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This isn't my story but one told to me by a buddy. He's happy for me to share. I may add some additional parts after but they'll just be my fantasies. Names have been changed and locations altered. This is a bit of a slow burner but it does get good. I'm just trying to recount what I was told in as much detail as possible.


At nineteen Dave dropped out of university in his first year.  Having gotten through secondary school with the help of his teachers he thought he was safe enough to drink his way through college and pass too.

Unfortunately that plan didn't work out, nor did the back up plan of becoming a professional rugby player. Dave played through school and college and was good but just not good enough. But, because of his sports days he was a built lad; 5ft 10, broad, short cropped fair haired and blue eyes. He didn't have a six pack but is built like a brick shit house. Between his looks qnd popularity he never had an issue pulling girls but he had always been curious since mutually wanking with a mate when he was in his early teens. He figured it was just a phase but still always took a peek in the showers and admired guys on nights out.

Anyway after leaving college he retuened home to his small, fairly rural, Irish town. His parents didn't take long to get sick of his lack of motivation and, after a couple of weeks his father arranged for him to do an apprenticeship in carpentry with a guy he knew through his own work. Dave was gutted, he hadn't much interest but agreed when he was basically told it was that or get out and fend for himself. About a week after he was given the news Dave met his new boss Niall. 

Niall was in his early 30s, about 6ft, lean but muscular body, dark hair, deep brown eyes and a decent 5 o'clock shadow. Dave remembers feeling odd the first time he met Niall, he didn't realise it was attraction at the time, just figured it was admiration for the guy who looked so well kept. 

"Alright lad, how's it goin?" Niall stuck out his hand to greet Dave. "Uh grand thanks" came the younger man's reply. "So your father tells me you're interested in carpentry, have you done much of it before?" Niall enquired. "Just a bit in school, and a couple of bits at home, but I was decent enough" said Dave. Niall just laughed and, after some conversation they agreed that Dave would assist with helping to finish off a kitchen unit for the week and, after that they'd see how if Dave would stay on. 

The project was a success, Dave impressed Niall and surprised himself at how much he enjoyed the work. Niall was quite an easy going guy and they got on well. Usually Friday's included a couple of pints after work before Niall dropped Dave home. During this time the two got to know each other well. Niall heard about Dave's rugby "career" and that he hadn't a steady girlfriend since secondary school, he figured college would provide plenty of women. In turn Dave learned that Niall had previously been engaged but it didn't work out. He had his own place on the outskirts of town and was fond of a bit of weed every now and then to relax.

It was on one of those Fridays that things got interesting. After a particularly long day Niall said he felt like something stronger and took a joint out of the pocket of hos van. "You don't mind?", he asked Dave. "Nah man you're fine". "You wanna drag?" Dave was unsure, he'd never tried weed, or any drugs, but Niall reassured him it'd be fine. Dave always seemed to find it hard to say no Niall and took his first puff. "Trust me, it's great for the wind down" Niall told him. The two then discussed weekend plans; Dave's buddies all had deadlines for college so he was having a quiet one. Niall suggested he join him in town, he was going to watch a match and figured Dave might be up for it. Dave agreed but he had training that Saturday and would be running late. "No hassle" Dave told him, bring your stuff, you can shower and change at mine". 

Saturday came and it was a miserable day, non stop rain from morning. By the time Dave finished training he was soaked and miserable. He wasn't in much of a mood go to Niall's but felt obliged. When he pulled up, Niall answered the door in tight black t-shirt that showed off his body, grey joggers and white socks. "Fuck, you look like a drown rat" he said as Dave came in. He showed him to the bathroom and how to use the shower. 

I'll continue with the story later. There is chem play coming but like I say this took time to kick off.



