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Somebody to be mine forever.

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Jeff was still in a reflective mood. Mike showed no signs of relaxing his insistence that he was going to spend every moment he could with him, most of the time actually holding him. Jeff did not mind at all. It reminded him of how Luke had healed something broken in Mike and in himself just by holding him/ It wasn’t a romantic love and it had never been sexual but they had finally stepped beyond the limits society put on affection and tenderness between men and just openly loved each other. 


That had been when they renewed their vows and Jeff concentrated on the happy memories of that time. Then he thought about flying Mike’s mom home and their 2nd honeymoon in the South of France…


Mike and Jeff lay on the Mediterranean beach sunbathing. Mike wearing a swimsuit that probably would have gotten him arrested on a public beach in the states leaving no doubt just how much nature had blessed him. 


It was interesting here. Their celebrity was less well known and the European people seemed to be more willing to let the famous couple enjoy their time together. Both Mike and Jeff were still incredibly attractive men though and that drew attention, 


Jeff had been lying on his stomach his swimsuit only visible as a string running between the oiled up cheeks of his ass when he heard a heavily Italian accented voice say “Ahh my friend. You are the luckiest man on Earth! Your boyfriend is beautiful! Such an ass can only be a gift from the Gods!”


Jeff rolled over on his side to see a substantial looking man maybe 40ish, dark hair beginning to turn white at the temples and a salt and pepper pelt on his chest speaking to Mike, The man’s bathing suit showed a girthy shaft and was about to give up holding his balls in.


“My husband” Mike said with a relaxed smile 


“Ahhh my heart is broken!” the man said with a dramatic flare. “I had hoped there was some chance I could spirit this Angel away to my bed and make him mine! I am Anthony. Tony to my friends”


“I am Mike and this is Jeff,” Mike said with a grin. Obviously liking this man. Have a seat if you like and I can tell you all about Jeff’s miraculous ass”


“Mike! Stop that!” Jeff gasped blushing crimson 


The three became fast friends, Tony making no secret of his desire to be inside Jeff’s “Gift from the Gods" as he showed them the sights and the gay culture there. He had lived there for 20 years “And been in the treasures of many beautiful boys” he said with a wink at Mike. Telling them of his adventures in boy breeding. Tony was all top and it showed in his almost hypnotic masculinity and confidence 


“Well I'd let you in my treasure but only if you let Mike in yours” Jeff teasingly joked with him as the three sat at dinner that evening, sure the man would laugh and refuse.


Indeed Tony winced “You are a cruel boy Jeff!” He said. a note of rewrite in his voice, “To offer me a night in heaven but to put such a high price on it! No man has claimed my treasure and I have seen the key he would open it with! Far too big for the lock!” and they all laughed though the look in Mike’s eyes told Jeff he would love to fuck Tony


Jeff spent the next few days showing off his ass at every opportunity and he could tell Tony was weakening. Finally on the 4th night. after several glasses of wine on the balcony of their hotel suite he looked at Mike “If we do this you can never tell anyone. So many I have turned down over the years! So many would lose respect for me. to know the Mighty Anthony has fallen!”


“We swear!” Mike and Jeff said after an evil little glance at each other 


They each took one of Tony’s hands and led them to the bed, Tony’s ass was covered in dark hair and was large, firm and round. Bigger even than Buzz’s muscle ass but with the padded curve of a man of his age who enjoyed his food as much as his boys.


Mike displayed none of his usual aggression as he took this momentous ass, showing the man a respect, a reverence he had never shown any bottom before. He gently worked his way in the cheeks so massive that he knew a lesser endowed man would only be able to get a couple inches in. As it was Mike could only poke at Tony’s inner barrier the tip of his head teasing it as he slid in out of the beautiful ass beneath him finally shuddering in one of the best orgasms of his life as he filled this great bear of a man with his toxic virus laden cum, 


“That my friend was an experience I will never forget or repeat” Tony said as Mike withdrew. “It has it’s pleasures but they were not meant for one such as me! Come here Angel!” he said enfolding Jeff n his arms,


Till that point in his life Jeff had only had Mike inside of him. To his surprise while Tony fell a few inches short of Mike’s length he was actually thicker and the stretching of his hole that wide was something new, Tony also had a forceful way of fucking that only massive bulk can produce and a softness on body that felt so different from Mike’s firm muscled frame, Jeff liked it but missed the emotional connection he and Mike always shared. There was no such thing as a casual fuck between Mike and Jeff... ever. 


