying to keep his butt clenched.   Once we were ready, I started to jog out of the alley and back to our building.  I made it out to the street and crossed mid-block to the other side and looked back.  College boy finally came out of the alley and ran directly across the street and made it almost all the way when he crumpled to the ground.

I ran back and found him laying on the side of the road, his right foot just outside a large pothole.

"Fuck that hurts!" he yelled out.   I took a look at his foot and ankle and while he wasn't very happy with me moving it around, nothing seemed to be broken.

"I think it's just a sprain or twisted badly.  We only got a block and a half to go, can you make it if I hold you up?" I asked. He replied "I think so, let's try."   Pulling him up and on to his good foot, I bent down a bit as he slung his arm over my shoulder.  Our height differences were going to make this a challenge, but with me crouching we were able to hobble ourselves back to our building.   James the doorman opened the doors for us and asked what happened.  "Pothole" I replied.  We made it to the elevator and once inside he leaned against the wall of the car.   I could see the pain in his face and he was sweating even more than before.   Up to the twentieth floor we went and when the door opened, he hopped out on one foot, using my arm for balance.

He put his arm back around my shoulder and we got him to his front door.  College boy used the key he had hanging from his wrist to unlock the door. I pushed the door open and braced it with my foot before I picked him up and carried him inside.    As the door shut I heard "What the fuck are you doing with my son?" an older guy yelled out.   As he came closer I looked and saw college boy's dad.   This wasn't our first meeting, either.  It had been a while and he looked a little different now with a shaved head, a pair of large gauge circular barbell earrings and more muscle than the last time I saw him at the bathhouse.   Oh, and he had clothes on this time rather than naked with a large toxic load dripping out of his ass.

I laughed and then responded "You're his dad?  I guess like father like son."  I carried college boy down the hallway to his bedroom and laid him on the bed.  It was obvious that I had been there before and I could tell by the look on his dad's face that he knew it.   While college boy was distracted by the pain from his twisted ankle, he was still paying attention to the conversation his dad and I had.

"What the fuck happened?" his dad growled out.

"You want the long or the short version?" I asked with a grin.  College boy looked up at me with a horrified look on his face.

"Huh?" his dad replied and I calmly said "We were out jogging and your son twisted his ankle on a pothole a couple blocks away.  It doesn't look too bad but we should wrap it and put some ice on it."   I could hear the sigh of relief from college boy that I hadn't told his dad what we were doing a few minutes before he hurt himself.  His dad came back a few minutes later with a couple ice packs and some compression tape.  I took the tape and wrapped the boy's ankle up.   The whimpers and groans were familiar but I knew these weren't turning either one of us on this time.

"You guys better have just been running" his dad said with a very serious tone in his voice.

I chuckled as I used some more tape to hold the ice packs in place on either side of his ankle.  "He's an adult now, he can do whatever he wants.   Just like you did laying back on the bench at the bathhouse begging me to breed your ass" I said, not even turning to face him.  I heard college boy gasp and I chuckled again.  I turned and grabbed either side of college boy's tank top and pulled it up past his pecs.   College boy was staring back at me and I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Look familiar?" I asked looking back at his dad.  He furrowed his brow as he strained to look and then I heard him say very quietly "Oh fuck."   "Yeah, that's how it happened.  Several good, hard fucks that got my bug inside him forever.  Same one that's swimmin' inside you" I said bluntly.

"FUCK!" his dad said, the anger in his voice was very noticeable. He started to move toward me and I held out my hand like a cop stopping traffic.

"Hey! Just like you, he wanted it.  He begged for it.  And he kept it in him to make sure he got knocked up.   Did you do that?  Plug your ass to keep my dirty load inside until it was part of you?" I asked intensely.  

His dad stood there, scowling at me, and said under his breath "Yeah."

Looking back at his dad I said "Good.  From the time of our first fuck and the change of the status on YOUR profiles, I'm guessing the first fuck did the job.  The other two fucks were just insurance.  Nine loads total, as I recall.  It was fun insurance though, since you were a good lay and the first guy I knocked up."  I looked over at college boy and then added "Not as good as your son, though.  He was so good he made me break my vow to never fuck a guy more than three times.  And I can't tell you how turned on I was when I saw the rash on his back earlier today when I fucked him after our run.  I've nailed guys before while they were converting but none of them were from my bug.  When he told me I was the only one to breed him for the past month, it just pushed me over the edge and I blasted another huge toxic load into him.  I know it was a waste of a charged load, but it was so fuckin' hot to hear."

College boy was shaking his head from side to side, silently begging me to stop and not tell his dad any more.  

"So that's why you stopped?  You only fuck guys three times?" his dad asked meekly.

"Yeah, dude.  I told you on our third fuck that it was the last one.  I don't like to get attached.  I kept track of you though.  You were the first neg guy that I fucked after I got pozzed and you were so eager to take my viral loads.   Then I saw you change your profile status and a few weeks later watched you fuckin a guy at the bathhouse with that fresh biohazard tat on your ass.   You gonna take your son to get a matching one?" I asked, looking back and forth between the two with a wicked grin on my face.

"What?  You're poz?" college boy finally asked, looking past me to his dad.

