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  1. Past hour
  2. I am usually a bottom, however, sometimes younger guys beautiful tight holes really turned me on. I draw a line when it comes to condoms as those things suck, fuck I get pissed off if I were offered condom. I am usually a bottom, however, sometimes younger guys beautiful tight holes really turned me on. I draw a line when it comes to condoms as those things suck, fuck I get pissed off if I were offered condom. I usually like to popper them up and get them to ride on my cock so I’m able to give them a deep load.
  3. I consider myself to be a horny insatiable bottom. So I was looking on sniffies, on me a local black guy who needed to offload. We texted back-and-forth several times exchanging pics of his fat uncut, dripping cock, and my hungry gaping hole. I sent him pictures from my last hook up, where my hole was battered and dripping with cum. gaping hole. I sent him pictures from my last hook up, where my hole was battered and dripping with cum. I was at work and was unable to leave immediately., So I had to make a plan to meet up with him on my lunch break family restroom, where he could fuck me until he came inside my hole. 2 PM rolled by really quickly. I got My hole was ready and so I drove down to the park. He was already inside the bathroom waiting, I walked in to see him standing against the wall with his cock in his hand. It was hard as a rock and he motioned me to come closer. I locked the door and pulled up my bottle of poppers, while stepping towards him, I took a big huff, spun around, presenting to him, my ass, he let go off his cock and started feeling my ass with both of his hands, grabbing my hips and immediately pushing it against his groin area or his wet cock was rubbing up against my hole. I was in hog heaven, as I was flying high from the poppers and the feeling of his warm cock pressed up against my whole rubbing feeling his pre-cum and spit making me so horny. I could feel him trying to push in his fat cock head. My hole initially resistance was now giving away little by little, I put the bottle of poppers up to my nose once more, and took another huff, my whole body felt warm on my mind was it distant galaxy away I could feel my muscles relax, and then I felt his cock head getting hooked inside of my hungry hole. He realize how loose I was at that point, and pushed it hard as he could inside of me getting my prostate on the first thrust. I moaned, as he proceeded to jackhammer fuck my ass, I was flying high as he took what every man needed, and I was being of service to him, it was exactly what I wanted. The pleasure I felt was amazing as he pulled me off his cock and then shoved it back in violently did this many times even withholding poppers, his arm tight around my neck and my back arched With my hands holding my cheeks open and my ass pucker out so he can get the full pleasure he deserved. My present would be his swimming deep inside of my guts seemed like 20 minutes, but your head gets cloudy while you are using poppers and being dominated by cock, eventually grew faster and then he gave me a hit of poppers and he started choking me as I was pressed up against the wall, I figured it was time for him to breed so I started begging for him to come and fill my hole. Soon enough, I can feel his cock swelling as he began pumping deep inside my hole I could feel warm sensations satisfaction of knowing that I gave my whole up for a random stranger to enjoy. him to come and fill my hole. Soon enough, I can feel his cock swelling as he began pumping deep inside my hole I could feel warm sensations satisfaction of knowing that I gave my whole up for a random stranger to enjoy. Let me go and slid out of me with a sloppy thud, soft cock slapped against his leg. I could still see his sperm dropping out of his cock head. I took my Que pulled up. My pants, walked out the door and back to work. I went.
  4. Thanks for the follow...

    We should chat more...

  5. As I've gotten older I certainly have less sex as I don't seek it out as often. When I was younger I was constantly cruising whether it was the the college men's rooms, the park, the adult book stores or other cruisy areas. I'd have sex every day and jerk off multiple times. Today I don't jerk off every day as I like to save my semen for sex, and I hook up up maybe once or twice a week, mostly with a small group of regulars. The one thing that's consistent is that I never use condoms. Very few guys use them anymore. Most guys are on PrEP and most are educated to U=U
  6. Nick sat in the living room pensively as Tex saw his unknowing brother Barry to his car down in the parking garage. Meeting his brother had been delayed for over a year because the project Barry was supposed to work on was affected by a writer’s strike and he had stayed on Broadway tp do a revival of some play from the 1930s. He had won the Tommy award for costume design he was nominated for this time Tex had always secretly kept in contact with his other two kids but phone calls and texts obky go so far when it comes to maintaining a relationship He and Tex were almost to their 4th anniversary by the time Barry finally moved into Tex’s trailer. He had spent a few years living there with Tex and his sister after his mom had died so the place was home to him. Tex and Nick had been out of town the first week he had been there but Barry always had his own key and knew the security alarm code Tex loved fucking both of his sons, the perverted incest was enough to make him ruck hard just thinking about it. He even wanted Nick to help him poz Barry, though after really thinking about it they decided they would have to be up front about it. Barry was not someone they could breed once then ignore Barry was 5 years younger than Nick who was now almost 34. He was shaped like Tex and