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Dave finished showering and heard Niall shout that he could use his bedroom to change. He had gel and aftershave if Dave needed it. He took the offer and looked around Niall's room. A queensize bed at the centre with a dresser. At the end of the bed a shelf and mirror with various scents and products. As Dave approach he noticed a discarded pair of jocks on the ground. This fascinated him. He recalled seeing plenty of lads jocks before, in the changing rooms. Bit that admiration he felt for Niall just came back. He picked up the purple calvin kleins and took a closer look. He noticed some stains in the crotch and got a shiver. He threw them down again and got himself ready to watch the rugby game. As he came down stairs he found Niall sitting on the couch smoking what he thought was weed in a small glass pipe. 

"Weird looking bong man, never seen one like that". Niall gave a half laugh and explained that it was something a little stronger. He told Dave as it was so bad out he felt like having a pick me up before heading out and offered some to the apprentice. Dave hesitated at first, he wondered what the effects would be. Niall explained that it was just gonna help him relax for the night ahead and would keep him going while clubbing. As had happened on previous occasions Dave followed Niall's advice. The two men then sat down and agreed to watch the first half of the match before venturing further.

As the first half progressed the two men took turns at the pipe between them, commenting on play. Niall commented on the size of the men, complimenting Dave on his body, "you're big, but not fat or the like". Dave loved getting praise from the older man he admired and returned the favour telling Niall he kept himself well. Niall put it to Dave he must have seen plenty in the changing rooms though, explaining that he mostly worked, went to the gym and pool and normally no one really parades around in the leisure centre. Dave agreed and then laughed as he commented that he saw plenty of jocks thrown around the place too, like yours upstairs. He suddenly stopped and apologised, saying the pipe must be going to his head. Niall told him not to worry. It makes a fella chatty and that they were just underwear. It was at this point Dave admitted his own underwear was just generic stuff and he needed to invest. Niall laughed, offered him the pipe again and in a serious tone said "Well man, if ya like, I've plenty pairs upstairs. You're free to try em for the night". Dave coughed out of shock, Niall calmly continued to explain that if he pulled a woman might find his stuff more sexy than some random pound shop job. 

He told Dave think about it while they watched the match and refilled the pipe. "Too wet to head just yet man, might as well have a bit more".


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The lads continued to chat as the match continued with Dave feeling more buzzed with every hit he took. Niall told him that tingling sensation was totally normal but so was sweating. Despite having a couple of cold cans the guys were starting to overheat, leading to Niall losing his t-shirt. Dave hadn't seen him topless before. He couldn't help but stare at his older mates fur covered chest and fit body. As the match was ending Niall decided he'd shower and change leaving Dave in the sitting room. Dave was feeling good and noticed there was still something left in the pipe so took another couple of hits. 

This really hit him and got his mind racing. He decided to take Niall up on his offer and headed to the bedroom to see if he'd find a pair of boxers to impress the ladies. Niall was just coming out of the shower as Dave was opening the drawer. "Well, well, well, find a pair you like?" In response Dave held up a yellow pair of CK trunks. "Good choice, they'll really show your bulge, throw em on". In no time Dave had stripped below the waste and put on Niall's underwear in front of him. Niall walked toward Dave, cupping his balls, "yep, snug out". The younger man blushed as the older just smirked and gave him a cheeky wink, "They'll all be after a bit of this lad tonight". At that, Niall started to stroke Dave.

Dave was suddenly starting to sober a bit as his body couldn't help but react to the helping hand. He started to back away but Niall stayed with him, laughing, "Ha man, you must be horny out". Dave knew Niall was just trying to take the piss but everything he had taken was kicking in and he couldn't help himself. Niall was relentless as Dave kept stepping back, eventually falling back on Niall's bed. 

Niall released his towel, his own cock now semi hard. He looked at Dave, "Looks like we could both do with this". He pushed Dave down, the teen tried to get up but he was out weighed. The older man slowly started to pull down the underwear. "Just stay calm lad, you'll enjoy it". Dave tried to struggle as Niall lay on top, their cocks pressed together. Niall started to grind against Dave, grunting, telling his apprentice how good it felt. Dave was torn, he felt like crying but was starting to like the feeling of body contact. Both men's pre-cum started to mix on their bellies, staining the shirt Dave never had a chance to remove. Niall moved his face closer to Dave, "See Davey boy, nothing wrong with a couple of mates helping each other out". Dave could only moan in response.