I smiled and waited for his dad to answer but with almost a minute of silence I said "Yeah, boy.  You and your dad both got pozzed by me. About six years apart, but my strain is inside both of you.  Your dad right after I converted and you after I ran out of meds."  Turning to his dad "You on meds now or still toxic?  Sorry, there was no point in keeping track of you after I knew you were knocked up."

"I started treatment after about six months.  A couple guys I infected didn't handle it well and I felt guilty" the dad said.

"Don't get attached.   It's just a fuck and if they take it bare without asking your status, it's on them.   I love seeing a guy's status change on their profile, though" I told him.  "Anyway, now you get to take care of your son for two things - watch his ankle and if it doesn't get better in a few days he needs to see a doc.   Keep him hydrated and if the fever gets too high, also take him to a doc.  They're gonna first think its covid, but make sure they check for HIV.  It's too soon for a home test to be accurate" I explained.

"Yeah, that conversion flu was a bitch for me.  A week in bed, sweating and aches everywhere" college boy's dad said.

"That's what that was?  Mom said it was the seasonal flu" college boy said.  His dad nodded back.

I stood up and realized my cock was straining at the pouch of my jock.  My mind quickly thought about fucking the dad, but I figured I should let them digest the news and talk.  I grabbed college boy's phone off the bed and added my number to his contacts.   "You should have a password on your phone, it's not safe" I said, chuckling.  "Call me if you need help or want to talk" I said as I walked out of the bedroom toward the front door.

"Don't get attached" I told myself again and again as I walked out of the condo and down the stairs.  Back in my condo, I fell down on the sofa and lit up a fresh joint and tried to relax.    Taking one last hit from it, I smiled and said "Mission accomplished."


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Posted (edited)

I  am so hard right now. Awesome finish I didn’t see cumming... I’d love to see pics of what they look like along with yours!

Edited by bottombehr
  • 3 weeks later...

There are a few directions to go in if the story is to continue.

The hero of the story broke the quarantine rules. That's been the focus of the tale from the beginning. What is the consequence of that? Some places have lifted their restrictions. Maybe go in that direction. Or send him to a BLM protest, if you want to keep it relevant and true to life, and he'll pick up someone there, and nail him in a public place. I'm sure there are a few readers who enjoy the thrill of fucking in the open air. 

Got lots of options.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

No Golf Foursome

It had been a few days since I last heard from college boy and figured that the worst of his flu was over.   His comments made it sound like it hit him really hard and I kind of wondered if he was just being a drama queen and milking out the attention from his dad for a couple weeks.   Hopefully the extended flu meant he was really potent.  The more I thought about it, the more it turned me on that I had charged him up.  And had knocked his dad up too.

My last fuck had been with college boy in the alley and I really needed to get my dick in a guy soon.   I took a break from work and scanned my phone apps to see who might be around.  On the second app, I spotted college boy and checked out his profile.   There were a few changes including a new pic.  His status now said "ask" and he now listed himself as a top.  My dick twitched and I smiled to myself.  I sent off a message and just said "How ya doin?"

"Fuckin gr8  glad thats ovr  horny af" was his quick reply.

"LOL spread ur seed" I sent back.

"bred my 1st  2 bad hes poz" college boy responded.

"dont turn down poz guys. ur one now.  he in bldg?" I answered.

"did dad 3x  he got rash n fever today ;)" he replied.

"cool.  now u need to try neg" I typed back.

"talked 2 1 but he wants proof" was his response.

"might b hard to get test now. keep lookin" I replied.

I looked around some more and didn't see anyone interesting, but I needed to get back to work anyway.   At the end of the day, I grabbed my laptop and sat down on the couch.   My dick had been throbbing for the past half hour and I knew I needed to drain my balls soon.   I checked out the messages on a few sites and looked to see who was online.   A smile grew across my face as I saw the profile and quickly fired off a message.   "Hey, up for fun?"  I sent off to dragonboy.   I wasn't sure who was going to be on the other end - him or his cousin, but I didn't care since both were good fucks and liked getting bred.

A few minutes later I got a reply "sorry my cousin is here.  I can't."

I shook my head and said "What?" to myself and sent back "We did it before.  I can fuck both of you."

"I don't like to share" he replied.   Part of me was thinking he was just making excuses and wasn't interested.  Maybe he heard my comment last time that I was toxic and didn't want to push his luck.   Another part of me was thinking maybe we could just hookup in the stairwell or some other spot in the building, and then I got a real evil idea.

I sent off "LOL greedy huh? What if I bring another top?" and waited.   If he turned that down then I'd give up on him and hunt elsewhere.

"He got a good dick?" dragonboy responded a few minutes later.  "Got him" I said to myself.

I couldn't remember, but told him "Not as good as mine but should feel good in you" as I picked up my phone.   I quickly sent off a message "u up 4 tagging someone?"  Several minutes later, I had everything set up.   
Another half hour and I was walking out of my condo and taking the trip down the stairs.  I got to the 4th floor and waited another minute or so until I heard footsteps on the stairs above me.   It was deja vu, since collegeboy looked almost identical to our first fuck.   He had the same tight tank top, the same baggy shorts, the tall leather army boots and his hair tied up in a bun.   But this time he didn't have a nervous look on his face, it was replaced with a wry grin.  I whispered "I get the one with the ink first, you get the other one.  When we've dropped our first load, we swap.   Dirty talk is good, just no poz talk, ok?   Oh...  and you need to wear a mask."