moved like him. From the bulge in his pants he was probably hung like his father too, He had lighter skin than Nick even though his features showed his African heritage even more than Tex's Barry’s facial features took after Tex’s maternal grandfather and the combination was strikingly handsome though he looked a bit rough around the edges today, like he hadn’t slept well for a while Barry made no secret of his desire to bed his father, Nick was sure if he had not been there the two would have been going at it right now. Barry had not even flinched when Tex said he was poz now and never used condoms or pulled out. He just wanted his father to fuck him as hard and as often as he could There was only one little problem. The moment Barry got there he started trying to break Nick and Tex up. He didn’t care about the situation that had made them marry in the first place. Nick had what Barry wanted Their father in his bed every night. “It’s a shame you have to spend your life in love with a straight man, Dad. You should have someone who loves you back like I do” He had said casting a contemptuous look at Nick “That’s hardly respectful Son” Tex had said mildly “And you have no idea what my relationship with Nick is like, I would not trade what we have built together for anything” “I do love Tex, he’s the core of my life. Just because I am sexually attracted to women does not mean I can’t chose to love a man. Your Dad is the best person I have ever met and I am so lucky to have him” Nick said trying to explain and not snap at his brother. He wanted a good relationship with him for Tex’s sake if nothing else “And all that money has nothing to do with it” Barry said. His words were coming rapidly and were full of resentment “You said yourself that’s why you had to marry him! You treat my dad like a whore!” Nick decided to tell Tex something he had been holding back because he didn’t want to make his husband insecure in their relationship “Us staying married doesn’t matter anymore when it comes to the money actually. The lawyer sent me a letter over a year ago. The Supreme Court ruled on a case that invalidated the marriage requirement in the will. I kept the payments broken up over the years but no matter if we are together or not we don’t have to worry about it going to support those terrible causes and politicians” Nick told them both “So for the last year and for as long as you will have me, I am married to you and in your bed completely by my choice, because I never want to live my life without you” He said to Tex, rising from his chair, he went to sit on his husband’s lap and kissed him “Why didn’t you tell me?” Tex asked “Because, for me it didn’t change a damn thing about wanting to be with you and I didn’t want you to worry I would leave you. I plan to grow old with you Tex” Nick said kissing him again “Ha!” Barry said, sounding just a bit manic, “That’s bullshit! He was afraid you would leave him Dad! And now you can! We can be together like we always should have been! I know you love fucking your own flesh and blood son as much as I love the cock that made me in my hole and I know you love me more!” Tex ignored him for a moment to let the love and joy he was feeling sink in. Nick was wholly with him because he chose to be! His straight Son chose him as his life partner out of nothing but love! It was more than Tex had ever dreamed he would have from Nick, who had probably been right not to tell him right away. He would have worried Nick nuzzled his ear and whispered “I love you My Daddy and I always will” softly Tex squeezed him “I will show you how much I love you tonight Son” he whispered back “Mow jump up and let me deal with this mess" “Go easy on him. Don’t say anything that you can’t take back. I think there is more to this than we know” Nick said quietly then he hopped up Tex was furious now though and Tex had a temper “Barry, I raised you better than this and if I didn’t I know your mom did. You come into our home, disrespect my husband and our marriage? You think I am just going to dump him to be with you? I think you should leave now” Tex said in a menacing tone, his nostrils flaring and his eyes flashing with barely controlled rage He took Barry’s arm and pulled him roughly up from his chair then guided him firmly to the elevator and rode down to see him off and make sure he left Nick waited, sinking back down into his chair. shaking his head sadly The elevator door opened and Tex shouted “Nick! come help me! He passed out!” Nick helped him get Barry to the guest bedroom and they laid him down, loosening his clothes to make him more comfortable. Nick picked up something that fell out of Barry’s pants pocket and put it on the nightstand Doctors Lars and Cole had moved into the building to be closer to their office so Nick gave them a call. Soon the adorable, chubby Dr. Cole was checking Barry out, He moved spryly for a man of his size. It was impossible not to love D/ Cole, His bubbly though slightly forgetful personality endeared him to everyone Barry woke up when the cold stethoscope was pressed to his chest “Where am I?” he asked in a slightly confused voice “Just relax, I’m just making sure you are ok” Dr. Cole told him “How long has it been since you got a good night’s sleep?” “About a week” Barry said “I haven't slept well since I got here to the city” “Everything seems fine other than the fact you are exhausted. You are already in bed so get some rest. I will check you out again in the morning” Dr. Cole said but Barry was already asleep again As Dr. Cole picked up his bag off the nightstand he said “That’s a great picture of you Nick. You look so handsome in your cap and gown” Tex saw him to the elevator and Nick picked up what he recognized as his high school graduation picture. On the back there was a note in his mother’s handwriting “Our Nicholas graduated top of his