Both could feel the tension building in their cocks, Niall coming first. Dave almost came round in the time it took Niall to come down. However the older man used his cum as lube and started to wank the younger to completion before collapsing beside him.

The men dozed for a minute or two with Niall getting up and declaring they'd both need another shower before going out and that Dave would probably need to borrow something else to wear.


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Sunday morning Dave woke up in Niall's. After what happened the night before seemed like a blur. Both lads showered again and headed out. Dave's head was all over the place while Niall went on acting as if nothing had happened. Town was quiet, they left the club early, came home and went to bed. Dave tried to bring it up but Niall simply dismissed him saying he'd smoked and drank too much. He needed sleep. 


Dave went down stairs, hoping to gather his things and sneak out but Niall was already in the kitchen, "awright man, fancy a fry?" Niall was so calm and natural. "Um i was just gonna head..." Dave started before being interrupted. "Nah man, you're not going to be fit to drive yet, eat that and chill." The lads chatted about the night before, ignoring the part where Niall had molested his young guest. But all seemed normal. Dave figured that maybe it was better to leave it, Niall was probably just as embarrassed. After a couple of hours of chatting shit, Niall said bye to Dave and let him head home.


That evening though another side effect of smoking the T kicked in for Dave. The horniness. He lay in bed, attempting to take a nap but couldn't get the image of Niall humping him out of his head. Slowly he reached down, stroking himself through his jocks. He re-lived what happened but this time he wasn't upset. He had loved the raw horniness of getting off. No need for all the emotional attachment that women want he thought. His years of fighting his urges seemed stupid now. I wonder he thought. Could i get that to happen again? As he continued picturing Niall above him, rubbing their cocks in unison, Daves strokes sped up. He couldn't hold back the strings of cum that shot and covered his torso. Grabbing a cum rag from the side of his bed Dave wiped himself down before drifting off to sleep.

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Over the next few weeks Dave started to change his point of view. Things with Niall seemed to go back to normal, work was steady, their banter was good. If anything they seemed to have become closer. Initially he had been afraid to ask Niall what exactly he had smoked that particular weekend, with everything that happened he had forgotten to ask. One Friday though, as they were discussing weekend plans he got the nerve and asked. "Ah, that stuff? It's called T. Can be good for a pick me up. Keeps you up so you can go for the night like". "Jeez i could do with that for training" Dave joked. "So you liked it then?" Niall asked. "Ah yeah was a good buzz, as you say, kept me going in the club too". Niall looked at Dave, unsure of what to make of the youngster's interest, "yeah, it's not something for every week but can be good on occasion." "So", Niall began cautiously to Dave, "what's your big plan for the weekend?". "We've got a match tomorrow afternoon but that's about it" Dave replied, "A few of the lads are talking about heading to town but to be honest the bank account is low this week so I'll probably give it a skip". "Ah right" said Niall, "well if you've any interest I'm gonna watch the soccer, a few cans. Feel free to call, can crash if ya want", Dave smiled, "Sound, man, yeah I'll  keep it in mind".


Saturday came as did Dave's match. It was a tough slog and Dave took more than a few smacks before being taken off. "Good man" the coach told him, "you played great today". By the end of the match Dave was loving life, they'd won by 3 points and it was his best game of the season so far. When hos teammates brought up going out again Dave was tempted. Unfortunately he was in the red, his parents had subbed him for the coming week. 


Dave forgot about his fiancial woes quickly though. Now he was looking at his teammates differently. He noticed their different body types and builds, how body hair suited some, who trimmed, who was wearing what sort of underwear, who looked handsome once changed. Where did that come from he thought. 


As the evening went on Dave was bored, his buddies still away at uni, doing assignments or out with dates. He on the other hand couldn't afford a few pints and a taxi. Then he remembered Niall's offer amd sent a text to see if the invite stood. Niall told him to call away and, if he wanted he could stay. Within the hour Dave had cleaned himself up, taken any beer left in the fridge and driven to Niall's, telling his parents not to expect him home.