"They neg?" collegeboy asked before pulling a mask out of his pocket.

"Maybe" I said with a smile.   We walked out of the stairwell and down the hall to apartment 4C and I knocked on the door. We slipped on our masks just as the door opened and there stood dragonboy in just a thong and a smile.  

"Fuck!  I forgot my mask, sorry.  Come on in."  He glanced at me and then looked collegeboy over.  "Uh...  is he legal?" dragonboy asked.   

I chuckled and said "Yeah, he is" while collegeboy nodded his head.  "Hope he's a good fuck" dragon boy said as we followed him back toward his bedroom.  I felt my cock start to get hard as I looked at the thong strap disappear between his two firm butt cheeks.  Collegeboy was looking at the same thing and rubbing his crotch as he walked, the baggy shorts obscuring his stiff cock.  Once in the bedroom I saw his cousin on his knees on the bed.  I had to look twice but then I realized he had a puppy tail butt plug in his ass.

"I lubed him up already since he hasn't been fucked since you last did him and I thought he needed to get his hole stretched out to take you" dragonboy explained.   I wasn't sure which time I fucked his cousin he was referring to, but I doubted he knew about me fucking his cousin solo.

"I'm probably tight too since I only got fucked once since then and that guy insisted on wrapping it.  I forgot how much I hate condom sex" dragonboy said, turning his head and smiling at me.   He climbed on the bed next to his cousin and handed a small bottle of lube back to me.   I pushed my shorts off, letting my hard shaft spring free, and let them drop to the floor before pulling my tee over my head.   Collegeboy followed my lead and was stepping out of his shorts and peeling his tight tank top off about a half step behind me.  He looked hot standing there in just his leather boots with his cock sticking straight out, a sheen of pre on the head.

I lubed up dragonboy's hole while collegeboy worked the plug out of the cousin's ass.  With a loud plop, the plug came free and the cousin moaned loudly.  Collegeboy slipped a pair of fingers into the cousin's hole and muttered "fuck yeah" as he yanked them out and stuffed his cock inside.

I was a little pissed that collegeboy was the first to get his dick in, but I liked his enthusiasm.   Working my fingers in dragonboy's ass a bit more got him ready until my dripping cock found its way to his entrance.  I must have waited too long because dragonboy shoved his ass back, impaling himself on my cock.   He had never been one of those 'lay there and take it' bottoms and that was something I liked about him.   Resting my hands on his back, I let him fuck himself on my shaft with little movement from me.   He was snarling and grunting out of his uncovered mouth, unlike his cousin who was just letting out muffled whimpers as collegeboy fucked harder and faster.

Grabbing his hips, I took control and drove my cock in with a hard, firm thrust.  Dragonboy growled but stayed still while I stood there a moment.  Slowly I pulled back until just the tip was inside before I shoved back and broke through, planting every millimeter of my cock inside his chute.

"Wreck that hole" I heard from collegeboy.   I looked over and saw that he had slowed down and was now pumping his cock in and out of the cousin much less forcefully.

"You cum after I do" I said quietly, trying to make sure he lasted a while.   He nodded and backed off the pace a little more.  I wanted him to enjoy the fuck first and not be concentrating solely on knocking the guy up.   If it happened, that would just be an added bonus.   I flipped my concentration back to dragonboy and varied my thrusts.   Some were gentle and some were hard, sometimes I gave him a long strokes and sometimes it was only a few inches.

Looking over again, collegeboy was now pounding the cousin again.   He would hammer him and then pull out a second before shoving back in and hammering him again.  After seeing him do it a few times I thought he must be getting close.   When he pulled out and flipped the cousin on to his back, I felt my own balls start to tingle.  I pushed dragonboy's shoulders down until his head was pressed against the bed and started to thrust faster.

He started to work his ass muscles around my cock and it took every bit of determination not to breed him right then and there.  I knew that's what he wanted, but I wanted to fuck a little longer.  Out of the side of my eye, I saw collegeboy pull out and groan as he tried desperately to not shoot his load yet.  He stood there several seconds and the cousin even looked back at him, his eyes pleading to get fucked more.  I drilled dragonboy another couple minutes and I couldn't delay any longer.

Slamming in, my cock engorged and started to shoot spurts of diseased cum into dragonboy's hole.   He moaned out "Oh fuck yeah" the moment he felt my cock start to flood his ass and he milked my cock hoping to get every last drop.   After the first four or five shots, I slowly rocked my hips, makng sure I painted my seed over as many parts of his boi cunt as I could.   With the last of my load emptied, I churned it up and looked over at collegeboy just in time to see him lunge forward and growl as he shot his load into the cousin.

His orgasm seemed to last a while and I hoped he saved enough for our second round.  As good as dragonboy's hole felt I wanted to get into his cousin and feel my dick get coated in collegeboy's viral slime.  Collegeboy looked over at me with a wicked grin and then started to plow into the cousin's hole.   He matched my pace with dragonboy for a few minutes until I pulled out.  I slapped dragonboy's ass and moved back.   I put my hand on collegeboy's shoulder, pulling him to his left.   His cock plopped out of the cousin's hole along with a stream of pink tinged cum.   