class! Thank you so much for giving him to us Tex” it read Nick remembered Tex mentioning a box of such photos was under his bed in his trailer and they had totally forgotten to go get them ******** Barry woke up the next morning in a strange room. “Oh good! You are awake!” A bubbly voice said as a cute, chubby man came through the door “I’m Dr. Cole, a friend of Tex and Nick’s. We met briefly last night!” he said as he opened the drapes, letting in the morning sunlight “How are you feeling?” he asked coming to the bed “Much better actually” Barry said vaguely remembering the man Dr. Cole did a quick examination and said “I think you will be fine! Just take it easy for a day or so and if you continue having trouble sleeping come see me. Tex and Nick have my office number!” then he swept out of the room and Barry could hear him talking quietly with Tex in the foyer After a couple minutes Nick came in with a breakfast tray and sat it on the bed then sat himself looking directly at him. Barry could see the picture that had been in his pocket sitting besides a plate of eggs and sausage on the tray “I think we need to talk, Little Brother” Nick said Barry sighed and nodded “I acted like a total ass yesterday. I found those pictures and the letters from your parents and got so jealous! You have everything I have wanted since I was 12 and first fell in love with Dad. You share that father/son incestuous bond I love with him and even actually married him! It was to much for me to take” Barry said still sounding resentful “I'm in love with Tex for the person he is and I will never give him up but I know I don’t have that chemical response love for him, or any man for that matter. It has not hurt our relationship one bit though. If anything it makes us stronger” Nick said “It’s funny, you have not seen him for years, You don’t really know who he really is today so what it comes down to is that you love him but can’t really be in love with the person he is now. If we were one person we could love him the way he really deserves to be loved” Nick mused Barry was surprised to hear a straight man talk about emotions so openly and so accurately. He had some prejudices when it came to straight men, learned at his lesbian mother’s knee “There is something else you should know Barry” Nick said looking him in the eyes “We may not have grown up together but you are my Little Brother and despite our rough start, I love you and would give anything to protect you and make you happy… well except Tex, you can’t have him. He’s mine” he finished “Maybe we can share him Big Brother?” Barry asked timidly realizing he loved Nick too in a brotherly sort of way “We can talk about it” Nick said dubious. With what Barry had said yesterday Nick was not sure he trusted him. Love and trust not always coming hand in hand Tex walked in to find his two sons hugging tentatively He was still angry at Barry for the things he had said the day before. Neither he nor Nick had deserved that. When you got right down to it he had called Tex a very high priced whore. He decided that a little atonement was in order but he doubted either boy would really dislike what he had in mind once they got used to it Barry stood and went to hug his father but Tex stopped him “I’m not ready for that yet Barry. Nick is more forgiving than I am" he said putting a hand up "You said some hurtful and untrue things yesterday/ Do you realize that Nick did everything he did to protect other people? The money you accused me of whoring myself out for would have gone to support right wing discrimination and bigoted, religious conservative politicians? He gave up a life with the gender he prefers to make a difference in people’s l1ves” He said, getting angrier as he went along “He could have been bitter or cold or just gone through the motions but instead he did his dead level best to make our marriage as good for me as possible. He found a way to bring love, fulfillment and happiness to out lives. He did things that were against his very nature to make sure that I was satisfied.” He went on letting his love and passion for his Son, his Nick flow in his words “You on the other hand have shown yourself to be a self centered little prick. So I kept that I had another son a secret? IT WAS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS” he finished in an angry roar Barry looked at him with tears of shame in his eyes as well as a little fear of his father's wrath and Tex noticed that Nick came up behind him and held his little brother with an instinctive protectiveness, wanting to shield him even when he was wrong. Nick ever ceased to amaze Tex with his compassion. “Tex, I can’t disagree with anything you said but Barry had no way of knowing a lot of that. All he could see was that the man he had been in love with since he was a boy had another son who had everything Barry had ever wanted. I don’t agree with his methods but I can understand the feelings. I don't know how I would act if I thought I was losing you” Nick said and shuddered at the thought Nick actually whole heartedly agreed with Tex and Tex’s anger. He was really just as mad himself, but little brothers fucked up sometimes and it was a big brother’s job to get past it and forgive… Eventually “Dad, I’m sorry about all of it. I’ll do anything to make it up to both of you” Barry said sounding scared and hurt “You are going to have to convince Nick of that. I won’t touch you till he is convinced you mean our marriage no harm. I’m not so sure of that despite what you say now. You are going to become his Boy like he is mine. When he feels you are loyal to him he can bring you to me. Till then you are his or you can walk away and become just a normal son to me” Tex told Barry “You will never be with me again if I walk away now?” Barry asked, clearly upset, like his world was ending “I have a man who puts me