Niall answered the door similar to last time, grey joggers but this time a City jersey. "You a city fan?" He asked as he and Dave entered the house. "Don't really follow soccer to be honest, but happy to watch a game." "Grand job" Niall replied. As they entered the sitting room Dave was surprised to find someone else there. This guy looked a similar age to Niall, shaved head, 5 o'clock shadow. Even though he was sat down you could tell he was easily 6 ft, he was wearing a dark grey t-shirt, snickers work pants and a pair of work boots. "Dave, this is Tommo" he's just after landing from Dublin. "How's it going?" Tommo said, reaching out to shake Dave's hand, " can't believe they actually let this bollocks train someone up". "Ah feck off" Niall shot back. Dave learned the two men were old buddies and Tommo had a few days off so decided to call down. "Right, I'm gonna clean myself up" Tommo declared after downing a couple of cans.


Niall asked Dave about his own match earlier and Dave was happy to give a full report. Just as he was finishing up Tommo came back. Dave cauhht himself glancing at the man who returned in a  jersey that seemed a size too small and a pair of tight adidas trackies that showed off a bit of a bulge. Tommo looked at Dave, "jeez lad we look very casual compared to yourself". It was true, despite knowing he wasn't going out Dave had opted for a form fitting polo, jeans and trainers. "Do you not have any he could throw on?" Tommo directed at Niall. "Well..." Niall began as Dave said it was fine. "Nah Tommo's right, much as I hate to admit it". We're gonna be in for the night, might as well be comfortable. With that Dave followed Niall to his room. Dave's pulse began to race as he remembered what happened last time. He could feel the bllod flowing to his cock. "Here, try these" Niall handed Dave a pair of red skinny trackie bottoms. "You might as well throw this on too" he said, passing Dave and old jersey, "just in case of spillage" Niall said with a smirk and a wink.


As the evening went on the 3 lads sat watching the match. It was good fun, Dave laughed as the other two constantly threw insults at each other and even got one or two of his own in. As the match finished up Tommo looked at his last can, "fuck it lads, I'm sick of beer, anything stronger?" Niall looked at Tommo and Dave, "well I might have something, Dave no pressure on you now though" he said very matter of fact like. With that he left the room and came back with a back pack. "Look, these are just some party favours I've got" Niall explained, anyone fancy a bump?" "Mighty" said Tommo, rubbing his hands together. Niall divided out the white powder on the coffee table, Tommo led with inhaling it through hos nostrils, followed by Niall who could see the worry on Dave's face. "Hey lad, there's no pressure to try it. But if you're worried I'm here, I'll look after ya". Dave looked at Niall and all his feelings came to the forefront getting rid of dout. "Ok so, but just a small bit." "Ha, good man yourself" Tommo shouted. 


Once the party favours started so too did the party. Tommo got the remote of the smart tv and found a dance tune playlist on line. As the music played the men learned more about one another. Niall and Tommo had been in school together and both went into trades, basically they were thick as thieves back in the day. They asked Dave about his situation, he was the youngest of 3 brothers, had a girlfriend in school bit they broke up when it came to uni. He'd been single since. "So what you do for pussy?" Tommo asked, "you're a big tank of a rugger, ye get all the women don't ye?". Dave blushed slightly, "well" he began, "between work and training I'm fairly busy. Plus most of the nights out I go on now is with the lads. Usually end up in places with an older crowd". "Nothing wrong with a bit of older totty, is there?" Tommo smirked at Niall. Dave looked puzzled until Tommo explained that he and Niall had once had a threesome with an older woman when they were in their early twenties. Tommo took great pleasure in recounting the experience and Dave was listening, getting excited by every detail. "Hey, why don't we do a few more favours" announced Tommo. 