The hole slowly started to close and I moved in, pulling back my foreskin and covering the head with the cum that was around the cousin's hole and on his shaved balls.  With a quick plunge, I was mostly inside with my first push and only a little protest from the cousin.   Collegeboy and the plug had stretched him out enough that my only impediment to being balls deep was a tight inner ring.   I knew from past experience that I could get in all the way with a little effort and today was no different.

Collegeboy took no time to get his cock into dragonboy.  His shaft was a couple inches shorter than mine but almost as thick and judging by the moans from dragonboy, he knew how to use it.  It was an interesting contrast between dragonboy and his cousin.  Dragonboy encouraged a top to use him and even slipped into power bottom mode if the top wasn't vigorous enough.   His cousin knew he was there for the top's pleasure and while he might show signs of discomfort or having gone past his personal limits he never pulled away.   Collegeboy drilled fast and then slow while keeping an eye on me to make sure that I was in control of both fucks.

I have done several scenes like this other tops and this was one of the more enjoyable ones.   With other tops it seemed that everyone wanted to be the alpha and in control, but collegeboy seemed to be happy with his beta role.   We fucked our respective bottoms, mixing up each other's seed inside and forcing some out as we fucked.   I started getting rougher with the cousin after I made it past his inner ring.   He was mumbling something that I couldn't decipher, but occasionally I could make out "FUCK!" when I pounded especially hard.

My cock started to swell again and my balls tightened up signaling my impending orgasm.   I looked over and nodded at collegeboy and we both started to pound harder.   It took a couple strokes and we were in unison fucking the bottoms.  With the bed squeaking, I grabbed on to the cousin's shoulders and planted my cock in all the way and the the cum fly.   He let out a loud moan and I could feel his hole spasm around my cock, sucking even more cum out of my balls as he shot hands-free over the bed.   Collegeboy growled as he shot his load too.   I don't know if dragonboy shot his load then or if it was before, but there was a large pool of cum on the bed when he stood up later.

With my balls now empty and collegeboy's drained we both gave a few last strokes of our cocks and then pulled out.   The cousin collapsed on his stomach on the bed and dragon boy slowly crawled off and stood next to collegeboy.  "Damn, that was hot.   I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out, but this was fuckin' amazing" dragonboy said with a big grin on his still uncovered face.   I had to chuckle since the rest of us were masked up and mine was soaked through from sweat and my moist breath and the guy that insisted on masks had skipped wearing one.  A mask wouldn't protect him from the virus that was now swimming in his ass, anyway.

I grabbed the puppy tail plug and pushed it into the cousin's ass, startling him quite a bit.   "You should have one too" I said to dragonboy with a wink.   I picked up a towel and wiped my cock off before tossing it to collegeboy.  The two of us dressed quickly and were walking out the door a minute later.   Collegeboy took the elevator up to his place and I took the stairs up to mine.  

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On 7/18/2020 at 9:27 AM, WolfinSheepsClothing said:

hope dragonboy and cousin come down with the Fuck Flu soon.

They'll be back.   I have a little diversion for Craig first.  I need to finish editing the next two parts and then I'll post them.

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Somethin's Burning

Work had slowed down a bit and I was just sifting through the morning's emails when my phone dinged.  The notification was from the pharmacy that my prescription was ready for pickup.  It kept distracting me through the rest of the day. I kept thinking "Should I pick it up? Forget about it for a few days, weeks or months?" and finally decided on just leaving it sit there for a few days.

What a few days those turned out to be.  All hell broke loose and the protests, a few of which I was in, turned to riots.  The peace and quiet of the past few months was gone.  When the violence subsided a couple weeks later and things started to get back to normal, I remembered my meds and called the pharmacy.   My call got automatically transferred to another store a couple miles away.  After finding out that my local place was in ruins and all the prescriptions had been reassigned to other nearby stores, I asked how soon the 'script would be ready.  It took a little while but they told me I could pick it up in a couple days.

Two days later, I got a notification that it was ready for pickup. "Might as well combine two things and jog over to the pharmacy" I thought.  I took a long lunch and headed downstairs dressed for a run, but also brought half of the stuff in my wallet to deal with the pharmacy.   James, the doorman, looked a little surprised that I was going out for a run and told me "Be careful", which I thought was strange.  I started out as usual, jogging over to the lakefront and then north along the lake towards sleazy bush.   As I got near, I headed back inland and in the direction of the pharmacy.

I got almost four blocks when a cop car went speeding past me and then pulled around the corner and stopped, blocking the sidewalk.   I slowed as I approached and the cop was walking around the front of the car.  Stopping twenty feet away, I looked and saw Carlos standing there.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he asked in that unmistakable authoritarian voice.

"Out for a jog and stopping at the drug store for my meds" I replied, trying to figure out why this was such a deal.

"Ya know, its probably a bad idea for a guy like you to be out running around after what just happened.  Some people might think you're running away from something bad you just did.  There's still vandalism and fires getting set..." he said in a slightly friendlier voice.   I slowly moved a little closer but was still about eight feet away when I stopped.