They spent a few more days in France and Jeff let Tony top him twice more


After their return home they heard from Tony at least once a week, Jeff loved his stories of how many boy’s treasures he had sampled, “Ahh but none as sweet as My Angel’s!” he would always say and Jeff would laugh


Back in the present Mike brought Jeff a drink then sat holding of him, 


A Sudden idea came to Jeff, “Babe I think we have been going at this all wrong, It is hot and fun to play with virgins and bottoms but if we want to really spread our virus we need to be converting the tops!”


They looked at each other and both had a matching evil glint in their eyes.



Comments and suggestions welcome 

Some day I may do a story about Tony's adventures 

what do you think?

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The plan they came up with was brilliant. They had tops volunteering to take loads from a family member by the time it was all said and done. Jeff had arranged several smaller “:Give it to me” weekends with the resort and decided to expand things. 


Give it to me became a popular gay porn website overnight after several months planning, They had started quietly contacting guys nationwide of all body types from chubby to twink to jocks  with lots of “dad bod” guys thrown in, who listed themselves on various websites as: Total tops, open to bareback and neg and explained the plan. They could become a “give it to me virgin popper”. They would put a profile on the site and when five virgins they wanted to pop selected them they would be flown down to the resort for an all expenses paid week of popping cherries.


 The catch was to qualify; they had to give it up themselves, taking at least three loads from a family member. That was gradually expanded to taking loads from selected tops who had been through the program with positive results and it just kept growing, 


The results were that the resort eventually changed it’s name to “Give it to me island” and just to drive the joke home the virgins would be greeted bt a tall man of late middle years and a much shorter man both in white suits with “My dear guests! I am Mr. Raw, your host! Welcome to Give it to me Island!” and they then proceed to live out their fantasies,


Mr. Raw was a popular virgin popper but his co-host nicknamed “Take you” a short man of only 5 feet tall built like a fireplug was constantly booked and had a months long waiting list/


One of the first tops to respond was a big fan of Hank and Buzz named Brad, being a college football player himself though he was much slimmer as a wide receiver. The picture on his profile was faceless but showed a cocoa skinned oiled up body with a cock to rival Mike and an ass almost as perfect as Jeff’s. He had a cocky attitude to match all that masculine beauty as well. 


He met his match in Buzz though. Hank watched with an amused smile as Buzz pulled a pure “Mike” act on the cocky stud. Aided by the fact he was the kids childhood hero and later go to jerk off fantasy, Buck had sat the young man down for a talk when they got him alone in their hotel suite after a game near the college player’s school. 


“You can cut the attitude,” Buzz had said firmly in his best “Mike tone” voice. “Yes you are gorgeous and talented and I’m sure the men fall at your feet but you don’t hold a candle to me. Make the pros and make a real reputation for yourself and maybe someday you will but let me tell you something. Even if you do, that attitude will get you nowhere but a life filled with people who only use you and will dump you for the next big dick to come along. You need to treat the people in your life with respect especially the bottoms” and he looked at Hank sitting nearby with a smile of pure love. 


“You need to listen to what they want” Buzz continued “and do as much as you can within your own wants and desires to give it to them. THAT will keep them coming back for more. You need to experience bottoming with a top who listens to you at least once in your life. I did, though at the time I thought he was just taking what he wanted. He listened and read between the lines. He saw that my attitude was just insecurity and a belief that deep inside I didn’t deserve love so I tried to force it. He gave me love and taught me to be a man and that led to the greatest love of my life. Hank could not stand me before Mike stepped in and I did not realize that till years later but now look at us”


“Now” Buzz said “I’m going to breed you and so is Hank. This does not have to be something you just endure. Talk to us, Let us know what you want. How you want it to happen. I know you want to do this for other reasons but why not learn from it as well” 


What resulted was a three day long fuck fest with pauses only for sleep, food and the occasional group shower.