first and fulfills my wants and needs. I love you son and I love being with you but till Nick fully trusts you I won’t jeopardize what we have by being with you” Tex told him firmly He looked at Nick and said “I’ve spent the last four years training you. Let me see how well you have learned Son. Make me proud” “I will Daddy” Nick said “Let me set down some rules and see if you can live by them. The first one is that you do not have the right to tell me no when it comes to any purely sexual act or how, when, where or if we perform them. You are not to complain if you are getting too much or too little sex and you are not allowed to relieve yourself or hookup with any man for relief. No hookups at all, no one but me and you cum only when I say you can” Nick started "You also do not have the right to “safer sex”. I will fuck you bare and cum inside of you any time I want, I will infect you with HIV. You have no choice in the matter if you stay” Nick said firmly. He actually wanted to incestuously fuck and breed and poz his brother but he was doing this was mainly to make Tex proud I will control how you dress when you are with me and you will do what I say like any kid brother should. I’m going to take care of you and protect you like a big brother should, even when you are being annoying or are wrong “You will not use my name in private. I am always to be addressed as Big Brother and you will be Kiddo or Brat or Little Brother or some such, to me depending on my mood I may use different terms in bed “I will introduce other kinks when and if I choose. You have been out in gay society for a decade and Tex fucked you for over a year so I assume you have at least some familiarity with kink. You have 48 hours to prepare a list of hard limits, but as Tex told me in the beginning if everything is a hard limit I will know you are not trying. Chose carefully” Nick said and smiled at Tex who smiled back remembering how much Nick had been willing to try over the years “My trust level in you is not high, I think, for the time being, you will be moving here. This will be your room. You will not entre the master bedroom suite without permission though” he told his chagrin little brother who had opened his mouth to object several times and shut it just as quickly when Tex glared at him “I think Nick is being more than fair here, considering that if I felt I needed you gone to keep him, I would cut you out of my life completely” Tex told his slightly rebellious looking son Barry’s eyes widened then filled with tears “Dad, no” He said in shock “Maybe now you understand how bad you fucked up yesterday. You are damn lucky Nick is a kinder, more compassionate person than I am” Then he thought about some of Nick’s favorite kinks and added “Well some of the time at least” “I wouldn’t ask you to do that unless he tries to break us up again” Nick said, giving Barry a hard look “Then all bets are off” Barry managed to look even more ashamed of himself “Go pack your things and get back here if you accept my terms. If you are not back by this afternoon then I will assume you are accepting that you will never have more than a normal father/son relationship with Tex again and we will try to be a family that way” Nick told him a little coldly A few seconds after they watched the elevator door close on Barry Nick asked “What do you think the chances are that he goes the normal son route?” Tex snorted “Less chance than a snowball has in the hottest part of hell” he said "Tex, I want to show him how special love like ours can be. I don't want to hurt him. I don't actually think I am capable of really hurting him. I already love him to much" Nick said "what was the beginning of our relationship about?" Tex asked "Lots of sex and you teaching me to trust you" Nick said "Teach him to trust you and you will come to trust him, grasshopper" Tex said in a wise, grandfatherly voice Nick shot him an irritated glance the pulled him close for a kiss Barry was back in about three hours ********* Nick started the same place Tex had started with him, In the shower, washing his little brother from head to toe like the mas was a little kid, slapping away his hand when he tried to do things for himself. “This is to teach you both trust and dependence on me. Just because I control you now does not mean this is all constant, heavy BD/SM. Your role in this is Kid Brother and mine is to take care of you like a Big Brother should. I don’t expect or want unthinking obedience from you” Nick explained as he dried his angry looking brother off “We are going to grow up together” Nick said making air quotes when he said the words “grow up” “If you let me, I want to be your protective Big Brother, your Hero who always defends you and makes sure you are safe. And who fucks the hell out of you like you are a boy slut just made to take Big Brother’s cock. That’s how I want to love you. Understand that besides Tex you are the only other man in the world I want to have sex with. I guess I got the incest gene from our Dad” he said looking Barry in the eyes Then he kissed his little brother for the first time, forcing his tongue in as they shared a long, hot, passionate make out session standing naked in the bathroom. Nick had never kissed any man but Tex before and Barry knew it Nick’s explanation moved him and he found himself wishing they had grown up together because he could tell Nick would have been a Big Brother just like he described, except for the sex part since Nick was straight… well maybe not with Tex as their Dad. He remembered something Tex had said about how Nick acted early in their relationship and decided to try something “Thank you for getting me all nice and squeaky clean, Big Brother! I’m glad you are going to be giving me my baths from now on! I have never seen you naked before though. Will my thingy be as big as yours when I get older?” he