I was guessing that he was referring to my non-white skin when he said "a guy like you."  "Oh, fuck.  I didn't think about that.  Sorry... I'll just walk the rest of the way.  OK?" I answered,   

"Good idea.   You're lucky I was the one that stopped you, since I know you ain't gonna cause any trouble unless it's a hot neg bottom that you've spotted" Carlos replied, adding a little chuckle.  I shook my head and laughed, knowing he was right.   "And don't forget about our deal.   How's the guy from the park?  Still shooting blanks?" He asked quietly.

I had kind of forgotten about that little incident, but it was suddenly fresh in my mind again.  "Nah, he's one of us now.  And he's calling himself a top, too" I said in a hushed tone.

Carlos chuckled. "Not around me.  You were the last top I had and I aim to keep it that way. I expect to hear a call from you in the next week or I'll hunt you down" he said, the humor gone from his voice.

"Yes, Officer Ramirez" I said, starting to walk around the front of the squad car.  He put his arm around my shoulder and squeezed firmly.  "Don't disappoint me, Craig" he said before getting back into his car.  

"Crap, he knows my name" I thought.  I continued my walk over to the pharmacy and noticed a boarded up window on the front and went inside.   None of the workers inside the place looked familiar and I wondered what the people from my regular store were doing now that their store was a burned out mess.  Especially the cute pharmacist that usually waited on and flirted with me. I wandered to the back of the store to the pharmacy counter and waited for the two people in front of me to get served.   It gave me plenty of time to check out the new pharmacist.   While the uniform and mask hid most of the details, I could tell that he was a tall, thin guy probably about my age.  I got a few glimpses when he pulled his mask down and saw some dark flawless skin, nicely defined cheekbones and a trimmed mustache and goatee.  His name tag said "Sanjiv" and I filed it away in my brain in case he showed any interest.

I licked my lips behind my mask and felt my cock start to stir.   Finally it was my turn and I stopped on the spot marked on the floor.  I gave him my name and birthdate while fishing my id, insurance card, drug discount card and credit card out.  His eyes got a little big when he pulled up my prescription and he leaned forward and asked "Is this a new prescription for you?"

"No, its a refill.  I just haven't been able to get it filled for the past few months" I replied, almost on auto-pilot since I was mentally undressing him.

"Do you mean you ran out?  How long have you been off of this medication?" he then asked, inquisitively.

"Yeah, I ran out.  It's been about three months since I last took my last dose" I said, wondering what he was going to say.

"You have discussed this with your doctor and he's aware of the lapse?" the pharmacist asked, leaning closer.

"Yeah, he knows.  He told me to cross my fingers and hope there aren't any issues" I replied, chuckling slightly.

"Oh... good.   Uh, there are condoms in aisle 12 if you need them.  Let me get your prescription" he said, turning back to the large wall of bins.

Chuckling again, I muttered loud enough for him to hear "Nah, I don't use 'em."

He looked through one bin and then another while I stood there watching him.  I heard him make a few undecipherable comments as he moved from bin to bin.   He got up and went into the back and I heard some stuff being shuffled around.   Another couple of minutes later he came back.  "Sir, I'm sorry, but I can't find your prescription.  It isn't where it was supposed to be.  I'll have to re-order it and it should be here tomorrow.  Can you come back then to pick it up?" he asked.  

It sounded suspicious but I decided to follow along and replied in an irritated voice, "What?  You can't find it?  I got a notification that it was ready for pickup!"

"Yes, I know.  The system says it's here, but I've looked all over and I can't find it" he replied.

"Look again" I said, firmly.   A grin came across my face as I watched him stand there nervously.

"Yes... sir" he answered and turned around and dug through most of the bins again.  When he rifled through the lower bins this time, Sanjiv bent over showing a decent looking butt.  He seemed to be flipping so fast he couldn't possibly be reading the names on the prescription bags.  He came back a few minutes later and said "Sorry, I can't find it.  I'll have a new one expedited.  Tomorrow for sure."

I wondered how he was expecting this to play out when he suddenly said louder, for anyone in the back half of the store to hear him, say "The restrooms are over by cosmetics.  They are locked, I can open them for you, sir."  It was an interesting turn and definitely one made by a horny bottom.  I looked around and there was no one else waiting for the pharmacy.   He came out the door and walked quickly along the back aisle of the store.  I followed closely and watched him unlock the door to the restrooms.  He headed straight to the men's room and went inside with me right behind him.  He stopped in the middle of the room and turned back to face me.

"I've been waiting on this for a long time. You got what I need.  We have to be quick, though. You're a top, I hope?" he asked staring back at me.

"Yeah, I am.   You sure you want this?" I replied, grabbing my crotch suggestively.  Normally, I wouldn't even think about fucking a guy in this situation.   The risk of getting caught was high and the chances of him changing his mind and making trouble for me was also high. But... he had a few things working in his favor - I was horny, he was aggressive and he seemed pretty cute.

"Mmmhmm" he answered, turning to the sink and then unbuttoning his pants and pushing them down.

"I hope you're serious cuz there's one guy already this month that knows how infectious I am" I said as I pushed down my running shorts.  I moved closer, pulling my foreskin back as my cock pried its way between his dark, hairy ass cheeks.  The bare head of my cock nestled into the pucker and began to leak in anticipation.   Leaning closer, my hand turned his chin so he could see my masked face.  "You better share when you're toxic.  I don't like to waste my special sauce."