Niall could see that Dave looked doubtful about taking another bump, "how about a little T instead?". He offered Dave the pipe and lighter, and joined Tommo in taking some more coke. Over the next hour the lads were partying big time. The music continued playing and the dancing started. After another hit of the pipe Dave could feel the sweat dripping from him. "Lads, I'm  boiling. I'm gonna grab a glass of water, anyone else want one?" "Oh yeah, good man" Niall said. By the time Dave returned with the water Niall and Tommo had taken off their tops. "Fuck, it's an oven in here man" Tommo said as he took a glass from Dave. Tommo's chest was covered in a light dusting of dark hair and tattoo of a star on his left pec. Both his and Niall's torsos glistened with sweat and it didn't take much convincing for the now high Dave to start stripping off.


It was a sight, three toned men dancing stupidly in a living room in just trackies and socks. "Right" Niall suddenly announced as he turned down the musoc, I need to be a bit more mellow. Niall took out a baggie and divided the powder into 6 lines. Dave looked at his boss, "No worries" said Niall, "This is K. It winds ya down a bit, you can trust me man". Dave followed the other men's lead and sniffed. "How you feeling?" Tommo asked. Dave said he was good but still a bit hot. "Yeah" Tommo agreed, and with that stepped out of his trackies. He sat on the couch, in a pair tight trunks, "much better" he sighed, "lads ye should join me". Niall copied without delay as Dave, now light headed and merry giggled, pulling down the pair he had borrowed from Niall earlier. As he stepped completely free the other men wolf whistled at the 19 year old in his black boxers. "C'mere lad", Tommo instructed as Dave sat between the two older men. 


"So Davey lad, how are ya feeling now?" Tommo asked. "I'm good lad, fuck, this is savage craic" Dave responded. Niall was quietly inhaling on the pipe and exhaling, "You ever shot gunned?" he suddenly said, looking at his apprentice. "Nah man, what's that?", "Watch myself and Tom and you can try after". Dave watched, totally entranced, as Niall took a hit of T, leaned across him and blew it into Tommo's mouth. His eyes were wide and all he could do was nod when asked if he wanted a turn. Niall blew smoke into the teen and instructed him to hold it before realeasing it back. As Dave got used to the technique it wasn't long before the smoke was being passed between the three men. On the fourth or fifth attempt Dave felt that both the older lads were moving closer when suddenly he felt a tongue slip into his mouth.


Dave's head was spinning. Here he was, practically naked on a couch, kissing his boss. It was like an out of body experience, the drugs enhancing every touch making him tingle. While Niall held his face, Dave could feel another set of arms coming from behind. Tommo was rubbing his body, his rough hands settling on Dave's nipples, tweaking and twisting them as Tommo begain to bite, lick and kiss the nape of Dave's neck. Niall pulled back from Dave and looked him in the eyes, "well Dave lad, I reckon you're in for a treat tonight." High as a kite, Dave barely registered what was being said. He loved the senseation of rubbing his hand through Niall's chest hair. Tommo caught Dave's face and turned it to himself, forcefully invading Dave's mouth with his tongue.

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Posted (edited)

Your a tease!! This last chapter had hard and leaking then left me blue balled LOL !!

more please more!

Edited by Pnp-pig

Tommo grabbed Dave's hair and pulled him away from his face. He could only grin as he looked at the young lad's face. He was lost in horniness. Niall spoke up, "Time for another round of this I'd say" he said handing the lighter and pipe to Dave. "Take another few hits there man". Like a good apprentice Dave followed the instruction taking three big hits. The tingling ran all through his body and he was feeling so horny. He passed the pipe to Tommo and, without thinking starting reaching down into his boxers to wank himself off. Tommo didn't bother taking a hit, he was more interested in what the young lad in front of him was at, "Ha, good idea there, what you reckon Niall?" Niall smiled at Tommo and both men stood and removed their underwear revealing two semi swollen cocks that were only getting bigger. 