said trying to sound like an adoring Little Brother In actuality Barry’s cock soft was almost as big as Nick’s seven inches hard but this was a role play and Barry loved a good, kinky role play Nick smiled at him and said “I think yours may get even bigger than mine. Do you want me to show you some things that will make my cock, that’s what it’s called, not thingy, feel really good? It’s something special brothers can share” “I’d do anything for you Big Brother!” Barry said in full “hero worship” mode Nick took his hand and pulled him to the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed and spreading his knees apart “Get on your knees and give it a kiss. It has a special gift for you if you treat it right” Nick said huskily as his cock rose all on it’s own Barry sank down and kissed the head of his brother’s cock then his instincts took over and he wrapped his tongue around it as Nick put his head back and moaned “You are the best Little Bro in the world, put it in your mouth and suck” Nick said “Show your Big Brother how much you love him” Barry may not have been as good a cock sucker as Tex was but he knew what he was doing as he easily took Nick’s entire length into his mouth and throat. He sealed his full, beautiful lips around the base and sucked hard as he pulled up as he played with his brother’s balls/ He kept Nick on the edge for nearly half an hour until Nick pulled him off and roughly pushed him face down on the bed “It’s time to show my Little Brother what Dad made him for” Nick growled in a low, aggressive voice “He made you to be your Big Brother’s slut and cum dump” He crawled on top of his Neg little brother and forced his legs apart with his knees then found that hole with the head of his cock and plunged in balls deep “Owww Big Brother! That hurts!” Barry cried but the way he was grinding his ass back for more told a different story “It always hurts the first time Little Bro, bit trust me, you will learn to love it as much as I love fucking you. This is the only way to get that toxic gift I promised you” Then he began fucking that soon to be infected ass hard, using different angles to abrade the inner lining of that silky hole and get it ready for his viral invaders “Oh! I want your gift!” Barry said in exaggeratedly innocent tones “You are going to put it in my butt Big Brother?” “Yesss, I’m going to fill that cute boy butt with my toxic virus! I’m goin to get my Little Brother pregnant with my HIV baby! You want to be knocked up by me Little Bro?” he asked as sweat dripped from his chest onto Barry’s back “I want my Big Brother’s baby in me! Get me pregnant! I’d do anything for you! You are my hero!" Barry said reaching under to stroke his own rock hard cock That sent Nick into one of the best orgasms of his life as his balls pimped wad after wad of toxic, HIV field cum into his neg little brother’s ass. He hoped their viral baby took hold with this first, special expression of brotherly love Barry felt his Big Brother’s cock spewing the load that would change his life forever and shot off into his cupped hand then brought it to his lips and licked his fingers. Nick rolled him over and they kissed, sharing the load as their hearts slowed down from the exertion “You did great, Little Bro, I’m proud of you” Nick said. “I will never forget our first time together" “I won’t either. You are the best Brother in the world” Barry said and meant it Nick held his him till he fell asleep then slipped out of the bed, tucked the covers around his innocently sleeping little brother and quietly padded to the master bedroom and his waiting father/husband Tex sat with a laptop. He had watched the entire thing on the security camera feed. Nick decided ti retrieve the footage and edit it into a video the next day Tex stood, took his hand and led his sweaty Son to the bathroom, washing him like he had washed Barry but more slowly with much more kissing Unable to wait, Tex turned Nick to face the wall and pushed his 11 inch cock into his Son’s waiting hole. Nick turned his head and they kissed over his shoulder as Tex pounded him hard against the shower wall Nick shot his 2nd load of the night on that wall as his father filled his ass with his incestuous poz cum ‘ “You did good work tonight Son” Tex said later that night in bed “I’m so proud of you” “Thank you Daddy” Nick said as he snuggled into Tex’s chest and fell fast asleep ******************************************************************************************************** I just adore brotherly love, don’t you? Let me know! Scanbu
  7. I have been bred in the following ways; Backseat of car, SUV in my back yard countless bathrooms hotel rooms airport lounges local parks beaches in many married men’s beds bathouses private and public rooms in Front of an audience At a bar while getting a drink On A pool table while others looked on By the Hollywood sign from an older daddy walking with his kids and wife
  8. Today
  9. I’m 58 and I still get a decent amount of dick and cum in my ass. As much as 10 years ago? Nope, but I’m not looking as much either.
  10. My younger brother used to get in my bed at night, fuck me hard, load me up, then piss up my ass. We started doing this as teenagers, it lasted for years. He used to cum visit me in college and we used to spend entire weekends just fucking like bunnies. He had keys to my apartment so he could cum fuck me at will. One day he walked in on me one time while my cousin was fucking me. He got a bit jealous about me sharing what he referred to as "His honey hole" with someone else. He got naked, started tag teaming me with my cousin. That day was the first time I had 2 dicks in me at the same time. They pumped load after load in me. I was in heaven.
  11. I've heard him speak in a interview while naked and he did have a shy, quiet English accent so this is possibly a match.