"My boyfriend will be the first but he won't be the last.  Please go easy, I've only bottomed a few times" he replied quietly, his body quivering in front of me.  I felt his hole try to relax against the tip of my cock, but I could tell it was still going to be a tight fit.

I chuckled as I turned his head back so it was facing the mirror and covered his masked mouth with my hand. "Nah, its supposed to hurt. I have to tear that chute up to make sure my bug is swimmin' inside you" I whispered in his ear before I thrust my cock into his tight hole.  He tried to stifle his scream and my hand muffled a lot of the rest.  My dick hurt from the sudden intrusion into his hole, but I knew he was hurting a lot more.  His whole body was twitching from the searing pain as he got used to my cock stuffed inside him.  I held him there for a half a minute before I began to pull my dick back out.  Sanjiv's hole was throbbing around my cock as I withdrew and then I plunged back in.   The milking action from his pucker was getting my balls excited and as much as I wanted to pump him full of my poison, I wanted a decent, if quick, fuck to go with it.

That's what I gave him.  A fast, hard fuck that made him feel every inch of my cock.  He did fade out briefly a couple times, but that just made it more erotic for me.   For the last two minutes, I wrapped my arm around his neck and hammered him faster until my balls couldn't resist any longer.   A half dozen ropes of my diseased cum flooded his colon before I took a few last stabs with my cock and then pulled out.   Our dark skin hid most of the possible damage I did to him but I soon found out how badly I wrecked him when I grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser next to us and wiped my dick clean.   

The white paper towel was now smeared with a red mixture of cum and blood.   I held it out in front of his face to let the consequences of our six minute fuck sink in and then rolled it up and pushed it into his ass like a tampon.   "Keep my swimmers inside until you get home, ok?" I whispered in his ear.   I stuffed my cock back into my shorts and slapped his bare ass before I walked out of the restroom.  No one seemed to pay attention to me as I strolled back home with a contented look on my covered face.

The same scene happened the next day.   I was the disgruntled customer who's prescription was still missing and we ended up in the restroom again.  This time in the stall with Sanjiv bent over the toilet taking another dose of viral semen.  He was still hurting from the day before and I added a new layer of pain on top of it.  The fuck was just as rough as the day before and the toilet paper was the same hue as the paper towel the day before.  The third day was another repeat.

On the fourth day, the look in his eyes when I approached the counter told me how much he feared another fuck.   I've known well used bottoms that couldn't take two of my hardest fucks much less the three he had gotten so far, so I kind of understood.   But I still wanted this top guy to be able to pass along my bug to future generations and I felt a fourth dose would do it.   With my meds finally in hand, we made our way back to the men's room.  I pushed him to the sink and he braced like a good slut.  I pulled his pants down and then my shorts.   My cock was as rigid as it had ever been and it soon speared his hole.  With one hand holding him to my chest, I pulled my mask down and then his.

We stared at each other in the mirror and he saw my evil grin while I saw the doubt in his expression.  I knew his sexy face would be able to lure lots of victims into his clutches and soon they would have a belly full of toxic seed taking over their clueless bodies. I pulled back and slammed my cock back in, both of us still staring at each other.   Or maybe he would tell them and they would beg for his cum not caring how deadly it was.  My cock withdrew until just the last inch was inside him and I thrust in again.  This time I got a whimper from him and he saw my smile.

"I'm going to come back here in a couple weeks.  Hopefully, you will have someone filling in for you as you are taking a few sick days.  The conversion sucks, trust me on that"  I said to him quietly in his ear.   His eyes got big and then he nodded 'yes.'

"You have one week after that to fuck your boyfriend and knock him up.  Plant as many loads in him as you can during that week.  Then you're going to invite me over to breed him.  I don't care what you tell him, make up any excuse you like, but I'm going to fuck him three or four times over the following week until his body succumbs and he's a knocked up cumdump.  Got it?" I said.

"But" Sanjiv started to say but I cut him off.

"No 'buts' on this.   I want to use his ass and guarantee he never shoots another neg load" I said firmly.

"I mean, what if it doesn't take and I don't convert?" Sanjiv asked.

"Well that would piss me off, but I guess we'll keep going until it fuckin' happens.  We'll need to find a new place to fuck though. This one's too risky" I replied.   The hammering I gave him next was brutal.  His ass was trashed and then I dumped another load inside.   This time, there was no yelling or signs of distress.  He took the fuck like any good bugchaser should.  The paper towel I used to clean off my dick after our fuck was just like the past three days.  Maybe a little darker red, but then this was the hardest fuck.

I pulled up my shorts and then my mask before grabbing the prescription off the sink.  Walking over to the door, I pulled it open and turned back to him just as he pulled his pants up.  "Enjoy" I said and walked out the door, through the store and then down the street towards my building.   While I walked I thought about his comment about not converting and thought to myself "That wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen - he was a decent fuck.  I'll just need to try harder next time."