It started with Hank easing his beer can thick but shorter cock into Brad’s ass while Brad fucked Buzz touching places only Mike and later John had. Hank had grabbed those hips and pounded hard after a while seeding that ass with the family’s “secret sauce” of virus and cum making the young stud loose it and breed his boyhood hero’s ass deep with his last truly neg load, then after a brief rest, they had flipped and Hank got to feel that massive black shaft for himself.


Buzz, who had held off cumming himself mounted the younger man as he railed Hank and pushed in to the hilt making Brad’s eyes fly open as Buzz was at least three inches longer than Hank and just as thick. Brad gradually began pushing back on Buzz almost despite himself grinding his bubble ass into Buzz’s pubes till Buzz gave him his second charged load, 


Three days later the three emerged from the suite worn out but satisfied. Friends and more for life.


An injury sidelined Brad during his senior year and he decided not to enter the draft though he had fully recovered. Always an academic star as well he graduated top of his class in web design, marketing and business management and at Buzz and Hank’s insistence moved into The Compound with them as their “Son”. The rest of the family was thrilled to have a new member though the meeting between Mike and Brad caused some fireworks when Brad fully understood the dynamics. 


Mike owned and controlled his “Dads” lives in many ways though he stayed out of their relationship with him after granting permission for them to take a son. That rankled Brad for some reason till he saw that what Mike really did was listen to them and most of the time make the decision they would have themselves  only stopping them when he thought they were making a serious mistake. Brad gradually came to respect and love Mike but the two avoided each other sexually. THAT was a clash that could cause trouble though Brad secretly knew Mike would win.


Eventually Jeff turned over the running of the “Give it to me” website and also let him manage relationships with the resort. Under Brad's management the site’s subscription fee lowered but it also managed to break even, no longer needing the support Mike and Jeff had happily supplied. 


It was Brad who finally managed to break Sal out of his stubborn “I only fuck John” stance one night by the pool. Sal and Brad had always gotten along well and the combination of a few drinks and Brad’s gorgeous ass (Not to mention Jeff’s constant campaign and John’s encouragement to join in the fun) finally broke him. The family cheered as without a word Sal mounted Brad and slid in as if it was the most common thing in the world, breeding him and diving into the family sex lifelike a fish into water, Jeff got what he wanted the next day, Sal never bottomed and still fucked John 90% of the time but everyone was fine with that.


Brad was happy here and had a life full of love, joy and sex. One day he overheard Mike talking to Buzz, Mike was holding the much larger man but somehow it looked totally natural, 


“I can’t tell you how proud I am of you Buzz, You changed that young man’s life for the better, Hank told me what he was like when you guys met up.”


“I was just paying forward what you did for me Master” Buzz said.


 “Master” was a term Buzz seldom used for Mike anymore and Mike knew it was an expression of deepest devotion and love now from his Boy so he squeezed him and held him tight,


Brad quietly slipped away feeling he had heard something deeply private between the two but glad he had. Any residual resentment for Mike evaporating an even deeper respect replacing it.



Once again I love your feedback and suggestions

Let me know what you think!

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Mike was angry


Mike was watching the news. Their Senator was retiring, He was a respected man who while he was very conservative had always performed his office with dignity and honor, Mike hated bothe of the frontrunners to replace them.


Jeff, a little tired of hearing Mike complain that there was no good choice, said “Then run yourself!”


“I’m not a member of either party” Mike said though he always bored for the left leaning candidate 


“Do we NEED a party?” Jeff asked. “We would not need their money, We could easily finance a campaign on our own just off royalties and interest. It would not hurt us one bit” and he was right. 


And so the “Politics from a different perspective” campaign was born. Mike’s platform was simple, “I will never take a dime from special interests or lobbyists, I will look at each issue and make my decision based on what is best for my constituents”. He was pro choice, pro equality and anti big business greed. 


When reporters or his opponents brought up his sex life and relationships Mike would look at them and say “And?” If they pressed further he would say “I do not subscribe to the social construct of monogamy or the ridiculous idea that there is only room in my heart for one person but what I do in my bedroom with consenting adults has nothing to do with my stance on the issues”


It was so unusual for a politician not to lie, deny or make excuses that they eventually gave up.

It turned out that people cared more about actually being represented than what Mike did in bed. 