The young apprentice couldn't believe what was going on. At the back of his mind this seemed wierd to say the least but the alcohol and drugs had lowered his inhibitions to the point that he simply didn't care. He was horny, his buddies were horny. Niall's cock was lovely, natural even, uncut nice girth, about 7.5inches (same as me, he thought), nice bush of pubes. Tommo's was longer he noticed. 8 or 9 inches he guessed, slimmer than his own and Niall's but cut and completely devoid of hair. Dave was rejoined by both men on the couch as they started wanking and chatting as if this was the most natural thing in the world. Tommo sat on Dave's right, placing his left arm behind the younger lad's head while slowly stroking his meat with his right. "Everything alright there lad?" He asked, noticing a slightly crest fallen Dave still with his hand inside his own boxers. "Fuck sake, can't seem to get properly hard", the apprentice blurted out. "Ah", Niall began, "that can happen with T lad, gives ya the mood but not the horn. Don't stress bud, give it time, relax, we can help sort ya" he finished his reassurance with one of his trademark winks that got Dave flustered. 


"I've an idea" Niall said, grabbing Dave by the hand and leading him out of the sitting room. The 19 year old followed his mentor into a guest bathroom. "Sometimes a good shower helps, ya know just clean yourself down and out" Niall explained to his apprentice who was only half comprehending what he was hearing. "Lose the boxers and step in there" said Niall, in strange, half commanding tone Dave recognised from work. He did as instructed, followed by Niall who switched on the shower and toyed with the temperature. Still in the fog of T, Dave was puzzled, the nozzle was an odd one he'd not seen before, "that some fancy yoke?" he asked. Niall just laughed to himself, "No lad, it's not for your head, it's for your ass". Dave seemed to sober up quickly hearing this, "what?!". "Don't worry kid, it won't hurt. It'll help clear ya out a bit. I did it earlier myself, so did Tom when he freshened up earlier". Niall explained to Dave about how the nozzle would spray water into him, how to hold it and sit over the toilet to realease. Dave was dubious, he felt like he should go, but Niall was so calm and matter of fact, besides, as Niall had explained, the clearout apparently helped with getting hard. For the next while Niall helped guide Dave through the process, eventually proving successful with a stream of clear water flowing from the younger lad. "Well, how do ya feel?" Niall asked the teen, "Good yeah, think it worked, feels like I'm sobered up a bit." said Dave, rubbing his hole, not quite believing what he had just done. "Ha, yeah kid, it's a life saver" Niall responded as he changed the shower head, "c'mon, we both need a rinse after that" motioning Dave to join him in the shower. 


The shower seemed to relax both men, they chatted as they washed, the occasional friendly grab or slap of an ass cheek. Just like the showers after training or a match Dave thought to himself. As they dried off Dave felt refreshed, it was as if he'd just woken from a great sleep. When they returned to the sitting room the two found Tommo had switched the TV to porn. On screen, two muscle bears were spit-roasting a cute blonde who's tits were bouncing around. Dave was mesmerised. "Fuck sake, I thought you two were gone out for the night" joked Tommo, "right" he continued, "I'm gonna have a quick refresh myself" passing the other two for a shower. It wasn't long before Tommo came back to find Naill and Dave chatting as porn still played in the background. "Fuck lads, things are dying here, better change it" he declared as he refilled the pipe and lit it up.


For the next few minutes the lads took turns taking hits, shotgunning and having a laugh. "How long since we had the cans?" Niall asked, "a few hours" responded Tom with a knowing smile. With that Niall went to the fridge, took out a bottle of coke, a jar of clear liquid and a syringe. Dave watched as Niall put an amount of the clear liquid into a glass for each and filled them with coke. "Here, down this, it's fantastic with the T" Niall explained as Dave took the glass and  along with the other two men downed it in one. "Fuck that's rotten" the young man said. Tommo quickly took a hit from the pipe and pulled Dave in for a shot gun before once again slipping in his tongue. Dave was feeling very relaxed and loving the feeling of Tommo's stubble against him. He was loving how good this felt as Tom slowly led him onto the floor with Dave lying on top. As they kissed slowly, both enjoying each other, Dave felt Niall's hands massage his calves. He was loving it as hands slowly but surely made their way to his ass cheeks. He was so horny, he could feel Tommo's boner growing underneath him, when suddenly he was shocked back to reality. His cheeks were spread and a tounge was licking his hole.


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