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Dragon on Fire

I got back and finished up the rest of my work day, getting a little distracted now and then when I'd get a whiff of the cum from my sweaty cock along with the general sweat smell.  It was intoxicating and I decided to bask in the aroma until the next morning's shower.  The only issue was that it kept my dick partially hard and when I thought about how tight Sanjiv's ass felt around my cock it got fully hard.  I'd never seen him naked and I tried to piece together what he might look like laying on the bed naked with his tightly bound boyfriend watching me fuck him.   His brown skin covered in a pelt of black hair, probably neatly trimmed like his facial hair but still proudly displayed.  His hard cock dripping his newly charged precum out of his long, thin dick.  His legs pulled back as I shoved my cock back into his ass while his helpless boyfriend gasped.

Shaking my head and getting up to get another glass of whiskey, I told myself to stop obsessing with him and to move on like I used to do.   How was I getting so lucky this time?   When I was toxic the last time, most of the guys I found who were willing to fuck were already poz and few of the neg ones were as hot as the guys I was finding this time.   I rattled through the list of recent guys and wondered how they were doing and if their body had accepted the gift I gave them.   College boy was easy and I knew what happened.  Even better, he seemed to be embracing his new status with enthusiasm.

But what about the guy in the laundry room?  I hadn't seen him online at all and wondered if he got freaked by getting bred by a stranger and was now back to being a safe guy and not hooking up with the apps.   The older guy had been so eager and now was invisible.   There was the artist too.  He didn't care if he got knocked up just as long as he got fucked hard and filled with some stranger's seed.  From the collage that he showed me, he didn't usually fuck guys more than once, but I didn't know for sure and hadn't seen him online again since the day we hooked up.  The whiskey was gone and it was time to stop reminiscing about what might have happened.   I went to bed and slept soundly, remembering just a few bits of my dreams.   When I woke, my dick was it's usual wooden pole it took a while to go down.   A shower, coffee and some breakfast later, I was back at work until lunchtime.

It had only been 4 days in a row, but I felt like I should be heading back to the pharmacy to drop another load in Sanjiv, but I'd told him that was it unless he somehow escaped my bug.  I made lunch and sat down on the couch and surfed while I ate.   I had barely loaded the set of cruising sites on my web browser when I got a message on one.   Flipping over to the tab, it was from Dragonboy.  "Cool, either him or his cousin is horny and wants to hookup again" I thought.  That quickly changed when I read his message.   "My cousin is sick right now.  Are you responsible?" the message read.  The message sounded more like one of Dragonboy's messages and not his cousin's. 

"Covid?" I replied, playing a little dumb but understanding what he was hinting at.

"No, but some of the symptoms are similar.   Did you give him something?" he asked again.

"A few loads of cum, just like you.  How are u feeling?" I replied.

"Fuck.  He's poz isn't he?" Dragonboy quickly sent back.  I really didn't want to have this conversation over IM and I wasn't sure that I wanted it face to face either.

Taking a deep breath, I sent back "Be there in 5."  With the laptop closed, I put the rest of my lunch in the fridge and pulled on some sweat pants. I put on my mask and ran down the stairs to his condo. Dragonboy opened the door on the second knock and glared at me. He looked sexy standing there in only a pair of track pants and no mask, but I knew he was pissed.  It wasn't a "I'm going to kill you" glare, but a "what the fuck did you do" glare, so I went inside.  I followed him into the bedroom and saw his cousin laying on the bed with a sheen of sweat all over his naked body.  His cousin turned his head and smiled weakly back at me before saying "Sorry no now."

"You didn't answer my question.  How are YOU feeling?" I asked Dragonboy.

"Who the fuck cares.  My family is going to kill me when they find out" he replied, clearly irritated.

"Why do they need to know?  There's no need to broadcast it. Do it on a 'need to know' basis.  Unless you're planning on him getting a big biohazard tattoo.  Then it would be pretty obvious." I paused and then added "Actually, done right that might look pretty hot on him.  You should take him to your tat guy.  He needs some ink" I said, grinning back at Dragonboy.  He shook his head and then glared back at me again.

"I guess.  No one in the family knows he likes cock, so I guess its just another secret" Dragonboy said somberly.  "Is this from fucking with you?" he asked after a few moments. 

"I wasn't the only one fucking him. He seemed to be getting some other action too" I replied.

"No.  You're the only one. Your friend too" he answered.

"Ask him.  He shouldn't have to hide it from you anymore, now that you know he's gay" I told him.  Even with a language I didn't understand, I could hear the pain in the cousin's voice as they talked.  He was hurting as his body fought a futile battle.  I didn't see a rash, but most of his glands were swollen and he obviously ached and had a fever.

"Damn, you're right.  I guess he's been hooking up more than I knew.  I'm sorry to accuse you.  I thought you and your buddy were the only ones..." he said when they were done.

"It doesn't mean it wasn't us.  What is he going to do when he recovers?  Is he a bottom or versatile?" I asked with a wink.

Dragonboy gave me a confused look and then looked back to his cousin.  After a short discourse with his cousin, Dragonboy chuckled and told me "He's a bottom for westerners but is a top for other Chinese guys."  

A grin slowly grew over my face "Maybe we need to find a few Chinese guys for him to fuck, but I think any true bottom would want to take a hot load or two from him too."  It took a moment but Dragonboy realized what I was talking about.  At first he looked a little shocked that I would suggest it and then I saw him try and hide his growing cock and knew the idea turned him on.