Mike won in a landslide garnering an amazing 69% of the vote. That always made Jeff chuckle.


One of the very first things Mike did was put up a 24/7 live feed of his office from several angles accompanied by a large sign outside the door warning all that anything said in that office would be instantly public and then reduced to meet with any special interest, lobbyist or even fellow Senators anywhere else unless they allowed all conversations to be recorded, The one exception was national security issues he had to be briefed on but the public understood that, 


Several lobbyist managed to make “proposals" to him in out of the way places but quickly stopped when Mike called a press conference and told the public exactly what had been offered and what they had wanted in return, usually accompanied by recorded audio from his phone.


This led to investigations and several arrest followed by a few resignations and many promises to “be more careful in the future” from politicians, many of whom lost their next bid for reelection, 


A year later Jeff ran for their local congressional seat on the same platform and also won in a landslide though he always grumped that 70% of the vote was not as funny as 69.


Mike and Jeff shocked people when they still had time to put out music, the proceeds of which very transparently were used for their reelection campaigns, 


Mike and Jeff scrupulously avoided entanglements with anyone involved with politics but that did not stop them from having adventures. On vacation one year they had met several men of various ages and bred them. Tony had come to vacation with them and together they worked their way through the “treasures" of many men. 


One particularly memorable little minx had ridden the three of them to exhaustion. His name was Chuck and je so totally charmed Tony that when he returned to France Chucky went with him, 


Mike and Jeff decided to retire from politics at the end of Mike’s 2nd term. One of the last things they did was to stop a strange bill that the pharmaceutical companies had managed to slip through congress despite what was called it’s draconian measures. It had tri do with HIV status. 

The bill stipulated that in order to receive a government ID you had to present test results with your HIV status and that all HIV positive individuals were required to immediately go on medications, Failure to do so could result in being jailed and forcefully medicated. 


The Bill had been vetoed by President Taylor Swift and the veto override had filed in the House and in the Senate by one vote in each house, 


The President ordered the Justice Department to take a close look into the drug companies, This move had had an air of desperation to it and she felt the public needed to understand why,




The year was 2125 Jeff walked into the living room moving slowly and deliberately and lowered himself to sit on the floor leaning back on the now world famous ottoman. It had happened for the first time on this piece of furniture.


He thought back on his life and to the biggest surprise of all, The Justice Department investigation had found after several years that the pharmaceutical companies had been up to something. By forcing every HIV positive person onto meds they were trying to hide the fact that a new strain of HIV was taking over. A nondeadly strain. In later years it would be dubbed "The Angel Strain”. 


Researchers quickly found where it originated. It had been that nameless boy they had fucked on Jeff’s first trip to the baths. He had known all along who they had been but had played along to be with his idols. He had pointed them to Mike and Jeff being one of the oldest confirmed carriers of the Angel Strain. A quick test in Mike confirmed he was a carrier too and Mike pointed them to Doug who had clean up his act and was living with his husband in Vermont. Test on Doug confirmed that while Mike’s strain came from him his HIV was normal HIV and it was his medications that kept it from progressing. 


The Angel Strain had originated with Mike and Jeff was the first he had passed it on to. On this ottoman Jeff thought wryly. They had never gone on medications, They never thought about it because they had no adverse health effects.


Further research had found that The Angel Strain could override other strains of HIV and that the medications actually made you slightly more likely to die as they suppressed The Angel Strain and if you caught a resistant strain could keep it from protecting you,


The drug companies didn’t care. They just saw their profit from the meds vanishing. It was not even a vaccine they could sell so they had tried to hide it to keep the money coming in. So what if a few more people died? 


This led to a deeper investigation and it finally came out that the drug companies had been sitting on a cure for many diseases, An anti-aging drug that cured cancer, diabetes and prevented most age related ones like arthritis and dementia, The calculation was that they would make more money treating a population kept sick than selling one that kept everyone healthy. 


This lead to the nationalization of the pharmaceutical industry and the trial and execution of the people who had truly known what was going on. In an unprecedented move they were tried by the Supreme Court to prevent the endless appeal process and not even the most strident anti death penalty proponents tried to save them.