  12. Damn right I feel masc as a bottom. Even when I'm with a Dominant top who's railing everything out of me but the sin. Even when I'm in bondage and totally under his control. There's nothing explicitly femme about taking a cock, and doing this is my choice to satisfy my need to be used. I'm still a man. And it takes a real man to not only endure hours of fucking, multiple cocks, multiple loads, getting rage pounded until your hole is raw and bruised and gaped, but crave it. Fuck yeah I'm a man, especially when I've got another man destroying my hole.
  13. My list isn't long but under a bridge, in some fields, backseat of a car/van.
  14. It has been decades since I last bottomed. When I did I didn't feel any less masculine. What did I feel? Perverted, dirty, disgusting, like I was breaking every rule society tried to impose on me, rebellious, extremely aroused, turned on, and very sexy. IOW it was a hell of a lot of fun.
  15. Average Joe types with dadbods and an average dick will get me sprung all day, every day. I've never been into gym bunnies or the body builder types. And don't get me wrong, big swinging ass wrecker cocks feel great, but I've never been a size queen. Big, burly bear types are hot, too (though I may be biased there - wink wink). But give me the middle-aged, middle of the road dad next door any day. I became sexually active at a young age and my first encounters were with the type. Probably sexually frustrated married guys who's wives or girlfriends won't do that thing they like because they think it's gross, or closet cases. Maybe that's why I still lean towards them now.
  16. I don't have many but I just store mine under the bed.
  17. Hi everyone, I love sucking cock, but have trouble with my gag reflex which is stopping me from becoming the true throat whore I need to be. I'd be grateful for any tips on how to train my gag reflex both when I'm alone, and when there's a cock in mouth.
  18. Writing "SLUT" instead of "SLUG", in a computer-related article. Breeding Zone has permanently corrupted me! But I'm very precise with revisions so I realized it in time. 

  19. Do it! I recommend it for every man!
  20. Yes need all the info, maybe need a guide to find all this!
  21. I drink my own whenever I am instructed to do so
  22. Very hot story. Would really enjoy and hope to read more sometime soon
  23. Agreed except for Grindr. It’s a fucking joke.
  24. Athletic Trainer 2 Jason didn't know that the shot Luke just gave him was the reason that his head all of the sudden was filled with all sorts of dirty thoughts and every single one of them was about him and Luke. He was so high that he didn't even realize was clearly leaning toward Luke's crotch when he could take his eye off Luke's bulge. Luke let out a couple deep laughs. He could see the effect his shot had on Jason but he knew this was the furthest he could go being in a school building. “You are all set. You can get dressed and get out of here and go enjoy your long weekend” Luke said as he walked away from Jason to dispose of trash and tidy up the room. Jason snapped back to reality when Luke walked away. His hand subconsciously started rubbing his dick. He is aware he is doing it and he knows he's not supposed to and Luke might see it but he just doesn't care. Luke continued to act normal toward Jason. He casually asked Jason “Any plans for the weekend?” “Hhah….no. No plan. I haven't met many people yet and I live alone. I'll start meeting people once class starts” “That's boring. We have a three day weekend. My condo is just across the street. If you aren't in a hurry. You're welcome to come chill” “Yes…yes. Thank you. That'll be awesome” Jason shouted initially because his mind was imagining pounding Luke's meaty ass all over his place, but he's trying really hard to keep this overwhelming horny feeling under control. His mind is now plotting how to come on to Luke. He got dressed and grabbed his stuff. His dick half hard when he walked out the building. He walked behind Luke looking at Luke's big ass. He wished he just ripped his pants apart and drilled his tongue in right now. Luke doesn't live far. They could see his condo as soon as they left the school building. Luke pointed at his building then they both got in their car to make the short drive. Jason didn't quite realize it but during his drive over. His left hand couldn't stop stroking his hung cock while he drove. He stayed in the car doing that a bit too long until Luke knocked on the window “are you coming up or are you gonna sit here while you play with that”. Jason’s face got red this time but he didn't try hard to hide it. He laughed and got out of the car promptly. Jason was covered in sweat but he has no idea why. When they got into the condo. Luke poured a cup of juice for him. Juice that he had put in some G ahead of time when he met Jason tonight. Luke loves to turn these college ‘straight’ dudes into his personal toy. “Here, drink something and stay hydrated. I gotta take a shower then I'll be right out. Feel free to make yourself at home.” Luke said as he walked away to his bedroom and didn't wait for Jason to respond. The moment Luke headed to shower, Jason couldn't wait to put his hand back on his dick. Completely unaware he was being recorded and Luke could see him from his phone in the other room. He turned on the TV, the first thing that started playing was gay porn. Luke intentionally wanted that to be the first thing that came up on TV. Everything tonight was calculated and planned with the intention of adding a trophy boy toy under Luke's control. Jason's