There was a long pause and I was trying to decide whether to take the opportunity to leave or to take advantage of the situation.  As usual for anything related to sex, my little head did the thinking and I moved closer to Dragonboy.  His face said WTF, but he didn't say anything out loud.   I put my hand on his shoulder and guided him over to the bed.   My cock was straining at the trunks I had on under my sweats and I leaned in and said "Get on all fours and start sucking your cousin."   He pushed his trackies down and climbed on the bed.  He hung his bare ass off the edge, but it was obvious he wasn't sure about the second part of my instructions.  I got it, for some people, family is off limits but I thought it would look hot.

I pushed my sweats and trunks down and then cleared my throat.  That was all the encouragement he needed and he leaned forward.   Not a word was said but Dragonboy gave his cousin a gesture and soon he was in position with the cousin's legs spread on either side of Dragonboy's body.   The cousin had a worried look on his face as Dragonboy's mouth engulfed his partially hard shaft.  He slowly started to suck and I dripped several gobs of spit on Dragonboy's hole.   A little more got used to slick up my dick and a minute later I was pushing my bare cock into Dragonboy once again.  It felt warm and tight around my shaft and got even warmer from the friction of my barely lubed cock in his tight chute.   A couple dozen strokes later, my precum had added some additional wetness and I was able to start thrusting harder.   

Looking down, the cousin was now propped up by some pillows and had both of his hands on either side of Dragonboy's head.  It was hard to tell if he was pushing Dragonboy's head down on his cock or whether in his weakened state he was just doing what came natural when a guy was sucking his cock and gently guiding his mouth down.  I was doing my best to help, since each forward thrust pushed Dragonboy's body down on his cousin's shaft.    It had been a long time since I had felt Dragonboy's mouth on my dick, but I did remember he was an outstanding cocksucker with little gag reflex.   His cousin's cock was smaller than mine, but the six inches of fuckstick was a nice surprise for a small framed guy.  Dragonboy's face was bouncing off his cousin's trimmed black pubes and both seemed to be moaning.

I was drilling him over and over with long strokes and I almost thought we could go on for hours like this.  But, I rarely stay in one position for a long period of time when I fuck and this was no different.  I wanted more leverage and to pound him harder.  I leaned forward and initially used his shoulders to brace myself.  We fucked like this for a few minutes and then I moved my right hand to the back of Dragonboy's neck.  My hand wrapped around the back of it, gripping him tightly and I then started to fuck his face on to his cousin's dick as my hips pumped into his now loose and sloppy hole.

I looked at the cousin and his eyes were closed and moans were emanating from his mouth.  He was still covered with sweat but it didn't seem to bother him and a smile had started to form on his face.  The pleasure was hiding any pain he had at the moment.  The moans turned to grunts and I saw him buck his hips up a few times.   He collapsed on to his back and grunted a few times before shoving his hips up when the orgasm hit.  I forced Dragonboy's face down as hard as I could and let his cousin flood his throat with what might be his first toxic load.   The sight didn't help me extend my fuck much longer and when the cousin stopped writhing, I began to hammer Dragonboy's ass. 

Pulling him off his cousin's spent cock, I wrapped my arm around the front of his neck.   The thrusts slowed down but got more intense as I slammed balls deep into his cunt.  Cum was dripping out of his mouth as he gasped out "Breed me" a few times.   That was never in doubt and after a few more shoves, my cock began spewing another potent load of cum into Dragonboy's defenseless gut.  He let out a contented moan as his ass filled with my spunk.  When the pulses died down, I gave a couple more jabs before pulling out.

Dragoboy fell forward and laid there a moment before quickly spinning around and he began licking the cum mixture off my cock and balls.  He had never done this in any of our meets and it took me by surprise.  A pleasant surprise.  He was thorough and perfectly combined the pleasure aspect with the cleaning side.  I doubt there was drop of cum left on my dick when he stopped, only a fine sheen of saliva and a still rigid cock.  He leaned back and took a glance over at his cousin who was now passed out.   The orgasm had sapped what little energy his body had left and now he needed to recover.

I held out my hand and pulled Dragon boy off the bed and to his feet.  Bending over I pulled my trunks and sweatpants up and watched him do the same.   Quietly, I turned and walked out of the bedroom with Dragonboy right behind me.  I stopped as soon as we were in the living room and turned around.

"I... I didn't expect this to happen" he said to me.  

I wasn't really sure what "this" was - the fuck that we just did or his cousin getting charged up.  I went with the former and replied "Yeah, me either, but it sure felt right even though the timing might make it weird."

Dragonboy followed me to the door.   I stopped and turned around, looking at him seriously.  "Keep him hydrated and watch his fever.  If it gets too high, you gotta take him in.  Otherwise, just let it run its course.   I heard the clinic on Kingston is doing testing by appointment now and you should take him there when he's able to get out.  OK?" I told him in a hushed voice.  He nodded and I turned and opened the door, walking out into the hallway.   Going up the stairs, I felt strangely satisfied.   My balls were empty, my cock was happy with a good workout in a great hole and best of all there was another guy wandering around with my bug inside him.

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