The researchers told Mike that like every other thing viruses evolved and it had mutated in him actually becoming far more successful, It had a nearly 100% transmission rate from just precum now and bottoms had an 80% chance of passing it on to a top having unprotected sex with them. Also being non lethal it had a longer lifetime for it’s host to infect others and in a final adaptation it now caused a slight brain chemistry change making it’s carriers more likely to want to spread it somehow. 


Singer and politician though he was in the end Mike ended up being most famous as patient X for The Angel Strain 


The Anti-aging drug was distributed to anyone above 35 for free and people were living to 130 to 140 years now some making it to 150,  and the family had had many happy decades together.


Buzz, Hank and Brad had been the first to go nearly 15 years ago. For Hank’s 120th birthday the three, still  in incredible shape, had decided to be dropped from a helicopter onto the top of a mountain to snowboard down. There had been an avalanche… 


Mike had been devastated. In a very real way Hank and Buzz had been his kids and Brad his grandson. He had guided them, nurtured them and loved them for so long he was inconsolable. 


Jeff had had to put aside his own grief to take care of him. 


Sal went next at 141 and swore till the end that he would outlive them all. John did not long survive him, He stopped taking the anti-aging drug and was gone in two weeks.


Mike and Jeff got each other through that somehow 


Then a year ago… the tears started down Jeff’s cheeks. They had celebrated their 100th wedding anniversary just a couple months before when the drugs suddenly stopped working for Mike. They were like that. You lead a long healthy life then you were gone in a couple days. Jeff had felt him go about 3 am but had laid held in his arms softly crying till dawn crept through the windows. 


And now Jeff was alone. He had mourned and hidden from the world for a while and then made a decision. He had set many things in motion he and Mike had always talked about, liquidating most of their assets and set up funds and endowments so that their life’s work would go on and help as many as possible. He knew Mike would want him to live and be happy but how do you live without a man you spent a century with? How could you go on alone? He sent a thought mode to the sound system in the house and the original version of Heartsong started playing. The song had been covered so many times people had forgotten that Jeff recorded it first. He had stopped taking the medications weeks ago. He quietly sang along “My Heartsong ends without you” 


Jeff’s caretaker found him. Head down on the ottoman a sweet smile on his face, The reaction of most people when they heard of his passing was “Wow, I didn’t even know he was still with us” The Compound” became a museum dedicated to the remarkable people who had lived there and the ottoman was the central exhibit.






Mike waited, Standing by the road he waited. The was no hot or cold here. No hunger or thirst, He never got tired. He really could not complain. Hank, Buzz and Brad had been waiting 15 years. Sal and John were there too. They waited.


People moved along the road, most of them just vague shapes but occasionally someone you knew would pass. They were sharper. Most of them walked past and through the large open gate but some stopped outside and waited. 


This was not Heaven, At least not the one people expected. Many people, singing pompous hymns and looking like the were smugly victorious found they could not get through the gate, Many protested what a good (fill in a religion name here) they had been and a voice sounding pre recorded and bored would play after a soft *DING* “You spent your life using your religion to justify your hate when you should have been loving your fellow man. Go away, When we have time we will come find you and send you back for another try. Have a pleasant day” it was always the same message. Some people approached the gate warily. Like they knew they could not get through. Mike wondered what they had done in life to cause that, They tried then eventually wandered away.


In his waiting Luke had come by and as he had done for most of their lives when he had seen Mike walked up and held him in his arms but soon, just hours later Cathy had come, Kissing Mike on the cheek as she took Luke’s hand and led him through the gate.


Mike waited. 


Then one day he saw him walking down the road and his heart swelled with love, “Jeff!” he shouted 


Tears in his eyes Jeff came running, looking like he had that first day in Mike’s tattoo shop and threw himself into his arms sobbing “I couldn’t. I couldn't live alone! How could you leave me alone?” 


“Shhhh shhhh. hush now baby boy.” Mike whispered, crushing Jeff to him as the rest of the family surrounded them “You know I didn’t have a choice. We are together now and you are mine, Mine forever now” 


And with that they walked hand in hand as a family. Hank, Buzz, Brad, Sal, John, Mike and Jeff through the gate and into their next adventure.  




And so it ends. I’m as surprised we ended up here as you are but I hope you enjoyed.