body and mind are overtaken by drugs. He didn't know why or what it was but this body buzz is nothing like he has ever felt before. On the TV were three guys around his age taking turns using one daddy. He immediately started imagining Luke as that daddy. He pulled his shorts from bottom up and pushed his jock pouch to the side and exposed his hard dick. He wondered if any of his teammates might also be into guys and what if they all got together and did a CNC role play with Luke. He spit on his dick and slowly stroked it up and down, imagining the pressure came from Luke’s insert muscle. He didn't know how long he did that before he heard Luke call him and asked if he could come to him in the bedroom. “Yeah I'll be right there”. Jason quickly chugged down the juice and Jason quickly put his dick back in the jocks and shorts. He's not even to Luke's room yet but he could smell the body wash mixed with a hint of chemical smell. When he got into Luke’s room, lit by color changing ambient lighting. The chemical smell got stronger but the more he breathed that smell in, the harder his dick grew. Luke poured some popper in his room diffuser and turned it on to maximum setting and sealed any window gap with weather tapes, so the popper smell stays concentrated in the bedroom. Jason had his jaw dropped when he got to Luke's door. The sight was what he has been dreaming of. Luke also found a way to tie his wrists together within a thick cable tie; they rested behind him just above his butt crack. His head down on the bed. The star of the show was his juicy meaty basketball size round ass, pointing up and towards the door. His sizable soft cock and balls hanging in between, Luke's hairless hole was glistening and winking at him. He didn't even have to ask. He took off his shirt and shorts, threw them aside and moved to spread Luke's cheeks apart and he pursed his lips together and blew gently against the Luke's hole causing it to flinch then he let the moist tip come in contact with the soft flesh then he moved his tongue moved up and down in small gentle motions that would have been amplified at the sensitive area. Then pressed his tongue against it tightly. He initially thought Luke's hole tasted sweet but didn't think much about it. He had no idea that Luke had mixed it in with some flavor Luke and applied it on his hole before he called Jason over. He knew that he'd get Jason to eat the magic dust and also give himself a nice buzz if Jason knew how to use his tongue. However, he gave himself a nice size boof when he got out of the shower and it was so strong that he felt the buzz almost immediately. Luke groaned deeply as Jason made his hole moist. Jason began to push his tongue deeper breaching his barrier, then his tongue slipped within the fleshy walls. “Oh yes. Fuck yes. Just like that” Luke reached back and pressed Jason face into his ass “ohhhh” Luke's voice muffled as he buried his face deep into the pillow and let Jason's tongue work its magic inside his fragrant enclosure and get higher unknowingly. Jason's tongue did not disappoint him and pushed in more chem lube in his hole than he expected. Jason reached over to stroke Luke's dick. It grew into a sizable hard rod. Just the right thickness for his hand to grab and decent length for his hand to travel. It's possibly the biggest dick he has ever touched. As he eats Luke hole, he could feel his dick twitching because that's how hard his dick was. He wants to explore Luke's body more but he hasn't felt like himself since he got the shot. He wanted to have sex with Luke but now he feels like he must. He wants to plunge this dick in Luke's hole and hear him groan loudly. He loves that feeling of dominance over an older guy. He started fingering Luke's hole. He was not expecting a hole as tight as his own bc it felt so open when he was rimming. Luke took a big sniff of popper and opened his hole up for Jason. Jason slid his finger in and felt that it's already nice and lube up inside. Luke spread his legs wider so nothing gets in the way of Jason's pounding. Jason put his dick on Luke's butt crack, sliding it up and down. Occasionally his mushroom head broke into Jason's hole slightly, but his focus was just to slide it up and down, not to penetrate yet. He untied Luke’s hand so he could help himself with some poppers because most bottom he fucked couldn’t be without it. He grabbed the back of Luke's head and said “tell me what you want. I want to hear you say hi” “Fuck me. Fuck me hole hard” Luke said Jason finally started pressing his mushroom head forward against Luke's hole. Luke took two deep inhales of popper then all of the sudden his hole stopped resisting. Jason's dick slid halfway in right away. Jason's hard cock was just what he needed to satisfy his hunger. Jason loved seeing older men's faces when he pounds them. That slutty look on their face lusting over his young cock turns him the fuck on. He rolled Luke to his side on the right. Luke’s one leg was in between Jason's legs while the other was held up high on Jason's shoulder. He leaned forward to give Luke a deep passionate kiss as he thrusts his dick deeper then he got up and let out a sound of satisfaction when he had no more room to push forward. His balls slap into Luke's. He held onto Luke's left leg tightly and arched his back backward and was feeling that magnificent feeling of conquering Luke's hole all the way with his eyes closed for a few seconds. Luke doesn't bottom all that often actually. He enjoys it but he likes doing other things far more. However, this is a necessary first step to get their young college boys to submit to him willingly. Jason started to fuck. Slow out, fast in. That's how he always does it. He loves to hear the bottom moan every time when his dick thrusted back into their hole. Luke was no different. Just when he thought Jason's dick had pulled all the way out of him again, his hard dick thrusted back in all the way. The loud clap of their bodies colliding gradually becomes more frequent as Jason picks up his pace. Luke's hand is stroking his own cock so Jason reached and pinched Luke's nipples. This must be one of the nicest holes he has ever fucked. So warm. So moist. All the sudden he felt Luke tightening the muscle and squeezing his dick tight. That sensation was too much and got Jason to orgasm much sooner than he expected but it was the relief he needed so badly. He didn't have time to say anything before pumping loads on cum in Luke. “Ahhhhhhh Ahhhh” Jason held on tight to Luke then continue to fuck as he unloaded waves of cum in him. He was still fucking so hard that his own cum came splashing out of Luke's hole. “Ohhhh….do you hear that? Doesn’t that sound like I’m fucking your wet pussy?” Jason said. Then he heard Luke yell “I'm coming…..open your mouth”. Jason leaned forward slightly while pumping with his mouth wide open. Luke pointed his dick at him right when he cum. Surprisingly his cum shot out with so much force that at least the initial wave of cum made it all the way to the back of Jason's throat. This release was much needed for both. Jason’s cock was still hard in Luke. He wiped up his cum around Luke's hole and licked his finger clean then repeatedly and fed some to Luke as well. Luke flipped over and laid on his back and slapped on the bed next to him signaling Jason to lay down. “How are you feeling? I saw you looking the whole time when we were in the training room. And it was hard to miss your boner” Luke said “Feeling much better. I was a little out of it after the flu shot. I feel more like myself now. I thought you weren't interested when you ignore my boner but fuck…. I wanted to fuck you the moment you opened the door. Your hole was amazing. Can I hang out here for the rest of the night? I know I'll need to cum again in like 20 min” “Oh yeah? How many more times can you go?” “I don't know. Definitely 3-4 more at the very least. I jacked off 8 times in a day last weekend” Jason said “Well….I do have plans tonight. I could move it but that depends on what you are willing to do” “What do I have to do?” Jason asked “I'm a grown man. Don't get me wrong. That was a good fuck. But if you are asking me to change my plan to hang out and have sex with you all night. I want something different, or I'll get bored” “I'll do anything. That was too good so whatever else you are into; I can probably dig it” Jason said “Can you? Well then for starters, I'm gonna be in charge and you will do what I say. Can you do that?” “Well…I don't know if I can bottom for you. I have yet to bottom for anyone” “Then I think you best get dressed bc that wasn’t what I asked you” Luke got up and began to put his underwear back on. “Wait wait wait…hold on. Yes, I'll do whatever you say” Jason panicked. He’s so addicted to Luke’s body now and he really would rather fuck all weekend here than going back to his empty apartment so he agreed to the terms “100% and no backing out?” Luke asked “Yes. That was the best sex I've ever had. If I just go home now. I'm gonna be thinking about your hole all night” Jason said “Hum…I don't know. You don't sound very committed. Show me that you are committed by licking my hole clean and suck your cum out of my hole and swallow it then I'll make a call to change my plan for the evening “ Luke took off his underwear and got back on the bed in doggy position The thought of eating Luke's hole again turned Jason the fuck on already. Jason jumped up and gently licked every drop of his cum around Luke's ass. Then pressed his lips all around Luke's hole and began sucking it hard. Luke pushed Jason's cum out then turned around to watch Jason swallow his own load. Luke up and said. “Alright, I believe you. Go take a shower. I need to make a few calls. when you get out, put this blindfold on then let me know you're ready. I'll come back to the room. Oh and….call me sir the rest of the night “ “Sir, yes sir” Jason looked at the latex mask zip up from behind the mask and slowly walked over to the shower. Luke step out of the room to make a call “.....yes. I didn't give him much earlier but it was enough for him to lose his inhibition already. If you can bring me some stuff over in a couple hours. We can do a toy swap if you want…” Luke said while on the phone and fixing up two real size slams in the kitchen “He fucked well. Quite aggressive. It’ll be that much more satisfying when he comes begging later. God. Just the thought of that makes me hard. Alright….I gotta go. I’ll leave the door unlock. Let yourself when you get here….” Jason has no idea what's ahead of him for the rest of the night. He thought his time here at this new school should be much better than his last if he gets to fuck Luke’s hole on a regular basis. To be continued….
  25. It's funny, but a friend and I were just discussing this earlier today, and we both agreed that we love tall guys. He couldn't put his finger on why. I told him that the reason I do is that I am not a small guy, and tall guys are just able to throw you around during sex in a way that smaller statured guys can't. But, that said, I love short guys too. I guess I just love guys in general🙂
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