Is it wrong for something you write yourself to make you cry?

Peace and Love


These characters get mentioned in a new story by the same author. 

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What a fantastic piece of writing. Full of character embellishment, horny sex and a great story running throughout. 

From a selfish perspective I’m going to miss the boys latest adventure but I’m glad the story came to an end and not as many great stories do on here fizzling out or even being left incomplete. 

Thank you for taking the time to write this for us. 

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Like others, I was surprised with the ending. Not at all what I expected, but quite appropriate and thought-provoking for us readers.  Thanks for the amazing writing and attention-grabbing story line! 

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Untold Adventures volume 1



 Mike listened to Dr. Jerry drone on and on. He was the lead researcher at Angelbug Labs. A foundation he and Jeff had started to further look into The Angel Strain. Jeff had named it with his usual sarcasm. 


Mike was sure Dr. Jerry had never had a sexual thought in his life even though he researched a sexually transmitted virus. He knew the man was in his late 60s but the anti-aging drugs had  reverted his body to a much younger looking state. Mike was also sure that the geeky cute man was totally unaware of the way his bubble ass filled his slacks or how his pouty sensual lips looked made for sucking cock. The man was an academic to the core, 


“Our research proves that transmission through means other than anal penetration produces 20% less protection and though this is usually sufficient there have been a few outlying cases of deterioration in people with particularly resistant strains. Why infection through anal penetration is more effective remains a mystery. Our research is slowed by the small number of confirmed  1st generation carriers, people we can confirm were deliberately infected by you. Along with yourself they are the best sources of viable virus control samples. We simply need more people infected directly by you.” Dr. Jerry said in a matter of fact voice, not even considering the implications or that he was basically telling Mike to go breed people as his eyes scanned the report on his laptop. 


His droning was stopped when a large flaccid penis flopped down over his shoulder, the head reaching down to brush his pocket protector. 


“We can make another confirmed 1st generation carrier right now” Mike said with a smirk 


The oblivious man looked back at his laptop “The would be helpful” then it finally sank in “Oh! You mean me!” and he blushed bright red “I never… I mean I’ve NEVER…” 


“Then we can be sure you are not infected by anyone else” Mike said 


“It certainly ups the chances and my annual physical last month confirms I am HIV negative. Working with the virus we are tested just to make sure.” He said in his nerdy analytical voice. “Maybe we should it would be so convenient” 


Mike laughed, reached down and closed the laptop and set it aside, drew the flustered man to his feet and walked him into the living room and to the ottoman, He may as well get the full experience. 


Mike pulled off Dr. Jerry’s shirt and undid his pants pushing them to the ground then pushed him to his knees and ordered “Suck”


Dr. Jerry’s nerdy response of “Ohh… Yes… performance of fellatio and oral sex often precede…” was cut off as mike grabbed his hair and stuffed his cock through those sexy pouty lips gagging the man as his hardening cock stretched his throat. 


Once hard Mike positioned the Dr. on the ottoman he had infected Jeff and Buzz on and knelt behind them 


A nervous “The use of lubricant besides natural precum decreases the chances of trans…. OH MY FUCKING GOD!" rang through the room as Mike punched the head of his cock in… Nerdy talk was a turn on but it was time to fuck.


With decades of experience Mike quickly worked his raw cock up that perky geek ass and Dr. Jerry became a wanton slut  moaning and pushing back, calls of “fuck me, breed my hole” in that nasal nerd voice spurring him on and the squeal when Mike thrust his last few inches in breaching the academic’s inner barrier made Mike’s balls tighten, a few more strokes bringing him to roaring orgasm as he pumped the researcher full of his virus.


When they stood Dr. Jerry seemed embarrassed by his own cum splattered on the ottoman “That was not very professional” he muttered to himself. “Was my roleplay sufficient? I have studied Jeff’s account of his infection on your wedding day and said what I thought was appropriate.” 


Jeff had insisted on providing every single detail to the blushing researchers when hi account was taken. 


“The things we do for science” Dr. Jerry said as he pulled up his pants 


Mike laughed tussling the scientist’s hair 




The story reached it’s end but I hope you don’t mind me posting these “Untold Adventures” as they occur to me 




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